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The Poison Jewel



a part of The Poison Jewel, by fading-into-eternity.


fading-into-eternity holds sovereignty over Caciedon, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Caciedon is a part of The Poison Jewel.

7 Characters Here

Aurora Crimson [2] "Life is full of adventures! Why not go out and go explore those adventures?"
Violet Terndra [2] Here let me see...
Captain Kokira [2] "Welcome aboard...But mind your tone. I'm watching you" ~WIP~
Captain Fitzroy [1] "I don't have time for questions..."
Weston Hall [1] "I may not be the most courageous person, but I can take you anywhere you want to go."
Simon White [0] "Don't you have something better to be doing?"
Keiga Wess [0] "I wasn't trying to be rude. Okay..maybe a little bit."

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Character Portrait: Weston Hall Character Portrait: Captain Fitzroy
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Weston Hall stood at the helm and looked the the sky worriedly though several minutes ago he had been setting a new course for the ship to travel. The sky was grey and overcast, and the wind was beginning to howl around the ship, tossing it over the waves in an unsteady rhythm. Of course the Red Saber was in bad shape as it was after the gruesome battle that had just occurred. Luckily they had defeated the other crew, but with a price.

Wes could hear the ship groan menacingly as she was tossed about. He knew that there were men below deck, trying to fix the many small leaks that had been caused by lead cannonballs. They would have little time before the storm really began, and if their work wasn't finished, well, the ship would go down much easier than it should be able too. The wind howled, and Wes heard a shout from above, someone in the crow's nest was signaling that lighting had been spotted.

“Good lord," Wes muttered, looking back to the brewing disaster above. “Batten down the hatches!" He shouted to the crew, making his way towards the captain, who was in the lower-deck at the moment, reviewing ammunition stores. He kept his hands stretched out to keep his balance, for now the ship was tilting violently back and forth. He made his way below deck.

“Oy Fitzroy!" He called as a sudden lurch tossed him sideways and he had to steady himself on the musty wall. “If this storm is as bad as it looks, we'll be shark bait before you know it." He thought of the churning waters below the ship and wondered if the Red Saber could survive such a storm, especially after an attack.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Terndra Character Portrait: Captain Kokira Character Portrait: Aurora Crimson
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Violet crushed the small flower using her pestle and mortar. She twisted it around, turing it into powder. She carefully added some water, making the water turn a orange color. She sniffed it. Violet sniffed it and nodded. She sat down beside one of the sick crew members. "Here, this'll help," She whispered and smiled kindly. The ship moved suddenly. The stuff moved around. They were on the second to last deck, right above the brig.

"AH!" Violet squeaked as the storm outside raged on. She repositioned the patients and wiped her forehead. It was raining a lot, but it was insanely humid. She sat down for a moment before returning to grinding herbs up to powder. She mixed almost all the powders together. "Colds, scurvy, hmm... this is numbing power," She talked to herself as the ship turned some more. She pushed against her work table to keep it from sliding.

"I can't work like this! What is going on out there?" She walked up a few flights of stairs, leaving the patients to sleep. As soon as she opened the hatch, she was doused by rain. 'AH!" She grabbed onto the slippery wall, bracing herself as she got to the top deck. The deck was slippery, she hunched down, holding onto the planks as the rain blinded her. Violet's hair whipped around wildly.

Violet stood up, shaky. She leaned up against one of the masts as the rain raged on. She ran towards the hatch, slipping. "AH!" She crawled across the floor of the deck. She closed the hatch and sat there for a moment. Violet peeked at the deck. She could her faint yells. "What was that?" She asked out loud.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Terndra Character Portrait: Captain Kokira Character Portrait: Aurora Crimson
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#, as written by Lorawr
Kokira was stood at the helm of The Jewel as the storm raged across the sea, sending spray across the deck and causing havoc with the normally pristine ship that she ran. The Poison Jewel was her life, and everything that she lived for, as was her crew. She'd never had much of a family, but this ship was more than she could ever have hoped for. She was her pride and joy, and sailed lightly on the waves. The storm, though fierce, would do little to damage her proud ship.

Turning abruptly, Kokira strode along the deck with the rolling gait of a sailor well accustomed to the rise and fall of her ship on the waves, though her red hair flicked mindlessly in the breeze. As she walked, she called to her crew. "Look alive, ladies! It's just a squall! Get those sails down, and get someone up in the crow's nest! Get those hatches down! Quickly now, or we'll loose a sail" The storm was rough, and she knew of ships better than hers that had had suffered torn sails, or worse at the hands of a heavy breeze.

At her words, the crew around her seemed to jump to life, scrambling up into the rigging to her orders, and to tidy the ship. She wasn't in any rush to get anywhere - the hold was empty, and they'd just returned from port where they had sold their stolen merchandise to the highest bidder and made a hefty profit. So for now, at least, Kokira was content to simply sit the storm through.

Through the sound of the blowing wind and the rain striking the deck, Kokira could hear the surprised yell from the ships doctor. The captain turned quickly, and walked through the storm to the hatch where she had heard the sound from. Crouching, she came across Violet. "Doctor! Best get yourself below decks. We're suffering a bit of a squall, and there'll likely be some damage before the night's over. Be best if you got yourself in the dry, aye?" Kokira smiled warmly to show that she didn't mean to say that she doubted the doctors sailing abilities.