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Landon Blackwood

"Embrace the darkness for not all that is dark is evil."

0 · 2,118 views · located in California's Academy for Superhuman Children

a character in “The Special Ones”, as played by mjolnir





"I am the Darkness.
I entice, seduce and consume."


{ L A N D O N - B L A C K W O O D }

His little sister calls him this.

This is what most of his friends called him in High School.





2 1

O C T O B E R - T W E N T Y - T H I R D


S E X U A L - O R I E N T A T I O N

R E L A T I O N S H I P - S T A T U S
{subject to change}


S E X U A L L Y - A C T I V E




6 ' 3 "

1 6 5 l b s

E Y E - C O L O R

H A I R - C O L O R

H A I R - S T Y L E
S H O R T - S I M P L E - C L A S S I C

S K I N - C O L O R

B O D Y - B U I L D


    Rose right bicep
    Tribal on back
    Skull left ribcage


    Down right side of bottom lip
    Lash marks on back, hidden by tattoo




"I am who I am.
That's hard for some to understand,
but I'm not here to please you."


Landon looks like the bad boy that there always seems to be in every school but contrary to his appearance his personality is quite different. He is very friendly and tends to have a rather easy time making friends and acquaintances. He is very sarcastic, and gets enjoyment out of making others laugh or just being a complete smart ass. He's more of a night owl considering he is drawn to the darkness, and day light will slowly drain his energy. He also has the habit of being protective over those he cares about, often being the type of person to take a bullet for anyone he holds dear. Landon also tends to come off a bit cocky and proud but he does it more as a way to keep his head up rather than to put others down.

F A V . C O L O R : Red or Black
F A V . M U S I C : Rock
F A V . F O O D : Burgers
F A V . L I T E R A T U R E : The Outsiders
F A V. E N T E R T A I N M E N T : Music

U P P E R - C L A S S
S H A L L O W - P E O P L E

Used to be scared of the dark before his abilities surfaced.
Killed his father.

P R I Z E D - P O S S E S S I O N
T R I U M P H : His motorcycle.

W R I T I N G - M U S I C

H U R T I N G - A N O T H E R
D A R K N E S S - C O N S U M I N G - H I M
B E I N G - A L O N E

T W I R L S - H A I R





{ D A R K N E S S - M A N I P U L A T I O N }

S H A D O W - C O N T R O L : Control/manipulate shadows
A B S O L U T E - D A R K N E S S : Absorb all light creating complete darkness
N I G H T - V I S I O N : Can see in complete darkness
S T E A L T H / C L O A K I N G : Dark camouflage


S U N L I G H T : Drains his energy
O U T D O O R S : Harder to create absolute darkness
T O O - F R I E N D L Y : Friends can be used against him




"It's called the past for a reason. I intend to put it behind me and
look forward to the future and what my life has in store for me."


Landon was born in Chicago to his parents James Blackwood and Josephine Blackwood. He was the first born child to the pair. 8 years later his little sister Katherine was born but during her birth, their mother died. Ever since that day, their father blamed Katie for their mothers death and quickly became an alcoholic, leaving Landon to raise his little sister. With their father's incessant drinking, he quickly became very abusive, mentally, emotionally and physically. Whenever he felt the urge he would lash them with a switch, belt or whatever he could get his hands on. But whenever their father would try to beat Katie, Landon would always step in, taking his sisters lashings so she would remain unharmed.

When Landon was 15 he was to his limits, unable to handle living under his father's roof anymore. So one night, in the early hours of morning he snuck Katie out of the house. He planned to follow after her but his father caught him as he was climbing out of the window. Mad beyond belief, his father didn't just lash him was beating him to the point that would have most likely ended in his death while shouting about how ungrateful he was. The fear and anger within him triggered his ability to surface. When he went to yell back at his father the room went pitch black. And as the man stubbled around trying to find any source of light, Landon saw him clear as day as if looking through night vision goggles. Overrun with anger, Landon fought back beating his father while in the absolute darkness. As he grew more tired, the light slowly returned to the room, and once it was relight, he realize he was looking down at his Father's dead body.

Terrified that he'd go to jail and never see his sister again, Landon through his father's body in the trunk of his car and drove him to the highest bridge in the city. When he was sure no one was around, he pushed the corpse over the edge, sure that the fall would mangle the body and the blood toxicity level would make it look like a drunken accident. Then without looking back, he drove him and his sister across the country to go live with their Grandmother in Oregon. It was there in Portland that he spent the rest of his teenage years growing up, the only people to know what he had done to his father being his Grandmother and Katie. But neither one of them knew about this strange ability that had surfaced. He often would wonder about what had happened that night; if he actually did those things with the darkness or if it was just his imagination. Many nights he'd stay up late in his room trying to recreate what had happened. Every once and awhile he could make a shadow dance, or extinguish a light. It wasn't for a few more years until he began to really gain control of the Darkness Manipulation.

It was when he was 21 that his Grandmother told him about this special school in California. At first Landon pretended to be confused because he never told her about what he could do. But she said she had stumbled upon him on multiple occasions when he was practicing his ability. But what surprised him the most was her acceptance of this difference in him. She told him about the school because she wanted him to be able to control his powers. At first he was reluctant but as the school year rounded the corner, he agreed out of pure curiosity to find others like him and maybe find someone that could do what he could.

F A C E C L A I M : P A U L - W E S L E Y H E X C O D E : # B 7 0 9 0 9 C R E A T O R : S C A R . - T I M E Z O N E : E S T

So begins...

Landon Blackwood's Story

#, as written by mjolnir

T H E - D A R K N E S S



Old Time Rock and Roll

Landon had been party hopping all night. He made sure to make an appearance at a majority of the different little dorm parties that flooded the dormitory. It was obvious that it had just became midnight when everyone was making more noise than they already were and started grabbing whoever was closest, planting a wet one on one another. There were a couple cuties around him that were giving him the eye but he had something way more fun in mind they sharing his New Year's kiss with a random girl. Not that he wouldn't enjoy kissing them but he didn't want to lead anyone on. Deciding it was time for him to leave the crowd, he grabbed a red solo cup of mystery alcohol, chugging it's contents as he moved down the hall.

Landon tossed his cup in the trash near the stairs before heading up to the next floor. He grabbed hold of the banister, whipping himself around the landing, skipping every other step as he ascended the stairs. He was slightly surprised at how quiet the floor was. But then he realized that Synthia probably threatened everyone with a lifetime of school debt or something if they were too loud. The thought made him chuckle to himself as he headed down the corridor.

The only sound that could be heard was the clicking of his dress shoes on the tile floor. He smirked to himself when he noticed their door was open before he was in their sight. Being the peacock trickster he is, Landon pulled out his phone and began to play Old Time Rock and Roll. Just like Tom Cruise in Risk Business, he slid on the tile coming to a stop in Synthia's and Spencer's doorway. He then spun around to face them, flipping the sides of his blazer back as he strutted towards them. Moving towards them like he was in Saturday Night Fever, he bobbed his head side to side while mouthing the words to the song.

When the song came to an end Landon posed like he was dancing disco. He held the pose for a second or 2 before cracking up laughing, and plopping down on Spencer's bed. He did always like to make an entrance... At least he thought he was humorous. "So I realized that Hey, it's a New Year now. And I had some girls eyeing me, wanting me to be their New Year kiss. But being the gentleman I am," He put his hand to his chest trying to seem as sincere as he could be, "I had to save that pleasure for the one girl in my life..." He was looking at Spencer, but cocked his head towards Synthia with a mischievous grin. She always hated it whenever Landon tried flirting with her, which made him enjoy it that much more. "So what do you say baby? Plant one on me!"


