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Nanase, Yutaro

"People are like music: every song you listen to is different, even if only slightly."

0 · 2,474 views · located in Japan

a character in “Until We Meet Again”, originally authored by, as played by RolePlayGateway




| Alias(es)
| Age
| Gender
| Occupation
| Ethnicity
| Birth Date
| Sexuality
|â™ĸ| Yuta ; Yucchi
|â™ĸ| Twenty-eight (28)
|â™ĸ| Male
|â™ĸ| Musician/Father
|â™ĸ| Japanese
|â™ĸ| June 18
|â™ĸ| Undecided

Yutarou is the young father of ten year old Yuki, making a living off of his music and enjoying every minute of it. He lives in Tokyo, Japan and is not currently in a relationship, as his wife died eight years ago. He is in a famous band with two of his best friends from Junior High. They're known across Japan as Snowflower. A large amount of his time is spent with his daughter watching Sailor Moon & Naruto. XX




Yutarou is a very attractive male, and his looks are often the first thing a person notices about him. He is tall, standing at 190 centimeters, and is muscular and toned. His flawless skin is tanned in color and he has a slender build, though he is by no means underweight. Contrary to popular thought, Yuta's silky black hair is in a constant bed-head state - gravity-defying and unable to be tamed. His eyes are golden and cat-like, framed by thick lashes. Yutarou's style is random and inconsistent, changing drastically depending on the occasion. He tends to favor skinny jeans and skater-style shoes, although Harajuku Fashion is his definite second favorite. Hats are something he greatly dislikes, although headbands are not a problem. He does enjoy scarves too. When it comes to jewelry, Yutarou sometimes goes a bit over-the-top. Earrings are worn in excessive amounts - at least five in each ear - and bracelets and anklets are also worn in bulk. A sterling silver ring is worn on the ring finger of his right hand, and a clear quartz crystal is worn on a silver chain around his neck, neither ever being left off his person. Both are beloved treasures of his. Yutarou also has silver studs in his tongue and nose. XX




Yutarou is a charming young man, and can be very flirtatious when he attracted to someone. He is very confident in himself and his abilities, though at times he can doubt himself. Yutarou is known for his optimistic outlook on the world and dislikes people who can't see the good in others. He can be overprotective of the people he cares for, and can sometimes be overbearing. Yutarou considers himself to be comedic, and even though his jokes are almost never funny, his warm and comforting aura has a way of making people laugh. His colorful traits and interesting mannerisms make him stand out in crowd, yet he doesn't seem to mind this, and almost seems to enjoy it. Yutarou is very friendly and charismatic, and tends to attract people to him, even if they aren't always good people to be around. When necessary, Yutarou can be very nurturing and almost motherly towards others, regardless of whether they are older or younger than him. He likes to care for others when they are sick and is very generous in giving gits to make them feel better. He's a good listener, always willing to give helpful advice. XXXX




Yutarou grew up in a small town in the Miyagi prefecture. He was born to wealthy, stubbornly religious parents who expected only the best from him, often putting far too much pressure on an Elementary school boy. He never let this get to him, and spent little time at home. Yuta got into many fights as a kid, and one day, he stood up for a boy who was being bullied for his long hair, and the two ended up becoming inseparable friends for several years. Sadly, their parents moved them to opposite ends of Japan, and the two fell out of contact. After entering Junior High, Yutarou befriended classmates of his, Masamune Jun and Sawamura Kenta, as well as Jun's elder sister Yui. The four made a music club and became skilled at performing together, with Yui as their manager. It was in their third year of Junior High that Nakamura Hana appeared, impressed by the band's music and requesting to join the club as their new advisor. They agreed, and Hana became a part of their group, as close to them as they were to each other. Yutarou easily fell in love with her, and through a series of awkward moments and failed confessions, the two finally started dating during their first year of Senior High. Their relationship flourished and could be described as nothing less than true love. When Hana became pregnant in their last year of school, they didn't falter, ignoring the prejudice of their parents and sharing the enthusiasm of their child. Yuki was born only a week after graduation. Yutarou and Hana moved out together with their baby girl, living for several years with Yui, Jun, Kenta, and later Kenta's girlfriend, Aya. Their family was a happy one. While Yutarou and Yui didn't find much interest in college, Jun and Kenta thrived in learning new sound techniques and about music equipment, while Hana was content with her arts and economics classes. Yutarou spent his time watching over Yuki and working as many part-times jobs as he could, saving up so they could afford to live on their own. Of course, tragedy struck in happy times. One day, while Hana and Yuki were on their way home, a car skidded on the rain-soaked street and crashed into the two, killing Hana who turned toward the vehicle to protect her daughter. Yutarou continually blames himself for not being there to protect his wife. He got little support from his parents, who threatened to take Yuki away, and after a long argument Yutarou and Yuki moved to Tokyo, their friends following. Yuta, Jun, and Kenta formed a band, named Snowflower in honor of Hana, and quickly became famous. As time passed Yutarou never sought after any relationships again. Well, until now... XX


character sheet - StarlightPrincess
character - StarlightPrincess
inspiration - Elision ; įŒĢババ
face claim - Kuroo Tetsurou
hex codes -
#EE1D24 & #F16522


So begins...

Nanase, Yutaro's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


By the time his alarm went off at seven, Yutarou still hadn't slept at all. He'd been up all night writing out the lyrics for a new song the band wanted to play at their next concert. And, after working on it for a full eleven hours, he had only been able to add three more lines to the song. Ah, fuck it, this song isn't going to happen anytime soon so I might as well just accept the fact. Ugh...I need coffee. With a low groan, Yutarou picked himself up from where he was crouched over the dining table and groggily rubbed his head as he walked toward the coffeemaker. He could hear Yuki's alarm beeping over the grumble of the machine and couldn't help but smile, leaning idly against the counter as he waited. XX
A couple minutes later, the coffeemaker beeped, and the grumbling slowly stopped as the coffee finished brewing. At the same moment, Yuki's bedroom door opened, and the 10-year-old hurried out, dressed in a pristine navy blue dress with a black sweater over the top. "Ohayo, tou-san!" She said, smiling at him as she entered the sitting room. Yutaro smiled back and returned her greeting as he poured his coffee into the bright pink cat print mug Yuki had given him for Christmas. It was definitely his favorite mug. XX
"Yui-san said you're trying to finish writing a song before your concert. Do you think you'll be able to finish it in time?" Yuki said, stepping past him toward the fridge. Yutarou turned to watch her retrieve the over-sized carton of milk and plop it onto the counter. "Maybe, maybe not. It doesn't really matter if we play it. That's the cool thing about playing new songs, no one's heard it before, so no one'll get disappointed if you don't play it!" The smaller girl nodded in recognition and turned back to the fridge, pulling out eggs one by one and handing them to Yutarou, who fished a frying pan out of the cupboard and started to make omelettes, chatting away as he did. XX
The two ate their breakfast around playful banter, chatting about school and music and friends and whatever else they could think of to talk about. Half an hour later, they were both scrambling to gather their things and hurriedly putting on their shoes, as they would both be later if they didn't move fast. "Will they fire you if you're late?" "Nah, I'm self-employed so they can fire me. But Kenta and Jun will get mad at me if I get there after they do, so that's why I'm hurrying." The two made it a race to see who could get to the stoplight by their complex first. Of course, Yuki won, but not without her dad right on her tail. XXX
Once they reached the stoplight, Yuki joined a group of her friends from school, and waved goodbye as her and her dad split ways. Yutarou watched until the group was out of sight before racing off across the road, humming quietly to himself as he headed toward the music company building. The building itself was a huge skyscraper situated on the outskirts of Tokyo, close enough to the city where its height wouldn't be out of place, but close enough to the suburbs that Yutarou wouldn't have to risk letting his daughter walk along busy streets to get to school and back every day. When she was younger, he'd walked her there every morning and picked her up every afternoon, but once Yuki started becoming more social, he began to put trust in the fact that she would have enough friends around to where she wouldn't need him looking out for her. XX
Jun would probably say I've developed a 'daughter-complex' or something just as dumb and perverted-sounding. As Yutarou stepped into the building, he was immediately greeted by the smells of coffee and pastries from the lobby cafe. There weren't many people around this early in the morning, and only a few of those people were artists, the others being company staff. Yutaro made his way over to the elevator and headed up to the tenth floor, tapping on the strap of his guitar as he stepped out of the elevator and into Snowflower's studio. Of course, he was the first one there, and the first thing he did was start up the coffeemaker. Sure, he'd already had one cup, but he would definitely need more if he was going to last the rest of the day. I bet Yui's going to come scold me for not sleeping, even though she's the one who wants the song done. XX
When the other three members of Snowflower arrived, Yutaro's prediction proved itself correct, as Yui did indeed scold him the moment she saw him with coffee. Jun and Kenta watched with amused faces and teased him for a good five minutes afterward, until Yui scolded them too for not working. At that point it was Yutarou's turn to laugh at his friends. For the next four hours, the three discussed song lyrics, edited previous songs to add in new arrangements, argued about whether it was better to have lots of bass or only a little, and took quite a lot of 'breaks' in order to mess around whenever Yui turned her back. It wasn't until Kenta's girlfriend Aya showed up that they really got to work. XX
"Oi, did you hear about that bar down the street? Apparently the guy who owns the place is super young, and everyone keeps blabbering about how good the drinks are. Its a gay bar too, so that's a plus for me~" Jun said, smirking creepily. Yutarou let out a groan from where he was draped over the back of the couch. "Of course you would like a gay bar, you're engaged to a dude. Yet you seem to forget that the two of us aren't as keen on getting knocked-up as you are- or were, anyways." Both Jun and Kenta laughed, though the latter of the two wasn't even listening to the conversation, too busy exchanging jokes with Aya to care. "Yuta, you haven't dated a single person since Hana died, and haven't had sex since before that. And I'm not trying to dishonor her memory or anything, but you can't live out the rest of your life all by yourself! Its disgraceful." Yutarou let out a louder groan and punched Jun in the arm. Hard. XXX
"Ow! Hey, don't go gettin' all violent just because I'm trying to knock some sense into you!" After a 10+ minute long argument, Yutarou agreed to spend one evening - "I repeat, one evening!" - with Jun and his boyfriend Ryouta at the bar. Kenta and Aya were left out of the equation, for obvious reasons, and Yui immediately accepted the right of watching over Yuki for the night. Well, at least I don't have to leave Yuki home alone because of some stupid bet my dumbass friends forced me into... The rest of the afternoon passed with little actual work, and more mindless chatter - mostly chatter from Jun about the bar's 'regulars' and which ones Yutarou would be the most interested in. Jun's judgement, however, was not easily trusted, as it had caused quite a few disasters back in their university days. And here, a few means a ton. XX
By the time they got to the bar, Yutarou was starting to think that his agreement to spend an evening at the venue might not have been such a bad idea after all. The bar itself was rather tame, at least compared to some bars he'd been too, and it wasn't nearly as crowded as a rave would have been. Jun and Ryouta were quick in abandoning Yutarou, leaving him in the doorway to make out in a dark corner. Assholes. Looking around, nothing served to catch Yutarou's interest, until his eyes fell upon a head-full of striking blue hair, practically glowing under the black lights. Taking a deep breath and shoving his hands into his pockets, Yutarou sat down a seat away from the blue-haired male, leaving an empty spot between them and ordering a blue cocktail, greeting the bartender with a polite 'good evening'. God, I feel so out of place in this bar... XXXX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ It may sound foolish of me to keep clinging to it, but that's my dream ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


It was nothing more than a childish memory, a promise made between two kids who had never truly experienced what is called 'life', a parting that had left many regrets in both of them. Yet, somehow, it has clung to him for as far as he could remember, no matter how much he had changed as time passed.

"We might not be able to see each other again for a long time, and now we have to live so far away."

Dated back many years ago, on a starry, quiet night, in an abandoned treehouse which was found by them and known by them two alone, two boys spent their final moments together, before tomorrow came, when they have to depart to different poles of Japan. The decisions were made so sudden that they didn't know what to do, but they were merely kids, what else could they possibly do, to change the fact that this might as well be the last time they see each other?

"But if we ever crossed path again, I will definitely have become stronger, and no one would pick on me again."

When they are together, they felt as if time and space had stopped. They recounted the precious memories they shared together and reminisce on how they have never be away from one another's presence, how they met for the first time and how they have always got each other's backs. Some of them were years ago, yet he felt as if they were only yesterday. They laughed and chatted like they always did, but they know for sure that, this time was different. And, for every second that they still got to spend together, they have to treasure it.

"So, shall we do one last pinky swear?"

They both have also aware of the feeling that could only grow stronger and stronger in their hearts that had far surpassed the line of friendship that blossomed for the first time ever, but, they both feared that they will lose what they were having, so they have kept it hidden, completely unaware of the reciprocation they shared together. They have to face the reality that soon enough, their lives will become anew - a life without the presence that had become so familiar to them. They didn't know which paths will the future lead them to, they didn't know what is waiting for them. But they know for sure that for them to have no other regret before the inevitable parting that is soon to come, they have to make an oath together, a promise that they would keep for as long as they still live in this world. A mutual understanding that they belonged to each other, now and forever.

"One day, we will be together, no matter what happens."

On a queen-size bed, in a room of a rather fancy hotel, Hiruka cringed as he quietly sat up and rubbed his eyes. Outside, it hasn't the break of dawn just yet, but it wasn't as dark as it was when midnight, so he could assume that it's only about 3:30AM. Hiruka was completely undressed, with a blanket covered him from his waist down. And, lying while still sleeping rather soundly next to him was a ripped, handsome middle-aged man, whom he had just met last night at his brother's bar. There's no need to tell on how much fun they have had.

If this is in some yaoi manga, apparently Hiruka would have commented that "his back hurts" or "the guy was too rough". But no, he considered himself to be an "expert" when it comes to this and it isn't for show at all. Stretching his arms, Hiruka gently got off the bed as not to wake up his one-night stand and put on his clothes which were scattered all over the room, before picking up his bag and left the room in silence. He doesn't have a habit of keeping touch with those he slept with, so he would usually walk away in quiet, just like that.

Not that it matters, anyway.

Walking out of the hotel, Hiruka put on his headphone and tapped as a song began to play as he calmly strolled his way back to his apartment, with an emotionless face. It has been a year since his "umpteenth" boyfriend broke up with him and he had totally given up any effort just to bring himself to commit to anyone. If there's a prize for the person who had the most terrible of luck when it comes to love affairs, he's confident that he would have won already. It's better that he give it a rest. There's still a lot of guys out there whom he can use to satisfy his needs. That's how he had taken up this kind of life. And he's totally happy with it, maybe even more than when he's still all lovey-dovey alike.

Tokyo before break of dawn is so peaceful and quiet that it was hard to believe that it'll be bustling with crowds and traffics just an hour or two later. It had been 5 years since he and Makoto first come here. Things were hard at first, since there were so many new challenges, so many things to learn, but now, life with them has been quite contented. Usually, Makoto's bar, Ahnenerbe, opens at 8:00PM and closes at 2:30AM, so he should have been home by now. Probably still up waiting for his adorable nii-chan to return.

After he made it back to their apartment, which also situated in Shinjuku district, Hiruka uses his spare key to open the door. "I'm home." He said as he put off his shoes and turned on the light. There wasn't any responses, probably due to Makoto had already settling down for the night. However, he could saw that there was a dish of rice and curry on the dining table under a plastic cover, with a note: Heat up and eat when you return, nii-chan.

Chuckling, Hiruka then proceeded to do what the note said and enjoyed the little meal his brother had made. It was lucky for him to still have his brother by his side, or else he really would be alone after having his heart broken for so many times. When he finished, he washed the dish before walking to his room. His working shift is at 8:00AM, so he might just as well take a couple of hours of sleep.

