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This Roman Life We Live

Roman Lands


a part of This Roman Life We Live, by remy6archer.


remy6archer holds sovereignty over Roman Lands, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Roman Lands is a part of This Roman Life We Live.

16 Characters Here

Arcadius [87] A young Greek gladiator in the House of Vala.
Aurelia A. (Aurelius) [86] A formaly happy woman turned orphan.
Publius Servilius Vala [47] A greedy lanista (trainer of gladiators).
Vita Anastasius Imbrex [39] "I do so love my beautiful music." ~Vita, Daughter of Praetor Imbrex
Rorius [28] "Right, so, ehm... Don't really know what I'm doing here..."
Democritus [24] I beseech thee madam
Claudia [22] "Lies and Lust always go hand in hand."
Silvia Lucia Tertulla [20] Ambitious daughter of a high end Jewlery Merchant.
Lucius Patavinus Coisis [20] Fulfilling the wildest dreams of those who can afford it.

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Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Publius Servilius Vala
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"I'm sure you'll do fine my dear." Publus said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "And pray don't worry about me. Risks must be taken sometimes in life. Fortune favors the brave. I'll write to you often, and all these guards I hired will keep you safe. Life is going to get better for us soon. Bona fide Aurelia. Ave et vale (goodbye and farewell)."


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Vita shook her head, offering him a slightly-wavy smile as she pulled the cloak closer around her. She shook her head again. "No ... I know how much you wanted to go to the performance ... Besides, I don't really feel up to explaining to my father what happened, at least not yet," she murmured, turning slightly. She stared at his chest for a moment, then wiped at her watery eyes. "Why would people do this to me? I've done nothing to them, nothing to hurt them in any way, shape, or form. What did I do that could make them hate me so, Rorius? Why would they target me?" she asked quietly, her voice full of emotion. She turned away but let his arm stay around her, her back to him. "I wish ... I wish that my father wasn't a Praetor," she whispered.


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Character Portrait: Arcadius
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Arcadius was easily defeated by Donaris this time. Arcadius groaned as he picked himself up, wiping off blood from his torn lip.
Doctore observed the two steely and said: "You see? All of you may have been excellent fighters before you were taken inside these walls, but gladiator fights are different from barbarian guerrilla wars. All of you must train yourself to fight like gladiators if you wish to survive. Forget everything you've learned outside these walls."


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Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Publius Servilius Vala
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"Of course. Safe travels, Publius. Come back safe" Aurelia smiled and hugged him again, before she turned and started walking. There was a lot of nerves bundled up inside her now, but she tried to ignore them. She was happy! Right? She could do this, and only for a little while. She would run the place like Publius did, and then he would be back. There were people here who knew the ropes, and they would help her. She drew in a deep breath, then walked up to the balcony to watch the training. It made her scared- and that made the nerves go away. One evil for another, but still. She could just hear the Doctore, and pursed her lips together and leaned back against the wall.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory held her close, desperate to make sure nothing could get near her and to maintain her anonymity. "I... I don't know, Vita... Why does anyone do anything like this? I mean, I know I was a soldier, but I don't know why or how it happened. I may have killed people who I'd never known anything about other than the fact that their armour was different from mine..." The thought made his stomach roil. He could've been a mass murderer for no reason other than he was a soldier... He didn't even know what war was happening if any. Slowly, he crouched to get his eyes down at her level and turned her to face him. "Vita," he asserted, softly but firmly, "I will never let this happen to you again. I will always be right here," he pointed to accent his point, "right here by your side." He nodded and brought her close again, both arms now encircling her, hiding her, protecting her in hindsight. "Though there's nothing we can do about your father I will be here. I swear on my life."


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Character Portrait: Arcadius
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After a hard day of training, Arcadius and the others settled down for chow time. While Arcadius was eating, he was approached by a another gladiator who looked about his own age.
"Feeding time at the zoo." The gladiator chuckled. "So, the son of Spartans seems to fight better in the presence of Roman nobility huh?"
Arcadius just looked up with a perplexed expression.
"I'm Tepemkau by the way." The gladiator said. "I can see that you're trying to be a bit aloof, but trust me, in a place like this you're going to need friends. Mind if I join you?"
"Not at all. I'm Arcadius. Also I'm not from Sparta. Vala probably said that to make me seem like a more formidable opponent for Donaris."
"I know." Tepemkau chuckled again. "Everyone knows you already. But, I should say it seems that most of the guys here don't like you very much. You made Donaris look bad last night. Also, they think your fighting style is too aggressive and 'Greek'."


