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ImageBlackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on the rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or you were looking to start some.

The barren, grey world is dusty and windy, the bitter sands kicking and swirling around those poor souls who call the world home, lashing at their faces. Goggles and windstorms are both commonplace here; all the better to hide the faces and objects of those who frequent the world.

Even the buildings are shady; made of rusted metal and tarp, nailed down from the wind and sand with plastic visors and simple ties, themselves looking more like an odd cross between circus tents and fallout shelters, tinged with red and gold when the sun dared poke its head above the horizon.
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Blackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on this rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or looking to start some.


Blackrock is a part of The Kreios System.

3 Places in Blackrock:

65 Characters Here

Mae Dawkins [176] A Quiet Elven Swordsmaster
The Militia [95] A fascist group in the Kreios galaxy, sort of like a cross between dictators and police officials.
Cinder Rose Valentine [85] "I always had this idea that you should never give up a happy middle in hopes of a happy ending. Because they don't exist. Do you know what I mean? There's just so much to loose"
C.O.R.e [77] "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. " -C.O.R.e
Elisha Whitcomb [71] Admiral attatched to the Aschen Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity
Jacob Worren [61] Mage, walker of realms, and a reaper.
Torger Bodin [60] Swedish Spec Ops and Radio Operator
Dierk Jung [60] German KSK Assaulter and Medic.
Kelly Ciar [52] American OGA Sniper/Demolitions
Aiden Martin [52] Australian SASR Spec Ops/Light Machine Gunner

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Character Portrait: Leon Theodoris Character Portrait: Aschen Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity Character Portrait: Vincent May-Rose Character Portrait: Vanora Rees Character Portrait: Willow Ryder
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The PA system crackled again as the venting gave the ship enough push against the Aschen vessel to allow more clearance. "Some cowboy and his buddies just slipped out of lightspeed right in my flight path. Attagirl, Willow, just hold it together down-"

There was a shuddering groan as the belly of the Rabbit kissed the outside of the Aschen ship, causing Vincent to be jerked backwards, severing his connection to the controls for a moment. Immediately, he fought his way back to them, hauling hard as the Rabbit shot clear. He slowed down the speed, tipped the nose, and eased into the flight path transmitted by the Aschen. "Alright, they want to come over for a bit. Vanora, we need the deck swabbed for guests; can't have them seeing a dirty floor. Willow, make sure that there isn't any spoiled food out or anything. Uh, dog guy, keep on... keeping on."

Punching the PA system off, Vincent switched to the frequency of the other ship, rubbing his temples as he spoke. "This is Captain Vincent May-Rose of the Rabbit to Columbus. We are following the outlined route, though we got a bit jostled up back there. Look forward to meeting you guys."

He followed the two Apollo class interceptors with one hand on the controls, the other pulling out his sidearm. Without taking his eyes on the screen, he popped open a hidden compartment underneath a control panel and slid the primitive pistol in behind the jumble of cables and wires, shutting it and sealing it when he was finished.

"I estimate two minutes till we're hosting guests, guys," Vincent said over the PA, a frown fixed on his face.


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Character Portrait: Leon Theodoris Character Portrait: Aschen Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity Character Portrait: Vincent May-Rose Character Portrait: Vanora Rees Character Portrait: Willow Ryder
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The pair of Apollos guided the ship to the landing bay of the Aschen Battlestar, through the maw and into the lion's den. Once the smaller Rabbit was inside one of the massive landing pods of the Battlestar, docking clamps extended to secure the ship firmly to the dock, while Aschen Marines lined up with weapons ready on each access port to the Rabbit.

The ship likely shook and listed as the docking bay pressurized, a Marine sergeant nodding. "We have atmosphere." He called out, and the pressure in their helmets and visors equalized to the pressure of the landing bay while the group checked their disruptor rifles.

Another radio message would be transmitted.

"Open all access ports to the ship, and exit one at a time, hands raised, behind your head, once you've exited the ship, you and your crew are to line up, and get on your knees. Failure to comply will be taken as an act of aggression."

With deploy-able covers prepped and readied, the men gripped their weapons, licked dry mouths, and waited for a response.


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Character Portrait: Leon Theodoris Character Portrait: Aschen Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity Character Portrait: Vincent May-Rose Character Portrait: Vanora Rees Character Portrait: Willow Ryder
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#, as written by Tiko
"Understood," Vanora replied over the com device.

