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Luke Shields

"I don't care what anyone says, Mrs Frost scares the crap out of me!"

0 · 863 views · located in Marvel Universe 616

a character in “The X-Men: After M-Day”, as played by c.allen2.11


Name: Luke Shields

Codename: Trapper

Age: 18

Mutant powers: Luke’s power in essence is a form of telekinesis called particle manipulation. This gives him a range of near psychic abilities, although this does not include being able to read thoughts or enter minds. Luke can use Clairsentience, the ability to sense the history of an object by touch, which can be extremely useful in tracking situations. His ability to manipulate his own particles can give him superhuman endurance, speed and strength in combat situations, but not to a very high degree. Another ability this gives him is to accurately predict an opponent’s moves in battle, a technique Luke has dubbed “Flash foresight.” Compared to the rest of the X-men Luke’s powers seem severely limited but the true extent of his powers have yet to be realised. Emma Frost has deemed him worthy to keep an eye on as particle manipulation can prove to be incredibly powerful, even if Luke does not realise it.

Extra abilities/hobbies: Luke likes to read philosophy and study academics. Doing so has given Luke some solid opinions and has helped form his personality. Luke has been a low-level vigilante since he was fifteen and doing so has given him some experience in combat, although nothing exceptional never actually being formally trained.

Appearance: ... dowivy.jpg
Luke is a typical eighteen year old, he has long curly brown hair and pale green eyes. His body is rather skinny yet surprisingly muscular. His torso is littered with small scars from fighting on the streets. Although stab wounds are not as serious for him, they can still cause some pretty frightening damage. Luke’s clothes are often smart but casual, consisting of long sleeve shirts and jeans. He also wears glasses, although he doesn’t really need to since his mutant powers manifested some years ago, he still wears them to try and fit in with his friends and to show he hasn’t changed. It has now just become habit.

Weakness: Dazing or confusing Luke can do one of two things, one neutralize his powers completely or two, make him loose control and become more powerful. Although the second is rare it can happen and when it does Luke seems to change into a completely different person.

Nationality: British

Demeanour: Luke was always a quiet child, but that changed when his mutant powers manifested at fifteen. His shyness was replaced by a sudden eagerness to change the world and do good. That to faded away as time went on. In the present Luke is a sarcastic, pessimistic and somewhat secretive person. He holds to his ideals with a concrete fortitude, something that has led him into many a conflict with equally as stubborn people. He will sometimes act flirtatious towards women but this is merely for his own self confidence, if a woman reacts favourably to his advances it usually throws him and he ends up becoming shy again.

Quirks: Luke is a drinker, the drinking age was something that annoyed him when he moved to America. He will often quote literature and historical figures, something many find weird about him.
Orientation: Straight

Equipment: Luke did not bring much with him to America. He left Britain in such a hurry that he took only his essentials. Since arriving however he has bought a small libraries worth of books. Luke also owns a small pocket knife encase of emergencies.

Personnel History: Luke was born in a sleepy rural town in the west midlands, England. He lived an average life, in an average place with average people, until he turned fifteen. It was then that everything changed. His Mutant powers manifested when he was at school, happily chatting away with some friends. At first it wasn’t clear what was happening, he fainted at school and over the course of the next week began to encounter strange visions when touching objects or even people. These visions could be intense and induce painful migraines, sometimes making him pass out completely. For months this carried on, Luke felt less pain when injured, suddenly prospered during his sports lesson and still continued to suffer from intense visions.

Eventually he was contacted by a mutant aid charity who, had been made aware of him thanks to their team of psychics. They explained to him what he was, how his powers worked to a basic degree and offered to take him on and train him. Luke however refused, he had heard a lot of anti-mutant hysteria as he was growing up and he wanted little to do with it all, less it shattered his average world. He lived with his mutant powers secretly for many years before beginning to train himself out of curiosity to what he actually was.

First he mastered his Clairsentience to try and control those intense visions before moving onto the physical aspects of his powers. During a fight at school Luke realised just how superior he was to the average man and this is what ultimately convinced him to become a vigilante in his small town.

At first this went well, Luke saved many people from muggings and other petty crimes but things changed when Luke turned seventeen. He saved a young girl from being raped, but she was killed in a revenge attack. It destroyed Luke, who became a lot more aggressive from that point on. In fact, he tracked down the people who killed the girl and murdered them. After that he was no longer stopping petty crime, he was using his Clairsentience to track down and kill criminals he felt needed to die. This led him down a very dark path.

After M-day Luke was actually relieved to be one of the few hundred who retained their powers, but with the sudden decrease in the mutant community the anti-mutant hysteria got out of control, and soon the police were searching for the famous “Trapper” vigilante operating in the west midlands. Luke knew if he was caught and found to be a mutant he would be in deep trouble. Around the same time Xavier’s Institute For Gifted Youngsters put out an appeal, welcoming all mutants to its school for protection from the world. Luke eagerly accepted this invitation and arrived one day ago.

Side Story: Luke does not know, but he is actually a very powerful mutant. When he is awake and conscious he only uses a fraction of his actual power, but while he sleeps his power can sometimes leak out from his body and affect those around him. He must learn to master this power before he does any real harm.

So begins...

Luke Shields's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cataleia-Inocencía Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne Character Portrait: Cheyenne  Timber
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The Mansions auditorium was so full by one o’clock that some of the students were forced to stand at the sides whilst they awaited the Headmaster and the Headmistress’s speech. Over two hundred students, all of whom mutants, had been packed into the single room to witness Emma Frost and Scott Summers first public talk since M-day and the mass depowering of over ninety percent of the mutant race. The lecturers, even the infamous Wolverine, had turned up to hear them speak, almost the entirety of the mutant community was now within these walls. Whatever they had to say would have a deep impact on the uncertain future of their people. Finally the headmaster walked across the stage, a glaring light illuminating him as he approached the podium. The chatter amongst the audience quietly died down as he adjusted the microphone and prepared to speak.

