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Holy crap was that magic?!

0 · 217 views · located in Modern Earth/Terrathiea

a character in “The Shattered Mirror”, as played by Zenia


Rouge Skellie
Name: Zensai
Race:human ((Now somewhat demonic looking since coming here, what with the glowy purple eyes, hair, and new claws.))
primary Weapon: sword,
Secondary weapon: his new claws he got when coming to this world
orianation: Straight
Personality:sly, rash yet stealthy, he has a short temper, he is a bit of a nerd
Background:He was raised in a loving family as a single child, he was a con goer and that was where he found an odd mirrior, he reached out and touched in when he was sucked into a world not his own. All he wants now is to go home back to his mom and dad. He was surprised to see his fake sword turned real as well as his costume.


So begins...

Zensai's Story

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#, as written by Zenia
Zensai sighed as he put in his purple contacts and fixed his slightly highlighted hair with purple, white and gray tones "...I cannot believe you wanted to come to this..." he muttered to a woman dressed up as Psylocke. "What? You know your father and I are both comic nerds, when you mentioned this convention I thought why not? It is like Halloween except better." she told him, "...I bet I am the only con-goer whose mom is with them." he muttered as he grabbed his fake sword. "Oh I doubt that." she told him as she walked out of the room. He put on the belt and walked out of the room, "oh honey you will get cold in that outfit." she remarked, he shook his head, "I am fine mom..." he muttered completely embarrassed at this whole situation he was starting to regret telling his parents about this con. "I am just glad dad couldn't come..." he muttered as he went down the stairs seeing many people dressed up, of course he shuddered at the Sailor Bubba. He saw a friend from school dressed up as Jin from Tekken and waved. Many of the guys stared at his mom, "ugh I knew this was a bad idea..." he muttered to himself. “Can we take some pictures?" a girl asked him, she was dressed up as Murphy from Dresden. He grinned, "sure!" he exclaimed as he posed for her. She took a few pictures before she went on her way. He saw his mom getting her photo taken and sighed, though he did notice she looked happy.

He walked around the market at the con and bought a few books and Japanese video games, his mom buying a few comics and rare figures. "Oh Zensai! This is so much fun! We should do this every year!" she remarked. He looked nervous, "...sure..." he muttered seeing a mirror on the ground, "huh this should not be here...wonder if someone dropped it..." he muttered as he bent down and touched the antique style handheld mirror. The mirror shattered and he closed his eyes as the light was reflected off of it.

((His mom))

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#, as written by Zenia
The people in the area oo-d and ah’d at the spectacular light show. As Zensai touched the mirror colors like the aurora borealis sprouting up from the ground even his mother seemed impressed…though she had an odd feeling about it, like it was not a show…when the light faded and her son was gone. “Zensai? Zensai?! ZENNY?” she called out scared. She grabbed a girl in a gothic Lolita outfit. “Have you seen my son?” she asked. The girl sneered and pulled away from her, “WHERE IS MY SON?!” She cried out in panic, a few tears coming down her face.

Zensai felt himself falling, falling, he felt himself hit some sort of barrier that seemed to bend around him, he felt he was on jell-o and frown as it suddenly broke. He let out a scream before something hit him knocking himself out.
A beam the colors of the aurora borealis wrapped around him gently floating him down, his head, arms, legs and feet completely limp, oddly enough he managed to have a faint grip on his sword, he did not notice the black paint and plastic turn into a black obsidian sword nor that his fake long fingernails have turned real as well as his hair highlights turn into his real hair, before it dropped him on the rocky ground covered in snow. He lay there on the ground for a bit before he let out a moan and sat up rubbing his head scratching himself with his new nails. “w-what the?” he muttered as he stared at them, not noticing his regular black eyes were now the pale purple of his contacts. “Huh…Con went all out this time…check out this scene. They even kidnapped me and placed me here…feels like a final fantasy game…Imma gonna say four or six…” he muttered as he stood up shivering as he saw his new sword. “DUDE THIS IS AWESOME! I MUST HAVE WON SOME SORT OF PRIZE!” he cried out as he looked around. “where is mom she would love this!” he proclaimed as he started to walk around immediately regret his costume at the moment. He did not spot his mom and shrugged, “…where is everyone?” he muttered as he wandered into a village set and saw pale blue women. He ran up to one, “Whoa great costume!” he exclaimed to her. She stared at him with her pale yellow eyes, “what are you talking about and aren’t you cold?” she asked him her breath frosty as she walked away. He shrugged and walked through the village before he got bored and returned to the spot he appeared in. “Maybe there is a clue on what to do here…or a guide…” he muttered as he looked around in the snow. Seeing nothing he sighed, “well they put me here…what am I supposed to do now?” he muttered to himself.

