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Aurora Luminus

"My Hammer, My Way."

0 · 319 views · located in Albion

a character in “The Tale of the Lost Heroes”, as played by lovelyzombie


Name: Aurora Luminus
Age: 22

Appearance: In Aurora’s village, Mare Marinas, it is long-held tradition for the women to grow their hair long and the colour signifies their character. Aurora’s hair being a flaming red means she is a fiercely passionate and strong woman, and although it seems messy and untamed, she (secretly) lets it grow to remind both herself and those around her of her femininity. With burnt amber eyes, pale skin and a deep tone, she has had many men after her since her coming of age at 13, though none of that nonsense seems to even faze her. She has a tall, slender physique that people often mistake for a gentle one... Wrongly.

Weapon: Aurora’s has a brilliant, yet brutish skill with a melee weapon, particularly a hammer. She was given a hand-crafted hammer for her twenty-first birthday, one which was made to her unique specifications. The wise old blacksmith told her that the adamas it was made from was of a mythical descent, not that Aurora believed this.

History: Aurora was born to Alcinder and Carina in the town of Mare Marinas. Firstborn to the couple, Alcinder initially was disappointed when Carina birthed a girl – so you can imagine his delight when she bore three more daughters. However upset he was, he never showed it and he loved his girls dearly. But despite their mother’s wishes and pleas and teachings, two of girls followed in the footsteps of the sons he never had. The second oldest became a fine blacksmith, the other a war scholar. The youngest, Katiana, loved all things girly and became a seamstress...

And yet, Aurora longed for something more. Always she was at the tavern, listening to the old fishermen’s tales of war and treasures. Instead of sewing, she was swinging whatever ‘weapon’ she could get her hands on until one day, a retired solider saw what skills she possessed and trained her in the art of melee weaponry. Aurora quickly developed a reputation as both a skilled fighter and ferocious female, often involved in bar fights and returning home late at night, pockets near bursting with bets won.

However, on the night of her twenty-second birthday, Aurora’s parents informed her that it was fair time she found a husband and began a family. Mortified at the idea, Aurora had planned to escape this life of stale rites but as she snuck away from her family home, bags packed, a strange feeling overcame her and she slipped into the darkness...

Only to awake to strange smells, sounds and surroundings and a voice beckoning her...

So begins...

Aurora Luminus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zayne Nightenfall Character Portrait: Theresa - the Blind Seeress Character Portrait: Aurora Luminus Character Portrait: Quil Purcel Character Portrait: Marb Willow Character Portrait: Sammus Manus
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A cool breeze brushes across your face.You've been asleep for a while now, but for how long isn't clear... The wafting aroma of burning bark is strong in the air and you brush the sweat of your brow. Your eyesight adjusts and you see that you're in a makeshift tent... but you're not the only one. From your tent you can see at least another four tents. There is a fire in the middle of them all and a strange woman stands around the fire calling yours and others name. You move groggily out into the open and see before you an overwhelming and dark forest, a thick fog wafts across the ground; Nothing like you've ever seen before. You move form your tent and sit around the fire and watch as other people hesitantly do the same... You don't know why, but you're compelled to stay and listen to the mysterious woman before you.

"Sammus Manus, Quil Purcel, Marb Willow, Zayne Nightenfall, Aurora Luminus"

She steps into the camp fire light across from the group of you, for the first time bringing her face into the light, "You are probably wondering why you are here.." she says calmly, almost as if she's known you for a long time. "Some people are born great and other achieve greatness" she continues...
"You are the rare hero who falls into both categories my friend. You are the hero who is born great and who will do great things for this land". As the woman speaks, your head goes light and you look up to the treetops, the sky and stars are only just visible. You don't understand any of this...

The fire crackles and burns quietly in front of you, the warmth reaching your bones, making you feel safer the more the woman speaks. "My Name is Theresea - The Blind Seeress" she says. You've heard of her before... A fabled woman about Albion, however few encounter her, and especially none from where you come from.

You momentarily survey the others to gauge what their responses are. As you look at each one you can see the unmistakable traits of people who come from your home land, Theresa speaks softly as if to answer your question about who these people might be, "Most of you won't know each other" she says matter of factly, but then turns her gaze to Quil, "But perhaps if you haven't guessed by now... Some of you have met before..."

You have all been brought together. But why?

