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The Multiverse


This is where Sol Street and Lady Une Drive intersect.
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Sol Avenue and Lady Une Drive

This is where Sol Street and Lady Une Drive intersect.


Sol Avenue and Lady Une Drive is a part of Wing City.

29 Characters Here

Beibhinn [84] A young female Harpy who races to survive and loves every minute of it.
Lucifer Fortuna [80] Life is an ocean, flowing with money and greed, and people draw borders, lines on maps we don't need.
Kvan Skyheart [27] My magical powers let me do what everyone in the Wind Country wants...To fly without anything but yourself.
Paul Onasi [23] "You can run from fate but never get that far for in the end it will find you for this is who you are."
Paul Sanderson [6] Rider on the storm.
Lamonticus Vanshayal [3] The birds and the bees grew wise to the lies; so they took to the trees, and took to the skies.
Harmony Lauret [1] Half breed searching for something....
Samuel, Drake [1] Human

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Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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Running a hand across her head, as soothing as his temper could allow, he began to whisper along the lines of "Shuuush, are home, Beib. Even if you don't get it." He would release her wing, and then once he saw the arrow dissipate, the aged con would attempt to lift her himself. She had always been light, she'd weigh less now, and he had carried her before. He took her off the track in his arms once, when her wing originally broke. If she allowed him to pick him up, he'd take her inside. If not, he'd get Kvan to do it. Promise him more cash. That always worked for their kind.

"We'll get you fixed up. Treat the burns, the bruises, the wounds. Get you bathed, you smell awful, girly." With another comb of her hair-feathers, he'd even try to kiss her forehead. "Just calm down, and we'll get you food, water, whatever you want, just stop struggling, chicky-chick, every thing is fine, Beib, or it will be."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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#, as written by Ikiros
The sky pirate returned his bow to the small of his back, the limbs retreating into the handle smoother than silk. He yawned a bit and watched the older man reach down for the girl, but as he neared her, the young man turned around. He didn't care for the sappy sounds and words coming from behind him, just as he'd never cared for the promises and rules of royals. They couldn't be trusted to provide what they said, so he made sure he was always prepared for anything he might have to do to secure his pay or freedom.

He couldn't help but watch as one of the gate guards stepped outside the boundaries of the compound, walked over to his ship, and promptly shot back a good three feet to land on his ass as the ship's defense systems stopped any unauthorized being from approaching too closely. He couldn't help but crack a smile at the sight, shaking his head as he turned back around.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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Beibhinn at first attempted to cling onto the prone guard's body, a soft choking sound and clacking pushing past her mouth as she was scooped up as easily as a child. The hollow bones throughout her body made her an easy burden to bear. She curled up into herself, her talons pulled up to her mouth and her clawed feet curling up. She shook like a leaf, small spastic movements bursting from her as she was carried. Most of her noises were now indistinguishable, but an occasional sob sounded like names or places.

"No more..." was another common phrase to mumble out from her. Along with "Let me..." Her black eyes hadn't found his again, simply roaming aimlessly around the area.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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With a quick tilt of his head, Luci would beckon towards his front doors, massive and stone, same as the white marble every where else in his compound. "Get those for me would you, Kvan? The more you help out, the more hard gold I'll be throwin' at ya feet." He was starting to slip back into his sea-faring drawl, mostly because he didn't care anymore. No one here he had to impress. This world's Beib would be more comfortable anyway. This was how he'd always spoken to her anyway. The ever present manifestation of insanity on his shoulder would lay a wing across her head, cooing softly. To this day, only he could see it, and only he ever would. It was a figment of his own mind, and for once, it wasn't whispering an alien tongue to him, this time silent and macabre.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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#, as written by Ikiros
With easy movements, Kvan drifted into the air. He was lazy about it, hardly doing much more then just falling up with his arms out for balance, but it brought him to the doors well before the house's owner. Despite the fact that he was being treated more as a butler or crew member to this man and not a captain himself, Kvan kept his mouth shut. There were more paydays to be had here, he jut had to find out a few more things. Entryways, exits, ways to get in without a commotion and steal what he could. It might not have been appropriate to already be looking for ways to take all that wasn't nailed down, but he did so anyways.