T H E - M E N T A L I S T




Gisele arrived much later than she had planned due to the snow. It wouldn't have been such a terrible drive if her mother would have let her get the SUV she wanted instead of a freaking Porsche. She hated how her mother shoved her wealth down her throat. She let out a sigh of relief as she parked her car and shut off the engine. It was like ESP or something because the second she removed the keys her phone began to ring. She bite the finger of her glove, pulling her hand out of the fabric so she could answer it, "Hello?... Yeah Mom I got here fine... er, Genova." She sighed. She had a horrible relationship with her mom, if you could even call it a relationship. The woman didn't even let Gisele call her mom and the last time they saw each other was shortly after her Father's death. "...I'll be fine... Yes! I can control myself Mother!" Her mom knew nothing about her except the fact that she spent the last 3 years in rehab. She didn't even care about her issues, she cared about the image it made on her fashion brand and life. Her Mother saw her as a burden and free advertisement... not a daughter. "Why do you care!?... That's right because you don't!... I'm on the other side of the world, be happy... Stop lying to me. I'm not a child anymore... Whatever. Bye Genova."

Gisele threw her phone into her purse, before slamming her hand into her steering wheel. The impact made her alarm begin to go off. "Oh shit!" Her hands fumbled around with the keys for a few seconds until she finally turned the alarm off. With a sigh she rested her head back against the head rest trying not to cry. After a second or 2, she brought her hands up to wipe away the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes, grabbed her purse and got out of her car. She nearly slipped once she stepped out in the snow, grabbing the car door with her hands. "Fucking heels..." Her Mother always insisted Gisele dress her best, and her best was always clothes from her Mother's line. Free advertisement. Once she regained her balanced, she grabbed her suitcase and headed inside.

It hit her like a wave. All the voices, real and mental bombarded her mind as she walked through the halls tugging her suitcase behind her while adjusting her duffle bag that rested on her shoulder. If her Mother wasn't so complicated she would have just stayed at school over the holiday break but she had to go to Paris. Even though she saw her mother not once the entire time she was there. Just a waste of time. It must have just turned midnight when she entered because people were kissing everywhere. It took all her concentration to weave through the masses of students without getting knocked over or whatever else, while juggling all the noises in her head. But when she heard one thought she stopped in her tracks. Her eyes locked on a male a few feet in front of her who was obviously drunk. But he licked and bit his lip at her as he began to stride towards her. She sighed and rolled her eyes. He wanted her to be his first kiss for the year and she was not feeling that at all. She smirked as she spoke to him through his mind, If you even attempt to kiss me I'll tell every girl at this school how small your dick really is. He took the hint well because he quickly turned the other way, stumbling through the crowd to get away from Gisele. She wasn't a mean person like that usually but she wasn't in the mood to deal with this type of crowd.

She wanted to jump for joy when she noticed she had reached her room. Gisele quickly recovered her key from her pocket and unlocked the door. She tugged her suitcase inside, pushing it aside before practically slamming the door shut. She rested her palms against the door, then her forehead letting out a sigh of relief. Some quiet. She turned around, leaning her back against the door, allowing her body to slowly slide down it until she was sitting on the ground.

#, as written by Layla

      XXXFlames devoured the string and the sky shattered.
      XXXColours fractured in a stream of sodium nitrate that rattled the earth. The girl felt its vibrations in her mind, as tendrils of news feeds, phones and cameras grasped the neurons of her brain. Countless of New Year's fireworks erupted around the world; 357 in New York City alone.
      XXXPerhaps that was why Synthia Aurore Faye had been one of the only students in all of the Academy who'd chosen not to partake in the New Year's festivities or its rapid exchange of texts and calls. "Happy new year!!! xx," declared a number in Singapore, and "I want a divorce," in Southeast Durham. There was no need, when she had every telegraphed event unfurling in her mind.
      XXXThe Internet permeated the room. Its soft, fuzzy essence akin to micro-thin strips of velvet that wove through her and around her. It demanded her attention, coils of information shifting at hundredths of a nanosecond. She'd been mesmerised by the fireworks at first, having an enduring love of bright lights, but even her great devotion could not protect her from its epileptic qualities. This coupled with the wail of humanity as it applauded the demise of the past and the beginning of a new calendar was frankly, quite nauseating.
      XXXAt least, that might have been the excuse she'd have provided, if she'd cared enough, or cared at all. And if she'd actually been desperate enough to choose the company of flesh and bone over that of oil and metal.
      XXXMetal was predictable. It collapsed when melted, bent when struck, screeched when scratched and fell when dropped.
      XXXHere the mortals flew; they walked through walls and played with fire. They pulled the darkness like toffee in their hands, made stable atoms rattle and defied the laws of physics.
      XXXLike she'd admitted before: nauseating.
      XXXA ping leaped into the forefront of her consciousness.
      XXX"What are you two dick wads doing?"
      XXXMessage delivered to Testicle #1 and Testicle #2.
      XXXSo the school cyberkinetic kept tabs on Samuel Drake's comings and goings. It was not the most scandalous of events. Honestly, she kept track of everyone, but it was particularly important to note the whereabouts of her super-fast lackey. He should be flattered she'd bothered to at all.
      XXXShe Logged Out, retreating from the cyberspace as much as someone inexorably latched to it could. It chattered in the back of her mind like the muddled roar of a school cafeteria.
      XXXThe whirling periwinkle hiss of her irises climbed to a halt, its fluorescent timbre returning to its pale sea green. Her bedroom ceiling swam into focus. She saw a small fracture emerging from the upper corner. The flaw had irked her to no end when she'd first spotted it this morning, but Synthia had no time to garner sustenance, much less repair a roof. She blinked, and an email was sent to the Academy's building and maintenance department.
      XXXShe sat up slowly, but still her vision pitched into darkness for a momentary lapse. Her heart lurched and she swayed, but it was gone in moments as her sight corrected itself. It often had to after some time on the Other Side. She pressed a hand to her forehead, brows furrowing involuntarily at the confusion that pulsed there. She didn't recall walking to her room.
      XXXIt was no surprise. She didn't understand why she was surprised. The Realities blurred at times in a whirlwind of colour and touch, until she failed to realise what was Here - with its tangible limbs and dimensional bodies - and what was There - kaleidoscope paths and infinite knowledge.
      XXXMinimal learning had been done today. The Internet was virtually uninhabitable on days like these, when all the world could do was be merry and drunk and useless.
      XXX"...wanting me to be their New Year kiss," came the echoes of a low voice. It flowed like molten gold, dark and familiar. Dangerous. Her head jerked towards the sound just in time to see Landon inhabit Spencer's bed. The sight renewed the darkness in the fringes of her vision. She almost wished it would devour her. Anything, if it meant she did not have to witness what was surely about to ensue.
      XXXThe knowledge that they might have been here as she laid in Standby irked her. How long had he been standing there, watching?
      XXX"But being the gentleman I am, I had to save that pleasure for the one girl in my life." Landon leaned in close to Synthia's roommate. Coils of sun-kissed hair veiled her face, shifting as she seemed to gravitate towards Landon, almost by instinct. She did not miss the mischief in his green eyes, several shades darker than her own, and warmer, instead of hers that veered towards icy blue and stormy grey between the hours and minutes. Heat rose on Synthia's cheeks, but she demanded that the warmth retread. She would not be embarrassed by two people with the hormonal drives to rival that of pubescent teens.
      XXX"So what do you say baby? Plant one on me!" Landon implored.
      XXXThough his words were spoken in Spencer's vicinity, Synthia responded.
      XXX"Mmm," she began, her voice the breathless rasp of a cool wind, as if her vocal cords were not used to speaking. "Herpes. Delicious."
      XXXSynthia tucked her caramel hair behind her left ear, revealing five gleaming loops of silver. The piercings were likely the greatest impulse and lack of rationale the hacker had ever shown. She met Spencer's azure gaze, her face an expressionless mask. I neglect to be impressed, it seemed to say. You might choose to do better than Landon Blackwood, the Academy troublemaker. She might have quirked a brow, but she did not, and even that seemed a proclamation in itself. In this moment in time, Spencer was not worthy of a brow lift and Landon was not worthy of a glance.
      XXXShe stood from her bed - crisp white and impersonal - and waved a finger at her automatic closet doors. They slid open with a soft hiss and she bent to lift a set of dark stockings from its depths, set beside a navy blue. Colour coordinated and organised by type, for greatest efficiency and minimal time wastage. She tucked her toes into the stocking and pulled them over her legs with a languid grace.
      XXX"Perhaps you should retrieve video evidence of Blackwood's devotion to you, Spencer. Much and many can be done between midnight and-" she cocked her head, accessing the mean time "-12:11, especially considering Landon's stamina." Finally, she turned her gaze to Landon, a look of feigned curiosity poised on her face as she tapped her chin with a finger. "What was it the last time? 1 minute and 51 seconds? Congratulations. I believe that's a new record."
      XXXShe took her sweet time pulling her stockings over her skin. If she had to leave her bedroom so the beasts could fornicate on New Year's night, she would make it as painfully inconvenient for them as humanly possible. Nobody had ever accused Synthia Faye of being overly considerate.

