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The Six Nations of Dusseteu 2

Royal Ball Gathering


a part of The Six Nations of Dusseteu 2, by Megumi.

[12/26] Opens tonight! Get ready for the night of your life, meeting a person you don't know and getting married to them! Yipeee!

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Royal Ball Gathering, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

196 readers have been here.


[12/26] Opens tonight! Get ready for the night of your life, meeting a person you don't know and getting married to them! Yipeee!

All drinks and meals are provided! There will be fun acts and music to liven up the stiff and depressing situations!!!
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Royal Ball Gathering

[12/26] Opens tonight! Get ready for the night of your life, meeting a person you don't know and getting married to them! Yipeee!


Royal Ball Gathering is a part of The Six Nations of Dusseteu 2.

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Emma Leor [0] The fun-loving (if shallow) queen of the Water Nation

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#, as written by Kenzi
[[[ DARK NATION --- VINCENT ]]] Outfit

Vincent had spent the rest of the day drinking and smoking, barking orders at the servants as they cleared out a room for his future wife. He really could have cared less what her room looked like, but it had kept his thoughts occupied for the time being. After his tenth (very strong) drink, the rest of the day became a blur during which he was only slightly aware of having changed into a suit (black jacket, pants, shoes and socks with a white and navy pin striped shirt and a pair of black sunglasses. No tie, thanks.). The ride to the surface was also a blur, during which he chain smoked and played with his lighter while admiring the small flame.

A few hours later, after traveling by a very elaborate black carriage, they arrived at the Royal Ball. Vincent's buzz had worn off almost completely and a headache was threatening to take over if he didn't toss back another drink soon. His whole family was in the single carriage, which was impressively large and pulled by gigantic reptilian horses. While he wasn't normally quiet, he didn't think he had said a word the entire trip... except for now.

"And so the party begins." Vincent commented dryly as one of the servants opened the door to let them out. He slipped another cigarette between his lips, having refrained from smoking in the carriage, and lit it. Inhaling deeply, he stood and exited the carriage while looking towards the large castle. It was certainly elaborate and he could hear the music flowing through the cool night air. He exhaled and tightened his jaw in annoyance, this was not going to be an enjoyable evening.

"Fuck it." He swore under his breath, squaring his shoulders as he moved confidently towards the doors of the castle.

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#, as written by Kenzi
[[[ WIND NATION --- ZOOEY ]]] Dress Shoes Makeup/Hair

I can't breathe... I can't breathe... I can't beathe...

Zooey thought to herself, leaning against the window of the beautiful flying machine. You couldn't call it a plane, because it was so much more than that and far more advanced, and.. well.. it looked nothing like a plane. But that wasn't what Zooey was thinking about.

I can't breathe... Yes, yes I can. Don't be ridiculous! ... No, no I can't. Oh god, I need to get out of here. Her knuckles were white from clutching the edges of her seat, eyes shut tightly as she fought against the claustrophobia. The aircraft was hardly small, but it was certainly enclosed and that was enough to send poor Zooey's fears into over drive.

Thankfully the flight was a short one, due to the fast speed at which the aircraft could travel, and they soon landed.

"Your highness?" A tentative voice asked, directly in front of Zooey. There was no response. "Princess Zooey, we've landed." The servant stood awkwardly, waiting for some sign of life from the very pale woman.

Her eyes opened, silvery blue orbs looking out the window in relief as she saw the castle for the Royal Ball, "Oh thank goodness." She said in relief, getting shakily to her feet. "Thank you for letting me know, Hanson." Zooey said with a bright smile, not noticing how embarrassed the young servant looked when she said his name. He nodded and smiled back and then hurried off to help the other servants.

She made her way to the doors, staring at her feet as she did so to ensure she didn't fall. She was light headed and shaky from the flight and the fact that she had been forced to wear heels was not helping the situation one bit. Fortunately, she made it off the plane gracefully enough and took in a deep breath of fresh air as soon as she reached the path that would lead her through the front doors of the castle.

Her long dark brown fell over her shoulders in glossy waves, blunt bangs rounded perfectly over her forehead, and her face shone youthfully in the evening light. Her face was bare of makeup except for a thin line of black eyeliner on her upper lids and clear gloss on her lips, just the way she liked it. The dress she wore was as light as air and the color of blush, which flowed around her like a cloud of petal pink, and made her feel at ease and free.

She turned back to look towards the aircraft, awaiting her family so that they could walk in together.

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#, as written by Kenzi
[[[ EARTH NATION --- EVE ]]] Outfit Shoes

The day had been shit. Absolute shit.

Evelynne had spent it angrily packing her things and racing from one room to the next, supervising the packing of the princess' things, while trying to get herself ready (as well as do Veta's hair and makeup). She had managed to get everything done and was even able to quickly write a letter explaining the situation to Silas (pleading with him to pass on the word to the others in their circle of friends). After all was said and done, the royal children were placed into one carriage while the King and Queen rode in a separate one. The carriages were a shining emerald in color and emblazoned with bold gold detailing that shone brilliantly against the emerald green body of the carriage. Their luggage was immediately sent to the Wind Nation on a number of different carriages, all more modest looking than the ones that carried the royal family.

Evelynne spent the trip at the front of one of the carriages, sitting on the bench talking with Samson (one of the servants who handled the horses and carriages). Samson held the reigns and directed the horses, ensuring they got there quickly but in one piece, while Evelynne entertained him with stories and flirty looks. Samson had always been a dream boat, rugged and manly, so she figured she might as well get any bottled up flirting out of the way while she could.

After many hours of riding, they finally made it to the grand castle. It grew out of the distance like a glittering and jeweled mountain, grand gardens leading the way to the front gates. Many of the other Nations had already arrived or were arriving at that very moment, so there was a lot of commotion.

"Good luck, Eve."

