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The Savage Lands

The Savage Lands


This land is home to The Pack. The last Defense for their Queen. The pack is lead by Black Fox, a female Alpha, that doesn't back down from a fight.

5,813 readers have visited The Savage Lands since Black Fox created it.


The open lands, hills and forest of the Savage Lands is both beautiful and deadly. The land is surrounded by a large forest in the southern area while in the east there are large lakes and huge waterfalls. In the north is the the settlement where humans live. It is known as Madagasca. But to the west ins the Dead Man's land. Here no life lives, not even cacti or rodents like mice or lizards. Sadly this land was distroyed by a war between two magical fiends. All it is used for now is battle or a place to go to practice abilities and others. In the center of all these areas is the Pack Land. Here is where Black Fox rules with an iron paw. To her, this is the last stand before you can get to the Queen's land. The land on the other side of the Out lands belongs to The Packs Queen. Across the large river is where the Rogues live. They are a group partaining of both Vampires and Were-wolfs. They are lead by Lord Caliel. He rules the Rogues with a strong hand. In the outer lands the Septarchs roam with the intentions of capturing all types of wolves for slavery. In Madagasca humans have found a way to blend vampire blood with humans to create beings known as the Crimson Blades to hunt down vampires and kill them. Along with them they created the Moon Hunters. Humans infused with werewolf blood to hunt down and kill werewolves. Now not only does Fox have to fight and protect her pack and the Queen but also side with the remaining Rogues to stop the Hunters created to erradicat them all.

Toggle Rules

1. No God Modding.
2. No Auto-Killing.
3. Limited Auto-Hitting= is allowed to a point. you can not dodge a hit all the time. when your attacked the attacker Is allowed to describe how he hit you. I will read over the fight and if you need a description IM me and I'll help you.
4. Drama is allowed but don't go overboard.
5. Stick to the storyline. Do not bring in Outside creatures/characters not of the storyline. These are the species allowed in this RP. ((Vampires, Werewolves, Wolves, Humans, Hybrids of Vampire and Werewolves or Wolfs)) ((Hybrids are genetic born children from a mating between Vampire and Werewolf))
6. You Are Not Allow To Change Anything In This RP, Minus Your Characters. Only I and my GM's. Sekota, and laden of the lamai. For any changes for or of your character IM me and run it by me.
7. If you have idea's PM me and we will talk bout it. But if it doesn't pertain to the RP it will be rejected.
8. Your Character must state whether or not he/she is part of the Pack. Madagasca. The Rogues or Septarches. Or if they are loners. Lone werewolves or lone wolves or a lone shifter/loup garu - wolf shifter.

Browse All » 11 Settings to roleplay in

Pack Den

Pack Den by Black Fox

A large cavern home to the Pack.


VI'NICA by Black Fox

A home of stone's that house's the dead of the Pack. Weeping Willow's and soft bubbling creek. A place to speak with the dead or just for peace of quiet.

Moon Field

Moon Field by Black Fox

Field of lovely moon flowers

Wast Land

Wast Land by Black Fox

A land of nothing but dead hard caked earth and no life.

The Tellite River

The Tellite River by Black Fox

A river that separates the humans from the Rogues and the Pack.


Madagasca by Black Fox

Walled In Town Housing The Humans

Head Quarters

Head Quarters by Black Fox

Barracks for the Crimson Blades and Moon Hunters.

Churchh of Sanctified Light

Churchh of Sanctified Light by Black Fox

The Ruling House of Madagasca


OOC for SAVAGE LANDS by Black Fox

Chat and talk and ask question or explain things.

Hunting Grounds&Forest

Hunting Grounds&Forest by Black Fox

Where the Pack hunts.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox smiled slightly as she watched Adion enjoying the feel of her fingers scratching the underside of his jaw. *What are you thinking Adion!?* she asked mentally to herself puzzle and yet curious. Sighing softly she pulled her hand back and patted the top of his head between his ears as she stood up. "Sometimes we are withdrawn, angry and hateful, yet we acquire things that allow us to live on, even with the soul wrenching losses that pile up as we grow." she said softly, but the smile curving her lips never reached her eyes, which were filled pain and loss of such magnitude that for told of great loss and pain."

"Look around you Adion. Listen and watch! and I don't mean just what you see and hear with your eyes and ears but with your heart and soul."

