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The Shadow Forest

Med Evil Forest


a part of The Shadow Forest, by InuYuki.

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InuYuki holds sovereignty over Med Evil Forest, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Med Evil Forest

Welcome to The Shadow Forest


Med Evil Forest is a part of The Shadow Forest.

3 Characters Here

Korra Windrunner [42] What are we if not slaves to this torment?
Kayri Allighast [30] I serve the Queen.

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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
As Sin walked along side Kayri he took one last lingering look back as his home diapered in to the dense forest and with a heavy sigh he turn to face Kayri with a weak smile. As the group walked he found him self taking note of where they were in the forest and in witch way they walked. One thing seemed to pull at his mind but he could not put a finger on what it was. If they had stay on this path they would pass near the larger old tree that was the heart of this part of the forest and past that he knew not, It was just more endless forest and it never seemed to end. But still he felt like he was missing something and it bothered him.

As time passed the moon hanged over head, Little was said and as more time pasted Sin felt odd still walking on the forest floor. At some point in his life in the forest Sin had found it more fun to travel in grate leaps from tree to tree but when he had come back the last time the cliffs had had little trees to do so, So now in the lush thick forest he stopped and leaped in to the tree above him and dashed from branch to branch tell he was above Korra and keeping her pace. “I would have thought that you would have came by the bog and the rivers cliffs but we head even deeper to the heart of the forest. I my self never had to leave past that point but it seemed to me to be endless tell I could only see the mountain.” He said from up above. “Tho I can't help feeling there is some to be wary of in this part of the forest, So stay on guard but remember not to take any unnecessary action unless I tell you to.” He said and then dropped down to walk next to Korra and looked at her with a small smile and a sparkle in his eye's. “I would hate to have the wolf pack come rushing by and you miss take them as a treat you see. I mean this forest and any of the beings in it are under my protection....And as long as I travel with you both.....” He stopped as if to find the right word to say so she would not think he thought her weak. “I will not let any harm come to you as long as I am able.” Sin told her.

As the night passed Sin had moved back to the rear of the group, There was just some thing that had him on edge when it came to this part of the forest, It would still be at less two or three days tell they would reach the heart of the forest but that he felt would be find. Desperately Sin had tried to think back to when he had last came this deep in to the forest and find what he was looking for, Unfortunately he remembered a little to late as the stink of dry blood and pepper filled his nose. In a flash Sin had pulled both Korra and Kayri in to the think bushes and held them there. The moon light not hide behind the thick clouds he hind them as well as he could. “Stay here and don't move.” He ordered in a whisper, But his tone was hard and demanding and not at all like any had given the to females before this moment.

Jumping back out Sin held his ground as the trees seemed to part and a loud roar filled the night air, Not a single sound could be heard but that for heavy panting and that of a deep sigh from Sin him self. Bow drawn and arrow ready Sin stood there in from of the large bear as it reared up on it's back lags ready to lunge at him, He had the shot but at the last moment cursed and rolled back before the bear could hit him. There behind this bear twice his own size and a monster of all beasts was a cub and he felt guilt in his heart at almost dooming the cub to death by killing it's mother. “I can't kill her, She is just protecting her cub!” He yelled out to the girls. “We have to run!” He said as he held the bears eye's on him with hope the girls would flea, So as to keep the bear on him he let his cape cover him so that he was easy to see and started to back away from where he had placed the girls. “I'll lead her away and then you two run, I'll catch up once I'm sure I have her far enough away.” Sin said as he backed up, taunting the bear with his movements.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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Kayri had spent most of the time they'd been traveling enjoying every minute of it. She couldn't help it, the area was so new to her that she couldn't even take it all in. Korra on the other hand remained calm, focused and kept her eyes straight ahead. Her ears open to any sounds. When Sin had moved up into the trees, Korra couldn't help but to smile and laugh with a ping of jealousy. She could never do that, not if she wanted to. If she even tried she would easily harm herself. As their journey continued, Kayri and Korra seemed to remain quiet. Something their kind had picked up on when traveling with others. It was always best to stay silent and listen for anything than have a conversation about something, and miss what was probably going to kill you.

When Sin pulled the pair into the bushes, Korra crouched into her usual hunter's position. Her hand was on an arrow in her quiver, and her bow was at the ready in her other hand. Kayri, not the type of Forsaken to fight remained crouched and cowering behind her Queen. Korra listened, but cringed at the sound of the loud roar. The feeling of Kayri's hands digging into her shoulders had her on edge as she tucked an arrow into her bow. She wasn't going to shoot just yet, but she sure as hell was going to be ready to shoot.

“I can't kill her, She is just protecting her cub!” Korra bit her lip a little at his words, she knew that if this was her neck of the woods any one of her people wouldn't even blink before killing the beast. “We have to run!” At that, both women grinned devilishly. If there was anything they knew how to do really well, it was run. It was in their nature to be able to move extremely fast. Not necessarily at the speed of light, or anything close to that, but faster than any living creature in comparison to them.

“I'll lead her away and then you two run, I'll catch up once I'm sure I have her far enough away.” When Sin spoke that, Korra stepped from the bushes and looked right at Sin. "That is not necessary, Sin. If you can run in the trees, follow us, we'll be away in no time. So long as the bear does not climb after you." She said tucking her bow and arrow away immediately as Kayri pulled herself from the bush. Korra knew there was no time to wait for a response, and that they had to move quickly.

Good thing I checked my boots. She thought to herself as her smile reappeared on her face. She started to take off running, just off to the right of where Sin and the bear stood. She made sure to just run around the area where the bear was, and keeping herself on the right track. Kayri followed after her, as they ran. Trees passed by faster than ever before, they were dodging roots, fallen branches, holes, and rocks that showed up in less time than a blink. Weaving in and out of the trees the women moved gracefully and without breathing heavily.

Kayri let out a booming laugh of excitement, one that had Korra grinning wider than before. The pair loved every second of this, running and jumping, weaving, and ducking. It was something Korra was always grateful for having in her genetic build. Something that her species seemed to rely on frequently. Although she was from such a dark area of the forest, Korra did not allow her people to fight. She was the only one that was allowed to carry and sort of weapon. A law she had created in the beginning of her reign, hoping that to any outsiders it would show they meant no harm. Of course, her people absolutely despised her for the law, but soon got over it and accepted it.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
Sin was just about to run away from the girl when Korra had pushed out on to the trail and Korra said. “That is not necessary, Sin. If you can run in the trees, follow us, we'll be away in no time. So long as the bear does not climb after you.” And he had to grin with how Korra seemed to be smiling. 'What dose this girl think she is going to do?' He thought but before he could ask she was gone and all he could see was two black blurs passing him. He had to stop just a moment to understand what had happen but he had let his guard and is cost him. The bear had took a swing a him and clipped his left shoulder. “Dam!” Sin hissed out as he jumped up in to the tree's. He jumped from branch to branch, His feet only seemed to land for only a moment before he was back in midair.

