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The Savage Lands

The Savage Lands


This land is home to The Pack. The last Defense for their Queen. The pack is lead by Black Fox, a female Alpha, that doesn't back down from a fight.

5,812 readers have visited The Savage Lands since Black Fox created it.


The open lands, hills and forest of the Savage Lands is both beautiful and deadly. The land is surrounded by a large forest in the southern area while in the east there are large lakes and huge waterfalls. In the north is the the settlement where humans live. It is known as Madagasca. But to the west ins the Dead Man's land. Here no life lives, not even cacti or rodents like mice or lizards. Sadly this land was distroyed by a war between two magical fiends. All it is used for now is battle or a place to go to practice abilities and others. In the center of all these areas is the Pack Land. Here is where Black Fox rules with an iron paw. To her, this is the last stand before you can get to the Queen's land. The land on the other side of the Out lands belongs to The Packs Queen. Across the large river is where the Rogues live. They are a group partaining of both Vampires and Were-wolfs. They are lead by Lord Caliel. He rules the Rogues with a strong hand. In the outer lands the Septarchs roam with the intentions of capturing all types of wolves for slavery. In Madagasca humans have found a way to blend vampire blood with humans to create beings known as the Crimson Blades to hunt down vampires and kill them. Along with them they created the Moon Hunters. Humans infused with werewolf blood to hunt down and kill werewolves. Now not only does Fox have to fight and protect her pack and the Queen but also side with the remaining Rogues to stop the Hunters created to erradicat them all.

Toggle Rules

1. No God Modding.
2. No Auto-Killing.
3. Limited Auto-Hitting= is allowed to a point. you can not dodge a hit all the time. when your attacked the attacker Is allowed to describe how he hit you. I will read over the fight and if you need a description IM me and I'll help you.
4. Drama is allowed but don't go overboard.
5. Stick to the storyline. Do not bring in Outside creatures/characters not of the storyline. These are the species allowed in this RP. ((Vampires, Werewolves, Wolves, Humans, Hybrids of Vampire and Werewolves or Wolfs)) ((Hybrids are genetic born children from a mating between Vampire and Werewolf))
6. You Are Not Allow To Change Anything In This RP, Minus Your Characters. Only I and my GM's. Sekota, and laden of the lamai. For any changes for or of your character IM me and run it by me.
7. If you have idea's PM me and we will talk bout it. But if it doesn't pertain to the RP it will be rejected.
8. Your Character must state whether or not he/she is part of the Pack. Madagasca. The Rogues or Septarches. Or if they are loners. Lone werewolves or lone wolves or a lone shifter/loup garu - wolf shifter.

Browse All » 11 Settings to roleplay in

Pack Den

Pack Den by Black Fox

A large cavern home to the Pack.


VI'NICA by Black Fox

A home of stone's that house's the dead of the Pack. Weeping Willow's and soft bubbling creek. A place to speak with the dead or just for peace of quiet.

Moon Field

Moon Field by Black Fox

Field of lovely moon flowers

Wast Land

Wast Land by Black Fox

A land of nothing but dead hard caked earth and no life.

The Tellite River

The Tellite River by Black Fox

A river that separates the humans from the Rogues and the Pack.


Madagasca by Black Fox

Walled In Town Housing The Humans

Head Quarters

Head Quarters by Black Fox

Barracks for the Crimson Blades and Moon Hunters.

Churchh of Sanctified Light

Churchh of Sanctified Light by Black Fox

The Ruling House of Madagasca


OOC for SAVAGE LANDS by Black Fox

Chat and talk and ask question or explain things.