She realized she'd been staring at the castle with a displeased expression on her face, despite it's beauty, and then shook her head to regain her thoughts before turning to Samson, "Thanks, Sam." She said with a cool smile, "I'll be alright. You just make sure the new princess doesn't push you around too much, okay?" She teased, standing up and turning on the spot on the tiny benched area, "Did I get anything on my outfit? Wearing all white on a long journey wasn't the best idea." She said with a bell-like laugh. She was wearing skin tight skinny legged white pants, white and gold accented heels (that made her a striking 6 feet tall), and a white flowing silk halter top that left her back fully bare. Her hair was down in soft sun kissed curls and her face was bare from any makeup except for a quick swipe of mascara on her long lashes.

She noticed the way Sam took his time responding and smiled wider, "Sam. I didn't ask you to paint a picture of me from memory."

He laughed and scratched the back of his neck in an embarrassed way, "Sorry, Eve. Nah, you look fine. Not a speck on you. Good luck." He said gesturing that she should hurry and help the royal family.

She wrinkled her nose playfully at him and placed one hand on the side of the carriage to steady herself as she jumped from the bench. Eve landed gracefully next to the door of the carriage and moved quickly to open it, readying her face to show a bright smile to the trio of royals. She turned the lever and opened the door, peering inside with a bright smile "Your majesties. The ball awaits!"

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#, as written by Kenzi
[[[ LIGHT NATION --- HAYDEN ]]] Outfit

The rest of the festivities at the castle hadn't been anything special. Orchid had said her speech, others made speeches about the importance of the peace that the marriages could bring, there had been fireworks (brilliantly colored ones that were manufactured to work in the day), and there had been music and drinks. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Hayden spent the helicopter ride reading, nose stuck in a book about the history of the water nation. He wanted to ensure he would have something to talk about with his future wife in case she fell short on the conversation front. Hayden wanted to make her feel comfortable and what could be more comfortable than talking about your own home? It never occurred to him, however, that talking about her home may be a sore topic considering she may never get to see it again...

The flight was very short and again uneventful. Or, at least, to Hayden it seemed uneventful but when he read he got completely immersed in the words so really the helicopter could have been taken over by hamster ninjas and he wouldn't have noticed.

They landed smoothly and Hayden shut his book, having finished it completely during the trip (he had read the first half that morning), and stood. He wore perfectly pressed black dress pants, a black jacket, white collared dress shirt with a gray shirt over top and a skinny black tie. Combined with black shoes and tossed golden brown hair he looked like the perfect balance of casual and formal.

He excited the helicopter, moving off to the side to get out of the way and wait for his siblings so that they could embark on the evening together.

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~ Dress , Shoes , Hair , Tiara ~

Stella sat quietly in the carriage as they arrived at the gathering. Ever since the little ‘family gathering’ in the Dark Nation, she had resigned to her room to change and cause a bit of mischief as a parting gift. Now having finally arrived and giving a small smirk at Vincent’s comment, Stella allowed a servant to help her out of the carriage. “I’m going to go get Layla since we’re somewhere new. I’ll catch up with the rest of you soon.” Giving her excuse to her family, she hurried to the servants’ carriage and quickly spotted Layla. The smirk from before quickly turned into an all out smile as she reached her friend and the mischief she managed to pull off so far.

Before leaving the Dark Nation, Stella had ‘helped’ Layla pick out a dress to wear to the gathering; fixing her hair as well with a ‘headband’. By the time she was done with the girl, she looked just as much the part of a princess than she did herself… only with no idea the dress was a gown and the headband was a tiara. “I hope the ride was okay. And the view is beautiful; but it’s nothing compared to this open air!” Excited at being out in the open for the first time in her life, Stella grasped onto her friend’s hand to help her around the new area. “Just hold on to me and we’ll have this place mapped out in no time! Now then, let’s start with where that music is coming from!”

Being careful to not pass her parents, Stella took a longer course to head towards the castle; finally feeling safe from sneaking in the ‘extra princess’. Taking the chance to smooth out her own purple gown from the carriage ride and making sure her own tiara was straight, Stella spotted Vincent ahead of them and the two girls quickly caught up with him. Knowing him, he had probably been drinking most of the day; and not having anything else to drink since they left, was probably feeling a bit of the after effects of it. With a smirk on her face, she gave her brother a slap on the back and a huge grin. “So how was the trip for you?” She asked in a tad-to-loud voice, hoping the headache had kicked in at this point; but after the words left her mouth, she realized she forgot about Layla being dolled up beside her… and not knowing it. Looking between Vincent and Layla, she held up a finger to her lips to tell her brother not to say anything. Hopefully he would go along with it, or her fun would end too soon as she continued to walk towards the castle doors with her armed linked with her friend.

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-Rhys- (See Amaury Below)

Rhys smoothed down his robes with gloved fingers. Every inch of his body was covered in Healer robes. They were rather stifling and made him feel like he was wearing nothing but a sack. He didn’t even find the light blue color flattering… His eyes flickered across the room to the lavish tables set up. Already he felt like he needed a stiff drink but the party hadn’t even started. He had to wait for the children to arrive before he could properly enter.

The healer could see a few people had arrived already but he of course didn’t know any of the young men and women there. He wasn’t privy to the information of other royal houses as he was a mere healer. Instead of paying attention to the others in the room his eyes flickered about, hoping to find a dark corner he could skulk into early in the evening and securely stay, keeping an eye on his ‘children’.

Amaury and his fellow ambassadors arrived right on time of course. Queen Elvira and her children seemed to be MIA though as of yet. So was the Earth King it seemed, much to Amaury’s disappointment. It seemed like every time he was ready to do some ‘research’ he was thwarted in some manner. The king was such a busy man and Amaury couldn’t help but feel the Earth King had set him up in such a poor position to meet the busy man that his job would be that much harder. He was pretty sure he should have asked for double for this little ‘outing’.

