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The Multiverse


Originally nothing more than an old and decaying Barn, it's been completely renovated. Millions of dollars have seemingly been spent on the bar. The outside of the bar is scattered by sports cars; Famous DJ's make appearances everyday and the kitchen hosts a world class chef. It holds a bar close to the barn entrance and a cluster of booths opposite to it. Towards the center of the barn is a wide open dance floor, scattered couches lay against the wall. At the end of the barn is a stage, elevated off the ground. On the stage is the VIP area, a 'U' shaped couch, guarded by red velvet ropes. Above the VIP area lays a large balcony that overlooks the room.The entire facility is guarded by the best security money can buy; The second level of the barn housing the security headquarters. Across the way is the entrance to a large casino and hotel lobby.


NOTE: Taylor's was built by Gabriel Taylor in an attempt to provide a safe haven. A place to drink without having your life threatened. Many measures have been put in place to prevent conflict, including EMP's and Anti Magic generators. Please respect cannon to an extent. If you want to work around these, please do it through RP.

The hotel is large and extravagant. It has everything you’d ever need, ranging from a five star restaurant to indoor pools, and a top of the line spa. Our 2nd floor hosts a large assortment of stores holding anything you can think of including the finest clothing and the newest technology. “

(An image of the entire establishment and the small man-made lake before it)
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Taylor's Bar

Originally nothing more than an old and decaying Barn, it's been completely renovated. Millions of dollars have seemingly been spent on the bar.


Taylor's Bar is a part of Eden City.

28 Characters Here

Ferreway Degri [37] Too short, too tall, too big, too small. She'll criticize you until she's satisfied. Meet Ferreway.
Leon Blanc [19] "Repent"
Jonathan Abel [19] Engineer, Medic, Space Freelancer.
Vladimir Dmitriev [14] The typical barfly and loner. Unless you got a job, leave him be.
Luke Baede [13]
Kayuk Revirn [10] A quick young girl, called 'Kray', who has the best driving and mechanic skills around, and a mouth to match.
Virginia Potts [9] Assistant to Tony Stark, up and coming superhero
Br'nn [8] "Two sides, same coin."
Noah Cherrokee [6] Just a city boy

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Shops Here


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Character Portrait: Benito Greco
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LeBeau
Benito and Andrea sat in the VIP section drinking as the club began to flood. It was suddenly filled with various members of the high class community. The DJ slowly woke the speakers, idly hums escaping them. The bar became alive, people funneling in from all directions. Gabriel re-entered, cleaned up and adrenaline sober. He caught Miss Multiverse in his site. Perhaps on a normal day he'd approach her, probably bed her too. He was Gabriel Taylor after all...

But all he could think of, now that his mind cleared, was Liz.

Benito though, he was a different story. He slipped off the couch and made his way through the crowds. "Miss multiverse her self" He walked with grace, spoke with a heavy Italian accent, and dressed in the finest clothes money could by.


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Character Portrait: Leon Blanc
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LeBeau
All the while, a figure seemed to make its way across the rafters. As Titania dropped the tester, he heard a crash right above his head. At first startled, he gathered himself, crawling across with a rifle on his back.


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Character Portrait: Daessee
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Daessee looked around curiously as she took a seat at the bar. She ordered a large gin, looking at the girl gathered in a small area that was roped off. She should have been like them, dressed in beautiful dresses and with perfect hair. It wasn't like she was short of money. Her family was rich, but she didn't want to part of 'that' crowd. She sighed as she sipped her drink, watching as the bar started to get busier


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Character Portrait: Vladimir Dmitriev
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0.00 INK

A crash. He ignored it at first. The music was throwing his concentration off. It was...disconcerting. Despite Gabriel and Benito's best efforts to provide a 'party' palace to the upper crust, one would think that a bit more security would in place. However, as always, things seemed so lax. People avoided him, probably due to his reputation to always shoot. Movement? High up...Was it Titania again...


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Character Portrait: Miss Multiverse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
“Please, just call me Aleksandra,” the woman said while offering her hand to the approaching man. He appeared to be of the business demeanor and may have dealings with the establishment. And if not, he knew her title and Aleksandra always did her best to accommodate her admirers.