Hunting Grounds&Forest

Hunting Grounds&Forest by Black Fox

Where the Pack hunts.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Adion took the bowl with a nod of thanks. As Fox started to talk, Adion had already taken a mouthful of the stew. When he had swallowed it, he responded with "I would say that we are looking at an expert's creation. If you look closely, it is the one shared form between all the races. The only form that all the various bloods would remain stable in. Something designed to kill all who made it."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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She groaned as she closed her eyes, a slight shudder rippling through her. "Just great. A fucking Blood Mage." she muttered and sighed as she took a bit of her own stew and chewed thoughtfully. "Ki wont like this...and since we can't sent the blood, we have no idea if the blood is vile or innocent." her red eyes glittered as a chilly grin curved her lips. "But Ki will." she stated softly, a low chuckle slipping from her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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"I met a blood mage healer out on a hunt I had quite some time ago. She had said that she chose blood magic because if a wound needed healing, then she would have the power to. She also hinted that the origin of the blood does not matter, other than if it contains magic or not. That is kind of why I think we are not working with some low level experiment." Adion replied, after taking another mouthful of stew.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox swallowed her mouthful of stew before looking over at Adion. "Ki is a Master Blood Mage. Your acquaintance was a Healer Blood Mage. There are many different types of Blood Mage's." she stated softly looking towards their unwelcomed guest. "But this one I'm afraid was used with evil intent and that makes the Blood Mage deadly and vile."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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"Hateful this creator is undeniable. However, it may have been done with some kind of brainwashed good intent. That is what I fear is when good men are led to do bad things while they believe it to be good the entire time." Adion replied.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox sighed as she flexed her toes and set the bowl to the side on the low stone table that rose up out of the ground and shrugged. "I wouldn't know anything about that. Ki will though. When he gets here there are many ways he can get the truth from our friend." she stated as she looked over at Adion. "If the Blood Mage was indeed brainwashed than only Ki can deal with it."

She frowned as she crossed her arms and sighed. "I don't like this. Not one bit. Being with the Family for so long, you learn to heed your gut instincts and that tingle you get on the back of your neck when something happens. And right now I have both of those going and I don't like it." she shook her head and sighed again as she looked back at the being trapped in the wall. "Not only is My Pack in danger, but it seems my Queen is too."

She looked over at Adion, unmindful that she had to tip her head back just to look up at him, for even in her family she was short. Not to mention she would get mistaken for a child more times than not. "I know you were part of this Pack when I took it over, and know nothing about my Queen, but if it comes down to having to go to her to protect her, do I have your assistance?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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"My pack is my first priority. If you shall fight, and they are safe, I will follow." Adion stated in reply.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

The smile that curved Fox's lips lit up her face as she nodded. "The Pack is safe where they are. As you saw earlier, only blood or a special connection can get to where I sent the Pack. Anything that isn't part of that was repelled as you saw when our friend here tried to get in." she stated recalling how the being tried to pass through but had been rejected. "Thank you Adion. Those that came with me...our Queen is important to us...Her lands are lush and prosperous other Packs want it as well as her death. I can not let that happen."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

"Thus we have become the predators of our own predators." Adion said slightly to himself.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

The grin that curved Fox's lips would have caused several Family members to step back away from her and watch her closely. "Oh you have no idea how much they are going to regret messing with my Pack. I'm not sure what type of wolf breed you are let alone what your gens are, but trust me. It's perfect for defending and protecting what is OUR'S!" she stated softly, though her voice was cool and her eyes glowed from with in.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

"Offense, defense, doesn't matter to me. I can kill what can be killed, and I'll be damned if I don't try like hell to kill what can't be killed." Adion said.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"Glad to hear that." came a soft husky baritone voice from the outer shadows as a form stepped forward, slit gold eyes aglow with inner power as silver streaked tawny gold hair fluttered slightly while a tail curled and flicked behind him, two blood red bangles clicking against each other and against the ball that ended at the tip of the tail, even as the ears atop his head twitched. He was practically naked except for tight grey leather pants and double belts about his hips, steal toed grey boots encased his feet and the grey cape he wore had red at the frayed edges. His shoulders were covered with metal paladins and a gauntlet strapped to his right arm with claws that seemed to cover from his elbow down with spikes leading up the underside of his arm. His left hand also had a glove with claws on it with a double bracelet with blood red tassels hanging off them. His ears held long feathers that fluttered as he moved and twin katana's were strapped to his back in an upside down X. "Pack and Family means everything to us."