When Hiruka woke up again, he checked the time and saw that it was already 7:00AM, still an hour away until he got to work. He changed into another shirt and tied up his hair. As he stepped out, a rather lanky voice spoke up from the kitchen, "Hey, nii-chan. Did you have fun yesterday?" Makoto asked while reading a newspaper and drink a cup of espresso, "Well, of course you did. I don't think I need to ask again."

"Come on, what's with that attitude? It's not like you're any better, eh, Bartender-kun?" Hiruka said with a teasing voice as he sat across with his brother.

"Sorry, I totally could never have the privilege to match up with the so-called "little naughty sex fiend" here." Makoto stuck out his tongue, "Still, I gotta admit that looking like that when you're only half a decade away from being an old man should be considered as a crime. No wonder why guys are totally fawning over you. At least keep your hands away from the boys at my place, okay? Lately you've become quite a gossip topic."

"Don't worry, they looked good, but none of them are really my type anyway. Well, some of them asked me for a night out, but I'm pretty sure they were more intimidated by their boss. So no worries." Hiruka chuckled.

They both chatted a little more until it was Hiruka's time to work. Bidding goodbye to his brother, he set off to his workplace through a bus. When he arrived at Arisu's - one of the most popular barber shop in Tokyo, he went through the back entrance for staffs, and met up with his boss, Kasumi, who was being bossy and flamboyant as always, along with her two brothers, Madoka and Kazuki, who are also Hiruka's co-workers. They soon opened the shop and right away, customers who are both males and females alike poured in.

It was another fun day at work for Hiruka, as he always make sure that every of his customer walking out of the shop will have a total fabulous new look. Though Kasumi won't often compliment them, she too had to admitted that ever since Hiruka worked for them a few years ago, they have been very successful with their business. Hiruka would usually just brush it off with a smile and said that he simply do his job.

When he finally returned from his work, it was already quite late at night and Makoto had already set off to work. Since he doesn't have anything better to do, he might just as well spend another night at the bar and bother him. After all, it was nice to have somewhere he can grab a drink or two for free. If he got any luck, there will be some guys who he can grab and have some golden time with.

Taking a long, nice shower, Hiruka dressed in his simple casual attire and tied his hair in a pony tail. Gathering his stuff, he stroll his way from the apartment to the 2-chome ward of Shinjuku - the gay paradise in Tokyo. There were, of course, many bars and other places where people like him can have a good time there. Thankfully, Ahnenerbe was amongst the more popular ones and it has gained quite some popularity recently.

Opened the door and made his way inside, the door bell rang. Makoto had opened for not very long so it's no surprise that there aren't many customers yet. Makoto, the bartender as well as owner of the bar, looks better looking now that he's dressed in a formal suit. "Good evening, Hiruka-sama. What can I get for you today?" He asked in a rather jokingly manner.

"Well, just like usual. A martinez, if you would." Hiruka said as he sat down on the stool in front of the counter.

While sipping calmly from his drink, Hiruka cast his gaze all over the bar to see if there are any single guy that caught his eyes, but there isn't anyone so far. So, he just sat quietly and chatting with Makoto whenever he doesn't have to make a drink. That is, until a small group of guys made their way in. Well, two of them were a couple, apparently and they were quick to find a dark corner to take care of their "businesses".

"Hey, you really allow them to do that here?" Hiruka raised the question.

Makoto shrugged, "As long as they didn't take it too far. Making out is fine, but I'll have them send into the toilet if I heard some moans going on."

"Figure that much." Hiruka chuckled as he continued to sip from his glass. Soon, he was joined by the only guy left in the group, which was a rather tall guy with dark hair, who doesn't seemed to be older than him much. He sat a seat away from Hiruka and ordered a blue cocktail, "Coming right up, sir." Makoto replied as began to mix the drink for his customer and served it and whispered to Hiruka with a mischievous smirk, "Exactly your type, right?"

"Pfft." Hiruka grinned and winked to Makoto. He usually wasn't the one to make the first move, but there sure are something about this guy that make him want to take the initiative. So, he took another sip from his martinez and spoke up, "So, dare I ask what a good-looking gentleman here doing in a lovely evening like this?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


Yutarou was fully prepared to spend the entire night by himself if he had to, not all that keen on trying to seduce anyone for any reason. However, to his surprise, the blue-haired man sitting beside him decided to make the first move and start a conversation. "So, dare I ask what a good-looking gentleman here doing in a lovely evening like this?" XXXX
Thanking the bartender as he was delivered the blue cocktail, Yutarou turned in his seat and smiled sweetly to his neighbor, leaning on one hand while he stirred his drink with the other. "Well, firstly, thank you for the compliment. And I'm not sure if you'd believe me, but I was pretty much forced into spending my evening here. The two making out in that dark corner are good friends of mine, they roped me into it. According to them, the fact that I haven't been with anyone for eight years is a concern, though I disagree." XXX
Yutarou bowed as best he could while sitting down and stretched out his hand in proper greeting, smiling softly. "I'm Nanase Yutarou, but you can call me whatever you like, I don't really mind~" He then turned his entire body toward his neighbor, giving the male his full attention as a casual, pleasant conversation ignited, full of flirtatious compliments. XX
Surprisingly, Yutarou became fully immersed in his beautiful drinking partner, hanging onto every word of the conversation and letting nothing distract him, even when Jun and Ryouta noticed and made dramatic waving gestures at him from across the room. He was enjoying himself, and he had come to enjoy the company of Sorayuki Hiruka. In the bowels of his brain, Yuta felt the name was familiar. The thought was quickly forgotten. XX
A good three hours had passed by before either of them looked at a clock, and Yutarou was taken aback to find that it was already just past midnight. "Well, time does fly by when you're having fun, right?" He said, smirking and running his finger over the edge of his cocktail glass. He'd been adamant about not drinking more than a single glass, since his alcohol tolerance was embarrassingly low, but the blue cocktail had been great. XX
"Oi Yuta! I told you you'd have fun, didn't I? You should trust my judgement more often~" Jun said, striding over to the bar with Ryouta at his side, both looking disheveled. Yutarou frowned slightly. "I don't trust your judgement because you once convinced me that jumping off the college dorm's roof into a pond would be a good idea. But I suppose you can have the credit for this night." Yuta went to introduce Hiruka, but Jun spoke for himself, swinging an arm around Yutarou's shoulders while he loudly introduced himself and his boyfriend to Hiruka. I guess I can't say I didn't expect him to act like this. He shot a sympathetic smile toward his partner, who gratefully didn't seem overwhelmed. XX
Jun continued to rant on about something or other, meanwhile Ryouta made his way to Yutarou's side and started up a much more peaceful conversation about Yuki's schooling. It was then that Jun's phone started to ring with the loud, obnoxious ringtone that symbolized Yui's contact. "You'd better answer that, or Yui'll have all our heads tomorrow morning." The group of four all subconsciously leaned in as Jun answered the call, and seconds later, Yui's voice was blasting through the speaker. "Do you idiots have any idea what time it is?! Its nearly one in the morning and you have a meeting at ten! You'd better get home within the hour or you're all grounded!" XX
Yui hung up. Ryouta stifled a laugh behind his hand while Jun and Yutarou collectively groaned, the latter of the two letting out more of a dejected sigh than anything else. "It seems we've been summoned. Yui-san's our manager, so we kind of have to listen to her, or we're all screwed. I suppose that means we'll have to say good night, Hiruka-san." Yutarou smiled as the two shook hands once again. "I enjoyed spending the night with you. I'll definitely be coming back, though I can't promise it'll be soon. Oyasumi~" And with some dramatic waving, they were off. XX
Yutarou and Jun walked Ryouta to his family home before heading toward their own apartment complex, sleepily treading up the three flights of stairs it took to get to their floor. Yui was waiting in the living room when they stepped into Yutarou's apartment, and she ordered him to go to bed before bidding him goodnight and dragging her brother next door. Yutaro let out a half-sigh-half-yawn and smiled to himself as he crept into Yuki's bedroom as quietly as he could, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead before stepping back out and to his own room. He didn't bother to shower or even change out of his clothes before collapsing onto his bed and passing out, sleeping soundlessly through the morning. XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ It may sound foolish of me to keep clinging to it, but that's my dream ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka calmly taking a sip of martinez from his own glass, while giving the man a glance from the bottom to the top. The man was quite handsome, in his opinion, and to say that he was a total hulk wouldn't be too much of an exaggeration, and he seems older than him. In a way, he reminded him of a couple of rock singers that once come into Arisu's and got their hair done by Hiruka himself. He very well may be one. If there's one thing he's proud of, that would be his ability to read people and tell almost exactly how they are.

He watched the man drink his own glass of cocktail and listened as he introduced himself and how he had managed to end up here. It seemed the guys who are making out in the corner over there are his friends and he was simply being dragged here by them. What is surprising is the fact that he said he hadn't been with anyone for eight years, which Hiruka raised his eyebrow at.

Then, Hiruka tilted his head and smiled with his newfound drinking partner, "I see. You seemed to have some interesting fellas, if I must say. Though, I partly agree with them that eight years are a really long period of time." Hiruka replied. He too had to admitted that he admired how the man had managed to stay chaste like that for such a long time. It wouldn't be wrong to say that if it comes to him, he might die of boredom if he doesn't sleep with anyone for just one month.

When the man introduced his name, which was Nanasa Yutaro, Hiruka's heart stung a little bit. It was the very same name of the boy whose promise he still blindly hold even til now. However, in this case, it might be just a coincidence, nothing more. So, he just smiled back casually in reply, "I'm Sorayuki Hiruka, it was my pleasure, Yutaro-san. This guy here is my cute little brother so in a way, you can say that I'm a co-owner of this bar." He threw his head towards Makoto, who is busy making drink behind the counter.

The conversation between them went on quite pleasantly for hours. This is quite normal to Hiruka, since he would usually have a nice, long chat with whoever tried to hit on him, before decided if they would make the catch of the night or not. After that, Yutaro was joined by his friends, who pestered him and told him that he would have had a lot of fun that night, which he grudgingly agreed. The two of them introduced themselves to Hiruka, and he does the same with them.

The guy who had just introduced himself as Jun went on to rant about all things, most of them related to how Yutaro had been staying a chaste man for almost a decade. He must really have been pent up.. Hiruka sheepishly thought. Then suddenly, one of them got a call from a person named Yui, whom they acknowledged as their manager. She seemingly ordered them to return immediately or who knows what might happen to them yesterday.

"My, y'all have been very interesting partners, if I must say." Hiruka chuckled and remarked, as he shook his hand with Yutaro, "And I you, Yutaro-san. I hope to catch you around soon." He waved to them with a smile as they walked their way out of the bar. Turning his attention back to his brother, Hiruka sighed. "So, you found a nice fish today but you didn't manage to catch it in the end, huh?" Makoto said with a grin.

Hiruka shrugged, "At least I've found an interesting guy, am I? I'll see if his skills got any rusty after such a long time though."

"Tell me about it. Why don't you just go and make yourself useful like usual, my co-owner nii-chan?" Makoto teased at he threw his head at the piano in the corner of the bar.

"Yeah, yeah I know." Hiruka stuck out his tongue at his brother before walking to the piano and started playing a series of songs, as to keep any customer in the bar going with his playing. It's still two hours away before Makoto close off, and it was already too late to found another guy. Just like that, another long and enjoyable night for Hiruka had quietly passed, before going back to work the first thing in the morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


The next morning, Yutarou got up at seven and made his usual pot of coffee, listening dutifully as Yuki talked about the new student in her class all through breakfast. They walked together to the stoplight and waved as they split up, same as every day, and Yuta leaned sleepily against the wall of the elevator as it flew up to the tenth floor. He wasn't nearly as tired as he'd been the previous day, he'd just never been a morning person. XXX
As Yui had said the night before, the band really did have a meeting at ten, and Yutarou was not at all excited for it. The meeting was with the people who did the special effects for their concerts. Every time they met, Ken would always want to try some crazy stunt like stage fireworks or flying or whatever else he could come up with, and every time they met his ideas would be shut down due to how dangerous and illogical they were. XXX
And that, of course, was exactly how the meeting went. After the meeting, Yuta followed his bandmates back up to their studio, he and Jun adamantly refusing to acknowledge Kenta's complaints about how their SFX team never listened to his ideas. Yui was waiting for them when they returned. Technically, she was supposed to be at the meetings as well, but she always managed to conjure up a believable excuse as to why she couldn't. XX
"Oi, Yuta, did you finish that song yet?" Yui asked. Yutarou grimaced, already knowing she wouldn't be happy with his answer. "" "What? Why?!" "Because I have no inspiration and we don't actually need it for the concert." "Yutarou. You three haven't released anything new in more than half a year! Its disgraceful!" Yuta wondered where Jun and Yui had gained the habit of saying 'its disgraceful' all the time. XX
He and Yui argued for a while longer, but of course, Yui won, and Yuta was shuffled off to the recording room to work on his song in peace and quiet while Jun and Kenta practiced their regular songs. By the time the day was done, the song had at least five more lines and a stable beat, which was a feat considering how little he'd been able to add to the pitiful song so far. Although I suppose I really shouldn't be calling it pitiful. XX
The next week passed in much the same manner, until it was the day before Snowflower's next concert. It was a Saturday, so Yuta had the day off, and Yuki had insisted that they go and visit a new cat cafe that had apparently opened in the area. While Yuki stood at the sink washing dishes, Yutarou stood behind her, putting her hair into their usual ponytails. "You've got a lot of split ends, maybe I should trim your hair later." "No! Last time you cut my hair too short!" Laughing at the memory, Yuta patted her on the head and moved to dry the now-clean dishes she was stacking on the counter. "I know, I know, I'm just kidding. I'll take you to a hairdresser later today or tomorrow. That sound good?" XXX
And then they were off, walking hand-in-hand down the street and discussing cat breeds in a very serious tone. Unfortunately, weekends were much busier than weekdays, since students were out of school, and the streets were much more crowded than Yutarou had anticipated. He all but panicked when Yuki disappeared, having stopped to look in a shop window and getting carried away by the swarms of people around her. XX
While her father panicked, Yuki herself was panicking as well, eyes full of tears as she waited under the shade of a tree that stood next to the opening of a park. Sniffling, she watched as people passed her by, silently admiring different people's clothes or makeup. Yuki's eyes sparkled when she caught sight of a head full of long, luscious blue hair, and the tiny megane shuffled over to the person, gently tugging on their sleeve. She was still sniffling when they turned to look at her. "Sir, your hair is really really really pretty and I love it very very much."' XXXX
At that same moment, Yutarou came running around the corner, out of breath and worried sick. "Yuki!" Calling to his daughter and rushing over, he was surprised to find that she was standing next to Hiruka of all people, clinging to his sleeve as she stared at his hair as if it was her most favorite thing in the world. Granted, Hiruka did have very beautiful hair. "Hiruka-san! How nice to meet you again, I've been planning on visiting Ahnenerbe, but I'm afraid I haven't had time." Crouching down to Yuki's level, Yuta smiled in relief. "Yuki, are you okay? You should make sure not to let go of my hand in a crowd like that next time, alright?" Nodding, Yuki wiped away the rest of her tears and beamed at him. XX
"Tou-san, tou-san, did you see his hair? Its so pretty! Can I have my hair like that too?" She said, eyes sparkling. Yutarou laughed and stood, smiling to Hiruka. "Maybe when you're older. And yes, I agree, his hair is very beautiful~" After she realized her dad knew Hiruka, she grinned happily and introduced herself, making sure to include the fact that she was ten and in the third grade. Out of habit, she repeated his name when she heard it, since she'd always had trouble remembering names. "Hiruka-san." Yuki paused, zoning off for a moment before gasping dramatically and clapping her hands together with a smile. "Ruru-san!" "You're lucky, Yuki only gives nicknames to special people~" XX
Yuki gasped again, and Yutarou looked to her expectantly, waiting for her next epiphany. "Tou-san, can Ruru-san come with us to the cat cafe? Please please please?" Yuta smiled at her enthusiasm. "I don't mind, but I think you should ask Ruru-san if he would like to come." Nodding, Yuki turned to Hiruka with determination. "Ruru-san! Come with us to the cat cafe!" She paused. "If you would like to!" XXXX

I don't really know what days Hiruka would have off of work, but this fit the plot well, so?? Also ever since I first read about Hiruka I can't help but refer to him as Ruru-san, so I decided to make it an actual thing and have Yuki call him that, as an affectionate nickname. Yuki is the bestest.

