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Daniella 'Blitz' Marcus

"If you feel like your being treated like dirt. Kick it back in their faces."

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a character in “The Outlaw Punks”, originally authored by MaliceInWonderland, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name:Daniella Marie Marcus
Nickname:Dani, Blitz
Hometown: Queens, New York
+Drugs (not above drinking though)
+Talking about her parents
+Anything Mainstream
Outlaw Punks Member: 2 years
Becoming a Druggie like her parents
To become a famous singer-songwriter
Sexual Preference: Bi-Sexual
Theme Song:Made Of Stone- Evanescence
Appearance: Dani is 5'3, 120 lbs. She is African American but has extremely light skin. She has thick black hair that she keeps pressed and cut to her shoulders. She has her bottom lip, naval, left eye brow and nose pierced. She dresses in a a Boho meets Indie meets Rocker Chic style and doesn't care what people think of her clothes.
Daniella is a strong willed girl who takes no crap. She is quick to jump on anyone who things otherwise. She has been called a hipster for her dislike of anything
mainstream. She could careless for labels which is why she doesn't like being called Bi-Sexual. She finds that she just enjoys the company of anyone. Male or Female. On the flipside. She is fun-loving and caring.
At a young age, Daniella has been independent. Her parents were junkies and use to leave her alone so often that she learned to live without them. It wasn't until she was 15 that she decided she'd divorce her parents. She was tired of them spending her paychecks on drugs and what not. So at the age of 16, she was emancipated. She did well on her own for years, she attended and paid for her tution at a Prestigious Art School. Where she practiced acting, dancing and singing and hung out with a group of kids from there. It wasn't until a guy she loved and -who she loved her- up and disappeared that she ended up finding the Outlaw Punks. She thought that her art school friends did not understand her and who never understand but these guys did. So she stuck around with them even after she graduated. She currently sings in clubs under the stage name Blitz.

So begins...

Daniella 'Blitz' Marcus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparky Character Portrait: Foxy Character Portrait: Ash Ryker Character Portrait: Daniella 'Blitz' Marcus
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Valkyrie sighed as she got down to where Ashlee was waiting she kissed his cheek much like she use to do to her older brother. She glanced to the door seeing her sister come out. “Hey Pumpkin sleep well.” She smirked. Victoria simply smiled and nodded as she rubbed her sleepy eyes. Ashlee opened the trunk of the car displaying the many bags, that held a large array of alcohol. “Damn, tonight’s going to be fucking awesome.” Val laughed as she grabbed a few of the bags heading back upstairs to the apartment.

Followed by Victoria and Ashlee, they set the drinks out on the counter, Victoria hopped up on the counter as she popped open a soda from the refrigerator taking a drink. “Where is everyone?” she asked looking to Ashlee, he was always expected to know everything. “Hell if I know everyone split up early this morning or late last night. This is Vegas who knows what trouble everyone’s getting into.” He said taking a long inhale from his joint, before offering it to Val, who took it without hesitation.

Though before taking a hit she felt her, well Ashlee’s phone vibrate in her pocket. Ashlee was the only one who had a phone, that he didn’t really wanted, he used it mostly to make call to dealers. Most the time Val had it. The phone was nowhere near high tech. It was an old flip phone. She quickly flicked it open answering. “Sparky Speaking!” she laughed at the sound of her introduction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparky Character Portrait: Ash Ryker Character Portrait: Daniella 'Blitz' Marcus
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"No you know I would let you make a fool of yourself, and you know Ash, he's so protective he wouldn't let us do anything to out of hand." she smiled into the phone shooting Ash a playful look. Though he was too busy smoking a new joint. "I don't remember much either, but that's how you know we had a good night when we can't remember." she said opening a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka and taking a fairly large drink, coughing violently as it burned down her throat. "Hey why the fuck aren't you here, it's Friday night and Marky Mark is throwing a huge ass party, get your beautiful ass here!" She laughed. Valkyrie was normally the life of the party. She was the girl dancing topless n the tables or getting a tattoo by a guy with a safety pin and ink from a broken pin. She always had a smile on her face, even in the worst situations.