Snapping around Fox's eyes widened with shock and delight as she squealed and leaped forward. "KI!!' she shouted as slammed into the tall lithe form before her and wrapped her arms tightly about the male, sighing when he wrapped his own arms about her and held her close. "You came." she stated, her voice slightly shaky as she tightened her arms about him.

A soft sigh slipped from Ki as he looked down at the female he held and tightened his grip. "I told you that I would." he said softly and he curled over her and nuzzled into her hair, nipping at her twitching ears and grinned when she actually giggled and pulled her head back. "Much better. I know how hard it is to be on the outskirts of the family kesha." he said softly a sad smile curving his lips as he released her. "Now introduce me before your Pack mate decides to attack." he stated with a grin when she blushed and stepped back.

Blushing slightly Fox stepped back from Ki, taking in his attire and groaned as she shook her head. "What couldn't find the time to change into normal clothes!" she stated and grinned before looking back at Adion, her eyes showing a deep sadness and a joy that seems rare to her eyes. "Adion, this is my cousin Shiro Ki. Ki this is my friend and the Alpha Male of my Pack. And no we are not a couple." she stated glaring playfully at Ki who only grinned at Fox before turning his attention to the male before him and arched a gold brow before giving a slight bow as he smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Adion. You can either call me Shiro or Ki, it doesn't matter to me." he stated softly as he watched him, his body loose yet there was no mistaking the fact that not only was he a fighter but also a trained Warrior.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Adion stood silently as Ki and Fox met. He could tell by Fox's reaction that Ki was far from a threat, and probably not a good idea to attack if Adion didn't want to have to fight Fox as well. So, he simply stood waiting for an introduction.

"So this is the Ki that you have been talking about for the last five or so minutes." Adion snorted in response to Ki. With the threat of the unsmellable humans still very much true, Adion was growing tired of being stuck in the cave. He did, however, know that Ki would have to look at the captured one before Adion could even know what he needed to attack.

"What do you make of that thing?" Adion said, pointing to the captive Purifier.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Fox shifted as she looked down at the ground, suddenly feeling...what she didn't know...and sighed as she shrugged, only to flush as she gave a soft whine when Ki reached out and scratched her ears as he moved pass her and towards the wall where the creature calling himself a Purifier was sealed, her eyes unreadable as she watched him.

A soft sigh slipped from Ki as he stepped forward towards the wall where a being was encased a slight smirk curling his lips at seeing Fox's handy work. "Are there any more?" he asked as he stopped before the being about a foot away, his slit gold eyes roaming over what he could see, his nose wrinkling at the strong scent of dark magic that seemed to pour off the being.

"Yeah, but they are dead and around here somewhere. He's the only one visible right now." stated Fox as she crossed her arms over her ample chest and watched Ki, noting the wrinkle of his nose, and looked towards Adion.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"Oh, the Perfects will soon come, and you too will fall with all the impure, beast!" Shouted the Purifier as he stared Ki directly in the eyes, like he was going to kill him if came free. This was reinforced by the fact that the Purifier spat into Ki's face and laughed.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Fox snarled her body tensing but held her ground when a low dark chuckle filled the cave and shuddered as she shifted, moving closer towards Adion. "Well...good start off." she muttered darkly, her blood red eyes glowing with anger as she glared at the being.