Pretending to be utterly bored, the boy swung back and forth on the heels of his feet until Kendrick merely could not stand it a moment longer. When the assassin winked and blew a kiss at a pretty serving maid, it was the last straw.

“Boy! Go… get a drink or something! Get out of my sight before people think you’re part of us!” The elder man snapped at him, causing Amaury to shoot him his infamous sheepish grin. “You’re a disgrace…” He muttered under his breath.

“As you wish sir,” Amaury merely shrugged helplessly, ignoring Hal’s rolling of his eyes. “Should I bring you back something..?” He ventured.

“No! Just be gone!” Kendrick snapped, his face reddening. He was obviously thinking of his own position and what the royal family would think if they knew he had allowed such an incompetent young man on this perilous journey of utter importance when it came to their children.

Of course Amaury didn’t have to be told twice, he was gone. Weaving his way through the crowd, he grinned pleasantly to himself. Finally, he was alone.

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Cecilia smiled--not the smile of one who was generally pleased with the situation, but of one who was trying her best not to look especially concerned with those around her. She waited her turn, well aware that it was impolite to walk in front of Her Majesty and her family, although once the craft had unloaded, she found her way to Zooey's side as quickly as possible, rummaging through a small bag as she did so. "You still look a little shaken," she said quietly, covertly handing the girl a small vial of familiar liquid. In Johann's household, his wizards ranked above his physicians, and though Ceclia had not been a member of the Greyson household for all of Zooey's life, she had nearly eleven years of experience preparing the draughts that the young lady sometimes required to keep her nerves in check, especially in enclosed spaces; her claustrophobia had not improved much since she was young.

"There should be enough of it in your luggage to last you...quite some time. And remember, if you ever wish to return home, I'm certain you could do so on the grounds of apprenticeship." Her smile quickly turned conspiratorial. "You or your sister, of course."

The craft that carried the king and his sons arrived nearly immediately after theirs, unloading with the normal noise and bustle that accompanied Kalmut everywhere he went. From the sound of it, he had been picking on his younger brothers again. Cecilia laughed; the pained expression on her husband's face begged saving from their youthful jibes. When it came right down to it, she wondered if Marcus's own lack of humor had been absorbed by osmosis from Sebastian. It certainly wouldn't have been the strangest thing she'd ever seen.

A large cat slunk out of the craft and into her arms, looking shaken. "Poor Cian," she mumbled, stroking its ears. "Probably didn't get a nap that entire ride, did you?"

"So if I'm not your brother," Kalmut was saying, "then if I were to hit on you, it'd be completely acceptable, socially speaking, right? Well, as acceptable as it ever is, anyway. Less unacceptable than it would be if I was your brother, by any stretch of the imagination." Marcus, as usual, was looking irritable and silent.

"They've been at it since we boarded," Sebastian said, crossing his arms when he arrived at her side. "I swear--I'm glad my parents never saw fit to have any more children before they marched off to war." He noticed Zooey then, still looking visibly shaken, and his expression softened. "I trust the trip was as short and painless as possible?" he asked, both to his wife and to the young princess (who might have been considered his goddaughter, had such a custom been prevalent amongst royalty).

Johann was quite busy looking stern and fatherly in Kalmut's general direction. The prince smiled, urging his father to do the same (although it was reluctant). "Kalmut, you ought to behave yourself," he warned, although from the look on his face it appeared that the warning extended to Marcus as well. There was no cause to be acting like that in company.

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Blood crept into Siris' cheeks as she entered the gardens for the first time. A soft wind ruffled her hair away from her eyes but didn't go far with its length. Thankfully the wind was warm and she was able to stay outside for a longer amount of time. The gardens were amazing and she couldn't help but stop and stare for a moment.

Everything seemed to glimmer around her, smiling their beauty to the people gathering in the area. This was the halfway place. The place she would meet her husband and accept her future, leaving her old life - and family - behind. It was so much to take in but already Siris was ready to go. Adventure was always in her blood, tempting her to do things that would never be allowed due to her frail health. She could do more then what was expected from her, but in her own home no one waited for it to happen. Most people snuffed any attempt at anything before Siris had time to realize what she wanted to do.

Her gaze wandered over the growing crowd, willing herself to grow some sort of psychic ability so that she could see her new husband.

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#, as written by Kenzi
OOC: Not much to say for Eve (Earth nation) or Hayden (Light Nation) right now...


With a smirk on her face, she gave her brother a slap on the back and a huge grin. “So how was the trip for you?” She asked in a tad-to-loud voice, hoping the headache had kicked in at this point; but after the words left her mouth, she realized she forgot about Layla being dolled up beside her… and not knowing it. Looking between Vincent and Layla, she held up a finger to her lips to tell her brother not to say anything. Hopefully he would go along with it, or her fun would end too soon as she continued to walk towards the castle doors with her armed linked with her friend.

Vincent flinched ever so slightly as his sister clapped him roughly on the back, nearly shouting in his ear. He gave a short laugh mixed with a groan, "I think you know how it was, Stella." His voice was unusually kind, but he had always cared for Stella more so than his other siblings. He realized, with a bit of shock, that he would actually miss her in some strange way.

He noticed that Stella's servant was dressed remarkably well and that she actually resembled a princess. He raised a dark brow at his sister, but her mischievous expression explained it all. A trick was it? Well, that was fine by him. This up tight ball could use a little fun and he wasn't about to take that away from her.

He continued walking, pausing only to watch as Gethen exited the carriage. Immediately men stopped and watched, taking in the barely there red dress that she was stuffed into. He rolled his eyes and gave a chuckle, not at all surprised by Gethen. She shocked the world on a day to day basis, but had never really shocked him. But that's what you get when you grow up with someone isn't it?

Vincent continued walking and eventually made it inside of the castle where the ball was already in full swing. Without pausing to take a look at any of the decorations or women (pretty much the same thing, anyway), he made a beeline straight for the bar.

