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Vivian Monroe

"If I don't stand for us, then who will?"

0 · 457 views · located in Future America

a character in “The Resistance Against The N.O.”, as played by Forsakenwings


"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."
-William Feather


Water Manipulation

Illusion Manipulation






Vivian is not one for being alone. She's a team worker, and prefers a group when the chance is given. She's often a defense player rather than an offense, usually keeping strategies and communicating with her teammates. Yet, off the battlefield, she seems kept to herself. She'll usually speak when she must or needs to, being rather an obedient girl. If you're friendly to her, she'll make attempts to open up. She's just unsure with making friends, which is a strange contradiction to her behavior on the battlefield. Despite her need for dependence, she's fairly nice, a bit bashful, and someone who will stand her ground when she must.

Herbal Teas


Dying young
Unfair advantages
Losing loved ones
Inability to take care of her brother

Plays the Flute
Cooks well
Little Hand-to-Hand Combat

Vivian's choice of weapon are dual wield Daggers.


Vivian was a simple student that took care of her little brother. A childhood friend of hers by the name of Ace had been walking her home when the bombs were launched. With little memory as to how she survived, she searched the town for her brother with an injured Ace by her side. They never found her little brother, along with no trace of the rest of their families. With remorse in their hearts, they set out for a better life. However, with the recent upraise in the resistance, Vivian has found comfort in joining the resistance to avenge their fallen relatives.

Shannon - Mother - Deceased
John - Father - Deceased
Spencer - Brother - Unknown (to her)

Thoughts on other characters:

"My opinion does not stand on them. They are simply beings who wish to fight for what they believe, just like me."


β€œHey, Ace? Are green lemons, limes?"


So begins...

Vivian Monroe's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vivian Monroe Character Portrait: Asahina(Ash) Izumi Character Portrait: Mason Ishisa Character Portrait: Damion Howard Character Portrait: Eileen Byrne
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#, as written by Iezobel
Chapter 1
Out with the old in with the new

Ever since the N.O. came into existence there was people who stood against it. Those people are us. The resistance. We are running out of recruits. Most of our originals have left now only three remain. We need your help to bring down the N.O. You will need to use your powers. No matter what it is it will be useful to us. Are you in?

Asahina Izumi
Ash stood with her back against the building. A few N.O. guards walked past. Ash didn't dare breath. The bags in her hands rustled slightly. She looked around the corner. The guards were past. She took of at immense speed for a girl her age. Ash had always been fast anyway. She spotted the old sweet shop and ran towards it. She stopped for a second and looked around to make sure that no one was watching. She ran into the shop. She moved behind the counter and pushed the desk. She ran her hands along the tiled surface until the texture changed. She pushed down and the hatch fell open. She put the bags in one hand and climbed down the metal ladder. It smelt dank and rusty. Then the greeting of a soft light came into view. She came to the bottom where a large hallway was. Most of the doors led to rooms two were just sitting rooms one was a kitchen and the rest were bedrooms or storage rooms. Ash pushed the kitchen door open and flicked on the light. It was early in the morning and all other recruits were in their rooms. She took the food out and hid the bags, she couldn't let anyone know she had been out on her own. Someone would probably yell at her. She began boiling and frying some eggs. She put the bacon and sausages on another pan. Ash being originally from Ireland was used to having soda and potato bread. None of the bread tasted the way that her Mom used to make it. So instead of getting it ready made she baked it herself.
The smell of a fry filled the air. Ash smiled to herself. She set the food on plates and laid them out on the table. She grabbed some food herself before she called the others. The food would be gone in minuets. She also took some extra food incase anyone was late. Ash walked to the kitchen door and shoved it open.
"Food!" she yelled at the top of her voice.
She was shoved back through the door as the recruits pushed to get the food. Ash lost her balance and fell back.
"Hey!" she yelled as she scrambled to her feet,"there's enough for everyone."
God, it's like they never had food in their life. Ash new they all wanted to get her potato bread. They all loved it. Ash had to admit it wasn't anything special. She took her food to a quiet corner of the room, so as not to be disturbed. They would be doing a mission in one of the boarding schools soon. There were a few of them going in. They were planning to bring a few kids back with them and at the same time getting information on the N.O's next move. If this went well she, and the other originals had prepared a concert. They had invited a few singers and bands that had managed to avoid the N.O. She had also been practising her drumming skills. She hoped she wouldn't have to sing. She could drum but not sing. She sighed and stood.
"As you know some of us are going out to a school this afternoon," she said," please try not to murder each other while we're gone."
She turned and left her plate at the sink and walked out heading to get her Katana. She also wanted a Kinjal blade and two Kukri's.

Mason Ishida
Mason waited patiently. He was told he was going to meet The One. Someone had obviously decided to radio The One. Mason was standing right outside the office. He could feel the radio waves and couldn't help listening to them.
"-use him as bait," he heard,"-just a boy, we r- shouldn't."
He could only catch some words. Then he heard a voice that sent a shiver running down his spine.
"He's useless, -going to do with him? He's go- himself killed eventually." Then it was cut off.
Mason immediately knew they were talking about him. They thought he was useless. No, he would prove them wrong and not get himself killed. He would do what they said and succeed.
He had to wait a while but then he was called in. He entered. The One was sitting at a desk.
"Mason," he said and Mason realised that this was the voice that he heard on the radio. The one who sad he was useless,"I have found out where the Resistance will next attack. I want you to go there and capture one of them. If you get into trouble your tracking device will lead us to you."
Mason nodded.
"Good," The One continued," you will be supplied with all the weapons you need. We will then send you to the school yet will attack." The One gestured for Mason to leave and that's what he did. Mason was led to the weapons room. He wouldn't fail this. He picked up an automatic bow and many arrows.
Then he headed to the school. He would capture one. One of the originals. He would prove that he was useful.