It wasn't their first time being boarded, and it likely wouldn't be their last. Best thing now was to just comply. The crates of supplies in the hangar bay, while not strictly being transported legally, weren't of any nature to likely draw too much attention. Some food rations and medical supplies for the most part.

There wasn't time enough to clear the hangar bay, or to dump the cargo, so they would have to hope whoever had flagged them down wasn't of the mind to look too deeply into their paperwork, or were willing to look the other way on the matter in favor of more important matters.

She slipped her rifle from her shoulder and set it atop one of the crates. The rifle was legal enough by Isirian law, but it was usually best not to have guns in hand during boarding operations unless you wanted a trigger happy government official to put a few new holes in you because you moved wrong.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Theodoris Character Portrait: Aschen Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity Character Portrait: Vincent May-Rose Character Portrait: Vanora Rees Character Portrait: Willow Ryder
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#, as written by Script
After pulling herself out of the pile of boxes the small collision with the Aschen vessel had tossed her into, Willow made her way back up to the hangar with her eyes set in a glare. "Damned governments," she muttered as she emerged, "Sticking their noses into other peoples' business like there's shit worth seeing. What crawled up these motherfuckers' asses and died?"

She tossed her own gun irritably onto one of the crates and joined Vanora and to wait for Vincent to lower the hatches. "This was a bad idea..." she muttered, "Should've stayed down there in the shanty town fixing crapped out cars and mechs."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Theodoris Character Portrait: Aschen Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity Character Portrait: Vincent May-Rose Character Portrait: Vanora Rees Character Portrait: Willow Ryder
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Coming out of the upper level of the ship that housed the cockpit, Vincent took the stairs down to the cargo bay two at a time, leaping to the deck with a clang of boots on metal. He moved to the three assembled crewmates, pointed a finger in Willow's face, and narrowed his eyes.

"Behave," he said, sternly. "We don't want to call attention to ourselves any more than we have to. Goes for you too, furball."

He didn't wait for a response, instead pressing the opening toggle on the hatches, opening up the Rabbit to the inside of the Aschen warship. He placed both hands on the back of his head, straightened his spine, and walked down the gangplank first.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Theodoris Character Portrait: Aschen Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity Character Portrait: Vincent May-Rose Character Portrait: Vanora Rees Character Portrait: Willow Ryder
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Once Vincent stepped from his ship, he would be greeted by rows of rows of Aschen soldiers with guns drawn and pointed at the group.

The Commander nodded slowly. "That's good, nice and slow." He said, his weapon drawn and readied.

Once Vincent was out, two Marines moved quickly to search him, hands patting every which way. The same with Vanora, and Willow, they would find themselves searched and lined up by the Aschen Military.

Leon however was not so lucky.

"Hey! Sergeant! We have a Xeno here!" He shouted, pointing at Leon. "Let's take him down to Command and turn him over!"

The Marine Sergeant walked up to Vincent, and swiftly moved to bring the butt of his disruptor rifle across Vincent's cheek.

"Smuggling Xenos eh!?" He barked before he shoved the barrel of the weapon against Vincent's cheek. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you here and now."

Two Marines bum-rushed Leon, and moved to throw him to the floor while they raised their batons.


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Character Portrait: Leon Theodoris Character Portrait: Aschen Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity Character Portrait: Vincent May-Rose Character Portrait: Vanora Rees Character Portrait: Willow Ryder
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#, as written by Tiko
Leon kept his hands laced behind his head as two marines moved in to force him onto his knees. Out of the frying pan and into the fire it would seem.

"No one's smuggling anything," Leon growled.

At least nothing that Leon knew about. He had no love of the Aschen, but he knew well enough not to do anything that would provoke them into just shooting him on the spot. The Aschen weren't known for their capacity to ask questions before resorting to force.

Even in its dirtied and worn state one could almost make out the insignia of the WCPD on his sleeve.

"My identification is inside my jacket pocket," he told them. "I'm with the WCPD department on Terra, and last I knew the armistice between the Aschen and Terra still holds."

How a WCPD officer had found his way all the way to Isiria was difficult to say, but his credentials would check out.

Vanora meanwhile threw Vincent a look that said it all. She didn't need to speak for Vincent to likely catch the intent behind the look. 'You brought a police officer on board?'