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Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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"Doctore!" Aurelia called, walking into the area where the Gladiators where eating. She saw him fairly quickly, and walked up. "Doctore. Have you seen Viverra? I cannot seem to find her anywhere, and I need to ask her a question. It's about... Publius leaving. She knows a great deal about everything- she has been here longer than I, after all" she smiled and looked around. She truthfully wanted to ask about the things Publius had said, not about what he did. That's all she really cared about at the moment- Publius had showed her many things involving the running of the house- but she had never put it into practice, so she was sort of nervous about it.

Of course, the Doctore didn't know. "Well, if you find out, then just come to my room and tell me, please. I will either be there or in the study for a while, then just hanging around. I don't think I'll be doing anything else- like going outside, for a while.


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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Arcadius's attention was caught When Aurelia had said that Publius was leaving.
"Leaving? Where? How long?" He quietly asked Tepemkau.
Tepemkau made a slight grin. "The master of the house is leaving to study politics. Or so I heard. I think I heard the carriage carry him off a while ago. I'm guessing he's going to be gone for more than half a year. During that time his step-daughter will be in charge of the family business. Not sure if that'll be good or bad for us though."
Arcadius looked over at Aurelia, fondling his surgery knife that he had stolen in his pocket.
"Tepemkau." Arcadius said. "What about the guards? How many are there?"
Tepemkau stopped grinning and looked at Arcadius with a very serious look on his face.
"Whatever you are planning in your head, I would advise you to stop it immediately. For your own good Greek."


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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"And Doctore? What is that disgusting looking stuff?" She said, looking over the food they had been givin. "It looks horrible. And that gives me a wonderful idea. Doctore, until Publius comes back, after every day, I want yourself and three others we agree on to come eat with me. I will come by to watch the training every day as well, though most of it will be your choice. That way, everyone will work harder. I want Publius to be happy when he gets back with pretty things that I apperently 'need' and a husband covered in diamonds" she grumbled the last part, before snapping her head back up. "Today, send in two of your choosing. Publius' leaving took everyone by surprise and with the party yesterday, we have more than enough food. In fact, I'm going to eat now" she smiled and started walking to the kitchen, where she got some freshly prepared bread and meat from the kitchen. It was far to much for her, and that took the slaves who made it by surprise, but she simply smiled and walked into the dining area, where she set it down and put a little on a smaller plate for herself.


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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Doctore looked at Aurelia with a puzzled look.
"Well domina..." He said. "its rather unnatural for people of our status to break bread with someone such as yours, but if that is what you wish..."
Doctore looked about the gladiators in the chow hall.
"Donaris. Arcadius." He called out to them.
When the three settled down with Aurelia at the dining table, they each looked at each other with awkward looka on their faces.
"Uhm.." Arcadius broke the silence. "Thank you domina for your generosity."
"Well domina." Doctore said. "It looks like our Greek here actually has a lot to learn to become a true gladiator. But, since he has gained attention from our guests yesterday, he will officially be entering the games starting tomorrow. Donaris as well. They've been training hard, so I'm sure they'll do well."


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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"I'm an orphan, I would have been put into slavery unless Publius had stepped in. My status is defined only by my luck. " that was all she had said on the subject before she had left. Once she was at the dining table, she looked around at the men he had chosen. "Very welcome, Arcadius. I told you that you are welcome to call me Aurelia. It is my name, after all" she smiled and pecked at the food on her plate, before looking up again. "I didn't doubt that he would, Doctore" she smiled and turned back to the two Gladiators. "Are you adjusting well, Arcadius? I don't think it was fun being uprooted from your family- in fact, I know it isn't fun, at all. But I have adjusted fine, and I hope the same for you" she smiled and chewed on another slice of bread. She noted no one was talking, so once she swallowed the slice of bread she looked up, confused. "I am not a goddess, you know. No need to act stunned. Talk amongst yourselves! The... Place, you were eating before, it was full of chatter. This place never sees small talk" she sighed and looked around. "What with Publius always being busy or encompassed in wanting to make money- he is no fun to talk to then- this place is stiff. Not like dinner at-" she stopped herself, looking down so they wouldn't see her eyes start to glisten. She sucked in a breath before continuing. "-home... You know, before the fire. My brother and I would laugh and the family would teach me things. Mom, review from school, dad and brother were the ones that showed me writing and things" she realized she was both numbering and rambling, and she blushed a bright red and looked around. "So..."


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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"Hmm." Doctore said. "Donaris, why don't you tell us your story again. You've lived quite an interesting life before you got here haven't you?"
Donaris looked at Doctore with a grin. "Doctore." He said. "This is rather unlike your normal self, yelling at us and cracking your whip all day. And now you seem so... tender and sociable. Well, you're right. I've had some interesting events in my life. With many more to come however. You see, I was a mercenary fighting for the Romans. I am from Dacia, a land far east from here. My people rarely met with Romans, so when Roman traders and explorers came to our lands I was offered the chance to travel with them and provide my services. I wanted to see the world and see for myself why everyone was saying these Romans were so interesting."
Donaris paused to take a bite of his food.
"Then?" Doctore asked.
"Just a sec I can't talk when I'm chewing." Donaris grumbled.