Also, I don't wanna be critical, but I thought they weren't supposed to remember each other when they met again? It says in Hiruka's bio that he forgot Yuta's name...and I also don't think Yuta's friends would talk about Yuki with someone Yuta was flirting with. They might be little shits, but they're still modest enough not to talk about things so personal in such a situation. Sorry if I'm being annoying, I just wanna be clear...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ It may sound foolish of me to keep clinging to it, but that's my dream ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


After closing the bar at 3:00AM, Hiruka and Makoto headed back to their apartment together, stopping by a ramen stall on the way to have some supper while chatting about how their days have been. There are almost no secrets between the two of them ever since they were kids, and Hiruka felt the most comfortable when conversing with his brother in comparison with other people. The fact that Makoto hadn't really fell in love before despite already having his virginity lost only two years ago was a topic that Hiruka would usually tease about. Even though he knows that a slanderous man like him has no rights to make fun of anyone's sex life.

Although Hiruka didn't have a whole lot of time to sleep, it didn't deter him much either, as he knows just how to keep himself energetic all day. Being a hairdresser means that he always have to look his best, and keep his mind into what he is doing. Slid the scissors wrong for just one inch and the whole head will become a disaster. Making sure that all customers who had their hair done by him walked out of the shop with a contented smile is the least thing he could do. Kasumi once commented that he doesn't have to try too hard, but that just how he is. That's why she always make him the perfect example for her two younger brothers, as they tend to play around with their job a lot.

The morning at Arisu's passed by just like usual, with streams of customers from both genders coming in almost infinitely, and there are only four of them to take care of business. However, it was a good thing that people are polite enough to wait for their turns. When the last customer of the morning shift left, it has already passed 12:30PM. It was around these time that they got a few moment to rest and have lunch before continuing in the afternoon.

Kasumi would usually ordered packed bento boxes from a nearby convenient store delivered to them for lunch. They mostly sell donkatsu or teriyaki chicken served with rice and miso soup. Of course, they all know that eating processed food wasn't very healthy, but at least they were delicious. The topics they usually chatted with each other are mostly gossips about their daily lives, and sometimes about more personal matter like their love lives.

While Hiruka was sitting and eating away his lunch while reading a newly published weekly magazine, Kazuki draped over him, "Oi, Ruka-chan. Guess what I've just got here."

"Tickets? Whatever they are for?" Hiruka asked as he notices a pair of tickets his colleagues are holding.

"Well, it was for an upcoming concert of a favorite rock band of mine. It's going to be held about a couple of weeks later. I asked Ma-nii and Ka-nee to come along but apparently they've got their plans already. It would be such a waste if I go alone though, so... if you are not busy then, would you mind...?" Kazuki clasped his hands in a very sincere manner and asked.

"A rock concert, huh?" Hiruka pondered a little bit over the offer then nodded, "Sure, why not? Might sound fun."

"Yatta ~ You won't regret it ~" Kazuki said while giving Hiruka a back hug and was about to kiss his cheek, but Hiruka had blocked it with his hand, "No over-intimacy at work, please."

Just like that, the following week passed by quietly in the same manner. Going to work, hanging around at Ahnenerbe, grabbing a few guys for some 'quality time', everything was quite normal for Hiruka. It's Saturday by now and Hiruka is making his way home since Arisu's only open in the morning in Saturday. With his headphone on, Hiruka humming along with the song which was playing on his iPod as he walked on without bumping into anyone. That is, until he came across the park.

A young girl ran up to him and nudged his sleeve from behind, which gained his attention. When he put off the headphone and let it hang around his neck, he turned back and look at her. When she expressed her admiration for his hair, Hiruka couldn't help let out a chuckle, "Thanks for the compliment. Are you lost, little miss?"

Right after that, the most unexpected of person called over to them and approached them. "Yutaro-san?" When he walked up to them, he said that he had been planning to visit Ahnenerbe again for sometimes, but hadn't got much time, "Ah, no worries. It's not like I would spend my time there all the time. I didn't think I would bump into you here though." Hiruka smiled as he watched the two of them reunited, though he was surprised to hear that the small girl addressed Yutaro as "tou-san." So he had a daughter, huh? If that's the case then why would he come to a gay bar, of all places? Chances could be that he's a single father, but Hiruka didn't let it concern himself much.

When he heard the two of them said that his hair was beautiful, he just laughed it off while scratching the back of his head, "Oh, you two don't have to shower my hair with lots of praises like that." It's true that many people would notice his hair first of all things when they met him, but he sometimes doesn't know if he should consider it a blessing or a curse. The young girl introduced herself to be Yuki and that she was in third grade. And soon after, Hiruka found himself having a new nickname, "It sounds nice, thanks, Yuki-chan."

Yuki then suddenly gasped in a rather dramatical manner again then turned to his father to asked if she can invite him to go with them to a cat cafÊ nearby, before turning to him and asked again. Hiruka tilted his head with a bright smile, "Of course, I'd love to. My apartment is only a few block away from here so why not?" Then, he turned to Yutaro, "I hope you wouldn't mind, Yutaro-san."

With that said, the three of them walked their way to the cat cafe together. It wasn't very far from where they stood. The moment they pushed the door open, obviously the first thing they saw was an army of cats. And as a child, it's no surprise that Yuki was astonished by the sight. Hiruka and Yutaro sat at a nearby table while Yuki run around and play with the cats. "I will have a cup of espresso, please." Hiruka said to the waitress when she came and took their order, before turning to Yutaro, "She really is a nice girl, isn't she? I was a bit surprised when she called you 'tou-san', you know."

It was a cool nickname xD And about Hiruka's schedule, well, he works for all weekdays and in the morning on Saturday, so nice timing :)

When I decided to change Hiruka's occupation, I was thinking that maybe it suits him better to remember that promise and cling to it ever since then, but I forgot to make the change, though I've got that edited now. And when you said that Jun was ranting, I don't know what would he be ranting about so I just put it like that, since I didn't think it would be a big deal. I've edited it too, so sorry ~~ >.>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


Yutarou was glad that Hiruka had agreed to come along, as he really did like the man. How couldn't he, if Yuki liked him so much? If asked, he wouldn't have denied that he was attracted to Hiruka, because he was, and their mutual flirting wasn't at all subtle. XX
When they stepped into the cat cafe, Yuki was already lost in her own world, looking at the cats the same way she looked at everything she loved - with pure amazement. Yutarou watched her with a smile and found a table, sitting across from Hiruka as they ordered their respective drinks and chatted. Yuki came over carrying a huge black cat and made a show of introducing it to them, as well as slyly mentioning that the cats were adoptable. XX
"She really is a nice girl, isn't she? I was a bit surprised when she called you 'tou-san', you know." Yuta chuckled quietly and idly scratched the side of his face. "Yeah, I suppose that would have been a shock. I try not to talk about her too much because I'm a musician and I don't want my fame to draw reporters to her school or anything like that. I don't think there are many single fathers out there that are famous musicians." XX
And the conversation continued. Yuta talked a little bit about his band, a little bit about Yuki, though he adamantly avoided mentioning anything about Yuki's mother. Sure, it had been eight years since her death, but he still didn't like to talk about it, especially when he was talking with someone he'd really rather not get super depressed around. XX
The next hour and a half was spent at the cafe, with flirtatious conversation and Yuki's desire to try everything on the menu, which Yutarou indulged since he too was intrigued by all the oddly-named menu items. Of course, they got too full to try everything, but it definitely wasn't going to be their only visit to this cafe, so it wasn't too big of a deal. Yuki was content in sharing the foods she loved the most with Hiruka, and it made Yuta smile. XX
"Tou-san! Can we take him home? He likes me!" "Yuki, all the cats here like you." Yutarou was trying his hardest to resist his daughter's pleas, but of course, he gave in, and the two now owned a fat, fluffy black cat Yuki had promptly named Kuroh, though she claimed it was because the cat reminded her of a character from an anime she liked rather than the color of the cat's fur. "Oh man, I really do have a daughter complex." Yuta said under his breath, unable to keep a frown as Hiruka laughed beside him, amused by the situation. "Ruru-san, come with us next time too, okay?" XX
When it was time to part ways, Yutarou hastily wrote down his cell phone number on the receipt from the cafe, handing it to Hiruka with a grin. "Call me if you ever have another day off, perhaps the two of us can go out sometime~" Yuki waved as dramatically as she could as Hiruka left, and then the two headed home, where their quartet of friends had somehow managed to get into his apartment and were waiting for them. XXX
"Remind me again how it is you people can get into my house when I'm not here." "We made copies of your key the day you bought this place. Its not like you can be surprised, we're your friends and we're also very adamant on always being here for you." Kenta explained briefly before turning his attention back to the movie they were watching. It was Ponyo, unsurprisingly. Yui and Aya were quick to sweep Yuki into a conversation about Kuroh, the three following him around as he explored his new home. Ah, I'm gonna have to go buy stuff for him tomorrow before the concert. That cat better not destroy anything in my house. Taking a seat, Yutarou joined in on the movie viewing. XXX
It wasn't long before Yuki revealed the fact that she and her dad had spent the afternoon with Hiruka, and Jun then spent the rest of the evening teasing him about it, knowing who Hiruka was. Kenta joined in on the teasing after the situation was explained and it wasn't until Yuki's bedtime that he finally managed to shoo the two from his apartment, bidding goodnight to Aya and Yui as politely as he could knowing that they'd both allowed his suffering. "Tou-san, are you gonna play that new song at the concert tomorrow?" Yuki asked with a yawn. "Yup, we're going to play it just for you. Which means you have to get super-duper amazing sleep tonight, so you won't be tired then~" XX
The next day was very, very busy. Yuki and Aya hung out in the studio and played games while the band rehearsed, still arguing about the order of the songs and how to situate themselves on stage. The day passed in a frenzy and suddenly it was night, and the concert was beginning. Yuki, Yui, and Aya were all tucked away in their own special viewing booth, high above the rest of the patrons. It was dark - too dark to see a thing - as the song Sakura Mitsutsuki began. They always played that particular song first, since it was apparently their fans' favorite. XX
As the concert continued, Yutarou got more and more into the music, grinning with every lyric as Snowflower moved through their usual playlist. After playing No Thank You, Jun moved from the synthesizer to his electric guitar and took his place on the second mic, and he and Yuta started the new song Yuta had spent weeks writing: Tenshi Gaeshi. It was fast-paced and fun, not much different than most of their other songs but still a nice change. During the long instrumental parts, Yutarou and Jun couldn't help but laugh, dancing around on stage before jumping back into the song. And then it was done, and the concert came to an end, hundreds of cheers filling the air as Kenta and Jun followed Yuta off stage. XX

Nah, its fine! I just wanna make sure we're both on the same page so everything makes sense to both of us. Anyways, like it said in the text, the topic of Hana's death is still a really touchy subject for Yuta, so Hiruka probably wouldn't find out about her through Yuta himself. He'd probably hear the story from Yuki, or Yuta's friends. I have a couple ideas for how to go about that whole scene, if you'd like me to PM about it?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ It may sound foolish of me to keep clinging to it, but that's my dream ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka listened attentively to Yutaro as he talked about himself. So, it turns out that the guy is a musician and he's trying not to be too public about his daughter or reporters would catch his tail or something. Famous people sure have it tough when it comes to their privacy and stuff, huh? He once have a couple of stalkers in the past, but none had shown up to bother him now after he had given them all a few kicks in the face. And it seemed that his guessing of Yutaro being a single father was right. "I see, you must have had it tough with your jobs. I understand how it feels. Some of the guys who saw me at my brother's bar were really annoying. I suppose you could say that having an outlook like this isn't totally a blessing, you know, but you just have to live with it."

The conversation between them went on quite pleasantly. It was nice that Hiruka had managed to found another person whom he can talked casually like this. Well, he's always been an easy person to talk to, after all. Hiruka noticed that Yutaro is visibly avoiding to talk about Yuki's mother, perhaps because it was a touchy subject after all, so he wasn't insensitive enough to bring that up either. He's never been a curious cat, after all. Yuki had been ordering almost every dish there are in the menu, and offered Hiruka to eat with them, though he politely declined since he still have to save room and have lunch with Makoto.

Yuki sure is attracted to the kittens and even have managed to pick one of them, asking her father if she could bring them back to her. And Yutaro agreed right away, though it was quite visible that he seems a bit reluctant at first. Hiruka couldn't help to find that both of them are quite an amusing couple. Maybe he would be like that one day, if he ever got a child, but that thought seems very unlikely, at least in the near future.

Before parting ways, Yutaro gave Hiruka his phone number by written it down at the back of the bill. "That sounds good. I'll see you again sometimes then. My boss would kill me if I say this but if you or Yuki-chan wanted to have your hair done, feel free to stop by at my shop sometimes, I'll give you a special discount ~" And, he waved back to Yutaro as he watched the two of them left through the cafÊ's door. Picking up his bag and put on his headphone, Hiruka then made his way back home. It was already 12:30PM and Makoto probably have gotten up by now.

"Just what have been keeping you from going straight home and make lunch for me? Having fun with some hot gals at broad daylight has just become your new hobby?" Was the first thing his brother said to him the moment he stepped his foot inside the apartment. Well, he really has no excuse. Even though it was Makoto, to outright tell him that he had been going on what would be enough to considered as a 'date' with a hot guy whom he just barely met days ago would be awkward. So he just laughed it off and went on making lunch for the two of them.

He spent the rest of the day and the following day pestering and hanging around with Makoto. Ahnenerbe was as popular as ever and Hiruka didn't see Yutaro stopping by either, but he figured that he shouldn't be bothering him too much, since both of them aren't that close yet. When it was Sunday night, Hiruka caught up with Kazuki at their designated place before they headed to the stage where the band who will be having a concert tonight will perform. If he remembers correctly, their name was Snowflower. That's not really something one would use to name a rock band, or a male band that is.

Kazuki had managed to book some really good seats, and he also prepared lightsticks for both of them. He really is a big fan, huh? Hiruka sheepishly thought as he hold the pair of lightsticks Kazuki gave him and anticipated as the lights went out. As the first song began, the crowd cheers and waved along with every line of the song. Hey, isn't that... Hiruka turned his gaze to a member of the band, who looks strikingly familiar. And when the lights become clearer, it was shown to be Yutaro, much to his amazement.

The atmosphere was really upbeat and Hiruka didn't know since when was he being pulled along, as he also cheered as loud as Kazuki while waving the lightstick. When the concert ended, he felt a little bit exhausted after such cheering, but it was worth it. "See, I told you it would be fun. I've never thought you could be so enthusiastic, Ruka-chan." Kazuki cheerfully said as both of them walked out together from the stage.

"Yeah, I had to admit that it was fun. Next time feel free to tag me along." Hiruka grinned to his colleague as both of them walked away from the stage together, while chatting casually with each other. From the look of it, one could almost mistook them to be a couple, taken into account of how clingy Kazuki is. Since it wasn't that late yet, they decided to head off for some grilled meat and beer. Hiruka, however, still didn't believe such coincidence just happened. It seemed that Yutaro has just become more and more interesting. It has been a while since he met a guy whom he didn't have any intention of laying his hand on, and it wasn't bad, in his opinion.

