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ImageBlackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on the rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or you were looking to start some.

The barren, grey world is dusty and windy, the bitter sands kicking and swirling around those poor souls who call the world home, lashing at their faces. Goggles and windstorms are both commonplace here; all the better to hide the faces and objects of those who frequent the world.

Even the buildings are shady; made of rusted metal and tarp, nailed down from the wind and sand with plastic visors and simple ties, themselves looking more like an odd cross between circus tents and fallout shelters, tinged with red and gold when the sun dared poke its head above the horizon.
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Blackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on this rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or looking to start some.


Blackrock is a part of The Kreios System.

3 Places in Blackrock:

65 Characters Here

Mae Dawkins [176] A Quiet Elven Swordsmaster
The Militia [95] A fascist group in the Kreios galaxy, sort of like a cross between dictators and police officials.
Cinder Rose Valentine [85] "I always had this idea that you should never give up a happy middle in hopes of a happy ending. Because they don't exist. Do you know what I mean? There's just so much to loose"
C.O.R.e [77] "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. " -C.O.R.e
Elisha Whitcomb [71] Admiral attatched to the Aschen Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity
Jacob Worren [61] Mage, walker of realms, and a reaper.
Torger Bodin [60] Swedish Spec Ops and Radio Operator
Dierk Jung [60] German KSK Assaulter and Medic.
Kelly Ciar [52] American OGA Sniper/Demolitions
Aiden Martin [52] Australian SASR Spec Ops/Light Machine Gunner

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6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Merek Hawes Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution
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#, as written by Tiko
Isirian Fleet
Kreios System, 250,000 miles from Blackrock

Given the fact that Blackrock was already owned by Isiria, as well as the presence of an Aschen watchtower stationed within the system, and the fact that the region was being heavily monitored by the local government because of the influx in smuggling, 'sneaking an invasion force onto it' was a matter that was highly unlikely. The entire system was crawling with local military, and it would seem that in the time the foreigners where setting up shop, Isiria had been preparing its own resources to respond.

The time that had spanned up until this point had proven more than adequate to mobilize an Isirian fleet for a full assault upon Blackrock. The Aschen ship was only the first among many to begin appearing within the region. It would probably be some manner of relief - if not unexpected - that the lone Reverence abruptly found itself backed by an arriving fleet of Isirians. Ship after ship was beginning to blink into the Kreios System, setting up a blockade.

Among the appearing ships where two Isirian hybrid Cruisers. The prominent capital ships had been retrofitted with several Aschen modifications, including the installation of type 33 MultiShields, Calx-Augmented Gel Computers, shipboard AIs, upgraded tracking systems, and kanvium plating for the hulls of the ships.

Accompanying the Cruisers were several carriers that where beginning to launch squadron's of fighters in preparation for a planetary assault. Like the Cruisers, several of these ships had been outfitted with Aschen modifications that had resulted in something of an Isirian-Aschen hybridization.

Also joining the blockade where two battleships, a trio of destroyers, several frigates, and a scattering of corvettes that moved into place to intercept any fighters attempting to engage the fleet.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Merek Hawes Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution
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#, as written by Tiko
Isirian Cruiser, Arcadia

"Sir, we're intercepting a hail."

"Instruct the fleet to let the ship through, it'll be one less enemy to engage. Keep an eye on it though, and put me through to that Reverence."

"Litany of Fury, this is Fleet Admiral Witkowski aboard the Arcadia. This is an Isirian military operation, and we could use a Reverence at our backs, but be advised that we have men down there. Our orders are to retake Blackrock, intact."

None of the Isirian ships would engage Warren's ship as long as it maintained its present course.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Merek Hawes Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution
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#, as written by Tiko
Many of the Apollo fighters, Century and Aurora bombers that had been launched made use of their short range ftl capabilities to simply jump past the enemy ships into orbit to begin their descent towards the ground while the Isirian fleet moved to engage the Demiarchal Navy. Those that didn't jump away remained in formation with the Isirian fleet.

The Isirian ships, like the Reverence, where preparing to enter battle as missile doors retracted and warheads where being prepared for launch. No shots had yet been fired, but there was little question as to the intents behind the Isirian fleet's arrival. They had no intention of relinquishing Blackrock.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Merek Hawes Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution
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#, as written by Tiko
Planet side, Isirian ground forces where converging on the new colony attempting to set up shop. Getting military vehicles, ground troops and jets planet side had been a simple enough matter through the use of the Aschen bifrost technology, and the single small settlement on Blackrock was currently being utilized as a base of operations for their impending military engagement.

The criminal elements that most often frequented Blackrock had been none too happy about the arrival of a military response to the alien invasion, and the streets where devoid of life. Save for the hardiest of the hardy, most of the civilians on Blackrock had cleared out days ago as they got wind of something on the horizon. Fortunately for many of them, the Isirian military was too concerned about the enemy force setting up shop in their territory to worry about running down smugglers and criminals at the moment.

Those within the city would see the dust rising from the rocky moon's barren landscape as ground vehicles approached the city. Passing overhead of the vehicles where squadrons of jets preparing for an aerial strike before the ground troops arrived.

The first to engage the city where the Century bombers though as their ftl jumps left them appearing in the skies above the city only to unload their 150 kiloton nuclear warheads. Their appearance was abrupt, and there was little warning as the Isirian forces inadvertently seized advantage of the distraction the Reverence had provided. While the invaders where scrambling to respond to the orbital threat, the Isirians struck a decisive blow on the ground.

With the city walls yet unfinished - and it highly unlikely they would be finished during a battle while the city was being carpet bombed - it was seeming likely that the Demiarchal aliens would need to face the Isirian military head on rather than holing up behind unfinished walls.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Merek Hawes Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution
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#, as written by Tiko
Isirian Cruiser, Arcadia

"The Centuries have jumped," one of Admiral Witkowski's Captain's informed him. "Our ships are all deployed and the blockade is in place."

Within the CIC of the Arcadia the large war table had holograms and physical models representing various ships and squadrons for the battle to come.