When he had see the girls a head of him he had a vision of a humming bird dashing from flower to flower. Both girls had such grace and there speed was something he became envious of as he tried to keep them both in sight. As he dashed in thee trees he reached under his left arm and felt the warm and wet blood and his lips thinned. The claw marks rolled over his shoulder and down his back and were deeper the he thought. 'I should have remembered about her, But I forgot when I had not seen her this winter when I visited the pack....That's right the pack's cave is near here!' Sin thought. By time the girls had stopped he was starting to feel light headed and he knew he had lost more blood then he had thought. Pulling the fur cape tighter around him he dropped from the trees to join the girl's and walked over to join them. When he looked at Korra he could have sworn that he saw a sparkle in her eye's he had not seen before and it made him smiled as he remembered the laughter he had heard come from Kayri. These beings so different then him had something in them that he to had in him self and that was a joy for life that the forest seemed to give all the beings in it.

“I'm not....” Sin started to say but stopped as he felt dizzy and leaned over on to a tree. “I seem to be a bit weak.” He finally said in a whisper. “If we could just rest for a bit I'm sure I'll be fine.” But as he tried to right him self to walk over to Korra fell to his knee's and then fell forward on to the forest floor as darkness filled his world, His white fur cape now stained blood red as evidence to the wound as it covered the now unconscious Sin.

~~~Somewhere near by~~~
She could smell it thick in the air and worry drove her to call out to her mate. If something had happen to there pack brother they would find him, So leaving the pup's in the care of the bate female and fallowed then sent of blood she headed out and was joined by her mate after some time as she ran fallowing the trail of blood...Sin's blood.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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Korra and Kayri stood, not even anywhere near being out of breath. Their ability to run has never caused them to be winded or tired afterwards, which was something Korra was grateful for. The two stood there, with plastered grins on their faces until Sin came down from the trees. When he leaned on a nearby tree, Korra automatically noticed that there was something off about him. She slung her bow back over her shoulder and stepped towards him with a slightly worried expression. Her smile faded, as well as Kayri's.

“I'm not….” He had started, and with that Korra froze a little, her smile nowhere to be found anymore. Worry replaced her entire expression as she watched him carefully. She could see how pale he was getting, and she glanced at Kayri who looked just as worried. “I seem to be a bit weak.” The words came out in a whisper, and that's when Kayri's eyes shot to Korra, stricken with fear along with her worry. “If we could just rest for a bit I'm sure I'll be fine.” That left Korra a little less worried until he started over towards her only to fall forward just before her.

Then she saw the blood. Unlike hers, it was a dark red that seeped through the white cape. Immediately, she rushed to his side, moving him enough so that she could pull the cloak out of the way from the source of the bleeding. Then she saw the size of the claw mark that dug into his skin. Kayri had moved just behind Korra, and when his wound was revealed she stepped back with a gasp. Korra had never touched blood before, not even her own. It was something that was considered extremely sacred among her people, and when it was spilt it was for higher reason.

Always when someone was wounded, they had to let them bleed out. It was in their nature, and it was sacred. It was considered a blessing to bleed out. But Sin was not one of her people. And Korra wasn't going to let him die. "We have to save him." Korra said in a stern voice, it was almost a command. Kayri knew there was no arguing, even if it was against their ways.

"But how?!" Kayri asked, her voice trembling with fear as she knelt by Korra's side. The Queen's eyes landed on his bag, and Kayri seemed to think the same thing. The younger elf grabbed the bag and started going through it. There were a bunch of different herbs, but neither women knew what they did. And of course, touching them would make them useless. "We need help. We can't touch the herbs, or the spilt blood" Kayri went on, and Korra frowned deeply. "Unless you awaken… Korra… you need to." Kayri pleaded, and the idea seemed like it would be good. But Korra hadn't awakened since before her father had died.

She knew she'd be able to heal him if she awoke her inner Soul. But it always drained her of energy when she used it. Plus, she has never used it on another species, so it was a chance that it would kill him too. "I can't…" She responded in a weak whisper, and Kayri grabbed her Queen by the shoulders, shaking her a little.

"Please! He could die, Korra! Think about it, you need to!" She cried loudly and Korra shoved the younger elf off of her. She rose from the ground and stepped to face in a different direction. Kayri was right. But Kayri didn't know all of it, so maybe she was only half right? Korra would risk everything and she wasn't sure if she could do that. Not to Sin...

"It may or may not work on his kind…" Korra started but shook her head. It was worth a shot, she couldn't just give up on him. She moved to kneel back by him, and started to tap into her inner Soul. She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and put her hands on his wound gently. Kayri's eyes widened as blood started to cover Korra's hands. She never let out the breath, but rather took another one in. As if all of the air was filling an extra pair of lungs. She did this a few more times before her eyes opened and she stared down at Sin's wound.

Kayri noticed how Korra's eyes were no longer their normal red-orange, but now all white. She gasped a little as she watched the woman focus, forgetting about her Queen soiling her chances of a peaceful afterlife from touching the blood. Korra's hands, now covered in his blood all the way up to her wrists, moved away from his body. Kayri hoped that it wasn't going to destroy him, the touch of her darkness. Especially since this was much darker than anything they could find in Felwood. This was the darkness passed on from royal ancestor to the next. It could very easily kill Sin. Kayri let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as Korra moved to exhale a heavy breath of the collected air onto his wound.

Immediately, the wound started to close as she let out white air, but as it sealed it turned into a dark black line. Once it was fully closed, Korra's breath was completely gone, and she crumpled backwards exhausted and unmoving. Kayri looked from Sin to Korra, eyes wide and nerves on fire. It was only the wait to see if Sin would wake now, as her Queen recuperated.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
The wolfs were close, They had come across the bear and ran it out of the area and away from Sin. They could smell his blood above them, So they knew he had made it away from the danger but with such a heavy sent in the air they also knew he was losing blood and fast. As they traveled the sent of others became stronger and the male tilted his head to the side at the thought of missing such a thing. His female wounder why such beings were here in the forest to begin with, It had been over 400 years since the blood elf's had dared to set foot in the living forest. Her only thought then was that of the past war's waged over the land and all the death it had brought and she let out a howl full of sorrow at the thought that it would all happen once more.
Her male stopped and nuzzled under her chin to give her his support, But a noise from beyond the bushes made then both pop there heads in the air and lesion, There was almost no sound but that of heavy breathing. In a single leap they both jumped over the low shrubs and found them self letting out low growls at what they saw in front of them. 'What have you fools done!' A male voice filled the air like a echo. The voice was ruff and gritty but it's tone was full of power. Both wolfs looked up to the only girl awake in the clearing. 'Answer me pup, What have you and the dark one done to our brother?' The male wolfs asked as he beard his teeth at Kayri.

'Stop it love.' A female voice cut in and the female wolf placed her self in front of the male. 'Can you not see you are scaring this pup.' The female said and then turned her head to the girl. 'Don't mind him pup he's bark is worse then his bite.' She said but just like the male the voice was a echo in the air and mind. 'So pup what will it be let us help our brother and you dark queen or will we have to take our brother and leave you and the dark one to your own means?' Asked the female wolf with a vary wolfish grin on her lip's. One why or another they would help there beloved Sin and if that meant they would have to fight these beings to get to him they would.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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Ever so faintly, Korra could hear the echoing sounds of voices ringing in her head, but the exhaustion that had overcome her was a weight heavy enough to keep her unable to understand what the voices were saying, and unresponsive by any means. Kayri on the other hand, looked at the large wolf that had emerged from the woods with a terror struck expression. Her eyes were as wide as they could go, and she froze all the way down to her core as he started talking. Not even a breath escaped her lungs. 'What have you fools done!" A ping of hurt started to grow in her chest knowing that they had messed with the balance of nature, but it was only to save him.

"He was dying..." She started in a soft stutter, "Answer me pup, What have you and the dark one done to our brother?". he continued, his voice sending chills throughout her entire being. "My Queen did what she knew would have a chance at saving him." She continued slowly, watching the wolf carefully, anticipating anything. She moved to situate herself so that if she had to, she could get up and defend her Queen. Although her lack of fighting skills as a commoner, and her lack of inner Soul deemed her more useless than she allowed her to think. But it would be great honor to die before her Queen in any sort of attempt to save her.

"Stop it love." Another wolf stepped into the clearing, forcing Kayri to move into a more defensive crouch closer to Korra. "Can you not see you are scaring this pup." Damn right he was! But now both of them were sending Kayri into a state of high adrenaline. Kayri straightened her back, making herself look a little tougher, even though in comparison to these great beasts she was miniscule. "Don't mind him pup his bark is worse then his bite." Kayri didn't want to know what his bite felt like unless she desperately had to in order to protect Korra. Finally, the female got down to business, and Kayri listened carefully while keeping a hard stare on her.

"So pup what will it be let us help our brother and your dark queen or will we have to take our brother and leave you and the dark one to your own means?" Kayri rose from her crouching position, watching them carefully from the corner of her eye as she looked down at the two motionless bodies before her. She frowned, looking back up at the wolves.

"We were on our way to Felwood, to try and find a balance..." She trailed off, unable to say what she really wanted. She wanted their help more than anything right now, because from her own standpoint, she wasn't much aid. But she knew that Korra wouldn't necessarily like it. Or would she? Karyri didn't know how her Queen would react, which was leaving her painfully hesitant.

"Please. Help us..." Kayri asked, in a low, hushed voice. She moved herself into a more presentable stance, showing that she meant no harm.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