"Give me the stiffest drink you can make." Vincent ordered, leaning casually against the bar as the young man scurried to prepare the drink.



"You still look a little shaken," she said quietly, covertly handing the girl a small vial of familiar liquid.

Zooey accepted the bottle and smiled gratefully at the women, accepting the tiny vial. She uncorked it and tossed her head back, downing the smooth liquid in one gulp. It was warm and cool at the same time and had a sweet calming taste. Immediately she felt her nerves calm and her legs stop moving uncertainly beneath her. Thank goodness for Cecilia.

"There should be enough of it in your luggage to last you...quite some time. And remember, if you ever wish to return home, I'm certain you could do so on the grounds of apprenticeship." Her smile quickly turned conspiratorial. "You or your sister, of course."

Zooey grinned and threw her arms gently around the women, "Thank you, sweet Cecilia. I don't think I'd last a day... down there... without this." She said, laughing lightly, though her face wasn't as bright and happy as usual. It was clear that the situation worried her. Sure, she was petrified of being trapped under the earth but she was also worried about giving a poor impression to her future husband.

"So if I'm not your brother," Kalmut was saying, "then if I were to hit on you, it'd be completely acceptable, socially speaking, right? Well, as acceptable as it ever is, anyway. Less unacceptable than it would be if I was your brother, by any stretch of the imagination." Marcus, as usual, was looking irritable and silent.

Zooey stood to the side, watching the rest of her family get off of the aircraft. She laughed and shook her head, moving towards her brothers, "Kalmut, leave Marcus alone won't you?" She said, though she obviously found the bantering amusing.

"They've been at it since we boarded," Sebastian said, crossing his arms when he arrived at her side. "I swear--I'm glad my parents never saw fit to have any more children before they marched off to war." He noticed Zooey then, still looking visibly shaken, and his expression softened. "I trust the trip was as short and painless as possible?" he asked, both to his wife and to the young princess (who might have been considered his goddaughter, had such a custom been prevalent amongst royalty).

Zooey felt heat rise to her cheeks, embarrassed to be addressed about her fear again, "As short and painless as it could be, I suppose. Though, to be honest, any flight seems dreadfully long and torturous to me." She said honestly, tossing a wave of dark brown hair over her shoulder.

She could hear the music soaring beautifully inside, now that they had changed to a waltz, and she was itching to go and get a better listen. "If you don't mind, I will meet you all inside. I'd like a moment to listen to the music and calm my nerves before this evenings task comes into play." Zooey said politely, smiling playfully at the word 'task', before she turned and made her way to the castle.

Her footing was much more steady now that she had had the potion, and her petal pink dress flowed around her delicate body in smoke like waves. She was lead into the great hall and was struck speechless at its beauty. The ceilings had to be at least 3 stories high with intricate drawings on them, and the walls were full of gorgeous windows, artwork, and nations flags. In the furthermost corner, a large ensemble was playing beautiful music.

Zooey smiled to herself and watched the musicians play, relaxing into the swells of the music as more people filtered into the great hall.

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#, as written by Ikiros
OOC: I didn't know how to make the tiny link, but here's what Kvan's wearing. ( ... rmor&qo=88) Sorry the link is long.... ~.~

Kvan Skyheart:

Kvan stepped into the ballroom and looked around, amazed and just how many nobles were all gathered, despite how many times he'd seen tension rise between nations. He noticed the various guards, each wearing the uniform of their respective nation, and chuckled slightly, knowing just how tough it was to stand and watch without moving or speaking. He stepped to the side of the main door and waited for the Water Queen, since it was his job to protect her, and he doubted that she would be one to go off wandering.

He shifted uncomfortably in the pseudo-ceremonial armor that he wore, wishing that he could simply remove it and wear his normal clothing instead. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander to the princesses, noting how some seemed scared, others calm. He noticed Zooey and realized that she was the only noble here that he truly recognized. He felt his breath catch, and his eyes immediately darted around, searching for the Wind Nation guards. Seeing none in the room, he relaxed and breathed deeply once more, calming himself quickly. He knew the Wind Nation nobles would be there, but he was hoping that he'd never have to be near them, simply because he'd once been paid to steal from them, and he'd been caught. When they let him go, they told him that if he ever was seen within twenty feet of the nobles again, he'd be killed on sight. Kvan thought to himself, <Oh, this will be lovely. As long as they don't ask me to dance, I'll be fine.>

In an attempt to distract himself, the mercenary listened to the music, picking out the lilting flutes, the flowing strings, and the power of the brass. He couldn't hear the percussion hidden beneath the talking and the other musicians, but he could feel it like the throb of a heartbeat.

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-Rhys- (See Amaury Below)

Rhys’ eyes finally caught sight of the royal family, much to his relief. His lips quirked for a moment as he watched Siris, the poor girl didn’t even understand all the people looking at her. She only looked horribly nervous, even though she was certainly a sun among mere stars. The healer had no doubt others would easily gravitate towards the princess. Threading his way through the crowd, he finally managed to get to the royal family.

“Your Highness’” He bowed to the family, not paying much mind to the muscle man beside them. He didn’t know much about him, except the vague mention that he was there for the protection of the family. His eyes flickered over the boy only for a moment, sizing him up. He didn’t trust mercenaries. Of course… no one trusted him either so he wouldn’t expect much in return.

“You are all looking radiant.” The dark haired male forced a strained smile on his face for the sake of appearances. He thought Nereus looked horribly handsome as well, but it was hardly proper to make such a special statement to the Heir Apparent, especially in front of his mother, on the night he would meet his wife. The thought made his chest ache in an uncomfortable feeling. He didn’t know if it was merely envy that they would be able to obtain his long lost dream of marriage or pure melancholy to lose the children.

- Amaury-

Amaury was perfectly happy to make his stake out at the food table. Even though he was disgustingly slim, he could never pass up the chance for food. Perhaps it came from starving as a child; he couldn’t just walk by a piece of food without wanting a bite.

