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Francesca Faefield


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a character in “United We Stand, Assembled We Fight”, as played by greengoat


Name:Francesca Faefield
Current Location:Her own hidden base.
Occupation: A waiter at a local restaurant
Abilities and Skills:She is a spiritual successor to Tony Stark, making her own suits for warfare. Unlike him however, she works as a mercenary, earning her rep through various skirmishes and missions. Basically she has only one model of her battle suit, but she had made several with some tweaks and changes for several battle conditions.

[b]Mechanical Knowledge[b]

Short of Tony Stark himself, she is confident that no one knows more about machines than she do. She can create machines with relative ease, and from spare parts founds.
[b]XV-201 Battle Suit[b]

A combat suit she made herself, with the help of some tech she liberated from Ironman's lab. This suit enhances her basic abilities beyond their normal limits, more specifically her speed and maneuverability as well as having several other functions built in. Most prominent is the experimental cloaking technology, dampening sound and heat as well as hiding her. However, she can be detected with a heat sensor if she activates the flight unit when cloaked.

[b]Experimental Railgun[b]

Her most valuable possession, a railgun in the form of a rifle. Its power is far beyond the common weapons found in the black market. Surprisingly it uses conventional 5.56 mm rounds, the same one an M16 uses.

Personality:She is surprisingly polite, and is often described as 'nice and cheerful' by the people she met. In battle however, she becomes focused, silent unless needed. This combined with her frequent use of the cloaking device earned her the name Wraith. She has no need for morality, only money.
History/Background: Francesca had gone into the mercenary gig simply because of her talent with machines. First simply creating battle equipments for a person who had scouted her out, she soon progressed to making battlesuits for him. However, one day he was killed by a hero in a mission involving a bald man and a strange green stone. She decided to take up his contracts however, starting with seemingly easy missions like escorts and the likes. Soon she was accepting progressively harder missions, facing her first hero in a delivery mission. While she was badly wounded during the mission, she did manage to deliver it, and escape from the hero.
One day, the Reapers came. As with most people, she watched as the heroes went into the shuttle, and watched as they returned greatly diminished. While she did feel some gratitude towards the heroes, she reasoned that Ironman wouldn't mind of she raided his place. After some bribing and the exchange of a generous amount of money, she found out the location and raided the place. It was then that she managed to create her present suits, and following a mission to 'liberate' some items from a secret goverment lab, she acquired the railgun.
Notable family members: (again if applicable. This will mostly be used by offspring of canon heroes. Feel free to skip this if your not someones kid)
Other Information:

So begins...

Francesca Faefield's Story


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Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Francesca was almost asleep at the sofa before a small beep coming from her television snapped her awake. Pushing a small button on her watch, the TV flickered to life. A faint silhouette of a man could be seen on the screen, looking very impatient.

"Wraith, are you there?"

"I'm here. What do you need?"

"I have a mission for you, listen closely..."

She sat up and listened intently to the man. This person was one of her more regular clients, only known as Black to her. Well, the mission this time was simple. Go to a facility and suppress the 'patients' there. Seems easy enough. After negotiating about the bounty she would earn this time, Black finally sat back on a large red chair.

"Any questions?"

"Yes, can this wait until I finish my shift at the restaurant?"

"No, it cannot! The package is to be secured as soon as possible! Who knows when we'll get a chance like this again!"



A few hours later, she found herself under fire from an army of pissed off military men. Seemed Black conveniently forgot to mention the package is escorted by what seemed to be a small army. With lots of guns, and a few mechs too. At least she got the package, a small box now strapped onto her back.

Damn...Well, I guess its time to get serious.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled down her visor over her eyes, and dashed out of cover, MP7s in both hands raining down bullets upon her enemies.


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Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wraith stumbled back into her own automated base. While it looked all the part of a greasy rusted garage with several piles of junk scattered around, this was actually the remnant of an evil lair. Now she had made it into her own, in a cleaner part of the lab. She stood on a glowing circle, several mechanical arms suddenly appearing from the ceiling and dismantling her suit to reveal the tights she wore underneath.