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Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura Character Portrait: Zensai
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After many hours of wandering through the dusty snow storm,the half salamander had come across the temple that was said to be closest to the heavens. Sadly, to his dismay there was nothing of great value that pointed him in the right direction to the clues on how to get rid of his salamander half. Fion just wanted to be a normal human like he always was.Unsatisfied he left the temple, although it was a remarkable sight there was nothing other than the beauty of it.The priests and priestesses were kind but could not comprehend what he actually wanted to hear.

Many hours later he found himself trudging around lost with no sense of direction whatsoever. The blizzard that surrounded near the top of the mountain had now died down to rough and freezing winds as he was no longer near the highest parts of the mountain. This allowed him to analyze where he was but that was of no use as everywhere looked the same to him where ever he went, a repetitive blank picture. Frustrated by his own mapping skills he trudged straight in one direction hopefully to find someone who knew the way to the nearest village.

That's when he heard someone's talking. Hurrying over to the voice he saw a man in his late teens talking to himself. His clothes were slightly odd as they did not fit the scenario of the ice mountains. "Probably a traveler or something." he thought to himself heading towards the male. Walking up behind him, Fion tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey. Do you know where the nearest village is?I'm sort of lost."

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#, as written by Zenia
Zensai turned to the man who spoke a bit surprised to see him. He looked at him with a curious look in his eyes, he did not look like any of the staff from the con, but the way he spoke seemed like he was in on this game they set up so he decided to play along with it. “Town… oh yeah I just came from one I think…” he told him as he scratched his head gently, he did not know that his eyes were glowing or that he looked different from the humans here, hell he didn’t even know he was in a different realm. He rubbed his arms slightly to keep warm. “really wish they didn’t have the snow…” he thought to himself with a frown.

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Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura Character Portrait: Zensai
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Fion looked at the other guy weirdly as he began to rub his arms slightly from the cold. Curious about this unusually dressed person he asked," How in the world did you get all the way to the town in those clothes? We are pretty much half way up the mountain here." Brushing back his fire red hair the mage forgot that he was supposed to be headed to the town to get off of the mountain. " Are you a wizard?...Wait no scratch that." he said noticing the sword in the male's hands and the way the person was dressed.

"By the way my name is Fion'De Vancura." the half salamander mentioned as he examined the strange person that gave off an odd aura

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Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura Character Portrait: Zensai
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#, as written by Zenia
Zensai blinked, “I walked to the town… it isn’t that far.” He said simply pointing north east. “Wizard? Like Gandalf? Is this where you choose your class?” he thought to himself, then the guy took the question away. He sheathed his sword as the man introduced himself. “I am Zensai.” He told him with a grin. “their name is so… fantasy like, must be the name staff gave him to say…” he thought to himself. “I can lead you to the vilaage if you want, the slope starts to descend though so watch your step.” He remarked cally to him.

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Character Portrait: Fion De'Vancura Character Portrait: Zensai
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Fion'De Vancura smiled in a friendly manner. " That would help me a lot. Thanks. Normally I'd be able to find my way back but everywhere I look the place looks the same. My compass is also broken and I lost my sense of direction up in the north where the blizzards are."He quoted as he began to walk in the direction Zensai had pointed towards.

His shoes crunched in the snow leaving small puddled melted snow prints behind as he stepped carefully. The mage hoped that this would be the last time he ever attempted to go up towards the temple. The Ice Cats blended so well into the snow especially when there were blizzards and if he wasn't a fire mage he probably would have been their next meal. Not only that but the paths were infinite and deciding where he was was almost impossible.

If it weren't for this lad he probably would have been stuck wandering around until dark. "So why did you come to this mountain?"He asked curiously.