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Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani

"Where do you need me, Ssoh?"

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a character in “The Voyages of the U.S.S. Warhammer”, as played by Raidose


"To be a Warrior, one must do many things. To stand where others can not. To fight battles you may not win. To kill with honor and respect. To die, and greet your ancestors proudly. To face the fire, club, spear, and Black Winds of Tarr'n, and never move. A Warrior must do all these things, so that his clan may never need to. I am Nssk'Aani. I am a Warrior. And I will not move."

Name: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani

Nickname(s): Was once called "Onyx" by a human. The name stuck.

Age: 182 human years. About 16 by Torronax standards.

Gender: Male

Race: Torronax. An extremely fearful and stereo typically xenophobic species of massive insectoid-like beings known for their size, strength, and durability, which only came to be known by the Federation in the last decade or so. Omnipedal, with massive, predominant arms and strong digitigrade legs. Covered head-to-toe in thick, chitinous plating which carbonizes with age, allowing them massive amounts of protection. The coloration of these shells range from browns and reds, to greys and blacks. Though often these colors are generally hidden under a thin layer of either crystal or mineral formations which form over their carapace. It easily becomes no secret why most members of their race refer to themselves as "Stone Skins". They appear bestial, with elongated and seemingly eyeless faces and lip-less grins of glassy teeth composed entirely of incisors and canines. Two massive mandibles hang before their maws, with flattened and hammer-like tips which often clack together with great force. While they appear so, they are not actually without eyes. They have a row of compact eyes on each side of their head, hidden and protected under a retractable armored lid or "cap". Their four-digit hands (two fingers and two thumbs) are tipped in hardened claws. Keen observers may notice two tiny claws poking out from their wrists. These are actually "feelers", a set of almost foot-long, spider-leg looking appendages covered in sensitive hairs used by the Torronax for fine detail. These feelers are extremely vulnerable, containing 40% of all their nerve endings, and can adhere to small objects. Large tails swing about behind them, armed with two rows of quills that the xeno-savvy soldier may know could be released and flung at encroaching hostiles. They breath not through their mouths, but through vented gills on their backs.

To many, Torronax can seem unstoppable combatants, but those with training and knowledge of xenobiology know more than a few good ways to take them down.

Not much is known about the Torronax' culture except what's occasionally spilled out over the Netvids. Their race is divided between the tribal Stone Skin clans and the enterprising and diplomatic Coalition of Unification. A great civil war wages between the Four Great Family Clans of Stone Skins and the Coalition itself, which threatens to further thin the population of a race already numbering under half a billion galaxy wide. Efforts to outsource ores and minerals from their volcanic and barely-livable home world of Tarr'n have been smashed by a interplanetary mining corporation run by the Caesarian Bri, a species known for it's greed, intelligence, and vicious business-like conduct who run a vast empire spanning several sectors. The Torronax of the Coalition struggle with trying to stabilize a newly made and already failing economy, and an industry that can never get out from under the Bri Empire's boot. The Bri mining corporation pressures the Torronax to give up mining rights to their planet, and the asteroid belt that circles it. The Torronax, having had terrible experiences with alien races both in the present and ancient past, outright refuse to allow off-worlders to freely land on Tarr'n. The Coalition has reached out to the Federation for help, fearing that with the growing hostilities of their people, it may lead to war with the Bri Empire. A war that, given their almost non-existent space forces, would result in a bloody ground-war for Tarr'n.

For more information on the Torronax, please consult your local Netcom directory. (PM me :D)

Sexual Orientation: Hetero. Torronax breed only to procreate.

Height: 11' 2"

Weight: 2,923 lbs. Nearly 1.5 tons.

Physical Description: As he would appear to any outsider, Rss'Kan is hardly unique in his appearance among his own kind. His broad, powerful form looms over practically any other known sentient species, while his mere visage has been enough to cause scenes in most domestic areas. His shell is a deep crimson in color and is coated head to toe in a glossy black volcanic glass. This adds an interesting red tint to his rather lacquered appearance whenever he's in the light. Because of this, he'd earned the moniker "Onyx", and after a while of correcting people that it was actually obsidian he was covered in (he lived near the crap long enough, he should know what the hell it looks like), and not onyx, he eventually gave up and just adopted the name. The top of his head is exceptionally glassy, even reflective, as are several other parts of his chitin. Beyond what may be obvious for members of other species, Rss'Kan is actually fairly large for his race, definitely of good, proud warrior heritage. His shell is of great quality and surprising thickness, having survived a shaping rite that many juvenile Torronax would not have returned from.

His natural voice is that akin to all his species, a deep raspy voice accompanied by sharp hisses, resonating growls, eerie trills, and occasionally room-shaking roars, giving him a very sinister and malicious impression on most people. Though this could not be farther from the truth in actuality. He carries himself with a stalwart pride when under inspection, and stand with the honor of a warrior of his people. However, he is definitely also not one to flaunt. In fact, he's the exact opposite. When he is not being inspected, a change of stance is quite visible. He is cautious, staying low to the ground and often withdrawn from even the smallest crowd of humans. Imagine, seeing such a large creature react with such timidness and caution, as if among dangerous herds of dangerous wildlife in fear of spooking them.

The right side of his chest, bottom jaw, and right arm have rocky, rough formations on his skin as a result of accidentally stepping through a layer of muscovite, breaching a high-pressure lava tube and getting some magma spray as a result. The minerals which formed are much rougher and quite different from the obsidian, leaving bubbled streaks of stone-gray which look like scars along the affected areas. The left side of his head bares it's own scar. A section of the obsidian which has been cracked, showing the dark, blood-colored chitin underneath, which looks like a rather ghastly wound. Actual scars can also be seen cutting into his shell here and there, each with a story Rss'Kan may freely tell.

He wears very little in apparel, all of it for function with no real need of concealment. Straps and vests adorned to the high heavens with hooks, pouches, and utility compartments make up the most of it, decorated lightly with a few tribal bands and bangles.

Religious Affiliation: As with his people, he believes in honoring the spirits of the dead and his greater ancestors. His people believe that there was a great power which gave them life, but choose to honor that gift by surviving rather than pay meaningless tribute to a deity which may never know of it. To that extent, Rss'Kan is extremely superstitious. He dislikes speaking of the dead in general, and never under any circumstance speaks ill of them.

Beast of Burden- Being of the sturdy race of giant insects, Onyx is more than capable of hauling massive objects. While being the son of the High Elder did make him exempt from acting as a worker of the Clan, he is certainly no stranger to hard labor and holds no qualms against serving as such. The nature of his species enables him to comfortably carry around 2.5 tons, but is capable of lifting and hauling a maximum of around 7 tons. If the docking bay ever loses a power loader, he's quite capable as a minor substitute.

Nssk'Aani Warrior- Rss'Kan is an exceptional fighter among his people and has fought in several battles against the rival Family Clans [i]and
Coalition forces before the peace. He is extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat against equal-sized opponents and quite adept in the use of primitive or makeshift weaponry, capable of using the environment as an armory and offsetting being at a technological disadvantage. As to be expected, he is also an adept hunter-gatherer, impeccable survivalist, and an expert in guerrilla warfare.