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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Aurelia smiled throughout his story, then forced back a laugh at what he had said at the end. It wouldn't be right for her to laugh at the table. "Interesting story. Do you regret it? Your decision, I mean" she asked quickly, pushing her plate away from her as she did so. "I realize I have no idea what any of the graduator's stories are. I guess that's bad on my part, though I'm not sure if they would tell me, or if they would be as interesting, and voluntary, as your trip was" she said, looking over to Arcadius.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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She felt fresh tears spring to her eyes, and she let out a shallow breath, huddling into his embrace. "Do you really mean that?" She asked softly, blinking back the tears. She took in a shallow breath and let it out slowly, wiping at her eyes. "Okay, Rorius, I trust you," she murmured, looking down. She stared at her feet for several moments, then slowly looked up at him. "I would like to return to the play now," she said quietly. With that, she finally pulled out of his arms, but slipped her arm through his and led the way back to their seats. She lowered herself give fly into her seat in the private booth, only then realizing she still wore his cape. "Oh, Rorius," she said, untying the cloak and holding I out to him with a small smile. "Thank you," she murmured.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory held her firmly as she nestled closer, but allowed her to move away when she was ready. He nodded curtly at her when she took his arm and escorted her back (granted she was the one maneuvering). Valerius had seemed to dissappear which made Rorius a bit nervous, but he wouldn't let anyone near Vita after that incident. They sat, but his mind was a million miles away. If he had been more on top of things this would've never happened. If he'd been faster, smarter, less bewildered by what seemed to be everyday life. Shaking his head, he glanced at the wildly apparent bruises forming on Vita's neck and winced. Her father was going to skin him for this if he didn't do it himself.

Her voice and a flash of red caught Rory's mind and put it back in its place. He shook his head and waved the greatcloak back. "Keep it. Bit cold."


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Vita frowned a little but slowly pulled her arm back. She wrapped the cloak around her shoulders and nodded a bit, tying it at her neck and cuddling into the warmth of the soft fur lining. She inhaled deeply and let the breath out slowly, closing her eyes for a moment, reveling in his scent, which clung to the cloak. Her eyes flashed open and she flushed a deep scarlet, straightened in her seat, and returned her gaze to the performance. However, seeing as people were never told which performance would be occurring each night, she had already seen this one. It was rather dull in her mind, but who knew what Rorius would think of it, so she settled in to endure the play.

It was over within about another hour, and once done, she let out a relieved sound. Candles were slowly being lit and she rose, stretching a little, her joints popping from sitting for too long. "Well? Did you enjoy the show?" she asked, pulling his cloak further around her. She cuddled into it as a chill swept over her, starting towards the exit of the private booth.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory's face was the epitomy of confusion and contentment. "I didn't really understand what was happening, why were they skipping time like that? What were they even doing?" He laughed in awe and followed her out, mind trying to understand what people in masks were doing running about and pretending that days and hours had passed when they'd been on the floor only moments earlier. It was nice, though, he was barely able to understand the story even through the confusion. "Is it always like that?" he asked the woman excitedly. He wanted to know more about this stuff, it was fascinating!


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Character Portrait: Arcadius
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"It wasn't long before I fell in love with the centurion's daughter who traveled with us." Donaris said.
"Oh wow." Arcadius said, looking amused. "Didn't think a man like you would be capable of such feelings."
"Shut up Greek." Donaris snapped. "Anyways, we decided to keep it a secret. They would have killed us because its not right for a good Roman woman to be with a barbarian man like me. But, she eventually became pregnant with my child. We couldn't keep it a secret anymore and decided we should flee. I turned to my best friend who took care of the horses to provide us with some to help us escape. We waited for him at where we decided to meet at night, but instead it was the centurion and several of his guards. My friend stood in the back with a stupid grin on his face and a fat purse of coin in his hands. He ratted us out. The centurion wanted to kill me but due to the plea of his daughter, he decided to just sell me into slavery. And he said he didn't want to see his daughter anymore and sent her away from the family. It's sad but, at least I'm able to send her the money I win from winning in gladatorial games. I'm happy that my wife and daughter are taking good care of themselves."


