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The Second Age of Metal

The Second Age of Metal


When Eddie was swept away to the age of metal Ormagoden was left behind and has returned the world to its former glory though many seek to corrupt and control it...

1,664 readers have visited The Second Age of Metal since FantaBadger created it.


I know it's a bit of a read but please bare with me and at least give the intro a good skim:
Several months ago the Second Wave of American Tween Melodic Rap Metalcore (or S.W.O.A.T.M.R.M.) band Kabbage Boy hired the legendary roadie Eddie Riggs for their latest abomination to the name of Heavy Metal, a world tour. It was during one of these monstrosities that the lead guitarist caused an accident involving the stage set, a section of it falling and crushing Eddie. A portion of his demonic blood fell onto his belt buckle which, as it turned out, was in fact an amulet and this sacrifice gave it the power needed to summon the spirit of Ormagoden, the Eternal Fire Beast and Cremator of the Sky. Angered by this blasphemy the metal beast proceeded to kill most of the band and audience, the roadie disappearing never to be seen again.

Ormagoden saw what had become of the world and roared in rage, his voice sweeping around the globe and beginning the second age of metal. The Fire Beast then ran across the skies, setting them alight and the sheer power of his presence reshaped the continents and seas. The animals grew metal spikes and claws, plants and trees grew instruments and the ground festered engine parts. Finally the people were transformed; those who played music deemed unfit to his ears were stricken down to the ground but the ones who played pleasing sounds of great quality gained powers or simply became more… interesting.

Those who made sorrowful sounds like Goth, Doom or Black metal were overcome with Aetulia’s black tears, glam metal and you became a practical sex god, power or otherwise uplifting metal gave you saintly powers and so on. Unfortunately a few were also playing death metal and other extreme, evil sounds which twisted and mutated them into horrifying, blood thirsty demons. A powerful member of these few, renaming himself Gorasphyx, thought himself fit to lead this new world and gathered an unholy army. They called themselves the Tainted Coil in β€˜honour’ of a vile race of demons from the first age of metal marched across the new lands, conquering many of them with little resistance from the confused people and enslaving them. Many of the strong were taken prisoner for reasons unknown, you are one of these people stolen.

Ok, basically this is a Brutal Legend rp set just after Eddie's departure and Ormagoden's return. It is not intended to be serious or realistic, over the top violence and actions are encourage providing they are not too over powered... At least not it the beginning, anyway. Here's the template for your character sheets, let's try not to have everyone playing guitar and you can play an evil character or even a big baddie if you impress me:

Name: (No characters from the original game unless I approve and if it's too flamboyant or sounds like it's from an anime I can and will smite you unless its funny)
Age: (Self explanatory, I'd hope. No one under 18 or geriatric.)
Gender: (No hermaphrodites please, let's keep it simple.)
Appearance: (Describe how amazingly awesome you look. I prefer words over pictures, make it detailed: At least one good sized paragraph or an appropriate, awesome picture.)
Profession:(What did your character do before the new age of metal began, if anything?)
Personality: (You don't have to be too elaborate here just a few basic points.)
Background/Bio: (Not mandatory if you want to be mysterious, are lazy or something along those lines.)
Weapon: (Optional. What is your choice tool for crushing your enemies into bone dust and their own various bodily fluids?)
Instrument: (Optional. You have a choice of: Guitar, Keyboards/Organ/Piano, Bass guitar, Vocals and Drums. Each kinds of instruments come with their own strengths and weaknesses which I’ll explain in further detail in a moment. If you want a more interesting type of instrument I or Rouge must approve)
If you wish, you can only have a regular weapon but no instrument and gain extra powers with it and vice versa.
Metal powers: (Optional and I don't want too many people to have one of these, basically if you were playing heavy metal in a particularily awesome fashion you may have been transformed by the almighty Ormagoden. If so you can have one related power or characteristic. For example: You played a song with such sorrow that the ground wept black tears, forming tentacles on your back which you may control.)
Riffs: (Only applicable if you have an instrument and you can only start out with two. Riffs are less powerful than solos and their effects usually do not last long but can be played often or even constantly.)
Solos: (Once again, only applicable for those with instruments, you can have only one in the beginning if you also have a weapon or two if you do not. Solos are far more powerful than riffs, having longer lasting effects and a larger range of these however they also take far more time to execute, are more difficult and cannot be done as often.)
Special attacks:(Only applicable if you do not have an instrument, these are (surprize surprize) special types of attacks or actions you can do with your weapon/s. They can have effects that can be similar to riffs and solos in instruments. Maximum of 2 to begin with.)

Note: You will get more riffs, solos and special attacks as the game goes on and you are aloud to make your initial ones as well as a number along the way. Only playing an instrument/using a weapon also makes you far more effective at it and very powerful with it.
Instruments- Your choices, in more detail, are:
Guitar: Damage focused, best at short to medium range as well as rallying effects
Bass guitar: Healing and buff focused, also dazing and stun effects (if you choose to go without a weapon you can hit people over the head with it)
Vocals: Best at medium to long range, damage over time and summoning focus
Drums: Best at short to medium range, concussive effects and speed buffs/debuffs
Keyboards/organ/piano: Crowd control, debuffs and perception changing effects (i.e. you fuck with peoples minds)

Your style of playing has more sway on your riffs/solos than the instrument choice, e.g. You could play guitar like an organ and gain some debuff effects, etc... If you have any questions post them in the OCC or pm me.

Toggle Rules

Note: This roleplay is set in the new age of metal so wimpy or otherwise sissy characters are unlikely to survive long. I will not hesitate to kill off characters/players who annoy me or otherwise ruin my day. :D
1. No godmodding, if you control another players character or determine the outcome of an important action you will suffer the, quite probably embarrassing, consequences.
2. Post length: At least one good sized paragraph unless you are in a situation where this is impractical or impossible.
3. Must be literate: If I see any net-speak you don't want to know what will happen. I'm fine with spelling errors, they happen, and typos. If English is not your first language or you have another excuse tell me.
4.Fun: Mandatory, if you are not enjoying yourself then tell me immediately and why, I will remedy this situation. If you ruin someone else's fun... Well, I'll leave that to your imagination. :D
5. Respect: Respect the GMs (myself and Rougeshadow) and the other players
6. Romance is allowed providing you do not turn this into soft porn. Anything further than making out should be taken to the pms
7. Swearing: Go fucking nutshit.

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in


Aborheim by RolePlayGateway

Gorasphyx's Fortress

The Plains of Gorn

The Plains of Gorn by RolePlayGateway

A desolate plain scattered with ancient relics and the blood of Gorasphyx's enemies surrounding Aborhiem.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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Piper walked in silence behind the other two, keeping a healthy little distance between them and herself. Happy, carefree conversations in situations no one had ever been known to survive - ever - wasn't really her thing.. not even before the world started to go downhill and over the edge and then suddenly turned into one huge, half-assed heavy metal joke. Times like this always made her miss the good ol' days. Prior to the Metal Age. When people didn't think that blood dripping from the walls and monsters that the Silent Hill producers would be proud of were so.. normal. To Pip, how the other two could stay relaxed was and would remain a mystery.. "...Call me Piper." she said tersely to answer Clarissas question as she eyed the highly disturbing walls. These kind of sights were much to common these days... sad.

