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Raphael de Bladewind

A swordsman seeking greater strength.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Derek Smith


Raphael stands at 6'1" with a lean muscular build. His hair is the color of golden wheat, while his eyes are frost blue and hold a look of great determination. His skin is highly tanned from a life time spent outdoors and is crisscrossed with the scars of a so common to those who live life by the blade. His features are well defined framed by his hair which is worn in a shoulder length style loosely bound at the back.

His clothing consists of usually blue or red clothes designed to provide max freedom of movement and yet still remain somewhat fashionable. While his hands are covered by fingerless gloves common among some swordsmen. While his forearm is sheathed in a bronze bracer that bears numerous scars. At the same time his neck is protected by a gorget crafted from the same bronze of his bracers. This gorget is hidden by a decorative silken white scarf. And hidden underneath his clothing is a light half tunic of chainmail, protecting mostly his stomach and chest it is no match for the thrust of a heavier blade it nonetheless provides excellent protection from slashing wounds and the thrusts of lighter blades.


Raphael's personality is driven solely by the desire to become a great swordsman. And as such he is determined, driven to become the best. He will do whatever it takes, no matter how hard it will be.

And despite this he still maintains an air of chivalry, the desire to do good. For he believes with great power comes great responsibility.


Rapier- A slender cut and thrust sword it was a popular dueling weapon among the nobility and prized for it's ease of use among the criminal class. Measuring 2.5 centimeters ( O.89 in) wide and 1 meter in length ( 39 in) it weighed 1 kilogram ( 2.2 lbs). Ending in a sharply pointed tip it was characterized by a complex hilt. Raphael's Rapier hilt is bound in red leather wrapped with gold wire for extra grip, while the blade bears his family's crest.

Parrying Dagger- A dagger incorporating wider guards and a more study blade it was used in the off hand as a defensive item and when the chance arose as an offensive item.

Bronze Bracers- Forearm guards crafted from softer bronze they are underlain with leather and cotton padding to better absorb shock

Gorget- A steel collar worn by soldiers to protect the neck during combat it was invaluable piece of equipment during the age of swords. Crafted from bronze and underlain with leather and cotton padding to better absorb shock.

Chainmail Half-tunic- A custom designed chainmail tunic crafted from the finest steel it is light and yet affords excellent protection for it's weight to coverage ratio. Underlain with leather and cotton padding to better absorb shock.


Raphael was born to a noble family which held land and title in Northern France during the late 16th century. A time of flourishing blade masters and their schools it was no surprise that upon the age of 4 Raphael in accordance with the noble tradition he undertook the art of Fencing.

For the next 10 years he would hone his skill with swords of varying types, each with their own strengths and weakness. Raphael soon became obsessed with this art, training each and every day his skills far outshone the other pupils at the school of swordsmanship he studied at.

But it wasn't enough soon it came to a head on his 14th birthday. An older student mocked Raphael's zeal saying that no kid would ever amount to a real swordsman. Raphael inflamed by this challenged the older student to a 'free duel' ( A slang term for a duel fought with real blades as opposed to the dull blades used in training).

The older student realizing how far he had pushed Raphael still mocked him and went to fetch his sharp blade while Raphael did the same.

Two and half minutes later the two stood facing each other down the line of honor. Saluting each other with their Rapiers while an awestruck group of students watched on in silence.

Beginning his opening move it was soon made obvious while the older student lacked the courtesy taught by the school's master he was no slouch with his blade and meet Raphael's attack with a mocking smile.

Becoming even more angered Raphael nonetheless fought with as cool a head as he could muster knowing this was a duel that could end badly.

Trading parries and attacks Raphael begin to see through his opponent's strategy and smile his own mocking smile which confused the older student who let his guard down for only a split second. But that split second was all he needed. Balancing on his feet while shifting his weight forward the young fencer thrust the tip of his blade around the older student's guard and slashed downwards, ripping a narrow gash in the flesh of his foe.

The older student stared down dumbfounded by the crimson proof of his defeat. Then with a halting and grudging motion saluted his defeat and walked away to have his wound tended.

The other students cheered as Raphael's returned his foe's salute. Then with a ceremonial like motion cleaned the sanguine victory from his blade.

This is when the School's Master decided to walk in. And upon hearing the explanation was dumbfound as the older student had been. Never in his years of training had he seen such a young fencer with such skill.

Taking Raphael under his wing for personal training the Master taught the young nobleman everything he knew. And four years later the Master summoned Raphael for a personal talk.

War had been raging in the lands controlled by France and Raphael being a nobleman wanted to join to show the commoners that his class wasn't lazy that at least one noblemen truly wanted to fight alongside their troops.

The Master talked about this then with a heavy heart said out loud what both of them knew. That he had nothing left to teach Raphael that he had learned all that the Master could teach. But the Master said Raphael's training was far from over, while his skill be great there was still potential for even greater strength.

Two days later Raphael graduated from the School of Swordsman Ship and was presented with the Master's own personal Rapier. Forged of silvered steel it had been modified to show Raphael's family crest upon the forte, the strongest part of the blade.

Thanking him for such a generous gift the now 18 year old nobleman left that school and returned to the home of his birth.

Knowing their son's wishes his parent's gave Raphael their blessing to enlist with the French Army. Receiving a officer's commission the nobleman was soon surrounded by the cannon roar and musket shot, the cries of the wounded and the feverish prayers of the dying.

After 3 years of this the Nobleman now 21 was dismissed from the now inactive army with full honors and pension.

Returning to the land of his birth from the foreign land he had been fighting in he up took his father's estate so that the old man might enjoy his golden years without the hassle of business.

Managing it for 4 years he grew restless as the combat instinct he had ingrained in himself chafed under the mediocrity of estate management.

But by this time his younger brother had come of age. And with his father's blessing handed him control of the estate and with a solemn farewell left the place of his birth. To seek out a master who could show him the path to greater strength and skill.

Raphael now has been wandering for a year, seeking this master and honing his instincts though countless duels

So begins...

Raphael de Bladewind's Story


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Raphael de Bladewind Walks in through the front door the blade of his forefathers swaying on his left hip, it's handle worn by the hands that bore it before him. And with a direct stride seats himself at a corner table.


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Raphael de Bladewind His eyes the color of frost scanned the room with the gaze so common to soldiers.


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Raphael de Bladewind seeing nothing that threatened him openly Raphael seemed to sink into thought his eyes closing.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Master's Dojo


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Raphael de Bladewind Raphael walks in through the Dojo's doors with a silent yet firm tread

The setting changes from Master's Dojo to Gambit's Bar


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Raphael de Bladewind Walks through the front door a measured pace bespeaking military experience, the officer's rapier slung on his left hip swaying with each step. Seating himself at the bar he looks at the line of wines and liqueurs lined up at behind the counter and the oaken kegs of beer. " Barkeep your finest Shiraz." He speaks his tone a neutral tone betraying nothing, his eyes mirrors reflecting everything showing nothing.