"Nice place. How long were you a captain?" he asked, his own accent changing between two different dialects as he spoke. One was similar to Lucifer's, the other was his native accent, thicker on the soft consonant sounds.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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A talon struck out and grasped onto Lucifer's shirt with a gasp before her eyes lolled backwards and it dropped again. She focused on Kvan for a while with a soft chirping before thrashing weakly again. "Nomorenomnore, Vi..." she mumbled as the mohawk raised again. She made as if to pull herself out of Lucifer's arms and fly, but fell back almost lifelessly under her own weight. The blackness in her eyes seemed to dim for a moment, the smallest tinge of yellow light peeking through before she closed them with a soft sigh of anxiety.

"Let me go, let me go..." No shriek, but a begging.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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Vi. A name, or a moniker, something of the sort. He'd memorize it for later. Get people to ask around, find out who or what it was. If they were in anyway connected to these bruises, burns, cuts, this mental break down, nothing would save them, even if it cost Luci every single ingot of gold and every ounce of silver, every copper penny and digital credit. No. He'd found out one way or anything. Leading Kvan into the foyer, a simple enough of an entry room with black and gold tiles, a lush violet carpet shrugged across the floor, he'd lay Hinn down on a nearby lounge couch, his bird staying close by her, chirping softly, its wing still resting softly over the harpy's eyes.

"Aye, I twas a captain for a good few years. Got me own ship when I was young, about fourteen if I remember my numbers right. Had the same ship and then some from then until I was about, oh, into me thirties. A long time ago, and very far away that all was." He looked back at the weak creature his Beib had become with a disgusted but concerned frown. "Now, what be ye thinking about fer ya reward, young sky sailor?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan looked around himself as they walked into the posh room. He'd seen grandiose displays upon entry to places before, but where those had been gaudy and detestable this was subtle. This house still held the air of a home, but the weight of wealth. It was a place designed to keep those not normally there on their toes, he suspected, his eyes drawn upward tot he geometric designs scrolling across the ceiling.

"Reward...What do I want, hm?" He brought his gaze back down, light brown eyes darting to different objects as they returned to a normal place. As they passed over the harpy laying on the couch, a smirk grew on his lips.

"I think I might have to ask what you'd be willing to part with, sir. Bringing a daughter back to her father isn't exactly something that I do every day, after all." He felt his smile grow a bit but pulled himself back. Too much now would send him down a more dangerous path than he'd already laid himself into. If he was to pull the reward he truly wanted, then he'd have to tread more carefully than he ever had, and even if he got the reward he desired, the man before him would likely hunt him until one or the other passed on.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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Beibhinn took shaky breaths between each soft, now indistinguishable mumbling. Her limbs weakly thrashed at the couch and at the air around her head in particular, but with her eyes now closed it seemed like she was dealing with a simple night terror instead of a drug-induced mental break. Whether she'd simply tired herself or the actual change in scenery had done something, she seemed to be slowly calming down.

"Momma! ...Hars...!" she shrieked before rolling herself to face the cushions of the couch and muffling her n oises further.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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"I'm willing to part with quite a bit, actually. The originally reward offering for information was a measly fifty thousand credits. However, for her return, I be willin' ta give up a wee bit more. If ya had returned her yerself. However, she came home on her own, accidental or otherwise." A coy smile of his own drew up the corners of his mouth ever so slightly, resting his full weight on his cane. "I duhnot really care however. If it'll get ya ta leave in peace, then perhaps I'll be paying ya what ya ask. Or you'll take what I give ya."