"And the rest of the fleet?"

"They've already reported in that they're in place and on standby near the Kreios Watchtower."

The Admiral picked up a comm device and broadcast his next words to the fleet.

"In recent months the peace and prosperity of Isiria has been threatened time and time again by alien nations arriving upon our borders, attacking our ships, and seizing our territories. But no more. Today we draw a line. Those who would take what is ours, and who would challenge our sovereignty over the Kreios system will be driven from the Aurora. Let it begin."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Merek Hawes Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution
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Discord released an exasperated sigh before snapping his fingers. He disappeared with a pop and rematerialized between the two fleets. The draconequus lounged back as he floated in the air. A wine glass filled with a rich brown substance appeared in his hand.

"Typical..." he rolled his eyes as he swished the brown liquid. "... They didn't even tag me. Well then... What to do... What to do... This fight seems fairly one sided. I wonder if there's a way to even the odds. After all, it wouldn't be very fun if this little scuffle ended in ten seconds flat. What do you think?"

The draconequus glanced over his shoulder to look at an identical version of himself. Their only difference was the strapping set of groucho glasses on the counterpart.

"Well..." said Groucho Discord in a nasally voice. "You could side with these colonists and give them a winning chance."

"But that would be picking sides." the first Discord retorted with a frown. "You know we're not supposed to do that."

"Since when does the Lord of Chaos follow the rules?" the doppleganger raised an eyebrow. "Besides, you could always ween them off when the fight is in full swing."

"Hmm..." the original Discord pondered as he dismissed his counterpart with a snap of his fingers. "I make a good case... Very well, but let's see how it goes first!"

Discord vanished yet again, only to appear on top of a cloud. A camouflage helmet and a pair of dark shades adorned his head. He held a pair of backwards binoculars up to his eyes while he chewed on a candy cane. The draconequus focused his attention on the Aschen fleet. A wily grin spread across his face.

The Lord of Chaos planned.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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The Patriarch Flew past the rather large mass of military ships. Though having the speed and maneuvering of a destroyer, she was still large enough to out match most heavy/battle cruiser class ships in fire power, as well as mass alone. As the flew past, a though entered Jacobs mind, What of the elf girl, Mae , scowling just a bit, he spoke to the crew, "Engage cloaking, takes us back down and scan for a certain life form, Elvin, female." An "Aye captain" called back to him as the ship verred downward and begun to descend faster then most ships would dare. Wouldn't want to be here for when the shit hits the fan, and since she helped, I guess I owe her "Also, put as much power as you can in to the cloak and engines, take the guns offline if you have to, don't want to get caught in a crossfire" (OCC= DONT shoot me, im not attacking, I swear, im just going to pick some one up and get the ever loving hell out of here. How ever i am waiting on you all to post before I make my escape.)


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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A siren would erupt within the BN - Hex Shield's dome. Being that there was multiple BN - Hex Shields powering this single dome, it would acquire a high durability. The orb within this dome would begin bolting around, passing out orders.

"Lord Demigrem has decided to cancel construction on this world for now. You are to evacuate from this zone immediately!" The orb emitted throughout the dome.

Demiarchals began to evacuate themselves and their equipment. They knew that something had gone amiss when the ships above made their appearance. None the less, they would evacuate a lot quicker than they entered. The only thing that would remain inside this dome would be Demiarchal soldiers and their equipment.

In one direction a funnel of dust and rock was rocketing towards the dome and in the other a wall of dust and dirt was rising. They could see their forces funneling into the sky, but still, they knew they had to worry about themselves. In the direction of the incoming jets, a soldier would yell.

"Incoming!!!" The Demiarchal yelled and jumped for shelter behind a large stone.

At this point, the incoming ships had just released their warheads above the city. These warheads would create a lot of damage on the area and this was not something that could happen. Demigrem would only have seconds to act if he wanted to prevent this destruction on the ground.

As the warheads reached around two hundred and fifty yards above the dome, it was do or die time for Demigrem. He would reach his right hand forward during flight and begin to release an omnipotent roar that would shake the jets as they zoomed over him following their bomb release. Following this mighty roar was a surge of crimson lightning erupt, ripping through the warheads.

This lightning would appear and strike at the speed of light, and vanish just as quick. All that would remain from this crimson bolt of lightning was the clap of thunder and the debris of the warhead shells. Following this strike, Demigrem would barrel into the dome, it parting upon his contact due to inside controls.

When Demigrem's feet hit the ground, he closed his massive black wings and gazed upon the soldiers. Out of the vortex, soldiers, heavy armored vehicles and tanks would exit, filling the entire dome. Demigrem would call for silence as he spoke to the Demiarchals there.

"This day, whether it be long or short, will be remembered. Had you not engaged the Hex Shields when you did, it would all be over...Today we will show these beings that we will not run and cower. We will show them what the power of the White Sun feels like. Upon this world, the Demiarch Empire shall claim it's first battle towards peace. Despite all odds, we will deliver this realm into a new age. An age where no being will be suppressed for currency. An age where no stomach will go hungry. This Age will begin with a river of blood, and it will stain this world, letting all know, when we say we are here for them, we are.." Demigrem spoke unto all of them.

"NOW RELEASE THE HELL UPON THEM THAT THEY NEVER WANT TO SEE!!!" Demigrem shouted across the city, receiving a mighty war cry from the soldiers.

In the direction that the jets had just come from, waves of soldiers armed with anything from BN - Assault Rifles to GT - A.B.E. Blitzer Cannons. In the mix of soldiers were BN - Wolverines, BN - Corruptions, BN - Extinction Barrel, GT - Arachnids, GT - Duck Hunters, and BN - Hex Shields. The more room created within the main dome, the more that would come through the vortex within.

As the BN - Hex Shields would exit the dome, they would activate their own shields. They would seem to pair together, giving two BN - Hex Shields per dome. Under these domes that would stretch for about a seventy yard radius, would consist of the units in each squadron. Some were heavier equipped with tanks and such, while others were foot soldiers. All in all, each dome was equally powerful in it's own way.