Bulwark- Rss'Kan's shell is impressively strong even among the standards of his own people. During his Shaping Rite, all the while trying to protect what remained of his siblings. For the last three whole days and nights of the rite, he bore the brunt of lacerating razor winds and scorching ash storms to shield his youngest sister from them. While the experience nearly ended his life, his shell hardened to the trauma it received. It's density and strength have shrugged off blows which would have cracked the shells of other Stone Skins, and reaffirmed Rss'Kan's purpose as a warrior. He knows where he is to stand, always as the shield against the winds and fire.

Willpower- With as much responsibility Rss'Kan forces unto himself also comes incredible amounts of resolve. Whatever it is he feels he has to do, he does it. At least, for the things physically possible. For all others, he spends his life forever trying to reach it. No matter how impossible or unlikely it seems, he just keeps trying, a character trait which will likely one day kill him. Still he does what he does without caring, too stubborn and bullheaded to quit. He shares a lot with the Greek titan Atlas, forever holding up the sky. No matter how heavy it seems, he will hold it for as long as is needed, even if that turns out to be forever. For as long as he can, for as long as he's able to force himself, he'll refuse to budge. If only because it feels like it's where he's meant to be.

Advanced Training in Interstellar Engineering and Maintenance- As part of being a representative of his people, Onyx partook in several advanced classes on how to properly repair the hyperdrive of the most common and intricate starships in existence. His determination to not shame his father had shown through in this field greatly, as only 6 years of training had turned him into a promising engineer. With some tutelage from Federation Ceritfied A.I. instructors, Rss'Kan was able to earn a five-star rating. His dextrous feelers and great strength aid in his job, his chitin armor making the risk of such work far less severe, and even the most hellish of working environments do little more than make him a bit homesick.

Environmental Conditioning- With the prospect of visiting many exotic habitats, Rss'Kan was prepared to face any sort of hellish environment he may encounter on his travels. Volcanic heat, searing deserts, humid jungles, poisonous swamps, arctic blizzards, even radiation. This wasn't so much to prepare him for survival as it was to acclimate him to the different conditions. Torronax are naturally extremely hardy when it comes to these things. You could pretty much plop them on any some-what livable world and they could probably make a home. Unsurprising of a race who call a world where every Tuesday is "Surprise Solar Flare Day" home, they're even highly resistant to radiation. As for Rss'Kan himself, only the subarctic temperatures really affected him. The cold air was quite uncomfortable to breath, being use to the boiling hot steam of his home. That, and he soon discovered that his high core temperature resulted in a thin sheet of moisture forming on his obsidian coating, which later froze over. The popping and creaking this icy coating made when he moved was like nails on a chalkboard. Worst yet was that he constantly had to stretch his back out to keep ice from forming over his gills. That little chore was extremely irritating, since he had to do it nearly every minute. Though surprisingly, the worst environment in his opinion was that of the starship itself. The cool, clean air wasn't enough to trigger his survival instincts, but was just enough to be incredibly annoying and uncomfortable. Every night he'd pray for the cooling to go out so he could finally get some restful sleep. It never did.[/i]

Personality: Rss'Kan is... difficult to read. Amongst his people, he is heroic. Knightly, even. He has fought battle after battle, war after war to defend his people. He is overly protective by nature, taking his place to protect others as if by instinct. Every loss, every warrior-brother who's bled out in his arms has left it's impression on him, forcing him to strive harder to defend the next. He suffers from a sort of Superman complex, unable to accept that he couldn't have done something somewhere or simply let what happens happen, and his stubborn and uncompromising views often place him neatly in harms way. At that point, there is no reasoning with him. If he believes someone needs that shield, that protection, he does it. Planting himself firmly in the ground and not moving an inch. No ifs, ands, or buts. His cares before joining the Federation were his family, his clan, his people. In that order. With the desire for the betterment of his race, he urged his father, the High Elder of the Nssk'Aani, to consider the Prime Ordinator's offer of alliance. It's what fueled him through the worst battles of his life, the drive that made him train ceaselessly to meet the Federation Exam requirements, working for days on end to learn and repair one old junker of a star ship after the next. It's also the greatest source of his guilt. While Rss'Kan knows he's doing this for his Clan and people, he can't help but feel as though he's abandoned them. His father, brothers, and especially his sister. That last is a wound which goes the deepest. It was Kassk'Ni that he shielded that day so long ago. The runt of the clutch, he refused to let her or any of his surviving siblings die after that terrible first week of Shaping. Because of his actions, she survived, though her carapace was weak and brittle. He swore to be there always, to be her shell when she needed him. But he is not there for her now, is he? His heroism has driven him away from her, away from the Nssk'Aani, away from Tarr'n. If anything ever happened to her, this unbreakable monolith of a warrior would easily crumble to dust.

However, that's in the comfort of his people. Around these aliens, he's a different animal entirely. Rss'Kan keeps to himself, quiet and reserved. He'll speak his mind only if he feels it is of the utmost urgency. He dislikes being noticed openly, but more so having to fight the urge to slink away. The most he can do is attempt to be content with his status of "literal elephant in the room". He shirks this demeanor only when addressed by a commanding officer, standing (if he can) with honor before his CO, but it's never fully gone. The worst part of this attitude towards other lifeforms is that it is ingrained, it is not how Rss'Kan wishes to be. Ever since he first saw the stars, an incredibly rare occurrence on Tarr'n, he wanted to see more. His first steps beyond the acid clouds of his homeworld were awe inspiring. All these sights, ideas, sounds, creatures, technology, he was enraptured by it. He is curious, and wants dearly to express that and know all he can about everything he sees. This feeling builds under the surface of his skin all the time, until something finally causes it to burst forth and a question, or multiple, must be answered. Rss'Kan's caution doesn't entirely give way in these moments, and he's been described as interrogative in his questioning. His lack of interspecies social knowledge also leads to other awkward moments, such as asking things most others would consider private. As for himself, Rss'Kan is mostly an open book, and while he can seem defensive or even hostile in tone, he'll answer nearly any question about him with full honesty. Though there are things he wishes deeply not to discuss, and will say so quite plainly. Warrior teachings speak in detail that a Torronax' weaknesses, whether many or few, should be guarded at all cost. While this teaching was meant in a physical sense, many like Rss'Kan take it to heart on every matter. Thoughts, memories, and objects that could bring him sadness or pain he guards from everyone. Even on board the ship, he rarely willingly exposes his wrists and feelers to anyone, holds his breath and seals his gills whenever someone is behind him, dislikes anyone being near his eyes, mouth, and throat, and must suppress a flinch whenever he is walked up on from out of view.