"HOLY FUCK" Cait yelled, and covered her ear with the only arm positioned in such a way it allowed her to actually do so. The scream was muffled but still echoed inside the tiny space, making her ears ring. That's just great She had most likely just been discovered, and where was she? Locked inside the trunk of her own car. Fuck. Alright, no sweating it, just stay FUCKING CALM. BREATHE, AND STUFF. Since her cover was already blown, she could at least do the only logical thing and shut the execrable loudmouth up for good. She calmed her self down, took a deep breath.. and begun to sing. It was actually a gentle little melody. Lulling, even. But should the screaming demon shut up for long enough to turn around, he might have noticed the human hand, scorched almost past recognition, that slowly but steadily materialized and reached out of his shadow. The hand was followed by an arm, and then, Cait quit singing, took a second breath, and screamed. Immediately the arm caught fire, began to twitch and pulled the rest of a human torch out of the demons shade. Two more quickly followed, and howling in misery and agony they launched themselves towards the demons back, holding on until their arms burned and fell off seconds later, and they started to run around, begun just causing general havoc admits the demon troops that were amassing, leaving the badly scorched demon to it's death.

Meanwhile the heavily cursing Piper walked slowly right after Clarissa, fingers moving rapidly between the tangents of her keytar. A few quick, high pitched notes were played, making the air around the instrument itself seem to wave and shiver. As if hit by a sudden realization, the battle nuns at the gate flinched, one or two reaching for their heads where their ears were most likely located. "Eat my pain, suckers.." Pip chuckled after the Hyperacusis riff, dispatched her instrument, grabbed Fang and set off after the Wizard. "Hell, gaming'n warfare.." she smirked, closing in towards the battle nuns.

For maybe like the hundredth time that hour, inside the trunk Caitlyn reached for the lock mechanism that kept the trunk cover shut, once again only finding the half-a-cm wide hole in the floor, leading to the actual lock. ".. AWFUCKTHISCRAPJUSTOPENTHEFUCKINGDOORALREADY. CHRISTHELL."

The setting changes from The Second Age of Metal to Aborheim


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(('one huge, half-assed heavy metal joke'? I'm insulted! This is one huge, terrible heavy metal joke!))
The howling demon did not notice the flaming, shadowy hands until it was too late. The summon creatures latched onto the screaming monstrosity, arms like flaming chains as they burned its tender flesh and constricted its already twisted form. It screamed even louder as its skin bubbled and burned away, the smell of burning leather filled the air as the thing collapsed and died in agony. It continued to scream for several seconds though life had left it, so intense in volume and pitch just so that suddenly every instrument, every note was rendered inaudible and ineffective. The ears of every living creature within range were left with their ears ringing, even the powers bestowed by the metal gods were weaker and somehow distorted. The shades brought onto the earth screeched and then were dragged back into the earth, having slowed the groups of Tainted now gripping their heads in pain.

Fortunately, this also finished off the already severely weakened Battle Nuns that guarded the entrance to the garage with their zipper-like heads exploding, sending blood and brain everywhere. The Electric Wizard fell to her knees and held her ears in pain, she began to flicker in and out of vision and solid form like the image of a damaged video for a few moments like her very existence was being assaulted. It seemed that, due to her close ties to music and her guitar, she was suffering worse than most. The animals in the stable finally broke free of their cages and tore through the walls of the building, most of them running for the nearest exit and/or mauling he nearest demon. Xexbro's horse and Piper's dog were amongst them, making their way to their respective owners. Caitlyn would find the lock to the trunk she was imprisoned in ripped off with massive chunks of metal, looking through the hole left she would see a massive creature somewhere inbetween a bear, a cat and a KISS fan. Clarissa shakily stood as a punishing party, comprised of a fat and enchained demon being whipped and tortured repeatedly by skeletal succubus-like Tainted, accompanied by a large group of Soul Kissers arrived. They were lead by a large demon, it looked like Dr. Frank N. Furter ((If you don't know who that is, I can and will slap you think Tim Curry in drag and bondage.)) had gotten caught in an unfortunate smelting accident, clad in bondage with sharps and spikes of metal protruding from... Interesting places. At its word the Soul Kissers charged at the group and the party hurled barbed spears, The Wizard played a few notes experimentally before diving into a solo. She decided to whip up a needle surprize, the sharp fragments hitting the Kissers and forcing them back with concussive force but it was too weak from the scream to do serious damage.

The setting changes from Aborheim to The Second Age of Metal

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Confronted with this ugly demon force Cassandra leaps forward slamming the spear head into the head of the slave, hacking and slashing anything in her way with her shield and knife. After pushing all of her enemys aside she stands ontop of it she begins hurling the spears left and right with ease due to her lugging around one seven times the weight. Aiming for the tim curry abomination she hurls volleys of spears at it, constantly moving around due to the blinded crazed slave panicing. After being satisfied with the amount of damage she hurled she jumps back and lands near the car that Caitlyn was imprisoned in. Looking down she opens it up and sees the girl and says "What the hell is some ginger chick doing in the back of a car? On second thought answer that after I finish off the giant monsters, oh and make yourself usefull." she says before handing her the shield chainsaw/blender and telling her to activate it she simply clenches down and bangs on the inside twice. "Lets go kick some ASS!" she says bringing out her duel butterfly knifes, twirling them around her hands and lunging forward at the slave to take the spear back so she could properly mount the strange bear/cat monster.

Following the rest of the group Xexbro decides to sit back on the fight with the nuns deciding not to do anything until Mr. Fluffulupucus was found, so to keep himself in the clear he decided to tell The Wizard why. "Hey im not gona be able to help you fight right now, and I'll explain why through a poem! Ahem"

"I cannot help you fight today"
Says xexbro followed with an Mmmkay?
"I have the measles and the mumps"
"A gash a rash and purple bumps!'
"My mouth is wet, my throat is dry!"
"Im going blind in my right eye!"
"My tonsils are a sbig as rocks."
"I've counted sixteen chicken pox"
"And theres one more thats seventeen!"
"And dont you think my face looks green?"
"My leg is cut, my eyes are blue."
"It might be instimatic flu"
"I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke"
"Im sure that my left leg is broke"
"My hip hurts when I turn my chin"
"My belly buttons caving in"
"My back is wrenched my ankles sprained"
"My pendix pains each time it rains"
"My nose is cold my toes are numb:
"I have a sliver in my thumb"
"My neck is stiff my voice is weak"
"I barely whisper when I speak"
"My tounge is filling up my mouth"
"I think my hair is falling out"
"my elbows bent my spine aint straight"
"My temperature is one o eight"
"My brain is shrunk I cannot hear"
"There is a hole inside my ear"
"I have a hangnail and my heart is.... what, whats that I see?
"Could it be the horse I wass going to name Mcgee?"
"G'bye im going killing today!"
And thus he runs towards his horse with open arms and hugs its neck in a heart warming moment in the middle of a chaotic blood thirsty battle between the forces of Evil... and slightly less evil. But eventually he gets back to his senses and mounts his horse and begins swinging that big ol scythe of his aiming at the boney skeletal tainted, not noticing his battle crazy hot amazon sister.

The setting changes from The Second Age of Metal to Aborheim


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The bear-cat monster, known in the first age of metal as a 'Metal Beast', began thrashing and bucking to launch the spartan woman from its hairy back. It was doing a good job, however, The Wizard saw Cassandra's plight and decided that allies were rare in these sorts of situations, helping her out a bit with something she had picked up from the old days of metal. She played electric funeral, sending a bolt of of lightening at the creature which, upon striking it, stunned the immense thing. It gave the woman clinging for dear life atop it a fair shock but now the metal Beast appeared to be more docile and willing to be controlled, "I'm sure as hell glad the PETA didn't see that!" She laughed, playing a few more chords to send bolts at the Soul Kisser still charging at her, mowing the ones which Xexbro's sister hadn't already murdered brutally in her getting to The Punishing Party. Xex's scythe easily sliced through the spindly forms of the dominatrices and the massive slave, screaming in delicious agony and pleasure from Cassandra's spear, took notice. Without them it chose to end its own life, plunging a spear into its own heart so that its mass began to bloat even more. "Oh shit... Goth boy! Get outta there before Pin Boy blows!" Clarissa warned, uncharacteristically worried since he had put her through a long and unnecessary poem, but saw that the Tim Curry lookalike was not yet done, it was impaled by several spears but it simply pulled them from its own chest with a creepy grin, preparing to hurl them at the group. "Oh no you don't, fuck-face!" She evaporated and appeared once more directly in front of the demon, she hurl lightening at him and smiled with satisfaction as the electricity dance between the metal spikes in its hide with the thing stunned and shaking.