Luci did not like to be yanked around, and in truth, he didn't much care for this man being in his home. His cockiness and bold strides reminded him of his younger self, like a mirror, and while he looked for that in employees and staff, bargaining opponents were another issue. However, he had stepped into the Fortuna home, and here, nothing really threatened him, not truly. "Take whatever trinkets ya be wantin' from my home, to an extent of course. Me cane and me daughter are off limits. It can all be replaced easily enough. Then, on top of that, how bout I throw ya a bit o' change. A about...five million credits and a half a good ol' ton of gold?" It was generous, as generous as he was willing to be. While the pirate thought the offer over, Luci would sit down next to his Hinn, his 'bird' looking at him quizzically. A loud kaw echo'd throughout the manse, but only a single man could hear it.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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#, as written by Ikiros
With a shrug, Kvan leaned back, falling for a split second before stopping, reclining against a cushion of air. It was an old habit of his, and it had more than once saved his life. Not to mention it was downright comfortable. He thought the man's offer over, though, and came to a quick realization. Five million credits was a lot. A hell of a lot. That'd be an easy transition from the sky to the stars, if he wanted it. Unfortunately, he didn't. Interstellar trade and piracy was not a game he wanted to dive into.

Still, the offer was so very succulent.

"Tempting. Very, very tempting, and well placed, but I'm afraid I'm not so worried about the gains of material from those I aid. I'm actually looking for a partner. Someone who shares my sense of adventure and life ideals. Someone who desires to be free. Plying the skies on my own gets a bit lonely, and brothels can only keep me so happy. So, my price is your aid in finding that match. You get me the partner I'm looking for, we'll call ourselves even." He smiled, thanking his past dealings with the obscenely wealthy.

"And, of course, you're welcome to request me and my services as need be, though the prices I follow are subject to change."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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The harpy's body trembled slightly throughout their conversation, as if she was extremely cold despite the warmth emanating throughout the room. As Lucifer began to speak, she slowly curled up into herself, until she had folded into a tight little ball. The mullet on her head rose as a bright red flash against her pale body before she slowly untensed again as Kvan's voice took over the conversation. Small chitters of her quiet conversation with herself rose from her, but then she silenced herself and simply listened.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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"Hmmm...I know many people, tis true. I suppose I might be able to find you someone ta fill your needs. Might take a while though." Lucifer would then yawn, loud and long, resting one-handed upon his cane, a thoughtful spark in his eye. " for your services...How about I cut ya another deal right now? That way we can...keep in touch, if needin' be." Gears were turning in his head, gears that could take years and years to come to fruition. But that was what made Fortuna so dangerous.

Not his insanity. Not his cruelty. Not his disposable wealth or connections, but the fact that he could plan so very far ahead. "I want find some information out for me. All I got tis a name sadly. Sung from me own Beib's lips." His eyes would snap to focus, harsh disk of copper against his pale, gray face. "Find all ya can be findin' out about a woman, I be guessin' she a woman, named Vi." A pause. "The more ye find out, the more I'll be willin' ta give ya."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan's eyes darted to look at the harpy as the red rose more prominently into sight. He smiled softly, then continued, making the smile flash to one of bravado and cockiness. Lucifer's words were playing sweet upon a young man's ears. Oh, Mr. Fortuna, if only you knew who I knew. Vi isn't such a common name. That line of thinking had driven him to success before, and although he'd secretly wished for the harpy as his partner, he'd put his hopes on hold. He'd done it before, he could do it again.

"Vi? Sounds vaguely familiar, but then again the denizens of the underground tend to have such colorful and drastic names that finding them can become quite trying. I can only hope that I find them before you grow weary of my searching." He smirked and then looked at the ruby that had slowly leaked from the wound in Beibhinn's leg. His visage snapped from brash to worried in a moment, faster than the shift of a storm wind.