Both wolfs gave her a nod as they moved in, There walk was easy going so not to scare the girl. 'You say you go to Falwood, How unfortunate it's such a bleak part of the forest.' Said the female. 'Poor hunting there as well.' Said the male as they first walked up to Korra. The black furred female lowered her head and sniffed at Korra and gave a snort. 'This one will be fine, Used to much power is all.' She said. The male gray wolf on the other hand was licking Sin's back where the black scars had been made. 'His lost much blood my love and the fools have tainted him by using such cursed magic.' He said as the female came to stand next to him. 'Well then love what should we do? I drought they know what they have done and with so much blood in the night air others will be sure to come looking for a easy kill.' She asked as she licked the dry blood away from the rest of Sin's back.

The gray male look up at the Kayri. 'Can you carry your queen pup? We will take Sin and well all head on to a cave not far from here, There it will be safe tell these two wake up.' He asked , Then he walked over to Sin and pushed his head under one arm and his mate did the same on the other side. Sin even unaware of anything going on must have understood what was happening because as soon as his arm felt the fur under them grabbed hold of there fur and let them drag him away from the clearing.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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Kayri watched as the female wolf sniffed Korra, as she tensed. The other male spoke of the taint that was on Sin's scar, and she couldn't help but to frown. It was as much as they could do, but it stilled seemed pretty bad overall that such a pure man was tainted with the hatred of her people. 'Can you carry your queen? We will take Sin and well all head on to a cave not far from here, There it will be safe tell these two wake up.' Kayri nodded, bending over only to find Korra starting to wake once again.

"My Lady. These wolves came to our aid. We need to get you out of here." She said softly and Korra didn't register much except for when Kayri pulled Korra to her feet and slung on of her arms over her shoulder, taking most of Korra's weight. "I can walk." Korra grumbled, but a few steps forward proved that she would need Kayri at her side. She started following the wolves and Sin, noticing how Korra looked at Sin.

Her face was hurt and broken, a huge frown along with pale exhaustion flooded her face as they walked. Kayri slung an arm around her Queen's waist as they walked.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
"I can walk." Said Korra and the male gray wolf snorted. 'See love, Even his child is a stubborn fool.' He said in a ruff tone as they dragged Sin along a dirt path. 'Such is there breading dear, You know this.' Said the female in a soft tone. 'Bunch of fools the hole race of them I say.' The old gray said as the forest became thicker around them. 'Still I guess there better then the humans.' He said with another snot. 'Only time will tell my love, But do not forget Sin is part human.' She said in a knowing tone as they pushed in to a new clearing where a cave of stone lay in front of them. 'Yes dear but Sin is also part light elf and just like his father he see to this part of the forest and keeps the balance, That more then make's up for his human blood.' Said the male.

Sin muttered something as they made there way in to the cave, The two wolfs took him in to the back of the cave and laid him down. "So...c..cold." Sin hissed out still not really awake to the world. The female laid her body over his and licked at his face. 'I'll go for a hunt dear, You stay her and guard these pups.' He ordered. "Always so bossy old gray aren't you." Sin said as his eye's slowly opened. 'Rest little brother and don't worry your self about this old wolf and his bossy way's.' Said the male then he dashed out of the cave. The cave grew silent and Sin dozed back off to sleep as the old black female nuzzled his neck.

~~In the Forest~~

The old gray wolf that had left the cave first he traveled back heading to the den where the rest of the pack would be waiting for him, Once there they greeted him and he checked on the pup's. After he was sure the pup's fine he let the other pack members tell him of what they had found out, Then when he was told this info he ordered them to hunt for the pup's and stay near the den tell his and his mates return. Back in the forest he started his hunt, He knew where the deer would be and ran grinning as the wind rushed past his fur.

~~Back in the Cave~~

The female wolf slowly lifted her self off Sin now that he felt warmer and made her way over to Korra, Sitting in front of her she gave a small bow of her head. 'So Banshee Queen I hope you are well now that you have rested, Such use of power and untrained at that must have paid a toll on you.' She said as she gazed in to Korra's eye's. 'I have to thank you for saving Sin's life even tho he will suffer greatly for the way it happen, You see I think him as much my own pup as I do my own flesh and blood.' The black wolf said as she laid front body down she crossed her paws and laid her head down on them. 'He was but a child still really when his mother die, Such short life spans humans have. When Blu had come to us at first we thought not to intervene but once we were told of who his father was we had no choice but act and bring him in to the pack.' She said as she thought back on that day and the meany that fallowed.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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'So Banshee Queen I hope you are well now that you have rested, Such use of power and untrained at that must have paid a toll on you.' The words hummed in Korra's ears, making her cringe a little as she leaned against a wall of the cave. Kayri was sleeping at her side, and Korra had finally fully woken with a massive headache. 'I have to thank you for saving Sin's life even though he will suffer greatly for the way it happen, You see I think him as much my own pup as I do my own flesh and blood.' At first, the words of the wolf made Korra sick to her stomach. She realized that what she did was extremely risky, and would taint him forever. But without the knowledge of the wolves coming for Sin, she had to do something other than let him die.

Korra's expression stayed blank as she looked out of the mouth of the cave. 'He was but a child still really when his mother die, Such short life spans humans have. When Blu had come to us at first we thought not to intervene but once we were told of who his father was we had no choice but act and bring him in to the pack.' Korra's attention was soon turned back to the wolf, eyes beaming with curiosity. She adjusted herself so that Kayri's head was in her lap. Tugging her bow and quivers off of her, she set them to the other side of her, but still in a reach that would only take seconds for her to fire an arrow.

"What of his father? Who was he?" Korra asked, eyes focused on the wolf. Her vision occasionally blurred in and out of focus, and her body tensed at the thought of what she had done, once again. She knew that this would stick with her forever, she would feel guilty forever. She would be stuck on the fence of such a situation for eternity. Had she not healed him, he could have died. The wolves could have been too late. And now, now that she did save him… what did it mean? What would happen to him?

So much was running through her mind that she could feel her pulse in ever square inch of her body. She closed her eyes for a bit longer than a standard blink, before letting out a heavy breath and raising her hand. "Hold that thought." She mumbled, lifting Kayri's head from her lap gently and rising from her spot on the ground. She needed fresh air. Grabbing her bow and arrows, she slung them over her and took off running out of the cave. She ran quickly, like she and Kayri had just earlier, dodging obstacles in her path gracefully.

After gaining a large amount of distance from the cave, Korra found herself on her hands and knees, her hands digging into the Earth. She was panting heavily, not from the run, but from a new pain she felt in her chest and stomach. Wetness stung her cheeks. Immediately, a hand came up from the Earth, touching her face in confusion. What is this? She had never cried, not even when her father had died. What is happening? She thought to herself, as she forced herself onto her feet. Gripping the tree just next to her she focused on slowing down her breathing.

"A panic attack, Korra, that is what you are having." Her father spoke softly as his hands gripped her face. Korra's eyes stared straight back into his hard stare, finding a comfort she couldn't quite place. "When things get scary, and out of control, you can only do your best. Remember that, okay?" He spoke in a whisper, and Korra nodded, her eyes still full of fear. It was her fourth birthday, the first time she had used her inner Soul. Her father took her on her first hunt, raiding a town that was just on the outskirts of the Felwood Tree. They had defied her father's orders and laws multiple times, and it was time that he put a rest to it. Korra, out of defense ended up using her inner Soul to kill a man who had come after her.
She was scared, and it was the first reaction she had. Korra didn't even know she had the ability until that very moment, but seeing the man die left her standing there in shock until her father had found her. When he did find her, Korra was gasping for air, unable to cope with what had happened. It was then he had told her what was happening to her. After, he stood from grabbing her face, he looked at her with a reassuring smile and said, "It's okay, Korra. Emotions get in the way, you have to keep them down if you want to be a leader like me." Korra nodded, shoving her thoughts into the depths of her mind, drying stray tears and readying herself to leave.

Now, clinging to a tree for balance, all she could focus on was her father's words. Her breathing slowed to it's normal rhythm and her pulse seemed to disappear in mere moments. Her eyes dried up, and a cold stare was left on her face as she looked blankly ahead. The memory of Kayri's words about her people forced Korra into a quiet rage, one that burned inside of her like a furnace. After a moment of silence, she clenched her jaw pushing every emotion she had about Sin's injury and what had happened into the depths of her memories. She had to focus on what she needed to do, not what she was feeling. There was no room for such things.


The feeling of Korra moving her head from the warmth of her Queen's lap stirred her enough to readjust how she was laying. After a few minutes though, she realized that Korra's warmth was absent. Sitting up fast, eyes as wide as possible, she looked around for her Queen. Only to find both wolves, and Sin still there. Korra was nowhere in sight. Kayri rose, looking down at the black wolf, as she made her way to the mouth of the cave.

"Where is Korra?" Kayri asked, her voice worried and shaken. She peered around the opening of the cave, squinting a little to look into the woods. She couldn't see anything except for the dark shadows that stretched along the ground, cast from the moonlight that was slowly retreating to the horizon. "How long has she been gone? Is she coming back?" Kayri started up again, turning to walk back into the cave. her eyes settled on Sin.

"Has he woken?" She asked after a moment of silence, knowing that she was firing question after question. She was frustrated at herself for falling asleep and not noticing that Korra had left. Korra was the one person she was obligated to look after, and countless times she had woken up from slumber only to find the woman missing. She let out a heavy sigh, hoping that Sin and these wolves' presence was enough to keep her at least nearby and strolling about. She hoped that Korra wouldn't leave them all like this… A small frown tugged at Kayris lips as she glanced at the cave floor to look for any trace of Korra, as if it would help.

[[Sorry it's so long… not sorry. I got really excited to write haha! P.S. I liked your PM!!! :D]]


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
~~With Old Gray~~

As he walked out of the tree line the old gray wolf held in his mouth gently in his jaws a six point buck, It's body held up as it's lags dragged behind. As he walked he saw Korra and her aura was dark just like her mood. 'Well oh mighty queen of darkness, The last thing I would have thought was to find you sulking like a child.' He jested as he dragged the dear up next to her. It was clear that the kill was a clean brake of the bucks neck as there was no blood. 'I would think a ruler like you would know not to regret past actions and move on so that you can find a better way the next time you come to face such thing's.' The old gray wolf snorted. The sun was now rising and birds had started to sing and a light breeze blow the smell of the first flowers blossoming. 'I will tell you something pup, What you did may have harmed him in one way or another but there was no other way to ensure his life. Yes we could have done something else when me and my mate came to him, But it may not have been enough to save his life and what you did did just that. Now stop pouting like one of my pups that had buried a bone and can not find it and get back to the cave.' He told her as he left her there and took the deer to the front of the cave, leaving it there and entered the cave. As soon as he entered the cave a load angry growl echo out of the mouth of the cave.