The Electric Wizard picked a winding melody and watched with satisfaction as vines wrapped themselves around the creature, dragging it to the ground in the struggle, "Now ain't that a bitch..." She smiled lazily, stopping suddenly and picking up a spear, before it could rise she plunged it into its heart and killed it. The remains of The Tainted Coil's army had arrived; thousands of demons and monsters and humans who had given themselves freely to Gorasphyx.

The setting changes from Aborheim to The Second Age of Metal

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"What does it look like?" Caitlyn groaned. "I am having a picnic with all my imaginary friends. Very nice of you to open up this thing. Next time, I should keep a welding in here..." she said and forced herself to sit up. After hours of being locked inside the tiny space, every ounce of fiber in her body was aching now when she finally had enough space to move her limbs around. Blood was, slowly, returning to places, that it shouldn't have left in the first place. "Whatever you say, just give me a sec..." she said to the oddly dressed lady in the greek looking armor, who had opened the trunk for some slightly odd reason. Cait had sort of expected a Tainted, but, she preferred this option. "Holy dogma, does it feel nice to finally be out of there..." she said and climbed out of the trunk and started digging in one of her pockets for the car keys. The vehicle itself was an old LTD Ford, flame painted and slightly 'modified' in that that there was nothing but a jagged line in the metal where the roof used to be attached. Slightly unsure what to do with the meatgrinder, she decided to leave it in the back seat while Cassandra was battling with her mount. She entered the car, and backed out of the parking lot in a speedboost of blood splatter and Tainted Coil insides. "Fuckers...." she muttered at the Tainted horde that suddenly was pouring in from every direction. "I'm getting quite fed up with you.."

"You have to be kidding me..." Piper grunted at the sight and took a firmer grip of her scythe. "Hey Gas Girl! If you actually know where the exit is, don't you think it would be a good time to go find it, like, right about FUCKING NOW!?" she yelled at the guitarist. She herself realized she was a bit of a tight situation.. Xexbro had his horse and Clarissa was a freaking evaporating gas cloud, while she herself was sort of stuck with the old fashioned running which, logically, would most likely not take her very far... Right then a disturbance seemed to be going on within the lines of the Tainted, and a very dark, very pissed, very hairy and very needy of a pet groomer emerged from somewhere around a corner, sending the smaller creatures flying, leaped over the Reaper and his horse and continued to his owner; "Hermes!" Piper grinned at the former dog thing who happily trotted up to her. "How'd you even get in here, boy? I thought you were still outside!" she said and grabbed his scruffy neck fur, pulling herself up in the saddle.

The setting changes from The Second Age of Metal to Aborheim


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It seemed the demon hordes were just as few up with Caitlyn and she was with them, half crushed monsters from beneath the wheels of her truck began to move with renewed hatred. They tore themselves away from the crushing tires, with the sickening sounds of cracking sinews, ripping flesh and torn bodies they broke free of their lower halves still kicking on the ground. They were almost dead but managed to crawl up the sides of the vehicle, scratching and beating their way to the opening where the roof should have been. It seemed that the disadvantages of a sun roof in Aborheim were about to be made painful apparent, several already trying to claw at the woman's face. Blood and gore was streaked all over the LTD Ford, some of the divided demons already dropped to the ground finally dead with their carcasses threatening to bog the car in.

The Electric Wizard cringed, jumping a little in surprize when Piper began yelling at her in a rude fashion. She disliked being hurried and didn't understand what all the rush was about, "Jeez! With lungs like that you could have been a fucking singer!" She laughed a little, finally paying attention to what she was saying, "Oh, that... Don't worry, I know where to find an exit. I'll go get the door..." A dubious smile crossed the guitarist's lips and she ran, dodging her way past demons out for her flesh off-handedly until stopping a few metres in front of the metal walls. "Now, what about my key?" Clarissa pulled her guitar into position, "Oh yeah; Drop A!" With a laugh she began playing 'Dredger', the rumbling of her guitar spreading to the ground, dispersing the Tainted Coil around her as they tried to remain standing. This controlled earthquake quickly hit the wall, the corpses and fragments of entrails that once decorated its fearsome top fell like rain onto the ground, splatting on the ground. Suddenly a shock wave sent cracks through the section of wall The Wizard was facing, picking up her pace the metal warped and churned until it bent in on itself. An opening large enough for a car to get through was created, she quickly sent a bolt of electricity to strike behind of Xex's horse so it would move as the Slave burst. Clarissa's guitar now glowed red hot, not a note could be played until it cooled down and a large horde of pissed demons were now running at her. "Oh shit-sticks on a porcupine... Haven't you guys ever heard of a coffee break!" The guitarist tried to fight them off with her bare hands and feet as well as she could, the instrument strung on her back to hot even to hold and smack a few nasties with.


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((A bit rushed, I'm in a hurry...))
"Ha ha ha, fuck no you don't... I just repainted this thing!" Caitlyn grinned, sharply turning the vehicle. Several demons finally met death between the side of the ford and the walls, bodies crushed and smeared out like those of mashed bugs against the ragged surface. "Torches ablaze and saaacred chants were praised~ Blood on your face, you big fat disgrace..." she hummed along the sound of crunching cartilage and the bloodsplatter that covered most of the car, including her. This was life. This was part of the reason she had risked coming here in the first place, for the thrill, for the heat of boiling blood, for the sounds, the screams, crunching of bones, for the bloodthirst. Also, for Piper. But that was another story. She looked over her shoulder to see if the amazon woman and her Kiss fan thing was planning to follow, since, well, Cait till had her shield and all. Stuff might end up.. awkwardly. She didnt' have time to check as the remaining demons were still clawing themselves onto her carefully lacquered car, reaching for her face.. Pushing the pedal down to the floor, the abominations cringed as the vehicle jumped over the mutilated corpses. With one hand on the steering wheel Cait grabbed the closest demon, a warfather, by the skull, effectively crushing it with a little more pressure added. She chuckled and suddenly hit the brakes, sending the remaining living demons flying off the car, before running them over, finishing them off or good as she continued down the hallway.

Effectively plowing through the demon masses by sheer bulk, Hermes made himself useful by munching, ramming and clawing away at anything that crossed his path. Piper herself also had her hands filled, using her knees to steer the dog towards the gap in the structure. "Either that, or a musher.." she said, her focus put into the keytar. The 'nattvΓ€sen' solo was an eerie one. Little whisps of equally eerie blue light were spewing out of the instrument with every played tone, finding their way towards the demons surrounding Clarissa once the solo was over. Entering their hosts through fingernails, claws, thorns and oddly placed metal spikes, the Wizard would find that quite a number of the lesser demons now turned on their 'comrades'. However after a well-placed note form Pips part, a small party of soul kissers remained with the human, just standing there..