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Character Portrait: Katarina Xavier
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Katarina woke up on the ground. Just great. She remembered almost nothing of the last things that happened, except her yelling and things turning black. Where was she on this forsaken place? She needed to find out.

Her lips were cracked and her throat dry. She reached down for her water bottle... Oh, fecal matter. The bandits must've taken that too. This was just peachy. And to think Katarina trusted them like her brother did.

She got up and brushed off some dust from her clothes. There was no time to waste, she needed to find shelter, food and water. No matter what, she would kil every last one of the gang members. And to do that, she'd need to survive.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Theodoris Character Portrait: Aschen Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity Character Portrait: Vincent May-Rose Character Portrait: Vanora Rees Character Portrait: Willow Ryder
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#, as written by Script
Stepping out into the warship, Willow kept her arms carefully placed behind her head. Her eyes warily stared down the aschen soldiers and the guns that were levelled at them.

When Leon revealed his identity, her eyebrows shot up. A police officer? And from outside of Isiria? How the hell had he ended up on Blackrock?

At least that explained his bizarre appearance. By the sounds of it, though, he knew the Aschen - and his world had agreements with theirs. Maybe that could get them out of this in one piece. She could only hope.


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Jarrod sat in comfortable leather chair on his ship The Trinity and stared out the front window at what he knew was a barren landscape. He had visited Blackrock a few times before to drop off non-humans that he had smuggled away from Aschen "danger worlds", but he had never actually left the ship. As Jarrod looked at the swirling sand storm outside the window he quickly realized that it had been a good decision to never leave the ship.

"Jarrod? You have been staring out the window for two hours and forty-seven minutes now. I calculated that you would have thought up a plan by now. I should run a diagnostic", ARI's female robotic voice rang out suddenly.

"Jesus! ARI you scared the shit out of me!", Jarrod said jumping a bit at ARI's sudden outburst then, "And I'm not thinking of a plan I'm just.....thinking".

The disc shaped drone hovered in front of Jarrod's face for a moment before it turned to the window and began analyzing the sandstorm. Jarrod watched ARI intently for a moment with an eyebrow raised before he leaned back in his chair and breathed deeply for a moment.

"ARI? What are you doing?", Jarrod said curiously.

"I was analyzing the sand storm Jarrod and it would interest you to know that the sandstorm will die down in a couple of hours", ARI said.

Jarrod just grunted and tapped the sides of his chair with hands a few times before he stood up and reached into the copilots seat and grabbed his hat proceeding to place it on his head. Jarrod then pulled his .44 magnum out of its holster and checked the cylinder to make sure it was fully loaded before depositing it back in its sheath.

"Yeah...I'm not waiting a couple hours for the weather to die down. We came here for a reason so lets get to it", Jarrod said with an excited smile.

Jarrod took the visor that resting on top of his hat and pulled it over his eyes. He then moved his right hand up to the visor and pushed a button on the right side of the visor.

"ARI sync up with the visor we are going to need it if we are going to navigate the sandstorm", Jarrod said.

"Already synced up Jarrod", ARI said.

Jarrod nodded and proceeded to walk towards the left side of his ship where the airlock was. He pressed his hands against the hand scanner and once it recognized him the airlock opened and he stepped through with ARI in tow. When he came to the second airlock it opened and instantly Jarrod felt a wall of heat blast against him as well as sand. After an annoyed grunt Jarrod exited the airlock and took a few steps onto the sandy ground of Blackrock. Before continuing any further he turned back to the ship and pulled up his sleeve just enough to reveal what looked like an advanced watched and pressed a button to engage the ships cloak mode. In an instant the ship began to shimmer and then disappeared completely. Jarrod then turned back away from the ship and looked once to the left and once to the right.

"ARI I can't see a thing! Fly up a bit and scan the area for the nearest settlement", Jarrod said as he pulled the shirt underneath his duster up over his mouth and nose to protect them from the brutalizing sand.

ARI quickly launched into the air and Jarrod lost sight of her for a moment. After a few seconds though ARI came flying back down in front of him and hovered in front of his face.

"I detected a possible settlement a couple miles north Jarrod. Syncing the mapped out way-points with your watch now", ARI said.