"Release the Arch Hounds!" Demigrem shouted as he noticed the carrier containing them.

A few soldiers would quickly pull the gate loose on the container and the hounds would leap out. In mid air, it would seem as though they explode as it turned into an octopus like creature with a wolf's head, but made completely out of black stone and gold stone mixture. As they hit the ground they would burrow in the sand and begin rushing beneath the dust.

Upon their release Demigrem would yell, casting an order from more Arch Hounds, before he thought to himself, "Those Arch-Hounds are our saving grace right now...There's no way to squeeze enough forces through that portal before they finally break through that dome if we can't hold them back...White Sun, show mercy upon this world as it is consumed in this darkness, for they know not what they seek."

With no resistance in the distance to cease their movements from the massive vortex, the Demiarch Space Armada would continue sending ships and mechs in. Eventually, after the are was secured enough by the mechs and air ships, a massive ship would begin to erupt from the vortex. As it moved through the vortex, the ground would quake as the vortex was forced open wider by the appearance of this ship. Around midpoint, five large, orb shaped satellite ships would be seen circling it.

One the ship had completely broke through and was in positioned in the outer reaches of Blackrock's atmosphere, battle cruisers and other heavily armed ships would break through. Every ship, every mech, every piece of armor in the sky was made of a unique, metallic, stone.

No Demiarch ship would attempt to near the opposing fleet at the current time. Everyone would begin to take their positions, heavily guarding the large ship in the middle. The large ship, as well as all Battle Class warships, would begin to pulse in a purplish lightning that would surge in rings, moving from back to front.

The high commander on the main ship would begin broadcasting a short message, more or less orders, to all the other ships in the Demiarchal Space Armada, "Engage full shields! Prepare all weapons! Keep together and do not let them break the line. Our goal is to defend our encampment in the distance below them. We are alone until we can get word back from forces on Ruula. Finally, do not fire until they do. We came for peace, and so we will ensure."

The mass ship hologram would clear out, and the high commander would then turn to the beings on the ship over communications, "Connect me to the enemy."

A with the nod of a head, and few clicks of some keys on a 3d like computer screen, the Demiarchal was attempting to connect. After a few moments, they would turn to the high commander and nod. They were ready to send a broadcast.

"This is Arch-General Johnathan Dawn, Commanding Deminaught of the Hades Wrath - DE 119. What are we expecting to achieve today out of this battle besides the possible loss of thousands of lives over one little colony? I would like to know before engagement, so we understand why we are all here." The Arch-General spoke.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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Mae swung her sword at the sudden surge of attackers, heart pounding. She knew she looked like a demimarch, as her bandages bore their symbol. It seemed as if they came from thin air, the way they caught her off-gaurd. She used her katana with great skill, and held them off. A man grabbed her from behind, but she hit him hard in the jaw with her sword hilt, and delivered a crushing kick to his groin. She watched him double over in pain as he grunted in agony. "I appologize to your future children..." Mae swiftly turned around and engaged in combat with another soldier. She caught a blow right below her eye, and fell backwards from the force of his punch. A sturdy kick to her stomach made her fall onto the unwelcoming, gritty earth. She spat, leaving a spot of blood on the ground. She more than likely had a cracked rib. A large foot pinned her to the ground with crushing weight. She let a raspy sort of yelp as she cringed in pain. The man grabbed her sword, pointing it threateningly at her neck, ready to turn her into fresh minced-Mae. She was just about ready to give up. Digging her fingers into the sand, she attempted to shimmy out from under the man's boot. A sharp crack sent pain through her chest, meaning that her already injured ribcage was now most likely worse. All she could do now was shout.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Merek Hawes Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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Merek stood on one of the walls facing the waves of chaos and destruction. Time seemed to freeze around him with his eyes taking in the movements the explosions, troops and most importantly the death. He took a deep breath inhaling the smell of fire, brimstone and most importantly fear. Was it his own fear to die? No this wasn't a fear akin to a man like Merek. His fear lay in not taking enough of the enemy with him to the grave. This was when reality snapped back to him at the roar of Demigrem. He knew what had to be done. Merek may have taken a new master because of Aeson, he trusted his brothers judgement but he would not shun his father so easily with a fickle thing like power.

Merek swung the bastard word with his arm in a powerful downward stroke that ripped the ground asunder before him. The fissure spread out before him cracking the ground with an elemental fire that shot out of the fissures as lava. The piles of lava and fire rapidly reformed into their own creation of humanoid figures carrying all sorts of weapons. These beings absorbed their power and life now from the sun. As long as the sun shone the creatures would only grow stronger in this arid wasteland. The beings formed into groups based on their weapons. Some had bows, other swords and shields, there were pikes, spearmen, men wielding axe and more. The legion of these fire elemental's continued to grow before Merek.

"This will be a good death, a glorious death." Merek said under his breath.

He took to arming himself with his own barrier which was multi-layered magical field dampening both damage from projectiles and blades. His sword sprang to fire and his shield took on a hot white sheen. From his back came two elemental wings like those of an angel but made of fire. Merek tested them the wings flapping and shooting forth flames while lifting him off the ground. Merek flew down before his troops landing before their ranks as he lifted his sword. The legions of flame warriors sprouting their own wings now as Merek lifted his sword.

With the newly created legions they took off Merek directing the elemental army to various targets both Aschen and Isirian. Smaller groups breaking off to chase down the fighters and wreak their own brand of fiery hell onto any they met.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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#, as written by Tiko
The man holding the sword was suddenly met with the face of a fellow soldier who grabbed him by the front of his vest and shoved him backwards into the dirt.

"We're not Aschen butchers," the officer growled. "Does she look like an alien? Or a soldier?"

"Sir. She was armed."

"Who on this shit hole of a rock isn't armed."