#, as written by CutUp
Take Me Home - Outfit: Feeling The Burn
"Seventy four.....seventy five....seventy six.....seventy seven...." Chris counted out as he lifted the weights in the training area. He was alone with everyone else doing whatever it is everyone else is doing. He didn't really care that much for holidays like New Years. It was just another year down, he didn't get what's to celebrate about that. But whatever. He lifted the inhumanly weights up, and down, showing off his great strength. He liked testing the limits of his strength like this. It's fun have incredible strength like this. As he was nearing the mid eighties he was interrupted by a text.

He sighed as he placed the weight down. He had hoped to reach a hundred before he left. Didn't like that was going to happen. He looked at his phone, and saw it was message to see it was from Mei. He took a deep breath in, and exhaled before he replied. He stretched out his fingers, and then picked up the phone.
[To: Mei]
[Working out shirts on fyi]

He quickly replied back. He put down the phone as soon as it was sent, trying not to accidentally zap it. He didn't want to go through another lecture from Synth, and her calling him a brute for braking so many electronics.

Once he got done gathering his stuff he returned to his room. And Landon wasn't there. Probably with his girlfriend or whatever the hell they label each other. They spend so much time together they are just boyfriend, and girlfriend in his book no matter what they say. He didn't really mind it. Though he was a little jealous that he couldn't get any. But he was glad that they go over to her room rather than come over here. That's what Synth gets for lecturing him so much.

He sat down on his bed, and pulled out his phone. Might as well she what Miss Third Wheel is doing while he thought of her.
[To: Future Overlord]
[Hows third wheeling going? They there right? Does the damsel need rescue? Wanna do somethin?]

He figured he'd be nice, and rescue the damsel in distress. Plus he enjoyed spending time with her. She was his oldest friend her at the academy. Well, as close as Synth comes to having friends he guesses. He put his phone down on the nightstand, and laid back on the bed. He grabbed one of his favorite books, Dune, and began reading to pass the time.

#, as written by mjolnir

T H E - D A R K N E S S



Old Time Rock and Roll

"Mmm... Herpes. Delicious." Landon chuckled as he scooted off the bed and moved over towards Synthia. He leaned his right arm against the wall next to her closet. glancing down towards her as she gathered her things... or whatever she was doing. "Just because I enjoy pleasures of the flesh, doesn't mean I'm a man whore and diseased, thank you. Plus... I wasn't talking about Spencer, smart ass." He took a slight step closer to her, smirking down at her, "I was talking about you." He glanced over at Spence, giving her a wink. Being his best friend, she probably knew exactly what he was doing. He loved pushing Synth's buttons because he could. Plus they sort of had a love hate relationship. He loved how much she hated him, but deep down they're sort of friends. "Isn't it obvious that your the only one for me?"

Landon glanced from her closet to her, she was probably preparing herself to leave the room. But he honestly just more or less came to hang out, sex wasn't the motive... Entirely. "So what do ya say darlin'? If there was ever a time for your black heart to open up to me it'd be now.... Just one kiss?" Then his mischievous grin turned more menacing, "Or better yet... Hit me! Yell at me! Walk away! I love it when you play hard to get. I enjoy the chase!"

Landon raised a brow as Synth spoke. "Perhaps you should retrieve video evidence of Blackwood's devotion to you, Spencer. Much and many can be done between midnight and-... 12:11, especially considering Landon's stamina. What was it the last time? 1 minute and 51 seconds? Congratulations. I believe that's a new record." He shook his head while laughing weakly. "Last time I checked, I last at least a good 2 minutes, ok?" He put out his hand in a calm the hell down manner. He was clearly just playing along with her snide comments. He wasn't going to go on the whiny defensive like most guys. He knew how he was in the sack and didn't feel the need to defend it. "Plus, how would you even know cupcake? Unless you were observing or participating you would have no clue the extent of my stamina... See this," He ran his hand down his chest, "Is all flesh. Pure, non-hackable flesh. If you wanna know its secrets you gotta explore it yourself."

His eyes glanced down as Synthia began to pull up her stockings. He bit his lip shaking his head. "Now that," He pointed down at what she was doing, "That's mean." He shook his head again with a grunt before walking over to Spencer's desk. He removed his jacket, and laid it over the back of the chair. He pulled the chair out, throwing his leg over the seat so he was sitting on it backwards. He then crossed his arms and rested them on the back of the chair. "So Spence... Did the Terminator over here give you a New Year's kiss?" He nodded his head towards Synth when he called her a robot.


T H E - M E N T A L I S T



Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

"Are you okay? Rough journey?" Gisele didn't even notice that Aislinn was in their room. Of course she should have known that, neither one of them was the partying type. "Oh hey Ash... Didn't see you there." She reached her hands down to grab her shoes by the 4in heels, yanked them off and threw them on her bed. She sighed, pushing off the ground to stand up. She grabbed her suitcase and duffle bag, putting them on her bed and decided to unpack while she recapped to her best friend about what all went down.

"Well... I went to Paris, which you already knew, but of course the she devil couldn't carve out one single day to be with me!" It was obvious she was upset because she began to unpack her things viciously. "So I traveled halfway around the world to spend Christmas in a hotel room with pay per view and Godiva. Which reminds me," She grabs a decent sized wrapped present from inside her suitcase and walked over to Ash, holding out the gift. "Merry Christmas!" Inside was Godiva, because let's be honest no women says no to chocolate, and a couple dresses she bought while in Paris. She gave her friend a hug before moving back over to her bags. "So then she pretends to care about me driving in the snow. Which wouldn't be a problem in the first place if she realized that having a Porsche at my age is retarded. All the car is good for is attention... Which I don't like."

She was rambling. She did this when she was upset and Ash knew this. But Gisele knew her friend would listen to her complaints considering she couldn't call her while she was in Paris. International calls cost a fortune. "But she wasn't even worried about me driving in the snow in a god damn Porsche!" She sat down on the foot of her bed with a sigh, "She wanted to make sure I wouldn't regress being around everyone partying and celebrating New Year's. She thinks I can't control myself since I had to go to rehab and everything.... That's why she made me come to Paris. Not to see me. But because she couldn't trust me to take care of myself and not slip back into the hole that was my former self... And, I come back to a tsunami of noise in my head and a drunk trying to kiss me at midnight." With a sigh, she lightly slapped her hands on her legs, smiling slightly towards her friend, "Alright. I'm done venting." She laughed softly.