Lately, tho, as he observes these other, soft-skinned species, he can't help but see most of them as vulnerable. He dislikes being around them, but at the same time the few moments he's seen one injured nearly drove him up a tree. His mind constantly makes the comparison between them and his sister, which causes his complex to rear it's ugly head again. It's why he opted for the U.S.S. Warhammer, thinking that there he may be needed the most. All in all, Rss'Kan can be rather stressed. Thoughts of home and doubts of what he's doing plague him in waves, but at the same time the importance of what he's doing to help his race avoid war with the Bri Empire weighs down on his shoulders. For the most part, he's able to drive stray thoughts out of his mind by becoming so wrapped up in his actual duties that he thinks of nothing else. He hates quiet moments, and even sleep brings it's own mental hazards to him. Rss'Kan, despite not being a worker of his clan, is an extreme workaholic. While the 65 hour day-cycles of Tarr'n make two full Earth days without rest pretty trivial, it's not uncommon for Rss'Kan to go nearly a week with no sleep. Tho that's also in part to the God damn sterilized, "comfortable" air on board most any star ship. Still, even while being extremely determined, hard working, and loyal, he is not without issues. The responsibility he's placed on himself is not at all practical or healthy, but he can't help it. It's where he feels he's meant to be, and that keeps him going.

Equipment/Tools/Valuable Possessions:
He was given several tools he'd need for maintenance, made specifically for the few members of Torronax fleet crews the Coaltion had. Much of his equipment is rather basic, arc welders, omniwrenches, fusion cutters, cold-plasma inducters, your standard toolbox for small maintenance. However, seeing as the heavy-duty gear is not exactly something he could bring with him on-person, he was trained in how do to a lot with a little, how to modify and improvise, and how to make use of his racial characteristics. He's armed with translator bands cuffed around each mandible, a neural-net uplink and HUD display which was made to fit under his lid-cap, and a full set of gear needed for outer haul repairs such as magnetic boots, utility wrist bands (which also protect his feeler tips from exposure), protective face mask, and back-mounted air tanks for his gills. Torronax generally don't need suits, as their hides and carapace can protect them from exposure to space. Prolonged repairs may require a thermal induction vest.

He also took with him a ball of dried Anuuxi (A type of giant arachnid native to Tarr'n) webbing, which becomes sticky when wet, for whatever purpose he needs it for. Good, strong, and reusable if taken care of.

As far as niceties go, Rss'Kan did bring with him some trophies from his home. Some of the various gifts from his younger brother, as well as from Clan females seeking to be his mate, most of which in the form of necklaces or little bobbles made of bones, glass, pebbles, and crystals. Also, a gift from his father, which is surprising in that it's the only gift he received that's technological. A device the size of a microwave which he keeps in his room. Once every three to four days it produces a solid orb of pure calcium the size of a bowling ball, which serves as a sort of treat/time-passer. One gift, however, rises above all others. A deep blue, glowing Phylon Crystal, which resonates with a charged Xekarian Flare, a highly volatile energy formed by the the unique radiation from the core of the planet Tarr'n. These charges often come in red, orange, yellow, or purple, but to find one in blue is extremely rare. This was given to him by his sister, and his most cherished possession. Odds are that he won't allow anyone else to see this crystal, let alone touch it, as he handles it with the utmost care.

One last gift he received from his clan. The scar on the left side of his head, from where his twin brother , Grann'Nak, struck him for leaving his people and his family, right before Grann'Nak left the Clan and wandered off into the badlands. This is not something Rss'Kan is likely to share openly.

Military Record: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani. Born, trained, and fought under the "indigenous tribes" of Tarr'n for approximately 90 F.S.Y. (Federation Standard Years), with an estimated 250 armed combat encounters against fellow "tribals" as well as Coalition TAF (Tarr'n Armed Forces) and Bri mercenary excursions. Was accepted by the CoU at the age of 159 F.S.Y. Received complete education by the CoU, receiving a Masters in Robotics, Physics, and Engineering. Enlisted into the TAF at age 168 F.S.Y. for four years, were he received advanced training in Strategic Maneuvers, Crisis Simulations, Deep-Space Reconnaissance, Basic Fire-Arms Training, and Zero-Atmosphere Operations. Was noted as an exceptional learner in War Games, combing recent lessons with past experience to execute complex and precise Guerrilla tactics against hostile enemy boarding actions. Extremely calm under pressure. Took Advanced Interstellar Engineering and Field Repairs for four more years before finally being shipped off to Federation Fleet Academy, where he graduated top of his class. Grade-3 "Heavy Repairs", specializing in Outer-Haul Reconstruction and Zero-At Field Work.

History: Peace. That is the only word to describe the time Rss'Kan was born. There was peace. Throughout the Sharp-Sand badlands and the Ember Fields, from the high cliffs of the volcanic mountains to the barren deserts, the Four Great family Clans and all their tribes knew this peace. It had lasted for thousands of years, and yet it seemed so brittle. Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani, 4th oldest surviving son of the High Elder Gax'Rnn, Patriarch of the mighty Nssk'Aani Clan, was born into a clutch of twenty-eight siblings. Like all hatchlings of his race, he was cared for by every clan female and didn't really even figure out who his actual mother was for a few years. This was not uncommon, his people placing higher value on the care of their offspring than on parental entitlement. Rss'Kan's memories of that age were always warm, the only time where he was honestly happy with everything in his world. He loved his brothers and sisters, he loved playing and chasing them through the vast networks of tunnels that made up the clan hive, he loved hunting down young Anuuxi with his twin. Hell, he even loved when they failed at catching them and ended up covered in webbing. He had no cares for the outside world. In these warm caves, well lit by crystals, fungus, and even magma, he was home. Why would he ever want to leave?

But that is not how life is for a Torronax. He grew older, stronger, larger. With this came the teachings of his duty to the clan. He wasn't born as the eldest of the High Elder, and that meant he was to be a warrior. He would hunt for the clan, fight for the clan, and, if needed, die for his clan. He and his siblings learned these lessons with cold chill. It was natural for a juvenile, with such a protected childhood, to never once place thought in what it means to die, let alone the possibility of death coming to pass. It was a hard lesson, but their teachers spoke kindly, saying that they honor their clan and not to fear, for their ancestors shall greet them well. However, no teacher, great or otherwise, can teach one the meaning of honor in death. It can never be taught, only learned. With years passing like the darkened winds of an ash storm, this new brood learned the lessons of the hunt. They now knew how to fight and best some of the greatest beasts Tarr'n plains would force upon them, where to seek shelter should they need it, how to forage and gather. They were taught all of this in preparation for their Shaping Rite. A ritual in which young Torronax are forced to the surface when their shell first begins to form. The strength of their future carapace directly depends on what they are exposed to during this period, and so the Shaping Rite is held sacred amongst the Stone Skins. The children of the Elder were not lied to, they were told directly....

Many who enter the Shaping do not return home.

The day came. They would go with children from other clutches, to wander the surface of Tarr'n until their shells hardened. They were forbidden from returning home or leaving the surface world for 27 Tarr'n days and nights. The fifth day was horrific, nearly the entire band had been caught off-guard by a sudden solar flare. Of the nearly eighty Torronax youths that began, only seven were left to mourn over the hot ashes of their brothers and sisters. This was the first time Rss'Kan had ever seen one of his people, let alone friends and siblings, die. Ancestors bless him, he nearly died trying to make it the last. Through the burns of acidic rain or the bite of the razor-winds, Rss'Kan acted as vanguard to what remained of them. He and his twin, hatched at the same moment, were now the oldest children of their clutch. Rss'Kan saw this as his duty, and while his twin Grann'Nak wanted what was left of them to make it back, he'd constantly hiss warnings at Rss'Kan about getting himself killed. Grann'Nak believed that those who lived were meant to, and likewise for those who didn't. It did not cease Rss'Kan's actions in the slightest, often nursing some injury he'd received doing this. His youngest sister, Kassk'Ni, the runt, was often the one needing (and receiving) Rss'Kan's protection the most. While with good intentions, Grann'Nak was always quick to remind that this would stunt the growth of her shell. That what Rss'Kan was doing would only bring harm to her in the long run.