‘You just never know,’ He told himself, chewing on a piece of unidentifiable fruit. ‘when you could get your next meal.’

The king had finally arrived and the assassin had no problem watching his target through the crowds while pretending to flirt with a pretty servant girl who was keeping the table well stocked. She constantly came towards him, pretending to fill the small dent in the fruit platter he was making.

‘Mindless twit,’ Amaury thought, chewing thoughtfully as his grey eyes tracked King Johann. The man moved like he didn’t have a care in the world.

‘A shame, because he should be as scared as a snake in the nest of a mongoose.’ The man laughed a bit to himself, turning back to his fruit for the time being.

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#, as written by Nulix
Oliver swallowed slightly as he followed the family onto the ballroom floor. The magnitude of the event hadn't quite struck him until he had stepped foot in the Gathering chambers. Now that he stood there, small and unimportant in the crowds of royalty present, he felt, for the first time, what he was part of.

Oliver's eyes dashed from each face in the room, none of them looking his way. They all looked like royalty, all of them made up to the point where it was hard to even tell which Nation they belonged too. "Well," Oliver muttered slowly, stepping forward. "I think I will... mingle, if Nereus, or anyone really, would join me. I don't feel like swimming with sharks alone."

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Emma's breath came to her lightly as she stepped into the ballroom, her hand lingering on Siris's shoulder as she gave it a squeeze before falling to her side. She was letting go.

She placed a hand to the tightly-corseted waist of her gown, taking a sharp breath to quell the butterflies in her stomach. Nodding to Rhys as he approached, she couldn't help but think to herself that she was almost happy to see the cynical healer go. Though, after she considered it for a moment, she was jealous that he could stay with her daughters.

Looking around the room, she couldn't say she recognized most of the faces of those who filled the gathering. Many of them she could spot as the children of the first generation, but the others she could barely remember. She stood up on her tiptoes to find the Dark nation's entourage. She was anxious to find her brother, Garion. Her search was to no avail; she saw the Light nation first and she felt another tinge of regret. Dareus had told her that he was looking forward to seeing his sisters again, and now they would have to arrange something else.

She sank back down onto her heels and frowned. "I couldn't find them," she remarked to Kvan, looking around one last time. Deciding to venture into the fray, she smiled and took his arm.

"So! Shall we?"

No way was she facing this alone, and she certainly wasn't letting her escort get off with loitering by the snack table. He was just going to have to mingle. Besides, who would want to admit to being without a date at an occasion such a this? She looked around at the other guests, wondering their ages, or to which nation they belonged to. Then, a thought occurred to her and she tugged on Kvan's arm, standing up on tiptoe to reach his ear in the noisy room.

"Do you know how to dance, Mr. Skyheart?"

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Stella entered the ballroom with Layla and was shocked at the scene in front of her. The music, the people, the room itself; all of it was a sight to behold and much brighter than she ever expected from such a large gathering. “Layla, this is definitely different than anything I’ve seen in the Dark Nation. And there are so many different people here!” Guiding her friend to navigate around the room, she made sure to keep a firm grip as to not lose her amongst the crowd. An interesting scene that would make, a blind girl lost amongst the crowd and a short girl attempting to jump to see over people’s shoulders to find the other one. Interesting scene, yes; but one that she preferred to avoid. Speaking of interesting scenes, Stella caught sight of her brother and the little scene that ensued with a woman dressed in white; guessing all too well what was said if she knew her brother any. “Well, Vincent found the drinks and a blonde. And from the looks of it he just got jilted by the woman… I like her.” Having leaned in to whisper to Layla, Stella pulled back with a small laugh. It was always fun to poke fun at Vincent when she got the chance, though… she was truly going miss having fewer chances when this ball was over with.

Not wanting to get into a down mood just yet, or worry about the reason behind this ball, Stella started looking for a distraction. Glancing over the crowd again, she couldn’t really see anyone else she recognized; and as far as telling who was from what nation was completely out of the question. The music playing clear within the room, dancing seemed like the perfect distraction; but the last thing she needed was to accidently run into her future husband so soon, and she couldn’t leave Layla, she wanted her to have fun as well!...Wait….Layla!

Smirk wide on her face, Stella hooked her arm around Layla’s waist and led her out to the dance floor. “How about a dance to start things off? We need to have a little fun!” Spinning her friend to show her how much room they had to move in, Stella really did wish to have a fun time with her friend. The family gathering was memorable, but not in a way that was happy to be leaving with. The ball was as wondrous as being out in the open air, but she knew the price she would be paying for being a part of it. So until reality came to ask her hand, whether to dance or to marry; she was going to enjoy spinning like the couple of giddy girls they were.

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The Royal Family of the Water Nation had finally arrived at the Dusseteu Gardens. A jewel that could only be seen every 20 years. It was nature's wonderful miracle that mankind had wanted to achieve since long ago. The entire island were decorated in every nook and cranny. It was certain that all Nations' had made sure to have a hand in the decoration and the possibility of this Royal Ball to be presented with much prestige. He could not but admire the craftsmanship and work that had been put into all of this. Well, this is indeed an event where nations are to be bound in holy matrimony to ensure that peace would reign among them all.

The Elder Water Prince stood with much refinement that is expected of his position. Various royalties had already arrived and filled the ballroom. The music was perfectly relaxing to a tee. He wondered how his family was compensating themselves with this. Nereus was assured that the Queen Mother had already much experience in this kind of gathering. After all, this is the same even where she had met the Water King, Dareus. His thoughts were interrupted when Rhys had approached them. Telemes did informed him about having the Healer arriving here prior to them. Although, he would not have mind having Sir Rhys accompanied them aboard the Havfrue.

"Good Evening to you Sir Rhys. I am much at peace that you have arrived safely before us. Please enjoy yourself and look after Siris if you will."