Jarrod looked down at the watch and saw that the time had been replaced by a map with small dots moving in a path north. Jarrod nodded again and looked in the direction that the way-points were going to lead him.

"Nice work ARI", Jarrod said smiling at the drone.

Jarrod then started walking north trying to follow the way-points exactly. He could still feel the incredible heat and he was completely drenched in sweat in a matter of minutes. And the sand constantly lashing his face and any part of his body that wasn't protected by clothing was something he knew he would never get used too.

"Well least we don't have to worry about bandits...only an idiot would venture out into a sandstorm like this", Jarrod said.

"Jarrod?.....You are venturing out in this sandstorm", ARI said.

"ARI", Jarrod said calmly.

"Yes Jarrod", Ari said.

"Shut up", Jarrod said.

"Yes Jarrod", ARI said.


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Character Portrait: malaficus shaikan
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She is right, jarrod.
The voice seems to come from everywhere.

I am malaficus shaikan.
May i ask what brings you to blackrock?


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Jarrod froze for a moment and his hand instinctively went close to his gun. Jarrod looked around for any signs of anything that wasn't sand. Jarrod couldn't see a thing however and the voice he had heard had seemed to come from everywhere at once instead of one particular direction.

"ARI fly up and run another scan of the area.....anything besides sand moves alert me immediately", Jarrod said.

Jarrod watched the drone fly up into the air and then decided to give the voice an answer though he wondered if he was simply losing his mind.

"Malaficus Shaikan eh? That's quite a name stranger, but if you must know I am here looking for a place to lie low and find work", Jarrod said then, "You know...where I come from people usually talk face to face".

Jarrod continued scanning around him, but it was pointless he couldn't see a thing except for things that were right in front of him.


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The sands infornt of jarrod started to swirl.
Quikly taking the shape of a man in a desert robe.
His eyes covered by sand googles.

I do appoligize.
Humblety isnt my strongest point.

A place to lay low?
If you would indulge me.
What are you running from.


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Jarrod's eyes narrowed as the sands in front of him started to swirl and take shape. As Jarrod watched the sands began to take the shape of a man. The man was wearing a desert robe and his eyes were covered by a pair of goggles. The man then apologized for not contacting him face to face and Jarrod simply smiled and shrugged.

"No harm done at least I know I'm not talking to myself now....that's a neat trick", Jarrod said.

The strange man then asked Jarrod what he was hiding from. Jarrod tensed for a second as he didn't know this strange man. Jarrod knew that most people in Blackrock had no love of the Aschen, but he was also smart enough to know that it wasn't wise to tell the world who his enemies were. Jarrod quickly decided that this man appeared out of sand and the Aschen hated just about everything that was different so he saw no harm in telling the man the truth.

"I'm on the run from Aschen authorities for smuggling..... Apparently they really don't like it when people help non - humans escape them", Jarrod said.

"Jarrod I have detected movement right in front of you", ARI's voice rang out from behind Jarrod.

"God! ARI! I know!", Jarrod said after jumping from ARI's outburst.


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Where did you pick her up.
The robed man asked as he pointed at ari.
((after jarrods response))
Never heard of it,
But your tone imply's there to be fear.
Meaby i shoud visit them.
It has been several milenina since i wiped a race from existance.

After a moment of silence the robed man said:
But you have amused me enough.
As he snaped his finger jarrod found himself, ari and his ship a few meters from the nearest town.


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Jarrod smiled as the robed man pointed to ARI and asked where had gotten her. Jarrod glanced over at ARI for a moment before turning back to the strange man.

"ARI? I got here from a market on Cryo believe it or not. The salesman had no idea that he was in possession of an AI so I got her for a bargain", Jarrod said.

The strange man then said he had never heard of the Aschen which caught him by surprise and then stated that he should visit them and that it's been a millennia since he had wiped a race from existence.

" don't get my hopes up stranger.....The Aschen erased from luck will never be that good", Jarrod said with a laugh.

There was a moment of silence before the man said that Jarrod had amused him enough and then snapped his fingers. Suddenly Jarrod found himself along with ARI and his ship just a few meters from the nearest town. Jarrod was relieved his ship was still cloaked and with a press of a button on his watch it silently flew back into desert just outside of the settlement.

"Jarrod I do not understand. How was that man able to move us here so easily? I calculated it and such a thing should not have been possible", ARI said.