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Riding on the now dazed Metal beast Cassandra smacked it upside the head and told It β€œYou better not try that again yah little fucker.” Before slapping its ass like a horse and galloping towards the demons. Tugging as hard as she could to make a break, instead causing the creatures mouth to open and spew fire forward burning anything in its way, and whatever didn’t die from fire she skewered with her spear. And although this was fun the amount of demons was starting to look grim, she pulled as hard as she could and sent the creature retreating with the ginger. Heaving as far as she could the beast leaped into the air and landed to the left of the car as it began moving towards the exit. As she neared the exit she saw something she hadn’t noticed earlier; her brother on Mr. Fluffulupucus with some girl with a lime green guitar on the back of it.

Pulling on the reins Xexbro took a swift turn away from the explosion and looked bewildered at the disgusting flea infested shaggy mutt. Before starting to trample over demons in his way as he tried to get to the wizard….. And maybe piper if she would shut the fuck up for a moment, or was that another girl? It didn’t matter he needed the wizard for long range support, and to give him bad ass music for the upcoming brawl with his sister (who he noticed through the fog of the explosion). He yells at the top of his lungs so he could be heard by Clarrisa over the battle β€œAll aboard the Reaper Express! Tickets please, tickets please.” And as he gets close enough he reels his scythe back and lops the heads off of two of the soul kissers, another one trampled, and the last one set ablaze by a drive by green fireball. β€œI see you got four tickets me lady. But the train requires five….. naw just shittin with yah. Come on quick, and as a side note you do know how to play through the fire and the flames right? Cause I’m going to need that real soon.” He tells her as he extends his left hand and grabs her right hand heaving her up to the horse. β€œAlright let’s get going! Make sure you have all packages and items because we are lifting off in 100, 99, 98, 97, (demons approaching rapidly and dangerously with each number), 96, 95, 94, other numbers, 1, 0, LIFT OFF!” he says slamming his scythe blade into the ground and sending his horse stampeding forward. This entire move is simply a reapers harvest to the tenth power. Creating a division in the floor with the dead arms and souls rising up from it to protect their unholy master Xexbro. Finally getting near the exit he saw his mounted sister, and some car operated by a ginger without a roof. Speeding up to it he looks inside and says β€œTop of the morning eh? So tell me what’s a girl like you doing in a nastay oh so nasty place like this?” his sister seeing her opportunity jumped onto the car, grabbing her shield, and attempted to impale her brothers head. Xexbro seeing this coming swayed back before tying his horses reins to the car and standing on top of his horse scythe in hand. β€œYah know how I asked you about that song? Yeah well now’s the time to play it.” He tells Clarrisa as he dodges another spear attack and retaliates with a cleave attack towards her stomach. If Clarrisa did know the song he would be singing the first line and his sister would sing the other in amusement going back and before occasionally unifying on lines. If she didn’t he would simply shake his head before singing this alongside his sister as they attempted to brutally kill one another


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((This is a big one, be warned...))
The Metal beast seemed not to appreciate being called things by its rider but Cassandra's 'forceful personality', as the legendary Eddie Riggs would put it, kept it in check as they incinerated any demons that crossed their path. The Tainted Coil assaulted the group from all angles, trying to tear off their flesh but Caitlyn's car and the Metal Beast were clearing a path to the outside. In the back seat of the car there were numerous hands, tentacles and other appendages scattered about it and smearing blood all over the upholstery having been sliced from their owners that once clung to the sides but were now reduced to a fine, red mush on her tires. Several of these limbs were still twitching and pulsating disconcertingly as the spartan woman jumped into the car and began attacking Xexbro whom tied Mr. Fluffulupucus to the vehicle as well. The Metal Beast, now free, turned its disturbing face back towards Caitlyn's car and let lose a quick snort of fire onto the windscreen with a curious effect before making its escape properly. The cracks and burn marks formed looked like notes for a tab that might be used by a singer, a riff or solo of some sort.

The Electric Wizard was having trouble with the Tainted Coil in no small measure, she was only able to evaporate long enough to avoid the blows and slashes of the monsters. "What ever happened to peace, love and understanding, guys? Bloody hell..." She sighed in between several flurries of wild punches and kicks. Things were not looking good for her, the exit cut off when suddenly she heard an interesting piece of music from the chaos of the crowd, it sounded like keytar. Taken by the maddening notes, the demons attacked their brethren and seemed to forget about the woman with the guitar. She gave Piper a lazy little salute as she saw her and her massive dog maul their way through the army, grinning though somewhat uneasy around the few Soul Kissers that lingered by her though did not attack. She was considering evaporating and making an exit since her new buddies seemed to be taking care of themselves when the comedian with a big scythe and bigger mouth ran at her yelling something about trains, "Now I'm not sure I want a ride, heh- Hey!-" She protested briefly to him grabbing her hand, "Of course I know Through The Fire and The Flames, what kind of self respecting muso do you think I am?" Clarrisa joked as Xex pulled her up onto the back of the skeleton horse unceremoniously, shaking her head and readjusting her guitar on her back as she positioned herself behind him and held on. "Your maths teacher must be so proud..." She smirked as he skipped from 94 to 1 and they shot through the gap in the wall to a place known as 'The Plains of Gorn', a desert that surrounded Aborhiem filled with blood and ancient relics.

The Wizard laughed as most of the demons fell behind, retreating to their now somewhat disheveled fortress with only few groups of monkey-like things on bikes taking chase and hurling ticks that could suck the life out of its target. Frowning slightly and seeing that she may soon have to deal with that agro spartan chick she decided to repay Piper for essentially saving her life and pulled out a blank piece of sheet music. Suddenly one of the ticks embedded itself her guitar, a nasty gouge wound opening on her right arm simultaneously, letting out a pained groan as it tried to sap the life out of both her and her instrument. Clarrisa pulled the annoying bug off and used its pointed tip, dripping her blood, to write out a little ditty for a keytar. Once done she folded it into a paper plane and shot it off to Piper, frowning when she saw Cassandra and Xex fighting it out, "Why can no one chillax around here? Hey! Spear-girl! Can't you get over your PMS for five minutes while we escape?" She suggested, working on a new solo with a thoughtful expression, "Maybe you two should come up with some better moves and make this interesting, eh?" They would be struck with sudden inspiration for the making of new moves, perhaps from Ormagodden himself((I ran out of ideas to give you a chance to get new special attacks... Yeah. :P))as The Wizard launched into Through the Fire and the Flames, trying not to get knocked off the horse as she did so whilst the two combatants were singing. "And people say I'm strange..."

The setting changes from Aborheim to The Second Age of Metal

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It did feel good to be out of that place. Although the open space was a welcome change from the car trunk, at the time being Caitlyn wasn't exactly the very epitome of joy and happiness... Still grinning, the smile now had a sad tint to it. Fools errand to begin with, Cait... The redhead sighed, and a sting of remorse made itself known in her stomach. Well, Piper wasn't going to matter past this point. She tried. Not her fault.. Well, I guess ultimately it was her fault, now wasn't it.. But, spilled milk.. She was pretty sure she'd survive with the conscience. But i really was too bad. Sighing, she decided to take a final look at the building in the rear mirror and.... "Holy moly, MY CAR!!" Caitlyn violently brought the vehicle to a screeching halt, and stared from the glass of her windscreen, now boiling and cracking and covered in little embers, to the Metal Beast. That thing had already ripped up her trunk... Great to be out of there, but the windscreen! It was completely innocent! Did that... thing... have any idea how hard it was to find spare parts? Hell, the car was ancient! From some time during the beginnings of Fords! "Get right back here, you little piece o-"
Then of course the slightly delayed insight hit her head on, and jerked her attention back to the glass where the little marks seemed to almost follow a pattern... Her eyes widened as she memorized the notes, going them over in her head, before the embers had a chance to cool down and the pattern was lost.