I'm all ear :D


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


After the concert, Yuki had made a show of praising the performance with a bright smile and lots of hand gestures, making Yutarou glow with pride. The two then headed home, both tired and more than ready to get a good night's sleep. Yutarou didn't notice Hiruka as he passed by the man, but Jun did, and his eyebrows rose when he noticed that the blue-haired heart-throb wasn't alone. And, of course, he had to investigate the matter. XX
Over the last week, Jun and his boyfriend Ryouta had spent almost every night at the bar Ahnenerbe, not to drink but simply because Jun still lived with his sister and Ryouta had roommates, so it was hard to make out in peace at either of their homes. And because of all the many nights spent at the bar, Jun and Ryou both had observed Hiruka quite a lot, mostly out of curiosity concerning their friend's first interest in eight years. XXX
It didn't take long for them to notice how many of those nights Hiruka left the bar with some random guy in tow. Or how he proceeded to completely ignore said guy if they crossed paths in the bar again. All in all, Jun and Ryou started to become suspicious of it, and eventually they came to the conclusion that perhaps Hiruka wasn't the best man for Yutarou to be putting his interest in. So they - well, Jun - decided to confront Hiruka. XXXX
"Oi, Hiruka-san, nice to see you again~" Jun said, grinning slyly as he took the seat next to Hiruka at the bar. Makoto didn't bother asking for his order, knowing Jun didn't drink. "So, I noticed you at the concert last night. Yuta would've been happy to know you came to see him play, which is actually why I wanna talk to you." XX
Jun's expression turned to a glare. "I've noticed that you're a bit of a playboy around here, and I can't say I'm against the lifestyle, though I will warn you: if you so much as lay a finger on Yuta without the intention of maintaining a stable relationship, I will personally make your life a living, burning Hell." And without waiting for Hiruka's reaction or response, Jun and Ryouta were leaving. XXX
The next night, Yuki was spending the night at a friend's house, so Yutarou decided to accompany Jun and Ryouta to Ahnenerbe in hopes of spending more time with Hiruka. He'd been unable to feel attracted to anyone since Hana, mostly because he hadn't really sought out anyone, yet he couldn't deny the fact that being around Hiruka made his heart float and his mind feel giddy. He was completely incapable of frowning for longer than two seconds whenever they were together. At the bar, Jun and Ryouta were quick to ditch him, as always, though Yutarou didn't miss how Jun shot an almost disdainful look over his shoulder at where Hiruka was sitting. What's all that about? Does he dislike Hiruka? XXXX
Shrugging it off, Yutarou took a seat next to Hiruka, bidding him good-evening with a bright smile and ordering a blue cocktail, same as when he'd come before. "Sorry it took me a while to come back, I've been pretty exhausted lately and haven't had a chance. I won't have a concert to anticipate for at least another two months though, so I should be able to come visit more often~" It didn't take long for the two to fall into a casual conversation, about music and hairdressing and Yuki and whatever else came to mind. Yuta went out on a limb and showed Hiruka a couple of videos he had on his phone of Yuki when she was younger, most of them having been recorded by Jun, Yui, Ryouta, Kenta, or Aya. XX
Yutarou felt at ease around Hiruka, as if he could share absolutely anything and would get a pure, judgement-free response. It was a nice feeling. Even his friends had a bad habit of teasing him about everything, and while he knew they meant no harm by it, it was still nice talking to someone who didn't make fun of him. "You know, I'm going to be honest and admit that if Yuki hadn't found you at the park that day, I don't think I would've ever come back here. Spending that hour and a half with you convinced me that coming back to talk to you again wouldn't be such a bad idea. So I guess you have Yuki to thank for that~" He explained, chuckling quietly and staring down at his now-empty cocktail glass. XX
It was almost three AM when Yutarou finally looked at a clock, and while he didn't exactly want to leave, he knew the bar would be closing soon and that Yui would have his head for staying out so late on a weekday. He wondered how Hiruka could spend every night here while still having a day job. "Well, I suppose I should probably go and get some sleep, I'll be in big trouble if I come in to work late tomorrow. You should come by the studio sometime, I could play you something if you'd like~" Laughing at his own cheesy proposition, Yutarou headed toward the door where Jun and Ryouta were waiting for him. "I'll see you soon, beautiful Hiruka-san." And they were out the door with one last wave. XXX

Welp, this post became very Jun-centric, which was completely unintentional, but I guess it fits well enough. Do I get too involved in my NPCs??


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ It may sound foolish of me to keep clinging to it, but that's my dream ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


After having some night time fun with each other at the yakiniku and karaoke, Hiruka and Kazuki parted way. On his way back, Hiruka bought some ingredients at the convenient store to make some supper for Makoto, knowing that he wouldn't be back yet. It had been quite a fun night with the concert and all, but all fun gotta end for sometimes. It's back to the usual routine tomorrow. But he couldn't deny that sometimes going out for a change and finding something new to do are the remedies for any trouble in life. Who needs settling down any time soon while you can still enjoy life to its' fullest?

The following day passed by in pretty much the same manner. Hiruka is not really a Monday person, but he knows he shouldn't be lazy for any longer than a moment. If he's doing something, he'll make sure that there would be no flaw at all. Of course, the first thing that Kazuki bombarded both Kasumi and Madoka of how much fun they've had on Sunday. Well, the two of them couldn't care less. But another busy working day is waiting for them so there's no room for chit-chat now. So, Hiruka spent the rest of the morning and the afternoon tending the hair of his customers. However, for some moments, somehow Yutaro managed to make it into his mind. Out of so many jerks he once come across, the guy seemed like a genuine good guy, he could figure out that much by the way his daughter, Yuki, look at him. Just the mere thought is enough to make a light smile appeared on his face.

And so the night soon came, and Hiruka was hanging out at Ahnenerbe like usual. He was sipping on a cup of vodka while chatting with a handsome office worker who seems to be interested for a golden night at the counter. That is, until two guests came in and intruded them. Hiruka sighed as he excused his current drinking partner before turning his attention to the two guys. Hiruka crossed his legs and leaned his head against his fist, as he smiled to them in a friendly manner and greeted them, "So, what can I do for you two lovely gentlemen?"

As Jun's expression changed from a sly grin into a supposed 'scary' glare, Hiruka listened to what the guy got to say with him. But, his smile doesn't deter for just a second. Even Makoto, who was overhearing the conversation from behind the counter, doesn't even bother to intervene. And the couple left, before either of them could say anything. Then right after that, both Hiruka and Makoto burst into laughter. "Can you believe it? Make your life a 'living, burning Hell'? What is he, a high school rich, spoiled punk?" Makoto's voice almost become blurred between laugh.

"Well, I suppose that's quite intimidating enough. But still gotta try harder next time." Hiruka commented while still chuckling. He has experience dealing with stalkers dated way back since Junior High, so the fact that both Jun and his boyfriend was observing from afar despite their 'business' didn't manage to slip his eyes. He had also been listening to threatening clichÊ like this so much that he could almost certain that he was sick of it. So of course, none of the word that the guy had said bothered him the slightest.

"But I must say, it's never seized to amaze me how people can change their faces so quick." He said calmly before taking a sip from his glass of vodka. After all, it was the very reason as of why it always hurts so bad whenever he was being ditched by his long list of exes. Perhaps it was just because of his terrible bad luck, or just because there are not too many faithful people out there. In a way, he was a bit jealous with the two guys because they're blissfully ignorant in love. Hiruka could almost be certained that no one would understand his pain, if they didn't live through what he had gone through themselves.

"Still, you're not going to do anything with that Yutaro guy, are you?" Makoto raised the question as he proceeded to make a cocktail.

Hiruka shrugged, "Relax. It's been a while since I've met a good guy like that. Sometimes it wasn't bad starting up a friendly, healthy relationship. I don't mind making friends, and you know my rules." Then, he drank up the whole glass of liquor, before standing up, "The night is still young, after all." He said before stretching his arms and made his way to table where the handsome office worker whom he conversed with earlier but got interrupted sat at, and the two of them made out.

Another long day passed by, and night came once again. Hiruka also lazes around at Ahnenerbe tonight, simply because he doesn't got anything better to do sticking at home. And it seemed that he wouldn't be lonely for tonight, he was certain of that the moment he saw Yutaro walked through the door with his friends. Of course, both of them didn't miss a chance to throw him a hateful look, but Hiruka was almost indifferent to it. If there are people who hate him just because they don't know who he truly is, he would just pretend that they didn't exist.

Nodding to Yutaro's greeting, Hiruka replied, "Nah, it's no big deal. I know how hectic life and work can be. But it was good news to hear that you could come more often."

The conversation flows casually between them. When Yutaro showed him some videos of Yuki when she was younger, he also replied with a couple of embarrassing facts about Makoto when he was young, earning himself a few scornful glare from behind the counter. He also showing off his skill by playing a couple of songs at the piano. When he's having fun, there's nothing that could hold him back.

As it reached the Ahnenerbe's closing time, most of the customers had left, save Yutaro and his friend. The guy bid his goodbye, but before he go, Hiruka slipped a piece of paper that contains his email and phone number, "Call me anytime." He said. When Yutaro waved to him in the usual dramatic manner, he waved back with a smile.

"This could really be the start of something, huh?" Makoto commented with a grin.

"Maybe you're right." Hiruka calmly replied.

I told you I'm totally going to make Hiruka a homme fatale xD
And just don't make a habit out of it, I guess xD


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


Yutarou was happy to have Hiruka's cell phone number, and he was smiling the whole way home, humming to himself while Jun watched with annoyance. Ryouta ignored his lover's disdain for the situation. After all, he rather liked Hiruka, and was aware of the fact that the man hadn't so much as touched Yutarou yet for any more than a handshake. XX
When he got home, Yuta stepped inside, still smiling, and instinctively turned toward Hana's shrine, which was sitting in the corner of the living room. His smile faltered for only a split second as he tossed his shoes off and walked over to her. "Hana, I think I really like him. I feel the same way around him that I felt around you, except its more... familiar, in a way, though I don't know why. I like him a lot. But I still miss you a lot too." XX
Of course, there was no answer, so Yuta clapped his hands twice and bowed to Hana before heading off to his bedroom and passing out, once again fully clothed. The next morning, he woke up at the usual seven AM, and surprisingly enough, he didn't feel at all tired. Because of the alcohol...or because I was having fun? Either way its a nice thing. XX
After he'd gotten his morning coffee and packed up all his things, Yutarou headed off toward the company building, this time walking there with his three neighbors in tow since he didn't have Yuki with him. Jun spent the entire walk demanding the details of the night before, and it was starting to become annoying. "You were sitting across the room, watching me the entire time! There aren't any details you didn't see in action." XXX
The next few hours were spent lazing about the studio: watching TV, chatting, messing with their instruments. Whenever they weren't within a month's proximity of a concert, the three musicians pretty much just sat around doing nothing. Being a musician wasn't a demanding job most of the time, at least in their case, since they didn't produce songs quite as often as other bands. It was something Yui was constantly trying to change. XXXX
Aya arrived after her day shift as a high school librarian let out, and she managed to convince the three to get to work tuning their instruments and brainstorming song ideas, Yui backing her up. Meanwhile, school was letting out, and Yuki was once again very much lost in another part of the city. It wasn't that she didn't know how to get to her dad's work - in fact, she had the entire address memorized - but she had gotten sidetracked by a stray cat and had wandered off into a shopping district far from where she was supposed to be. This time, however, she wasn't at all panicking, as she was quite content to walk down the street peeking in shop windows. XX
Yuki's curiosity wasn't fully maximized until she came across a salon, and in peeking in the window, her eyes grew wide in amazement at all the beautiful hairstyles being worked on inside. She stood there for a full minute, simply staring, until she saw a familiar head of bright blue hair. "Ruru-san!" Using all her strength to push open the heavy door, Yuki scrambled into the salon and grinned, about to call out for Hiruka when she noticed the line of people waiting in chairs. Not wanting to be rude by 'cutting in line', Yuki took a seat and waited patiently for her turn. XXX

Homme Fatale? Sounds like fun! And I'll try not to get too into my NPCs - except for Yuki, simply because she's a really important character and is probably going to be my excuse for finding ways to get Hiruka and Yutarou together. I love Yuki so much I made her her own specific storyline.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ It may sound foolish of me to keep clinging to it, but that's my dream ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


After Yutaro and his friends had left, Hiruka and Makoto also left soon after when they closed Ahnenerbe for the day. It has been yet another fun day for them and though Hiruka didn't show it, he was quite happy being able to make a new friend. Makoto seems to trust his brother with Yutaro too, because there's no way he's gonna let any jerk playing around with Hiruka's again after all that had happened. But he doesn't actually have to do anything much since Hiruka is totally capable of looking after himself. Of course, he never wholly agreed with the way his brother is sleeping around with all sorts of guys, but nothing else matters as long as Hiruka is truly happy.

They stopped by their usual ramen stall which was quite near their apartment. The owner there have seen them around for too many times to even asking them what would they want to eat. There's nothing that can beat a warm, steamy bowl of noodles in chilly nights like this. Happily eating their supper together, they chatted about all sorts of stuff and things that they would share with each other only. Such is the strong bond can will never be broken between the two brothers, no matter how much they have been hurt by other people. Makoto is the only person who have always been standing next to Hiruka, whether it was protecting him from the bullies before Hiruka learned to beat them up himself, or when he was being ditched by another guy.

"You know, if we aren't brothers then I'm pretty sure I will marry you right away, no argument." Hiruka joked and laughed as he drank from his cup of sake.

"Funny because I was thinking the same thing. Without me, I don't think you can do anything." Makoto replied as they laughed together.

The following morning soon came and Hiruka when it was 35 minutes before his work as usual. It only takes him 20 minutes to change his clothes and have breakfast and 15 minutes to walk to Arisu's. Thanks to the Jun guy, both of them had taken up the phrase 'burning, living Hell' as their joke and would burst into laughter anytime they brought that up. It was an energetic morning for them, as usual.

With everything prepared, Hiruka set off to Arisu's, greeting a couple of his neighbors on his way. As usual, today is also another busy day, as Hiruka was barely putting his apron and tool-carrier belt on. Apparently due to a drama that had been very popular recently, men had been ordering to have their hair undercut while women ordered hime cut. But of course, the salon lives up to its' reputation and most people walked out with a smile on their face, contented that they're looking fabulous as ever. The four of them have to move their fingers repeatedly without a moment to rest while changing from scissors to trimmer in almost an instance, as well as keeping the customers entertained by telling stories and gossiping with them. Such is how hairdressers work.

After Hiruka had finished dying the hair of a young woman blonde, he held a mirror to let her see her hair from every angle. And of course, she was contented with it. He also recommended her what types of shampoo to use to keep the color from fading. The moment she stepped out, the ring above the door rang again, "Welcome to Arisu's. Please take-" Hiruka turned to greet the newly entered guest, when he realized the familiar face.

Yuki-chan? What is she doing here? Is Yutaro-san around? Hiruka excused Kasumi, who was standing next to him, for a moment, as he approached the young girl. "Hey, Yuki-chan." He sat down to match with her level, and smiled brightly to her, "Nice seeing you here. Did you come to have your hair cut? Where's your tou-san?"