"Neat doesn't matter ARI let's not look a gift horse in the mouth.....we made it to the settlement and we didn't have to drudge through the desert....quite frankly I don't care how he did it I'm just glad he did", Jarrod said.

Jarrod then began walking into the settlement and almost instantly he was getting stares from the people of the settlement. Jarrod didn't pay them much attention as he was solely focused on his destination. Jarrod smiled as his eyes landed on a bar. It looked like a run down shack, but most buildings in Blackrock did so it wasn't unexpected.

"Jarrod? Why are we going to a bar? I thought we were looking for work and a place to lie low", ARI said.

"A bar is the best place to get information ARI....and a few beers couldn't hurt either", Jarrod said with a smile as he pushed through the door to the bar.


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A wemon with long black hair, bleu eye's and body to die for,
Sat at the bar wearing a leather suit covering all but chest.

When she noticed jarrod she walk over to him and bowed.

With a smile she straightend up and said:

I am jena shaikan.
I asume you are the jarod my father spoke off?

Let me offer you a drink and answer your questions.
As she turned around a giant of a man walked up to her and threated to hurt her.
She merely smiled as she puched him in the stomach sending him flying through the wall.
She winked at jarrod as she ran towards the giant.

She put her heel on the giant's throat.
You where leaving am i correct?
The giant attempted to grab her but she simply grab his arm and broke it.
Thy shall not kill she said as she trow the giant out through the window across the street.

After she pointed at a table in a remote corner and move her head suggestively to jarrod.


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As Jarrod entered the bar he took a quick look around taking not that more than a few people were staring at him. With a shrug Jarrod began to walk further into the bar, but was quickly approached by a beautiful with dark black hair, blue eyes, and an amazing figure. The woman was wearing a leather suit that didn't leave much to the imagination. The woman bowed before Jarrod giving him precious seconds to admire the view.

"I think I will grow to like this rock", Jarrod thought to himself.

The woman then straightened up and told Jarrod her name was Jena Shaikan the daughter of Malaficus Shaikan. Jarrod re composed himself quickly and shifted his gaze back at her face.

"Then again maybe not cause there is no way I'm hitting on the daughter of the man made out of sand", Jarrod thought to himself.

"Yes I'm Jarrod....your father interesting sort", Jarrod said.

Jena then offered him a drink which Jarrod was more than happy to accept, but then a giant of a man approached her with a look that was hardly unexpected in a place like this especially giving her choice of attire. Normally in a situation like this Jarrod would have had drew his gun and put the fear of God into this probably drunken fool, but he remembered that Malaficus had been more than he seemed and he had no doubts his daughter was no different. Jarrod just smiled as Jena punched the man in the stomach sending him flying against the wall. Jena then winked at Jarrod and began running towards the man.

"I think that man picked the wrong day to drink to much", ARI said.

"On that....we can agree", Jarrod said with a smirk.

Jarrod leaned back against the wall and watched as Jena put her heel on the man's throat politely suggested that he leave. The man then tried to grab her which made Jarrod let out an amused laugh. Jena simply grabbed the man's arm and broke it before she tossed him out the nearest window.

"You know I usually have a more conventional method for taking out the trash, but I like your way better", Jarrod said with a smile.

Jena then pointed at a table in a remote corner of the bar and motioned suggestively with her head at it. Jarrod nodded and proceeded to walk over to the table. Jarrod took a seat and removed his visor and his hat then placing them on the table.

"So miss said you could answer my my first question is....what's the catch...information is one of the many things people Don't give for free especially in a place like this", Jarrod.

"She also promised a drink Jarrod", ARI said.

"Hah that a girl ARI", Jarrod said.


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Jena smiled at ari as she said ofcourse.
As she wave to the waiter she spoke:
As for your question.
My father has taken a interest in you.
Not all who meet my father....survive the experiance.
He must like you.

The waiter arive to take there orders.

I take some milk jena said while moving herself into a easier possition.


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Jena smiled at ARI and waved to the waiter she turned back to Jarrod and spoke in a seductive voice that made his heart skip a beat or three. She told him that Malaficus had taken an interest in him and that not everyone survived the experience of meeting him.

"Hmm does he like me enough to show me that sand trick?", Jarrod said with a smile.

The waiter arrived shortly after to take their orders and Jena ordered milk while offering Jarrod another incredible view.