With that Fox turned and headed for the cooking station and the stew she had left simmering her tail wagging slightly as her ears twitched slightly atop her head, swiveling towards each sound inside the cave and outside.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Adion let his head fall as Fox walked away. He almost immediately went into his thinking state. It mimicked his sleep to the letter, excluding the movement of the ears. He had never met this Bright Eyes, and he has been alpha since about a week before Fox entered the pack. At least she wasn't as bad as the alpha before her.

Oh, Adion couldn't stand the alpha that came before Fox. All she ever did is try to look good and get Adion to do her jobs. That was the last thing that Adion wanted to do. Everything from her attitude to her will to abuse others sickened Adion. He was much happier with Fox, even if she could get mad now and again, but she wasn't the first that Adion knew like that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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As she worked on finishing the making the stew so that it could fully cook, Fox's ears never once stopped their twitching, nor did her tail become motionless, so they didn't give away her feelings. Pain flickered through her red eyes but never showed on her face. For even speaking of Bright Eyes had brought back the pain of loss she had shoved into a closet and locked the door. She knew that she had to let go and grieve, but in her eyes, the pack she had taken over, fighting the other female Alpha for it and securing her place and tending to those neglected by the bitch had come first.

*Yet even now, with what little peace we have, I still wont grieve. But I will avenge him if its the last I do!* she thought with rage filling her as her tail bushed slightly, and fought to bring her anger back under her control.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Adion could read Fox like a book. It was obvious that something inside made her mad. Adion knew much better than to ask about things like that. No, he always made sure that if Fox wasn't happy, and she didn't approach him, that it wasn't his problem.

That whole thought made Adion think more. His cousin, and often sparring partner, was not one to be approached when not in a good mood. Much like Fox, she also had a temper. It took more to push her to its limits, but her's was much less controlled then Fox's, and much more dangerous.

However, Adion's cousin, as good as she was, was trampled to death by the very deer she hunted. She was training some rookies, and they scared the deer while she was directly in their path. The end result was far from pretty, and possibly why Adion was not one to hunt in groups.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Once she finished putting in spices for the stew, Fox hefted the pot and took it to the main central fire and rigged it on a tripod of the fire and stood back and smiled. "Raw meat is good for you, but sometimes so is a well balanced diet of vegetables cooked with meat." she muttered and headed back to the stone table and began to cut up what was left of the meat, placing some on a flat stone and some in a basket.

Finished she grabbed the basket and headed for the far area and crooned softly as she crouched down and moved slowly towards the skittish yearlings she had found several days ago. 'Cages!' she thought even as she reached into the basket and pulled out a chunk of meat and held it out.

"Easy now. No need to snap or attack each other. There is plenty for each of you to have fourths." she said softly, when the yearlings began to snarl and snap at each other. But when a larger male moved forward her eyes narrowed. "You know better. Being bigger you can wait until the smaller and younger ones eat first. The male growled and stood but Fox didn't move only growled back, the sound vibrating through out the large family cavern, which had the male dropping a low whine slipping from him. "You must always let the younger and weakest eat first. You never know when they may be handy. Protect them and they will prove to you that you did right."

After half and hour of feeding them, Fox stood up dusted her knees off and smiled at the content wolfs. "Soon you and your small pack can leave. But I hope your smarter this time around and stay away from the southern areas and the humans." she said softly before turning and headed back to the table placing the basket by the water trough to be washed out later. Her thoughts turned inward as she began to thinly slice the meat she had laid on the flat rocks.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

As night hit the sky, Adion set out for his hunt. He had been smelling a nearby heard of deer the entire day. With the size of the heard he was smelling there might have been enough for him to take three.

Little did he know it was a trap. As Adion closed in on the scent of the deer, he saw that it was instead a slaughter that hung on the wind. 35 deer he counted, all of which were just now gutted. However, there was no other scents or sounds.

Soon a scream shot through the forest like a bullet through plywood. This moon hunter's sword feel as claws jabbed clean through him. Without even thinking, Adion changed to his fire form, beginning to ignite the area in a controlled burn. If they remained hidden, they would not be for long.

There was only about 4 others, all of which where quickly dispersed from life. However, the thing that unnerved Adion was the fact that they were scentless. Nothing. Just scentless humans. More than a scary thought for him.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

Having finished before the sun went down, Fox sat off to the side watching several pups playing after having eaten their fill, her red eyes catching sight of Adion as he stood and slipped out of the home cave. A sigh slipped from her as she turned her attention back to the pups and what few human shifters there was chatting and passing story's around. She wasn't sure what half of what was being said was true or even a story of past times, her thoughts ran ragged through her mind as she wondered how her family was doing.

