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The Multiverse


ImageBlackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on the rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or you were looking to start some.

The barren, grey world is dusty and windy, the bitter sands kicking and swirling around those poor souls who call the world home, lashing at their faces. Goggles and windstorms are both commonplace here; all the better to hide the faces and objects of those who frequent the world.

Even the buildings are shady; made of rusted metal and tarp, nailed down from the wind and sand with plastic visors and simple ties, themselves looking more like an odd cross between circus tents and fallout shelters, tinged with red and gold when the sun dared poke its head above the horizon.
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Blackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on this rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or looking to start some.


Blackrock is a part of The Kreios System.

3 Places in Blackrock:

65 Characters Here

Mae Dawkins [176] A Quiet Elven Swordsmaster
The Militia [95] A fascist group in the Kreios galaxy, sort of like a cross between dictators and police officials.
Cinder Rose Valentine [85] "I always had this idea that you should never give up a happy middle in hopes of a happy ending. Because they don't exist. Do you know what I mean? There's just so much to loose"
C.O.R.e [77] "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. " -C.O.R.e
Elisha Whitcomb [71] Admiral attatched to the Aschen Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity
Jacob Worren [61] Mage, walker of realms, and a reaper.
Torger Bodin [60] Swedish Spec Ops and Radio Operator
Dierk Jung [60] German KSK Assaulter and Medic.
Kelly Ciar [52] American OGA Sniper/Demolitions
Aiden Martin [52] Australian SASR Spec Ops/Light Machine Gunner

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11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Dylan Ryder Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Merek Hawes
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#, as written by Tiko
The orb's efforts to lead Whisper astray would prove ineffective as Whisper hadn't attempted to enter Demigrem's mind and had simply broadcasted a telepathic message. The difference would be akin to hailing a ship vs trying to break through their firewalls to download a virus. The ship receiving the message could jam all the signals in transit or a second ship could intercept it, but neither actions would have any effect on the ship that sent it since it was already sent. As such the orb wasn't connected to Whisper as no direct connection had been established, nor did she seem to be trying to engage Demigrem on such a playing field.

Regardless of anything Demigrem or the orb did, Whisper would have had no awareness of whether or not her words to Demigrem had been received, or by whom. As she wasn't attempting to forcefully enter Demigrem's mind, reading thoughts - his or the orbs - wasn't on the table either. So unless the orb has psychic powers to project a telepathic message of its own, then Whisper wouldn't hear its response.

Furthermore, Whisper did not employ any use of a telekinetic plane - nor was planar manipulation possible with the planck pack's planar stabilization field still in place. Whisper's telekinesis was a physical manifestation of psionic force within the physical plane to move objects and nothing more. The planar stabilization field would likely prevent the call from going out, but even if the white noise was successfully generated it would be in a plane that Whisper wasn't interacting with, and thus she would remain unaffected.

The result was that Whisper remained woefully unaware and largely unaffected by anything that had transpired from the time she projected her message, to the point of attack from Demigrem. The one thing that Whisper was keenly aware of was Demigrem's physical actions. With her telekinetic field still cast, every physical movement was tracked within her minds eye.

His flashy attacks gave far too much warning for Whisper to react to.

Meanwhile, a new presence had made itself known and the source of the building psionic force was unmistakable.

'I was starting to think that you would never get here,' Whisper teased Dylan lightly from afar. 'And you're a lousy dancer you know.'

The telepathic chiding was good natured enough, as she couldn't deny the effectiveness of Dylan's methods.

While Demigrem was raising his glaive Whisper moved swiftly to close the distance between her and Merek and her body began to dematerialize into the wispy form of an ethereal apparition. She flowed across the ground appearing as little more than a wraith, and she halved the distance between them as Demigren's glaive began to fall.

Merek's roar swept past her as she moved, but it had little effect on the apparition within its currently intangible form and she was mere feet away from Merek when Demigrem's glaive struck the ground and unleashed its lightning. Unless Demigrem had accounted for her speed, the lightning would strike where she had been standing previously. If he had accounted for her speed and directed the lightning to intercept her, then he would risk striking Merek due to their close proximity and Whisper’s insubstantial form.

Merek would be hard pressed to enter his medium guard stance in time as Whisper was all but on top of him when he dismissed his other weapons to make the transition to his hammer. Given the speeds she was moving and the number of actions he had taken while remaining stationary, by the time he summoned the hammer she would be inside of its reach and past the point where it could be be swung effectively.