“I wish all of us here could welcome the newcomers under better circumstances” Scott said with an obvious sadness in his voice “But as you all know, this could be the most important year of all our lives. Looking around I see a lot of familiar faces, a lot of faces that I know and have come to trust. But I also see new ones, and I formally welcome you to Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters. And let me tell you now you are all gifted, you all have a unique talent that has brought you here to us. To all of those who have just arrived, let me make you a promise, a promise I make every year, although today I fear this promise will carry more weight. I Scott Summers, leader of the X-men and Headmaster of Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters solemnly swear to protect you, to look after you, to teach you and to die for you if necessary. Our race is at a crossroads today and it is you who decides which road we take. Thank you.”

Scott’s speech was met with a loud applause, as he exited the stage. As he left a voice came over the speakers.

“Please welcome the next speaker, Headmistress Emma Frost”

Another bout of clapping came from the audience. But this time it wasn’t out of politeness or enjoyment. This was a nervous clap, Emma Frost was famous for being the hot headed counterpart to her husband Scott, and many feared what she had to say. She was never one to mince words or to cushion bad news. Many feared her words would be provocative but in times of crises...blunt truth is sometimes needed. Emma casually waltzed onto the stage, dressed provocatively as was the norm for her. Her long blond hair casually draped over her shoulders, her slender figure made ever more prevalent by her naked belly and that light blue lipstick made a lot of the students gasp. Many more suddenly looked very nervous as they remembered Emma Frost was a telepath and could read minds. Of course her look was very intentional, it was a good way to get everyone’s attention. By the time she reached the podium the awkward clapping had ceased.

“Thank you.” She said almost seductively into the microphone. “As my husband pointed out, there are a lot more new faces amongst us today. But there are also a lot more missing. They are missing because they are no longer mutants, or worse...they are dead.” Emma’s voice went from being soft and enticing to hard and stern “Make no mistake my friends, the mutant race stands upon the edge of extinction, it used to be that we were normal people, who happened to also be mutants. But that has changed, now we are mutants first. Whoever you are, whatever your background, the first thing people will think when they meet you now is Mutant. And many will fear you because of that. It used to be we shrug of people’s ignorance's and fears but now it is different. We are a dying race, we could very well be the last generation of mutants. And that vulnerability has brought us new problems, I’m sure you all saw the religious lunatics camped outside our gates. They wish to strike us now, whilst we are weak. I say to all of you we must stand united, because if we fail we will fail an entire species of unborn children. It’s up to you to save them, by living and living well.

You may think the worries of the mutant race are too far above your pay grade to care about. A year ago that would have been true, you could let us, The X-Men, and people like us take care of the big problems. But there are so few of us now that the big problems are your problems, the fundamentalists, the ignorant, the disgruntled super villains, they won’t just be coming for the X-Men now, they’ll be coming for you! And they will not relent until our species exists no more, and their genocide will be complete. Forget who you were, forget any melodrama’s you may have had back home. You have bigger problems now, you are marked for extermination, we all are.

This is why we have invited you here. The walls and security of our the estate will keep out any threats, and as Scott said, we the staff will die for any of you. We may be an endangered species but now we are all together, we are all under the same roof. We will look after each other, we will fight for each other and we will care for each other. Because we have no choice, people do their best in the most dire of situations. It’s time to do your best. Extinction looms over us all, lets beat it back together! Thank you.”

This time there was no awkward clapping or simple loud applause but an explosion of cheering and chanting.

“Save the mutants!” they shouted “Extinction won’t take us!”

The speech seemed to have gone down well with the students, but for every ten chanting and screaming there was at least one who had taken Emma’s words to heart. She had just told them the truth, the blunt truth. And that was a very sobering thought, that they are now part of an endangered species. Many sat quietly, simply digesting her words, and worrying about what was to come.

X Emma Frost X

Emma swaggered of the stage feeling pretty happy with herself. As she was leaving the doors of the auditorium opened and the students were carefully herded across to the lounge by the lecturers and their aids. Scott waited for his wife behind the curtain, when she approached him he gave her a worried smile.

“Becoming a militant are we Emma?” He asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Oh darling I was just reminding them of the severity of the situation. I mean let’s face it hunny, things aren’t exactly looking up for us right now are they? They have to be aware of that.”

“They’re just kids Emma...”

“Kids that have a huge bull’s eye painted on them right now, every enemy we have ever faced will be crawling out of the wood work to put a knife in their backs. And with every one that dies, the mutant race looses a bucket load of hope. They need to be aware of the stakes.”

“I guess the stakes couldn’t get much higher could they...” Scott finally lamented

“Unless it comes down to a one woman and one man scenario, no. They could not.”

Their trail of thought was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Surge and Hellion, who entered the dark area via a nearby door. Surge’s bright blue hair seemed to almost illuminate the dark space behind the stage.

“Sorry to interrupt Mrs Frost, Mr Summers.” Surge said apologetically bowing her head “But all the students have entered the lounge and begun to mingle.”

“Yeah” Hellion added “And Logan told me to say Get them two daft sods down here, if I have to do this so do they. Then he threw a cigar butt out a window and growled at some poor girl standing nearby.”