Gisele's gaze moved past Ash to look out the window and saw that it was still snowing pretty heavily. Then it hit her. She quickly jumped up from her bed and walked over to her roomie, "Why don't we have our own lame PG fun tonight!" She held out her hand in an over dramatic fashion, "Be the Elsa to my Anna... And let's go build a snow man!" Gisele had a slight obsession when it came to Disney, that's all she watched while she was in rehab because who doesn't love Disney. She didn't wait for Ash's response before she hurried over to her wardrobe and began to pull out more winter appropriate clothing. "It snows maybe one day a year here. Let's make the best of it!" She had no issue changing her clothes in front of Ash, they'd done it hundreds of times. But the idea of playing out in the snow like she was a kid made her happy. Plus it'd give her a chance to get away from the parties and noise that was slowly giving her a headache.

#, as written by tigerz





Spencer stayed quiet and just observed her roommate and best friend argue/flirt with each other. She actually wished she had popcorn to properly enjoy what was taking place. The jabs they made at each other just made Spencer want to tell them to just fuck already but she actually watched her tongue. Mostly because she wanted to see where this would go.

"Perhaps you should retrieve video evidence of Blackwood's devotion to you, Spencer. Much and many can be done between midnight and-... 12:11, especially considering Landon's stamina. What was it the last time? 1 minute and 51 seconds? Congratulations. I believe that's a new record." Spencer could help but snort a laugh at the jab made at Landon's pride. And of course, her best friend had to redeem himself the best way he saw fit.

"Last time I checked, I last at least a good 2 minutes, ok?" Spencer rolled her eyes and let him continue. "Plus, how would you even know cupcake? Unless you were observing or participating you would have no clue the extent of my stamina... See this," He ran his hand down his chest, "Is all flesh. Pure, non-hackable flesh. If you wanna know its secrets you gotta explore it yourself." Now Spencer was really laughing.

"A whole 2 minutes, Blackwood? Now that's you're longest yet. I must not have been using my powers." She teased him. "And I'm sure she doesn't want my sloppy seconds. And besides..." She put a hand around his neck for show and leaned in close but her gaze stayed on Synthia and her stockings. "Nothing beats the touch of a woman..." She laughed and pushed him away and let him make a comment on her stockings. "He's right. It's not fair." She pouted her lips at her.

Landon left to Spencer's desk and sat himself on the seat backwards with his arms crossed. Spencer got out of her bed too but made her way over to Synthia's bed while Landon made a comment. "So Spence... Did the Terminator over here give you a New Year's kiss?" Spencer threw herself next to Synthia and laid on her side in a provocative manner just to spite her. "You know... She actually hasn't and that really hurts my feelings, sweetheart. I think you should plant one on me to make this year truly great." She winked at Synth.

All of a sudden, Spencer caught sight of her brother suddenly standing up. She'd actually forgotten he was even in the room since he'd been so quiet but then noticed the headphones from her Xbox that he just threw on her bed. He tuned them out with video games. Of course he did... Spencer thought. Leo started booking it out the room when Spencer stopped him. "Hold up, pipsqueak." Leo stopped suddenly at the doorway. "Where's my goodbye you little shit." Leo sighed and puffed into a cloud of smoke and reappeared next to Spencer and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Goodbye, big shit." Spencer laughed and he disappeared as a puff of smoke as he teleported to wherever he was off.

"They grow up so fast." Spencer wiped away a fake tear. "Now... Where were we, sweetheart." She put a hand on Synth's leg and winked. She was fully aware she'd be taking things too far at this point but Spencer was in the mood to push buttons.

#, as written by Layla

      [ song; lonely ] [ outfit; the immutable cold ]

      XXXSynthia did not allow her body to react to Landon's proximity. She remained ineffably still, her face deadpan as she flicked her gaze to his. She gave him a look of severe boredom, blinking lazily as if his very presence tired her.
      XXX"Isn't it obvious that you're the only one for me?" Landon said quietly, before launching into his seductive spiel, with a casual insult regarding the state of her cold, cold heart thrown in the midst.
      XXX"Charmed," she said simply in response, having slipped on her black stockings in the time. She did not allow herself to feel unease at Spencer's presence in the corner of her vision. Spencer likely found some strange glee in Landon's flirtations with another. Synthia would never claim to understand the girl she lived with. Spencer rendered the average human a simple equation: a mere string of additions, discrete geometries and logarithms that might be solved with a few brisk calculations.
      XXX"I love it when you play hard to get. I enjoy the chase!" said Landon. Synthia arched a brow.
      XXX"I am quite certain that is exactly what Greg Broussard told Halle Berry shortly before she filed a restraining order against him."
      XXX"See this, is all flesh," Landon murmured, his hands stroking his chest as if that might inspire a ravenous hunger in the technician. She allowed for a small yawn. "Pure, non-hackable flesh. If you wanna know its secrets you gotta explore it yourself."
      XXXShe gave a sagely nod, head quirked as if considering his proposal.
      XXX"Of course," she agreed. "Were you suggesting a computer tomography scan or an MRI? A magnetic resonance imaging test might similarly unveil the mysteries of your 'non-hackable flesh.'" She leaned against her closet, arms crossed leisurely over her chest, and though he was taller than her, she seemed to stare down at him with an upturned nose. "But really I had merely planned for an autopsy."
      XXXShe ignored Landon's gaze as it travelled lower down her body. "That's mean," he whispered, eyes dark as his lashes cast long shadows along his cheekbones. She stilled her breath to halt the exhalation that threatened her lungs when Landon eased away from her.
      XXX"So Spence," he called out. "Did the Terminator over here give you a New Year's kiss?"
      XXX"I really prefer the term Skynet," she said drily.
      XXXAs if she'd summoned him, the person who'd given her the nickname years prior leapt into the forefront of her consciousness. She saw the text as if it were superimposed over Landon's chest, where her eyes were almost level.

      [ From: Hulking Brute ]
      Hows third wheeling going? They there right? Does the damsel need rescue? Wanna do something?

      XXXSynthia considered it. She could stay here and witness two adolescents leap into a bed of sexual sin or she could brave the bulk of Christopher Flynn. There was her lab, of course, but there was frankly little that could be done when new year fireworks and its drunken escapades saturated her mind.

      [ To: Hulking Brute ]