It means that he's going to be a total badass xD I dwell a bit deep into Hiruka and Makoto's relationship too so no worries. And yeah, I saw that one :D


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


"Hey, Yuki-chan. Nice seeing you here. Did you come to have your hair cut? Where's your tou-san?" Yuki grinned. "Tou-san says I need to get my hair trimmed. But actually, I followed a cat and got lost and then came here by accident!" She explained, using wild hand gestures to do so, even if they weren't entirely necessary. "I have the address to tou-san's studio memorized though, if that's important." XX
Gasping loudly the way she always did when she got an idea, Yuki hopped up from her chair and dug through her bright red school bag, tongue sticking out in concentration until she found what she wanted. "Ruru-san! You're a hairdresser, right? Will you trim my hair for me? I can pay you a whole ÂĨ900 for it!" Yuki held out her purse, a small pink Hello Kitty-themed bag, and smiled with a familiar sparkle in her eye. XX

Meanwhile, Yutarou was slowly starting to wonder where his daughter was. "You don't think she got lost again, right?" He asked, plucking at the strings of his guitar. "Nah, I bet she just has class duties or got held up chatting with friends. I'm sure she's perfectly fine. Besides, she's only like, three minutes late!" Jun said, obviously annoyed. Yuta sighed and stared at his friend with a bored expression. "Hm" XX
"Oi, you three better get to work, or I'm going to put my pet Tarantulas in all of your beds tomorrow morning! And you know I will!" Yui's threat was more than enough incentive to get the three musicians practicing again, and Aya laughed to herself at how completely and utterly terrified they were of the bleach-blonde woman. XX

"Please please please, Ruru-san?" Yuki's innocent pleading was getting a lot of attention, as other patrons watched the situation with amused grins. It wouldn't be much of an overstatement to say that Yuki was almost impossible to say no too, something that had been showcased when she'd managed to convince her dad to buy her a cat from the cafe only a few days earlier. Yuki gasped again. "Oh, Ruru-san! What if you could make my hair look like yours? Yours is the prettiest I've ever seen, I wanna have really pretty hair too, just like you do Ruru-san!" XXXX

This is probably one of the shortest posts ever but I can't think of anything else to write. Also, poor Hiruka, having to put up with her cuteness!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ It may sound foolish of me to keep clinging to it, but that's my dream ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka listened to Yuki as she recounted the reason why she was here, and blinked in utter surprise. Yutaro-san would really just let his daughter went off by herself, if he's already knew of her easily distraction by the surrounding like this? He almost let out a rather dramatic sigh, but hold it back, as he smiled to Yuki again. "I see. You're a really wonderful girl for being able to remember something like that and even went off by yourself, you know. But next time, try to stay on your path and don't stray away just because of a cute kitten away like that, okay?" He said and ruffled her head. Yuki is a nice girl indeed and if Hiruka was to have a daughter, he hopes that she would be just like her.

And once again, Yuki gasped loudly, as it might be something that's probably had been her habit since long. She reached into her bag and searched for something with a remarkable concentration. When she pulled out a Hello-Kitty purse, Yuki asked Hiruka again if he's a hairdresser, and if he would trim her hair for her, before pleading with him in the most adorable way ever, earning them amusing looks from the both the Miyashiro siblings and the other customers in the shop.

He couldn't help spurt out chuckling when he heard what she said, "Of course, silly. This is a salon and I work here. You don't need that much just to trim your hair though. And no, you're too young to have your hair dyed. I don't think your tou-san would allow me to do it, either." Hiruka then walked a few steps away and picked up a basket full of toys and manga for children, which was meant to keep children from running around, and gave it to Yuki, "Here, just sit here and play while you're waiting for your turn, okay?" He winked to her and went back to work with his current customer, "Sorry for keep you waiting. What would you like to have your hair done?"

After a while, it was finally Yuki's turn, Hiruka trimmed her hair as she requested in a neat and clean way, and tied her hair up afterward into knots, which he believes would suit her very much. It took about 10 minutes, and Yuki seemed to enjoy it. When Hiruka is finished, he held the mirror and let her see all the angles of her hair, which apparently excites her. Since there are a couple of customers left, Hiruka and Kasumi took care of them, while Madoka and Kazuki sat and play with Yuki.

When it's their lunch break, Kasumi asked him who the girl was, "It was a daughter of a friend of mine. She seems to be lost on her way to her father or something." Hiruka explained. Excused his boss to went off, Hiruka then took Yuki to a nearby train station, "Now then, can you tell me where your tou-san's studio is?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


"Of course, silly. This is a salon and I work here. You don't need that much just to trim your hair though. And no, you're too young to have your hair dyed. I don't think your tou-san would allow me to do it, either." Yuki frowned, but nodded in understanding. She took her seat again as Hiruka brought over a basket of toys and manga, staring at them curiously. "Here, just sit here and play while you're waiting for your turn, okay?" XX
And Yuki did just that - watching the other patrons get their hair done and looking through the selection of manga Hiruka had given her as she patiently waited for her turn to come. When it was her turn, Yuki sat perfectly still in the chair as Hiruka trimmed her hair, making a concentrated face as she did so. She was more than happy to find that her hair was tied up into knots, a style her father had tried once but had ultimately failed at. XX
She was introduced to Hiruka's friends - Madoka and Kazuki - whom she warmed up to quickly, showing off her new hairstyle and giddy with excitement when Madoka let her braid his hair. She was gentle, making small braids that stayed put without the use of a hairtie, and grinned with pride when she was finished. After she'd played with them for a while, Hiruka sent off the last few remaining customers and the two set off together. XX
Yuki held Hiruka's hand as they walked, humming a song on repeat as Hiruka asked her simple questions, which she answered with detailed explanations each time before returning to her song. At the train station, Yuki used her year pass to get through the gate and hopped excitedly onto the platform. "Now then, can you tell me where your tou-san's studio is?" "I didn't tell you yet? Sorry, Ruru-san, I guess I forgot to!" XX
She then recited the studio building's address with straight posture and the kind of tone one used when reading aloud in class, before grinning and pointing to the train they needed to take. An elderly woman on the train recognized Yuki since she rode it every day and the two engaged in a small conversation as Yuki told the woman about Hiruka. XX
Yuki continued to hum her song and chat with Hiruka until they arrived at the building. "Ruru-san, come on, I wanna show you tou-san's studio! Its super cool!" On the tenth floor, she eagerly led him down the hall and through a door labeled 'Snowflower'. The studio room itself was a mess - instruments, songboards, amplifiers and other equipment were spread out everywhere, sheets of half-written music and lyrics piled up on the couches and empty or half-full coffee cups scattered on each table surface. Yui was sitting behind a desk in an adjoining room, and she looked up as the two walked in. "Ah, Yu-chan, you're kinda late. Did you get lost again?" Yuki nodded furiously and introduced Hiruka before running over to one of the couches to put down her things. "Oh, so you're Yuta's crush! I've heard too much about you." XX
Yui introduced herself as Jun's older sister and apologized for his outburst earlier that week, claiming Ryouta had informed her and that her brother was simply over-protective of Yutarou. She also explained that the three band members were in the recording studio being hounded by Aya to get work done, and that they wouldn't be done for a while. "You can stay here and wait if you'd like, I'm sure Yu-chan would love the company. I have phone calls to make so feel free to make yourself at home." Yui then retreated back into her office. Moments later, Yuki beckoned Hiruka to help her with her mathematics homework, all the while humming the same song she'd been all day. XX
When Hiruka asked what song it was, Yuki tensed, having not realized she was humming it in the first place. Looking down at her paper, she pouted for a moment before speaking. "Its called Koi no Uta. Tou-san wrote it before I was born, but it makes him sad, so I don't sing it when he's around." She sat for a long moment, as if pondering something, before she put down her pencil and walked over to a bookshelf that was against one wall. Pulling out a video cassette from the very back of the bottom shelf, she carried it over to the television and put it in, moving back to sit next to Hiruka. "Ruru-san? Can this be our secret? I think tou-san will get sad if he knows I found it." XX
The video started, and the first thing visible was the floor. The camera shifted jerkily, showing a smaller Yutarou, as well as Kenta and Jun with their natural black hair. It also showed a small woman wearing a sailor uniform, sitting on a chair in front of the three boys as they argued about something to do with notes. 'Oi, just play the song already! You don't wanna make Hana-chan wait forever, do you?' Yui's voice echoed off-screen, suggesting she was the one recording. Yutarou visibly blushed and stuck his tongue out at the camera, turning to the uniformed girl and speaking with a cheesy smirk. 'Hana-san, I wrote this song for you. I hope you enjoy it. Its real cheesy, to be honest.' Hana simply laughed. XXX
As the song continued, it became more and more obvious that it was a love song, and Yutarou looked like the happiest, most flustered teenager on the planet while he sang it. Jun and Kenta couldn't stop themselves from giggling throughout the entire song as they accompanied him, and even Yui started laughing at one point. However, Hana simply sat there, her eyes sparkling and her face mirroring that of Yuki's whenever she got excited. Hana clapped when the song finished, and the video stopped as she walked over to hug Yutarou. Yuki fidgeted from beside Hiruka on the couch, and suddenly declared she had to go to the bathroom, hurriedly putting the video back in its hiding spot and rushing out the door. XX
"If you haven't already figured it out, the woman in the video is Nakamura Hana, Yu-chan's mother. She was a kouhai of mine, and a classmate of those three idiots." Yui said, leaning against the back of the couch and watching Yuki hurry away. "She was a wonderful young girl, so kind and supportive. She always clapped after the band played a song, even if it was complete shit, which a lot of them were back then, to be honest." Laughing for a moment, Yui turned to look at Hiruka, her smile fading a bit. "She died when Yu-chan was two. The poor girl got hit by a car protecting Yu-chan, giving up her life to save her daughter's." XXXX
"If you wondered how Yuta went eight years without a physical or romantic relationship, its because he still feels guilty for not having been there. Hana was important to him, and losing her was really hard on him. Its why he's so soft on Yu-chan too, he hates saying no to her because he wants to make sure he gives her everything he can since her mother can't be there to raise her." Yui crossed her arms over her chest with a huff, smirking at Hiruka in an almost mischievous way. "My brother doesn't like you because he apparently caught wind of a 'bad habit' you have, but I think he just doesn't want Yuta to get hurt again." XXX
"In my opinion, I think you'd be good for him, if you're interested in a relationship at least. I know for a fact he's been flirting with you a lot and if what he tells me is true, you've been flirting back, so I hope you're ready for his dorky ass. That kid will never fail to make you laugh, I'll tell you that much. Take care of him, 'kay?" With a wink and a wave of her hand, Yui returned to her office, not saying anything else. Yuki came back a moment later, bringing with her a box of cookies that had apparently been left out by the cafeteria staff, who, according to her, often came by leaving different food items for the different producers and musicians there. XXX
"Ruru-san, did you know that tou-san is lactose intolerant? It means he can't have milk, or ice-cream, or even chocolate!" XXX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ It may sound foolish of me to keep clinging to it, but that's my dream ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


As both of them went through the gate of the station and stood to wait before their designated train arrived, they chatted together. It almost look like a father walking with his daughter. Every minute passes, Hiruka learned a bit more about Yuki. And just that alone is enough for him to know how well Yutaro and his wife had raised her. She seems to captivate the hearts of those around her with ease and her cuteness knows no bounds.

What happened back at Arisu's. Both Kasumi and Kazuki are children lovers so they apparently have no problem with her, but a usually stern person like Madoka would smile is not something you would see everyday. He even let her braided his '10 million yen worth' hair without complaining. Children sure have some sort of magic in convincing the older ones, huh? Hiruka sheepishly thought. The only thing he could remember back when he's a kid is how people always mistaken him for a girl.

When Yuki recited the address of the studio, Hiruka blinked in surprise again. He also knows about it since he was invited to go there and make up some of the artists in the past. But that's pretty far from here, how easily could she stray off...? He let out a quiet sigh. He must be sure to remind Yutaro about this the next time they met. It was lucky, and oddly, that both time she got lost over chasing a cat she would run into him.

After the train had started moving, Yuki noticed an elderly woman whom she usually met on the train she took everyday. They conversed with each other as she introduced Hiruka to her, in which he just nodded respectfully and smiled to her. She then proceeded to hum a song, which Hiruka couldn't help feeling somewhat... familiar? He could almost be sure that he had heard it somewhere, but didn't let it concern him much, while he just sat, nodded and answered to Yuki of whatever she got to say or to ask. Her energy and enthusiasm never seizes to amaze him.

The train stopped at their designated station and Yuki led Hiruka to the station which is not very far from there. And Yuki couldn't be more eager to ask to show Hiruka around, which he couldn't really decline. Taking the elevator to the tenth floor, she led him through the door with the label 'Snowflower'. Wow, if Kazuki is here then I'm pretty sure he's going to fanboy all over the place. He thought before walking through the door.

What is behind was not the way he imagined it to be for a rock band though. It looks just like any other recording room he'd been to in his life, and apparently they didn't really bother cleaning up. Hiruka isn't at home often but he always make sure that everything is cleaned within his presence, and made sure Makoto kept it that way until he returns from work. There was a woman with blonde short hair sitting behind the desk. As Yuki went to put down her bag, the woman introduced herself to be Yui, whom Hiruka remembered to be the band's manager. "Ah, so you're the one who told the lot of them to come back in Ahnenerbe. And I don't think between us is really something like a crush or anything. And about your brother, it's fine, I don't mind." Hiruka replied.

He nodded when she explained that the band's members had gone to a recording studio and they wouldn't be back anytime soon. "I see. Well, my boss didn't call me back yet so I don't think it's too much of a problem. I'll keep Yuki-chan accompanied then." He said with a polite smile, before sitting down and help Yuki with her mathematics homework. Since she kept humming a song, Hiruka couldn't help asking, "That's a nice song you've been humming, can I ask what name is it?"

He was a little surprised to see her expression changes so quick. As Yuki pouted, she told him that its' name is Koi no Uta and it's one of the song that would put Yutaro on a mood swing, so she made him promise to keep it a secret. "Yeah, I will. Though you don't really have to show anything to me if it's such a big deal." Though he was tad curious of what Yuki is about to show him, he really doesn't want to poke into someone's business if it's something touchy. But since she had shown it to him, he might just as well watch it.

Hiruka watched through the whole tape in silence, paying attention to every detail showed within it. Yutaro seems to be really happy with the girl that he loves. Of course, he could notice that she was also Yuki's late mother. They both bear striking similarities, after all. It reminded him of the first time he ever fallen in love and to go side by side with the person he adorned. Everything was sweet at first, but it all ended in tragic.

While Yuki hurried away somewhere, Yui seemed to have come over that he didn't notice. She then went on explaining that it was indeed Yutaro's late wife, and told him about the memories she made with her and the three members of the band. "I see. You all seemed to have a lot of memorable moments with each other, hmm? Yutaro-san sure is lucky to have met a good person like that." He said with a smile, and there's a tiny hint of envy in it.

Listening to Yui, Hiruka couldn't help feeling sympathize with Yutaro. More than anyone, he understands how it felt to not having the presence of the one you love the most by your side anymore. Hana must be a very special person for him to stay pent up in eight long years like that. He once had wished that he could have met someone like that, but all he had received, is nothing but betrayal. Hiruka chuckled while scratching the back of his head when hearing the reason why Jun showed so much disdain towards him, "That's understandable, so I didn't mind it much, really. It's not my first time hearing such threatening so no hard feeling at all."

And when Yui expressed her opinion that Hiruka is good for him, and hoped that he would be ready for Yutaro, he just smiled in assurance, "Yutato-san is a good man, but I've considered him to be a precious friend of mine. I might have those 'bad habits' like you said, but even so, I strictly follow my own rules too. Let's just say that, at the moment, I've lost my faith in a stable and steady relationship, so that will have to wait. But you don't have to worry. I'll keep my eyes on him whenever he's around."

Moments later, Yuki returned with a box of cookies, and went on saying that her dad was intolerant of lactose of any kind, which Hiruka couldn't help spurting a chuckle at, "Is that so? Well, if that's the case then make sure he stay far away from them, okay?" He could only imagine how it would look like if Yutaro was to drink a whole cup of milk. He went on the chat with Yuki and have a few cookies from the box that she had brought.

"Since you have told me about your secret, how about I told you mine in return?" Hiruka said to her, apparently sparked up her excitement once again, "When I was around your age, there was a boy that I'm really close with. Coincidentally, he had the same name as your tou-san too. We would always do things together and never once would we be apart. But one day, both of us have to move. He moved to Hokkaido while I moved to Hiroshima. Which means, we're both at the two poles of Japan. But the day before we parted, we have made a promise that one day, we will see each other again, and we'll be together forever."

Hiruka then gazed up at the ceiling, "Even til' now, I still hold to that promise. It's a little bit childish of me, don't you think?" He grinned before sticking out his pinky finger, "So now both of us knew about each other secrets, let's promise not to tell anyone about them, okay?"