“Classy” Emma laughed. “Get back down there and tell him we’ll be along shortly. Ask Laura if she can request that her *Uncle* stop scaring the kids. I’m pretty sure she’s the only one that can ask without being eviscerated.”

“Will do Mrs Frost.” Surge replied before grabbing Hellion and physically dragging him from the room. When they were out of ear shot Surge slapped Hellion around the back of the head.“You didn’t have to tell her word from word!”

Hellion rubbed his skull laughing “Logan was pretty specific on that point”

X Henry Fellow X

Henry was led through the tents by Jason, his second in command. Other protesters nodded and waved at him on his way past. He was somewhat of a celebrity now, the Purifiers believed him to be the only one courageous enough to oppose the mutant threat. He had earned the respect of many a fellow bigot. Jason led him to the largest tent in the camp, once inside he was confront by a table with an ominous looking gentleman in a very expensive suit sat behind it. He sat there passively observing Henry who scratched his chin at the man, wondering what type of business fellow would be interested in his little protest.

“So, forgive the blunt welcome but, who the hell are you and what do you want?” Henry asked in an aggressive yet naturally charismatic tone. “I have Gods work to do.”

“Stern and to the point, I like that Mr Fellows. So I’ll be brief. Me and my colleagues have been informed that you believe you are at Holy War with the mutants.”

“We ARE at Holy War with the mutants. All of eternity is at stake, they are the devils children. As we are Gods. What’s it to you?”

“Well Mr Fellows, we couldn’t help but notice that even with the Mutants diminished numbers, they still hold a numerical advantage over you and your protesters.”

Mr Fellows responded with a grunt “More will come.”

“Either way, when one is at war one requires weapons. When the enemy holds the advantage of numbers, you need to hold the advantage of technology.”

Henry Fellows raised an eyebrow at this. It was true, his protest group had grown significantly since M-day, but still his numbers dwindled at around two hundred.

“That would help” he admitted “But what exactly are you offering here?”

“That advantage Mr Fellows.” The strange man placed a suitcase on the desk. When he opened it, it revealed a contraption Henry could not make heads or tails of, his confusion obviously bled through to his face. “It’s a medium range teleporting device Mr Fellows. Using this you could transport a vast number of people to within the Institutes grounds.”

“And cause some havoc.” Mr Fellows smiled “But what do you get out of this? Do you want money? Troops? Or perhaps you and your colleagues share Gods will?”

The strange man smiled politely “We want neither money nor loyalty, and I do not believe we are ready to open our arms to the almighty just yet.”

“Then what is it you want?”

“We are simply an interested party. Do well with this device and there will be more.”

“Why?” Henry asked impatiently “I fail to see how arming us for free gains you anything.”

“Like you said, you are at War. And in war there is opportunity. We are allies for the moment Mr Fellows, can we not simply leave it at that?”

Mr Fellows scratched his chin once more. “Jason, gather those skinheads that came in yesterday. I may have a job for them.”

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Character Portrait: Luke Shields
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Luke was still sat down in the Auditorium by the time most of the students had left. Mrs Frosts speech had touched him in a way he hadn’t thought possible. For the first time in a long time he was truly afraid to be a mutant. He had seen the protesters outside when he had entered the Institute, as most would have. They yelled slogans at the coach and had signs like “Muties go back to hell!” and “God hates Muties.” Luke was did not believe in religion but it had still hurt to see those things. And now he had just learnt those people may kill him if they got the chance. Life suddenly seemed a lot more frightening. Eventually he stood from his seat and left the auditorium with the rest of the student crowd.

The lounge was only a short walk from the auditorium and he arrived very quickly. It was packed inside as various students conversed with the lecturers and each other. Soft classical music was playing over the speakers which added a sophisticated feel to the room, something Luke enjoyed. However he didn’t quite feel he was ready to talk to anyone yet, he had felt confident in the morning, he had wanted to make some new friends. But Mrs Frost’s speech had knocked the wind out of him. Instead he walked over to the corner where there was a table of refreshments, manned by a teaching aid. He politely asked for a cup of coffee before turning back to face the room and sighing quietly to himself. He didn’t want this, he was happy at home. He almost regretted having run, but if they had found out that the violent vigilante in his home town was a mutant...there was no way he would have left the country alive. At least here he was safe, surrounded by more of his kind which was first. Luke had never met another mutant, not really anyway.

There were some chairs in the corner of the room, where a few people had plonked themselves to chat with their friends. Luke made his way over there and sat down to drink his coffee. Before long the Headmaster and Headmistress had entered the room, their arrival was met with a round of applause as they both smiled and shrugged of the extra attention. He couldn’t help but look in awe, these were the X-Men. Superheroes, he had heard that they had saved the entire earth, more than once! And here they were, in the flesh, promising to die for him if they had to. That made him feel uncomfortable. It was a new and dangerous world Luke had found his way into, but he knew it would have been thrust upon eventually. Like Emma had said, we’re all marked now. That fact had made him feel shy and unsocial. So he sat there, in the corner and alone, sipping his coffee, afraid of what the world would thrust upon him next.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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Luke sat sipping his coffee in quiet contemplation, he watched the room as teachers and students alike spoke excitedly for this year’s endeavours. None of it interested him but he thought he best do something this year, as not to waste his time here. Mrs Pride had mentioned a drama club on the coach, Luke had always loved the arts and wondered whether or not acting would be a good idea for himself.

“A new start means new things.” He mumbled to himself.