Arguments made up the majority of all conversation. Loud roars between the now-eldest twins, Grann'Nak in outrage as Rss'Kan had found himself riddled with lacerations and burns again. It was only a few days from the end of the Rite, when Grann'Nak's patience for Rss'Kan finally snapped. "If She Dies Here, Then It Is Meant To Be So! She Is Slowing Us! And I'll Not Trade A Strong Brother For A Weak Sister!" he roared, which led to a massive clash between the two. It took their last brother, Grss'Ik, and the rest of the survivors to pull the two apart. Little did they realize that more damage was done than just to the twins. Kassk'Ni had heard the entire event, and Grann'Nak's words. She could not argue with what he said, having watched Rss'Kan harm himself time and again for her. If a choice was to be made, then she would make it. She left in the night, fleeing into the wastes. It wasn't until morning that she was found to be missing. Rss'Kan tried to charge after her, but once again he and Grann'Nak fought viciously over it. A Kol'Kathi was on the horizon, a terrible Meteorologic anomaly caused by a mass of volcanic gases spewed from Tarr'n's inhospitable Southern half. These gases are trapped in an endless cycle of ignition, expansion, compression, and re-ignition, forming thick, black walls of ash and smoke which constantly belch fire. The fumes produced by this event are more dense than the air, and exist in such vast quantities that they blanket from the upper atmosphere to nearly the ground. This creates a massive updraft, which carries the jagged sediment that makes razor-winds into this vacuum. The air currents becomes trapped within the gases, circulating into an intense windstorm. The sediment in the wind then generates friction with itself, ionizing the atmosphere and producing thunderous lightning storms. In the Torronax language, their full name is Kol'Kathi Ssk Rah 't Chakk, which means "God Of Wrath and Fire".

Not even the strongest or most insane Torronax would risk being caught in a Kol'Kathi's grip. The two's quarrel quickly became brutal, with Rss'Kan cracking Grann'Nak's lid-cap to get away, sprinting out onto the harp-sands to find his sister. He was chased the whole way by the angered howls of his twin. The dark visage of the Kol'Kathi crept closer by the minute, consuming the land in a fiery breath. The malevolent storm was nearly upon him when he finally found Kassk'Ni, swooping in and encircling her with his own body just seconds before the Kol'Kathi crashed down upon them. The storm lasted for three days before finally passing. The survivors searched for their missing members, only to find them buried in ashes and motionless. It was Grann'Nak who first arrived, his roars of sorrow and mourning echoing to the others. They thought the two dead, until, still within Rss'Kan's clutches, Kassk'Ni stirred. Rss'Kan as well had survived, but only barely. His shell was completely stripped away, his skin flayed to tatters and replaced by a blood-encrusted coat of ashes. Were it not for those ashes, he would have bled out in moments. Grann'Nak displayed his gratefulness for the life of his brother and sister the best way he could, by nearly attacking Rss'Kan again for being so stupid. Being carried home by his brothers and sister, it was only by miracle that he lived through the journey. Through the haze of pain, his eyes barely registered what it was he saw, till finally he could focus. The Kol'Kathi had cleared away the acidic clouds, granting Rss'Kan a view of the wondrous stars beyond his world. Never had he felt so much fear and wonder before, nor had he felt so small. Despite the terror of the aspect, some part of him wanting to leap out and see everything held within that starry sky. Rss'Kan never again saw the stars from Tarr'n, but he'd never need to. He could never forget the wonder of what he beheld that night.

Their trial was over, though it would be nearly a year before Rss'Kan's shell regrew. His reward for survival, as his body remembered the trauma it had experienced, was a carapace of immense density and strength, far outweighing the others. But not all were as fortunate. Grann'nak was right, Kassk'Ni's shell was made soft and brittle by her brother's protection. Rss'Kan had no one to blame but himself, swearing to take responsibility. He made a promise to his sister, that he would be her shell. That he would be there whenever she needed him, as repentance for his mistake. But things could never be that simple. Rss'kan was still rather young when the Coalition of Unification, a section of Torronax who had long ago abandoned the ways of the Stone Skins in pursuit of advancing their race, began to call out to the stars. They had long ago begun to dismantle and learn from the remains of the Sky Devils, unknown aliens who in ancient times tried to enslave and conquer the planet. It was the Sky Devils who birthed Torronaxian fears of other aliens, and for those same reasons why the Stone Skins hated and feared the Coalition, saying they played with things not meant to be trifled in. Their payment, a message from the heavens with lies of friendship. The Bri Empire, the greedy and all-consuming plague of the galaxy, had heard the broadcasts, coming to Tarr'n in pursuit of it's precious treasures. It was not long before their true motives were made widely known, and an unofficial war was breaking out between the Torronax and hired alien mercenaries sent in to break their spirits. It was made clear the extent of the Bri's power, a cold realization that open war would be unwinnable, that they could claim Tarr'n by force if it became no longer negotiable.

The Coalition deployed every effort possible to stall for a solution, resorting in calling out for aid once again amongst the stars. It would be nearly a century before they made contact with the Federation. This span of time was one marked in chaos. Fear of invasion had caused the leaders of the Great Family Clans to abandon reason. A war began, on scales greater than those of the past. As a Warrior, Rss'Kan was called away to these conflicts, ranging from swift skirmishes to all-out battles. The war had not forgotten the ones who brought the Bri here, with nearly every Clan leading some great attack against the Coalition. These brutal raids forced the CoU to organize military units in an attempt to suppress the tribals, and did not care to differentiate between clans. Venerated Warriors armed with clubs, spears, and whips were now facing off against elite Torronax Infantry armed with highly advanced weaponry, as well as the Bri wet-work squads. The casualties of war were felt on all fronts, dramatically thinning the already small race of Torronax. Rss'Kan became a veteran of blood-drenched trench wars and haunting tooth-&-claw battles within the tunnel networks, never recounting a single fight were a warrior he once knew as friend was not now with their Ancestors. The scars that traced his shell were nothing compared to his memories of war. This could not continue.

The times Rss'Kan could spend at home with Grann'Nak, Grss'Ik, and Kassk'Ni were sparse, like the warm light at the end of a dark tunnel. They were often the thoughts that pulled him home, and making sure they were safe was the fire that pushed him off to war. Grann'Nak was being groomed by their father to be the heir to the Clan, a great honor Rss'Kan was proud for his twin to have. Grss'Ik was a warrior, like himself. Kassk'Ni.... his sister was often busy helping take care of the next brood of clan Hatchlings. Rss'Kan was happy to have all these new brothers and sisters, but at the same time he held a deep sorrow, knowing the fate most of them would face. What was worse, is that the Right of Shaping would not halt for the war. The surface was more dangerous than ever. The Nssk'Aani were growing too thin as is, and could not survive a war on all fronts such as this. Rss'Kan could not stand the thought of the Clan growing too weak to defend itself. They needed an ally in this war, but there was only one who would even hear them anymore. The leader of the CoU, the Prime Ordinator. Rss'Kan disliked this idea, but still brought it before his father, Gax'Rnn. To Rss'kan's surprise, the High Elder was of equal mind, and with great distaste didn't take much convincing. For their clan, for all Torronax, they had to find a way to end the war.