      XXXIt took a bat of her lashes to launch the message onto the network. It was assumed that he would either come to retrieve her or reveal his own coordinates. That she'd bothered to articulate four alphabets at all instead of her usual, "k," indicated that she was particularly amiable today, or so disgusted by Spencer and Landon that even Chris seemed appealing in comparison.
      XXXOf all the people in the Academy, Chris was likely the one who understood her most, having known her for the longest apart from the Adams twins, half of whom loathed her more than the sum of every person he disliked combined. It was hard to believe they'd ever held a tentative truce.
      XXX"You know," Spencer purred, returning Synthia to the room. "She actually hasn't and that really hurts my feelings, sweetheart. I think you should plant one on me to make this year truly great."
      XXXSuddenly, Spencer jerked upright. Synthia caught sight of the young, dark-haired boy then. It unnerved her to think she hadn't seen him. He disappeared like smoke.
      XXXSynthia was almost sorry to see her coffee boy go when Spencer's hand fluttered to Synthia's thigh. The girl's hand felt impossibly warm, her fingertips soft and her pupils dilated as she stared at Synthia with a scorching intensity. The cyberkinetic's lips pressed into a disapproving line.
      XXX"My apologies, 'sweetheart'. I am afraid we must disunite to leave room for the Holy Spirit." Synthia performed the sign of the cross and lifted a hand to ward off any further advances. She took a step away from her roommate, allowing her roommate's arm to fall away. "Honestly, Spencer. What would Jesus say?"
      XXXSynthia was not remotely religious, but it seemed as good an excuse as any to be celibate. She eased towards the door and slipped out before the two could do anything else. She pressed her cold palms against burning cheeks as she sped down the hallway. It was worse when they paid her heed than when they did not. She almost missed the days when Landon's presence garnered her merely a pointed look from her roommate to vacate the premises. Time had transformed that stare into something else. Into an invitation.
      XXXAgain, nauseating.
      XXXThe cool night air breathed some of the unease from her lungs. She sent Chris her coordinates with a flick of her consciousness, as she strolled past trees hunched over her like gnarled fingers of the elderly. Fragments of Autumn leaves ghosted the ground as the last of those who held on, let go.
      XXXShe wondered if the trees cared at all that its leaves would plummet into the unknown, only to be trampled by careless boots. The justice was that humans did not fall like leaves or snow or rain. They did not unravel beautifully and their collapse was not a thing to be marvelled. They were all the same beneath the thin layers of skin that disguised them: frail and hideous.
      XXXSynthia saw the earth's carcass. She saw smoke uncoil from hundreds, thousands and millions of snarled factories, each one a smudge of dirt on her skin. She felt their machines turn and spit. She heard the cars yell, lurching and stopping in New Year's traffic. She saw the statistics as if the ocean were devouring her now.
      XXXHow ironic it was that she could control them all. That she loathed humanity for its indelible stain, but wielded the very power that would one day destroy the earth as it was presently known. How ironic, that when she'd raced through the Australian desert as a child, barefooted and weightless with her grandfather by her side, she'd promised to do better. He'd told her of the earth's sacred stories and her people's oath to protect it, and she'd condemned the people who made the machines. How ironic, that she'd become their Queen.
      XXXSynthia noticed she was shaking then and that she'd stopped. She loathed the cold, and suddenly leaving seemed a bad idea. But she hadn't been able to tolerate the tension that permeated the room she'd vacated, the spoken demands that she neither wished nor could provide. She clutched her sweater to her and turned her head towards the light, for where there was light, there was warmth. Synthia's eyes fell upon a familiar figure seated on the illuminated patio. Reed Adams.
      XXXShe turned away.

#, as written by tigerz

Image Image



Teenage Dirtbag

Leo had been cooped up in Spencer's room for a long time playing video games in his pajamas. This was a pretty normal thing considering the devil's spawn, also known as Nathaniel, was his roommate and tormentor. Ever since Leo got here a few months ago, he's been hiding from Nathaniel and staying way too close to his sister. At least he tormented him less out of fear of Spencer's wrath.

He put his headphones on once Landon entered the room. He knew exactly what would come next and definitely didn't want to hear any of it. Leo continued to play video games until he feel his phone begin to buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out to read the text and his heart nearly skipped a beat.

{From: Mei♥}
Hey, where are you guys?

She texted him! It was to multiple people but she still texted him! He jumped up and responded lightning fast to her:

{To: Mei♥}
I'm coming

He threw off his headphones and ran to the door like a maniac on a mission until he heard his sister. "Hold up, pipsqueak." Leo stopped dead in his tracks right at the doorframe. He was used to the nicknames and insults by now but he still found it weird how differently they talked from one another. Spencer still held a small amount of her Birmingham accent even after coming to the states. It wasn't as strong as it used to be but it was still noticeable enough. Leo on the other hand, lost his accent and gained a subtle southern one from living in Kentucky Part of the reason why he still gets called a country hick around here.

"Where's my goodbye you little shit." She teased him with a smirk and he sighed before teleporting next to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Just like he'd been doing since she took on the 'motherly' role thanks to their flakey, drunk dad. "Goodbye, big shit." Leo teleported away with a laugh and began to teleport all throughout the school trying to find Mei until he over exhausted his powers and needed a break only to realize he had no idea where she was. Leo took out his phone and texted her while he caught his breathe.

{To: Mei♥}
Uh... Where exactly are you?

#, as written by mjolnir

T H E - D A R K N E S S



Old Time Rock and Roll

Landon sat back at watched as Spencer then began making moves on Synth. How does the she Terminator their presence? It was beyond them. But he would lying if he said he didn't enjoy the sight of Spencer's hand on Synth's thigh. Blonde on blonde action. Yeah he was down. "My apologies, 'sweetheart'. I am afraid we must disunite to leave room for the Holy Spirit. Honestly, Spencer. What would Jesus say?" He practically snorted at the joke. "What do you know of Jesus? You're the fucking Exorcist." He put his hand out like a preacher towards Synth, "The power of Christ compels you!! The power of Christ compels you!!"

As Synth went to leave, Landon raised his hand to wave "Domo arigato Mr. Roboto." Once the cold hearted monster left the room, he shifted his gaze over to Spencer. "So whatever shall we do?" He was laying on the sarcasm pretty thick but that's how he was. "I mean it's only special occasions that I look this hot." He smirked towards his best friend as he tugged on the collar of his button up shirt. Sure what he said wasn't totally true, he generally dressed to impress most days. He just wanted to make sure someone noticed.

With a sigh, Landon stood up and walked towards her dorm room door. Spinning around to face Spencer while he closed the door with his foot. He began to unbutton his cuffs and roll up his sleeves as he spoke, "As I see it we have a few options... Video game, screw... Or strip COD." He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest while leaning his shoulder against the door. He then held his hand out towards her, "Unless you had a better option..."

#, as written by tigerz




In One Ear

Spencer was practically dying of laughter over Landon and Synthia bickering. This was part of the reason she loved when Landon came over. He pissed of Synthia and then got them alone together so they could have their own fun. "So whatever shall we do?" He was not subtle at all about what he was implying and then added, "I mean it's only special occasions that I look this hot." Spencer rolled her eyes. "Hot might be an overstatement." She teased.

Landon got up and closed the door while Spencer turned to lay on her side. He turned to face her an dundid the buttons of his sleeves. "As I see it we have a few options... Video game, screw... Or strip COD." He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest while leaning his shoulder against the door. He then held his hand out towards her, "Unless you had a better option..." Spencer thought for a moment before answering, "My great idea is doing all of those at once. Perfect way to start the new year."

Just then, Spencer's phone buzzed with a text from her brother:

{From: Beowulf}
Bunch of thugs attacking bistro. Help.

Spencer jumped out of bed in Mama Bear mode now. She looked over at her best friend. "Leo's in trouble at the bistro. Some idiots decided to lay a hand on my brother." Spencer was raging at the thought of anyone laying a hand on her little brother but she of course was able to make one teasing comment at Landon. "Whoever hurts the most bad guys gets oral from the loser." She smirked and ran out the door her dorm was close to the entrance.

Once she got out, she knelt down and dug her feet into the ground while she used her power to build up enough energy to make her go racing forward to the bistro like a bullet. Spencer kept going until she ran into one of the thugs that tried to make a move at Leo. She crashed into him but didn't realize she didn't account for how she was supposed to stop and ended up crashing into a another body before flipping onto the ground. Spencer rolled onto her back. "Oh, fuck! That hurts!"





Having his finger laced with Mei's felt electrifying but that was soon cut short when they arrived at the bistro Stay right here, when I give the sign, teleport Ella out of here. I'll handle this, and don't worry about me I'm sure Sam and I can take care of each other." Leo didn't respond but he knew he was coming back so he might as well bring some reinforcements. He took out his phone a texted Spencer before Ella, who came shapeshifted as Mei, came running towards him. He grabbed hold of her and teleport them far enough away but close enough for him to still be at full strength once he got back.

"Please go save Mei before she does something reckless" She begged him. Leo nodded and grinned. "I'll be her night in smokey armor." He teleported away and all that was left of him was a tiny cloud of smoke. He reappeared next to Mei just in time for a guy to lung at her. Leo turned his body into smoke and entered into the guys lungs and made him collapse from asphyxiation. Leo left his body and stood next to Mei ready to take out the next guy when Nathaniel appeared. He may not like the guy but he was actually upset when Chris stopped him. At least Nathaniel had all of them stopped. Now all the thugs were back on their feet and ready to attack again.