And, both of them did the pinky swear. Looking at his watch, Hiruka noticed that lunch time is over for about 10 minutes already. He then stood up, "It's going to be quite busy at my salon in the afternoon so I have to get back to work now." He smiled and said to Yuki. She then insisted to walk with him to the ground floor of the studio. "I'll see you again. Say 'hi' to your tou-san for me, okay?" Hiruka ruffled her head and waved to her as he walked away, until he's nowhere to be seen in the crowd of people. He took the train back to Arisu's and continued with his afternoon shift, earning a couple of questions and curious look from his colleagues, but he didn't mind it much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


"Since you have told me about your secret, how about I told you mine in return?" As expected, Yuki couldn't have been more interested, her eyes sparkling as she hopped up and down with a smile. She listened to his story with acute attention, and frowned when Hiruka spoke about the two friends having to separate. "But the day before we parted, we have made a promise that one day, we will see each other again, and we'll be together forever. Even til' now, I still hold to that promise. It's a little bit childish of me, don't you think?" Yuki shook her head and smiled. "Having hope isn't childish!" XXXX
When it was time for Hiruka to go back to work, Yuki happily offered to walk him to the building's lobby, Yui watching from her desk and smiling at how much the ten-year-old seemed to enjoy Hiruka's presence. "I'll see you again. Say 'hi' to your tou-san for me, okay?" "'Kay! Come back soon, Ruru-san!" Waving dramatically as he left, Yuki watched until Hiruka was out of sight before heading back to Snowflower's studio, saying hi to anyone she recognized along the way. Yui waved Yuki over upon her return. XX
"Nee, Yu-chan." Yui said, crouching down next to her. "You really like Hiruka-san, don't you?" Yuki nodded furiously, and Yui smiled. "Alright. So, what do you think would happen if Hiruka-san became your otou-san's boyfriend someday?" XX
After the moment it took for the idea to sink in, Yuki's face lit up like a light bulb, the tiny girl gasping as if she'd just discovered the meaning of life. "That would be amazing! Ruru-san could come live with us and hang out all the time and come to my school for festivals! And he would get free tickets to come see tou-san play! They should totally be boyfriends, or even husbands!" Yui cracked up laughing. XX
Yuki went off to her table to finish what was left of her homework, eyes still sparkling. It wasn't much longer before Yutaro came out of the recording studio, feeling exhausted and hungry. Yuki hopped up from her place the moment she saw him, running over with a bright grin. "Tou-san, tou-san! You should make Ruru-san your boyfriend so he can hang out with us more! And so you can go on dates like Jun and Ryou-san!" She said, bouncing up and down with excitement. Kenta burst out laughing, and so did Yui, even though she was still in her office. Yutarou simply grew red in the face, a bit confused. XX
"Wha- Yu-chan, why do you think he should be my boyfriend? We don't even know him that well yet." "Ryou-san told me you have a crush on Ruru-san because of his pretty hair, and Yui told Ruru-san that he would be good for you, and that you flirt with each other, and that means you should become boyfriends!" Yui was impressed that Yuki had been eavesdropping then without being noticed. "What?" Yui took that moment to waltz out of her office, smirking as she leaned on Jun, who was scowling at the conversation topic. "Ah, that's right. Hiruka was at the studio for almost an hour. He walked Yuki here, helped with her homework, chatted with me about things I'm not at liberty to talk about. Mostly about you. Apparently he also trimmed Yuki's hair, how kind!" XX
"Wait, what?! He was here?! And you didn't tell me?! Yui!" "Oi, you shouldn't be jealous of your daughter just because she got to hang out with your crush and you didn't." Yutarou groaned. yui, Yuki, and Kenta were all having a field day watching him, laughing loudly while Jun grumbled about Hiruka being a 'sex-obsessed moron'. Yui smacked him over the head with a sigh. "You know, if you're gonna try and insult someone, you should try and get better at it. Your insults suck, little brother." Before Yuta could inquire about why Jun didn't like Hiruka, Yui dragged Jun out of the room, claiming they had 'places to be' and that everyone should go home before rush hour. XX
Deciding to follow Yui's advice and avoid rush hour traffic, Kenta, Yutarou, and Yuki walked together back to their apartment building. Kenta and Yuki chatted animatedly about the newest episodes of Naruto, which they had both watched together the night before. Yuta didn't know much about the show, since he was never around when they watched it, but he did know several of the ninja poses simply because Yuki would show them to him whenever she talked about the show. At the stoplight, Yutarou laughed as he mimicked one of the poses alongside Kenta and Yuki, who both shouted out the move's title as loud as possible, startling some of the other people who were waiting for the light to change colors. XXX
Back in their apartment, Yuki hurried to her room to put away her shoolbag, and Yutarou moved toward the kitchen to start cooking dinner. He still felt embarrassed about the fact that Yui had practically told Hiruka to ask him out, even if he had been outwardly flirting with the guy for a while. I wonder what kinds of things Yui and Hiruka talked about, if she 'wasn't at liberty to tell'. Usually she wouldn't care about spilling a secret someone's told her, so maybe its something else? Who knows. Pulling pork and a few different vegetables out of the fridge, Yutarou got to work cooking tonjiru. Yuki came back into the room as he was working, a book in her hands, and Yutaro noticed the fact that she paused to stare at Hana's photograph in the little shrine he'd constructed. "So, Yu-chan, what did Yui tell you about me and Hiruka becoming boyfriends?" XXX
"She didn't really tell me anything, she just asked what I thought would happen. And then I told her it would be super cool if Ruru-san was your boyfriend, because when people date they hang out a lot, and if Ruru-san hangs out with you a lot, it means he'll hang out with me a lot too! And," She paused then, frowning slightly and staring at her hands. "I thought maybe if you get a boyfriend, you'll stop missing okaa-san so much..." Yutarou dropped the spoon he was holding into the pot, not used to Yuki actually worrying about him. Usually it was the other way around. Taking a moment to fish the spoon out of the soup, Yuta wiped his hands off and moved to sit next to her at the table. "Oh, Yu-chan. I'll always miss your mom, having a boyfriend or girlfriend isn't going to change that." XX
"Yui said that Hiruka would be good for you, and I think she meant that if you were dating him, he would make you happier. And even if you'll never stop missing okaa-san, maybe you wouldn't get so sad about it anymore. You could move on." Yuki said, leaning into his side. "Are you saying I haven't moved on?" Yuki didn't answer him, and Yuta sighed. "Well, you're not wrong, I suppose." XX
The two switched to different topics during the meal, though Yuki still talked about Hiruka quite a bit. She talked about the people he worked with - Madoka, she said, had glorious hair - and about how Hiruka had done up her hair. I'll have to thank him the next time I see him, for trimming Yuki's hair for free. I wonder if he'd let me pay him back for it. In response to Yuki's exclamations about how much she liked Hiruka, Yutarou decided 'to hell with it' and joined in on the conversation, expressing his own admiration for the man. They gushed together over Hiruka's hair, and Yutarou actually went into the cliche of calling his eyes 'as beautiful as the golden morning sun'. He felt like a total dork after saying it, but Yuki agreed with him and went on to talk about how nice he was to all his customers. Aw man, I really have it bad for this guy... XXX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 Last Stardust : Aimer 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


It was another energetic working shift in the evening. The whole salon was filled with talking, bustling of people, and endless hair-cutting. People walked in and out one after one and the four of them didn't seem to have a moment to rest their hands. And, they have to talk and chat with their customers to keep them entertained with their stories too. Such is just an aspect of the life of a hairdresser. But Hiruka always enjoyed it the fullest. It had been 4 years since he graduated from the Institute and worked here. Kasumi wouldn't accepted any other hairdressers to work for Arisu's, save her family members, but thanks to the fact that Hiruka is a close friend with Kazuki and Madoka back when they're still in training, he managed to land a spot here.

When it was their closing time at 6:30PM, they decided to go for a yakiniku - Kasumi's treat, of course. Some grilled meat over a glass of beer is always a treat for life and the four of them will certainly enjoy it to the fullest. When they got there, the four of them chatted about all sorts of thing while the meats are being grilled as they drank their glasses to the last drop. "Nee, Ruka-kun. Care to enlighten us more about the cute little girl who happened to come across our place earlier today? It's rare to see you actually leave your work to look after someone else child like that." Kasumi raised the question.

"Hmm? You mean Yuki-chan?" Hiruka turned to his boss after gulping down his cup of beer, then smiled lightly, "Like I've said, she's just the daughter of a friend I've just happened to meet at Makoto's bar. He's one of the rare good guys I've came across in a while. He's quite an interesting fella, if I must say. And some of his friends did give me a bit of an entertainment." Then, he threw Kazuki a rather mischievous look while leaning his head against his fist, "I believe you would flip out if you ever got a chance to meet him, Kazu-kun."

"What do you mean by that?" Kazuki tilted his head in questioning, "I don't remember that there's a whole lot of people that can actually make me 'flip out', y'know. Why don't you just tell me already?"

"No can't do." Hiruka bluntly stated, "I gotta respect his privacy, and the last thing I wanted is to have a bunch of stalkers following me around just because I'm an acquaintance of his. Thank you very much."

Kazuki pouted, "You're always like that, Ruka-chan."

"Still, since you've considered this guy a friend of yours, that means you're not gonna... you know, with him?" Madoka asked while munching away some beef.

"You know that I have my rules, Mado-cchi. Worry not, I'm still not going to risk settling down with another guy, only for him to turn out to be a jerk in the end, for now. Besides, it doesn't hurt making a friend every now and then. Aren't I not sociable enough?" Hiruka calmly replied with a wink.

Madoka smirked, "Heh, I really pity them though. Apparently they didn't have enough eyesight to know what they've missed."

Their meal went on enjoyably as they all have a lot of topics to share, which they didn't have a chance to intrigue each other during their shifts. Most of them are about their personal lives and a couple of gossips about what are going on around the world. The Miyashiro siblings are one of those few Hiruka can completely trust, ever since they are school mates back in the Institute, in the middle of all the trickery and jerks of the city.

The three of them parted way when their meal is finished. When Hiruka made it back to his apartment, Makoto was already in his suits and about to head for Ahnenerbe. Of course, since Hiruka didn't have anything else better to do, he just tagged along with his brother, as always. Makoto hadn't been having much of an eventful day, as he mostly stay within home to sleep until afternoon and laze around after that, until the time when he got to open his bar, while Hiruka, on the contrary, has a lot to retell.

It seemed that Yutaro didn't come by today, but that wasn't too much of a matter either. Hiruka had spotted a nice guy a couple of hours after Makoto opened Ahnenerbe, and they both engage in quite a pleasant conversation, just like all of those whom he had hooked up with. And, it wasn't long before he waved Makoto goodbye as he waltzed out the bar, arm in arm with his newly partner for the night.

Nothing's going to stop him from having some quality time, after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


Most days, Kenta and Jun preferred to sleep in rather than wake up early to join Yutarou and Yuki on their walk to work and school. Today, however, Yuta woke up to find the two sitting in his living room watching Sailor Moon reruns while Yui was in the kitchen, presumably making breakfast. "Why don't you all just move in if you're going to be breaking into my house all the time? You literally live next door, there's no need to come over here to hang out. I spend all my time with you as is." He grumbled, running a hand through his perpetually untameable bedhead. I need coffee before I can deal with this... XX
"Aw c'mon, you know deep down you love it! And besides, its not like you can do anything to get rid of us, so its better to just give up and embrace it." Jun said, eyes glued to the TV as Usagi went through her infamous - and stupid, in Yuta's opinion - magical girl transformation. "Yeah yeah, whatever, just don't make a mess. And don't make my electricity bill any higher or I'll make you pay it." Yuta ignored the two tongues being stuck out at him and moved into the bathroom to shower and wake up. XXX
Breakfast was on the table when he finished his shower, and no one had bothered to wait for him, as everyone was already halfway through their meal. The conversation was apparently focused on Sailor Moon, and Yui's expression mirrored the one Yutarou developed the moment he walked into the room - pure annoyance. Of course, it wasn't because of the show itself, no, it was simply because of the fact that their grown friends (and brother, in Yui's case) were absolutely obsessed with a female-oriented kid's show. XX
Yuki, however, looked more than happy to be a part of the conversation, so listening to random facts and opinions about Sailor Moon for half an hour wasn't necessarily all bad. XX
Jun, Kenta, and Yui proudly declared they would be tagging along on Yutarou and Yuki's 'daily morning journey', which made Yuki happy but also meant that there was no way Yuta would be getting to think on his way to work. As the four adults waved the ten-year-old off with more optimism than was necessary, Yuta wracked his brain for an excuse to not go to work straight away. It wasn't just because he wanted time alone, he also really didn't want to go to work. Sitting in a room for seven hours a day strumming on a guitar and arguing about themes wasn't the most fun, at least not when they didn't have any deadlines. Yuta didn't really work great unless there happened to be a deadline looming over him, giving him the motivation to get his ass in gear and produce. XX
"Hey guys, I'm gonna find coffee somewhere other than the lobby, so go on ahead without me." Yui went to protest, but decided not to bother, knowing the three musicians wouldn't be doing much work anyways. "Just be at the studio by ten, or I'll be calling your cell to lecture you about timeliness." "Yes, ma'am!" Saluting to her with a grin, Yuta waved and headed off down the street, using his phone to Google the address of the cat cafe he'd visited with Yuki and Hiruka. I wonder where Hiruka's salon is. Yuki said it was somewhere around here... Yutarou smiled at the thought, not at all embarrassed about how he wanted to hang out with him somewhere other than a bar in the middle of the night. XX
The cat cafe was in sight, but voices coming from a nearby alleyway caught his attention. Ever the curious type, Yutarou carefully stuck his head around the corner, and found himself watching a strangely familiar scene. Hiruka was standing, trapped against a wall and looking more unamused than anything else. There were three guys standing around him, and it was obvious what they had in mind, judging by the way they were looking at Hiruka. Yuta grimaced, the scene reminding him of his childhood watching his friend get beat up. Of course, this time, it wasn't just a beating the bullies had in mind. So, being as over-protective and idiotic as he was, Yutarou stomped his way into the alley, yelling loudly. XX
"Oi!" The men surrounding Hiruka looked over at him, obviously ticked off, and Yutarou took the initiative by punching the guy closest to him, knocking him to the ground with a broken nose. A simple punch brought back a lot of memories. After all, he'd gotten into quite a lot of fights throughout elementary and junior high school. But fourteen years was a long time to go without any practice, so it didn't take long for him to get out breath, and his opponents took full advantage of it, Yuta ending up pinned to the ground with a cut lip and the beginnings of a black eye. XX

I just now realized that these two butts have each other's cell phone numbers but have yet to use them. Maybe they forgot about sharing them?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


After another night of heat, Hiruka quietly left the hotel where he and the stranger he had just met at Ahnenerbe, without even looking back, as usual. As he made his way back to his apartment, he took out the small mirror he usually carried with him and sighed as he saw numerous of kiss marks over his neck and collar. This time, it was a young, cherry boy who looks as if he had just graduated from high school. Of course, the boy was so inexperienced that Hiruka had to take the lead, but in a moment of carelessness, he had forgotten to tell him not to leave any hickeys. Next time I gotta be more specific.

It's not like that he was worried about them being seen, because unlike the amateurs, he knows just which types of skin products to deal with kiss marks, Hiruka doesn't want Kazuki to make fun of him tomorrow when he set off to work. Like Makoto, the three of them also know about his habit, so it wasn't too much of a big deal. He's just isn't too much of a person who would shamelessly be so open about his sex life. When he had gotten back home, Makoto had already settled for the night, as expected, so there's no need for him to ponder around much. So, he just gotten change into his comfy home attire, and rest for the day. He might not need too many hours of sleep, but he certainly can't look like a bat in the morning.