~~With Sin~~

Sin laied there as the world came back to him, But he wished he was dead as pain racked his body. Voices to low to under stand reached his ear and he his eye's slowly opened. 'Your Queen just stepped out for a moment pup, She will be back so fear not.' Sin knew that voice it was the mate of Old Gray. 'As for Sin he will wake soon.' She told some one. Sin felt so odd just then as he thought back at what happen, He remembered the bear and the hit that wounded him, He also recalled telling the girls to leave him. Why had they saved him? They had fallowed his orders so far why had they not done as he had asked? Sin felt a fire rise up in him knowing that they could have gotten hurt dragging his useless hide here. He the rolled and tried to get up, His eye's open to lock with Kayris, Where once his eye's held a light now held a cold gaze. “Fools!” He spat out. “Why would you risk your lives when I had told you to leave me. Did you wish to die.” He said as he reached down to his boot and pulled out his bone knife. “If that's so then let me help you.” Sin said as he stepped forward, But as he took his first step a load growl stopped him. 'Pup stop and think!' Came the voice of Old Gray and then Sin found him self pinned to the ground. 'Clear your mind pup, You act not of your own.' Old Gray growled out his fangs bared.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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'Well oh mighty queen of darkness, The last thing I would have thought was to find you sulking like a child.' At the sound of his remark, Korra send him a dark, and extremely angry glare. She wasn't having it now. She didn't need the extra thoughts after shoving all the rest of them into the abyss of her mind. 'I would think a ruler like you would know not to regret past actions and move on so that you can find a better way the next time you come to face such things.'

At that, Korra responded hastily. "There are times when decisions are not thought out, and need reflecting upon." Not only was her comment rushed, it was also cold and biting. She looked at the dead deer, a grimace smeared across her face at the thought of eating. She wasn't hungry, and the forest wouldn't allow her to eat until she starved. As he tried to rectify what she had done, Korra tuned out until he started heading towards the cave. She followed him silently, ignoring any upcoming thoughts about what had happened.

'Your Queen just stepped out for a moment pup, She will be back so fear not.' Korra rolled her eyes absentmindedly as she assessed the room. Kayri had seemed to have been worried about her disappearance, which was no surprise to Korra. But when she heard the sound of Sin waking, Korra stepped into the cave quickly so she could get a good look at him. She was still off to the side, but the dropping daylight no longer curtained her view of him. When Sin woke and his gaze locked on Kayri, Korra couldn't see any changes just yet, but the sound of Kayri's gasp kept her on edge.

“Fools!” The sound made Korra jump, and the pounding in her heart doubled, only to travel into her ears and pound there as well. “Why would you risk your lives when I had told you to leave me. Did you wish to die.” The words that came from Sin were dark and twisted reminding her of her father. When Korra saw Sin move to pull out something her immediate reaction was to draw a bow and arrow, aimed right at his heart. At this range, if she was to shoot, he would die instantly. She watched, and waited carefully hoping not to let loose the arrow.

“If that's so then let me help you.” He started towards Kayri, and Korra shouted back at him, "Stop this!" her voice just as twisted and dark as his, if not more. She tugged at the string of the bow, taking aim with the arrow on one of his legs. She wouldn't kill him immediately, not after what they'd already been through. It was then Old Grey stepped in, and Korra relaxed her grip on the strings of the bow, but keeping it at the ready. She let out a small sigh of relief as she watched to wolf pin him down. Her mind was high on adrenaline, ready to fight, kill or do whatever needed to be done to keep her and Kayri safe. Her species came first, whether it was Sin or not.


'Your Queen just stepped out for a moment pup, She will be back so fear not.' Kayri nodded at the wolf's words, but her eyes shot to Korra who had just entered the cave with Old Grey. She looked horrible, angry, tired… Kayri frowned a little as she examined her queen, but standing still where she was. She was just across from the female wolf and Sin, at the opposing wall.

At the sound of Sin waking, Kayri stepped a little closer to him, watching him with curious eyes hoping that what they had done wasn't going to affect him too much. As soon as his eyes opened, though Kayri gasped at the difference in their color and the cold expression he bore on her. Her eyes went wide, and her breath held on intake as she watched him. “Fools!” Kayri jumped back, her held breath completely escaping her lungs as it happened. “Why would you risk your lives when I had told you to leave me. Did you wish to die.” Kayri's hands raised in defense as she backed up. She saw him reach for something, and just seconds after the first motion she saw Korra hook an arrow into her bow and take aim. She was at a complete loss of words, trembling as she stepped away slowly.

“If that's so then let me help you.” Kayri let out a small yelp of terror and shoved her hands into the air. It was unexpected to have a shied of golden light, like an orb, surround Kayri. It lit up the entire interior of the cave, and even a warm humming sound came from the orb as it surrounded her. Even she was shocked at what had happened, but almost thankful at the same time. At the sight, Korra's bow clattered to the floor as she stared at Kayri and the orb around her in complete shock and awe. When Kayri's eyes met Korra's, and the wolf pinned Sin to the ground, the orb disappeared and the cave darkened back to its normal state.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
The old gray wolf sat on Sin chest but as the light blinded him and his mate who was still next to Kayri Sin was able to push him off. He sat up and as the light faded his head hurt him so much he felt sick and soon was bent over vomiting. The liquid was black and vile and when he was done he fell back and held his sided. "W..what just happen?" He asked to no one and every one. "What did I almost do?" He asked his voice now shaken like he him self was. He looked up to Korra his eye's now filled with remorse and the sparkle that was there gone only to leave dull blue color. 'Think Sin, Think hard. Push away all the things you feel and just think.'Old Gray told him. Sin cleared his mind and thought hard on what he had just done. The feeling was new he knew this, It was twisted and dark and vary unlike anything he had ever felt before. "I felt upset, They did not do as I told them and they could have gotten hurt. I...I was...." He just could not find the word for what he felt. 'Mad.' The black female's voice rang out. Sin looked to her and titled his head to the side. "Is that what the feeling was? I don't like it, It clouds my mind." His voice now cool and clam as he talked to them. His face winced in pain as the black scars burnt him from the inside out. "Please someone tell me what is going on." He bagged as he fell to his knees trying to dig at the scars.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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The sight of Sin vomiting up black liquid had Korra clenching her jaw. "W..what just happened?" Immediately, her head turned away too look over her shoulder at anything but him. "What did I almost do?" When he spoke again her eyes shot back to him, and she found him already looking at her. She couldn't bear to see the expression he wore, and she turned around to face the mouth of the cave. She couldn't stand to see him like this, but she couldn't walk away either. She had to deal with him like this from now on. It was her faut she had invited him to come along anyways! She hated herself for resorting to her inner Soul. And she hated that Sin would have to live with such taint, something she had grown up to. And more than anything, she hated the fact that he, who was so pure, is now stuck with part of her side of the forest until he dies. This was all her fault. Korra's fists clenched, and she bit on the inside of her lip until she felt warm blood trickle into her mouth, something she didn't mean to happen, but it did.

"I felt upset, They did not do as I told them and they could have gotten hurt. I...I was…." Korra's eyes clenched shut at the words, knowing that she would have acted the same way if she was in his position. It was only natural for her kind, since messing with blood was against their faith. He would have been left to die. The thought made her sick, angry, upset. 'Mad.' The word came from the black wolf, and at that moment, Korra turned back around to look at him. She saw Kayri out of the corner of her eyes, sitting in a corner trying to mess with her inner Soul. Something Korra would have helped her with had this other situation not been at hand.

"Is that what the feeling was? I don't like it, It clouds my mind." The words rung in her head, made her look like she was right back on the verge of tears. What clouded his mind was how Korra worked on a daily basis. How Korra functioned, with great restraint. He had not seen the true side of her, because she forced it away. The wince on his face made her frown harder, if it was even possible. She noticed the scar was hurting him, and had she not ruined him enough already, she would have cast another spell to sooth the pain. But she couldn't, Gods knew what that might do to him.

"Please someone tell me what is going on." He spoke and Korra stepped over towards him, a hard, cold, empty stare on her face.

"I had no choice but to take a chance at saving you with my abilities. Part of my taint resides in you now. I went against my own kind for your life. To save you. And now you're stuck like this!" It came out in a heavy hiss, raising to a shout near the end. Her emotions were so twisted that she couldn't focus on keeping the tainted personality down. Instead, it was finally surfacing. The dark, true Banshee Queen was coming back up. As this happened, Korra's eyes faded to a darker red, and her skin turned even more pale. The Earth she stood on faded to black, stretching out in a small radius around her as she fumed with hurt and anger. She couldn't forgive herself, at least not for a while.

All of her efforts of pushing it down, letting it go, focusing on accepting the decision was useless. Korra couldn't let this by her, no matter what anyone said. Kayri turned her attention to Korra when she spoke, eyes wide and full of worry. She saw Korra's colors change, and knew she was letting her true nature get the best of her. Kayri used to suffer from the same thing, never fully able to keep that side of her down. She frowned heavily, glancing to gauge Sin's reaction.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
Sin heard Korra's word but did not understand fully what was going on, But the why she was acting pulled at his heart and he felt true sadness then. It was true that he felt lost when his mother died but was more of a loneliness then sadness, This feeling was like cold there was no warmth for. Just as he was about to loss him self to the feeling he looked up to see Korra and what was happening around her. Jumping to his feet he rushed to her side but stopped just in front of her face. Looking her in the eye's Sin gave her the best smile he could muster. "Thank you Korra....Thank you for saving my life." He reached out slowly unsure of him self but in the end he wrapped his arms around Korra in a strong hug. "If it was not for you I could be dead and no matter what I may suffer, I gladly accept it knowing that I get to know you a bit longer. I think I would take anything on to get to know more about you and your people." Sin said as he petted her hair with one hand as the other made soothing circles on the small of her back like his mother had done with him. With a heavy sigh he stepped back and when he looked Korra in the eye's and that sparkle of light was once more there in his bight blue eye's. 'Well now that's odd.' Said the black female wolf. 'I would have thought that Sin's touch