The other clans took great offence to this, with two of them uniting against the Nssk'Aani. The Coalition reluctantly offered support for it's new "ally", but the term was held loosely. The old disputes were still held strong between these two. The Savage Stone Skins of the Nssk'Aani, who threw their children to the hell of Tarr'n's surface, and the soft-shelled heretics of the Coalition, who defied all the old ways which made the Torronax strong and had brought about this entire ordeal through their reckless pursuits. In an effort to secure ties between these two, Rss'Kan volunteered to be of service to the Coalition, much to the immediate uproar of his clan. It was with little alternative choice that his father agreed to this as well, unknowingly granting Rss'Kan the keys to a world he'd only glimpsed before. He was given tutelage in basic schooling, as he had never learned any form of education before. Progress was slow but consistent, Rss'Kan was taught skills designed to be productive and understand this technology he'd been away from all his life. In addition, he also enlisted into the Tarr'n Armed Forces, swearing to now protect the Coalition as well as his Clan. His instructors nearly learned as much from him as Rss'Kan did from them. Soon, others of the Nssk'Aani began to follow his lead, learning a hybrid of new and old ways.

More races became aware of the Torronax, but none really wished to be involved. It was not until contact was made with the Tylo that the race finally found hope. The Tylo led the Torronax into first contact with the Federation, the first and only Galactic military force that would offer aid to the people of Tarr'n. The CoU was nearly in arms when discussing who should represent their race to the Federation in a slightly desperate attempt to secure this alliance. It was decided that as of current, there was only one of them who could represent both side of their people. Both the Coalition, and the Nssk'Aani Clan. Rss'Kan was asked to undertake this mission, hardly believing the serious nature of what was asked of him. The thought of leaving his Clan was absolutely sickening, he simply could not accept that. But at the same time, Rss'kan couldn't help but wonder if this was the only chance he'd have? If the Bri could be driven away, it could mean an end to the war. His Clan could be safe. His people could be safe. .....He couldn't simply say no. It was a black day when he returned to his clan with this news. His siblings begged him not to leave, his father nearly forbade him, and he got into another fight with Gann'Nak. However, when Rss'Kan poured out his soul to his father, of how this could save the Nssk'Aani, Gax'Rnn relented. It was not his son's speech which had persuaded the Elder, but the resolve and commitment Rss'Kan held for that dream. It was with heavy heart that the Nssk'Aani made ready to let go one of their own to the stars.

Rss'Kan never forgot his first time in the massive Space Elevator from Tarr'n's surface to the colossal space station of Loxis. The stars he had seen so long ago were but ghost's in comparison to the grandeur and sheer wonder he felt now. The Galaxy felt as like an open door, sending him reeling with the endless possibilities. His commitment only burned hotter from there. Rss'Kan trained with the TAF's newly formed Interstellar division as they prepared to launch one of their first ever Exploration Frigates to a nearby world. He was taught the basics and advanced lessons of what it meant to operate on a vessel in deep space, transferred to one of the wrecked star ships from the few alien races that had recently visited Tarr'n. He hopped from vessel to vessel, repairing what was asked of him and learning both the differences and similarities between ships of carrying races, coming to understand the plain fundamentals needed for these massive wonders to function and operate. The CoU had been granted several advanced training A.I.s from the Federation for use in aiding with education in various fields of space exploration. Rss'Kan operated under the tutelage of one such AI, training for years before he was ready to finally move on to official training at the Federation's Fleet Academy. This meant of course that he'd be leaving Tarr'n, his world, people, and Clan, possibly for good.

Rss'Kan spent the entire day he'd been granted to prepare with his Clan. Being bathed in gifts from his siblings as he said goodbye to each and every one of them. Grann'Nak.... his twin, held a fury in his eyes that Rss'Kan had never seen. The Nssk'Aani heir struck down his brother, attacking while accusing him of lying. Lying to his sister, Kassk'Ni. Grann'Nak yelled out such things, such horrible things. That it was Rss'kan's fault she needed his help, and that now he was abandoning her, abandoning them all. Grss'Ik managed to pry Grann'Nak from his brother, who managed to land a nasty blow against the side of Rss'Kan's face. Grann'Nak, however, could not look his brother in the eyes, and left the hive for the surface world. Somehow, Rss'Kan's farewell to Kassk'Ni was even more painful. Grann'Nak was right, he was leaving her when he swore to her he wouldn't. But when Rss'Kan expressed his second thoughts, his sister batted him over the head with her tail, shushing him. She shoved a small crystal into his claws, saying that by taking this, he was promising her to come back. He didn't even bother trying to not accept it, he knew Kassk'Ni would not let him. His father offered few words, but fewer still were needed. The High Elder simply told him to do as he feels is right. It had guided him well this far, as it would always do.

Rss'Kan departed Tarr'n, leaving for the Academy and to make his way in the Federation, for the hopeful future of the Nssk'Aani. The rest, as they say, is history.

So begins...

Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani's Story


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#, as written by Raidose

The docking shuttle made it, but only barely. It was a rough landing, an.... "error" back on the surface in the flight terminal had caused him to nearly miss his flight entirely. He could feel the pilots nervousness in the movements of the craft, and it wasn't entirely from late departure.... The cargo of this shuttle was unique. No other Federation shuttle had hauled personnel quite like this one. Even here, even now he could feel it. The pilot was keeping close eyes on the monitors, close eyes on the "cargo". Close eyes on him. Rss'Kan didn't like this level of attention, his tail quills bristling defensively. No, not now. Focus, he had to focus. This was his one chance. He saw her, before they docked, adrift in the beautiful void. Massive, much larger than any he'd seen prior. A Hecaton-class dreadnought, the U.S.S. Warhammer. Ancestors, she was gorgeous. Seeing her chained by the docking clamps felt almost insulting. Could his people ever construct such wonders? Would he ever live to see it? ....Would his people still be there when he came home? Would.... would she....

The shuttle's thud rocked him out of his thoughts, a distraction of great relief. Yes, enough of old worries, and let the birth of new ones commence. The light poured in through the crack as the shuttle's cargo door hissed open. Still cloaked in the darkness within, he stirred. The docking bay seemed frantic in the typical military fashion. "Organised chaos" was a term his instructors used often. Still, no more hiding, Rss'Kan must press on. A hand, large, alien, and glossy, reached out from the shadows of the shuttle's cargo bay. His two knuckles press hesitantly against the steel flooring, settling his weight on them as the rest of his body lurched out. A horrible sense of exposure washed over him, filling him with the immediate awareness of his vulnerability in leaving the safe confines of the shuttle. This must be how other, smaller insects feel, safe and secure in their dark homes till the rock is lifted, left blinded by the sun and at the mercy of the giants who peer down at them. His bulk lumbered slowly down the loading ramp, only to feel it be retracted the very moment he was officially on the starship. The shuttle took off with haste, abandoning Rss'kan to face his new home, and crew.