And attack they did when one caught Leo off guard and had a gun pointed towards him. Out of the blue, came Spencer running towards the guy like a bullet and tackled him to the ground only to crash land into someone else before finally stopping. "Oh, fuck! That hurts!" Leo ran towards her and helped her up. Spencer grinned at him. "Thanks, pipsqueak." She then started examining him. "I swear to go if any of them knocked one hair out of place..." Leo laughed. "I'm fine I swear."

Song| Centuries||Outfit| X||Hexcode| #C21818

"That's enough. Release them NOW." Nathaniel frowned when Chris decided to kill his fun and shock his victims back to reality. "They're just a bunch of wanna be hoods, they don't deserve to be tortured no matter what they did." Nathaniel simply rolled his eyes at Chris's little 'hero' act. The only reason his party trick even worked was because Nathaniel was using his power on a large group of people. If the group had been smaller, Chris wouldn't have been able to release them. In fact, he would've just made things worse for them.

Chris finished bringing them all back since Nathaniel allowed it and then turned around like he was o high and mighty for what he did. "There. Anyone got a problem with that you can take it up with me later. Now let's go before the cops show up." Nathaniel rolled his eyes and simply laughed at him. "Are you done yet?" He asked him. "Really Chris, this whole 'alpha male' act is rather idiotic, don't you say? Acting like a brutish hero for the attention of a girl." He pointed at Synth. "Isn't going to work on someone who has an IQ that weighs more than two of you." He shook his head and laughed again.

"And one more thing Chris..." He took a step towards him. "Do remember I'm the one who knows what keeps you up at night the next time you try to play alpha." Nathaniel winked at him and took a bite of his apple and was about to turn away when just his luck, an annoying blonde crash landed into Chris right in front of him. Nathaniel nearly fell over from laughter at the site. Happy New Years, Nathaniel.

#, as written by mjolnir

T H E - D A R K N E S S



Old Time Rock and Roll

Landon smirked when Spencer replied, "My great idea is doing all of those at once. Perfect way to start the new year." He began to step towards her while his hands started unbuttoning his shirt. He had gotten his shirt completely unbuttoned to reveal his muscular torso when she got a text. "Leo's in trouble at the bistro. Some idiots decided to lay a hand on my brother." His eyes widened as he moved across Spence's room, grabbing his jacket off her office chair. He knew that they'd be off to go help or whatever you want to call it. "Whoever hurts the most bad guys gets oral from the loser." She was out the door before he was able to grab his car keys from his pocket. "Well... I was going to offer to drive us..." He sighed to himself, slipping his jacket on and running out of her dorm with his shirt still wide open.

Landon ran down the stairs, skipping 3 at a time until he reached the ground level and bursted through the door. He ran over to his truck, yanking open the door and sliding into the driver seat. Without putting his seatbelt on or anything, he put the key in the ignition and started the engine. Within seconds he was barreling down the road to the dinner.

Usually a 15 minutes drive and he made it there in a few minutes. Thankfully the school was sort of in the middle of no where because if it wasn't he probably would have wrecked or gotten a ticket by then. He pulled into the parking lot, seeing the action inside and outside the Bistro. He parked his truck in a spot near the entrance. Just as he went to exit his truck, he saw one of the gang members or whatever they were run out into the parking lot. Just as the guy was going to pass his truck, Landon opened the driver's side door, slamming the guy in the chest and knocking him to the ground. He smirked to himself as he stepped out of the truck, closing the door. "Timing is everything."

Apparently timing is everything because he arrived in time to see Spencer run right into someone. Typical. Landon shifted his gaze back to the guy on the ground before him. "You should probably get lost." He grabbed the guy by his shirt, lifting him up off the ground and pushing him in the direction away from the Bistro. Once the guy was gone, he made his way into the diner coming up to stand beside Nathaniel who seemed a little too pleased with himself. "Scaring the shit out of people per usual?" Landon lifted his arm to rest on his friends shoulder as the guy bit into the apple he was eating. He flinched slightly as he felt a breeze on his torso. Glancing down he realized his shirt was still wide open, he merely shrugged his shoulders not caring.


T H E - M E N T A L I S T


Winter Outfit

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

The guy sat up, "Hi." Well that's a start. Gisele thought to herself when he responded to her. She didn't realize how strange it probably was having a random girl come knocking on your door. But on a positive side he wasn't ignoring her. ”Aislinn, Aislinn, Aislinn… Sorry, I actually don’t know an Aislinn,” He said in response to her question. She sighed softly, nodding her head in understanding as the guy got up from his bed and moved towards her. She tried to snap her fingers in a dang-it type of way but her gloves just muffled the noise. "Dammit..." It wasn't long before she slightly regretted asking if he saw anyone pass by his door. She could tell by the way his eyes never seemed to really focus on anything that he was blind, she felt bad but something about him felt like he still had his perceptions which made sense as to why he could see her.

”Probably doesn’t help that I’m new here. Galen Lewis. What’s your name?” Gisele chuckled softly at his comment seeing his hand extend towards her as he introduced himself. She quickly brought her hands up to remove her glove from her right hand, before gently placing her hand in his. Regardless if he was blind or not, she glanced up into his eyes with a smile. Eye contact was important in her opinion. "It's ok... I haven't been here much longer than you. I know just enough to get myself lost, obviously." She laughed softly at her own comment before adding, "I'm Gisele... Gisele DuBois."

Gisele glanced over the guy as she slowly retracted her hand and put back on her glove. He was definitely attractive and didn't seem to be like a douche bag like half the guys in the school. But it was weird... When she tried to listen to his thoughts to see what was really going on in his head she only heard fragments, like radio static. Her brows pulled together as she tried to focus. She half raised her hands to reach out towards his face but froze mid way and let her hands drop. That'd probably be a hard first encounter to explain, not to mention invade his personal space. She was just curious why his mind seemed so different.

After a little bit of silence, Gisele cleared her throat. "So I'm assuming being new... You haven't met that many people. I was actually heading outside to play in the snow... Because I'm 5." She grinned while chuckling. "It might be more fun then laying around by yourself listening to music." She pointed towards his dorm room, "You're more then welcome to join. I just have to warn you... I'm like a world champion in snow ball fights, and I don't play fair." She smirked, "Or if you asked me really nicely, I might consider joining forces."

Meilani Renai Valencia
Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Location: Her Dorm || Outfit: X
ImageMei couldn't believe everything that was going on right now and it was all because of something evil Ella and herself had done. Many of their friends were getting hurt because of them, she wasn't sure how she was going to handle this.

Once she saw one of the men's faces she suddenly froze, it was the same guy from before. The same guy they saved a couple civilians from. Mei couldn't move, her entire body felt as if it were being frozen over. All she could manage to do was stand there in complete shock, just staring at the man. She hadn't even realized Leo teleported with Ella and came back until he jumped into the man's body and choked him with the smoke.

At that moment she was broken out of her trance. Just before she was able to say anything to Leo, his sister came crashing through the crowd. Just seconds after Leo ran towards his sister to see if she was okay, Mei was beginning to hear sirens. "Guys, all of us should leave, NOW!" she yelled, loud enough to get everyone's attention. Just as she turned on her heel, she spotted another man running towards her.

The redhead sighed at his stupidity as she raised her right leg off the ground just in time to cause him to run face first into her foot, which was covered by a boot. The man fell back onto the ground and she immediately grabbed a hold of Leo's hand. "Take me to Ella, I have a bad feeling. After you can go home where it is safe. I'll explain later," she stated.