Though taken back by the spit dripping down his cheek, Ki's only reaction was a low dark chuckle as he reached up and wiped the spit off flicking it towards the ground his eyes glowing as he watched the bound being before him. "Well that's original. I've been called worse. Beast is just so...lame." he said softly the smile that curved his lips had Fox stepping closer to Adion as the cave suddenly grew colder. "Now...why don't you tell me about these...Perfects you spoke of!?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"Oh, they will kill you. You cannot stop them. Give up hope, and at least try to die happy. The Perfects will kill you." The Purifier shouted at Ki. He gave him the look like he couldn't wait to see him die, like the twisted result of abusive parents.

"From what I have seen, those beings have slowly gotten better at avoiding detection. The first batch I ran into was unsmellable, but was loud and visible. The next was unsmellable and invisible, but loud. The last batch was all three. I believe the Perfects are simply the final stage of their creation. Some of their base weaknesses slowly being thinned out." Adion said in reply as the Purifier couldn't hold his tongue.

"Oh look, it talks. Does puppy want a bone!? I might even have some treats in my pack!" The Purifier yelled insultingly, before finishing it up with a series of insane sounding laughs.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Fox snarled again, her eyes flashing as she glared at the being but didn't step forward her ears twitched though as Ki stepped forward leaning down just slightly so that he could look into the beings eyes. "Instead of being a child why don't you tell me everything that you want to tell me. I wont bite." he said softly as if he was talking to a child or frightened animal. "I'm a very good listener and if you want, they," he nodded his head towards Fox and Adion. "Can leave us alone. Would you like that?" he asked, watching him with soft slit gold eyes as the cave warmed slightly.

Fox blinked before she shifted and leaned her forehead against Adion's arm choking back a giggle as she gripped his arm with both of hers. *Now it's going to get even funner!* she sent through the Pack bond.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

The Purifier took no pause to begin preparing a wad of spit that hit Ki right in the left eye the moment that Ki finished his little speech. "The only thing you can do for me is to die!" The Purifier responded right after hitting Ki's eye.

"Can't wait to see how this ends." Adion whispered nearly silently to Fox.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

A snort left Ki as he straightened and wiped his eye even as he shook his head slightly before calling a water spell to his hands and cleaned his eye out. "I guess than that this means you will say nothing, correct!?" he asked, but instead of waiting for an answer Ki looked at the being and grinned his fangs glinting slightly. "Sadly my unwanted friend I die you die as will everything else on this planet...unless of course I sent those I wish to save to a safe place so that they can live out their lives in peace away from abominations such as your selves and those who created you and the others like you." he stated as he popped his neck and sighed. "Guess I'm gonna have to do this the easy way. Well for me any way, while it will be the hard and agonizingly painful way for you."

Fox groaned when the being spat at Ki again but grinned as she listened to her cousin and sighed as she closed her eyes. "Make it safe from the Crimson Blades and Moon Hunters as well and we'll all be happy!" she muttered, only to grimace when she heard what Ki said and cringed. "This will definitely hurt!"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"You can try your magic, worm, but my blood is your poison. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Oh, and I am no abomination. No, I am a filter, a purifier, a cleanser. You are but the dirt on a world for humans. Soon, only the Perfect will remain." The Purifier screamed at Ki, with an insane seeming way of speaking.

"And only pure humans can ascend to the Perfect!" The Purifier screamed again.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Ki snorted as he stepped closer a small grin slipped over his lips as his slit gold eyes flashed silver blue before going back to slit gold, even as he reached forward and gripped his chin tightly locking eyes with the being. "Your not human nor will you ever be human. Everything that makes a human human is dead and gone inside of you. What makes you think that your going to be Perfect when nothing in this god forsaken world your so sure of making Pure!" he stated softly, his voice chilly. "You have no life, now nor later. Failures are taken out...expandable...they will kill you for failing. But not before I get what I want."

With that said Ki forced his way into the beings mind, ripping his weak shields down and dove straight in the deepest parts of his mind, snagged the link he needed and followed it to its source, his ears laid back against his head as the beings screams of agony echoed through out the cavern. The one controlling the being seemed stunned to have something else in his mind as Ki ripped through the mans mind until he could see out of his eyes and looked into the mirror he stood before and grinned. ""I See You!"" he sent before pulling out and savagely ripping the mans control of the being from his clutches and stepped back from the now limp male, his tail lashing violently behind him before turning to look at Fox.