The Aschen mentality towards barbarism was fast finding it's way into the Isirian military, but there where still those who remembered that their duty was to protect the people of Isiria, not to terrorize them. Of course, that the woman wasn't one of theirs wasn't something the officer was yet privy to. It would take a much closer inspection to realize she wasn't human either.

"But Sir..."

"Get the fuck back in your vehicle."

"Sir, yes Sir."

The man, and a few of his fellows to help up the groaning soldier that Mae had floored climbed back up into their LRV and moved out with the rest of the ground troops preparing to converge on the city once the aerial strikes where completed.

The officer squatted down to get a look at the woman before looking to the horizon in the distance. The soldiers had done a number on her, and he didn't care to think what they might have done had they gone unnoticed. Military brutality had been on the rise in the outer planets where Isirian insurgency activity was at its strongest. Rapes and murders of outer planet civilians in retaliation for terrorist bombings against the central planets was rapidly escalating. Especially among soldiers who had lost family and friends to terrorist activity.

"If you can walk, get back to town," he said as he pointed to the horizon. "That's probably the safest place on this god forsaken rock right now."

The small settlement on Blackrock didn't even have a name, since it was the only one on the barren moon and scarcely large enough to call itself a town let alone any sort of permanent settlement. If you weren't on the ground, it was simply Blackrock, if you where on the ground it was just 'town'. The whole moon was for lack of a better word, a glorified gas station. A place to pitstop to refuel and resupply, or to get the local smuggler gossip and pick up jobs before moving on again.

The officer stood back up and moved off to rejoin his men as he hoisted himself up into the passenger seat of his own LRV. He couldn't spare the time to help the woman personally, not with a battle beginning. The town was a few hours walk away, but it was the best he could offer the woman. He signaled his driver to rejoin the rest of the ground troops where they where gathering into formation. None of them approached the colony in the distance though. They where waiting for something it would seem.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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0.00 INK

(Co Authored by barney_fife and Tiko)

Watchtower K-7
Somewhere in the Kreios System

The massive Aschen watchtower sat silently observing the events unfolding on Blackrock using a suite of highly advanced sensors. It's crew was hard at work coordinating communications between the Aschen Empire in the rest of Isiria, as well as the Isirian Military. The Commander stared at a large holographic representation of Blackrock, making a face at the ruptures on the planet that signalled still open vortices.

"Isirian Navy, this is Watchtower K-7, I'm locking down the planet to keep those reinforcements out, otherwise they're going to keep coming." The Commander hailed before he nodded to his crew.

"Engage Inhibitors, lock down everything on the planet, keep the field localized." The Commander ordered, and with a swift keystroke, the Watchtower engaged it's inhibition system, broadcasting a powerful Planck field across the entirety of Blackrock.

This meant that every single vortex on the planet would be shut down in an instant. Any ship still traveling through them would be severed in two as the Vortex likely destabilized and vanished under the planar stabilization field emitted by the Watchtower. The Demiarchal would be completely and totally cut off from all reinforcements as this field covered the entire planet, which wasn't difficult given the moon's small size. This would however also render the ftl drives of the planetside Isirian, and Aschen ships ineffective as well.

Shortly following the Watchtower's Planck engagement, several hundred contacts jumped in just beyond the Watchtower's field, at first there were two additional Reverence IIs, their IFF's reading to the Isirians as the Hymn of Purgation, and the Epitaph of the Martyr.. As the ships completed their jump, they began to make their way towards Blackrock at nearly breakneck speed for a Reverence II, moving to position themselves incoming towards the rear of the Demiarchal formation.

Shortly after the pair of Reverence IIs jumped in, two Iconoclast Battleships appeared, the Inomine Veritas, and the Legatus Stygies

"Isirian Fleet this is Chairman Inviere, supreme commander of all Imperial forces in the Aurora, and of the Imperial Navy; the Emperor has decreed that Exterminatus is to be carried out against this moon in light of this Daemon incursion, however I will not carry out the Exterminatus without Isirian authorization, but that is with my own reservations." Inviere hailed as the Legatus Stygies moved into position towards the moon.

"Isiria does not authorize an Exterminatus at this point in time," Admiral Witkowski replied. "Our mission is to retake the moon, intact."

"Sir, the enemy fleet isn't engaging us," the communications officer called out.

"Well, if they're just going to sit over there, why don't we put those Reverence's to use," Admiral Witkowski answered before addressing Inviere once more. "How long does it take to power up those singularity cannons?" he asked.

"While I stress the seriousness of this Incursion, I can respect the sentiment. We can have Singularity cannons ready to fire in about one to two Millicentons." Inviere replied. "The Hymn of Purgation, and the Epitaph of the Martyr are positioning for a strike now."

While Inviere was replying, several more Aschen contacts jumped In-system, most of them support ships; Battlecruisers, Missile carriers, Fleet Tenders, and roughly three Onager class Siege ships, massive platforms sporting a Singularity cannon and a suite of advanced targeting systems for long range bombardment.

"If you can take the shot, do it," Admiral Witkowski answered.

He hailed the Demiarchal General next. "For the unlawful seizure of Blackrock, and the movement of foreign military on our soil, I have been authorized by the Isirian government to remove you and your army from our land, through any means necessary. If you want to avoid a bloodbath, take your weapons offline and withdraw all military assets from Isirian territories immediately."

He didn't particularly expect them to comply, but he would make the one final gesture.

Inviere paused for a moment as she brought up a fleet display showing the Aschen, Isirian, and Demiarchal fleet positions. She pursed her lips a moment before she picked up the Comms.

"Target the large central ship for a Singularity strike." Inviere ordered, while she gestured for the Legatus Stygies to be brought about.

"Online forward batteries, we'll open fire once the opening strike is finished." Inviere said, before she brought up a line to the Litany of Fury.

"Litany of Fury, Legatus Stygies Actual; we're preparing an opening strike against the enemy fleet, when we fire, take out that shield." Inviere ordered, Montrose registering a reply.

"Acknowledged Chairman, I'll beat upon their shield like a drum." Montrose replied.