#, as written by tigerz




"Guys, all of us should leave, NOW!" Leo nodded and started going towards Mei so he could teleport them out when a guy came running towards her. He was about to help when she took care of herself and took that guy out with he boot. Leo's jaw dropped with amazement. "That was so cool!" Leo was all giddy with excitement at this point. He felt like he was watching a bunch of superheroes battle it out with the villains like in his comics.

Leo was brought back to reality when Mei took hold of his hand again. he looked down at their hands and then back at her. "Take me to Ella, I have a bad feeling. After you can go home where it is safe. I'll explain later," she told him. Leo nodded but not before retaliating just a tad, "I'll take you to Ella... But I'm not leaving you." He grinned and pulled her close as they began to teleport. "I made a promise." The two teleported away from the bistro to a few blocks away where he took Ella.

He looked around and saw she wasn't anywhere in sight meaning that she went back to the mansion. Leo sighed and teleported the two to the entrance before letting go of Mei and steadying himself against the wall. He over exerted his powers again teleported too far. It would only take a few moments to recuperate but he was still upset. He was supposed to be strong. Not weak and panting. He looked up at may and smiled rather foolishly. "I guess we have to walk from here."

#, as written by tigerz




In One Ear

"Dammit Spencer! You are just hell-bent on proving that dumb blonde stereotype aren't you!?" Spencer rolled her eyes and folded her arms at Chris's comment. "Next time, don't get in my way when someone decides to hurt my pipsqueak!" She yelled at him when she walked away. Her gaze followed Synthia while she walked to the car. "God damn... It's really unfair for someone that hot to be such a prude. It's a good thing I like a challenge." She smirked and turned to the boys to hear Landon's comment towards Nathaniel. "Of course he is. Torturing people is what he does best. He just sucks at choosing victims." She stepped towards Nathaniel and grabbed a handful of his shirt. "By the way, fuck with my brother again and I'll knock you into next week, understood." Spencer let go of his shirt and grinned. "Well now... I'd say race you back but I don't feel like running." She pointed at Landon. "You're driving me back and we're finding something fun to do. I also won." She winked at him and started walking to his truck.

{OOC: Sorry it's so short. Working on an essay.}

Song| Centuries||Outfit| X||Hexcode| #C21818

Nathaniel had no retaliation at the attempted insults and threats thrown at him. He'd heard them all before and simply chuckled at them as they thought they could scare him. He took another bite of his apple and watched Leo help Spencer back up. He had something planned for the little runt later... It wasn't that he disliked him or anything. Nathaniel simply enjoyed tormenting because he's such an easy target. Especially when Spencer isn't around to protect him.

"Scaring the shit out of people per usual?" Nathaniel's gaze drifted down to his torso and then over to Spencer when she spoke up. "Of course he is. Torturing people is what he does best. He just sucks at choosing victims." Nathaniel shrugged. "It is what I do best and I seem to remember a time when you didn't care whom I chose as my victim." Spencer took a step towards him and grabbed a decent handful of his shirt which caused him to frown. She was wrinkling it. "By the way, fuck with my brother again and I'll knock you into next week, understood." Spencer let go of his shirt and gave a grin to him and Landon.

"Well now... I'd say race you back but I don't feel like running." She was speaking to Landon at this point and completely ignoring Nathaniel's presence. "You're driving me back and we're finding something fun to do. I also won." He watched her walk away and thought back to when they used to have the same type of friendship she now has with Landon. He looked over at his best friend and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well lad, I suggest you go after that before you lose your window of opportunity to get the best New Year's shag. Or second best since we all know I'm the best." He winked and disappeared revealing that the him at the dinner was just little showcase of his ability. He'd been waiting in his car the whole time.

Song| Seven Nation Army|| Outfit| X|| Hexcode| #BF00FF

"Your version of showing off is almost completely idiotic and ineffective." Annabeth commented from the passenger seat as she turned her head towards Nathaniel who was in the driver's seat of his car. "You should've done the disappearing party trick when Chris was still around instead of standing there gawking at Landon's chest." Nathaniel rolled his eyes and started the car. "Now why would I need to worry about that..." He smirked and put a hand on her thigh. "When I've got you, Annie."

Annabeth arched her eyebrow at him and a surge of pain flooded to his head until he let go and began to scream. Annabeth smirked and let go. "Stop being an idiot and drive back to the mansion." Nathaniel mumbled something before pulling out of the parking lot and heading back to the mansion. Annabeth pulled out her phone and began typing away. "Stop at the liquor store before hand and get something good. Apparently everyone's favourite speedster is having a party in his dorm." She looked up from her phone. "Might as well make it fun."

Nathaniel rolled his eyes and stopped at the liquor store like she asked. He grabbed a few cases of beers, some vodka, tequila, and used his powers to make the clerk think he paid for it before getting out of there. Annabeth began to text everyone in her contacts list about the party going on and made sure to inform them there'd be alcohol. It seemed that booze was the only way to get a bunch of teenagers all together for a good time.

#, as written by mjolnir

T H E - D A R K N E S S



Old Time Rock and Roll

Landon couldn't help but chuckle at Nathaniel as he caught him checking out his chest. "Go ahead... Touch it... I know you want to." He whispered in a seductive tone to his friend before adding a wink and growl. As Spencer began to talk to Nathaniel, he moved his arm off his friend's shoulder and began to button his shirt. Once Spence threatened Nate, Landon took a step back, holding his hands up like he was innocent. "Dudes... I'm Switzerland." He motioned to himself, "Neutral territory."

Spencer then turned to him as she spoke, "Well now... I'd say race you back but I don't feel like running. You're driving me back and we're finding something fun to do. I also won." Landon smirked, "You lazy ass. Be prepared to work for that ride... I don't do charity." He then added as she started to walk out of the dinner, "And it's 1 and 1... Learn to count. I got one with my truck door thank you." As she walked out to his truck, he couldn't help but watch her ass. Nathaniel got his attention when he spoke up, "Well lad, I suggest you go after that before you lose your window of opportunity to get the best New Year's shag. Or second best since we all know I'm the best." Landon grinned, "Are you offering to be the best?" He raised his brows suggestively towards his close friend, "And I'm not worried about losing my window. I get the luxury of tapping that whenever I want... Thank god she has a high libido like me." He patted Nate's back before heading out to his truck, hoping into the driver's seat.

Landon started his truck. He heard his phone chime and dug it out of his back pocket. "Soooo... Party in Sam's room. You in?" He looked over at Spence as he asked the question. "We could always grab that crazy roommate of yours. I'm sure she'd be the life of the party." Before he drove them back to school, he started a new message.

{To: The Roomie}
"Dude... Party in Sam's room. Be there or I'm getting a new roommate!!!"

He then put his truck into gear and drove them back to the dorm.


T H E - M E N T A L I S T


Winter Outfit

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

Gisele was glad that Galen didn't seemed phased by her as she examined his head. ”My ability is perception. I’m hyperaware of nearly everything around me, including telepathically.” She grinned once she understood, "That makes so much sense... That's why you move as if you're not blind at all... Fascinating." She was truly intrigued by him. It's amazing the capabilities of the body to adapt to compensate for it's weaknesses and turn them to strengths. She then had noticed that he allowed her own mind to slither into his for only a moment to wish her a Happy New Year. She giggled. ”It is nice isn’t it? I can’t really hear yours either…” "Wow..." She whispered, "It's crazy to think that we are probably the only other people in the world that we can have utter silence with." She liked that idea, someone she could spend time with and actually enjoy company with silence, like she was normal. She could see herself, in the future, finding sanctuary with him her personal oasis of peace.