The woman breaks your thoughts again and begins to talk once more; "For four generation these lands have suffered a terrible price that befell them because of one witch's folly... When long ago she made a pact with a most fearsome power in a deal that would see her control these lands. But when she unleashed the evil upon this land, she was struck down and we all suffered the consequences of her arrogance and mistakes". Theresa stops, pauses and seems to reminisce, then talks again, "But now is the time when you must come forth and restore good to these lands... I foresaw a future where you and the others around you rid this forest of the great evil that sits deep within in... I have seen a future where your destiny frees all of Albion of the evils that plague it... I ask you to stand side by side and help stop all that plagues these lands..."

Theresa stops and awaits your turn...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zayne Nightenfall Character Portrait: Theresa - the Blind Seeress Character Portrait: Aurora Luminus Character Portrait: Quil Purcel Character Portrait: Garath Stark Character Portrait: Marb Willow
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Garath woke with a groan as he blinked his weary eyes awake. He had not had a sleep that deep in years. It took him all of a few seconds to recognize the slumber was not a natural one, sensing the Will used to render him unconscious. He was in a shoddy little tent, the scent of burning wood heavy in the air. Garath moved to the entrance of his tent, tentatively peering outside. He spotted a few others making their way out of tents identical to the one he was in. Three men, all warriors by the look of them. One was a beast of a man, had the look of a brawler to him yet didn't have the viscous savageness of some random thug. The second big man had bright keen looking eyes. There was a calm to him that surprised the Will user. The last man was an archer. Evident by the bow and hunters cloak. The other two were women. One had long, curly golden brown hair and sad eyes. The other's hair was strikingly different. It practically was alight a fiery and passionate red hue. She had the look of a skilled warrior. The kind of fighter Garath would think twice about crossing.

He slowly made his way out and took his seat around the fire along with the others, all the while remaining hidden within the shadows his hood and cloak provided. Then the blind seer spoke. She introduced herself as Theresa, The Blind Seeress. The name was familiar. Garath had read her name in a few accounts of the hero of Bowerstone. She was a powerful seer whose name and influence was well documented by those who took the time to listen. Garath sat in silence as she spoke. She told all gathered of their destiny to come. Of how they would help effect a course of events that would change the world for the better. She told them of how they could save this land from the mistakes made by one foolish witch. The news that a misbegotten Will user was to blame for this lands strife caused Garath to cringe under his robes. Yet another reason to hate Will users was all he needed.

When she was finished there a momentary silence before the archer got to his feet. He introduced himself as Sammus, of Mountains Gate. Mounatins Gate was the village Garath had just been at before Theresa's intervention. Sammus told the others that while he was not yet ready to trust the seeress he was willing to follow her for the sake of fate. Garath himself never much thought of fate as anything other than cruel chance. For if fate was some sort of intelligent force than it surely hated him with a burning passion.

Sammus said his peace before sitting back down and looking around, apparently waiting to see who else would speak up. Garath normally wouldn't be the next to speak. Being as reserved and quiet as he was talking, especially in front of groups, was not something he was comfortable with. Yet inexplicably he felt compelled to give voice to his what his mind was thinking. While not as confidant as Sammus Garath did speak, from his seat. Unlike Sammus whose voice was proud and firm Garaths was subtle and hesitant with the faintest hint of strength. Like the dying wind after a rain storm.

"I agree with Sammus... I... I may not know much about this witch but if she is truly as dangerous as Theresa says then we should help."

Garath could feel all the eyes of the group on him and made him feel even more unsettled. He cleared his throat before continuing.

"And my name is Garath..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zayne Nightenfall Character Portrait: Theresa - the Blind Seeress Character Portrait: Aurora Luminus Character Portrait: Quil Purcel Character Portrait: Garath Stark Character Portrait: Marb Willow
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Garath had to take a deep breath after the vision subsided. He'd never experienced anything like that in his life. It was so real, much more than a dream. He could almost feel the sand beneath his boots as he stood behind the witch. Smell the sea air as the wind howled around them. The sounds of the screams still echoed in his mind causing his jaw to clench in displeasure. His eyes flicked up as Theresa finished making her point. Zayne had yet to speak again and for the second time Garath did something out of character for him and spoke up.

"That... was unlike anything I've ever seen before. Magic is dangerous in the best of times but that... That was almost demonic. This witch must be stopped before she covers the whole of the land in darkness."

He paused allowing his gaze to flick to those around him.

"I know not if any of you know much of our patron here but I have read a few tomes on Theresa, The Blind Seeres. Her influence is great and I believe her to be a benevolent force in this world. She aided the Hero of Bowerstone in the past, whose legend I'm sure you are all familiar with. Now she comes to us seeking our aid. We cannot turn her away idly."