Eyes of compassionate coffee brown looked at Rhys without falter. He knew very well that he might not have enough moments to look after his family from time to time. After all, they had different people to be acquainted to. Diverting his gaze towards his sisters, he held their hands ever so gently and kissed the top of it. This is the last night he would ever be given a chance to be with the water princesses before they were sent towards their husbands' nation. How he wanted to simply keep them but, this is also a responsibility they had to do.

"Siris and Bria, why not mingle? Would Sir Rhys accompany them?"

He spoke with much elegance that had been inherent within him as he noticed that the Queen Mother had already taken the advantage to enjoy herself. Asking the personal guard to a dance no doubt, he sometimes envied the carefree nature of his mother. Although, he did promised the King Father to watch over his beloved wife. Shaking his head in a slight manner, his eyes were now on Oliver who seemed to be a little nervous. Nereus could not blame his brother for he was as well. Yet, he would not show it to provide comfort to his siblings.

"I shall join you Oliver."

Nereus spoke with a small smile upon his handsome face that he was certainly clueless about. Moreover, his pristine white suit fitted his image of some god or angel. Gazing one more time towards his sisters, he gave them an encouraging smile.

"Do not flutter to far away and Queen Mother."

He said with much sternness yet with warmth. Nereus knew that his mother would not do something outrageous yet, he could never certain what could happen. In addition, he had barely known the hired bodyguard. Still, he has to trust this man for now.

"Have moderate fun."

With that said, he looked at Oliver once again. He wondered what kind of woman was his wife-to-be. All he knew they were the Dark Nation Princesses. Maybe, they will soon know. After all, there are already royalties dancing with much fun.

"Shall we began our dive into perilous waters, Oliver?"



Olive green eyes gazed at the great hall where they were led into. It was a majestic sight to behold. Luxury and Nature were combined effortlessly. Her nervousness seemed to ease for a minimal amount as she still held on Revan's hand much like a fearful child. However, this made her appear rather more gentle and angelic in every sense as the Guards and the Royal Adviser Fredrich von Delamer did not left the side of the Fire Nation's Prince and Princess. Looking around, she had noticed some of the Royalties having their own form of fun by dancing or having a conservation with one other. The thought of both activities seemed to be a pleasant thing to do. Taking a deep breath once again, she finally let go of her brother's hand and smiled gratefully.

"Thank you for letting me have some strength, Revan."

Her voice rolled out like a relaxing melody similar to the music being played. She also gave a thankful smile towards their entourage that would keep them safe until the Gathering has ended. Although, their parents could not have come due to their busy schedules. They did manage to see them off and even gave her and Revan a few pointers. She knew very well that her longing for them would be stronger as she sent away to the Earth Nation. How she wished that the prince designated to be her husband would be a kind man at the very least.

"Please excuse me for a while, I would like to see the band in a closer point of view."

With that said, she made a graceful bow and walked with much grace and elegance that she had been born with. Her ephemeral multicolored gown that appeared to be white under light and pink without followed her every movement. It appeared that her dress had its own life for the cloth which was wrapped around her arm fluttered around her like evanescent wings of a Goddess. Soon enough, she had reached a good position to watch the ensemble performed with perfect rhythm.

Seraphina took pleasure in this to alleviate her frustrations and the butterflies in her stomach. As she pondered on what the Earth Prince would look like, she had not been informed of anything except his Nation. This is to create a certain surprise as her mother had explained. She did found this entertaining at the very least. But, it would help if she had a little detail to go. After all, everyone in this ball to her excluding Revan and their entourage were all strangers.

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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart:

The man chuckled nervously before answering his employer. He had been taught to dance by his parents and, although he'd been told it came naturally to him, he'd always though that his steps were rather clumsy and unsure when it came to dancing.

"I do know how to dance, thanks to my parents, but I fear I may embarrass you with my ability. However, if you don't mind how low my skill is your Majesty, then yes, I know how to dance." He gulped and felt himself lighten, his heels lifting off the ground by half and inch or so before he realized that his anxiety was activating one of his powers. With a single, normal-sized breath, he calmed himself and slowly returned to the floor without much to show for it.

He knew that his dancing would probably be passable for the occasion, but he was more worried about putting himself into a better view of the Wind Nation royalty. He could only hope that they wouldn't recognize him after almost ten years time. He thought for a moment and then, fed up with the fact that he didn't have much of a choice, swung out his left arm, gesturing to the dance floor, before saying to the queen, "I do believe we shall."

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Ciara already wanted to leave and she barely stepped through the door. She made some small talk with people whose names she didn't even bother to inquire. She could spot the princes and princesses of the other nations in a heartbeat, they looked just as miserable as her. As she menuevered through a crowd a waiter stopped and offered her a drink. Ciara had always been a well-behaved child, but tonight she was feeling reckless. She grabbed a shot of something, though she had no idea what it was, and tossed it back. She stopped the waiter as he began to walk away and grabbed two glasses of some sort of brown liquid and ice. Ciara didn't know or care what it was, she began to drink them both.

A couch placed against the wall seemed to call her name. Being a princess, she was never allowed to be a wall flower. Tonight, she didn't give a damn about rules or manners. She plopped down in her gown making sure to not spill her drinks. She looked back at a mirror behind her to check her hair and makeup. Her hair was pretty much covering her face, which is how she wanted it.

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#, as written by Nulix
"Dive we will," Oliver muttered to Nereus as he gazed onto the people who had gathered. After a moment of collecting their faces he stepped with Nereus onto the hall. "We called them barbarians, pale savages, cave dwellers. I don't know, only two of those things may be true, or they have excellent cosmetologists, because I cannot spot the Dark Nation entourage anywhere. I suppose that may be a good thing, we wouldn't want the evening to turn into torture as soon as its begun."