Before she actually had a chance to take off again, she noticed the reaper. ... Well of course she noticed the reaper. Probably 'cause of the horde of deceased souls carrying him, his undead horse and his lady company all around the place. But somewhere, in the darkest part of her subconscious, a high-pitched little voice shouted 'where the fuck have I seen this before?'. "...." Raising a puzzled eyebrow at the party as they passed she, as Cassandra flew by her head with her freaking meat grinding shield with a few inches, quickly decided it wasn't really her business anyways. Completely clueless to why they were fighting, to why they were there, to the fact that the reaper had tied his horse to the car and, above all, to why they were all singing 'Through the fire and the flames' together while doing... whatever they were doing. The Ford wasn't gonna be able to outrun the demon biker monkey things anyways, so she started up the engine, and with a roar of the cars part, darted off towards the OTHER side of the slightly melancholy desert...
Meanwhile, Piper was very surprised to find herself basking in white light as she and her dog were abducted by a totally Krieg, viking-styled U.F.O. and taken to the Galaxy Far, Far Away... Surprise was then exchanged with silent, chilly looks directed towards the author of this post once she(Pip, that is)realized that said author is quite simply to lazy to keep up two characters and decided to get rid of one. Negotiations were then made and the two quickly came to an agreement involving hideous amounts of popcorn, manga, World of Warcraft and(finally)unlimited access to internet! Wh00h00!

The setting changes from The Second Age of Metal to The Plains of Gorn

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Quickly we need cpr AND a thirteen gigawats of electric energy on this RP NOW! Been focusing on Epic Quest [It’s begun!] plotting and scheming with Astro_B0Y so I guess this RP got set on the backburner. I would definitely like to continue this; it’s just that I've been stretching myself out to thin on several things :(....)
(Anyway this one’s pretty long so yeah!)

After a short bit of combat between the two the lanky red head chick as Cassandra nicknamed her had decided that a mobile fight was a smarter idea. This unbalanced Cassandra and caused her to fall over while saying in a monotone and slightly annoyed voice β€œGreat mother fucker” while Xexbro hollered β€œTimber!!!!” and continued to sing solo while Cassandra re-balanced herself. Now with only Xexbro singing and doing a little giddy dance he swung a fist at her helmet slightly denting it with his gloves and leaving a pink painful flesh wound. Following with another swing at her stomach before putting both fists together and slamming down on her head. Thus made her wobbly, slip, fall face first onto the back of the car, and pierce the trunk with helmet. Xexbro began laughing uncountable but tried his hardest to continue singing. Royally pissed off Cassandra heard his laughter and swung her iron greave and boot straight at his loud head hitting his mouth. He fell back, blood now pouring out of his mouth, a tooth flung out, and coughing up another one as he now laid with his shoulders near the wheel and his head drooping and whirling all over the place. Cassandra finally ripping her head free from the trunk grabbed her grinder shield and revved it up. With a sly grin she slammed her boot into his chest (causing black tears to pour down his eyes) and followed with a groin shot. Xexbro now in a blurry, confused, and painful state kept smiling in a goofy grin most of the time at the driver, sky, or fluffy. β€œAlright enough playing time to get to the blood and guts!” Cassy said as she brought the shield up, fully revved and spinning. Though what she didn’t expect was one of the monkey driver’s spiders to clasp onto her chest and arm as she raised the shield. She yelled in pain (and shock) which gave enough time for the tears to fully flow and trickle into his mouth and blood wounds. His blood turned black and oil like and it frothed and became bubbling inside his mouth like a can of soda. Out of the froth flew 12 spiked, armored, blue fiery eyed, so thin you can see their bones, and pretty much like Mr. Fluffulupucus. They all cawed in unison and attacked Cassandra throwing her off the car and onto the sand. They lit her on fire with one of their belches, shocked her when they flew in a full circle around her, and spewed black tears onto her and anything near her before returning to Xexbro’s mouth. (New Metal Power for singing through the fire and the flames, in the middle of a demon infested desert, on a car, and in the middle of combat between a psychotic Spartan chick and demonic monkey bikers.). In the beginning of the fight Fluffy had done the smart thing and ripped the rope of its mouth, bumping the guitarist a bit, and sent her flying forward to the position where you would ride the horse like Xexbro did. The rope was sent flying and unknowingly stuck on one of Cassandra’s many spikes. Xexbro remained in a semi unconscious state but his birds continued to fly in and out of his mouth towards the demon bikes doing the same things they did to Cassandra (And the occasionally scratching, biting, and mauling) all while retreating to his mouth if they got injured.
With Cassandra on the floor, covered with wounds and black tears from those god damn ravens and crows she looked up at her thrashed and thrown around shield. On it was some rope that had somehow got from the horse onto her shield. The Xexbro’s blood and the crows tear blasts seemed to be doing a similar effect only nothing came out the rope simply melted. She crawled a bit over to the shield and examined it. On the back in the middle of the handle was a bunched up barbwire like thin rope. She untangled it a bit and examined it. Not sure exactly what it was or what it did.

(I’ll try to balance my newer things with my more cherished older gems [Like this one!] as best as I can)

The setting changes from The Plains of Gorn to The Second Age of Metal

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((Whoo, sorry for not posting sooner. Didn't notice your post o.O))
Mobile fight her ass! "Damn you people! Do you even realize there is no such thing as insurance anymore!" Caitlyn yelled back at the noise of Cassandra piercing the hull. She grunted, not liking where this was heading and wishing they could just sit down and shut up instead of breaking havoc in the car of some complete stranger, when suddenly another one of the tick projectiles flew by her face by an inch and, uh.. 'attached' itself onto the windscreen. With a SPLAT. It left a nice, tick-shaped spot on the passenger side, subtly hinting that she might want to re-think her method of escaping.. She turned around and opened her mouth to say something to the other two, but when she was greeted by one of 'em falling off the car and the other one, now with a very peculiar case of rabies, smiling dumbly at her while drooling all over the trunk, she, slightly disappointed, quickly changed her mind.. Instead she grabbed a roll of silver tape from the glove department and taped the gas pedal to the floor. She then jumped over to the back, grabbed Xexbro by the ankles, dragged him over to the drivers seat and pulled his right arm through the steering wheel to prevent it from spinning. With a little consideration, she taped the arm as well onto the dashboard. ... Yeah, well it was a good thing it was very much temporary..
She then returned to the back and hastily dug through the pile of dispatched limbs and other, more disputable, demon extremities until her fingers found the lock and she cracked it open. Unlike most back seats, this one was actually built to be a coffer.. Cait smiled faintly at the weapon as she pulled it out, and after a quick glance at the chainsaw she was likely to need pretty damn soon, she was just about to go back to relieve her fellow passenger from his position at the drivers seat.

The setting changes from The Second Age of Metal to The Plains of Gorn

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((I would have posted sooner but the power went out...))
"Whoah... Did you mix your soda with battery acid and heroin or something!?" The Wizard queried Xexbro over the roar of engines as he began to belch out demonic horses and crows that looked like they belonged in the sea of black tears or Tim Burton's latest movie. He looked like he was in a great deal of pain but that deluded grin seemed to indicate that he didn't care or was too concussed by that spartan-chick's blow. She looked a little concerned which was saying something for someone essentially made of marijuana fumes, stopping her playing momentarily to try and get onto the car to help as Cassandra was swarmed by the summoned nasties. Unfortunately it seemed this wasn't meant to be as Mr. Fluffulupucus ((Christ that's bitch to spell out...)) tore off the rope and darted away from the Ford with Clarrisa clinging on for dear life and grinning the whole time, "Fuck! Who needs roller coasters for fun?" She laughed, pulling herself into a better position and taking the reigns, "Now let's see how you drive this thing..." She tried to steer the skeleton horse but he was unresponsive until she whacked it on the head, figuring that it got most things to work, "Oi! You gonna listen now buddy or do I have to smack you up some more?" She inquired, Fluffy decided it was in his best interests to obey and she steered him towards the largest group of remaining biker monkeys.