"Jarrod I am detecting that your heart rate is significantly faster. Are you feeling ill?", ARI said.

"ARI go into sleep!", Jarrod said exasperated.

"Yes Jarrod", ARI said as the little done powered down and landed on the table.

Jarrod then smiled at Jena before turning to the bartender. The bartender was a tall man with muscular features and he seemed to be staring at ARI.

"Don't even think about it......I'll just take a beer for now", Jarrod said.

Jarrod wasn't sure how much they charged on Blackrock so he simply pulled a few drachmali from his pocket and set them on the table for the bartender. Jena had offered him a drink, but Jerrod decided if her information was good then buying her drink would be the least he could do.

"Alright so Jena.... Who exactly is your father? I can honestly say I have never met anyone like him", Jarrod said as he leaned back in his chair to wait for his beer to arrive.


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Smiling at jarrod's reaction to her advances, she showed a impish smile when ari mentioned his heart rate increasing.

Seeing jarrod paying for the drinks she knew she almost had him where she wanted.

She spoke in a soft voice explaining that her father was a powerfull spirit.
And her mother a local shaman.

The people call her father the sand demon.
They tell stories of a powerfull spirit that hunts blackrock.
Hunting down slavers, murderers, rapist's, anyone that caused suffering to others.
Drowing them in sand.

As for the sand trick.
It require's a great deal of consentration from what my mother used to tell me.
It allows him to create avatars for interaction from his prision.

But surely you dont want to spent the entire night talking about my father.
When you have me to play with?


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Jena smiled at Jarrod after ARI spoke about his heart rate. When Jena spoke again it was in a soft voice and she began to tell him about her father Malaficus. She told Jarrod that Malaficus was a powerful spirit that was known as the sand demon and that her mother was a shaman. Jarrod listened intently as she explained that her father hunted those that brought suffering unto others and drowned them in sand.

"Hmm then it's a shame he has never heard of the Aschen", Jarrod said with a smile.

Jena continued to tell Jarrod that the trick Malaficus used with the sand required great concentration and allowed Malaficus to create avatars so he could interact with people from inside his prison. Jarrod had paid special attention to the part about Malaficus being in prison.

"I get the feeling this isn't the kind of prison with steel bars and a rusty lock", Jarrod thought to himself.

Suddenly Jarrod felt a bit uncomfortable as this all seemed incredibly convenient. He had been on Blackrock for only a short time before a stranger made out of sand helped him out of the sandstorm and then a girl more beautiful then he ever expected to find on Blackrock suddenly approaches him to offer help. Jarrod had been so enthralled by Jena's beauty that he had forgotten his own number one rule. If it seems to good to be true it probably is. With a calm unseen movement Jarrod pressed a button on his watch waking ARI from sleep mode just in case he needed her. The little drone reactivated and went about her usual duty of hovering over Jarrod's shoulder. As this happened Jena attempted to change the subject off her father using her obvious beauty.

"Hah as tempting as that is Jena I get the feeling there's a reason you approached me and I highly doubt it's because of my good looks", Jarrod said with a smile.

Jarrod quickly downed the rest of his beer and proceeded to pick his hat up off the table to promptly deposit it on his head. With that he leaned back and looked Jena straight in the eyes.

"So what is it you really want with me? You don't seem like the scared fragile type that needs to be smuggled off world", Jarrod said more curious than anything else.


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Character Portrait: jena shaikan Character Portrait: malaficus shaikan
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When jarrod tone changed jena knew she had lost control.
Her voice when from soft female to hard male in a heartbeat.

I was too eager wasnt i he asked jarrod when he mention she wasnt the fragile type that needed smuggling off-world.

In short i need you to free me from that damm prision.

And no it isnt a prision of steel bars and a rustly lock.
Ow common you really think i cant read mind.
I am a spirit, all my kind can read minds.

My prision is a binding circle in a ruined town.
In a location several months from here.
I cant free myself.
A need a living person to break the circle.

Changing back to the seductive female voice.
I can offer you so much.
Her hand stroking his cheeck and her eyes look suggetively.

Weath, power, revenge against those who betrayed you.

All you need to do is free me from my prison.