"You have been requested by Captain Rayne to report to the bridge. You have ten minutes and counting."

The order was clear, much to his chagrin. To navigate a ship he'd never been on was one thing, but to do so with urgency? A large knot began to form in his gut, like he'd just swallowed a small crustacean whole. Perhaps a T'nkni or a Bassgn.... He gripped the strap of his luggage pack tighter, as if straining it for reassurance. No one had seemed to notice him yet, and with the ancestor's gifts, he prayed for it to continue that way. Perhaps if he just moved along at a fair pace, he would not draw their attention, or it's possible that these.... "humans" had seen other, far stranger sights and would not care for his presence in the least. At least, these were his hopes. But of course Rss'Kan was sadly proven to be wrong, as a younger dock hand walked straight into his side without notice, with both parties jumping a bit in surprise. The soft-skin let out a startled gasp, which immediately grabbed the attention of what felt to be Every Single Living Thing in the entire docking bay. Rss'kan's great fears were slowly coming to fruition, his head whipping around to take in the unsure and even alarmed crowd that was gathering around him. His tail curled defensively, his gills snapped close, his mandibles chattered in concern.

Something was smiling on him at least, as a stray thought barged into his head like a brick. Words, communication, speaking, try them. A slow breath hissed through his gills as he straightened up. "Enssign Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani, third-classs engineeer." his hissed as dutiful and calm as he could manage. Heads began to turn to one another, still unsure how to take Rss'kan's being here. "I am to rreportt to the Ss-..." he started, catching himself from using a term this crowd likely would not understand. "The Co-man-der's Bridge. I am to go there, yess?" Even with the aid of his translator, that word had been his bane. There was no word such as that in Naxik, his native tongue, requiring him to actually try and speak in a wretched, bastardized version of their language. It was probably as unpleasant to hear as it was for him to say. the talking continued until one of the crewmen commed the Bridge. Rss'kan has had very little social experience with these "humans", but even he knew it was rarely good when a conversation started with "Command, I, uhhh.... I think there's an issue in docking bay 3 that needs attention."


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Character Portrait: CMSGT.Coal Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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Of course he would get the message about a situation in cargo bay 3 . That was purely because of his job as ships security officer that he got all messages about situations on the ship, never mind he was still ship, never mind he still hadn't finished hid first meal in 6 hours. But alas, duty called, so Reese got up and began to walk towards the exit, only to stop, turn around, and get his mug of coffee, then head for the exit. He spoke in to his NAVwatch as he went, "Roger that bay 3, chief mast-" he stopped himself. He was a lieutenant, he would have to get used to that. "Bay 3, lieutenant Coal, im coming down to check it out"

When he actually got to bay 3, he immediately saw what the problem was, correction, who the problem was. His HUD lenses built in to his eyes told him who the....honestly, the name of his species escaped Ressees mind. As he walked closer, he mentally ran through his xeno linguistics library and came to a conclusion. Either this large creature was a Novian, which was pretty impossible, as they are vary rare to see outside of their home system and are forbidden to join the federation. The other option was that this creature was a Torronaxian, which would make a lot more sense. Resse ended up throwing a shot in the darck and spoke to the creature in what he hoped was this creatures native tong Naxik.

"Can I help you my friend?" was what he ended up saying, naxik was not an easy language to speak, at least for humans, and that was just because it was hard for humans to pronounce the hisses and clicks needed to converse in naxik. However, a large amount of training and practice ended up aiding him, and at worst, his naxik was only slightly mispronounced.


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Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: CMSGT.Coal Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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Nodding as the Captain responded nothing was needed- if there was something, he would have been genuinely surprised- his interest was perked when Rayne commanded the AI Mat to place a visual of Bay 3 on-screen. Glancing up at it, he saw several soldiers milling around, apprehensive about what was going to happen, and with good reason. In the middle of it all was a Torronaxian, massive body impossible to miss in the middle of the gleaming bay, especially around the much smaller humans. So that is the problem, he thought to himself. Assuming Rayne did not want to be disturbed any longer, Atan walked out surreptitiously, cautious to not hit anything.

Entering the nearby Turbolift, he punched in the number that would lead over to his room. Speeding quickly through the decks, he began planning how the device could be used when in a boarding action or if it was necessary to get equipment somewhere. Having a lift that could provide access to anywhere on the ship was both a convenience and a liability. The only way to make sure it didn't help the enemy during a boarding action would be to destroy it. While painstaking to repair, many would consider it a small price for having their lives saved.

Stepping off the shuttle, he proceeded to his room, a few doors down from where he had disembarked. Not much lay in there other than the standard furniture, albeit a bit better than what would be found in other rooms due to his rank. Not that Atan cared much about comfort. What he sought was his spear. 8 feet tall, the tip itself was 2 feet with a guard extending down to cover the hands. Made out of a silvery metal similar in texture to the carapaces of a Kara'kan, the spear represented all that his family had done throughout its existence. A testament to the glory and achievements of his ancestors. The very fact that he carried it rather than leaving it on display at his family's manor indicated the faith placed in him.

Picking up the weapon, he walked out of the room with the spear gripped in his hands. Using it as a walking staff, he once again entered the Turbolift before heading down to Bay 3. Hopefully there would be no need for him to interfere, but maybe he could calm the situation. Though he might simply panic the humans more. Stepping out behind everything, he waited a moment before slamming the butt of the spear into the ground, stating, "Calm will be held on this ship. If you will become apprehensive about the presence of a crew member, then you should not be on this ship."

Addressing Rss'Kan and Coal, he asked, "I apologize for the reception you have received on this ship. My name is Commander Atan Vuloris. Welcome to the U.S.S Warhammer." Nodding to Coal, he uttered, "I give the situation back to you, Lieutenant."


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Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: CMSGT.Coal Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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#, as written by Raidose

There was a good deal of dread when the soldier started to approach. Rss'Kan recognized his uniform for one of Earth's armed forces, quickly wondering if he'd made some grievous error or offended someone. The warrior side of him wanted to move into a defensive stance, but that would no doubt send the wrong message here. And then it happened. Oh Ancestors, if there's one thing Rss'Kan wished to never hear again, it was a human speaking Naxik. Was that what he sounded like in his attempt at their language? The human didn't even do too bad of a job pronouncing the words, but unfortunately the linguistic aspects of Naxik make up only a third of the actual language, and a rather subtle part at that. Without the other vocalizations, what this soldier had done was shout out a statement, completely devoid of emotion, intent, and context. So while it sounded like something well intended, at least based on his knowledge of how human tongues worked, what ended up coming through was along the lines of "buckets aid your friends".... Though he couldn't really be blamed. Hell, Rss'Kan often struggled to speak his own damn language in a manner the translator bands could actually pick up. There was just too much differing vocabulary.

