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Oen Ketsueki

Once a porud warrior of his kingdom, he was cast out for crims against the crown. On his travels meet a man who started to trian him. He soon become the Abyssal of Blood.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Oenketsueki


Oen had white hair, bangs go just above his eyes, the sides go over his ears and the back reaches the bottom of his neck. He has piecing blue eyes that seem to see through right to someones soul. He usually wears tan cloak with a hood. Under the cloak he usually has on a short sleeve black shirt that has a strange symbol on it in red, it is a dead language. He is about six foot two and weighs 180 lbs.



Oen is quite and tends not to go towards people unless he is needed, if someone speaks to him first it he will speak back but will not make any real effect of befriending someone. He always speaks his mind and what he holds true, whether or not it "hurts" someone is not of his concern. He is hunted by his past and this one reason why he is distant.


He carries no weapons on his body, but when needed he can summon a sword to fight with, but he tends to use what he has learned when fighting. The sword itself it harder then any known matter and can cut through diamond like it was nothing. The sword has an old languages on it
Oen is often seen traveling with a large white tiger, the tiger itself is about six feet long with out counting the tail, most call him Oen's pet but he is a friend and Oen will correct them on it. he also wears a weighted cloak, which most people couldn't even lift let alone fight in.



Oen was a proud warrior for his home land, but when the crown order the total annihilation of an entire village Oen told the other men he was with not to. Of course they push him aside since he wasn't a high ranking officer, when his fellow warriors were about enter the village to kill the innocent people he stepped between them and summoned his sword, telling them they would have to get passed him. Most of the men stepped back but about seven or so did not and attacked Oen. Oen fought the seven men and killed them all, he then gave himself up to the remaining men and was taken back to the kingdom. There he was first whipped for his crimes, then he was tossed out of the kingdom never to return. A few years after wondering he meet up with a strange old man, this old man could tell what Oen has been through and took him in. The old man thought Oen about a dead race of warriors, and then trained Oen of the ways of these warriors. After four years of training Oen became what he was trained in, he became an Abyssal. Soon after the old man passed away and Oen started to travel once more.

Overall Stats:

Magic Resistance

Power=The amount of force a normal hit will do and how strong the character physically is.
Speed=Reaction time and Movement
Combat=How well he can execute combination.
Intellect=How well he is adept to using surroundings and how smart the character is.
Technique=How well he uses techniques
Endurance=The amount of punishment the character can take.
Magic Resistance=The amount of resistance to magic/skills the character can take
Energy=Energy for skills and such
Spiritual=How well the character is in tune with nature and its energy as well as gods

Oen's speed is almost never matched in a fight, his speed is one of his greatest weapons and defenses along with having a high level of endurance and stamina, he can out last just about anyone in a fight.
Blood- From an forgotten race comes Oen's most known ability, power of his own blood. Where most deaths are caused by one bleeding out, this is impossible to do to Oen. He can control his blood as to not bleed out unless he wishes. His blood also multiplies at high rate allowing Oen to use it as a weapon without harming his body.
Speed- Oen's speed is hard enough to be matched while wearing his weighted cloak, but once he takes it off it's nearly impossible to catch him or track him.
Ire- Ire is a unknown matter to most people, it looks much like sand besides it's jet black color. Unlike sand any thing it touches, it eaten away and converted into twice as much Ire, meaning for every atom of matter the Ire eats, two atoms form. No one but Oen can command the Ire if anyone else tries to move it from one spot to the other, it will double in size, meaning if someone tries to move one atom from point A to point B, it will double and one of those atoms will stay at point a the other will go to point b. This can be canceled if Oen wishes but he tends not to do it because it causes the Ire to expand even more.

So begins...

Oen Ketsueki's Story


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Oen crossed his arms standing with John Rex and Genocide now, he too watched the large, being opening fire on Serah. He smirks a bit when he see's Serah fire right back.


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Oen looked at John Rex seeing him approach Viktor, or try at least, Oen smirked a bit. "Stay here, I will go make sure he is ok." Oen did not fear death, so as Genocide kept firing on the girl he quickly ran and slide across the floor making sure not to get caught in the cross fire of the two. He gets close enough to Victor for him to hear his words. "You alright there?"