Commander Montrose then swiftly turned to her XO and Shipboard AI. "Bring power to the ventral batteries, and the energy projectors, when the fleet opens up, we'll rain down upon them; and burn their city to glass."


The pair of Reverence IIs that jumped just to the rear of the Demiarchal Fleet positioned their bows to bear, massive armored panels retracting to reveal a large barrel, followed by an immense energy surge as a dense sphere was loaded into a magnetic chamber, encased in a magnetic field so powerful it caused the projectile to collapse on itself, resulting in a powerful gravity field. The sound of metal creaking followed inside the ships as the Singularity cannons began to build power, each one targeting the central Demiarchal ship.

"All ships, clear area for Singularity strike."

The Aschen Singularity cannon was perhaps one of the most powerful siege weapons ever built by the Aschen Empire; taking a projectile and collapsing it upon itself, and then hurling it at relativistic speeds. This resulted in a projectile that carried a staggering amount of Kinetic energy, in addition to a gravity well that was designed to tear apart a ship as the projectile passed through. No vessel known to the Aschen was capable of resisting a strike from a Singularity cannon.

As the pair of Reverences readied their opening strike, the rest of the Imperial Fleet was jumping onto the system, positioning themselves in a wide arc to the rear of the Demiarchal Position. One by one ships were still filtering into the system, so far all of them belonging to the Fleet of Imperial Retribution.

Inviere recieved yet another communication, checking it a moment, she relayed the message to the Isirians.

"I've recieved word from Admiral Nash, the Fleet of Righteous Vigilance will be arriving within the Centar."

Meanwhile, a silent figure stood quietly at Inviere's back as battle plans where being put underway. The frail white-haired woman hadn't spoken a word since the Legatus Stygies had jumped into the system, but she spoke now.

"Inviere, what of me?" she inquired.

She wore the uniform of the Aschen Special Projects Division, but she didn't speak as a soldier.

"Find your way to a SOEIV, I'll come in for a low pass over the planet." She said, bringing up a picture of Demigrem taken from the Litany of Fury. "Once you've reached the surface, Neutralize this target." Inviere ordered.

"It will be as you instruct," Whisper answered quietly.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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#, as written by Tiko

While the fleets faced off in space, the battle continued to unfold on the surface of the moon.

The elementals would prove something of an unexpected addition to the playing field, but for the time being their damage was largely contained due to a substantial lack of immediate targets for them to engage at the moment. The single squadron of bombers that had engaged the city had only made a single pass to unload their warheads and unless the elementals chose to pursue a handful of bombers beyond the city then they where likely well beyond immediate reprisal by the time the elements where summoned.

That left only the Reverence above the city in the upper atmosphere - which would take the elementals a substantial amount of time to reach yet - and the ground troops scarcely visible on the distant horizon where the Isirian soldiers where continuing to mobilize - which would also take time to reach should the elementals choose to try and cross the several mile wide expanse of open space. The Isirian ground forces made no attempts to approach the city in the distance though. Instead they where setting up their own anti-air artillery, and digging in out in the rocky terrain. The reason for their holding back became evident as several squadrons of jets tore past overhead of the Isirian troops, unloading cluster bombs.

It would seem that the Isirians where content to sit back and rely upon aerial strikes to break down the domes and shields protecting enemy equipment and vehicles.

Unlike the warheads, the cluster bombs where dropped well beyond the city walls, and would release scatterings of landmines across the dusty landscape. The intent was that that the mines would serve to keep the enemy cloistered within the city, while the Isirians made use of superior air-support. Their run would carry many of the jets over and past the city - leaving them briefly vulnerable to reprisal as they did so - before they too would be gone like the Century bombers before them. They didn't have the speeds of the Auroras in reserve, but reaching speeds of Mach 3 at an altitude of 15,000ft would have them swiftly clear of the area.

It would be a simple matter for individual people on foot to navigate the mines, but driving large numbers of soldiers or military vehicles through would prove far more difficult.

Overhead, a lone drop pod began its descent towards the surface.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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Jacob watched the two fleets engage each other with a smidge of respect for the them. The Patriarch was at low altitude, pounding the ground with her scanners. "Sir, we have a incoming flight of planes, look like bombers, and they are heading right for us!" "SHIT, evasive maneuvers!" Yelled Jacob at the news and the Patriarch listed to the left. Out of the 15 bombers, 3 slammed in to a seemingly invisible wall of glass. The Patriarch took the hits with ease, but now her cloaking was gone. "Shit, weapons online, shields to full, charge up the Shock drive, we will look for her 5 more minuets, then we're out." Jacob looked at the fleet above them I prey they don't take notice to us


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Dylan Ryder Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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#, as written by Lobos
Elsewhere in Isirian space...
"Councilor, you should take a look at this."
"Put it on my screens."

Long range superluminal scans appeared on the holo-panels around Dylan, and his grey eyes scanned over them quickly. Long years of experience enabled him to quickly see what the Scanner operators had uncovered, and his voice was quiet and professional as he answered. "Trigger a collapse approach with nearby fists. Instruct Zeus and her cohorts to remain on overwatch and holding, and get Devastator moving inbound on intercept."

Rising, the Councilor flicked a hand across his screens. Fading to black and winking out, the man left his chambers, tossing aside the comp-glasses as he headed for the Agency strike deck.

Within a few minutes, across Isirian space, UDW vessels vanished from their stations as they turned heading. As the latest developments of the engagement begun, tunnel signatures bloomed, nearly two dozen in total. Two prowler Fists, immediately moving from exit vectors and running dark, operating on standard procedures of executing a series of radical course changes, breaking their locations and becoming nothing more than darkness creeping within darkness. A trio of assault Fists formed around the central dominating vessel, the massive Bahamut-class carrier, the UDW Devastator. 28km long, bristling with Abysses, Hellbores, railcannons, and torpedo batteries, her own cohorts were a pair of heavy cruisers, Ravager and Ruin. 13km long blades, the cruisers held off from the carriers sides like arms, settled firmly into a capital level Fist.