The crows sliced into the flesh of Tick Choppers' riders and rended the eyes from their sockets, butchering many of the frail little bastards and leaving the rest at least pissed off. The Wizard remembered an ancient, powerful solo laid down by the titan's themselves she had once seen and pull out her guitar once more, keeping Fluffy on track with her knees. She let loose and massive, lightening fast solo that had lived up to its name well; Facemelter. ((I couldn't resist...)) The biker suddenly clutched their faces as they began to bubble and melt away from their skulls, blood and putrid flesh running down their clawing fingers as they screeched out their last breaths. "I sure hope your dry cleaner's good with blood fuck-face 'cause now you've got no face!" The Electric Wizard laughed, pulling away and back to the car, "Miss me?" She in asked with a grin, knocking a couple of the ticks off the sides of the vehicle with her foot and seeing that the car was currently being driven by duck tape and one of Xexbro's arms. There were only a couple of the monkey's left but her guitar was not yet ready from the Facemelter solo, "Swing left once you un-glue what's left of goth-boy! I think I know a place we can lie low and hide from the rest of Gorasphyx's wheeled mooks..." She told the red haired woman with a chainsaw, seeing that Xex still wasn't doing to well and charged Fluffy at the remaining Choppers. She managed to kick them off their bikes but not before a couple of ticks were lodged into her left leg and her guitar, leaving a gouge of her shoulder. Clarrisa yelped a little but gritted her teeth, thought happy thoughts and started leading the way to their escape.

The setting changes from The Plains of Gorn to The Second Age of Metal

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While Xexbro was doing his frothing thing he had slipped into some weird dream. These are the accounts of his dream.

(Oh and fanta just so you don’t flip out the parentheses () are immediate and spontaneous changes of location or other things. They will normally occur mid sentence and I’m using them so I don’t have to cut my sentences short. Now let’s actually get to the dream.)

Xexbro had opened his eyes lightning fast and began scanning his scenario. He was floating in an endless, drifting, space. As he twirled around more he also noted he was wearing everything except his scythe, the clothes were in perfect condition. Twirling his head again it was slammed by a drivers plate that read β€œXexbro’s mind” and when flipped around it also read in a much more guttural writing β€œHere’s a representation of his intelligence”. He gave it a confused look until he was poked by a small nearly insignificant rock and a magnifying glass. Using the glass he read the rock labeled Xexbro’s knowledge. β€œHey! I’m not that dumb…..” he shouts at the drivers plate then kicks it causing it to fly up, beat him over the head severely, and fly off into the distance. Before Xexbro could doggy paddle through space after it he heard a loud car engine roar. Looking to his right he saw a sight that made his jaw drop (His jaw liquefies and turns into a blob). Before him was a man standing at 6'5" with shoulder length curly black hair. Husky set of a man, with a handle bars moustache growing freely with a long soul patch, large round shoulders, wide chest, muscled arms and legs. He looks like a rough around the edges, metal infected lumberjack. Wearing a headband with the symbol of Ormagoden, as well as a tightly fitted t-shirt, a ghostly skull sits upon the chest, loose leather pants, small pike belt, and a leather trench. His large hands are covered by fingerless gloves that have small metal studs at the knuckles. (All clothing listed is black.). He was riding on a motorcycle with humongous handle bars and two spears attached to the sides. The man drove forward (Road appears beneath the wheels) and nearly splattered Xex. Stopping abruptly he gets off, lights a cigar, and gives Xex a glance. β€œWHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!” Xex yells as loud as he could. β€œI am your spirit guide, names Zak, Zak kick ass. And I will be giving you a tour of your mind while you’re unconscious. First lets go to Bliss (Space shakes and morphs into a large mansion made of black marble, a swarm of undead guards patrolling the outside, swimming pool, garden, and dinosaur ranch can be seen from an aerial view.). Zooming in Xexbro rubs his now reattached jaw before looking up and noticing exactly what’s around him. He lays on a fancy decorated chair, exquisite version of his reaper robes, that gothic emo queen dressed like a maid, Fart girl dressed like a cop in way to small uniform, and the lanky red head chick with curved red devil horns on her head (Alongside black leathery wings, thin tail ending with an arrow, thin black bra, pitchfork, her hair much lighter and let loose, and other ahem adjustments). β€œSo this is bliss for me? I agree this is a nice set up for me.” He says putting his arms behind his head and relaxing while Zak mimics his actions and says β€œYeah Bliss is a great place, it’s also apparently where all your fetishes lie” he gives a look at Cait before shivering. After a couple of minutes of enjoyment and playing around Zak claps his hand and everything becomes distorted back to the plane space.

β€œAhh come on! I just got my hands and other areas in the perfect position to get my groove on! Can’t we go back for say 10-40 seconds, in the same positions perhaps?” Xexbro disappointedly says. β€œNo no no you’ll get all that when your ripe and ready. But now we should take a trip to a darker (The landscape changes to that of an asylum inside a padded room) side of you.” Zak gruffly says before fading into nothingness. Looking down at the psycho with the straight jacket he tilts his head then violently jerks back as he sees who or in this case what it is. It was Cassandra, only her jaw was zombified bloodied rotten etc. Her eyes were empty and black with nothing but a small yellow glow to identify they were eyes. Her hair was dirty, messy, and seemed like she hadn’t bathed in years due to her stench. She howled a blood curdling howl and ripped the strait jacket off of her revealing Freddy Kruger like claws. She lunged forward at him and began ripping away at his stomach as more zombified people like her poured in only difference was they all were wearing clown gear as well. β€œGAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! My two greatest fears! My sister and zombie monster clowns!” Xexbro shrieks in fear as he is dog piled only to be saved by the reforming Zak with a supersonic chord from a bass guitar and pulverizing Cassandra’s head with a large war hammer. Leaving a bloody goopy mess where her brain and upper head should be. The plane morphs back to space only now there was a battle of the bands between band A: Cthulhu, Satan, Hades, Loki, and Ozzy Osborne vs. Band B: The who, queen, Baba o riley, and god. Band A was playing β€œFor whom the bell tolls” and Band B was playing β€œEnter the sandman”. Zak and Xexbro watched and when it ended Zak clapped his hands in applause causing the bands to disappear and him to appear in a hearse with a black haired woman that had Claudia written on the back of her shirt. Zak gave a quick head salute to Xexbro before driving the hears, both of their heads leaning back, and into a sun causing it to implode as Cthulhu reappeared and ate the space causing Xexbro to go back into pure black unconsciousness until his next dream (or him waking up).

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((Lol, Ozzy Osbourne vs. God in a battle of the bands? I'd buy tickets, but I'd rather spend the last moments of this world as we know it on my own, I think :P
Also, writers block. Just for the record, so this is probably gonna be really short..))
"Haha... not really, but it's still damn nice of you to stop by like that." Cait grinned and grabbed Xex by his neck scruff. At this point it might actually have been a good thing that the reaper was still out cold, as he probably wouldn't have agreed much with the way he was lifted up, duct tape and all, and rather carelessly dumped in the passenger seat, Cait jumping the backrest for the driver's. The chainsaw was put down and rested against the gearbox where she could easily reach it, and checking the rear mirror she noticed the guitarist kick the remaining demons off their vehicles, though not completely pain free it seemed... "You sure you don't want a ride?" she said and took a turn left after the equipage.