would have purified the pup.' She said. 'It would have dear before now but now he is not the same and more her match then most pure bread blood elf's thanks to the dark power now resting in his soul.' Said old gray. 'I wounder now that he carry's both would his power surpass his fathers...' He trailed off.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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At the sight of Sin rushing over to Korra, Kayri rose and started after him, nervous about what the outcome may be. Korra on the other hand froze as he came up to her. The darkness was fully consuming her, the veins on her arms pulsed with a dark purple liquid, showing clearly on her skin. She was turning into what she hated most, and she couldn't stop it. "Thank you Korra....Thank you for saving my life." At that very moment, her entire being shivered violently like it was fighting itself. Her eyes flicked from shades of red to orange, but went back to a vibrant red. When he wrapped his arms around her, however, she started to look like her usual self, slowly.

"If it was not for you I could be dead and no matter what I may suffer, I gladly accept it knowing that I get to know you a bit longer. I think I would take anything on to get to know more about you and your people." The sound of a small choked sob escaped Korra as fresh wet tears fell down her cheeks. The two long red points that fell from below her eyes down into sharp points on her cheekbones started to fade away along with the dark veins and skin tone.

As his hand made his way into her hair, and his other at the small of her back, Korra's entire being softened. Kayri, witnessing this from a far smiled a little, watching the embrace. Although Korra's hands didn't leave her sides, she seemed to melt into the hug as she cried. When he stepped back however, her entire posture stiffened once again and tears fell slower. The sparkle in his eyes was comforting. Just when she was almost completely back to normal, her eyes fell onto the scar.

She was teetering on two sides of reality, unable to speak, unable to move. But in that very moment that her eyes saw the scar, everything that she had just come down from seemed to grow back as she looked at it. It was then that a huge shiver shook her entire body and in an instant she was back to the true Banshee Queen. But she was soft, still. As if her mind hadn't switched over yet.

"I can't…" Korra started, and her eyes flicked over to Kayri who was trying to take slow steps towards her. "I can't…" Korra whispered as she looked back at Sin, more tears cascading down her cheeks. "I can't forgive myself." She finished in an even softer whisper and immediately she raised her hands with tense fingers, shaking the earth at her feet before she let out a sound only Kayri had heard once in her life. When Korra had taken the life of the other dark King. It was a loud, booming growl that could easily be heard for miles. Her head had tilted back up to the ceiling of the cave, and her eyes reached the darkest blood red. The sound went from a low growl to a higher octave, but it was definitely distinct. Korra was no more. Not anymore. The Banshee had taken over.

As she let out the last of her growl, her eyes fell on Kayri, who dropped into a fetal position type of bow, forehead on the cave floor. "I will meet all of you at Felwood." Her voice no longer sounded the same, it was a few octaves lower, and it had a piercing echo to it. And at that, Korra's eyes stared at Sin's for a few seconds. Hers were empty, full of blood and rage, nothing more. After letting out a low huff of air, Korra took off into her Sprint, and started towards her homeland.

Kayri stayed on the ground, shaking with fear, head buried in her hands. She knew what was coming. The Banshee.

Bloodshed. A lot of it. The people of Felwood had a lesson to learn.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
Sin was shocked at what had just happen and his ears still ringing he had a hard time getting his thoughts in order but there was nothing to do but hope Korra would be alright tell he could meet up with her. "The first thing we need to do is get what we need to travel and then move as fast as we can tell we cache up with Korra." He looked to Kayri and sighed. walking up next to her he bent down and rubbed her back. "Korra's gone Kayri and I need your help, I don't know the way to your home land and we have to move out now." Sin said in a soft tone. He then turned to the two large wolfs. " you two stay here in the forest, At less with you here I know i leave the forest in good hands." Sin ordered and the wolfs nodded and left taking the deer with then to feed the pup's back in the den. Sin looked around for his bow could not find it, and he slapped his forehead. "What will i do with out my bow?" he asked him self but just then the black female re-entered the cave with said bow in her jaws. 'Pup you would loss your head if not for all those around you. And as for you...' She turned to look at Kayri. ' You have a powerful gift but don't push your self or it may end up costing you more then you think.' And then she left. "Well shall we go Kayri?" Sin asked as he picked up his bow and his pack.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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Kayri lifted her head slowly, but jumped at his touch which came later. "Korra's gone Kayri, and I need your help, I don't know the way to your homeland and we have to move out now." Kayri nodded and rose to her feet. She started to get to work, readying things as Sin spoke to the wolves telling them to stay behind. When the female wolf spoke, Kayri paused with what she was doing. ' You have a powerful gift but don't push your self or it may end up costing you more then you think.' She nodded a little, knowing that her ability was still very testy and hard to reach. She needed Korra's aid, but it was not the time.

"Well shall we go Kayri?" Kayri started towards the mouth of the cave, not really responding to his question verbally. She paused for a moment to look at him. "Sin… I don't know what state Felwood will be in when we arrive, but I can tell you now… Korra isn't the woman you know anymore… she's lethal. Just keep that in mind, okay?" She spoke carefully as she started out of the cave and onwards with their trek.


Kayri knew they were getting close when she could smell the foul stench of blood in her nose. There was a small path that led to the central part of Felwood, the only path to enter the city. It was evident that the closer they got, the more the plants were shriveled and dead. The end of the path was a tunnel of large sharp brown vines that's thorns looked more like large spikes. The tunnel required one to walk slowly to make it through unscathed. The stench of dead bodies was overwhelming to Kayri as she led Sin through. "Be careful." She said over her shoulder as she stepped over a large spike uprooted from the earth. Once she was through, there was a large clearing where there was not a single plant in sight except for an abnormally large black tree far across the clearing.

In the clearing though, were enough bodies to have Kayri stop dead in her tracks. Piles, upon piles of bodies. The ground was littered with them, and only in patches could she see the brown mud. Korra had managed to kill almost one third of their population, and clearly without trouble. There were wagons being pulled by sulking elves through the masses as they tried to collect the bodies of their loved ones, as well as items from other bodies that they could benefit from. It was eerily silent, and as soon as the pair had stepped out of the tunnel all of the elves stopped to stare at them. Kayri let out a small sigh and turned to look at Sin.

"Don't say anything, just follow me, okay? If they know what you are, or where you are from, they will try to kill you." She said hesitantly just before turning to step over a carcass that had been mangled to shreds. It's intestines covered the face, limbs were missing. Korra had a heyday, that was for sure. She glanced up at the black tree, her eyes focusing on the hollowed out base of the trunk that elves were going in and out of. As she made her way through the maze of bodies, she was careful not to touch them. When they were about halfway, Kayri stopped, turning to look at Sin.

"The reason there are so many bodies, Sin… is well… remember how Korra told you she went against her own kind to save you? In Felwood, when a man or woman spills blood, it is considered sacred. One is not allowed to stop the process." She said, stopping herself there. She knew that Korra had purposely mangled every one of them so that they would die slowly, and painfully. Sin didn't need to know that. Once they were across the clearing, and into the masses of market people who were trying to make their way about the base of the tree, selling and buying food. The entire ground level of the hollowed out tree was like a massive farmer's market. Of course, the food looked nothing like the food from Sin's edge of the forest.

Just off to the right, Kayri turned to a ramp that spiraled up the hollow of the tree. Two guards stood post at the base. When Kayri approached, they stepped in her path. "What business do you have with her ladyship?" One of them asked, his eyes showed that he too was sulking from the lives Korra had taken. His eyes landed on Sin for a moment, then back to Kayri. "You brought a foreigner." He said in a harsh tone.

"He has business with the Queen. I was sent word to take him to her. Step aside." She demanded, and the guards obeyed. She was a higher rank than them, but they had been quite apprehensive of her since she didn't look like the Forsaken any longer. Kayri started up the large spiral, each branch had been hollowed out, leading down what looked like typical city streets with wooden homes. The higher up in the tree one was, the higher their rank. Most of the hollowed branches were homes, or other types of shops and places. It was only until they reached about halfway up the spiral that they reached the throne room.

It was a tumor the tree had, dug out into an oval shaped room. In the back center was a large iron throne made of skulls and blades. It was at least twice Korra's size, since it had to hold her father before her. In the throne, sat Korra. Her legs crossed, her hands gracefully in her lap. Her blonde hair was down in long curls, with hints of blood still soaking in them. Still in her Banshee form, she wore a long black lace dress that had a collar around the back of her neck. The collar stood up to halfway up the back of her head before curling outwards into various spikes.

Before her, a Forsaken commoner kneeled, begging and pleading for something. But when her eyes caught sight of Sin and Kayri, she raised a hand and at the flick of her wrist, two guards dragged the man off to the prison cells, most likely. Korra rose, stepping down from the throne. Her dress had a long train, as it was a shorter skirt in the front to show her knee-high black metal boots that had small spikes on the toes. The dress didn't have sleeves, but rather thick straps over her shoulders that had spiked pads on top of them. Halfway down her upper arms were black metal cuffs with more spikes, smaller than the ones on her shoulders, however. The waist of her dress was tightest, accentuating her curves nicely.

Kayri stepped before Sin, moving quickly to bow at her Queen's feet. Korra touched Kayri's hair gently, fingering a lock of her hair as her other hand folded behind her back. She walked around the lesser being in half a circle before dropping the lock of hair and moving on. Then her cold red eyes settled on Sin. "Welcome." She said in her low, dark voice as she stepped towards him, stopping a few feet in front of him. There was a choker type necklace around her neck, at the center was a bright green diamond, that seemed to be living.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
~~~Some where deep in the forest~~~~