Not to be shown up by her old mentor, the moment Whisper was upon Merek she singled in on a point between herself and him. The explosion of telekinetic force that erupted outward would have split a battleship down the middle had it been detonated within the interior of the ship. As the blast swept outwards in all directions, the boulders and rocks caught in its path simply exploded into fine dust and given her and Merek's close proximity he would have scant seconds to react to the sudden fluctuation of telekinetic force before it exploded at hypersonic speeds.

Furthermore, if Whisper’s blast somehow failed and Merek’s final action of summoning his battle standard wasn’t interrupted, he would now be at risk of being struck by his own blast sphere should he drop his battle standard within ten feet of her.

Either way, Whisper's ethereal form offered her a great deal of protection from physical harm; though, it did limit her capacity to inflict physical actions upon others as well.

Should her blast succeed in striking Merek and knock him backwards, Whisper would remain on his heels by launching herself forward in the wake of the blast while maintaining scarcely a single half-pace of distance between them


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Dylan Ryder Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Merek Hawes
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#, as written by Tiko
Meanwhile across the field of battle, thanks to Dylan's interference, the minds of the Isirian soldiers were protected from the Arch-Hounds and that left only their physical threats to contend with.

As the Arch-Hound attempted to jab an extension through the back of a ground troop, another of Walker's unit, Spartan, moved to intercept it. He was aptly named for his preference towards melee combat - in particular a spear/light-shield generator combination in favor of sword or railgun.

The appendage was deflected away from the ground-troop as it struck against Spartan's spear. The initial blow was with the flat of the blade to deflect the appendage, but the reverse sweep of the spear aimed to sever it with a single clean arc of the molecularly sharpened nanosteel blade.

Meanwhile Walker's shoulder mounted rocket system wasn't currently engaged, leaving it retracted and snuggly in place against his back and not a particularly easy target at the moment. Bits of metal sparked and blasted free of the mech suit from the explosive impacts, but the damage seemed superficial for the moment so long as he didn't remain under sustained fire indefinitely. Trusting in the armor of his suit to keep absorbing the explosive impacts for now he didn't let up with the peppering of rounds he was firing into the Arch-Hound from his railgun.

With his suit keeping his weapons locked onto the Arch-Hound, even its rapid dodging too and fro offered only momentary reprieves as it couldn't seem to shake Walker. While he was emptying his railgun into the hound, he began to power up the repulsor beam in his left hand for a more powerful blast.

The opportunity came as he twisted to fully face the Arch-Hound touching down from its leap towards his back. As the hound made a final leap towards its hole, it left itself in a vulnerable position momentarily. Airborne and victim to its own momentum, it would likely be unable to physically dodge the repulsor beam that was unloaded directly into its chest to intercept it mid leap. If the railguns had managed to illicit tingling sensations and aggravation, then the repulsor beam had the potential to cave in its chest under the destructive forces of the super-charged neutron particles guided by a central laser that fired compressed and ionized air to allow the neutrons to travel further through the atmosphere. The repulsor beam to the railgun might as well have been a wrecking ball to a paintgun.

Even if the hounds armored skin was capable of surviving the blast, it would likely be thrown backwards across the ground into a large boulder before it could land in the hole.

The other members of Walker's unit where converging on his position, but they kept fanned out in front of the hound rather than surrounding it where they would risk friendly fire. Alpha wolf and Spartan where to his left, while Crimson Tide and Bruiser took their place to his right. In contrast to Bruiser being the largest and somewhat clumsiest of the bunch, Crimson Tide's mech suit was the fastest within the unit and a pair of twin punching knives where fixed to the back of her mech's fists. For the time being though, she had her railgun in hand rather than attempting to get in close to engage the hound.


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Dylan Ryder Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Merek Hawes
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Back in space, a temporary ceasefire had spread through the fleets as the Deminaught's hail was received. While Whitkowski responded to the Deminaught, several of the Isirian carriers where launching shuttles and smaller ships to begin sending reinforcements to the ground now that the Demiarch fleet was in ruins.

"This is Isirian fleet Admiral, Whitkowski. We will accept your surrender under the conditions that you take your weapons offline immediately, and instruct your ground forces to lay down their arms and surrender. A convoy of ships to return to the surface is not authorized. Attempts to approach Blackrock will be met with hostile action. These terms are non-negotiable."