The last of her suit stripped away, she collapsed onto a revolving chair, sighing. Well that last mission certainly went well..
Somehow, she had managed to escape, but was pursued by two humanoid mechs which seemed to have every possible sensors available to them. Unable to cloak her way out of this one, it turned into a fierce dog fight. While she had the advantage of being able to shoot two different targets at the same time, the MP7s she wielded lacked the piercing power to penetrate their armor. In a last ditched effort, she deployed the laser beam on her left gauntlet (courtesy of stolen Stark techs), destroying both of them.

However, the fight did leave some collateral damage. Many buildings were damaged, and one seemed ready to collapse. She retreated hastily, cloaking herself again when she noticed police copters flying around.

A droid bumped against her legs, snapping her out of her day dreaming. Oh? It was one of the droids she made to clean up the mess that was her hideout. She reseted the system, made a couple of tweaks to the joints and took the elevator up to her apartment. Now, she needs to think about this stolen package. What was it that made the military desperate enough to send mechs after her. Through a city too.

She had only time to notice the word "Crucible" on the box before being set upon by jumpy trigger happy soldiers after all.


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Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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"Interesting." The man was now sitting in a chair, hands folded together in a contemplative look. As always Black is hidden in darkness, visible, but not enough to make out his face. Wraith had tried to enhance the image on the monitor several times but she had never managed to reveal his face.

"Yeah, I can't open it, I can't cut it, I can't even figure out what its supposed to be." Wraith shook the box in front of the monitor. "Only thing I have is the name. Crucible."

The man seemed to be smiling though his face is still shrouded by darkness. "Ever heard of the Reapers, Wraith?"

"Of course I did. The whole world was at war with them 6 years ago. Why? Is this some Reaper technology?"

"Hardly. Its linked to a top secret project of the government codename -"

"Crucible." Wraith interrupted.

"Yes. From what we can discern it is a sort of a super weapon, designed for mass destruction." The view on her moniter shifted, following Black as he stood up from his desk and moved in front of a fireplace. "Capable of taking down a Reaper..."

"Wait.. Does that mean...."

"Yes, Wraith. The Reaper's are coming back."

"The Reapers are..." After a few seconds of silence, she spoke "And why exactly are you telling me all this?"

"I want you on our side, Wraith, as well as anybody else who is able. Whoever made the Crucible is making a step in the right direction, and I have plans to improve on it. I..." He turned towards the monitor.

"Will you join us, Wraith? For the betterment of mankind?"

"Fran, take this to table three will ya?" a large man said. David was the head chef of the restaurant, having more than several years of experience under his belt. And a large potbelly too.

"Will do." Francesca took the tray and adjusted her waiter uniform, modeled somewhat after the french maid outfit. Black's word was still fresh in her head, as she pondered over the fact that the Reapers were returning. If anyone else but him said it, she would have dismissed it as a load of bull, and throw him into a ditch somewhere just for the heck of it. Black was one of her most frequent clients, as well as being the one who funded most of her equipments. Who knows, she might join him. After all, there was no Captain America to help them this time, and no relays to be destroyed, and certainly no one else she had seen that had a better plan. The government might have one but then again she had never been in good terms with the government, even if she had received some govvie covert ops missions from time to time.

She finished with serving Table Three, and moved to another to take orders. No use thinking too much about it now. She have customers to please, and tips to be collected.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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The mutant was hot on the trail of the mercanary thief. Wolverines first stop was the sight where she had destroyed the mechs and stolen the Catalyst. It didn't take long for the tracker to pick up her scent. Wolverine followed his nose back to the city and now he found himself walking down the street with the scent getting stronger in his nose. He came to a stop in front of a small restaurant and took a few quick sniffs. A low growl rolled out of his throat as his fist clenched. He pushed the door open and stepped inside to see the hustle and bustle of the lunch crowd. Waiters rushed around to their tables as customers ate in peace. Logan stood in the lobby, his eyes darting from face to face.

"Alright girly, I know yer in here..."

He grumbeld to himself as he searched for sign of his quarry. A servor approached Logan with a practiced smile and a clip board.

"Hello sir, is it just you?"

Her voice snapped him out of foucs and he looked at her.


He asked flatly. The rough demeanor didn't faze the servor in the least and she simply repeated herself.

"Is it just you today sir or is someone joining you for lunch?"