Galen nearly stopped dead in his tracks when she mentioned classical music, ”Do you really listen to Back and Mozart or did you ask my brother what music he downloads for me?” Gisele chuckled, "You know... Popular to contrary belief I have never met your brother. But, I am far more interested in you." Quickly after saying that she realized it could misinterpreted, "I mean as a... not like what you think... Ummm..." She began to ramble as she brought her hand up to scratch her head before quickly recovering the conversation. "I uh... play the piano. So I have had an appreciation for classical music since I was young." Gisele was surprised, Galen was the first person she was able to have a genuine conversation about classical music with. ”As odd as it sounds, I love listening to Tchaikovsky, and I know it’s weird since he wrote ballets, but they just… I don’t know, they’re classic.” "I don't find it odd at all." She walked in step with him, "I'll tell you a secret... I listen to the score from Phantom of the Opera when I do gymnastics." She smiled as she glanced over at him.

It wasn't long after they were outside that Gisele realized she chose the wrong side to be on. Only a few seconds after she saw the waterfall of snow fall onto Sam's head, Chris sent a wave of snow towards him as well. And of course, Gisele was standing in the range of fire as well. With only a second to think, she ducked her body behind Galen's just as the snow hit them. She clapped her hands together as she laughed softly. They had only been outside for maybe a minute or 2 when she heard Ella shout, "Party at Sam's dorm!!" And just as quickly as everyone poured out into the snow, then all filed back into the dorm building.

Gisele sighed, "Man... Barely got to enjoy all the fun." She caught sight of Ash and Reed walking inside hand and hand. She couldn't help but smile slightly. She was happy for her friend. There's nothing easier then having fate push your towards a guy because he saved your life. Gisele hoped that someday she'd be so lucky... To find a guy, not almost die. She slowly turned around to face Galen. "Well now I feel bad. I dragged you out here and then the battle ends the second we arrive." She laughed half heartedly. "I'm sure Ash would want me to go, but I don't know if I'm feeling the whole third wheel situation.... Wanna join and keep me company so I don't go insane from everyone's minds?" She smiled towards him. She still had a lot to get to know about him, but so far she enjoyed his company. Plus having someone there for her to talk to so she didn't have to sit back and watch Ash make goo-goo eyes at Reed was always a bonus.

#, as written by tigerz




In One Ear

"You lazy ass. Be prepared to work for that ride... I don't do charity." Spencer rolled her eyes. "And it's 1 and 1... Learn to count. I got one with my truck door thank you." She could feel both their eyes on her backside when she walked to his truck. Normally she would make a comment but all she wanted was to go back to the mansion and grab a nice bottle of whiskey to warm her right up. And maybe fool around with Landon or try her luck with one of the many attractive women that attended this fine school of freaks.

She waited until he got into the driver's seat and then spoke. "For the record, I also took down Chris so that has to count for something." She smirked at him. "But I guess we could call it a tie..." She shrugged and both of their phones went off at the same time with a text from Annabeth. The hot Orion sibling.

"Soooo... Party in Sam's room. You in?" He looked over at Spence as he asked the question. "We could always grab that crazy roommate of yours. I'm sure she'd be the life of the party." Spencer grinned. "Of course I'm in! I need some girl action in my life!" She laughed and began to form a text on her phone for her roommate as they arrived back at the mansion.

{To: The Robotic Princess}
Party at Sam's. You're going. I'll make Leo bring you lots of coffee.

She hit send and jumped down from the seat after she opened the truck door. Spencer made her way to the boy's dorm rooms with Landon behind her until she found Sam's door and barged in without knocking. "The fun has arrived!"

#, as written by Layla

      [ song; gasoline ] [ hex; #779F6D ] [ outfit; the immutable cold ]

      XXXXXX"She isn't," Blair responded. Her voice flowed like liquid sugar, warm as it struck, but crystallising around the hearts of the unsuspecting when it touched. "Not really the New Year's kiss I had envisioned, well, I didn't really think of having one but if I did it wouldn't be like that, reeking of alcohol." A smile played on her lips. "Honestly I didn't think miss nose in the books could even get drunk, I was taken off guard, an attack on an innocent Scottish girl!"
      XXXSynthia followed every syllable, every minuscule shift in eye movement. Every rhythmic breath, every cadence. Every inflection in her voice, every twitch of a finger. She saw everything, all the time. And she analysed. She read. She searched for lies woven beneath the truth. She searched for insincerity.
      XXXBut it didn't seem to matter how extraordinarily intelligent Synthia was.
      XXXBecause she saw what she wished to see, anyway.
      XXX"How about you, how has your New year's been?" Blair asked.
      XXXSynthia took a lingering sip of the black coffee before resting it soundlessly on the side table. She was still looking at the movements of her hands when she began to answer, flicking her gaze to meet Blair's only with the third sentence. "Oh, you know. The usual. Spencer and Landon insisted on partaking in beastly ministrations. Although, Christopher did not electrify any machines, surprisingly enough. He did electrocute a few people though." She paused, thinking, before continuing with a nonchalant shrug. "But who cares. Someone had a gun to my head and I am almost certain Reed and Aislinn are on the verge of reproduction." She narrowed her eyes, lips curling in distaste as if nibbling on something foul. "Like I said, nothing important happened."
      XXXSynthia sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned into the pillows.
      XXX"Honestly," she began. "Adolescents should be careful or homosexual. The earth is overpopulated." Synthia shook her head in disapproval. "Did you know the world's population is estimated to reach 9.6211 billion in 35 years? I suggest eradicating the old; they are a burden on the healthcare system."
      XXXHer eyes shone with a sudden, quiet excitement.
      XXX"I have been endeavouring to construct an incubation system for youths as well as a synthetic hormone to hasten the speed of human development," she said. "Infants are virtually useless and very ugly. I saw one the other day," she asserted, almost with surprise. "It merely laid there."
      XXXSynthia quirked her head to the side, her eyes staring into another space.
      XXX"A party is undergoing in Samuel's dorm," she informed Blair. "Do you wish to partake in their group activities? I have read that socialisation is healthy in selective amounts. However, humans carry with them many strains of bacteria, but I am approximately 87.21% certain you will not contract a grave virus from Samuel and his companions. Landon's, Spencer's or Nathaniel's, on the other hand..." she considered seriously, her eyes flickering as she performed a series of calculations. "I estimate a 99.14% possibility that you will contract nausea from their very presence."

Song| Centuries||Outfit| X||Hexcode| #C21818

Nathaniel made sure to park his Aston Martin in the best possible spot for someone not to be dumb enough to park their unworthy car next to his and quite possibly scratch the only thing he loves. He killed the engine before stepping out and making his way over to the passenger side. Annabeth wouldn't get out unless Nathaniel held the door for her. He opened the passenger door and let her step out. She put her hand on the side of his cheek and smirked at him. "Good boy." She winked at him and walked passed him to the back of the car. Nathaniel sighed and closed the door before opening the back of the trunk and grabbing all the liquor. "Are you sure this is enough?" He asked her in a joking manner. Annabeth rolled her eyes and spun on her heels. "Keep up, brother."

Nathaniel followed behind her into the mansion. He was still expected to hold doors for Annabeth despite the fact that his hands were full. He would've retaliated but he really didn't want to feel like his head was about to explode again. They reached Sam's door and Nathaniel opened the door for Annabeth again. She walked in and then Nathaniel right after. Annabeth had a large grin on her face. "We come bearing gifts." Nathaniel looked rather displeased with the current crowd expect for one person, Landon. At least he could stand his presence even if Spencer was around. Nathaniel set the alcohol down and walked over to his best friend. "So instead of shagging the dumb blonde... You decided to enjoy a party with half wits?" Nathaniel teased and Annabeth walked past him. "Nathaniel, do play nice." She commanded him as she went to go fix herself a drink. Nathaniel rolled her eyes and looked over at Landon. "Women."