"Let me heal her first, before I go. She'll lose too much blood if we banter so much, and I feel bad for having to put the wound there to begin with." He raised his right hand, a small globe of spinning air held between his fingers. Each miniature gust the comprised it had a pale green tinge, much like the color of mint leaves. "It's the least I can do before I head out."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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0.00 INK

"No. Ya will not be healing her. I have a doctor in house who will be taking care of her treatments." Luci would pause, looking the girl over, before pressing a call button on the wall. "Call Doctor Shela. Tell her I got a sick harpy and ta get here immediately." The under-lord would then proceed to return to his cane, a distant look in his eye. "Ya be questionin' how I treat her. I see it in ya eyes, Mr. Skyheart. It be no concern of yours what I do with my children, or my property. I like ta think that she be more of the former, but lately, she be forcin' me to treat her like the latter."

Another pause. "She signed a contract to me. And she abandoned it. I could sue her. I could throw her to jail. I could even throw her to me guards and forget she existed. But she be meaning more to me than that. You'd never understand what it is that draws me to her or what makes her be so important to me." He'd then reach into his robes, tossing the sky pirate a small plastic card.

"Two million credits for ya troubles and ya silence. And an early payment on any and whatever help ya give me bout this...Vi. If ya finding anything at all." Bustling was heard about the house, echoing from all over. "If ya ever be needin' to find me, come back here. Or maybe me race track, or me casino. I could be found at any, most days. House be the best bet though." He let it hang there, a signal for the man to leave. Once more, he pressed the intercom, speaking with clear authority again. "Also, get a cleaner up ta Beibhinn's room. New bed spreads. New clothes. Everything. Be getting a bath ready soon. Maids to bath her after her treatment. Also, call in the boys to clean up a mess outside. And get some of the race crew out here to help prep the gym for her."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan's fingers snatched the card out of the air with more dexterity than was natural. Even as it fell into his hand, he had it twirling and rolling across his knuckles like a coin and without any issue or strain. He paused and looked at it. It was a matte grey, dark, and thoroughly unmarked save for a miniscule set of indentations along one side to show which part to scan during use. He smirked a bit and tucked it into the gauntlet on his other arm.

"Two million indeed, then. I'll do what I can when I'm free to see what I can find, but if things get too...twisted then I may have to let you take over with what I find. I'm not too keen on having others tail me just for questions. I'd prefer they tail me for a damned good reason instead." He chuckled softly, then turned to the door. For a moment, even as he stood there, he seemed like a royal playing at being a more simple man. The effect vanished almost as quickly, though, as he called back over his shoulder.

"Tell your doctor to give her some Elnia Herb. It'll help her legs grow stronger without giving them much more bulk. Shouldn't be too hard for a man like you to find such rare materials, eh?" He walked the door without any more words, leaping into the air off the patio, only coming down once he'd reached his ship. With a final look back at the manse behind him, he boarded the Slipstream and it raised into the air as soon as his feet were in the door, his amber-colored eyes watching the grounds drop away from him. He may not like how the man treated his people, especially kin, but a job was a job.

"Slipstream, take us to the Belargos. We'll see if Captain Etehrian has any information on a person named Vi."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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0.00 INK

Beibhinn jolted slightly after the younger pirate had disappeared, as if some trace of their conversation had finally wormed it's way into some more aware part of her mind. She began to breathe erratically, kicking her wounded leg in some kind of fear or annoyance. "Nonono..." she whispered softly, her voice becoming hoarse. "No doctors! No doctors!" she pleaded, her talons shooting out and beginning to tear open the upholstery in front of her. "Please, please..."

Something about her demeanor had changed. Instead of the frightened, vacant look she'd sported only minutes before, she now was regaining the greenish-yellow tinge to her irises. Her face was twisted into an expression of anger and defiance. A look Lucifer would be oh, so familiar with. It'd been her go-to expression in the months after her family had "disappeared" and she'd come to live with him.