Eventually he found his way to a small desk that had many different leaflets for various clubs within the school. Luke found one for the drama club , run by a Mrs Cataleia-Inocencía. He tried to pronounce the name several times under his breath but gave up in the end. Luke returned to his spot, in the seating corner and began to flick through the pages. He noticed a new comer to the corner, alone like him she sat with her eyes closed listening to music. She was a small girl, younger than himself by a good two years at least. As Luke continued to flick through the drama pamphlet, he noticed the young girls ipod slip from her pocket. Instinctively Luke reached out and caught it, but couldn’t stop the vision that followed. Luke had learnt to control his Clairsentience (sensing the history of an object through touch) many years ago, but from time to time he would slip and be bombarded with information. As he caught the ipod, it attacked him with a quick but intense flash of raw emotion, anger and pain. This ipod certainly had some stories to tell, but Luke quickly shut down the Clairsentience before could reveal anything detailed or personnel to him.

Although he had stopped the vision incredibly quickly, he couldn’t help but notice he now looked mad man. He had caught the girl’s ipod, but instead of returning it he had sat there for a good ten seconds, looking rather confused and stressed. He quickly gave the girl an awkward smile...

“So sorry to interrupt” Luke said in a thick English accent “But your ipod had slipped from your pocket, so I caught it...don’t know why mind is attached to your headphones after all...sometimes it’s just instinctive to grab falling things....and...and...and I’ve forgotten how to speak....ah crap.”

Luke decided to abort the comment before he dug himself and even deeper grave and just sighed to himself in defeat.

“Apparently I’m a bumbling idiot today, sorry to interrupt your song. It sounded very nice from here.”

Great now you sound like a stalker, just avoid eye contact and run away when you get the chance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

You could say Danni had dozed off by the way she sat on the couch, her arms gently resting on her legs, and head cocked back to rest on the backing of the cushioned furniture. The teenager's body shifted slightly, and allowed free reign for the Ipod in the pocket of her shirt to fall out. Not a large problem, as the wire from and to Danni's headphones were large enough to let the device rest on the same couch, but something was pulling it.

With a good jerk Danni felt her headphones shifting off her head, breaking her moment of peace and brining her mind back to the crowded lounge. “O-ouch..!” The girl muttered under a weak yawn that escaped her mouth, as the fleeing of her headphones hadn't hesitated to take along a few strands of brown hair.

Her red-brown eyes fell upon the person who now held her Ipod in their hand, along with what the girl could only describe as a dumbfounded expression glued on his face. Slightly startled by the idea that she may have been watched without her notice, and confused that the other student hadn't yet muttered the slightest introduction, Danni took a moment to collect herself before speaking.


“So sorry to interrupt” The boy uttered with an obvious, and noticeable British accent. The babble of words and half-finished sentences after that apology had given Danni a small reason to giggle heartily.

“Heehee- You're funny~” The teenager retorted with a slight Irish accent, smiling at the now nervous, or maybe embarrassed student. “Cheers,” Danni thanked her Ipod's rescuer as she took the device from his grasp. He complimented her music, or her taste of music for that matter. A compliment that, although small and meaningless, was something that did raise the girl's spirit quite a bit.

“A bumbling idiot who knows his music, mind you.” She said through another series of jolly giggling, her mind obviously entertained by this student's stumbling and falling at a simple thing as conversing. With a cat-grin now glued on her face, Danni placed the music player in its respective pocket, and let the black headphones rest around her neck, turning her attention back to the student shortly after.

“I'm Danni, you?” Danni had shifted herself forward, her body now resting on the edge of the couch, keeping her balance by resting both palms on the cushion. It hadn't crossed her mind, making acquaintances that is, but after a few days of spending time with herself she may as well try and befriend someone. Even if that someone is a babbling idiot who couldn't form a proper sentence without stumbling over his words.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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“A bumbling idiot who knows his music, mind you.”

Luke chuckled at that. The girl was obviously more understanding than he thought. It never really occurred to him that he was not the only one feeling nervous about making friends. The thought allowed him to relax slightly

Luke allowed himself a slight smirk.

“An Irish gal? Didn’t think I’d meet anyone from so close to home. Nice to see I’m not the only one that had to run from the isles.” Luke said with a faint smile. “You should know that I’m not always a babbling idiot. Just when I meet new people...and after hearing a passionate speech, in which the speaker makes a few indications that people might try and kill me in the near future. That last one tends to make me a little nervous.” Luke said giving the young girl a half smile.

“I'm Danni, you?”

“My names Luke, a pleasure to meet you Mrs Danni. You new here? I just got here last night. Wasn’t expecting the “Potential Extinction” speech we got today though...kind of knocked the wind out of me a bit. You into all this mutants united stuff? Can’t get my head round it personally.”

Luke folded his drama club pamphlet and placed it into his jean pockets.

At that point a young girl walked past with another young boy. The girl had light blue hair and metal gauntlets on her hands. She was of Japanese descent and had a huge smile on her face. The boy looked less interested.

"Hi there you two, making friends and having fun?"

Luke raised an eyebrow at the young girl before replying

"Well uh, we just-"

"That's great!" she interrupted "My name is Surge, leader of the New X-Men. To welcome all you newcomers to our home we are throwing a party on the third floor of the dorms tonight, and you are both invited."

Luke looked across at Danni and shrugged his shoulders.

"Um thanks. I guess I'll be there..."

"Great! Have fun you two."

As she walked off Luke breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bloody hell, she is intense." Luke laughed "So you gunna go tonight?"