Broadcasting through Aschen and Isirian widebands, Ryder spoke calmly. He himself was settled within the central Psycho-sphere within the Devastator's gullet, casually focusing his energies.

"This is callsign Archfiend in command of UDW Strike Group Imperial to Aschen and Isirian local forces. Request to coordinate efforts and extend a hand, over."


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Dylan Ryder Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution Character Portrait: Alex Redwood
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Discord squirmed atop his cloud and cooed wistfully.

"Ooohhh..." a manic grin spread across his muzzle. "That feels delicious. Such glorious chaos... Time to add my own ingredients to this stew pot."

The draconequus leaned back in the cloud as if in a hammock. He inhaled deeply, tasting the residual chaos that saturated the otherwise desolate and stagnant world. Discord lifted his bear hand, waited a moment for unrecognized dramatic tension, and snapped his fingers. A rolling chorus of booming thunder rumbled across the near cloudless sky. Dark purple, and oddly ominous, clouds materialized over the battlefield with the lazy rotation of Discord's finger. The massive cloud formation continued to spiral outwards while smaller blotches popped into existence beneath it. They wriggled and heaved before unleashing a downpour of yellow rain that reeked of sulfur. Straying aircraft that collided with the cloud layer would find themselves lodged in a taffy like substance that quickly hardened like concrete. Streaks of prismatic lightning raged within the maelstrom.

"Ahh..." Discord blew on his smoking finger and placed a pair of blue-and-red three dimensional glasses over his eyes like shades. "Let's see how they adapt to a change in the playing field..." he said as a bag of Oreo-flavored popcorn appeared in his hand.

Discord stroked his goatee as the typhoon of chaos magic surged through the atmosphere, likely scrambling sensors, communications, and perhaps even distorting the Aschen Planck field. Little was certain as the energies took on a will of their own.


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Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jacob Worren Character Portrait: Fleet of Imperial Retribution
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The blast form the Bombers had shaken the ship, it was when the sudden maelstrom appeared, that the Patriarch was in trouble. "Damn, adjust shields to compensate for the energy, keep scanning." Jacob reached out with his senses to find the cause of this sudden storm of magic. It was painfully obvious this was magic, nothing that he knew of could produce a storm with such was the cause of this power, that Jacob was scared of. "Sir, I have an Elvin life form, cant tell if its female or not, but I can get them on board if we teleport her now ." This brought him back to reality. "Aye, get her up here now, once they are on board, make for deep space and engage cloak once we get out of this storm." An "Aye captain" was sent his way, and he waited.

10 minuets later, the Patriarch broker her cruise over the surface, and made for the tranquility of space...with an extra passenger. Now as long as none of the fleets notice us, we can cloak and make for jump range, then, make for the core worlds. Thought Jacob. This is going to be one hell of a war


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On the far side of the moon, where the space forces were funneling out of, an energy disruption in their vortex would take effect momentarily. Despite the high number of war machines that had made it through this vortex, the few that were still coming through, nothing more than a few mechs and small ships. When these ships were split by the effects of the tech closing the vortex, a multiple of small nuclear explosions erupted in the area. The explosions were larger than what most ships were there size, and the destruction spread across the ground.

The explosions would effect the surrounding one hundred yards immediately. The multiple explosions blowing a crater where the vortex once existed, and leave a cloud of radiating dust that would contaminate the surrounding area. The radiation level would kill any fleshly being immediately and any person who was not properly suited for this environment. What would seem to be a blessing to the enemy by closing this vortex would backfire, being that the radiation would cause heavy, if not full dilution of any frequency besides image.

"Sir, the enemy has engaged a system that jammed our vortex temporarily. D.S.A. Vortex Control is currently overriding the system . They estimate three minutes and counting." A communication network specialist spoke at the Arch-General.

"Sir! They're trying to surround us! Engaging Reflex Cannon's and Conductor Cannon's!" Another Demiarchal spoke to the Arch-General.

The Arch-General would respond quickly, "The vortex in the dome should still be open. The Hex Shields there are even going to cause us communication problems until the vortex reopens."

He would then turn to the weapons annalist, "Prepare all weapons. Prepare Hades Gate Mass Cannons. If they think for one second that surrounding us will do anything, they will soon find out."

"Sir, shields are fully active. Nova-Conductors are open. We are ready for anything they send." Yet another spoke.

"Good. Now that we are ready, we know everyone else is. Prepare to engage. Activate all Bio-Nuclear weaponry on Mechs." The Arch-General spoke.

The Hades Wrath continued it's pulsing sensation. Following the lead, the other ships, excluding Mechs, would pulse in this purplish lightning. With this action, it was time to engage the enemy, and it would not be very pretty. A wall of rockets, shells, and beams of nuclear energy would emerge simultaneously.

The mechs that resembled the Tauros gundam mechs, would begin to release rather large busts of green and purple energy that was made of Bio-Nuclear energy. This energy was pure nuclear, but it was controlled, no different than a laser. The front line fighter ships would begin releasing rockets that contained this same nuclear energy. Whatever these explosives would hit, the surrounding fifteen yards would be effected. All in all, besides the immediate physical destruction caused by this energy, it would leave high amounts of radiation in the enemy's position.

Behind the shots fired by the smaller forces in the front, Demiarch battle cruiser ships would begin releasing large explosives into battle ground. Only difference was, these explosives would travel in one container to the middle ground between the two forces before falling into three pieces that would eject thirty smaller explosives, of course fueled by Bio-Nuclear energy. The Battle Cruiser - Light Class were pretty much long range, nuclear, shotguns.

Following the main excursion in the front, other B.C.-L.C.'s would begin firing in the direction of the surrounding enemies. Next was the B.C. - MidLine. These were more heavily equipped, but used more GEAR tech. This tech was not nuclear, but more of a plasma base. Where nuclear would rip through anything and poison the atmosphere, the plasma would stick, burn, and absorb all energy being produced by anything it sticks to.