Oliver shook his head. He was cynical this evening, more then usually at least. Being negative instead of being afraid was Oliver's own little way of venting his emotions, and Oliver knew it. He didn't mind it either. It was part of his charm. Oliver smiled at the thought slightly before turning to Nereus. "I don't really want things to change, you know. I'm a lucky man. I, out of everyone on the streets, was turned into a Prince. The King gave his excuse, that he found a long lost link between my family and his, but we all know that it was just a measure to silence the nobles. I don't have to worry about, food, about money. I have my own treasury for gods sake. But best of all, perhaps, is that I have you guys. I can have tea with the King, spend a day out with Siris, us mocking each other the whole time, and then we come home, and spend some time with you and Bria... and mother, if we're lucky."

Oliver put his arm around Nereus and sighed. "Its a good life, you know. And now we will get barbarian wives likely to murder us in our sleep, Siris and Bria will move to the Light Nation with some warmongering aristocrats, and Father will live on, getting more and more ill by the day."

Oliver smirked slightly at his words, finding something oddly humorous in his summary. "No matter, its our duty. Lets go perform it."

Oliver turned from Nereus to the Ball room's floor where the crowd had grown even larger from when he last looked.

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If the evening had a watchword, that word would be "damage control," and Sebastian was starting to see that this was going to be far more difficult than he'd imagined. Zooey would be able to keep out of trouble with little effort; she had always been clever and somewhat reserved, and both were good traits in a situation such as this. Ciara, however, was more of a worry. If anyone had inherited the headstrong and somewhat reckless free spirit of Johann's mother, it was Ciara. In fact, all she was missing was the nightmares and waking haunts, which the king had more than enough of for his entire family. The wizard could remember the long, sleepless nights that young heir had spent, tormented by the fate his mother's demons had brought down on her. Even as the young prince's dearest friend, Sebastian had been unable to console him.

He'd never been quite clear on what had spawned Her Majesy's madness, but he was one of the few who was quite aware of the cause of Johann's father's.

Ciara seemed to be headed down both paths simultaneously, the end of which could not be good.

"My King," he said quietly, leaning in to speak directly in the ear of his childhood friend, "it seems your daughter has discovered the drinks. Perhaps it is only my imagination, but she does not seem to be regarding them with the...usual...amount of discretion." Johann looked up, scanning the crowd until he laid eyes on his younger daughter. Then, with feeling, he sighed. "Would you like me to go and speak to her?" the wizard offered, his version of helpful, if it could be called that.

The king shook his head. "I doubt she'll listen without being constantly reminded. I couldn't trouble you to keep an eye on her all evening. Kalmut?"

Kalmut deflated. "Father, you would have me babysit my sister? Even on the eve of her departure? How could I be stern with her, knowing that our parting words might be those of anger and frustration?" The prince was a master at diplomatically wriggling out of his obligations. His father sighed again.

Before he could speak, Sebastian interjected. "It's no trouble, Your Majesty," he said, his eyes meeting Cecilia's. "Cian, keep an eye on her, and don't be a nuisance." The animal stared at him as though he had grown a second head, or as though he was speaking a foreign language. "Please?" It tilted it's kitty head.

"Cian," Cecilia said firmly, "don't be difficult. Go and keep an eye on the young princess, or there will be consequences later."

"Yes, Mistress," the cat replied, sounding defeated, It slunk out of her arms and made motions towards his duty. Babysitting the king's daughter--how perfectly dreadful. He was not nearly so good at avoiding work as Kalmut.

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Amaury finally decided that standing there all night munching on fruit wasn’t going to get himself anywhere. Granted perhaps it was best to stay out of Johann’s sight, for some reason he always found himself wanting to flirt with disaster.

And so it was with that mentality he finally pushed himself away from the table and moved across the floor towards the King. He knew somewhere Hal was probably watching him and perhaps that made his roguish plan all that more exciting. Hal would be infuriated that he would dare approach his target when the point of his lowly position was that the King would never know the assassin.

He seemed so sure of himself that more than a few ladies were watching him helplessly as he strutted across the floor, a plate of fruit in his hand. However he had no eyes for them for once, his eyes only lingered on his target as a smug grin drifted onto his face.

“Your Majesty,” Amaury innocently bowed to the man, pretending to be oblivious to the company the king was keeping, much to the other royal’s disgust at this insignificant man’s manners. “You looked famished even from over there, perhaps a piece of fruit?”

He was so forward, uncaring of what was proper and what was not as he held out the plate to the older man.

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Eyes of brown gazed with much subtle warmth and understanding towards his brother. His words were truly uncalled for in many ways. However, this had been a belief within the Water Nation for many centuries. This would not be easily removed with just a word or a few weeks. There is nothing to blame for Oliver's point of view. However, it would not be fitting for him not to remind his brother that he, Siris and Bria have the blood of the Dark Nation flowing through their veins. After all, there Queen Mother had come from there.

"Get a good reign on your words, Oliver. It is mainly a baseless rumor. We should not judge anyone according to that. Remember as well, we are children of a Dark Nation Princess and by familial relations. I could say that they are my cousins."

The elder water prince's words came out without resentment or annoyance. He was simply pointing certain facts that should not be carelessly disregard. In addition, Nereus had spent so much time with Oliver that he knew that the young man beside him was venting out his mixed emotions, no doubt. The cynical point of view being spoke of was part of his interesting charm as to say. Listening to Oliver's feelings, he could not help but gave him a gentle yet strong pat on his shoulder. He understood very well what his brother was sharing. For he too did not want them to be separated. Alas, this is still a responsibility needed to be accomplished.

"Despite the trivial questions the nobles had raised, you are still a Leor and a prince of the Water Nation. There is no doubt about that."

He spoke with much sincerity as he felt Oliver placing his arm around him and spoke of his sarcastic yet funny summary of the events to be. This one of Oliver's many traits that he found endearing in a certain sense. Nereus gave a small smile at this and yet gave a fair warning. After all, they are representatives of their Nation and whatever mistakes they would manage to do would be looked with terrifying scrutiny.