Logan had half a mind to tell her to fuck off and continue looking but he figured if he casued a seen at the door before he got eyes on target the merc could make a break for it. He opted for a little discretion.

"Just me."

The servor smiled and scribbled something on the clipboard before turning to do a quick scan for open tables. Apparently finding one she turned back to him with a smile.

"Right this way sir."

She said before leading Logan to a small table near the end of the room. Once seated Logan sat in silence and carefully eyed each an every person in the room taking care to get everyones scent. The countless smells of the food from the kitchen and the tables was making it difficult for Wolverine to hone in on the scent of the merc but he still knew what she looked like and looked for any sign of his target.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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"Oh Fra-aaan~! You've got a customer on table si-iiix!" one of the waiter called out.

"Table six was it? Ok." Francesca sat back against the wall, fanning herself with the clipboard. The kitchen is a hot hot place. There were times when she thought the chef was some sort of cooking demon from hell. It certainly was hot enough, though the rest of the cooks didn't seem to mind.

"Be sure to smile." The waiter smiled, giving a cute pose at the same time.

Francesca laughed a bit, and returned the waiter's smile "Sure. I won't do that pose though." She rearranged her uniform and tidied herself up a bit. Just a little bit more and my shift is over, Fran thought.

She went out the kitchen door, moving quickly to the assigned table, being careful not to bump into anyone on the way. The man sitting down on table six looked....Well, he looked like the sort of man who would gut you for breathing his air. Rough, with the airs of one who had seen it all. Ah well, even the most vicious of person needs to eat, and Fran was sure he can't be as bad as he looked.

Giving her best smile, she said, "May I take your order sir?" Steak. This guy would order steak. Vegetables seemed incompatible with this man, and meat the only option. She'd eat her own panties if she was wrong.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Logan was still carefully eyeing each and every patron in the restaurant when a voice beside him got his attention.

"May I take your order sir?"

Wolverine turned almsot paying the waitress no mind, ready to tell her to beat it when he caught her scent. Logna's full attention was on her now as he turned to look up at her. A low growl rolled out of his throat as he realized he found his target.

"My order huh?... Yeah I'll take the Catalyst that you lifted darlin."

Logan leaned in and looked up at her, his eyes almost daring her to make a move.

"And don't try nothin smart. You so much as twitch a way I don't like, I'll gut ya where ya stand."


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Charming. Looks like she got the gutting part right. From the look in his eyes, it didn't seem like she can bluff her way out of this one. Her smile widened.

"Oh? Sure you won't take the steak sir?"

She sighed. In a split second, the clipboard she held was flying towards his head, she herself having backflipped over the next table. A few moments more, she sprinted through the kitchen door, and jumped into the changing room, closing and locking the door behind her. Another merc? Didn't seem military. Very soon he would be crashing straight into the kitchen and shooting everything in sight she would think. Fran wished she had done what Iron Man had and brought the suit in bag form or something. She didn't finish that portable model of the suit yet, but she still have both parts of the gauntlets. And the visor. It will have to do. She equipped what she had over her waiter's uniform, her bag with her usual clothes over her shoulder.

Now looking the part of a cybernetic maid from the future, plus a 9mm handgun she kept handy at all times, she opened one of the windows and jumped straight to the other side of the alley, landing on one of the fire escape ladders. As she made her way down, she called Black using the visor interface, certain that man wouldn't be able to follow her here.

"Black, the box I recovered. Its called the Catalyst."


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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The clipboard shot out of her hand and cracked the mutant in the head but did little more than distract him long enough for the merc to flip away from him. Logan tore up from his seat with a roar in his lungs as he charged after her. One of the male waiters jumped in front of Logan and grabbed his arm.

"Hey buddy, it's time for you to-"

Wolverine smashed his fist into the man's jaw knocking him clean through a nearby table befor ehe could finish his sentance.

"Save it bub."