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Dylan Ryder Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Merek Hawes
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The remainder of the fleet would begin it's motion to leave. There wasn't much hesitation. The ship's path was a straight path. One ship in the mix disengaged it's Atomization Field, but the fields engine continued to rumble.

"We're disengaging out outer shell, we do not find our Atomization Field to be necessary. We are gone." A B.C.-H.C. messaged the Isirian ships.

Following the disengagement of the one ship, the remaining ships that possessed the field followed the action. In the control station of one of the B.C.-H.C.'s, the Core image made it's presence. As it's presence came about, the Demiarchal's lost full control of their fleet. Engines were supercharging, ready for a rapid escape as the Atomization Field engines were supercharging, adding an extreme boost in their speed.

In the blink of an eye, every ship that contained an Atomization Field released a bolt of energy that seemed to merge and struck towards the Isirian fleet. It's appearance was no more than one second. The moment the bolt of energy was gone, the Demiarch ships Engines released their power, pushing the limits of the Planck Field as they vanished into space. This function would push the ships to their limits, their engines would blow if the Nuclear Pump miscalculated one stroke. The moment they were beyond the Planck Field, a vortex would form and the ships would pass through it, cutting off their trail if any ships were to attempt to follow them.

On the ground, things were not ceasing as easily as they had in space. Or so it would seem. The mighty ships that were leaving the space had ensured their escape. The mighty bolt of energy cast by the united energy of the Demiarch ships that was near instantaneous was mighty, casting a massive wave of purple light across the sky for a second.

The orb shot directly into the air, escaping into space. The orb would move faster than visual sight to the original placement of the D.S.A.. When the orb was there, it would vanish again, traveling the path left behind by the remainder of this D.S.A. fleet. The orbs physical size and ability to travel through energy as energy was it's great escape. There was no teleporting, just the passage of energy, through energy. There was slim chance that it would would even be noticed.

Demigrem looked upon the woman who was now his current problem. He would begin to move forward, his glaive vanishing in a bolt of purple lightning. As he moved forward, tissues began to climb around the armor he wore. This skin was forming an armor made of a demon like tissue and bone.

The feather on his wings began to blow into the wind, falling to dust in a matter of feet. The tissue on his wings began to blow away in the breeze cast from his rising energy in the form of dust. The bone like structure remaining would begin to fold into Demigrem's back, being replaced by six spikes. The spikes were black, three running down each side of the back. The top two was three feet in length. The middle two was two feet. The bottom two was one foot.

Demigrem's armor and helm was now beneath this new demonic tissue. His ram like horns had a spiral design and a metallic gold color. His skin had darkened to a very deep purple, almost black. He had grown at least another foot tall as he did wide. Three metallic gold spikes erupted from the upper side of his forearms, reaching six inches in length. On his shoulders, head, breast place, inner forearms, inside and outside of thighs, and his shins, were covered in a metallic gold plating like the spikes. His appearance was of a demonic Cooler.

Demigrem would let out a mighty roar that carried lightning on it's soundwaves. The roar was enough to cause the nearby rock formations to come crumbling to ground. This would destroy a lot of the base, Demiarchal's and all. What survived would just go crazy, rushing out towards anyone or anything that was near the base, going in all directions.

Demigrem would find himself nearing Merek, much closer to the battle now, his focus on the female Psionic. As he did, he would begin to surge in lightning, gathering mass amounts of power. A laugh would break through the roar of energy surging him. It's deep, evil tone filled the air, constantly repeating it's pattern like an echo.


The extension would find the base of the spear that was throne. The broadside of the spear head would deflect the extension downwards, the tip of the blade on the other end of the spear would find the creatures skin, but not enough to damage it, just a scratch. With a quick retraction of the extension, the Arch-Hound was still in motion.

As the Arch-Hound made it's leap for the hole, a Repulsor blast found it's way to the Arch Hounds chest. The energy would knock the Arch-Hound off it's patch immediately. The energy blast was enough to knock the Arch-Hound back, but it still landed on it's feet ten feet back. The energy that collided with it's chest was carried through it's armor plating and released around it like Dragon Scale Armor. Too many of those blasts and the Arch-Hound would be done.