When morning come, Hiruka got up and taken care of the 'leftovers' from last night, before walking out and saw Makoto sitting and reading a newspaper over a cup of coffee, as usual. "So, a cherry boy this time, huh? How was it?" He raised the question the moment Hiruka sat down and had some toast and eggs that his brother had made. "Well, he certainly is energetic. Maybe a little bit too 'excited', but at least he lasted long enough." Hiruka replied as he munched away his meal, "You too. It's been two months since the last time I saw you coming home all 'hot and bothered'. Restraining yourself too much is bad for you, y'know." He teased a little bit.

"Puh-lease. Unlike my insatiable nii-chan, I'm not a sex fiend, nii-chan." Makoto stuck out his tongue at his pervy older brother.

"That's exactly why you're still alone." Hiruka snickered.

"The same goes for you." Makoto coldly replied.

After a few more rounds of kidding around with his brother, Hiruka gathered his stuffs into his bag and set off to Arisu's. Another long day of cutting and nipping begins, without much of a fuss. The lines of customers waiting for their turn to have their hair done are almost endless. Hiruka has always been used to working under pressure, so it doesn't really affected him much.

The day passed by in pretty much the same manner like everyday. After the last customer left, it was already quite late. Hiruka bid goodbye to his colleagues and walked home. He put his headphone on and hummed the melody of his favorite songs, as usual. On his way, he intended to stop by the cat cafe shop where he stopped by with Yutaro and Yuki the other day. The drinks there was good. However, before he could enter the shop, he noticed that he was being followed. Calmly walked into an empty alley nearby, Hiruka stood with his back leaned against the floor and his arms crossed.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" A talk, hulky thug that looked like a yankee approached Hiruka while holding a baseball club, grinning viciously, with two other goons walking just behind him, "You're such a cute little lad, ain't ya? Say, I don't wanna go all violently on you, that would be bad. So why don't you just leave that bag you're carrying, and you leave without a scratch. Sounds fair, no?"

Hiruka sighed and gazed at the three of them in a bored manner, "I have a much better idea. Either you suckers get the hell out of my way, or I'll specifically give each of you a special shaving section. Your choice?"

"Oooh, looks like someone just got some nerve." The leading guy played with his club as the three of them began to cornered Hiruka. However, unexpectedly, he suddenly heard a familiar voice, yelling the three thugs to stop. "Yutaro-san?" Hiruka looked at the guy with surprise. This scene too, was familiar, and it brought up the memories of that he would have never forgotten once again. Yutaro managed to land a punch, but it was not long before the guy was overpowered, and pinned to the ground.

"Hey, you mull heads." Hiruka threw a rock at the head of the thug who was pinning Yutaro down, thus gaining their attention again, "Stop being a bully. Aren't I the one you're cornered in the first place?"

"Gah, so you want to die first? Fine by me." One of them, apparently enraged by his words, charged towards Hiruka and was about to punched him. However, Hiruka evaded the fist by mere inches as the punch landed painfully on the wall instead. "Too slow." He remarked before giving the thug a kick with his knee into his abdomen. The sheer force of the kick was strong enough to put him out.

Surprised, the remaining two thugs also ran towards him. Hiruka then evaded the baseball club swinging at him almost effortlessly, before doing a handstand flip and kicked both of them in the face with a split. Soon enough, the three thugs now lied facedown pathetically on the ground. "Yutaro-san, you okay?" Hiruka then approached Yutaro and asked worriedly as he helped him to stood, then he threw his arm over his shoulder, helping him to walk, "Let's go, my apartment is just a few block away from here."

When they've made it to Hiruka's apartment, Hiruka then patched Yutaro's wounds up, which was apparently a little painful. "That's should do it." He smiled and said after applying the band-aids, then blinked a little at the guy's apparent surprise look after what had happened, before blurt out a laugh, "You must be wondering why someone who looked like a twig like me could pulled that off, huh? It's fine, since I did get that a lot. I may not look like it, but got black belts in karate and judo, and I'm once the vice president of the acrobatic club back in high school. Wanna see my muscles?" Hiruka held his arm in front Yutaro.

"I really appreciate your heroic deeds, Yutaro-san, but next time, please make sure that you're not overpowered first." Hiruka teased a little before smiling, feeling genuinely grateful, "But still, thanks. That was a nice punch. I never thought there would still be someone who would throw themselves in for me like that."

This is how Hiruka usually dresses when he's at home, just wanna add LOL.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


Yuta wasn't at all surprised about getting his ass handed to him - after all, he hadn't been in a real fight since Junior High - but he definitely hadn't expected Hiruka to whip out a bunch of grade-A battle techniques and completely destroy their opponents. His mouth was surely hanging open at the sight, though more out of awe than surprise. After all, he still didn't know a ton about him, so he had no right to be surprised by anything. XX
"Yutarou-san, you okay?" Snapping out of his impressed reverie, Yutarou grinned up at Hiruka and nodded, wiping at his nose with the back of his hand and successfully smudging the blood across his face. There was a chance his nose was broken, but it didn't hurt too bad, so he doubted it. Hiruka didn't seem convinced by his reassuring grin, so to prove his point, Yuta stood and gave his friend a thumbs-up. "Yeah, I'm fine-" XX
Just as quickly as he'd gotten on his feet, Yutarou was falling again - luckily, Hiruka was there to catch him and keep him upright. "Let's go, my apartment is just a few block away from here." Sure enough, five minutes later, Yuta was sitting on the toilet in Hiruka's bathroom, having his wounds tended to by the man he'd been pining after for a month. This definitely isn't how I imagined seeing his apartment for the first time... XXX
Yutarou put all his energy into not flushing red at the close proximity between him and Hiruka - of course, he failed miserably, but at least he could say he tried his best. It didn't take long for the blood to be cleaned off his face and the scratches to be bandaged up. "That's should do it." Apparently Yuta was still in awe about the whole situation, since Hiruka burst out laughing - and by God, Hiruka's laugh made Yutarou feel giddy. XX
"You must be wondering why someone who looked like a twig like me could pulled that off, huh?" Nah, I'm just increasingly impressed and quite possibly in love with you. "It's fine, since I did get that a lot. I may not look like it, but got black belts in karate and judo, and I'm once the vice president of the acrobatic club back in high school. Wanna see my muscles?" Actually, yes. Very much. Yuta giggled a bit at how disturbingly cliche his thoughts were. As Hiruka stretched his arm out, Yutarou was thoroughly impressed by how well-toned he was, though the action didn't at all help his progressively more inappropriate inner dialogue. "I really appreciate your heroic deeds, Yutarou-san, but next time, please make sure that you're not overpowered first." "Well, its not often that I make rash decisions, but when I do, they usually have horrible consequences, if that isn't obvious enough considering the state I'm in." "But still, thanks. That was a nice punch. I never thought there would still be someone who would throw themselves in for me like that." Yuta flushed harder at the praise, and grinned a bit wider. "Don't worry, I'll always be here~" XX
As much as he wanted to stay and further explore Hiruka's apartment, Yutarou knew it was late, and Yuki was probably waiting for him. Sure enough, when he checked his phone, he found at least twenty messages from Yui demanding to know why his daughter had managed to get to the studio before him. It was also noted in one of the texts that Yuki had actually gone to Hiruka's work to see him, though obviously the man hadn't been there. "Yui says that Yu-chan visited your salon on her way home from school. She was probably disappointed to find you weren't there." Suddenly, an idea popped into his head - one that easily served as an excuse to hang out with Hiruka longer. "Hey, why don't you come over to our place for dinner? Yuki would love to see you, and I'll admit that I would like to get to know you a bit better. What do you think?" XXXX

I was looking through your songs list the other day for something good to listen to and I have become effectively hooked on Kuchidzuke Diamond. Also, have you seen Kimi no Na Wa yet? Its Shinkai Makoto's new film and its amazing; has an amazing soundtrack as well. I loved it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


"Is that so? Well, I'm glad." Hiruka smiled to Yutaro. He still couldn't help reminiscing over what had just happened. Of course, how could he have ever forgotten? It had always been something that would follow him wherever he goes in his life. And he knows, it will keep clinging to him as something he would irreplaceable, at least, until he can meet that person again. He also could notice that Yutaro was more or less blushing the whole time when he patched him up, which Hiruka had to tried his best not to blurt out laughing again. To think about it, it's been a while since the last time someone else rather than me and Makoto come to our apartment. He sheepishly thought.

Hiruka was about to ask Yutaro to stay for dinner, before the man told him that Yuki went to look for Hiruka at Arisu's, which surprised him a little bit, "Is that so? She also went there the other day. Though I gotta say, I'm impressed by how far she could go by herself. But still, it wasn't a short ride from my place to your studio. She's a clever girl, but you should look after her more carefully." Hiruka remarked, and it was not long before Yutaro asked him to go to his place for dinner, which he smiled in reply, "Of course, I'd love to go to your place. Just hope I'm not too much of a bother for a certain someone." It was clear who Hiruka's sarcasm is aiming at.

And, with that said, the two of them made their ways towards Yutaro's apartment. This time, it was a peaceful walk as there was no robber-wannabe showed up to confront them anymore. They chatted and began to reveal more about themselves as they talked to each other. After 15 minutes of walking, they got there. And Hiruka was greeted with Yuki's dramatic gasp as usual, the moment the door to the apartment was opened. "Yo, Yuki-chan." He smiled to her then looked inside, seeing Yui was doing the cooking, "Hey there, Yui-san. Hope you don't mind having another person joining for dinner."

It's a rather short post, but I couldn't think of anything else LOL
Glad you like it. It's been a while since I updated that list though >.>
I know that one, though I haven't had time to watch it yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


"Of course, I'd love to go to your place. Just hope I'm not too much of a bother for a certain someone." Yutarou didn't pick up on the hint, far too excited about having Hiruka over for dinner to notice. "Well, Yui's cooking, so I'm sure you'll like it! Her food's the best. I can only make breakfast foods myself, so Yu-chan and I usually just get leftovers from her. I should probably take up a cooking class or something..." Catching onto his ramble, Yuta chuckled and quietly apologized. Rambling was something he far too often. XX
The walk to Yuta's apartment complex was pleasant, dominated by gentle conversation with a couple of badly executed puns and some not-so-subtle flirting mixed in. Yutarou's apartment complex itself was nothing special, just a boring two-story building with no indoor hallways and stairs that creaked when you stepped on them. "I'm willing to bet you a hundred yen that Jun and Kenta are sitting at my table watching Sailor Moon." XXX
Of course, he was right. "Oi, Yuta! What took you so damn long?!" Jun grumbled, looking up and glaring when he realized Hiruka was there. Yutarou was oblivious. Yuki was not, and she took the moment to smack the top of Jun's head with a frown. "Jun-san, don't glare at guests! Its rude!" She then grinned from ear to ear, hurrying over to Hiruka with a skip in her step. "Welcome to our humble abode, Ruru-san!" XX
"Yo, Yuki-chan." Yutarou watched the two interact with a contented feeling, glad that Yuki enjoyed Hiruka's presence as much as he did. "Yu-chan, Sailor Uranus is about to transform!" Suddenly distracted from her new favorite person, Yuki rushed back over to where Jun and Kenta were sitting in front of the TV. Yuta sighed. "Do you guys have anything better to do?" "No." Ugh. Yui poked her head out from the kitchen to say hi, smiling at Hiruka. "Don't worry, I kind of expected Yuta to invite you over~" XXX
It was then that Yui finally came to look at Yutarou, and she almost dropped the ladle she was holding when she saw the bandages he was stylishly sporting. "What the hell happened to you?!" She yelled, her expression distorting into something between anger and concern. Jun, Kenta, and Yuki looked up from Sailor Moon at the commotion, and Yuki came running over to investigate. "Tou-san, did you lose a fight?" "Is it that obvious that I wouldn't win?!" Yuki and his three friends all nodded, and Yutarou put on his best pout, grumbling under his breath about the fact that he'd won plenty of fights in the past. He was just out of practice, that's all! He could've won! XXX
Five minutes into the meal, Aya arrived home from work, politely introducing herself to Hiruka and taking her seat at the dinner table next to Kenta, who all but ignored the painfully inconsistent conversation going on around him and his girlfriend. The topic of the conversation was constantly shifting from Sailor Moon to food to music to school to Sailor Moon again and so on. Yuta, of course, was definitely used to it, but he felt bad for inviting Hiruka over at a time when all of his friends had also decided to stay at his house for dinner. I should've invited him over when it'd just be the three of us, and not these idiots as well... Nevertheless, Hiruka seemed to get along with his friends quite well, for which he was grateful. Yui and Aya became especially interested in his work as a hairdresser, and Yuki proudly showed up her neatly-trimmed locks. XX
Later in the evening, after the food was gone and the dishes had been cleaned - which had been a vicious cycle of Yui forcing her brother to help and him leaving two minutes later, only to be dragged back in - the group remained sitting around Yutarou's kotatsu table, chatting about everything that came to mind. Yui and Kenta were hell bent on sharing every embarrassing story about Yuta's school days that they could think of, while Jun sat in the background watching One Punch Man by himself, Yuki and Aya playing Cat's Cradle next to him. At one point, Yuki left to go to the bathroom, and paused in front of an old, crinkled Polaroid photograph hanging in a frame on the wall in the hallway. She had to hold in a squeal, hurrying back out into the main room to pull Hiruka up from his spot, claiming she wanted to show him her bedroom. Alone. XX
While the rest of the group continued with their conversation, Yuki led Hiruka to the photograph and pointed up at it with a wide grin. "Ruru-san, isn't that you?" She said, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. Sure enough, the photograph in question showed a ten-year-old Yutarou, with his signature bedhead and a multitude of colorful bandaids, one arm slung around the shoulder of a smaller, black-haired child with long pigtails and the shadow of an age-old treehouse in the background. The picture was faded and yellow, torn in places and sporting a coffee stain from when Yuta had discovered the photo while unpacking eight years prior. It was well loved, and at the moment, very ironic. XXXX

So, I decided to change up how their shared past is revealed, since Yuta does keep a picture of them as kids out where all his guests can see it. Also, I forgot to mention this but Yutarou is incredibly dense. He wouldn't have noticed Jun's disliking of Hiruka, and won't unless its mentioned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


After greeting both Yuki and Yui, Hiruka noticed that two other members of the band, which are Jun and Kenta. He tilted his head and smiled to them, completely not concerning himself about the glare he was given - which was short-lived since Jun got a smack on the head by Yuki. Other than that, the others seemed not to have any problem with his presence. Though he found it a bit odd that the adults are watching Sailor Moon, and they seemed to be really enjoy it. They really are carefree people, huh? Lucky them.

When Yui and everyone else noticed that bandages that Hiruka had put on Yutaro, they all correctly guessed that the man lost a fight earlier, at which Yutaro pouted like never before. Of course, it was such a scene that anybody would have found to be amusing, and he was no different as he let out a chuckle. "Yutaro-san still pack quite a punch so please don't make fun of him too much." Hiruka remarked as to save the guy from any further embarrassment.

With that said, Hiruka invited himself into the apartment and sat down at the dining table. Moments later, the young woman named Aya - whom Yutaro once told him about, entered and introduced herself, which he also did the same. The conversation flows quite pleasantly as they all eat over their meals. The food really confirmed that Yui is one hell of a cook and Hiruka had managed to get her to give him the recipe of the miso soup they had. They all were quite lively, if he got to admit. Both Yui and Aya are thrilled when they heard that Hiruka is a hairdresser, and is working at one of the most popular salon in the city. They both had him promised to give them a discount if they ever visited the Arisu's. Again, Kasumi would kill him if she heard that.

After the meal, Hiruka sat at the kotatsu table along with Yutaro, Junta and Yui. The fight which happened earlier was brought up, and the other two made fun of Yutaro again. They asked Hiruka to show them a few moves, and he impressed them again with a perfect split. As they were talking, Yuki suddenly walked over to Hiruka and asked him to come with her to her bedroom, alone, which he gladly accepted. However, instead of the bedroom, he was dragged to the hallway. "Is there anything you want to show me, Yuki-chan?" He asked as the small girl bounced up and down as she pointed at a rather old picture hanging on the wall.