The setting changes from Marvel Universe 616 to The Lounge


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: Tracey Nagamura Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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Tracey stood there in a state of ephemeral Elysium, taking in the sweet melody as it repeated itself over and over. He could of listened to it all day. Though, as he was blissfully sipping his tea, he felt his sixth sense pull at him. He immediately sensed that someone was staring at him, though briefly, he immediately locked onto him. He memorized his life wave and then casually glanced behind. Their eyes met for a brief moment, a sobering familiarity resonated behind them. This kid, whoever he was, was like him. Well, not like him, but had seen and done similar things from birth until recently. They way he moved, the way he carried himself......hell, even the way he dressed told Tracey his life story. He was different from him though, this kid had been privileged, heir to a family perhaps. Unlike Tracey, who was the son of a lieutenant and a call guy for anyone willing to pay the Yakuza for his services. He then casually looked away, back to the gardens. Tracey was definitely going to keep an eye on him.......for personal reasons.

Tracey spun around and looked into the crowd of mutants with his face plastered with apathy. He scanned the crowd and noticed several teens awkwardly trying to engage in modern greeting rituals. Most of them over thought and contrite. Some were even stuttering, possibly from being faced with a beautiful girl who was a mutant just like them. Some people were absolutely desperate to banish the feelings of loneliness, especially mutants. He never found what all the fuss was about. He found isolation an a breeding ground for stimulating the mind. Tracey then looked down into his cup of tea and stared at his reflection for a bit. He cleared his throat and looked back up into the crowd.

He soon heard a girl giggling. He turned and saw it was a conversation between a girl and a boy. The boy had apparently done something humorous that the girl obviously found cute and endearing. Though, for all of his cynicism, Tracey couldn't help but smile. Hearing real, genuine laughter for the first time in years could do nothing but bring a warm glow back to his chest. Instead of fighting it, he decided to breathe it in and except what was going on. As he closed his eyes he could sense other eyes upon him. He realized it was some of the adults. Most of them were just scanning, but he felt like a few were fixated on him. Though he had not told Warren he was a Yakuza outright, he didn't exactly cover his tracks very well. Though, he probably had nothing to really be concerned about. What would be troubling, was if they found out who his #1 customer for his skills had been. The only other mutant he had met until Warren. To him, he was Shishido-sama. But to the X-Men and a lot of the populace, he was known as Gorgon. A few years ago he had offered him a permanent place in his organization, but Tracey had refused. He would just be living the same life but surrounded by different faces. Better the devils you know, as the saying goes. Besides, Tracey wasn't about to impale himself for a job, no matter how much it payed.

Tracey laughed to himself at the thought of the teachers faces if they found out. He went for another sip of tea, but found it was empty. He sighed to himself and made his way back to the refreshment table. He got himself a refill and a biscuit, and started to make his way over to his spot. The moment he walked away from the table, he accidentally crashed into someone. His tea went flying out of his cup into the air. Before it could hit anyone, Tracey's eyes flashed purple and the piping hot liquid seemed to hang in the air. If you looked closely you could tell it was still moving, just incredibly slowly. Tracey maneuvered his cup through the liquid and scooped it all back into the cup. When it was all back in, his eyes flashed purple again and the liquid in the cup began to seem normal. Tracey looked to the person he had bumped into. "My apologies, I wasn't looking where I was going." Tracey said trying to sound as sincere as he could, his tone resonating respect for the estranger he was speaking to. He then looked at his clothing and quirked an eyebrow. "Are you expecting a flash August snow storm or something?"

The setting changes from The Lounge to Marvel Universe 616

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

Well, yes. Danni could relate. Out of all the students, who could possibly be from the British isles. One it seems, and a funny guy at that!

The teenage girl blushed at being called Mrs Danni, like she was royalty or something. “Pleased to meet you, Mr Luke.” No harm in returning the formal naming, as it was quite entertaining. “You're new? Me too!” Danni answered with cheer, not that it was out of the ordinary to be the new mutant in the institute. There was always someone new every few days.

As the subject of debate fell upon the speech, Danni could agree with Luke. It was unnerving, to a point where it stopped being funny. “Me neither.” Mutants united, it was pathetic. And that speech, it spoke of war, or at least something along the same line. Why? Mutants had their own problems, whether that be controlling their powers, fitting in with society, or even hiding because they are now physically different. “It wasn't the welcoming speech I had imagined, I'll say that.” Danni smiled at Luke, noting that he stuffed a piece of paper into his pocket.

“What's tha-”

This time, two people saw a chance to interrupt. A girl with light blue hair, Danni noticed the metallic gauntlets that were wrapped around her hands. She wondered what that could be for, aside from bonking people on the head, maybe.

The other person, a boy, looked less interested in mingling with the students. Bored, even. It looked that way to Danni, anyway. Luke had taken it upon himself to do the chatting, and handled the barrage that was the blue-haired girl. Or Surge, as she introduced herself as. A party, huh?

“So, you gunna go tonight?” After Luke had his own laugh, her turned back to Danni. Go? Hell yeah!

“I will be there. I want to meet this Surge girl, she looks so cool!” Danni really, really loved the light blue mess of a hairdo the girl had going on. That, and the metallic gauntlets were something that may be something to ask her to death about.

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Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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Luke smiled at the young Irish girl, she seemed like the typed he would get on with. He had got the ball moving on the social front at last, making more friends now he had made the one should be easier. It’s about confidence, and you gain more the more people you had behind you. Now at least, he had one.

“I would get some beers in” Luke said solemnly “But I hear you have to twenty-One to drink in this odd-arse country. That’s going to be a pain.” Luke suddenly remembered that the girl seemed younger than him so cut the subject of alcohol short.

His mind went back to the promise of a party tonight, with the New X-Men none-the-less. It would seem being close to extinction had pushed him up the social ladder somewhat. He looked across to Danni who seemed to be a happy and innocent girl. He began to think he quite like her, but soon pushed those thoughts deep to the back of his mind.