The Arch-Hound would slowly step backward, it's legs taking a wider stance. The Arch-Hound would lower it's upper torso as it's extensions began to fully extend, creating a dome around it's head. The energy surged rapidly and released as a solid blast that aimed a mere four feet in front of the Arch-Hound. The blast of energy and debris would give the Arch-Hound enough time to leap into the hole and tunnel under the ground.

The previous scratch had widened as the Arch-Hound made it's blast. It wouldn't get any worse, but the Arch-Hound knew that it had to avoid that weapon. The tunneling would give the Arch-Hound enough time to fully shake off the blast from the Repulsor. The Arch-Hounds were in trouble in all the others were in the same predicament. The only thing to do was fight, but the Arch-Hounds were much more limited to what they could do compared to their opponents.

Still remaining on the moon was a group of three soldiers. They were hid somewhere and they had no useful tech due to the shutdown and destruction of their Blackrock system. The soldiers crushed their ear pieces and any other device that could be picked up by any type of sensor.

The soldiers had found a deep stretch of caves that passed under the surface. These caves stretched to pits of lava. The soldiers knew they couldn't do anything about the situation on the surface. In a unanimous decision, the squad decided to call these depths home for a short time. The soldiers would hide among the boulders and other cave related formations. They were on the watch, never sleeping, waiting until their time came.


In the roads that the Demiarch Empire built, they had placed something in it's near indestructible compound that was rather deep in the ground for a road. The roads would begin to vibrate, slowly shaking everything around them down. The energy would grow for the next few minutes. If the tech that was placed in the roads was able to produce enough energy to fuel a city with what was laid in the Cerenium, what else could it be possible of?


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Defense Force Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Leia Nash Character Portrait: Dylan Ryder Character Portrait: Amelia Montrose Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Merek Hawes
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0.00 INK

Merek reacted the battle standard spell cutting off as the telekinetic force struck both the magical barrier around his body from physical harm and the physical barrier of his armor stopped further dampened the attack. The blow didn't force him back however but redirected the kinetic force at a downwards angle that cracked the ground they were standing on, which forced Merek down a bit. The hammer now resting in his hands he smashed downwards, rippling shockwaves and fire whipped out from the hammer. The magical flames from the hammer of Asmodeus would burn even an ethereal form. Merek didn't stop with the smashing of the hammer there. He had one more thing that sprung to mind. A crazy idea that would be of great annoyance to Aeson but none the less an idea.

"Ninth Gate of Solomon: Alpha & Omega!" The warrior roared. Cutting him off would not work for the words were more for an intimidation effect than for the actual casting at this stage since the increase of his magic well by Demigrem.

The transformation however became chaotic with the white ethereal tendrils sprouting from Merek like veins stripping his human form of both armor and flesh to reveal a white hot ethereal form below. The effect took to his eyes and mouth his eyes becoming a literal fire, his mouth to sprang with flames. The veins even spread to the hammer warping it into a sword of pure white energy that fluxed as Merek's ascension continued. With his body completely warped now to the god like form four white wings spread from his back as the veins slowly crawled out to the tips of the new appendages.

The final finisher of the transformation was the white cloth that draped over his body. He stared down his opponent now from the mini crater that was created from the earlier force.


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Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Zephyrus continues to wander the Blackrock deserts, heading East. Occasionally a gust of sand and wind rushes past him, at which point Zephyrus will attempt to engage in a conversation. But his fellow interlocutor would never speak, and instead continued to blow from the West.

Pieces of metal would erode away from his chassis, and quickly become blown away or buried in dust. This would be Zephyrus's fate.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcus Sol Character Portrait: Lukas
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0.00 INK

A portal opened in the middle of nowhere, and a man came out of it. The rift closed behind him, and the human began muttering to himself: "Hmm... this seems like a place where I can get what I need..." He took his backpack off, and guzzled down too many potions; some labeled for speed, strength, and many other buffs to keep him safe. He wished to stay alive. He immediately thought that some company would be great, and drew a flask labeled "Random Summoning". He poured it on the sand and spread the catalyst over the puddle. Any second now, someone would appear, hopefully someone friendly. Just in case, he took his magic amulet and loaded it with a brew labeled "Absorption".