Yet as she sat listening, she couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong. Nodding to those bout the fire, she stood and moved towards the cave entrance and looked out towards the woods, her red eyes scanning over the entire area ahead of her that lead into the woods.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

Fox would catch Adion walking into the cave, covered in blood, with only his scent to smell. However, there was not even the slightest sign of injury on Adion, nor the coppery scent of blood. It was like someone spilled play blood on him, except it moved all to real with each step he took.

Standing right next to Fox, Adion said "We have a new threat, and a big problem." just loud enough for Fox to hear. He knew she could take it, but Adion was not all that familiar with the rest of his pack. He only led because of tradition and stupidity, not on his part.

"Blood nor flesh should go without scent." Adion said as he walked to his normal place of rest. For the rest of the pack, seeing him come back without a kill meant something was up. The countless instantaneous conspiracy theories began to shoot up from other meaningless, and meaningful, conversations.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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A frown marred Fox's face as she looked at Adion, her nostrils flaring but caught no scent, her frown deepening when he said that blood nor flesh should go without scent. Moving forward she bent and grasped his jaw and lifted his head and looked into his eyes. "Follow me to the back where the hot springs are. We need to clean you up and you need to tell me everything." she said as she stood and headed for the back of the cavern, knowing that Adion would follow.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

Adion, as always, did as he was told. In his mind, Fox was the leader, he was the fighter. Just a hulking mass of 'Can I kill it?'

Arriving at the springs, Adion knew that sound didn't travel well to the family quarters. This made it one of the best spots to talk about secrety things, and also a reason that Adion chose the specific spot that he slept in. He could hear into the springs. Now, however, was not the time for dwelling the exact spot where his head normally laid.

"I followed the scent of an extremely large herd of deer. Or so I believed. When I arrived, I found 35 freshly gutted deer, without a single other scent. After a few moments of trying to find the cause, I heard a run, followed by a battle cry. Without thought, I crushed the attacker's head with my jaws. I tasted brains and blood, but didn't smell either. I took a second to sniff the body, which had no scent. I didn't take a risk, thus I started a small controlled burn. This caused them all to flee their hiding places.

You can guess their fates. That is not the important part. When all was said and done, there was five bodies, and only my scent. Human bodies. Without scents. Nothing. Even when I opened one up to see if they were using a masking agent. Nothing. No organ stink, blood scent, skin scent, liver scent, or even urine scent. Not a single thing about them had a scent." Adion finished off as he slowly climbed into one of the springs.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox frowned as she listened to Adion and stripped to her under clothes before slipping into the water and grabbed a clothe and soup powder. "So the human's have either found a new way to disguise themselves or its something worse." she said as she moved towards Adion and began to clean of the scentless blood.

"Is there anything else you can tell me. Like maybe if there was the scent of magic anywhere around the area or body's?" she asked as she brushed her black braids back over her shoulder, red eyes locked on Adion, though her thoughts were running over everything he had told her. "What about the death of the deer? Was their scent there?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

"The deer were bait. The only things that had no scent was the strange humans. Nothing about them smelled. The grass around them smelled. The ash around them smelled. But nothing from them smelled. Nothing. I doubt this is some simply spell. I think it may be some new breed of human, most likely created to kill wolves. A scary thought. These ones seemed new. Usually the werewolf hunters are silent, but their scent gives them away. These new ones were opposite that. They were not trained to be silent. They may have been a test for future variants. This is what truly scares me." Adion spoke. He just could not get over the fact that a living thing had absolutely no scent at all.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox frowned even as she sighed and shook her head, her black braids floating on the water as she continued to clean Adion off. "You would be suprised with how well huma's can fuck things up. Specially if they want to get one up on us. Bet you anything, the Rogue's are also having the same problem as well." she stated as she turned to the side, wrinkling her nose ever so slightly.

"Cleric's and Mage's that work for the huma's could have come up with scentless clay huma's. I may have to call on someone who can counter what ever they create." she cocked her head watching him. "You did kill some yes?" she asked as she grabbed a stone bowl with a pine scent to it and scooped out a hand full. "Shift, let me wash your hair. That scentless is irritating!" she stated, watching him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Adion shifted so that Fox could reach his hair before saying, "They were definitely not clay. They did not smell of dirt, and they had flavor. Their blood tasted like blood, yet had no smell. That was the same for the entirety of them. I can see the mages and clerics being involved in this, but these are either fully made from magic, or 'enhanced' humans."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox frowned as she worked at washing the blood from Adion's hair, the scentless blood worrying her very much. "I'm not very good at magic, except for what my stone collects than allows me to use. But only if it's used against me." she stated as he paused with her fingers buried in his hair and frowned.