Pass the cliffs and beyond the bog there is a part of the forest untouched by time, There in a the forest grew a large tree, So big was this thee that a hole city was built with in it and the people of this city lived with in as one with the tree and the forest. (Think avatar movie home tree) In the city's center resided the lord of the people and his thrown, He was the oldest of his people but looked no younger then a boy that had just became a man. His long white hair tied at the base on his neck and few strands hanged lose in his face, His golden eye's shine like the sun. He dressed in robes of blue and white silks that hang lose on his body and when he would move the way they flowed looked as if waves of silk fallowed him, at his hip lay a golden sword and on head laid a crown of silver vine's. This man was lord, Lord of the light blood elf's, Son of May, The daughter of the god of light, He was known as Aron and at this point in time he found him self at court with his advisers chartering on like mother hens. How he long to run from the duty’s of court and run free in the forest like in his youth.

“I tell you this is an act of war!” Cried one man. “They not only have they tainted the prince, They kidnapped him. What less could it mean?” Said another. “They’ve broken there word and there darkness now finds it's way in to our land, We most stop them now!” Yelled one. “There ruler is young and untrained in the old ways, We not only could save our forest but take there's as well.” Said some one but Aron had had enough and raised a single hand and all became quite. “It is true that my son has crossed the border and in to the darkness that is there land, But from what my people have told me it was of his own free will. As for war I do find my self troubled that there taint comes in to our land and they care not but in no way would I condone us take there land in such a war. You all know young and old that there has to be a balance in the forest, Even now any one of you could cross and take up there beliefs and I would not fault you, They could do the same if they so wish but some one must always remain to keep the balance.” Aron said, His voice like the silk he wore, It's soft tone calming all who heard it.