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Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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With the slightest turn of his head, Lucifer's own orange eyes would pierce her, almost immediately, eyes narrow and full of stormy wroth. "Its good to be seein' ya regain some sense. Ya damn near killed one of me men when ya flew home moments ago, Hinn." He'd gotten older since they'd last met, it was noticeable now that her head was clearing, if ever so slightly. In truth, he'd hit the slope of age, and now, it was downhill, especially since Luci was a man who loved to drink, drug, whore, and stay up late. His plate was always full and he never stopped eating. Beib knew better than anyone how greedy this man was, how ravenous his avarice appetites were.

"So, did ya come home on purpose? Was it an accident? Can't handle yer what? Speed? Crack rock? Whatever alien fungus the off worlders bring into me streets? Whats got you so fly happy and mad, my Beibhinn?" There was a sharp emphasis on the 'my'. There always was when it came to Luci and his property. Or what he perceived as such. And it didn't even matter if she responded. The doctors were close by, he could hear them down the hall, though still a good five minutes off. The mansion was huge, and the halls empty, or at least, as empty as they could be without appearing lower class. And everything echoed.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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Beibhinn clenched onto the bits of stuffing she'd pulled from the couch as her eyes began to water. Her body began to shudder again as his words flooded over her like an ocean she couldn't swim through. "Don't...Don't drown me, please..." she replied, the screech apparent in the word 'me'. She could hear him now, but she was still lost a little. "I chose your cage, I choose your cage. Gilded cage with gourmet food...where else could I go? No one's left to care...No one...You took them. All locked away in cages."

A whimper escaped her lips and her eyes grew brighter as she recaptured her thought. "No doctors! Nonono! I won't let them look at me, I won't! They can't know, they can't see..." She squirmed and flipped herself onto her other side, her wings wrapping around her torso protectively. "Can't know..."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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Luci would give the harpy a queer gaze as he took in her every word. "Yes. Golden cages, some clean, some dirty as the hells. Ye should've known, Beib, should've gotten some feeling about me. That I be a rotten man to the core, and everything I do has a price to pay fer any who be darin' enough to sign their names." Running a leathery hand through his own hair, he'd sigh, long and deep. "Truth bein', I never wanted to do most of those things, no no at all me girl. However, I don't really take no for an answer, not now, not ever. I didn't want to send me only son, adoptive he may be, away but he was a distraction to yer racing, and I needed you in peek condition. The other be knowing..."

The doors flung open, and three individuals entered in on the scene, all equipped in surgical scrubs. They immediately advanced on the terrified girl but with a clap, they stopped. "Just treat her wounds. The leg, the burns, all of those. The check up and the test can happen later, after she gets some rest, the poor thing. For now, just take her to the makeshift infirmary down stairs."

As the white angels, demons, doctors, began to prep her leg to be moved, Luci knelt beside her, a hand on her head, not the least bit scared of her menacing talons. "Ya ran away but yer home now, Beib. That be all that matters. As a reward, no, a gift for coming back, no matter what the circumstances may be, I think I'll get ya something." The next words were barely a whisper, and he wouldn't wait around for her response, only leaving as soon as the words were spoken. Something about them were menacing, but important. "I think I'll be callin' me son home soon..."

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Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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0.00 INK

Beibhinn shook as the water overflowed her eyes and began to flow down her cheek, over her nose, and onto the couch. Thoughts and images swirled around in her head and she tried to catch them, to keep them. She desperately wanted something to make sense, something to stick...Clarity. But clarity is what she'd also fled from. The state she was in now...all of it was a desperate attempt to escape. Seventeen. Seventeen is old enough, she knew he'd said that. "Green scales...liar, pushing truths into cupboards and leaving all the rest...All the rest..." she mumbled softly, ignoring the doctors now. They didn't matter anymore. Not a bit. They wouldn't know, couldn't.

"Son, brother, father, daughter, sister, mother, son, brother, father, daughter, sister, mother..." she repeated to herself softly and slowly. Over and over again throughout the process of moving her, of transporting her. Her thoughts drifted out of her again, leaving her circumstances. Looking for somewhere better...