"The only one that could help us with this would be my cousin. He's a Master Adept in magic." she stated before resuming her ministrations with the suds and hair while thinking of how to get her cousin to come here.

"I don't think they are clay either, since they bleed. It's the smell problem we have. Which means they can get close to the Pack with out us knowing and that I do not like!" she stated, a low growl rumbling deep in her chest, as her ears laid flat and her tail puffed out, even though it was water logged.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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"There has to be some way to detect them. We can't smell them, they don't give off magic. They have to have some weakness! Can't vampires detect the heat of other beings? If so, we might just have a chance against these things." Adion said, the idea proving itself within his head. It sounded like a good idea, and by the gods did Adion hope it was.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

Fox frowned as she pulled back slightly and looked down at Adion. "We already have to deal with not only the Septarches' but also the Moon Hunters, and the Rogue's. I have no idea whither or not the Rogue's would even be acceptable to lending us a hand." she stated as she resumed washing his hair before pushing him back slightly so that she could rinse his hair out.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

"Well, we will need to find some allies if we hope to survive with the new series of threats. That is not something that I like to say. Only time will tell our fate, but we must do our best to meld our own fate." Adion replied.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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A low growl slipped from Fox even as she snorted. "Please. As if fate cares about anything that deals with me. Hell the Sister Fates' are always trying to kill us, every chance they get." she snarled, red eyes flashing as her tail bushed once again.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

"You forget the Brother Fate who created vampirism and lycanism. You may not though, as most don't know very much about him. He is the guardian of those who refuse to die, or are outcast or exiled. He is not of a picky sort." Adion replied.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox blinked as she shifted to look at him. "Is that so. Hmmm. Never heard of him, let alone meet him." she stated with a shrug. "Didn't know the Sister's had a brother. Hell, bet even Mom and Gran don't even know of him." she said as she began to pull a thorn comb through his hair, untangling it as she did.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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0.00 INK

"Then I have a secret to tell you. This is something that the pack must not know, and it is something that my family, not the alphas, have passed in secret. Their is an artifact hidden deep within a labyrinth of caves that can be gotten to by a moving stone. It is an artifact that allows Brother Fate to even affect this world, a part of him that is bound to our realm. If it is destroyed, the sisters will assure our demise." Adion said.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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She paused at hearing that, her hands trembled slightly as she ran it through her mind several times, before she groaned and closed her eyes even as she cursed a blue streak in Ka'Tri. "Well then, guess we need to make sure this artifact stays hidden and safe. Or..." she paused frowning slightly. "Maybe I will get a hold of Ki. If this artifact is in as much danger as you say, it will be much safer with Ki." she stated as she resumed combing his hair.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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"I did not mean that the artifact is in danger, I meant that it is danger. It is like an underground farm to a village who cannot go to the surface. It is vital, but in no immediate danger. I told you that so that you knew about it should I fall and the pack have need to move. A secret of this type is best held by only two people." Adion said in response.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox cocked her head as she listened to Adion and nodded, even as her cheeks flushed slightly. "My bad," she muttered and resumed pulling the comb through his hair. "If it's safe for now, we need not worry about it." she said softly, while thoughts twirled in her mind.

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Pack Den

Pack Den by Black Fox

A large cavern home to the Pack.


VI'NICA by Black Fox

A home of stone's that house's the dead of the Pack. Weeping Willow's and soft bubbling creek. A place to speak with the dead or just for peace of quiet.

Moon Field

Moon Field by Black Fox

Field of lovely moon flowers

Wast Land

Wast Land by Black Fox

A land of nothing but dead hard caked earth and no life.

The Tellite River

The Tellite River by Black Fox

A river that separates the humans from the Rogues and the Pack.


Madagasca by Black Fox

Walled In Town Housing The Humans

Head Quarters

Head Quarters by Black Fox

Barracks for the Crimson Blades and Moon Hunters.

Churchh of Sanctified Light

Churchh of Sanctified Light by Black Fox

The Ruling House of Madagasca


Septarch's by Black Fox



OOC for SAVAGE LANDS by Black Fox

Chat and talk and ask question or explain things.

Hunting Grounds&Forest

Hunting Grounds&Forest by Black Fox

Where the Pack hunts.