"Class A Blood Mage with the knowledge of a Necromancer." he stated as he rubbed his temples and sighed as he shook his head. "Give me a few minutes and I'll have a Picture for you." he said as he turned and moved away from the limp male, who had blood dripping from his eyes, nose, mouth and ears, and moved to sit down pulling items from the pouch he had at his side.

Fox rubbed her ears as she watched Ki sit down before looking up at Adion her red eyes wide. "Shit...Class A Blood Mage with the knowledge of a Necromancer! We are way out of our depths here! I can't fight against a one of them let alone how ever many more there are!" she exclaimed shaking her head and looking back towards Ki. "Shit...Adion...what do you think?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"This being threatened my pack. No army of undead or dreadful blood magic will stop me. I'll rip through them all with the very darkness and fire that this blood mage created without notice. I fear for what horrors he will under go, and for you when you have to see me go mental. All that will be left is me and dust." Adion said in response.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Fox blinked up at Adion before she snorted than chuckled and shrugged. "Hey I've gone mental before so I'll be right there with you. Also It seems it wont be just the two of us, but Ki wont leave us alone to do this by ourselves." she stated as she looked over to where Ki sat, his ears twitching as he drew what ever he saw and sighed. "I know he isn't much to look at right now...but what do you think of my Cousin?"

Silently Ki sketched out what he had seen through the male's eyes, his thoughts flickering through the knowledge he had gained while in the beings mind and sighed. 'Not going to be easy!' he thought and sighed as he erased and shaded.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"I think he is similar to me in one very dangerous way. There is something deep inside that will only show itself when it wants to come out, and when it does, not even all three fates combined can possibly hope to stop it." Adion replied, as his eyes kept on Ki. Something told him that looks deceived in this case, something that Adion found no reason to doubt. He just hoped that what was hidden was on his side, for it could be weak or strong.

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Add Setting » 11 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Pack Den

Pack Den by Black Fox

A large cavern home to the Pack.


VI'NICA by Black Fox

A home of stone's that house's the dead of the Pack. Weeping Willow's and soft bubbling creek. A place to speak with the dead or just for peace of quiet.

Moon Field

Moon Field by Black Fox

Field of lovely moon flowers

Wast Land

Wast Land by Black Fox

A land of nothing but dead hard caked earth and no life.

The Tellite River

The Tellite River by Black Fox

A river that separates the humans from the Rogues and the Pack.


Madagasca by Black Fox

Walled In Town Housing The Humans

Head Quarters

Head Quarters by Black Fox

Barracks for the Crimson Blades and Moon Hunters.

Churchh of Sanctified Light

Churchh of Sanctified Light by Black Fox

The Ruling House of Madagasca


Septarch's by Black Fox



OOC for SAVAGE LANDS by Black Fox

Chat and talk and ask question or explain things.

Hunting Grounds&Forest

Hunting Grounds&Forest by Black Fox

Where the Pack hunts.

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Character Portrait: Viel'nek
6 sightings Viel'nek played by Hyydra
"I live to serve my fellow vampires"

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Echo Whitetooth
Character Portrait: Black Fox
Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Character Portrait: Lord Caleil
Character Portrait: Vash
Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Character Portrait: BlackFox


Character Portrait: BlackFox

"I'm strong. Brave. Deadly and true to my word." grins fangs flashing. "Just so you know I don't roll over for anyone!"

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

I'm only alpha because no one can beat me.

Character Portrait: Vash

"Death is the only thing I am wishing for! But I am denied. And so I am a living Vampire that can't die and suffer night and day. Am I a daywalker or just an anomaly!?"