“Tell me my Lord was that not why you fathered the prince? Was he not the balance before he be came he was tainted?” Ask a female. “He is still the key and even more so now then he was before, He's human blood let's him free to feel love and happiness like us but it is more pure then any of us will ever now. We are clam and cool and these feelings do not cloud the mind as it dose with humans. Now with the taint he will feel hate and sadness unlike us and more like the others, This has always be the key. But unless he returns to train in his powers we will have much to worry on” Said Aron. “So what do we do now my lord? Should you not have sent for him long ago?” Asked the man to Aron's right. “He was not yet of age and I had wished for him to live a free life tell he was older but now....Send for the keepers of ages, We will send word to the Banshee Queen that my son must be returned and that if she can not control her tainted forest she will leave us no other opinion then to act our self's” Said Aron, His voice full of grief at thought of another war.

~~~With Sin~~

As Sin walked with Kayri and the forest started to die, He felt odd in the fact that he felt no pain from the forest. It was like even in death it was alive and happy, But once see saw the field of body he felt his insides twist in to knots. When Kayri had told him Korra had broke there own laws he was confused how that had any thing to do with the body's all around and looking at them made him weak in his knee's so he placed a hand on Kayri looking for any kind of support to keep from falling it to the bloody pools. Sadness racked his body and for the first time in all his like a single tear of crimson trailed down his cheek.

As Kayri lead him deep in to the city he made sure not to look up and stayed right behind Kayri and once there entered the fortress that had once been a grand tree Sin was shocked at what waited for him. There in front of him was a beautiful dark goddess, That had once been Korra. Sin saw as the male was dragged away but did nothing knowing with the aura Korra was now surrounded by warranted a cautious mind. Sin knew he had to get hold of his feelings that seemed to be coming to him in wave's that slammed in to his vary soul but he fought it off and reclaimed his clam as if he felt nothing but serenity. When Korra faced him he did the only thing he thought would please this Queen of darkness, Kneeling before her he bowed his head and spoke in a tone that was like cool clam water. “It is a grate honor to this lowly Sin to be welcomed by you My Lady.”


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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At the sight of Sin kneeling, there was something that discomforted her about it. It didn't seem right. Ignoring the thought, she stepped over to him, only the clicking of her boots made sound in the corridor. She walked her half-circle around Sin, and as she did so, the Banshee she was softened. Her skin lightened once again, her eyes and veins. Something about Sin made Korra change. No longer full of rage from her people for disobeying her and trekking out of Felwood, Korra had reached a calm.

Stopping just in front of Sin, she bent over to touch her hand to the side of his face. She crouched down carefully in front of him as she moved her hand to his chin, lifting his head. It was a gesture that had her guards and Kayri wide-eyed. The Queen was equaling herself to Sin. "I'm sorry that you are cursed with this taint, Sin." She whispered so that her words only reached his ears. Korra made her way all the way onto her knees with a soft frown as her light orange red eyes met his. There was something in her expression that craved for the pure look Sin carried with him. The warm sparkle in his eyes that had her swooning.

"You are always welcome here, and you need not bow to me." She said louder than her first statement, making it clear to the guards in the room. Word would travel easily that she treated him as an equal. Kayri smiled to herself before rising slowly.

"Pardon, My Lady." Kayri said softly before moving to head further up the spiraled tree. To her home, where she could finally rest. Korra disregarded the woman as her eyes desperately searched Sin's. A lot had happened in the past few days, and the pair had more than just a little bit of sorting to do.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Kayri Allighast Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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#, as written by InuYuki
Sin could feel Korra eye's on him as he knelled there in front of her, He could hear feet move along the floor as she walked her way around him, he felt anxious. What would she think of him now here back in her own lands, But his heart melted as she touched the side of his face and he heard the rustle of cloth and out side the corner of his eye he saw her move to crouch in front of him. Her hand moved to his chin and he felt her softly move his head to look at her. As he looked at her he felt warmth in her eye's and he had to smile.

When she said she was sorry he had to shake his head at her. “What you call a curse is noting more more then I can bare, It will take time to understand these new feeling's in my heart but I did not lose the ones I had held there before, So in way I've gained more.” He told her, His voice full of seniority and warmth. When she made her ways to her knee's he had to give her a raised brow but when told him he was always welcomed here he felt grateful that she was no longer acting so cold and he didn't even notice as Kayri leave as he's eye's held face to the woman in front of him.