A brilliant and charming smile spread across her face this time, highlighting the sheer and natural beauty of the woman’s visage. There was no doubt how Aleksandra had been able to grasp the title of most beautiful person in the Multiverse.


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith
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Titania Brightsmith bit her lips hard, not letting one of her more colorful words escape. She simply picked up the tool and went back to work, but she had to signal the security first so nobody freaked out. "It's okay...just my butter fingers." Well, nothing for it. The time for final touch-ups was over. Time to get out of this cramped tunnel and retire to her quarters.


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Character Portrait: Ink
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#, as written by Arluar
Ink surprisingly had not been startled but the sudden sound, just looking towards its origin before picking up her plastic tub and going about her work. Patrons were coming in for drinks and dancing and Ink was careful to observe who was done with their round and who planned on returning to the drink later. The night had just started and already she was having to make trips back to the dish washing station to unload the discarded food, glasses, and plates. She was happy to see the business, though, knowing that it meant she had a place here and a purpose to fulfill.


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Character Portrait: Leon Blanc
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LeBeau
Leon took the opportunity. *Bam* A shot rang out, then another. The music ceased. Glasses shattered all around the bar counter as patrons screamed in horror. The bar would quickly begin to empty as the patrons returned into the hotel. Gabriel slammed his hand into the emergency lockdown, steels walls slamming across the doors and trapping Benito, Gabriel, Leon, and anyone else who was too slow to escape.

Benito would attempted to wrap a arm around Alek's waist after the first shot and shove her behind one of the couches. He himself made his way towards the VIP section to check for his father.


Another shot rang out, but not from Leon's rifle...

Leon himself slid down from the rafter, attempting to dart out beneath the steal wall that was lowering across the doorway.


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Character Portrait: Jonathan
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Jonathan quietly opened the doors to the bar. He glanced around to see if Duncan was around. Not finding, him, Jon took his a seat where he had a good view of the majority of the bar. Right as he was sitting, a noise caused him to jump, before he grinned, and shook his head. "Titania?" However, not only a few minutes after that, a barrage of shots were heard. Jon jumped back up, and looked for the assailant. He barely noticed a man trying to get away, and would teleport in front of him, whipping out his revolver and aiming down the sights. "Don't move."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith
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0.00 INK

Titania Brightsmith knew her way around pretty much the entire building, but even she didn't have the necessary clearance to override a lockdown...she had to get out fast. A quick slide down a nearby vent dumped her out onto the dance floor, coveralls and face stained with grime of various descriptions--right in front of the night's guest of honor! She froze as she landed in the middle of the dance floor, all too aware of the impact her sudden appearance had on the already high-strung crowd.


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Character Portrait: Daessee
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Daessee had heard the shots ring out, but had been no where near as unsettled as the rest of the people in the bar. She listened carefully, wanting to know vaguely where the shots were coming from. Being too busy listening to the bangs, she'd missed escaping by moments. She sighed, rolling her eyes. Her Porsche was out there, jeez. Dropping onto a seat as she waited for things to play out, unnervingly calm


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Character Portrait: Vladimir Dmitriev
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As soon as the shots had been fired, Vlad had his GSh trained on the source. In the darkness of the rafters, a muzzle explosion was very, very easy to spot. He fired off a series of rounds from his 18 magazine clip. One shot, two shot, three shot, all of them trailing the darting figure. His deep voice resonating outwards. "Lights! Get lights on him, now!" He then saw Jon...and sighed. "Good man."


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Character Portrait: Duncan Crawford
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Duncan drew his pistol, and aimed at the fleeing man, and shot at his legs. "Stop there!" He shouted, firing another shot. Duncan hadn't expected to react so quickly, due to this not happening often.

He had been trained for this though, and he guess that must've been the cause of his promptness. If he hit the man, he pull his arms behind him and zip-tie them behind his back. He'd always keep the pistol trained no him, and if he rolled over to fire back, Duncan would shoot him right between the eyes.


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Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Of course there would be gunfire as she was approaching Taylor's to check it out. This would probably be the low point of her day but the purple suited woman still drew her pistol from her hip just in case she had to actually do something like help people or something equally as time consuming. "If I get shot I'm retiring." Phinx said, waiting outside the bar for somone to leave.