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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"Oh... I... I am so sorry, Donaris. Publius never told me- or, I guess he didn't know... about that. I guess I should have asked earlier, or something like that. In any case, if any of you- any of you, wish to speak with me privately, just come find me. I'm not going to pretend I wouldn't like to know" Aurelia smiled and and picked at her food again- it was almost gone, anyway. She stood up and asked if anyone else was done, then took the people's plates that were and walked off into the kitchen, putting the dishes away before walking back in. She sat back at the table and folded her hands in her lap.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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VIta threw her hands up as she was bombarded with questions from Rorius,laughter escaping her. "Woah, woah, Rorius!" she laughed out, smiling at him. She dropped her hands on his shoulders and shook her head at him. "You need to calm and slow down. Not all of us can manage one-hundred words per minute," she teased, looking at him with a teasing grin. She stepped back and adjusted his cloak, cuddling into it's warmth.

"First of all, they were skipping time like that, because if they went on actual time, we would be here for days, weeks, even months on end. They act out the important parts in the story and leave out the unimportant things, so as to make sure that the things that people need to know, they know," she said, folding her hands before her. "And yes, it is always like that. I take it that you enjoyed the show? I've seen it a few times myself, so I find it a bit boring. However, I understand why you would be so fascinated with it," she smiled, moving over to link her arm through his. "Now, if you don't mind, I would like to return home. I can answer your questions on the ride there if you wish," she told him.


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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"One word of advice." Donaris said. "Don't trust nobody in life. And don't let passion govern your decisions."
Donaris got up, gave a polite nod to Aurelia, and began heading back to the training grounds.
Arcadius and Doctore finished their meals and got up as well.
"Well." Arcadius said. "Thank you Aurelia for today. You're... not like typical Roman people. It's not easy to find people like you in any part of the world. My life is... not going to be long. I can feel it. But at least I want it to be a meaningful one. But I hope it's not going to be tragic like Homer's Achilles. The position I'm in right now in my life demands me to sacrifice the things I want for the greater good. But, theres no point in rolling around and whining about it. I want to do the right things in life and I just hope that future generations could have a better life. I'll train hard I promise. I'm sure the gods, or fate, or whatever brought me here for a purpose. Or at least I'd like to believe that."
"Arcadius." Doctore said. "What in Jupiter's name are you babbling about?"
"It's nothing Doctore." Arcadius replied. "Maybe I'm just uttering nonsense to avoid training for a little while longer. Apologies."
The two returned to the training grounds.


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Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius)
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"My family was killed. That wouldn't qualify me as 'normal' anywhere, and my mother always had everyone eat together on days before a feast or party. Besides, I would be lonely without anyone to eat with. Achilles, however, was stupid" she thought about it for a moment... she only faintly remembered that story "obviously, you would choose one of your fingers. It's not like people get really tiny knives and try to just stab you in the fingers over and over again" Aurelia laughed lightly and said goodbye as he left and she turned around and walked back into the study, where she looked at the papers laid out in front of her. Publius was in more debt than he had told her, and that made her scared. It was uncommon, but someone might come and kill or injure her becuase of that dept.


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Character Portrait: Silvia Lucia Tertulla
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“I can feel it today Silvia, Mercury is going to bless us with good wealth just you wait!” her father Lucias said. It was only Ten in the morning and the market square was already alive with the exchange of money.

“What do you think of these father? Too simple?” Silvia asked from an opened ivory box filled with Earings. Dangling from her ears were blue Lapis stone drops that elongated her neck.

“No, not at all my dear! blue is quite popular this season, I'm sure some senator's wife will buy those from you the moment she sees how brightly they shine!” he remarked proudly, handing her a mirror.

She nodded in agreement turning her head to the side watching them dance in the sunlight, “your right, Uncle Flavian was smart to give us this stone shipment from Cyprus.”

Suddenly they herd Julius the Grecian next door start to bellow his enticing words to the crowd into his fragrance shop. To this Silvia smirked mischievously to her father before walking out to the front of the store adorned with her father's designs.

Under the hot, dusty Roman Sun she made sure to stand tall before shouting just as loud as her male competitor “Ladies and Gentlemen! My fellow Romans! Today you are fortunate to come across the workshop of Lucius Marcus Tertulla! Let me bright eyed Silvia find the perfect fine necklace for your wife or mistress! Our jewels will be the envy of all your friends! Surprise even the pickiest of In-Laws!”

Another market day had begun...


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory grinned softly and nodded down at her, keeping his arm forward as instinct (and no small amount of watching the other men around him) told him was correct etiquette. Granted, he was still dressed as a soldier. They gained more than a few odd glances which he couldn't quite fathom the reasoning to, but he didn't care. Mind boiling over with questions and observances and the sheer thrill Vita gave him, that will to live on, Rorius continued forwards to where the carriage had dropped them off earlier. He didn't know what to do at this point, so he remained silent and kept an eye out for Valerius.


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