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Character Portrait: Jarrod
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Jena must have realized that Jarrod was no longer playing her little game and in an instant her soft female voice turned into a male voice that Jarrod recognized almost immediately. Malaficus had apparently taken on a female form and he immediately got to the point telling Jarrod that he wanted freed from his prison.

"Well..... that's disturbing", Jarrod said thanking every god he ever heard of that he didn't hit on Jena.

Malaficus in Jena's form then mentioned that the prison wasn't one of steel bars and that he had read Jarrod's mind. Jarrod's eyes narrowed immediately and his hand quickly clenched into a first. Jarrod normally maintained a somewhat apathetic point of view, but when he got angry he was like an entirely different person. As Malaficus explained where his prison was and how he needed a living person to break him out Jarrod just continued glaring at Jena's form.

"If I may interject Jarrod this sounds unwise....Malaficus is known as the sand demon....I ran a search and the word demon is almost never associated with positive results", ARI said.

Jarrod glanced over at ARI for a moment and nodded as she hadn't told him anything he wasn't already thinking. Malaficus's voice then turned back into Jena's seductive voice as he stated that he can offer wealth, power, lust, and revenge against those who had betrayed him. The idea of revenge had its appeal to Jarrod, but he knew these gifts would come at a price....A price Jarrod wasn't sure he was willing to pay. Jarrod crossed his arms and stood up from his chair.

"And what exactly do you intend to do if I release you from this prison? I can only assume there is a reason your in that prison so why would I release you", Jarrod said.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jarrod Character Portrait: jena shaikan Character Portrait: malaficus shaikan
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As jarrod asked why he shoud release malaficus,
Jena started laughting so wickedly it woud send a chill down the spine of all but the bravest men.

After she stoped laughting her eye's glow white and the bar began to change.

Welcome to katash.
She said her voice sounded full of haterd.

A man in a green robe walk to what looked like a summoning circle.
As the man touched the circle he spoke the words:
Malaficus shaikan i summon you.

A sphere of pure light with energie tentacels comming out of it appeard.
It quickly took a form similer to the green robed man.
I am malaficus shaikan why have you summoned me.

Jena explained to jarrod that the man in the robe was court mage karzam.
And he was the reason for malaficus imprisioned.
Whenever she mention karzam it angered her greatly.

The enemy is at the gate,
Karzam said with fear in his voice.
I want you to destroy them all.

Malaficus simple told him that a price much be payed equel to what he was asking.

Karzam knew he coudnt pay the asking price.
He took his amulate and said: i command you to obey spirit.
As he spoke two shadows appeard behind karzam and impaled him.

A spirit amulet?
Malaficus smiled.

A good plan karzam but you forgot one important thing.
I am already bound to my lord's will.
That neckless cant command me.

As karzam fell to the ground he manage to breath these final words.
I bind your spirit to this tower, malaficus shaikan.

Malaficus smile disapeard as ice befor the sun.

jena explained that while the neckless coudnt complet her to obey it was able to enforce the spirit rules on her.
I have been bound to this tower for six thousent years.

As she the move to the belcony.
malaficus shaikan started to scream in anger.
You want blood karzam. i give you more blood then you ever bargianed for.

Look jena said to jarrod.

As the entire city was being drown under the sand.

That day i destroy this entire world.
jena had a tear in her eye.

In my anger i send billions of people to a horrible death.
My lord was most displeased.

My lord removed all my powers and bound my soul to this world we now call blackrock.
Only when a living was willing to break the neckless of karzam i would be free again to rejoin our father in heaven.

I believe i did my time.
Isnt six thousent years of being unabled to leave this accursed place enough?

As she explained she believed she did her time,
The world return to the bar they where in.

I have maniplulated, seducsed, made deals, and even beged a few times.
But every last person who got hold on the neckless tryed to enslave me.
Every last one of there corpses is now gaurding my prision.

The reason i can command the elements of this world is because when my soul got bound to it.
I became this world.

You may not like me jarrod.
But i have seen the compasion in your actions.
You threat ari as a person.
You show restrained when most would have simply fired blinding into the sandstorm.
And even when i tryed to seducse you kept your cool.
I believe that you have the ability to resist the temption and set me free.

And jarrod.
Even in my prision i have the ability to destroy every last town on this world.
If you dont want to save me out of the kindness of your heart.
Do it for the people of blackrock.
For if you refuse,
I will ensure everyone but you dies.