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The Prophecy



a part of The Prophecy, by AssasinAlice.


AssasinAlice holds sovereignty over Aroura, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Aroura is a part of The Prophecy.

1 Places in Aroura:

9 Characters Here

Norman Aegis [0] LET THERE BE LIGHT! No, seriously, light the darn torch
Devon Mayn [0] One of the chosen eight. Devon is the animal whisperer of the group.
Warren [0] Pet Minion of Bandrial
Avis [0] Shapeshifter, begging the God of Beasts to reveal his past.
Guy James [0] The Necromancer.
Alex Black [0] The swordsman who even though wild he is pure underneath
Nzuri Vito [0] One of the chosen eight and a worshipper of the god of will
Lilith Mobec [0] 'Goddess of the Hunt, protect my comrades and I'
Bandrial [0] The dark, sadistic, ruler of Aurora, Bandrial will do anything to keep her thrown and her life.

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Devon lifted the first of her brothers bodies to her shoulders, tears still streaming down her face, and carried it carefully towards the edge of the forest. She passed bodies of friends, neighbors, and relatives as she walked through the battle field. She could taste the distinct flavor of death on her tongue, and gagged again as it met her nostrils. Stepping around marred bodies and earth soaked with blood, she inched her way to the forest.

She would bury them in their home. The cave was deep enough that she could, and secluded enough that no one would ever find it.

As she approached the edge of the trees, Siaunna leapt in front of her fur bristling and ears perked. She barred her teeth and let out a low snarl. Sister, we are not alone. Listening carefully, Devon could just barely make out a faint, unnatural crackling in the trees.

Caeldis, let it not be a foe. If it is, have mercy on his soul. She set the tigers body on the ground, and drew the claws from her belt. the crackling was still there. "WHO GOES THERE?" She called in her loudest voice.


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#, as written by Valor
Avis tried to be more careful as he moved, feeling Nzuri leaning close to him as he moved faster through the empty streets. He bounded onward, heading for the edge of the town. It was so close now. He still kept a careful eye out for any troops that may have been lingering around, though that wasn't what made him come to a sudden halt. The opening of the town was strewn with the dead body of animals, the stench of death like a punch in the stomach.

Avis backed up a little, a little growl escaping him that was more like a gasp. He glanced over his shoulder to Nzuri, unsure of what to do. There were so many bodies, he couldn't avoid them with his paws. He edged from left to right, trying to ignore the scent of rotting that was filling his sensitive nose.
He stopped again as he spotted a figure carrying the body of a large tiger, maybe a little larger than himself. Another tiger was close by, though this one was alive. He wondered what was going on over there, though didn't want to move closer, trying to avoid stepping on the bodies of the dead animals.

His round ears flickered back and forth as the girl suddenly shouted out, wanting to know who was close by. Had she already sensed that they were close by. If they could see her and the tiger, perhaps she had spotted them too? They didn't seem to be looking the right way though. Avis was unsure whether Nzuri would want them to be noticed by them, and so was unsure whether to answer or not, looking to her again, anothe slight moan escaping him as he wondered whether she knew what he was checking with her for.


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Alex made it to the town he didn't see Devon anywhere then he heard something about a girl carrying dead animal bodies to the forest he ran towards the forest and in no time he found a cave he heard Devon yell out he sighed and he siad "I see death found your family I am so sorry for you Devon." he looked sadly over to her he didn't know what to do to comfort her he saw how much differnt she was before the battle he saw her face with tears and his heart felt like it has been stabbed. He held out his arms to her to see if she would take his attempt of comfort.


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#, as written by Zetta
Peter initially heard some sobbing, and after generating the sphere of lightning - the energy was nothing more than condensed lightning, as his mentor called it - the slight crackling. Realizing the mistake of not muffling the noise with a breeze or some other air-based muffler, Peter drew his breath in, hoping not to be found.

To his dismay, he heard a snarl, followed by a feminine voice saying "Who goes there?"

Peter, shocked, slowly moved away from the tree, only to be greeted by a somewhat short girl and a tiger. Taking a brief note of his surroundings, Peter slid one foot back, and held the small sphere of blue energy, the source of the crackling, close to his ribs. Both of his hands, now on either side of the sphere of energy, were lightly shaking. The girl, oddly enough, was carrying a pair of surprisingly sharp claws. Behind her, at the city gates, to be specific, was a girl riding a feline of sorts.

Truly, for Peter, the day could not get much worse. Right now, he was desperate. With the city limits this close, the guards or militia might hear any commotion, especially if his magic was involved. The odds would surely turn against his favor if any conflict were to erupt.

Turnning his gaze to the girl once more, he began. "Look, I don't mean any harm. I was just passing through here, and I heard something - probably you. My instinct was to conjure this condensed lightning for self-defense. I'll release the sphere if you take off your claws and promise no harm."


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Nzuri, still holding on, had become a little more calmer and used to the ride. The farther they went out the a little more uneasy she got, but no because of Avis, simply because she had no idea what was going to be outside of her 'home' town. Though she had not been born in this city the little of her life she could remember from a child consisted of broken memories of outside areas. She had not experienced any strange hits against the head or any of the sort it was just that she was young and all people have a hard time remembering memories from the time they were a toddler. The little she could remember consisted of flames and blood, lots of them.

This was uncharted territory for her; never once, that she could fully remember, had she left the gates of the town she lived in and in some deep corner she was scared. At the same time Moris, the god of will, gave her the vague inclination to put her fate in Avis's hands, or paws, or whatever the case may be.

When they reached the edge of the town Avis came to a stop and Nzuri caught sight of the dead bodies of animals. Horror-struck Nzuri's hand reached to cover her own gasps; could Bandrial really be so cruel. The question answered itself, yes, she could and she most definately was. A little farther off a girl could be spotted carrying the body of a dead tiger, she seemed to be accompanied by a tiger and perhaps another man. Somehow though, there seemed to be hostility in the air. Avis, beneath her, growled with an almost questioning tone. Was he wondering whether or not they were hostile against them, or perhaps they had noticed them. If not should they take the oppertunity to get away?

In the midst of her wondering she began to feel a sharp pain upon her forehead. Specifically, upon the same skin that felt as though it had been burning when the comet passed over. Along with that she felt another strong inclination to meet them and perhaps trust them, from her god no doubt. However, even if her god wanted to she could not bring herself to do so, but still she would at least approach them. Rubbing her forehead she spoke to Avis, "I think approaching them would be beneficial."


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