The setting changes from The Second Age of Metal to The Plains of Gorn

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((Personally I think Ozzy Osbourne's band would win but mainly because he'd just bite their heads off... Also you're evidently a big Metallica fan and have a pretty nasty set of fetishes, lol. A cop uniform? Really? Leave that kinky crap to the Tainted Coil, Doom... Lol, I do like the reference to my original rp though...))
The Wizard slowed Fluffy's pace to come up beside Caitlyn's car and saw with some relief that Xexbro was no longer holding the steering wheel in place. It did seem, however, that she had not bothered to remove the duck tape as goth-boy enjoyed at least a portion of his deluded dreams. "Nah, I don't think I'll take to back seat driving... I like the feel of the wind whistling through my ears!" The guitarist laughed, the ticks on her leg and her instrument having expanded significantly with what could be considered a worrying amount of blood loss on her part. "Just follow me and slow down when you hit the trees..." The last few words were slightly slurred and Clarissa was obviously out of it though perhaps more than usual as she spurred on her stead. A line of dead and decaying trees swiftly appeared on the horizon and came visibly closer with each passing second, The Wizard was leading them directly into the dark, tangled mess. It was at least more welcoming than Aborheim especially considering the state they had left it in. As the Car reached its border they would find the skeletal branches and broken, dried stumps extended towards them like daggers or spears. Fluffy leapt over the deadly first row with incident and landed on what was apparently safer grounds with Clarissa reaching for her guitar. She lazily swiped knocked the tick from its side, the wound on her shoulder beginning to bleed freely like pressure had been removed and managed to fumble her way through a a measure or two of The Dredger riff. The rumbling earth swallowed a path just big enough for the vehicle to pass through, the musician continuing on deeper in to the dead forest.

Eventually she came to her destination, it was a small and quite ramshackle hut that looked as though a large section of it had grown from the earth. Broken amps and motor parts scavenged from the surrounding land made up some of its walls as did animal hides and old band T-shirts, the roof looked barely able to hold of a light shower. With a slight grin The Electric Wizard attempted to dismount Fluffy but instead found herself falling from it in a slump and landing flat on her back, "Argh... Not cool, man." She muttered, skin deathly pale from blood loss but managing to evaporate her leg long enough to have the tick drop to the ground. It scrambled around for a few seconds and then tried to reattach itself to her slowly coalescing leg, she not bothering to ward it off and trying to sit up unsuccessfully.

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Aborheim by RolePlayGateway

Gorasphyx's Fortress

The Plains of Gorn

The Plains of Gorn by RolePlayGateway

A desolate plain scattered with ancient relics and the blood of Gorasphyx's enemies surrounding Aborhiem.

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Character Portrait: Clarissa ???The Electric Wizard??? Ihsahn
Character Portrait: Maggie Euterpe (Nickname Magpie)
Character Portrait: Piper
Character Portrait: Xexbro "reaping" ravenclaw
Character Portrait: Cassandra "Godess" Ravenclaw
Character Portrait: Caitlyn


Character Portrait: Caitlyn

F*king annoying teardrinking copycat....

Character Portrait: Cassandra "Godess" Ravenclaw
Cassandra "Godess" Ravenclaw

I'm like nature. I don't play I cheat, change the rules, slaps you with the back of my hand and slip out the backdoor with your wallet, shoes, and belt while your still trying to figure out what's happening. I'm a godess in all her form.

Character Portrait: Xexbro "reaping" ravenclaw
Xexbro "reaping" ravenclaw

Fear the reaper..... Hehehehehe

Character Portrait: Piper

Now 100% more Viking

Character Portrait: Maggie Euterpe (Nickname Magpie)
Maggie Euterpe (Nickname Magpie)

"Burn it down, bring it down, watch it burn and burn them down"

Character Portrait: Clarissa ???The Electric Wizard??? Ihsahn
Clarissa ???The Electric Wizard??? Ihsahn

"I don't smoke... Well, I don't smoke tobacco anyway!"


Character Portrait: Xexbro "reaping" ravenclaw
Xexbro "reaping" ravenclaw

Fear the reaper..... Hehehehehe

Character Portrait: Piper

Now 100% more Viking

Character Portrait: Maggie Euterpe (Nickname Magpie)
Maggie Euterpe (Nickname Magpie)

"Burn it down, bring it down, watch it burn and burn them down"

Character Portrait: Caitlyn

F*king annoying teardrinking copycat....

Character Portrait: Clarissa ???The Electric Wizard??? Ihsahn
Clarissa ???The Electric Wizard??? Ihsahn

"I don't smoke... Well, I don't smoke tobacco anyway!"

Character Portrait: Cassandra "Godess" Ravenclaw
Cassandra "Godess" Ravenclaw

I'm like nature. I don't play I cheat, change the rules, slaps you with the back of my hand and slip out the backdoor with your wallet, shoes, and belt while your still trying to figure out what's happening. I'm a godess in all her form.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cassandra "Godess" Ravenclaw
Cassandra "Godess" Ravenclaw

I'm like nature. I don't play I cheat, change the rules, slaps you with the back of my hand and slip out the backdoor with your wallet, shoes, and belt while your still trying to figure out what's happening. I'm a godess in all her form.

Character Portrait: Piper

Now 100% more Viking

Character Portrait: Clarissa ???The Electric Wizard??? Ihsahn
Clarissa ???The Electric Wizard??? Ihsahn

"I don't smoke... Well, I don't smoke tobacco anyway!"

Character Portrait: Caitlyn

F*king annoying teardrinking copycat....

Character Portrait: Xexbro "reaping" ravenclaw
Xexbro "reaping" ravenclaw

Fear the reaper..... Hehehehehe

Character Portrait: Maggie Euterpe (Nickname Magpie)
Maggie Euterpe (Nickname Magpie)

"Burn it down, bring it down, watch it burn and burn them down"

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Aborheim by RolePlayGateway

Gorasphyx's Fortress

The Plains of Gorn

The Plains of Gorn by RolePlayGateway

A desolate plain scattered with ancient relics and the blood of Gorasphyx's enemies surrounding Aborhiem.

The Plains of Gorn

A desolate plain scattered with ancient relics and the blood of Gorasphyx's enemies surrounding Aborhiem.

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Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Yeah, the irony was kind of lost on my English teacher though... Heh, just be warned: The original poem is a page and a half long and has a different name. I tried to recruit fresh blood on the Brutal Legend forums but no one showed interest so for now this rp really is dead. Hell Under Crisis: Environmental Avenger looks... Interesting to say the least. I may just join but for now I have some real life things to sort out.

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Oh god, the irony...
Well if you're looking for an RP, i just joined this here one- sounds right up your ally if you're asking me: roleplay/hell-under-crisis-environmental-avenger/
It's 2012 and Satan is fucking pissed because the cause of the apocalypse isn't him, but an overgrown earthworm from outer space that turns people into zombies. Then there's the lycans, who have always been pissed, and the vamps and the mutants who has all right to be considering they just got their brains eaten by a freaking alien leech. Just sayin'..

Also... that is a pretty good poem. Congrats on the top 15 badger! Knowing you I'd LOVE to read the original one - send me a pm :)
And while I would absolutely love to revive it again, before giving it another shot, I think it would be best to try and recruit some fresh blood...

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

*sniffles* Aww... You're making me get all teary-eyed, Failkidd. That is the best damn tribute I could have asked for, a beautiful eulogy for an ill fated set of rps. If only I had more people join like you guys; people with good writing skills, creativity and the ability to remain active and posting for over a few weeks.