Character Portrait: Lord Caleil
Lord Caleil

"Though nature makes us how we are. That doesn't stop us from trying to be better, let alone creating something more!"

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Shiro Ki Savage

Strong. Brave. Kind. Honest and very Loyal to his family and those he considers friends.

Character Portrait: Black Fox
Black Fox

Fox is the proud leader of the Pack. She rules with an iron paw and takes no shit from anyone.

Character Portrait: Echo Whitetooth
Echo Whitetooth

cocky and loving, will stand up against any foe if his leader is in danger, named Whitetooth by his shining, sly smile.


Character Portrait: BlackFox

"I'm strong. Brave. Deadly and true to my word." grins fangs flashing. "Just so you know I don't roll over for anyone!"

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

I'm only alpha because no one can beat me.

Character Portrait: Vash

"Death is the only thing I am wishing for! But I am denied. And so I am a living Vampire that can't die and suffer night and day. Am I a daywalker or just an anomaly!?"

Character Portrait: Echo Whitetooth
Echo Whitetooth

cocky and loving, will stand up against any foe if his leader is in danger, named Whitetooth by his shining, sly smile.

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Shiro Ki Savage

Strong. Brave. Kind. Honest and very Loyal to his family and those he considers friends.

Character Portrait: Black Fox
Black Fox

Fox is the proud leader of the Pack. She rules with an iron paw and takes no shit from anyone.

Character Portrait: Lord Caleil
Lord Caleil

"Though nature makes us how we are. That doesn't stop us from trying to be better, let alone creating something more!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: BlackFox

"I'm strong. Brave. Deadly and true to my word." grins fangs flashing. "Just so you know I don't roll over for anyone!"

Character Portrait: Echo Whitetooth
Echo Whitetooth

cocky and loving, will stand up against any foe if his leader is in danger, named Whitetooth by his shining, sly smile.

Character Portrait: Vash

"Death is the only thing I am wishing for! But I am denied. And so I am a living Vampire that can't die and suffer night and day. Am I a daywalker or just an anomaly!?"

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

I'm only alpha because no one can beat me.

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Shiro Ki Savage

Strong. Brave. Kind. Honest and very Loyal to his family and those he considers friends.

Character Portrait: Black Fox
Black Fox

Fox is the proud leader of the Pack. She rules with an iron paw and takes no shit from anyone.

Character Portrait: Lord Caleil
Lord Caleil

"Though nature makes us how we are. That doesn't stop us from trying to be better, let alone creating something more!"

View All » Places

Pack Den

Pack Den by Black Fox

A large cavern home to the Pack.


VI'NICA by Black Fox

A home of stone's that house's the dead of the Pack. Weeping Willow's and soft bubbling creek. A place to speak with the dead or just for peace of quiet.

Moon Field

Moon Field by Black Fox

Field of lovely moon flowers

Wast Land

Wast Land by Black Fox

A land of nothing but dead hard caked earth and no life.

The Tellite River

The Tellite River by Black Fox

A river that separates the humans from the Rogues and the Pack.


Madagasca by Black Fox

Walled In Town Housing The Humans

Head Quarters

Head Quarters by Black Fox

Barracks for the Crimson Blades and Moon Hunters.

Churchh of Sanctified Light

Churchh of Sanctified Light by Black Fox

The Ruling House of Madagasca


Septarch's by Black Fox



OOC for SAVAGE LANDS by Black Fox

Chat and talk and ask question or explain things.

Hunting Grounds&Forest

Hunting Grounds&Forest by Black Fox

Where the Pack hunts.


A home of stone's that house's the dead of the Pack. Weeping Willow's and soft bubbling creek. A place to speak with the dead or just for peace of quiet.


Chat and talk and ask question or explain things.

Wast Land

A land of nothing but dead hard caked earth and no life.

The Tellite River

A river that separates the humans from the Rogues and the Pack.

Head Quarters

Barracks for the Crimson Blades and Moon Hunters.

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