As unsure with how to proceed as he was, that grew exponentially more so when the insectoid came over with a spear. Spears were most definitely a universal weapon, fundamentally logical and practical in it's use, so immediately Rss'Kan was on edge about the weapon-wielding alien. However, he was surprised. The insectoid quickly restored order among the dock hands, and introduced himself as Commander Atan Vuloris. He also revealed something that had plainly escaped Rss'Kan's notice. He'd completely missed the bars & blades on the soldiers uniform. This human was a Lieutenant, which was unfortunately another word not found in Naxik. Still, he found himself being addressed by superior officers, and slowly rose to his full standing height to salute these two properly. "Enssign Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani of Tarr'n, classs three engineeer, heavy repairs. Reporting for duty, Ssoh." Damn it. The word had escaped his mouth before he caught it. Ssoh was the only word in his tongue used to address someone of importance, a superior or leader. Much like a human would say "Sir" if used in the right context. However, it was a tribal-based dialect, barely known even in his translator's dictionary, and in actuality often translated poorly into something like "head". Hopefully it sounded respectful enough to not offend....

His form lowered as he reached for his data slate, which contained the requisition forms that brought him here and confirmed his status as foreign representative, along with his file from Fleet Academy. "I apologize for the dissrruption I have caused. I am still to rreport to the Bridge, yess?" he asked, presenting the data slate for their inspection. Rss'Kan was completely unaware that the vessel had already begun it's warp launch, it's flight being far smoother than any other ship he'd trained on. Not a shake, nor quiver. If it wasn't for the docking bay being closed off, he'd have expected to turn about and still see Earth's moon.


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Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: CMSGT.Coal Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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Reese could tell he had screwed up his words somewhere along the line, that was purely given by what the torrnax said in return, "Enssign Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani of Tarr'n, classs three engineeer, heavy repairs. Reporting for duty, Ssoh." Reese returned the nod to the commander and said, in English "I apologize if I mispronounced anything there, haven't had to speak naxik in years. Any who, I do believe your quarters are on deck 8, and yes you should report to the captain."


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Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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Atan watched at Reese as he left the cargo bay, leaving Rss'Kan with a map of the ship. While certainly useful, it would be safer and more helpful to have someone lead him around. It would certainly be helpful to have a marine on-board, especially one as distinguished as him. Rarely did soldiers operate in two different branches at the same time, and even more rare was to be a high-ranked officer in both stations. Chief master sergeant in the Marines, lieutenant in the Navy. He was impressed with the man, both for his calmness when dealing with others and with the record he undoubtedly had, one of dependency and efficieny. With nothing else to do for the moment as the medical bay was currently not in active use and cargo was being efficiently managed by the men he had recruited, he decided to accompany the Torronaxian to the bridge, giving a tour of the ship in the process.

Switching to Naxik, a language he had used infrequently since his days in the Ambassadorial Division yet was similar to his own language, Calaran, Atan said, "I shall guide you to the bridge. If you have any equipment to drop off, we will leave it at the room before continuing." Waiting for Rss'Kan to gather his valuables, he led the fellow alien through the halls of the ship, entering the Turbolift.

Entering the commands to the 8th deck, he leaned on the staff as Rss'Kan entered. Once the lift began barreling off, he queried, "What prompted you to join the Federation military, Rss'Kan? Not the kindest place for 'aliens' such as."


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Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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#, as written by Raidose

Rss'Kan nodded in acknowledgement as the data file for the ship's map was transferred over, running his wrist over the screen to give a few quick taps with his feelers. Hoisting his luggage pack onto his shoulder, he began to make his way to the bridge. All the while being accompanied by the Commander, Atan Vuloris. It was.... strange. A race clearly vastly different, yet so similar. He too had a shell, yet his seemed more for light protection rather than immediate survival. What was life on his world like? Did he too have rituals like the Shaping? What were those things protruding out of his head? These thoughts mulled around in Rss'Kan's brain for a while till he was addressed again in Naxik, though it was a bit more comprehensible. "I shall guide you to the bridge. If you have any equipment to drop off, we will leave it at the room before continuing." It still lacked the click of mandibles, but the message was still clear. Rss'Kan nodded in thanks. "I appreciate this, Ssoh" Damn it! Once again, he failed at catching himself. It was difficult to concentrate, for as similar to Rss'Kan as this Atan person was, that only made him feel even stranger. It was a bit discomforting, leaving Rss'Kan to wonder if, like the humans, there was many other races similar to Torronax? Were these what the Sky Devils looked like?

The two approached the turbolift, as Rss'Kan sighed to himself. These tiny metal boxes were often the source of some annoyance for him. His first ride may have been memorable, the space elevator from Tarr'n surface to it's only Station Loxis, but every other lift he'd encountered during training was clearly not designed for him. He couldn't count how many times he got stuck in one. To his surprise, however, to doors slid open to reveal an amazingly roomy compartment, big enough to hold two or three of him. It was relieving, to say the least. The Commander tapped in the commands in the lift's console, and away they went. Atan leaned on his spear-staff-thing, he asked a curious question. "What prompted you to join the Federation military, Rss'Kan? Not the kindest place for 'aliens' such as us." Rss'Kan immediately wanted to answer with what he believed to be the right reason, but then he thought. Which one was the real reason? All of them were reasons, but with so many, the answer was starting to feel a little convoluted. Sure, what he did here strengthened ties with the Federation and the Coalition, but did that help his clan directly? Would it end the war? He didn't really know for sure. And what about the Bri? Their Empire nearly dwarfed the Federation, so could they really help Tarr'n break free of them?

It felt like he was sinking when he went over it all. There was no way to be sure anything he did would help, or even be noticed. Maybe... maybe this wasn't the right choice after all. He should have just stayed with his clan. With..... No. That was why he was here. For any chance, even the slimmest, that Tarr'n could be safer. For his clan, his brother, and his sister. He'd never know if what he did here mattered, but it damn well might, and that made it worth while. The answer became obvious, turning towards Atan as the doors slid open. His response before proceeding forward, a simple, single word.



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Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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Atan nodded as Rss'Kan responded, "Hope is the most noble reason there is. This galaxy has been reaved by war, destroying so much that was good and pure." Grimacing by pulling apart the mandibles of his jaw and constricting them, he thought back to everything he had done, all the acts he had helped commit. Many were not admirable, points of shame for him. "I myself have come to despise the constant warfare. The only reason I stay is because I hope that I can do good here, keep some alive while pacifying those that would burn swathes of the galaxy for enjoyment. It is good that you have hope. We all need it these days."

The Turbolift came to a stop, a soft ding emanating from the vessel as it came to a stop. Gesturing Rss'Kan to follow, he led the Torronaxian to his room, smaller and less furbished than Atan's own. Gesturing to Rss'Kan, he spoke, "I shall wait for you out here. When you are settled I shall take you to the Ssoh of the vessel." As Rss'kan was in the room, a twinge struck Atan's leg, something he hadn't felt in years. Leaning even more heavily on the staff, he forced out the pain for it was a distraction from more important matters. Ever since the day he had stopped the implosion of a reactor, his leg had been damaged. The doctors themselves were amazed that he had survived the amount of radiation and heat.

Gesturing towards the elevator, he once again got in and punched the code for the bridge of the ship. Looking towards Rss'Kan, he said, "Do not worry about Ssoh Rayne, he is a good man. More accepting than most."

Stepping off the lift at the bridge, he entered the room and stood to attention before calling out, "Captain Rayne, may I present to you Ensign Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani, a newly arrived engineer."