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Character Portrait: Leon Blanc
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LeBeau
Leon chuckled as he rose his hands into the air at John, he let the rifle fall onto the ground. "Oh come on! I was just having some fun. Im not paying for those glasses though." He had been hit in the shoulder and the thigh, once by Vlad and once by Duncan.

Meanwhile, another figure slipped out from the scene only to be met with the purple suited women. "Move, or ill kill you too." A rifle was slung across his back and a small machine gun was pointed at the women.


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Character Portrait: Miss Multiverse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
One second Miss Multiverse had been smiling and the next her eyes flew wide open. An expression of confusion came over her as all the sounds of the bar flooded away as if she were standing on the other end of a tunnel.

Aleksandra looked down to see that her white coat was now being painted in bright red. That image did not last long before the earth moved beneath her feet and something hard hit her back. Stars rang up in front of the woman’s eyes and she cried out in pain.

Miss Multiverse had been shot.


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Character Portrait: Ink
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arluar
Ink was in back at the sink when shots rang out. Her eyes went wide and she instinctively ducked down although she was nowhere near the shots. Heck of a first day - but at least she wasn't in the action. In fact, while in lockdown, she couldn't even get out of the kitchen area. Now there was a cry of pain as well. Ink gritted her teeth and looked to the dishwasher whose eyes were larger than the dishes he was washing. "Is there anything we can do to help?" she asked, not liking this theater she was a captive audience member to. Hopefully there would be an intermission?


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith
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0.00 INK

Titania Brightsmith was the first one on the scene to attend to the poor woman. A stray bullet had found its way into Aleksandra's immaculate figure, and dirty as she was, time was of the essence. "Hold your fire! Hold your goddamn fire! Get me some clean towels so I can apply pressure!" Protection of innocents always took priority over apprehension of a suspect, after all, and some idiot always found a new way to hurt themselves in the shop on a monthly basis.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Phinx raised her pistol at the man in front of her despite the machine gun pointed at her. "I'm from South Central, bro. I've heard that a million times." She said, standing her ground in hopes that she would get some backup before she got her body riddled with bullets.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Blanc
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LeBeau
The man outside would attempt to shoot Phinx, raising the gun to eye level as he pulled on the trigger. The question was if she could get her shot off first.


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Character Portrait: Jonathan
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0.00 INK

Jon lowered his gun slightly as he heard Vlad's voice. "Vlad, you watch this guy. He might be lying, but he might not. I'm going to see if anyone else was involved. And you on lights, hit those!" Adding his comment to Vlad's, the lights would come on to reveal the bar. Jon glanced towards the woman who had been shot, hoping that someone would help her. In the meantime, he had a job to do. He quickly ran through all the exits, until he came across Phinx and a mysterious man. He raised his gun again, and used a second teleport. "How did this guy get past with all those weapons? Someone's getting fired." With that, he also shot, hoping to take out the man first.


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Character Portrait: Jonathan
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0.00 INK

Jonathan He's aiming for the center of mass. <_< I just wanted to get my post out there. Sorry.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miss Multiverse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Brown eyes focused on nothing and darted around aimlessly while Aleksandra’s body writhed around almost limply. Her hand had made its way to the wound just below her left breast; a lung shot. She needed hospitalization immediately or Miss Multiverse would die.

Tears ran down the corners of her face and blood continued to pour up through the woman’s fingers with no trace of slowing down.

“Unngh,” she whispered out before coughing, blood spraying up into the air. It was filling her lungs and Aleksandra was in danger of drowning in her own blood.


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Character Portrait: Daessee
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0.00 INK

Daessee had been in her own world, completely unaware of what was happening until she heard something about towels. Was someone taking a shower? She cocked her eyebrow as she glanced around. Oh shit, that was a lot of blood. She grimaced, standing up and looking slightly confused. "Where are towels?" she asked, aware the bar was locked down


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Character Portrait: Titania Brightsmith
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0.00 INK

Titania Brightsmith she saw the froth in the blood. Damn. The bullet had punctured her lung. Something stiff and waterproof...her key card! Thinking quickly, she whipped the pendant off of her neck and pressed the plastic against the wound. If this didn't work, Miss Multiverse's entire fucking lung would collapse!