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Character Portrait: Viel'nek
6 sightings Viel'nek played by Hyydra
"I live to serve my fellow vampires"

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Echo Whitetooth
Character Portrait: Black Fox
Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Character Portrait: Lord Caleil
Character Portrait: Vash
Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Character Portrait: BlackFox


Character Portrait: BlackFox

"I'm strong. Brave. Deadly and true to my word." grins fangs flashing. "Just so you know I don't roll over for anyone!"

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

I'm only alpha because no one can beat me.

Character Portrait: Vash

"Death is the only thing I am wishing for! But I am denied. And so I am a living Vampire that can't die and suffer night and day. Am I a daywalker or just an anomaly!?"

Character Portrait: Lord Caleil
Lord Caleil

"Though nature makes us how we are. That doesn't stop us from trying to be better, let alone creating something more!"

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Shiro Ki Savage

Strong. Brave. Kind. Honest and very Loyal to his family and those he considers friends.

Character Portrait: Black Fox
Black Fox

Fox is the proud leader of the Pack. She rules with an iron paw and takes no shit from anyone.

Character Portrait: Echo Whitetooth
Echo Whitetooth

cocky and loving, will stand up against any foe if his leader is in danger, named Whitetooth by his shining, sly smile.


Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Shiro Ki Savage

Strong. Brave. Kind. Honest and very Loyal to his family and those he considers friends.

Character Portrait: Black Fox
Black Fox

Fox is the proud leader of the Pack. She rules with an iron paw and takes no shit from anyone.

Character Portrait: Echo Whitetooth
Echo Whitetooth

cocky and loving, will stand up against any foe if his leader is in danger, named Whitetooth by his shining, sly smile.

Character Portrait: BlackFox

"I'm strong. Brave. Deadly and true to my word." grins fangs flashing. "Just so you know I don't roll over for anyone!"

Character Portrait: Lord Caleil
Lord Caleil

"Though nature makes us how we are. That doesn't stop us from trying to be better, let alone creating something more!"

Character Portrait: Vash

"Death is the only thing I am wishing for! But I am denied. And so I am a living Vampire that can't die and suffer night and day. Am I a daywalker or just an anomaly!?"

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

I'm only alpha because no one can beat me.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Shiro Ki Savage

Strong. Brave. Kind. Honest and very Loyal to his family and those he considers friends.

Character Portrait: Echo Whitetooth
Echo Whitetooth

cocky and loving, will stand up against any foe if his leader is in danger, named Whitetooth by his shining, sly smile.

Character Portrait: BlackFox

"I'm strong. Brave. Deadly and true to my word." grins fangs flashing. "Just so you know I don't roll over for anyone!"

Character Portrait: Black Fox
Black Fox

Fox is the proud leader of the Pack. She rules with an iron paw and takes no shit from anyone.

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

I'm only alpha because no one can beat me.

Character Portrait: Lord Caleil
Lord Caleil

"Though nature makes us how we are. That doesn't stop us from trying to be better, let alone creating something more!"

Character Portrait: Vash

"Death is the only thing I am wishing for! But I am denied. And so I am a living Vampire that can't die and suffer night and day. Am I a daywalker or just an anomaly!?"

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Pack Den

Pack Den by Black Fox

A large cavern home to the Pack.


VI'NICA by Black Fox

A home of stone's that house's the dead of the Pack. Weeping Willow's and soft bubbling creek. A place to speak with the dead or just for peace of quiet.

Moon Field

Moon Field by Black Fox

Field of lovely moon flowers

Wast Land

Wast Land by Black Fox

A land of nothing but dead hard caked earth and no life.

The Tellite River

The Tellite River by Black Fox

A river that separates the humans from the Rogues and the Pack.


Madagasca by Black Fox

Walled In Town Housing The Humans

Head Quarters

Head Quarters by Black Fox

Barracks for the Crimson Blades and Moon Hunters.

Churchh of Sanctified Light

Churchh of Sanctified Light by Black Fox

The Ruling House of Madagasca


Septarch's by Black Fox



OOC for SAVAGE LANDS by Black Fox

Chat and talk and ask question or explain things.

Hunting Grounds&Forest

Hunting Grounds&Forest by Black Fox

Where the Pack hunts.


A home of stone's that house's the dead of the Pack. Weeping Willow's and soft bubbling creek. A place to speak with the dead or just for peace of quiet.


Chat and talk and ask question or explain things.

Wast Land

A land of nothing but dead hard caked earth and no life.

The Tellite River

A river that separates the humans from the Rogues and the Pack.

Head Quarters

Barracks for the Crimson Blades and Moon Hunters.

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