“ I’m both happy and ashamed to say you are quite literally the only person I’ve met here. Would you like to arrive at the party together? avoid the whole awkwardly standing around until we meet new people part of the night.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

Beer? Danni had never drank any kind of alcohol, mainly because she was too young in either country. Besides, the girl never understood how such a thing improved parties, not that she had ever attended a feast in her life. Well, aside from the birthday parties with her boring arse family.

Laying her eyes on Luke once more, Danni couldn't help but form a wide smile on her face. Although they had only talked to each other for roughly five minutes, the boy was already a friend in the girl's books. And it only took a few days to finally make one, Danni had set her chances far lower then that. Glad it wasn't as slim as it appeared to be.

The whole awkward conversing was just a bonus, and it made Luke rather endearing. That was the only thing that made Danni halt the surprise hug she had in mind as thanks for talking with her, in fear of wearing out her welcome and making the poor sod feel even more nervous. Or maybe that socially awkward scenario was going to be a one time thing, saving that surprise hug for at the party then.

“-Would you like to arrive at the party together? avoid the whole awkwardly standing around until we meet new people part of the night.”

Danni's eyes literally filled with joy. “Yeah, sounds like fun!” She retorted in her usual cheery and excited tone. Not that the question had any significant meaning, besides just asking if someone wants to tag along, but Danni was really, really glad to have made a friend among the crowd of students.

“Luke, I just remembered. What was that piece of paper you tossed in your pocket?” To emphasize on her question, Danni pointed with her right index-finger at the pocket the supposed paper was resting in. It was natural curiosity, something the girl had quite a lot of.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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Luke laughed happily at Danni’s reaction, he was surprised that she had accepted his offer so quickly and with such eagerness.

“oh, I was half expecting to have a battle on my hands with that request!” Luke laughed happily “Well that settles it then, when we get there we’ll show everyone how the British have fun!...and it’s not with tea and biscuits.”

Luke suddenly paused and scratched his chin.

“Speaking of which I haven’t had a decent cuppa since I got here, not to play into the stereotype or anything, but man I could use a good cup of tea. The tea here tastes like they added soil to it, or grit. Grits a thing over here isn’t it?...Sounds like something they’d drink over here...”

As they both laughed Danni randomly pointed at his jeans

“Luke, I just remembered. What was that piece of paper you tossed in your pocket?”

“Huh?” Luke asked as he rustled through his pockets “Oh this”

He pulled out the drama club pamphlet and unfolded it so Danni could see it properly.

“It’s a leaflet for the drama club, I’m not much of an actor but I am a huge reader and I’ve read pretty much every classical play there is to read. Thought I might give it a go, you know, trying new things and the such. What about you, you into the arts at all?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

“Well~ If you put it that way, I could still say no.” Danni joked, laughing heartily at Luke's relief that he wouldn't have to win the Irish girl over for tagging along. “Yeah, we'll show 'em a jolly ol' British feast! Wait, does that mean we will banjax the whole thing? Cool!” Although, on second thought, the other students at the party would probably not approve of wrecking an entire mansion for fun.

“Heeeeyy...! I like biscuits!” After their barrage of laughter at the stereotyping of UK inhabitants and their impenetrable love for delicate tea, Danni retorted at the notion that they wouldn't be partying with delicious biscuits. She loved them, and wouldn't mind stuffing herself with them crunchy snacks all day long. It would look weird though, arriving with a basket of various cookies where the most average snack would be crisps.

“Huh? Oh this,”

A pamphlet, specifically for drama. “I hadn't figured you for drama,” Danni giggled slightly at the image of Luke quoting Shakespeare wherever he went. With the dramatic skull, mind you. No Shakespearian play is complete without the inevitable drama-skull. And maybe a red rose, just to top it off.

“I'm not one for plays. I'm a terrible actress, I do mingle with artistic stuff, though.” turning her red-brown eyes back to Luke, Danni straightened herself and proudly announced her hobby. “I compose my own music, sort of. I play the bass, I even brought it with me to here.” Yes, she'd never go anywhere without her trusty bass, like... Ever. One day without strumming those thick strings would freak her out eventually.

Speaking of which, maybe she should jam some time soon. Danni hadn't played at all for today, mainly because of the speech, and how she nearly overslept for that. “Maybe I could show you one day. I'm really, really good!” Quite frankly, Danni never had an actual chance at letting someone other than herself listen to her playing the bass, and she wouldn't mind playing something for Luke.

“Do you play any instrument, listen to music at all? Or are you just into the whole literature jazz?” The girl spoke once more in her Irish accent, her mind briefly wandering towards what could happen at the party. She had made a friend, and they would go to a party together. This was her best day ever since arriving at the institute.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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Luke listened carefully to Danni’s interest in music.

“Maybe I could show you one day. I'm really, really good!”

Luke chuckled softly at the girl’s enthusiasm. “I’m sure you are Mrs Danni, I’d be happy to hear you sometime.”

Luke stretched out on the chair and felt his stomach rumble, he thought it might be time to head back soon and have a light snack before the party. Especially if there’s alcohol...God he hoped there’d be alcohol. Luke had grown up drinking and it was a hard habit to let go, he had only just turned eighteen when he had come to America and the drinking age went up. For all his rambling about America and its food and...general IQ...he actually quite liked it and didn’t really believe half of what he said, he would have loved it if it wasn’t for the drinking age.

“Do you play any instrument, listen to music at all? Or are you just into the whole literature jazz?”