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcus Sol Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins
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0.00 INK

The Patriarch sky-rocketed away from Blackrock, and hopefully away from the mess of blood, artillery, and fire. Mae rubbed her temples in frustration. All of her plans for finding Ariel were thwarted now. She was sure that Ariel was still on Blackrock, now ready to be killed. Pounding her fist on table she looked out the window thoughtfully. The ship's hydraulic engine hummed quietly as the planet began to slowly shrink from veiw. A sudden tingling sensation took over Mae's body and she felt as If the floor caved under her. As if In hyperspeed, the rocky surface of. Blackrock began rocketing towards her. Upon regaining consciousness she found herself staring at a man with an empty bottle in his hand...


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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0.00 INK

It was a moment of calm in the otherwise sandstorm ridden Blackrock. But Zephyrus hobbled on, buffering out dust when need be. He spoke senseless jibber jabber about "hypercake sumodrives" and the wind he was following. But then the bot stopped, for in his path there was a very curious individual. Perhaps this was the zephyr, who had finally come to speak with him. But not a moment too soon and a second individual appeared beside them, seemingly out of nowhere. His ASP unit began wheezing as Zephyrus processed the situation at hand. A cooling fan turned on inside the bot's head, where the core of the ASP was located.
A large puff of dust was expelled from Zephyrus's interior, escaping from all his joints and cracks.
The rusty tin can of a robot began to make his way over to the two figures. Each step was accompanied by a whirring noise and the sound of something being knocked around inside his chest-chest. Zephyrus would appeal to these people. He had to.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Lukas stared at the woman that had appeared, thanks to his concoctions. As he looked over her, he also heard another thing moving towards him. He turned rather abruptly, and saw it was a robot. Although he didn't know why, he rummaged through his backpack until he found an acid brew he had readied back at his lab. He hoped the lady could hear him, and he began: "I'm sorry if I've inconvenienced you, but right now, I fear for your health. An... android of sort is approaching. Get behind me."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcus Sol Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Mae got up and steadied herself, walking timiidly behind one nof the men as he had instructed. Looking over his shoulder, she observed what looked more like a walking trash-compactor than it did a robot coming towards them. Slipping on a pair of brass knuckles, she watched with unease. Whoever these guys were, it was clear they were fans of alchemy. The man in front of her had quite the collection of bottles filled with mysterious contents. She hoped with all her might that these two (well I suppose three) beings wouldn't harm her. From the looks of them, they appeared to have no hostile intentions, but you can never be sure when you are on Blackrock. Just in case, she slid her hand over the hilt of one of her katanas, if the need to attack arised.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Mae got up and steadied herself, walking timiidly behind one nof the men as he had instructed. Looking over his shoulder, she observed what looked more like a walking trash-compactor than it did a robot coming towards them. Slipping on a pair of brass knuckles, she watched with unease. Whoever these guys were, it was clear they were fans of alchemy. The man in front of her had quite the collection of bottles filled with mysterious contents. She hoped with all her might that these two beings wouldn't harm her. From the looks of them, they appeared to have no hostile intentions, but you can never be sure when you are on Blackrock. Just in case, she slid her hand over the hilt of one of her katanas, if the need to attack arised.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Zephyrus positioned himself roughly 10 ft/3 metres in front of them. His eyes flickered and his head turned to maintain eye contact with both of his audience. A puff of dust was expelled from Zephyrus's chest. Their feelings of anxiety were lost on Zephyrus, who waited still a very awkward amount of time before speaking. But when he did, an array of orchestrated hand movements and polite body gesture accompanied him. "G-G-G-Geh..." A puff of dust was expelled from Zephyrus's head. "Apologies." His voice was definitely electronic and would've been entirely monotonous if it weren't for the subtle changes in pitch and volume.

"Greetings and salutations, sirs and ladies. Has anybody seen th-the wind?"
Suddenly Zephyrus stopped in his movements, with his arms stretched out and hands open. His head continued to swivel and flicker every now and then.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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"Um... The wind? I don't understand, what do you mean?" Lukas responded to the robot. He then took a few steps back, pushing the lady behind him, making sure he covered her. He stared at it; it was badly damaged. He thought for a moment, and then he sat down and pulled a few things from his backpack. He asked the robot: "Um, sir? Do you mind if I... attempt to repair you? Gimme a minute to see what I can do." He pulled a variety of things from his pack; moss, rust, metal shards, a few shiny stones, and his secret catalyst. He took a water bottle, and poured it into an empty flask, and began brewing something...