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Oen smirked and stood up next to Viktor. "Oh..Well your still standing so that is always a pulse." Oen looked at Genocide. "Push her out side before someone gets hurt in the cross fire you ton of scrap metal"


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"Ok this is getting old.." Oen puts his head to each side cracking it. "They have all of ten seconds to stop or take this out side before I jump in." Oen was looking at Genocide and Serah.


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Oen see's Voktor firing and then he pushes Jown out of the way more as the knife is stabbed into his own body.


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Oen Ketsueki key**********


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Oen looks at Genocide. "I will handle Viktor." Oen grips the knife that was in his body and pulls it out and then turns towards Viktor. "Hey, your forgot this!" Oen turns the knife holding it by the blade and throws it through the air towards Viktor aiming for his back just before he went behind the bar.


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Oen walks across the floor towards the bar, and Viktor. He jumps ontop of it and looks down at Victor. "Attacking while someone is preoccupied, how brace of you." Oen smirked a bit and took out a knife and then stepped down from the bar next to Viktor and went to stab him.


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Oen smirks and bends over a bit as the bottle smashes over his head and he starts to bleed. "Heh, that all you got?" Oen brought up his left leg while Viktor still gripped his wrist and went to kick him in the chest."


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Oen spun to the right, dodging the mans foot and getting his wrist free. "That armor just got to go." Oen brings up his hand and catches the bottle, he smirks and drinks from it and then chucked it right back. That was just to get the man a little distracted, Oen then ran and tackled the man into a wall, his strength wasn't human so he could if he made contact. If he did tackle him into the wall Oen would bring by a fist and slam it into Viktors chest hard enough to dent or shatter the armor.


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Oen smirks seeing the dent but soon feels the man's body hitting his. He quickly spins his body out from the man before they hit the ground. Oen put his hand on the mans back pushing him down towards the floor and then goes to kick him in the side. Oen then looks at John. "You shoot me, were going have a problem.


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At the last second Oen drops to one knee to get out of the way of the Tesla shot. He looks at Viktor. "heh, looks like that stings." Oen stands up and then looks at John. "I'm done with him, no use in kicking someone when they are already beaten." Oen leaps over the bar and lands on the other side of it. He looks around and see's Genocide. "The hell?" Oen walks over towards Genocide and the girl that was near him.


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Oen now was next to Genocide he looked at Terraa "What are you doing?" His chest had a knife wound it in and was bleeding but this didn't seem to bother Oen. He still had his hood of his cloak up so his face couldn't really be seen. "Put him back to normal."


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"Did you hear me girl?" He looked at Terraa once more. "Put him back to normal, he isn't a library for you to get information out of, use Google foe that." Oen didn't like when people commanded others, even if it was a robot.


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Oen growled a bit at the girl. "I asked you nicely, I won't ask you again." As he said this a large white tiger walked into the bar and went next to Oen. The tiger was six and a half feet long, not counting the tail. "Who are you to command him?"


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Oen didn't bring his gaze from the girl when Serah spoke to him. "And she has no right to command him, and it was a threat, it was a promise, the same promise I can make to you if you wish." Oen looked at Genocide[b][b] "Don't do it Tin man, wouldn't wanna have to hurt ya, I like you." Oen looked at the three. "Three on one..." The tiger roared at this. "Three on bad...I have had worse....So are you going to put him under his own control or do I have to make ya."


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Oen looked at Serah "And your nothing but a soul eating wench from hell, you have less rights then him. You have no right to say what has and does not have a right, nor a soul." He turned his gaze from the girl and back to the other one who was ordering the robot.


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Oen smirked at Serah's comment. "Heh..." He couldn't say anything else as the exploration went off. He didn't move as shard of debris came towards him. From under the floor a black matter came up and surrounded Oen and the tiger, as the debris hit this matter it seem to just disappear. The black matter soon feel to the ground around Oen. Oen was still standing his arms by his side, the cloak up, not phased by the impact. "Do not speak like you know me girl, because you don't.


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"Never pick a fight with someone you know nothing about." He looked at Terraa then at Genocide "You don't want to do this tin man." He was looking up, his gaze was at the robots body, his arms by his side, not worried. The tiger growling lightly. "I have no fight with you, but with the girl trying to command you."