The B.C. - MidLine's would begin to erupt in what seemed like giant plasma mortars that glowed purple. These shots seemed to be more in the direction of the enemies heavier guarded ships. Every so often, a few would find there way into the the battleground of mechs and jets. These shots roared in bursts of twelve per twenty seconds per ship. These ships also could transport Mechs, but tended to keep their line of mechs in case of emergency. These ships were also the smallest ships to surge in the purple energy.

Then there was the B.C. - Heavy Class. This class of battle cruiser was massive. This ship ran on Bio-Nuclear energy. It consisted of hundreds of railgun turrets, dozens of missile turrets, three large Disruptor Cannons, capable of blowing a hole clear through a ship it's own strength. These ships were more scarce, but still ever present throughout the sea of Demiarch forces. One third of these ships would press towards the front lines, boosting the strength of the mechs and ships that had gotten the first round of shots. The remaining B.C.-H.C.'s would take strategic locations surrounding Hades Wrath, blasting at the mother ships around them, heavier focus on the pair of Reverence II to try and disrupt the energy that was being detected on their sensors.

Hell was breaking loose in the atmosphere and space now. The explosions were going on, and to the people below, it would seem as though there was a new sun in the sky as the Demiarchal released explosions and dropped mines in any open space surrounding them to prevent any attempt to fully encircle them.

Arch General: Johnathan Dawn would smirk, a glitter of lust for the chaos that was erupting sparkled in the corner of his golden stone eye's. He had been through it enough in his term of service for the Demiarch Empire across the Demiarch Universe. This time though, he got to start with the fourth most powerful ship in the Demiarch Empire, instead of a B.C.-M.L., and the enemy had no idea what it was capable of.

"Is the communication network still open with the enemy?" Arch General asked his communications.

"Yes, Sir. I'll open the screen." The soldier replied.

"If you open this, I hope you know what you have brought upon yourself. You will regret the day you denied our presence. Now, you will suffer the loss of many lives, many ships, and what little faith the people on Blackrock have in you. By now the radiation from our weaponry is starting to build, and you will see why a whole universe bows to the will of the White Sun and lives in peace. At any point, I will restate, diplomacy is always an option. For now, you will suffer the consequences of nuclear radiation and plasmatic corruption." The Arch-General smirked at the end of the message and his stone eyes blinked sideways and his eyes went from a gold stone to metallic crimson stone with a black dot in the outside corners of his eyes.

The message would close out and all frequencies or streams between enemy ships would be blocked and met with cyber attacks. These cyber attacks would be small attempts, more or less to figure out the structure of the techs programming and see if it has a 'Life Core' or main drive on board the ships. Demiarch technology was far different than that of this realms, so both sides would have to try to cyber attack if they wanted to learn anything and be able to successfully do a 'Cyber Attack'. For now, besides talking to each other and scanning, not much could be done on a programming level.

"Hades Cannon is half way, Sir! One minute and counting." A demiarchal shout out, letting out a status report.

On the ground, nothing drastic was happening quite yet. Demiarchal forces moved forward until they were cut off by a field of mines freshly dropped by enemy jets. Despite the shield being great against being bombed and shot, they were useless against a mine. On the other hand, the Arch-Hounds were underground, remaining unaffected by the location of the mines.

Four BN- Extinction Barrel tanks would partially exit from the Hex Shields. When their barrel was fully extended beyond the Hex Shield, the tip would begin to glow, extending down the barrel one foot from the tanks body. After seven seconds, the glow would pulse twice, and on the third it would release a sixteen inch circumference beam of raw, unadulterated, pure destructive, nuclear radiation. This energy from the barrels would last four seconds, but destroy anything in it's path. Right now, the mine field would be blown sky high as the tanks blew the mine field to oblivion while still being protected by the Hex Shield.

Sadly for the other ships, as the jets would pass over the city itself, the GT - Duck Hunters would be releasing Anti-Air rounds, which would put the jets on the run, and eventually unless shot down, would destroy these jets within seconds. Any attempt to fly over and bomb this city was going to have to consist of a mass of ships, all due to the GT- Duck Hunters that were in the area, capable of releasing thirty-six Reaction Plasma Missiles that would gain more explosive energy the further it has to fly due to the kinetic energy.

Demigrem would look above at the substance that began to rain on the shield. It seemed to burn away, igniting and making popping noises. Whatever it was, it seemed to be explosive or flammable. It was odd, but thanks to the nuclear radiation, it seemed to remain off the surfaces of the domes, but fall around them on the ground. This unnatural weather might turn out to be beneficial this army of stone and nuclear energy. Demigrem knew what he was going to do one he realized exactly what it is.

They were heavily formed in the atmosphere. Their Anti-Air units were well stocked. Squadrons of tanks and soldiers covered the land, protected by BN - Hex Shields. Arch-Hounds had been released. He knew it wouldn't be too long before the vortex would reopen in space, just had to find out what was shutting them down on the planet.


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Mae found herself in a strange metallic room surrounded by supplies. Standing up with a wince she looked at her surroundings. A couple crates of ammunition, metal replacement parts for what appeared to be a cannon, and boxes of dehydrated food. "Welcome aboard the Patriarch, miss."
A voice came over the intercom, and large metal doors slid open, revealing two men in uniform. "Cap'n Worren requested for your boarding. Hope your the right Elf we are looking for. Spent an awful lot of time searchin' for ya. Come on in, make yourself at home." Mae had a slightly dazed look on her face as she stepped forward timidly. The Patriarch was a rather well-built ship. Taking time to admire the fine workmanship, she walked casually around. Then she caught sight of Jacob. She went to hug him out of gratitude, but remembered her cracked rib. She gave him a handshake instead. "Thank you ever so much. I am greatly indebted to you, and frankly owe you two lives. However, since I can only live one, is there anything else I can do for you at the moment?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jacob Worren
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"You can help by searching for the source of this magic storm". 5 minuets later, he sat in the captains chair. "Sir, we have two Demimarch ships breaking off to intercept us, frigate class, lightly armed compared to us, orders?" He smiled just a bit and spoke, "Level us out, pull up the main guns, target but do not fire unless wee are fired upon." The 6 main guns of the Patriarch hummed to life. They were each Rail guns, XGUS-131s, best rail guns that could have been mounted on the Patriarch , each 131 was a triple gunned monster, being able to shatter most shields, and the ship it self by the second volley.