"You're words are always brutal to say the least. Do tone it down we are after all in unfamiliar waters. I would not want to see my dear brother be eaten by sharks now."

At the end of his statement, as if on cue two ladies collided onto them. They managed to remain standing at the end of this incident but the same could not be said for the females before them. One of the girls who was making sure that the other female's dress was still prim and proper apologize to no end and he wanted to have her stop. A single apology is enough adding to that, no harm was done. Although, he was not certain for them. Still, they both tidied each other up and it reminded him of Siris and Bria.

"Are you two young ladies well? It would appear you were having a dizzying fun."

Nereus spoke with much concern yet in a refined manner. His deep brown eyes gazed at them without any hidden agendas. It was simply of polite concern. Although, he had noticed something odd about the other female. Nevertheless, it was not something he should say so bluntly. Thus, he ignored it.

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- Rhys -

The healer felt his eye tick at the forwardness of the mercenary who had still yet to even dare look in his direction. How rude. As if the King would ever allow another man to dance with the Queen. He was a highly jealous man of the woman, he hardly ever left her side. Not that Rhys supposed he could blame the man when the Queen had almost been snatched away when Siris was born. But still... He felt his disgust mount up in his mouth. Her flirtatious behavior with a man below her station was unseemly!

His dark eyes flickered to Nereus but the Prince seemed to pay little mind to his mothers behavior as he slung an arm over a uncomfortable Oliver and the two men moved away with ease. Of course! So like men to high tail off on their own. Granted he was probably more disappointed to watch the older prince move away.

Oliver though, could never quiet be far enough away. Even though Rhys could tell the mouthy boy was shaken with a fit of nerves, he couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction that SOMETHING could shake the younger prince up from his 'holier than thou' shell. He would be married to one of those dark 'barbarian' women as he called them, and then they would see. They would see just what that little boy was made of for certain.

He hovered uselessly close to the Princess Siris' and her sister, feeling more uncomfortable as the minutes dragged on. Everything in the room seemed like a ticking time bomb. Most of the people had strained smiles, pale faces. No one knew what to expect. Her Majesty of course seemed content in making merry with the young man by her side and for a slight fraction of a moment he wondered...

'Did the queen take a lover?' Almost as soon as the thought came, he dismissed it. No. Impossible. He was merely imagining things he was sure.

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#, as written by Nulix
"I suppose I shouldn't let my wife to be know about my fear of death in the night, it might give her ideas," Oliver whispered to Nereus. Suddenly, the two were knocked back. Oliver grabbed Nereus for support before looking at who had struck them. After a second he saw it was two women. The women stood and Oliver gave a small smile to the two.

“I am so sorry about that, apparently we were having a bit too much fun,” The red haired one said. “Ok, maybe we were having more fun than just a ‘bit’."

"Are you two young ladies well?" Nereus said. Oliver knew his brother, and he knew he was just inquiring but there was still something in his voice that sounded remarkably suave. "It would appear you were having a dizzying fun."

"Your eyes," Oliver added, looking at the brown haired girls face. "They're really bright. They look blue or white or something. They're odd."

Oliver paused, realizing that calling someone odd was perhaps not the best way to make an impression. "I'm Oliver, by the way. And this Nereus. We're Water Nation... officers from the Water Nation," Oliver said quickly.

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Johann raised an eyebrow, not an unkind gesture, but one that wordlessly expressed his confusion at the young man' proposition. After all, it was so seldom that people approached him as a human being, rather than a king. It was a sensation he was beginning to feel eerily unfamiliar with. So bold a gesture from a young man so low in rank certainly got his attention, and when Sebastian opened his mouth to speak before the king, Johann shook his head. The wizard stood down, looking glum; he had been looking forward to issuing quite the tongue lashing, and Cecilia was in no condition to be made any more irritated than she already was. "I am curious to know how our young friend knows my mind so very well. I was unaware that my appearance betrayed my stomach's rather unkingly demand for sweets."

The wizard at his side grimaced, while Kalmut, who was feeling quite facetious, leaned in conspiratorially to speak in his brother's ear. "Does he mean the fruit or the boy?" he asked, mostly because it would irritate Marcus. "You never can tell with Father--he always says things in such a roundabout way, and, well--we all know--" Kore, who was considerably more proper than his older brother (and also, as the subject of Kalmut's torment, felt some level of pity for his younger sibling), gave him a sharp elbow to the ribs. After an unmistakable chuckle, Kore couldn't help but laugh.

It seemed, however, that while those who had not known him in his youth were unconcerned by this statement, Sebastian seemed to harbor the same thought as the elder prince. Johann, for his part, seemed nothing but sincere in his curiosities.

He was hungry, after all, and wondered how the young man had made such an assumption, considering his stomach had not yet set to growling. Perhaps members of the palace staff paid more attention than the king gave them credit for.

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Amaury's eyes flickered over the boys if only for a moment. The slim boy knew the others standing around the king were the ones snickering under their breath at him, especially the children but he merely smiled serenely as if nothing of the sort was going on. Seriously… He could see what the Earth King meant by the Princes being nothing but little powder puffs. They were practically giggling and simpering like little girls at some secret grand joke that Amaury certainly did not get. Perhaps it was for the best that he was ignoring them because if he had heard that comment….well he probably would have sprinted his way right back across the room, tail between his legs. He hid his disgust at their antics by forcing his lips to hold his smile firmly on his face.

“Perhaps I am just more observant than many?” He offered innocently to the older man.

Of course it wasn’t like he could say anything like

‘ Oh yeah, I’ve just been watching you secretly since this morning and I know you didn’t even eat breakfast then!’

Like that wasn’t a big red flag of what the heck! Instead he just pretended it was no big deal that he had practically read the King’s mind. He could imagine Hal’s face all the way across the room with the other embassy members and the thought of the horror on the older man’s face made him smile even more.