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Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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#, as written by Raidose

Commander Vuloris definitely seemed like a rather insightful individual. It was comforting to have someone's agreeance with his reasoning, and also disheartening to hear that other wars had plagued the rest of the galaxy. Rss'Kan couldn't even begin to imagine how many worlds there must be who also struggled with such problems, bu he found himself hoping they faired better than Tarr'n. It was a sentiment that felt... odd, but right. He and Atan shared the same purpose for being here, if for slightly different reasons. Serving under him would still be an honor, and Rss'kan hoped to not disappoint. Rss'Kan followed the gesture of the Commander to what were to be his quarters. It was small, with little no no furnishings, but Rss'Kan didn't care. He had called much worse places home, and if he could ever get passed the annoyance of the ship's cool, clean air, he'd have no qualms in living here.

"I shall wait for you out here. When you are settled I shall take you to the Ssoh of the vessel." The Comander's use of Naxik was a little unorthodox, but then again Rss'kan had no idea what the Federation was taught about it. He'd already experienced first-hand more than a few things the Coalition was wrong about several Federation races. "Yess, Ssoh." Rss'Kan nodded on acknowledgement, lumbering through the door with his luggage pack. It was pretty standard, 10x15 with restroom and a what-would-normally-be comfortable fold-away cot. Rss'Kan looked over the back wall where the cot was, taking a quick mental measurement. Tapping the console for his room's controls, the cot slid back into the wall, with Rss'Kan laying his luggage down in it's place. He left satisfied with what he saw, following Commander Vuloris' lead to the Bridge. Atan once again directed the lift to their destination, answering Rss'Kan's unspoken concerns as he did so. "Do not worry about Ssoh Rayne, he is a good man. More accepting than most." While it was pleasing to hear, acceptance wasn't Rss'Kan's only worry.

The Commander stepped off the lift the moment it had arrived, standing at attention before addressing the Captain of the Warhammer. "Captain Rayne, may I present to you Ensign Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani, a newly arrived engineer." Rss'Kan rose as high as the ceiling would permit, saluting the man in charge of his future. "Classs-3 Engineer Reporting for Duty, Captain." The word "captain" couldn't help but come out as.... unfamiliar, but practiced. Which might be expected, the word only recently being added to his language.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: CMSGT.Coal Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp

Wes left the med bay when the doctor started working on Reese's implants. He didn't want to disturb her. "Bridge." Wes commanded as he entered the Turbolift. He isn't quite sure what to think of the doctor. He's read reports both good, and bad of her. It's hard to get a read on someone with only short interaction. But for now he'll just have to trust her to do her job. Soon the elevator stopped at the bridge. He stepped off the lift to see fellow commander Atan along with a Torronax. Strange, Wes didn't even know any Torronax served in the Federation.

"Greetings. I'm Commander Carter." Wes said introducing himself. "A Torronax correct? I didn't realize any of your people served in the Federation." Wes had fought one or two Torronax in his time before becoming an officer, and has made a few smuggling jobs to their homeworld. "You're people a very tough, and long lived right? Or by human standards at least. I'm sure you'll be a valuable asset." While Wes doesn't have any formal degrees in xenobiology, he does have a lot of first hand experience with most spacefaring species, something that proves to be invaluable for his job.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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0.00 INK

Captain Rayne heard the turbolift doors open behind him shortly before hearing Atan's voice behind him. "Captain Rayne, may I present to you Ensign Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani, a newly arrived engineer," Atan said as Rayne stood up and saluted both Atan and the newcomer. Being a Tsuriac, Rayne's vocal chords allowed him to mimic Naxik better than Humans, almost as well as Atan could, but not quite.

"Hello, Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani," Rayne said, mimicking Naxik, "I am the leader of this ship, Seth Rayne," Rayne said, switching back to normal for his name. Translating that would be borderline impossible.

That's when Ironh- Weston walked in. Rayne heard him give his greeting to Rss'Kan, and thought back to his days as a ground soldier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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Atan nodded to Carter as he stepped in and talked briefly with Rss'Kan. It was good that there were those who tolerated other species other than humanity on this ship. Snapping a salute once again to Captain Rayne, Atan said, "I shall take my leave Captain. Fare thee well." Bowing in the more formal manner of the Kara'kan capital, he backed out into the Turbolift and entered the combination for the medical deck. Wouldn't hurt to check the place.

On the journey, he thought about his conversation with Rss'Kan. As Atan had said earlier, hope was a noble aspiration. He thought back to the times his race had been persecuted, forced to the brink of extinction and sequestered in various Bastion Worlds across their sector of the Perseus Arm. There were those that would create a military industrial complex, turning the peaceful Kara'k race into one of war, inflicting retribution on those that had wronged. Atan did not despise them for their disposition but he felt sorrow at their misguided feelings. War would ruin the galaxy, not help it.

Stepping off, he entered the medical bay and saw Kerstin sitting there, various items arrayed around her. It seemed she had been working. "Greetings Lieutenant-Commander Wilde. It is a pleasure to meet the head physician. The burden of chief medical officer can be quite tiring without one."

Sitting down at one of the various stations, he leaned his staff against the wall before asking, "What prompted you to join the military? Glory, hope, obligation, adventure? Sorry if I intrude, but I like knowing those I work with personally."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Robert "Twister" Mackinaw Character Portrait: SX903 MATNAV (Matrix Navigation) Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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#, as written by Legate
Just as Robert was about to surreptitiously leave the bridge to avoid any awkward questions about his arrival, the doors opened.

"Captain Rayne, may I present to you Ensign Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani, a newly arrived engineer."

He almost fell over backwards as this giant being entered the room followed by West. I the ensuing commotion he managed to make his escape and made his way down to the pilot simulators.

"Mat? Can you run situation Omega 2? Yes, the two on one."

He settled in to his cockpit, pulled the canopy closed. As he completed his preflight check and powered up all the simulated systems he started humming to himself. He practiced going up against two planes because it honed his aggressive instincts. The only way to go up against two planes and win was attack fast, kill, and turn it into a duel. If you went defensive you died. He grinned and punched the throttle.

Three hours later he clambered out of the cockpit and stole a glance at the replay of his last kill. There was a monitor up in the room that had been broadcasting the entire session. As he went to get a drink and take a break he looked back and smiled.

"Mat, What fun scenarios are there in the databanks for this?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Raidose

"I am the leader of this ship, Seth Rayne." "Captain." Rss'kan acknowledged, nodding dutifully. He waited for his standing orders or any other form of command his Captain may have, when he was addressed by another human. "A Torronax correct? I didn't realize any of your people served in the Federation." That statement caused a bit of a mental flinch for Rss'Kan, summing up how out of place he felt in one sentence. Though, seeing these other various species here, maybe they felt the same as he did? 'I am the first...." he trailed, till he noticed the human's rank. Another Commander. "...S-Sirrr." Rss'Kan finally finished, his attempt at English without the luxury of his translator coming out like the bastard lovechild of a belch and a growl. And yeah, that had to be as unpleasant to hear, if not more so, than humans speaking Naxik. Rss'Kan left himself feeling a bit embarrassed, and now eagerly awaited an update for his translator's dictionary. Provided it was militarily based. He turned back to the captain. "Standing orders, Captain?"