He said, the young mages voice taking on a bit more force and certainty than it had before. Garath was already beginning to feel that this cause was meant for him. Whether by fate or destiny or whatever the case may be it just might be the only chance he had at doing something good with his life. Possibly a final chance at atonement yet he wondered if atonement could be achieved for one who has done such deeds.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zayne Nightenfall Character Portrait: Theresa - the Blind Seeress Character Portrait: Aurora Luminus Character Portrait: Quil Purcel Character Portrait: Garath Stark Character Portrait: Sammus Manus
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Aurora had been standing quietly in the light of the fire for some time, listening to the unfamiliar voices around her, inhaling the strong aroma of burning foliage. She was skeptical of Theresa's idea of their fates and yet, something in the back of Aurora's mind was curious, almost believing of her words. Aurora couldn't work out if it was her mind, thinking that this could be a way to escape from betrothal or if deep in her subconscious, she found truths in Theresa's lyrical words. Both were interesting, though the first was far more important to Aurora. She was free from the arranged marriage she had desperately wanted to avoid, but she had no idea where she had be brought, or by whom. She found Theresa's words seeping into her mind, swirling through the frightening fantasies. This witch she spoke of sounded like something from the stories she told her sisters, but the way in which the Blind Seeress spoke of her, it almost sounded real.

After a minute more listening to the fire hiss and crackle, Aurora stood and pushed her chest outwards, curving her back, stretching. She then moved silently into the group, looking into the dancing flames before speaking. "I am Aurora Luminus." Her amber eyes traveled across the others, taking in their appearances and trying to see if she could work out what skills they possessed.

"Yes, what must we do Theresa?" Aurora asked bluntly, a soft scowl written on her face, pulling her axe to her side, her hip jutted out. "This witch sounds dangerous, but not all of us seem like the warrior type. Are we s'posed to stand united and hope some sort of powers emerge?" Aurora felt a slight smirk tug on the corner of her lips. She just couldn't understand what was going on here, why herself and these strangers had been brought into the fabled forest and why they had been told they were the ones who were to defeat this witch. Aurora love to spar, loved to stretch her battle muscles but she was no expert, nor was she one of those mythical heroes from the campfire tales.

She sighed. "So, now what-"

The fire flickered dangerously, the glowing embers fading. The hissing sounds snaked around Aurora, her skin going cold and lumpy. She gripped her hammer, bringing it up before her chest, her eyes narrowed. She heard the man called Sammus question what was going on. She moved closer to the group, her back towards theirs as her eyes darted around frantically trying to find the source of the voice. And then she saw them, the half-serpent half-man abominations gliding towards them. Aurora gasped, stumbling back a little in horror. "Wh-what is...Wha- are they?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zayne Nightenfall Character Portrait: Theresa - the Blind Seeress Character Portrait: Aurora Luminus Character Portrait: Quil Purcel Character Portrait: Garath Stark
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Garath looked on in shock as the fiends slithered out of the darkness. With the torso and arms of men yet the lower half and heads of serpents. They slid out of the shadows, wicked looking halberds held in their scaly clawed hands. Sammus had called out into the darkness, questioning what lurked out of sight of the heroes. His question was answered with in the form of sinister maws filled with razor sharp fangs. The beasts hissed savagely as they circled the group, each creature seemingly singling out one of the companions. The snake beast that had apparantley chosen Garath eyed the mage hungirly. It's serptine eyes glared at the young man like a hungry predator sizing up prey. Garath returned it's gaze with a bold stare of his own, unafraid of the monster for he had come across many a foul beasts in his journeys into the arcane unknown. He opened his right had and it began to emit a white bluiesh light. The air around the mages hand began to crackle with magical energy as he called lightning into being. The beast snareld and lunged, the spiked halberd primed to sheer Garath's midsection open. Garath extended his hand and released his latenet Will energies. Lightning crackled and shot fourth from the mages hand, striking the wicked beast in the chest. The snake man was shot back as the bolt caught him squarely in the chest and he was sent flying backwards to slam into a tree with bone crunching force. The beast fell to the grass and looked up with a pain filled glare of murderous intent as it's body convulsed from the white hot electrical power coursing through its body. The beast hissed in rage and Garath took a step forward almost inviting it to try again. Garath extended both hands to either side of him, palms facing upwards. In one hand flame sprang to life, burning menacingly. The others called fourth super cooled air in a swirling vortex of icy fury. The spell caster said not a word. He just eyed his target, ready to bring him down in a deadly mix of fire and ice should it attack again.