I'm always ready to revive this rp and now that I've finished my exams for the the year (Huzzah!) I think it's especially unfortunate that this should die now of all times. Heh, I'm always happy to rp with you guys and if you find a good roleplay feel free to spam me about it... I might even make a new rp but an original one this time, probably in some kind of awesome sci-fi setting.

Oh, and I almost forgot; I got into the top 15 of a national writing competition with a poem (or at least half of one thanks to the fricking word limit)! I felt I must spread my joy across the internets... If you want to rape your eyes you can read it here: and if you want to read the whole poem (i.e. the original one that made my English teacher hi-five me) pm me.

Thank you guys again for a fun, if slow paced, few months and I hope to have the chance to slay demons and Tim Curry impersonators with you again! *e-hugs and kisses*

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Lady and gent... We have all gathered here today this week at some time this month to celebrate the life, honor, and loss, of one of Fantabadgers surely numerous, glorious brainchildren.

Although I barely got know it, the Second Age of Metal lived a remarkable life - one that inspired me greatly. Leaving us way to soon at a much too young age, it's adventurous attitude, it's broad range of absolute wackheads and the incredible universe it took place inside made it a wonderful RP to participate in. It was awesome, and generous with its epicness and glorious violence in general.

The home of so many of our blood brothers and imaginary friends - many of whom would quite possibly kill me for saying that if they could just squeeze through the little wormholes in the fabric of space - I find it almost difficult to believe that we might never return.. Yet, it will forever rest within our hearts, until the day the Eternal Fire Beast himself bless us with his presence, the when the prophesy is fulfilled,, when two worlds collide, and the wild wind blows, we shall pass through the purgatory into the gates of tomorrow... and the headbangers and the raptor elk shall, once again, be running free across the open, sunburnt plains caught somewhere in time, that we lost to the wasted years.. and we will be coming home.... back home, to our, final, frontier..

They say that only the good die young... But fear not the loss of a world, that will go on without us. Grieve not it's death - having left us at the magical number of none less than the mighty one of sixty six,(as good as)the number of the beast, forever shall we hear it whisper through out the ages, and through our souls as it blow them away... Although it has gone to the lands of the Kings and Queens of old, to the lands where New Legend has gone before it, it's presence shall always be known... Somewhere in time, where the eagles dare.. Where there will be no more lies, where our infinite dreams shall surely dream of mirrors and iron maidens with abominations holed up inside of 'em. From the isles of heavy metal Avalon, to the sea of madness, another life, in a brave new world... Through the fire in our hearts, through the power of it's chainsaws... and through the glory... OF! ITS! METAAAAAALLLL!!!!!


*Wipes tear.* Well, that's my tribute.. Give me your address and I swear I'll actually send you a real-life cookie if you got all the song titles I squeezed into that thing. Its unworthy of being a tribute, but it's 2 AM right now and my hours are pretty messed up.. I really only came back to remove the RP from my bookmarks... It's been a week since the last post, and two since the one before that. Stone dead, I'd say. Lets give it the honor it deserves and allow it to rest in peace... But if you guys ever feel like reviving it, I'm always in. Just send me a note... I'll come out of the shadows to play with madness once again, he he he!

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Well it was ten days ago and I wanted to make sure... Thank you for agreeing to check out Ascension, dude. I'll get to work on a post in a bit...

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

The fact that we both posted sort of means Yes we want to continue. And I'll go look at this here ascension thing.

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Gah, sorry for ducking out again for a while... I blame year 12 VCE exams, study and my Dad's heart operation. I can make a post today or tomorrow if you guys want to keep going.

Now then, though I do hate shameless promotion I'm afraid I'm going to have to inflict some upon you guys: I've come across and joined a new rp called Ascension which, in short, involves a slave rebellion, genetically engineered superhumans and general badass-ery. It's in need of a few more players before it can start and I was wondering if you guys were interested in at least giving it a good look? Please at least check out the introduction which can be found here:

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

OK then, you guys feel free to advertise this rp in any way you can. I'll post in the IC tomorrow, I'm a little bogged down homework-wise with a composition I have to write for music right now.

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

I choose...... LIFE! (Read my post for all who want to know stuff) But the fact that theres only 3 of us (I think......) but yeah we should put up an AD at double fines website.

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Hehehe.. you too? Haven't been able to post IC from my laptop since Gateway introduced the new IC system... I'm sending all my posts to my e-mail and upload them as soon as I can get a hold of another comp...

I suppose it's up to Doom then. I'd like for it to stay alive a little longer, but it's pretty useless in this state. Maybe we could advertise it on the Double Fine forums or something once your exams are over? There should be at least a wackheaded fan or two desperate enough to join our evil forces of destruction RP over there...

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Actually, I didn't post because my internet struck a new low of general shoddiness and wouldn't let me post in the IC. Unfortunately though, it look like this rp is pretty much dead and has been dying for a while. If you guys want me to keep this going I'm ok with that but since Doom currently only posts when threatened and I've got exams in less than a week it seems unlikely to succeed. Your call, guys.

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Pfff. You can craw through my screen any time. Just give me a proper warning first because that should be recorded.

Also... dead?

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

You should be scared, don't think I won't crawl through your screen if you pull that lazy crap again. Lol, you're lucky I'm not going to answer that question...

Kudos for involving Voltaire, I love the Ooky Spooky album... It's fucking awesome! For this awesomeness, amongst such things, you guys shall be rewarded shortly. New solos, riffs and special attacks anyone? I'll let you guys make them up them and they can be a bit more powerful than your existing ones. Ok, Failkidd? You can have either one new riff or a solo for each of your characters. Doom can have another special attack for each of his characters. As my character is the only one still in who's got only an instrument I get a riff and a solo if it doesn't miff you guys too much. I'll try to give your characters cues to make up or 'discover' them in my next post. I'll try to have it up before tomorrow...

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Ooooh nooo! Im quivering in my boots! DX. Heh, do I ever disapoint? Seriously do I? No dont answer that just check out my new post (with voltaire).

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Uh, good question... I believe the phone satelites and internet were likely reduced to rubble by Ormagodden however the general rule is that if it is awesome and metal enough the world itself will power it.
So, for example, while a laptop may not work on metal Earth and giant super computer that looks like Tim Burton designed it with lightning shooting out of it for no particular reason will. Similarly for phone while your garden variety one might not work, unless you have an excellent service provider powered by Satan, if it looks like Dethklok's set of phones that they used to choke a troll to death it'll probably work pretty darn well... Of course, radios and walkie-talkies will always work because they are inherently awesome. I hope this bodes well with you guys, if not I'm willing to change this for the sake of helping things move more smoothly.

Also, Doom? POST ALREADY! Don't make me come over there...

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Question time. out of curiosity, does electronic stuff like computers and cell phones still work in this era? or have we basically returned to the game setting with a few additional buildings?

Also I'm fairly sure I typed 'greek', and not green.

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Failkidd wrote:Gah... sorry for being late. .. again. Its fall break over here, so I got kidnapped and whisked away to my grandmas farm... her very internet free farm, I should add.

Ah, I understand... Unfortunately I won't be able to post again for almost two days as I'll be going to hospital for a test (its not because I'm sick, don't worry) and then I'll be wreaking havoc in Melbourne. :P

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

The armor is black not green, sorry if I didn't put that in but whenever I see something iron it normally looks black or very dark yah know?

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Gah... sorry for being late. .. again. Its fall break over here, so I got kidnapped and whisked away to my grandmas farm... her very internet free farm, I should add.

Re: [OOC] The Second Age of Metal

Lol, you're lucky I'm giving you time to dodge the slave that is about to launch the rest of the spears in it at you with an explosion. It was awesome though I may have to get my revenge and put you through one of my poems. :P