“No I’m afraid I’m a literature nerd, I can play a bit of guitar but...who can’t right? No I’ll always be a reader, ‘pen is mightier than the sword’ and all that.”

Luke stood from his comfy spot

“Well Mrs Danni I’m afraid it’s time for me to go, I’m going to need some food before tonight and I gotta ring the parents and all that milarky. Will see you later. Oh and before I forget where and when should I meet you tonight? My room is on the second floor so you could knock for me and we could make our way up together? The party will be literally right above me.”

Luke smiled warmly, he felt a lot more confidant now and was determined to have fun tonight...even if he was to be sober.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

Ah, that was too bad. It would've been great having another musician in this manor, but Danni would have to make do with someone who would want to listen to her playing an instrument. The girl smiled with glee, she'd hold onto that idea if they ever got the chance.

A moment of silence passed for a bit, before Luke stood up from the seat he had plunged himself in and announced that he had to go grab a bite and d some other stuff, thus leaving Danni to herself once again. “Aww~ Really? Okay...”

“... Oh and before I forget where and when should I meet you tonight? My room is on the second floor so you could knock for me and we could make our way up together? ...”

“Hey~ Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Y'know, you pick me up~?” Danni responded in a joking tone, sticking her tongue out in a teasing manner. “I don't know where your room is, so why don't we just meet by the stairs? Okay?” With that out of the way, Danni also made an attempt to go somewhere other than the lounge, as it was emptying slowly.

“I'll go as well. Will be seeing you tonight then, don't forget to bring your funny!” The girl had given Luke another one of her cat-grins and a wave before running off to her room. It wasn't too late, and maybe she could jam for a bit before having to get herself ready for dinner. And after that, a fun party.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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Luke nodded at the young girl

“It’s a date” Luke said with a wink and a smile.

Luke could be naturally charming, but it only ever seemed to happen when was already comfortable with someone. Thus being charming didn’t really help anything along.

Did you just flirt with that girl? Dude...she’s like sixteen.

“Ooooo two years, besides it was harmless” he whispered in retort to his own thoughts.

As Luke left the lounge her ran into someone in swimming shorts and a vest.

Ah this must be one of those jocks I have heard off.

Luke smiled at the man none-the-less before finally finding his way back to his room. The impact of Emma’s speech had almost dissipated, the shock still clung to him though. It just felt different now that he had met a friend, was going out later and generally had things to do. He was still painfully aware that he was part of an endangered species, and that there was certainly more than a simple handful of people that wanted to kill him. But it seemed that no longer was ruling his thoughts, it was still there, but not ruling.

He spent the next couple of hours getting various things ready for the night. He made a little something to eat in his room, not feeling hungry not to engage in a full blown meal. After showering and shaving he began to root through his bags to find something suitable to wear. He still hadn’t unpacked properly, right now his clothes were spread between the drawers and his bags. After a while of choosing his clothes like a woman, he decided upon some very smart jeans and a long sleeved white shirt. Smart but casual, something Luke was quite good at pulling off. He applied some after shave, things upstairs were already beginning to stir. He could hear the sounds of chairs being moved and things being put into new places ready. The time was almost upon them. He looked at his phone and it had been a good couple of hours, it was five to seven so Luke decided to make his way to the stairs soon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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Luke wondered quite innocently down the hallway to the stairs, where he had planned to meet with Danni, when a boy rushed past him like a bat out of hell. He looked rather...distressed, Luke was going to ask him what was wrong but the kid didn’t give Luke a second glance, he just ran like hell itself was after him. Luke followed the boy with his eyes until he turned a corner and Luke stood there stunned for a little while before resuming his previous course of action.

Well...that was weird. Maybe he just had to many they even have those here?

He carried on walking until he reached the stairs, he checked his phone and noted that he was a little early so should probably wait for Danni. At the bottom of the stairs he saw a boy he had not met yet, he was a well dressed, slightly mean looking guy. Slick would have been the perfect word to describe him. Luke, with the memory of the terrified boy still fresh in his mind approached the boy, smiling cautiously. He could still see a lingering anger in the kids face as he got closer. Running his hand through his long brown hair as if he was completly carefree he began to speak to Tommy Castellano.

“Sooooo, just walked past a kid who looked like he caught a glimpse of Satan in the Shower, what you do to him?” Luke asked his usual British accent. His tone, yet not provocative was still rather stern. Luke had dealt with bullies before and hated them, and may have mistaken Tommy for one of these Jocks he had heard about.

“Sorry to be so forward but, that kid looked liked he’d been gripped up or something, and I’m sure such a mature role model for the next generation, such as yourself, couldn’t have done such a thing.” Luke asked with an obvious tone of sarcasm. Yet despite all his provocative words, he still wore a smile on his face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman
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"Al-Alex! I mean, I'm Alex. So.... I take it everyone is kinda going to this thing? I think that one girl inviting people said she was trying to get everyone. Though she was talking...... really fast, so I might be wrong." David looked at him strangely at first, but as he finished a small smile came to the surface. "Well, I don't know what girl you're talking about, but even if you weren't invited by her, you can come with me." David looked Alex up and down once. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing that? It isn't exactly cold in here." Before Alex could answer...or try to answer, an angered voice was heard from down the hall.