He grunted as he went after his target. The X-man charged after his quarry and caught sight of her just as she leapt onto the ladder of a fire escape in the alley. Wolverine snarled and sprinted after her, first leaping from a trashcan to a dumpster then through the air towards her. Wolverine tackled the mercenary off the ladder and the two went crashing into the alley.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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The beep and targeting circle did little more than warn her, as she could not react fast enough to avoid... That. Even if she could, the sight of that man jumping like some sort of rabid animal towards her shocked her long enough for him to crash onto her. As they rolled, she had the presence of mind to quickly eject the hidden blade inside her gauntlet, striking straight for his heart.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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In the flurry of snarls and thrashing a single blade shot out and sank deep. Logan breathed deep in pain as the blade pierced the flesh. He released his hold and stumbled back, slamming into a dumpster as his chest bled profusely. Logan's hand was over his heart as he struggled to breath with the injury. His eyes staring with hate filled rage at the woman who'd stabbed him. Soon however the ragged, pain filled breaths turned into slower, foreboding growls. The flesh and skin knitted itself back together and Logan got to his feet. Wolverine glared hungrily at the mercenary with a savage grin as he lowered into a ready position, like an animal primed to pounce.

"Alright girly... Now it's my turn."


Wolverine roared and surged forward his claws on either side ready to tear her to ribbons. He leapt at her and swiped intending to tear her chest open.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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For a moment she felt a surge of triumph as the man reeled backwards, his chest bleeding profusely. Her face turned to one of shock as she saw the wound healing, the man starting to breathe easier. What? Just who...


As the adamantium claws came out, she knew she was in deep deep trouble now. The only thing she had that would be able to stand those claws was....

The other gauntlet ejected it's hidden blade in a hiss of metal, as she barely dodged the swipes he made, damaging the frills of her uniform in the process. In a straight up fight, she will definitely lose, even with the visor's readings and the gauntlets.

"I never knew I'd someday be fighting with the infamous Wolverine himself...." Her smile was considerable more strained now, trying to think of a way to escape him. She took an aggressive stance, and gave a fast jab to his face with her right blade, fully intending to follow up with a slash to his throat with the left.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wolverine growled and pressed the attack. His first swing did little more then tear her suit and he was looking for blood. The merc threw a quick jab to his face. Logan side stepped it but still got a nice long gash along his cheek. Wolverine snarled in pain but accepted the wound as an opportunity to close the distance and get in close.

"Yer gunna have to do better than that babe."

He said with his gash already beginning to heal as he grabbed her extended right right forearm with his left hand and threw his right elbow into her face. Time seemed to slow before the blow connected. Holding her arm she wasn't going anywhere and at this distance she didn't have much chance to dodge it. While the blow wouldn't do any lasting damage it may set up chance for him to get in a killing blow.


The man in the unmarked black van watched with interest at the bout unfolding in the alley between the mutant and the mercenary. It had been a while since anyone had seen Wolverine do what he did best so this was a rare treat. Beyond that he finally had an opportunity to evaluate Wraith first hand. As he observed the fight his loyal, second hand woman walked up on his right and leaned in to speak quietly into his ear.

"Aren't your worried he'll kill her Director Fury?"

Black Widow asked as her eyes locked on Wolverine. Fury smirked and sat back.

"I'm worried he'll kill everyone Natasha. How are we coming with our super cop?"

"We have already located him and Shocker is being transported to the immediate area as we speak. His vibro-shock units will be returned to him once he's on the scene."

"And our grab team?"

Fury asked, never taking his eyes off the fight raging on in the alley.

"Already in position in case he's too much for Hazmat to handle but we're not worried."

Natasha said calmly. Fury just chuckled and turned to her for the first time in their conversation.

"If he gets dropped by Shocker then he wasn't our guy anyway. Give the team the green light."

"Yes sir."


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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She took the hit squarely in the face, her visor cracking under the severe blow. But, her free hand was already on its way to his ribs, as she used the pull to leverage more power behind that stab. be found out like this...

She does have a last resort. Like one of her gauntlet held a small missile. If she can detonate it while Wolverine was off guard, she might be able to escape in the resulting debris and dust.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wolverine coughed in pain with blood spurted from his mouth as her blade sunk deep between his ribs. His eyes narrowed on hers as he gritted his teeth in agony, blood dripping around his sharp canines. Wolverine roared and pulled his fist back ready to surge forward and skewer her on his claws when two Suv's pulled up on either side of the alley and armed S.H.I.E.L.D agents poured out surrounding them. Logan looked up to see a second team posistion on the roofs of the buildings above them, sniper rifles trained on both himself and the mercenary. Wolverine sighed and his claws retraced as he looked around to see Fury step up to the pair of them.