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Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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To Beib, time would seem hard to gauge. She was in a sterile room, not just white though, that was too boring for Lucifer's design. There were no windows, though there was TV, a clock without numbers and dead batteries, and a few scattered books. The nurse would bring her food as many times as she asked, the doctor would change her bandaged and apply new anti-septic to her other wounds as often as she'd allow. They'd also cleaned out the harsher wounds, though they'd slip anesthetics into the room, or her food, to knock her out first, or at least dull the pain so much she was powerless to resist. In her sleep, her clothes were taken and washed by the nurses as well, and were left for her, mended, in the room later on. New clothes were provided as well.

Once, one meal, the old chef who worked for the mansion slipped her a secret note in her food. A calming letter by the kindly old, fat, jolly man, welcoming her back and apologizing for her return at the same time. He'd always been nice to her, one of the few in the house who had, and that meal he'd also made her favorite fish, just the way she had liked it when she was younger. No one else ever said a word to her, not even written, and Lucifer never came to visit. Until that day, however long it had been.

He came into the room and simply sat in a chair beside her bed, the door locking behind him immediately as it always had. He came during her meal, fruits, nuts, and a seared meat of some kind, something gamey and briny, probably a coastal animal. His clothes were fine as always, so was his hair, and his cane and shoes were freshly polished. Lucifer merely sat nearby, turned the television to the stock channel, and remained damnably silent.

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Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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Beibhinn had switched through several different stages of cognizant awareness while in the room. She talked to the doctors about things that didn't make sense, talked to people who weren't there about her worries, and even barraged herself for all her past mistakes. However, when Lucifer entered the room, the only thing she seemed to be was tired. Bags had formed under her eyes, her cheeks were sallow, and her eyes were their typical hue but with the reflective sparkle of life.

She tried to ignore him as he first entered, busying herself in counting the wrinkles in the sheet covering her. She blinked languidly at her food, as if deciding whether to indulge her needs or not. She gave up trying to "win" by denying herself and ate, stuffing her face until she could no longer.

She twitched and finally broke under the silence. "What do you want...Mr. Fortuna?" she questioned softly, brokenly. He'd never come to here without trying to extract something from her. She'd grown accustomed enough to his ploys in her years under his roof. Not a moment was wasted on her without expectation of extracting some price.

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Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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He wouldn't speak, not for a long time still. Or maybe it just felt long. He didn't turn his eyes on her when he finally did respond, instead only wringing his hands on the top of his cane. "Nothing, Hinn, nothing at all. I simply came by to be seein' how yer faring. Is that so bad?" There was no malice, no confidence, nothing in his voice that sounded...normal, for him. There was an edge of exhaustion, a tinge of regret but that was all. The rest was flat, almost dead. "I simply be tired, and I simply wanted to see you. And to apologize for ye leg, and the slaps. You know as well as I have that despitin' everything else, I'd never raised a hand to ye before."

Which was true enough. The emotional abuse and the manipulation yes, but never physical before. "Tweren't...gentle of me. No manners, no class, and I be apologizin'. That be all." And then he'd resumed his silence, tsking every once in a great while, flipping channels occasionally. Even when the nurse came in to change the bandages again, and to take her food tray away, he was silent... It was...odd for the flamboyant man she had known...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beibhinn Character Portrait: Lucifer Fortuna
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Beibhinn quietly let herself be redressed, her eyes unfocused on anything in particular. She licked her lips once and finally decided to respond. "It didn't hurt." A simple statement. She let it hang in the air a moment before trying to extrapolate any further. "I didn't mean to hurt them, either...I didn't. I just couldn't stay...not there, not like this..." she mumbled, her eyes drifting closed and opened regularly. "I never wanted to hurt anyone...not like that...Not with my claws like a beast..." Tears rose in her eyes again, but didn't fall.

"I've...known better than to run from possessive men. I deserved the bruises...the slaps...all of it...I accept it...It's been my fault from the" She scooched herself farther under the covers, her wings laying over her body like a blanket. "I'm the reason they're dead."