"PIECE OF SHIT!" David looked down the hall. "What the...C'mon, let's go check it out." David started down the hallway, not checking to see if Alex was following. As David got closer, he could hear more being said. "...I'll break your fuckin jaw! You got that you little shit?!" Is that Tommy talking? David started to pick up the pace. "Heh, maybe there's a fight going on, and somebody is about to get ripped limb from limb. But one can only hope, right David?" Can you just shut up? David was nearing the end of the hallway, which was next to the stairs. "Get outta my fuckin hallway you stupid fuck..." He turned the corner and saw Tommy, who was still clenched up with anger. "What the hell is going on here? Everything alright?" He looked over and saw that someone else had beaten him to the chase, although David asked anyway.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields
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Tommy turned to the voice with a fuck off on his lips but managed to bite his lip. He looked at the guy who spoke, around Tommy's age with curly brown hair and toned, yet slim physique. Tommy took a step toward him with a forced smile on his face. His temper still receeding, every word sounded like an insult.

"Who me? Naah hot shot. We were just having a quick chat. Why... You know him?"

Tommy asked like a dare. Castellano wasn't sure if this guy was a friend of the junkie or one of his delaers. Or worse, some boy scout looking to right wrongs and get involved in others business. Either way he was in no mood to deal with any of the above but was trying his best to supress his more violent urges. Urges he would have acted on by now back home. He could've just explained the situation. Told the guy what happened, that the guy was looking for drugs. Problem was Castellano didn't have anything to prove nor did he have to explain himself to some stranger. Staying out of the life wasn't easy and getting judged by everyone he came across didn't make things any easier.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Raidose
"Well, I don't know what girl you're talking about, but even if you weren't invited by her, you can come with me." Alex could feel something akin to his version of a smile. "S-seriously? That'd..... be swell." Did I really just say 'swell'? Oh my God, I'm a dork. "I don't get to go to a lot of parties...." At all... Alex lifted his head up, so the brim of the hat no longer blocked his view of David's face. He could sense that this guy was okay, even though he looked the sort to hang a nerd by his underwear from a flagpole. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing that? It isn't exactly cold in here." "Uhhh....... well......." "PIECE OF SHIT!" Thank you, God.....

Someone was yelling down the hall, and like there was vengeance to be had. "What the...C'mon, let's go check it out." "Do we have to?" Did I say that out loud? Before he could react, David became the "Fred" to Alex's "Shaggy". He was pretty sure David didn't realize it, but he had literally dragged Alex along. The one that appeared to be doing the yelling looked like a young "wise guy" from an old mob movie. Dapper and prim, like he was heading to someones wedding. Or funeral. He looked like he was having a conversation with some other guy, presumably about what happened earlier. David looked like he was about to get involved as well, but Alex found himself barely poking out from behind the corner......

Huh..... wonder if this is going to end more like God Father or Good Fellas?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman Character Portrait: Danni O'byrne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Danni O'byrne

Danni walked around the many corners that were build in the mansion, humming a random tune to fit her cheery mood. Two people passed her by, one particularly getting her attention by the amount of clothing he, or maybe she wore like a second Ice Age was approaching. But the heavily clothed figure was gone as quickly as they arrived.

Not giving it any more attention than it would need, the girl continued her cheerful walk, finally reaching the corridor where the stairs were located. Luke was already there, as were others it seemed. “Luuuke~!” Danni shouted gleefully, approaching her friend and the the figures that were waiting for the party to begin.

“Heeey~ I don't recall that we'd be joining other people...?” She halted her walk just beside Luke, placing her left index finger on her lower lip as she tried to figure out who the other guys were. One was the winter guy, who Danni could only describe as weird. Another was a really large, compared to Danni anyway, bloke that would be fit to play rugby or some other brainless man-sport.

And then there was the fancy-dressed guy that sat on the stairs, a frightening expression of anger glued on his face. Had something happened? Maybe he was angry that Danni had interrupted some guy conversation of some sort, wouldn't surprise her. “Did I miss something?” Her red-brown eyes scanned over to Luke, a confused expression trying to get the curly-haired boy's attention with hopes of getting informed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Luke Shields Character Portrait: Alex "Splat" Sterner Character Portrait: David Stillman
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Luke couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit after hearing the guy speak
“That has to be the coolest accent I have ever heard, honestly I thought it only existed in old gangster films.”

Luke jabbed a thumb behind, indicating the kid that just left. Two more people turned up who seemed to know the slick fellow.

Better not get into a tussle here, if more turned up I’d be buggered.

Luke continued to watch the other two as he spoke.

“Know him? Pfft I only know about four people in the entire building so far and it looks like I’m better off that way, not knowing him I mean. Wouldn’t want you to try and cave my skull in now would I?”
Luke looked at his phone, it was almost seven and this was the spot he was meant to meet Danni. Which was a nuisance because it meant Luke couldn’t leave the spot to defuse the situation. The other two eyed him suspiciously, well one of them did. He presumed the one dressed for a skiing holiday was also watching him carefully.

“Besides I’m new here, I don’t know if that kid was some poor nerd who you just ordered to do your homework or whether he is some kind of low life that just tried to mug you. So I’m not going to jump to any conclusions here...” Luke stopped briefly, carefully wording his sentences “But what I do know is you just scared some poor kid out of his wits so forgive if I am a little hesitant to smile happily at you whilst I stand here.”

That moment Danni flew into the hallway from the corridor, as smiley and cheery as ever.

“Heeey~ I don't recall that we'd be joining other people...?”

Luke bit his bottom lip Well This is awkward

"Uh I think it's time we got to the party Danni, this fellow seems to have had a bit of an encounter with another...smaller...student. As you can see he is still a bit snarly and maybe we shouldn't bother him with our yano...generally positive outlook." With that he gave Tommy a smile that just seemed to say I don't trust you Bully

“Did I miss something?”

"Nooo lovely, don't think you could upset someone if you tried" Luke said with another wink and a smile