"Sir, they are breaking off". Jacob spoke "God, level the guns in ready positions and full speed to orbit.
The Patriarch made for orbit. the Problem was, they would have pass through the Imperial fleet.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Merek Hawes
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Merek watched the elemental warriors return once more and form a defensive perimeter around the bits of the city. The elemental archers lined higher ground they could come by with their wings while the pike men and warriors dug in below around Merek. A quick scan by Merek of both the sky and the surrounding area told him this would this would not be an easy battle to win. His eyes sharpened as a small magi circle appeared before his eye enhancing a small circle pod dropping down fast from the upper atmosphere. He grinned under his helmet stripping it off with his hand that quickly dropped the shield in his hand which had a few of the summoned beings looking at him.

His free hand now shot out in front of him as Aeson did with his magic but Merek often then naught underestimated his power at times. This was one of those frequent times with the blood red magi circle appearing in front of his hand being fifty eight inches in diameter which was about ten inches of so off from his height. The blood red circle moved with various scripts and the head of some kind of demon outlined in the center in which the script moved around.

The small magi circle of his right eye had the trajectory calculated, the speed that the pod was falling at and the distance from Merek to the pod. Everything was perfect minus his abundance of power he didn't care to control.

"Fifth Gate of Solomon: Roar of the Demon King!" Merek's words resonated loudly with the magic still enhancing his vocal chords. It would be heard for a few miles as the sound rushed through the air.

The blast would let loose at the right moment overpowered as it was it shot out from the maw of the demon head in the middle. The heat intensive enough to turn the sand to glass in front of him. His intentions wasn't so much to destroy the falling object but to send it into a flipping motion and possibly ruin the cargo that way and send whatever it was off course. The only way the blast of red hot energy could be dodged is if the pod could put out a considerable amount of force to avoid the fifty eight diameter blast traveling close to one thousand seven hundred eighty meters per second.


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11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Dylan Ryder Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Merek Hawes
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#, as written by Tiko
as written by Tiko and Lobos

Isirian Cruiser, Arcadia
Fleet Admiral Witkowski

"Sir, they're readying their weapons and preparing to attack," an officer called out.

"We're receiving a hail from the UDW," another said.

"Put me through to them," Admiral Witkowski said before speaking into a comm device. "This is the Isirian Fleet Admiral Witkowski aboard the Arcadia. Request granted. I think we have everything under control out here, but we're getting some alarming reports from the ground. We need to get reinforcements down there."

“Understood, Admiral. Given the stand-off distances and the sensor reports of their weapons systems here in orbital positions, I’ll advance the core units into your formation for fire support. Prowler tasking will aid groundside.”

Dylan thought a moment, flicking through a sensor feed. “Given the location is isolated from major infrastructure, what is your position on collateral damage to the terrain in the localized area, Admiral Witkowski?”

"Not a concern," Admiral Witkowski replied. “Just watch our people down there.”

“Alright, Admiral. Joining the party. Ping if you need something specific, we’ll adapt to your approach.”


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Discord Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Dylan Ryder Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Merek Hawes
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#, as written by Tiko
The hundred yard zone of destruction caused by the collapse of the vortex wasn't liable to be of any particular immediate threat to anyone given the moon's desolate nature, and the main battles taking place in space - or on the other side of the moon. For the Demiarch ships to even engage the Isirian ships, they would need to leave the moon and would be well beyond any potential interference left behind at the site of the collapsed vortex. The only damages caused by the explosions would be to the Demiarch's own ships that hadn't yet moved far enough away from the Vortex.

Isirian Fleet
Kreios System

Given the sheer size and scope of space engagements involving distances between fleets that spanned upwards into the hundreds of thousands of miles, and the sheer size of the ships on the field, many of the weapons that the Demiarch were utilizing would prove about as effective as firing paintballs when it came to the Isirian ships.

The rockets released by the fighter ships would prove particularly ineffective as the Demiarch didn't seem accustomed to combatting larger ships. With even the smallest of the Isirian corvettes on the field possessing 30 meters of armored hulls, the larger ships that the Demiarch where focusing fire on where going to require substantially more staying power than fifteen yard blast radiuses to put a dent in their hulls.

Even the ships that hadn't yet been upgraded with Aschen shielding technology would be capable of shrugging off the rocket impacts, and the radiation wouldn't be able to penetrate their hulls.

Most of the rockets wouldn't ever reach their targets though. The Isirian's Apollo fighters moved into action, intercepting as many of the rockets as they could while the ships at their back opened with a battery of railgun and light railcannon fire to destroy most of the rockets before they could get within blast range. The larger explosives would be met with similar results as they were torn apart trying to make it through the firing solution of the larger Isirian ships.

The plasma mortars and nuclear beams would prove marginally more effective as they wouldn't be cut to pieces by the rain of railcannon fire, but given that most of the Isirian ships weren't shielded with energy based shields the energy draining plasma mortars would be met with the same complication as the rockets before them. Dense hulls. The smaller Isirian ships would be most vulnerable to sustained fire from the mortars, but with the Demiarch focusing fire on the larger vessels damages where minimum.

The largest of the Demiarch's ships on the field remained dwarfed by the Isirian capital ships and the Reverences, and gun for gun it would seem that the Isirians had the advantage for the time being.

From the Isirian ships, heavy railcannons returned fire against the Demiarch's fleet with a battery of 25-50m slugs and nuclear warheads, while missiles were prepped to intercept smaller Demiarch ships that might try to approach the Isirian fleet. Further adding to the Demiarch's troubles was that they hadn't moved to engage the Isirian fleet sooner, and their clustering together had left them vulnerable to the singularity canons of the two Reverences.