"Tell Dani I said what's up." Ashlee said as he blew some smoke a puff of smoke from his mouth, Ashley somehow knew who Val was talking to just by the tones of her voice.

"Asher says he loves you and he want's you to hurry." she repeated into the phone as if that was what he'd really said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparky Character Portrait: Foxy Character Portrait: Elena D'Amato Character Portrait: Ash Ryker Character Portrait: Daniella 'Blitz' Marcus
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Victoria playfully kissed Dani back, Victoria had a huge crush on the girl. But she didn’t want to ruin their friendship, she liked the relationship they had now.

“Hey Bitch where’s my love!” Val laughed as she hugged Dani. “Took you long enough to get her, but you look amazing as always.” She laughed as she opened another bottle of Vodka poring it into a red party cup and adding some orange juice from the fridge to it. Taking a huge drink.

“I’m so ready to get fucked up! It’s Vegas, Sin City…Time to be sinners! Cause I sure as hell aint no saint” Victoria said in a serious tone as she hoped off the counter mixing herself a drink before going over to the radio and cranking it up a bit.

“I fucking love this song!” Val said happily as she started to dance around a bit. “Tonight, Tonight there’s a party on the roof top, top of the world.” She said singing along before taking another drink. She ignored the Elena who was no sitting on Ashlee’s lap as she stuck her hand down Ashlee’s pant pocket grabbing the baggie of pre rolled joints and lighting one, taking a huge hit from it as she coughed and laughed at the same time.

“Sparky don’t fuck with my shit.” Ashlee smirked only half joking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparky Character Portrait: Foxy Character Portrait: Elena D'Amato Character Portrait: Ash Ryker Character Portrait: Daniella 'Blitz' Marcus
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At first it had just been fun, but when Ash gave her that amazing smile and even pulled her to his lap she was sold and forgot everything about the others. She didn't even notice when Dani entered the apartment.
Elena smirked and gently pushed him against the counter, leaning up against him. She playfully took a hit of his joint and slowly blew the smoke out of her mouth and into his face. "That's fine by me..." Standing on her toes and with one hand on his chest and the other one still holding the joint, she whispered in his ear; "Penso di avere una cotta per tu." I think I have a crush on you. Then she reached up behind his neck and pulled him down to her mouth hoping he wouldn't pull away.
Yes, he was really high and it was probably the only reason he was going along with this. But she wanted to kiss him so bad, that it didn't even matter to her if he felt the same way or not. At least not right now, all that mattered was how close they were. "Asher? Can I kiss you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparky Character Portrait: Foxy Character Portrait: Elena D'Amato Character Portrait: Ash Ryker Character Portrait: Erika Hawk Character Portrait: Daniella 'Blitz' Marcus
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Ash smirked at Elena, he had no clue what she said but he honestly didn’t care, it sounded sexy. He grabbed the bottle of Vodka from her and took a big drink not even flinching. He didn’t bother to move when she pulled him closer. He looked into her eyes when she asked if she could kiss him, he sighed before answering “No.” he smirked his famous smirk “Cause I want to be the one to kiss you. He said placing his hand softly on the back of her neck pulling her lips to his kissing her softly, but forcefully. After a long and very hot kiss he pulled away smiling. Pushing a strand of her dark hair behind her ear and then pulling her to him as he took a hit off what was left of his joint. Blowing the smoke out and then pecking her lips again softly.

Victoria giggled as she danced around the apartment with Dani, well more like grinded. It was hard to imagine that she was only fifteen. She hand her hands around Dani’s neck as a slower song came on the two girls mocking a slow dance, making it more dramatic than necessary. Val saw Erika come into the apartment, she knew something was up. Val was a little too in tune with everyone’s emotions. The others were too busy to see or notice her come in. Val knocked lightly on the bathroom door. “Hey babydoll, you okay?” she asked a bit worried.