Once he was done, he stared at his reflection in the bottle. It was a greenish, brownish mix, and it smelled a bit like the lush forests of Terra. He took a small slip of paper and labeled the bottle "Regeneration; Mechanical Mod. Untested". He slowly approached the robot and gave him the flask. "Drink it, if you may. If I'm right, this can "fix" you." Once the flask was in the android's hands, he retreated back to the lady.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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"I'm pretty sure I can protect myself, sir. But if you insist, I'll comply." Mae rolled her sleeves and folded her arms in thought. Should I run or wait and watch? Her mind was busy in thought, assessing the situation with utmost care. Chances were, if that bucket of bolts turned out to be hostile, (Which was highly unlikely,) than She most likely could take it on. If the man decided to turn against her, she reasoned that he looked a bit scrawny, and probably wouldn't last long. However, he had a great advantage considering all his potions and buffs. He might make a considerable opponent If he used his alchemy to its best effect.

Cracking her neck, she examined The man's features. Most likely human. Probably from Terra. A little on the thin side by the looks of him. "What is your name, by the way?" He seemed to preoccupied to notice until he began walking towards her. Shrugging, she pulled her hood up over her head. A gust of wind flew by, filled with sand and grit. It stung her eyes a little, but Its only so long after being on Blackrock that you get used to that sort of thing.

Examining the automaton, she noted the fact that it seemed to have a storage compartment located in its torso region, a "chest-chest" If you will. Its outer chassis was quite worn and weathered from the planet's harsh conditions. If the man's strange concoction did anything, it would have to be much more than subtle to have any effect on the robot. It seemed to be made of brass and copper alloy, but It was hard to tell through the damage. The poor thing probably had trouble moving without falling apart in some way.

Mae reasoned that the situation was most likely safe, so she stayed where she was.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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"My name is Lukas," said the alchemist. "And you're probably wondering why you're here." He kept eye contact on the robot. Was his potion working? He couldn't tell; he hoped it helped to some degree. "Well, I've summoned you to request assistance. I need to reach an oasis a distance away from here. There, I'll find the herbs and ores I require for keeping my potion stock. I'd appreciate some company; for safety, of course. If you'd rather return to wherever you were, then take this," he explained, as he passed her a flask labeled "Clearance". In all honesty, he hoped she'd choose to stay.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Mae examined the rather unappetizing bottle in her hand, but then handed it back. "I'll help you. But let me give you one warning; Great Remæus, If you try to turn on me, my mastersword will be lodged in your neck faster than speed itself. And I doubt there is a potion that can cure that." Straitening her hair so that it was not in her face, her attitude softened. "My name is Mae Dawkins, swordsmaster of Arkende village. Apologies for my harsh tone, Lukas. i tend to get a bit....frustrated with people when I'm anxious." She glanced back at the automaton behind Lukas. "So your name's Zephyrus? Interesting. I haven't seen the wind, and I doubt my friend here has either. However, I would suggest looking for something a little more tangible than 'th-th-the wind', Zephyrus." She half-smiled at the naive little robot.

"So where to first, Lukas?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Zephyrus was holding the flask in his bronze hand. He observed it, analyzing the components and predicting the effect if he were to take it. CONCOCTION SAFE. HE TELLS THE TRUTH. He raised the potion to what would've been his mouth, and hesitated. "I d-d-d-d-do not have the ability to drink. Reparation seems unlikely, sir." Zephyrus then decided he had better acknowledge their questions about the wind, so he opened his chest-chest and placed the flask in there. He noticed Mae's sort-of-smile, and as such his voice became a little more excited. INITIATE HUMOUR-RESPONSE. "A pleasant joke, madam! I hope my hilarity has been realised in your eyes, for I am confounded by wit! You see, I am searching for the Zephyr. It-It-It-" Something fizzled and whirred deep inside Zephyrus's head. "... It always gets away from me. Perhaps there are those that avoid niceties with purpose." Zephyrus recalled his confrontation with the bar manager. "Yes. My search may have been in vain, indeed." DEVELOPMENT IN ATTITUDE ACKNOWLEDGED. ASP FUNCTIONAL. EXCITING.