~~~Out side Felwood~~~

He and his pack had traveled fast and hard the past few day's and they had all stopped to rest. The job given to him was grave but he could do nothing but be the messenger of Lord Aron. He could only hope when they entered the Felwood forest that they would not have to kill any of Korra's people just to see her but if it was what fate had dimmed then so be it. He would not fail and he would do all in his power to stop this war before it had a chance to start. And so after a short rest the large old gray wolf ordered his pack to move out and head for the dead forest known as Felwood.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Ravenwood Character Portrait: Korra Windrunner
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With Korra and Sin

“What you call a curse is noting more more then I can bare, It will take time to understand these new feeling's in my heart but I did not lose the ones I had held there before, So in way I've gained more.” At the sounds of his words, not only did Korra fully return to the woman that she was when she had first met Sin, but also a deep frown tugged at the corners of her lips. It was good news, but it was hard for Korra to see it that way. Her mind had always been on one track, something her father had instilled into her so that when it was her time to reign, she wouldn't have the factors of indecisiveness weighing down on her.

Korra's hand found Sin's, rising to her feet she brought him up with her. There was a small smile that finally replaced the frown of her thoughts, something she half-forced for his sake. The other half of the smile was from the fact that she had met someone, that no matter the circumstances, there was warmth in his heart and soul. She had never experienced such feelings, and although she was quite envious, she greatly appreciated the type of company he brought.

"I can show you around if you would like… it's not as beautiful as your regions… well I guess it's beautiful in its own way." She trailed off as her eyes met his.
At the Felwood Tree Base

Two guards rushed their way to the upper region of the Felwood Tree. They were in desperate search of her ladyship. Something had come up, and it was urgent that the Queen should know. They hadn't had a visitor in years, hell, the guards that were coming to pass on the intel had never seen a visitor in their lifetime. Once they had reached the level of the throne room, and their eyes caught sight of her hand-in-hand with an outsider, they were discomforted. Her decision making was going to be hindered if all of these outsiders were finally coming to their regions.

It had always been Korra keeping them at bay, away from her lands so that she would make the best decisions with an unclouded mind. However, now, things were dramatically different. The two guards slowed their walk as they approached. Waiting for their moment to break. When Korra's eyes found the two guards, and the urgency in their expressions, her hand fell from Sin's and she stepped over towards them.

Both men bowed their heads before speaking. "My Lady, there are outsiders just on our borders. They are headed this way." They started and Korra's arms crossed over her chest. "What kind of outsiders?" She asked, her voice was solid and emotionless. "My Lady… they are abnormally large wolves." The other spoke, and immediately Korra turned to Sin, worry in her expression.