"If you two are done we have real work to do."

He said flatly. Logan growled and stepped toward him.

"I was doin real work Fury. Little miss robo ninja here stole some tech from Richards. I was getting it back."

"We're well aware Logan. We can handle it from here. Beside, we don't want you kill one of your future teammembers."

Logan's jaw almost dropped.

"The hell you talkin about Fury?"

Nick just smikred and looked at Wraith.

"You heard me Logan. Ms. Faefield and I need to have a conversation if you two are done."

Wolverine glared at the head of S.H.I.L.E.D and took a step towards him.

"I ain't goin nowhere till I get what I came for."

Nick just crossed his arms over his chest impassively.

"Relax Wolverine. I know better than most what's at stake here."

Wolverine growled but stepped aside letting Nick walk up to Wraith.

"Francesca right? I'm Nick Fury... Director of S.H.I.L.E.D."


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Wolverine was already moving to skewer her, judging from his raised hand, as she raised HER arm ready to fire her own missile in his face. All of a sudden two SUV's appeared, releasing a torrent of men who surrounded them. Men with guns, a lot of guns. Not her type.

The other gauntlet fired up with a loud whirr, as she raised both her arms to either side, ready to blast the first one to move.

"If you two are done we have real work to do."

A rather intimidating black man step forth, without the slightest bit of fear of Wolverine, or the fact she had trained one of the loudly whirring gauntlets at him. After some conversation with Wolverine, the black man walked to her, looking rather strange and fragmented as she was seeing both through the damaged visor and her own eyes where the visor's glass was broken.

"Francesca right? I'm Nick Fury... Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

That smile still on her face, she tilted her head slightly. "Oh? And what does the director of S.H.I.E.L.D wants with me?"

The radio is still on, she thought. Black should be able to hear everything since the fight with Wolverine. No doubt, Black was muffling any sound on his end, listening intently.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Nick Fury's eyes were carefully inspecting the womans equipment. A half smirk etched it's way onto his face.

"Looks like Stark tech. I'd be interested on how you got your hands on it.. Luckily for you I'm not here to bust you for unregistered weapons technology."

He said causally as he slid his hands into his long coat pockets.

"Francesca Faefield, 22. Freelance mercenary with a mind for weapons tech. That's a hell of a resume. Too bad you're under selling yourself..."

Logan listened intently to Fury as he spoke. He couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head. He may not like the guy but damn if he wasn't convincing. He'd gotten Wolverine to agree to more than a few shady missions over the years with little more than a few words.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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If the visor was not over her face, he might have been able to see her frown a bit at the man. She lowered her weapons a little, but not bothering to power them down, just in case she needs them immediately. How was he able to obtain her records anyways? She was sure that no one knew who she really was.

"You still haven't answered my last question."

There was something else that this man wanted? Important enough to ignore that she had gotten her hands on Stark tech?

"Reapers, Wraith...Remember what I told you..." Black's voice suddenly whispered through the still open connection.


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Fury chuckled and pulled his hands out from his pockets and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You want to know what I want from you?... I want you to help us save the world."

Logan pushed himself up from the side of the van he'd been leaning on. Now he wasn interesetd.

"Last time the Reapers hit Earth we barely survived and it was only thanks to the Avengers and Captain America that we did. We're hoping that this time we fair a little better and with your help, we might just be able to pull it off."

Fury paused and let his words sink in before he continued speaking.

"You've been selling yourself out as some gun for hire Ms. Faefield but I think you can be so much more. Give us the opportunity to prove it to you and in the process you just might get to help save a lot of lives."


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Character Portrait: Wolverine Character Portrait: Francesca Faefield
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Save the world....Huh...Kinda like Black said..

After a few moments of silence, she sighed and powered down her weapons completely.

"Fine... Now can we have all those guns put away?"

Francesca lifted her visor, revealing her face once again. She shot a glance at Wolverine who seemed to be bored with everything by now. Well, seems he's with Nick and the armed guys. And you just don't refuse when people are pointing guns at you, especially when they got a rabid mutant on their side.