"I would enjoy nothing more than to accompany you on your escapades, but I..." Zephyrus spun around, searching for something. POSSIBILITY OF SPACE TRAVEL HERE: NOUGHT. POSSIBILITY OF SPACE TRAVEL WITH NEW ACQUAINTANCES: EXISTENT. He spun around again to face Lukas. "May I join you? If that wouldn't b-b-be a bother, of course. I have a chest-chest." Zephyrus opened and closed the latch on his chest. "It seems this unit-It seems that I don't have all too much to do now."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Mae walked over to the automaton. "He's kind of sweet. I would certainly enjoy the extra company. Plus, he has a chest-chest." She turned around to face Lukas. "It's your call, chief. Do we bring him or not?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Lukas stared at the robot for a moment. He seemed friendly enough, and he was probably incapable of combat in his condition. "Why not? The more the merrier," he said, a bit hesitant. He looked around, staring into the faraways, looking for the direction to go. "Everyone, this way," he declared, pointing to the northeast. "Hopefully, this won't be too long of a trip."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Death21 Character Portrait: Jacob
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A flash of light Shines in the distance. It was bright. Bright enough to see from miles. It was as if a nuclear bomb had been set off, but no crater had been left. Nor radiation. But a man was left there. Wearing a blue and white jumpsuit with the numbers 101 on it. his name, was jack. Jack looked around the new territory. It was dusty.....must be back in the capital wasteland. He took another look destroyed buildings. Mohave wasteland? He look up and he saw a planet. It was daylight.....and it wasn't the moon. Defiantly wasn't the moon. He wasn't even back on earth. "DAMN IT! You do one, ONE modification on a tele porter, It sends you to a different planet......and its not even pretty." Jack yelled at himself. He needed to get back to Janet.....but for now, he was stuck here, and his teleporter, or the "ransportalponder" Was fryed.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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"Compliment acknowledged and enjoyed, madam. You are also of the tasteful caliber." Zephyrus hobbled along, following the other two. "Oh, how wonderful! TSSST! TSSST! I assure you, my presence will provide utmost assistance." Step. WHIR. Step. WHIR. Step. SMASH! The flask in Zephyrus's chest-chest had broken, allowing the liquid to seep through his body. Almost miraculously, the lost chips in his chassis began to rebuild and reform. He looked at his own hands as they became glazed with a brilliant bronze, as did the rest of his body. DAMAGE TO OUTER CHASSIS REPAIRED. INITIATE THANKS. "It seems your liquid has indeed worked to some degree, sir. Now I must be in your debt!" The newly repaired bot continued to follow.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Death21
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Lukas was about to say welcome, when a bright flash blinded him momentarily. He yelled rather loudly and suddenly, and even threw one of his liquid grenades up in midair. He felt his amulet trigger, and he recovered almost immediately. He saw that the flask he'd thrown was above Mae, and pushed her out of the way. Soon after, he heard the crash of his bottle fall, and the hiss of one of his acidic grenades burn through the floor. He looked at himself, and at Mae, and at the robot. Were they OK? Was he OK? FUCK, he was NOT okay. He yelled at the top of his lungs as a small portion of the brew fell on his left hand, and reduced it to raw bone.

He calmed down as his hand went numb. He took a water bottle, and washed off the remaining acid on his bony hand. He stared at it; the only reason his skeleton hadn't fallen apart is because of his magic amulet, which he had filled with his strongest medicinal brew that morning. It would take a few hours, but his hand would regenerate. He was sure of it.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Jack Heard screaming.......that was normal.....Same as back in the wastelands.....he pulled out his 10mm pistol.....sure he had a better pistol, but, he didn't have as much ammo for it. He listened. No gun shots. That's good. He walks torwds the scream, Although it stopped as soon as it started. As he walked he saw 3, weird looking people.......first off, there was a bronze man...then there was 2 other people in weird attire.....not the standard wasteland settles outfits...."Um.....Hi" Jack waved, while holding the pistol to his side.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Death21
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A scream peirced Mate's pointed ears as she felt a sudden shove, sending her to the ground. On instinct, she scrambled to her feet and drew her sword. What she saw made her shudder. The flesh melted off of Lukas's hand, leaving it a skeletal frame. The smell of bacon covered in chloroform filled the air, making her eyes water. a high pitched noise pounded her eardrums, and she realized it was her own screams of shock and fear. Gasping for breath she attempted to ask If he was ok, but faltered mid-sentence. The sight was so gruesome that she began to feel lightheaded. Her hands shook as her sword fell to the ground with a thud. Backing up, she tried to process the situation. An unfamiliar voice echoed through her thoughts, but was lost in the confusion. Her knees buckled, and she fell to the ground, unconscious.