And, to say that it was the most surprising thing that Hiruka had ever seen in years wouldn't be too much of an exaggeration.

Hiruka shockingly stared at the picture, with his eyes widened for a short moment. The boy with the short messy hair is undoubtedly Yutaro, and the boy with the pigtail next to him in the picture looked exactly like Hiruka when he was small. He would have thought that this was just merely a coincidence, if not for the fact that he also had a same picture, which he had always endeared for years already. No, I still got to make sure.

He patted on Yuki's head and smiled, "That boy in the picture looks similar to me when I was small, but I don't think I've ever met your tou-san before, so maybe it's just a coincidence. Let's go back to the others, shall we?"

So, Hiruka and Yuki went back to the others who are still sitting and lazing around in the living room. "Yutaro-san, mind if I borrow you for a moment?" Hiruka smiled and asked the man, as he took him into the bathroom. "I just remembered that I forgot to check your body more careful earlier for any possible bruises or wounds. So, can I take a look?"

And shamelessly, Hiruka grabbed Yutaro's shirt and rolled it up the moment he got the affirmation. Yutaro also has a well-toned body, but he had seen and been on bed with way too many hunks to even feel awkward now, let alone turning him on. Sweeping a careful gaze through the man's torso, Hiruka was once again shocked when he saw what had finally confirmed him. I see...

Trying not to make it obvious that thousands of thoughts are whirling around his mind at the moment, Hiruka pulled the shirt down and smiled to Yutaro, "Nope, it seemed that you're still in one piece. Sorry if I startled you." He smiled assuredly. And in an instance, he had made the decision. "Say, since tomorrow is Sunday, why don't you come over to my place? As a thank-you for today's meal, we can have dinner together, just the two of us. I want to know if my cooking is as good as Yui-san's. And, I have something that I really want to tell you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


Yuki's face fell when Hiruka's statement didn't meet her expectations. "That boy in the picture looks similar to me when I was small, but I don't think I've ever met your tou-san before, so maybe it's just a coincidence. Let's go back to the others, shall we?" With a brief pout, Yuki nodded, returning to the sitting room to watch television with Jun, who gave Hiruka a sly glace before moving into a soft conversation with Yuki about the show. XX
While Yuki was off "showing Hiruka her bedroom", Yui and Kenta had teamed up to tease Yutarou about how easily Yuki had taken to Hiruka. "She looks at him the same way she looks at you, its as if you two were meant to be together!" "Will you guys shut up?! I haven't even known him for more than a month, and besides, Yuki gets along with everyone, you can't say he's my 'soulmate' off something so simple! It sounds pushy..." XXX
Yui gave him a quizzical look. "Wait, I thought you were super into him. Why're you being so hesitant?" "What? I'm not hesitating! And I am interested, what makes you think I'm not?" "Well, for starters, you've been gushing over him non-stop for weeks. You talk about him with the same way you talked about Yuki when she won the science fair that one time. And yet, you just refused to accept the fact that having a relationship with him is actually possible." She said, crossing her arms and staring at Yuta, waiting. XXXX
Yutarou didn't want to answer the question. Yes, he was definitely interested in Hiruka. He felt a sense of ease when the other man was around, as if nothing could ever mess up his life ever again. Yuta found himself thinking of Hiruka every day, wondering what he could be doing or who he was hanging with or if he was smiling at any given moment. Yet, at the same time, Yuta was starting to feel guilty - what if this was betraying Hana? XX
Luckily, Hiruka returned before Yui could force an answer out of him. "Yutarou-san, mind if I borrow you for a moment?" "Of course..." Yutarou didn't really bother questioning Hiruka, as within seconds he was being dragged off toward the bathroom, confused and slightly flushed from the warmth of Hiruka's hand. "I just remembered that I forgot to check your body more careful earlier for any possible bruises or wounds. So, can I take a look?" Nodding, Yutaro leaned back against the sink, trying not to let the close proximity cause him to grow any redder in the face. After all, his bathroom was smaller than the one at Hiruka's apartment, and the two were even closer together than they had been then. His attempts were debunked as Hiruka lifted up his shirt to inspect his chest, which brought a red flush to Yutarou's cheeks despite his pleas. He let out a sigh of relief when Hiruka flashed him a reassuring smile. XX
"Nope, it seemed that you're still in one piece. Sorry if I startled you." Yutarou grinned back, muscles relaxing now that he was sure nothing was wrong. "Its fine, don't worry about it! I'm flattered that such a handsome young man is worried about my health~" "Say, since tomorrow is Sunday, why don't you come over to my place? As a thank-you for today's meal, we can have dinner together, just the two of us." Oh hell yes! "I want to know if my cooking is as good as Yui-san's. And, I have something that I really want to tell you." Yutarou already knew he was going to say yes, but he didn't want to make it any more awkward by seeming too eager - and he certainly was too eager, he still knew hardly anything about this man! - so he took a moment to 'think it over' before responding. "Of course! Ironically enough, I was already going to be spending the night alone since Yuki's staying at a friends' tomorrow. Being a taste-tester for you sounds like a much better way to pass tomorrow evening~" XX
After sorting out their plans for the next evening, Yutarou gently pulled Hiruka back to the table, where Yui had apparently managed to start up a wrestling match between herself and Jun, who lost the fight when he glared holes at where Yuta was holding Hiruka's wrist. What the hell is that all about? Glaring back at his friend, who was now pinned underneath Yui's knees, Yuta let go of Hiruka and took his seat next to Yuki. She seemed to be getting tired and was engaged in conversation with Aya about a new song White Wing was going to be releasing soon. "Yuki, are you starting to get tired? Its late, and you have school in the morning." Nodding, Yuki stood, bidding good night to everyone and following her dad, her eyes not leaving Hiruka until she was no longer in sight. Yui and Kenta took the moment to get right down to business concerning him. XX
"Yu-chan sure does love you, that's a good way to get into Yuta's heart." "I have a list of everything Yuta likes, if you need ideas on how to impress him." "I don't think he needs that, Yuta's already in love." "True. And by the way, Ruru-san, you're now officially our friend so we're never going to stop teasing you." The two would have continued on forever, but Aya cut in with a threatening smile, nudging both Kenta and Yui out of the way and turning to Hiruka with a sigh. "You'll have to excuse those two, Sorayuki-kun. They can be quite overexcited, especially when it concerns Yutarou. He doesn't really get out much. I think its good that he's making new friends, he's known only us for years now." XXXX
Aya giggled lightly, patting Hiruka on the shoulder. "They are right though, Yutarou has developed quite the thing for you. I hope you'll treat him well, he can be quite the handful sometimes. A bit of an emotional wreck, really, though I suppose the others have the same scars as him." Aya looks back at where Kenta and Jun are talking animatedly about something or other, Yui watching with a fond, sisterly smile. "I never met Hana-san, so I don't quite share the hurt they have. But I do know that I've never seen Yutarou so excited about meeting another person. You definitely make him happier, even if he doesn't realize it himself." By then, Yutaro was emerging from Yuki's room, closing the door quietly behind him and returning to the main room, shooting Hiruka a smile. "Sorry for taking so long, Yuki wouldn't stop talking about Ruru-san~" XXX
Not long after, Yui dragged Jun off to bed, no longer able to tolerate her brother's glaring at Hiruka whenever him and Yutarou interacted. "See you soon, Sorayuki-kun!" Yutarou had finally started to notice Jun's incessant staring, frowning deeply at his friend. "Has Jun been glaring at you like that all along? I wonder what his problem is." Kenta laughed from where he was half-buried beneath the kotatsu. "Jun doesn't like Hiruka. Said he's 'promiscuous' or something, who the hell knows. He might just be jealous because your guys' friendship has progressed way faster than his and Ryou's did. It took five months for them to even say a full sentence to each other!" Kenta and Yutarou went on for a bit more about their college years, going through several embarrassing stories from their youth and effortlessly skipping over anything to do with Hana. XX
Since Aya was a daycare teacher and had work in the morning, she and Kenta left a little over half-an-hour later, Aya trying her best to keep Kenta's obnoxiously loud goodbyes from waking Yuki. Yuta then walked Hiruka to the stairs, feeling tired but happy that his friends were able to get along well with Hiruka. "I'm glad you came, I think everyone appreciates a new face. I haven't really made any new friends since we moved to Tokyo, so I really appreciate your company." He smiled, hands tucked into his pockets. "I'm looking forward to dinner tomorrow, thank you very much for inviting me. I'll see you then?" Yuta watched until Hiruka was out of sight, wanting to walk him home but knowing he couldn't leave Yuki alone for too long. I'm glad the others get along with him. Just gotta figure out what the hell Jun meant by 'promiscuous'. XX

Yuta was totally turned on by that bathroom scene by the way Also I just remembered that Yutarou has a tongue piercing. How incredibly sexy. Also, I don't like how bolding so much speech looks, so I'm gonna use your color for side characters from now on!! It looks way cleaner, honestly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka listened to the affirmative answer from Yutaro, then nodded with a light smile. "Glad that you can came. I'll do my best to please you then. Pretty sure that both of us will have a whale of a time together." He intentionally emphasized the word as both of them walked out of the bathroom, with Yutaro holding Hiruka's arm. If it was just a few hours ago, he wouldn't have felt anything, but now, he doesn't have a clue of what he should name the feeling in his heart. Nolstalgia? Relief? He just doesn't have a clue.

But just for the moment, he still has to keep his straight face. After all, his long years of struggling to find love are not for nothing.

"Yo, we're back." Hiruka raised his arm and greeted the other people in the room. Of course, Jun's glare towards him didn't escape his notice, but just like the other times, he just replied with an indifferent smile. A small glaring competition happened afterwards between Yutaro and Jun, but it ended abruptedly as the guy was pinned down by his sister. Yutaro proceeded to sit next to Yuki, while Hiruka was called to Kenta and Yui, and was showered down by their continuous teasings and questions.

He just listened to their seemingly relentless questions because he didn't even have a chance to cut in and answer. Thankfully, Aya cut in just in time and the two of them finally stopped. Hiruka chuckled, "Well, I certainly can understand how it feels. It's amazing how Yutaro-san had gotten to be friend wih so many colorful people like you guys. I too have to confess that I haven't met a good friend like him for a really long time, so it wasn't just him who should be glad."

Then, when Aya patted Hiruka's back and told him about Yutaro's late wife, he smiled and stated ambiguously, "I guess that even if his outlook had changed, even after so many years, he's still the same on the inside, hmm?" He could notice a hint of questioning on the woman's face after hearing his reply, but she walked away when she was called the moment Yutaro approached both of them from Yuki's room. He smiled to the guy, "I should consider myself lucky that she likes me that much, huh?"

Not long after, Jun was dragged to bed by Yui because of his continual glaring. When Yutaro brought up the question as of the reason why, Kenta replied by saaying what Jun said, about Hiruka being slanderous and things like that, at which Hiruka chuckled, "It's not like one could expect to be well-liked by everyone wherever they go anyway. I'm not really concern so please don't trouble yourself with it. I'm sure we can be friends soon."

And, there was the time for departing. Hiruka chatted with Yutaro a bit more as they walked down the stairs. "It's been a fun night for me too. It's been a while since I made some new friends aside from the guys at my work." He brushed his hair and caressed Yutaro's face with his other hand, as if he wanted to once again feeling the sensation thought to never be felt again after so many years, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay? And I'm sure it will be a memorable night."

With that said, he turned his back and put his headphone on, while waving to Yutaro before disappearing into the night. The song went on as Hiruka gazed up on the sky and looked at the twinkling stars, while making way home on the deserted street. Memories of a good time that had long passed return to him in almost an instant.

How much he still cherished the time when he could still be so innocent, before the harsh reality struck him like a bus.

The promise to be together forever, would you still remember? Would you still hold any feelings for the childish, yet beautiful friendship we once had? The questions popped up in his head, but whether he could manage to say them tomorrow's night or not is a whole different matter. Yutaro had managed to find a person who loved him with all of her heart, even until the day she passed away. But what about him? He's just, like the guy Jun said, a promiscuous person whose luck in love is terrible. Would this actually get anywhere, or it will ended just like any other of his so-called 'love stories'?

He doesn't know for sure, and he's not certain that he would care. After all, it is still likely that things will just remain that way.

The next day soon approached, and Hiruka had already been up til early to prepare everything for that night. Even Makoto found that it was weird, because it had been more than a year since the last time his brother would took some effort for a 'romantic evening' like this. "Which lucky guy are you going to invite tonight? I don't remember you ever make dinner for your target." He asked, but pretty much had figured out who this person is going to be.

Hiruka winked as he took down a bottle of wine from the cupboard, "You'll be surprise for sure."

Spending a half of his salary this month, Hiruka bought some of the most luxurious ingredients he could come across, and spent the whole afternoon making food, while Makoto helped in setting out the table with roses and candles. When everything is ready, Hiruka took a thorough bath to get rid of the usual unpleasant smell he got from sweat and hair sprays, and apply his favorite cologne. He also decided not to overdress with formal clothes, instead wearing a black shirt with the top button unplugged, partly revealing his chest, his usual jeans and his hair tied up into a ponytail. He remembers that Madoka once said he looks his best like this.

Makoto, as sensible as usual, had already left for Ahnenerbe to leave them some privacy, though whether the moment he returned the two of them would be clinging to each other sleeping without a piece of clothes to cover them or not is beyond him.

Setting out the freshly made food, which are beef Wellington and Caesar salad on the dining table, Hiruka hid a picture of he playing with the boy back then at the old treehouse inside the handkerchief meant for Yutaro. All preparations are done, he sat quietly, waiting until Yutaro arrived. Even right now, he's still not certain of how to feel, but he still anticipated the moments to come, nonetheless.

Even I am anticipating on what to comes xD


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


Heading back to his apartment, Yutarou set about cleaning up the mess Jun and Kenta had left behind, his cheek still warm where Hiruka's hand had been. The expression he'd made at the time must have been embarrassing, and Yuta scolded himself internally for acting like an anime schoolgirl with a crush on her upperclassman. In truth, Yutarou had only ever felt this way before twice in his life - throughout his days with Hana, and in distant memories of his childhood before moving to Hiroshima back in grade school. XX
A vague recognition of the similarities between Hiruka and the mysterious little black-haired boy crossed his mind, but Yuta ignored it, not wanting to fall into nostalgia when there were things that needed doing. I almost wanna change my locks just so those two idiots will stop making a mess of my apartment...when the hell did they even make spare keys?! Do I even want to know? His inner monologue continued to ramble on as Yutaro worked at picking up the pillows scattered across the room - where did they even come from?! - and washed the dishes, careful not to make too much noise and wake Yuki. XX
When all was said and done, Yuta collapsed onto his bed with a heavy sigh, his thoughts automatically shifting to that evening's events. His friends were always likeable and friendly people, but it made him happy to see how quickly they'd warmed up to Hiruka. Not that it really wouldn't have mattered if they hated him, but its a nice feeling to know your family agrees with your taste. Especially since my real family would hate him just for the sake of spiting me. Ugh, I don't even wanna think about them. Pushing the thought from his mind, Yuta's mind continued to wander, until he eventually fell asleep XX
The next day passed like any other. He woke up, cooked breakfast, chatted with Yuki about Sailor Moon, made sure she had everything packed for her sleepover, walked her to the stoplight, went to work, worked on his new songs, messed around with his friends, and went home. When he got down to thinking about it, he had a pretty simple life, and it didn't often vary from the same daily routine. Looks like Hiruka-san has brought something new to my life. How wonderful is that? Yutarou smiled to himself at the idea, stepping into his apartment and stopping at the genkan, not knowing what to do. Geez, has it really been that long since I've been on a date? Wait, is this even a date at all?? Well, I suppose its pretty obvious that I'm interested in him so I'm going to assume its a date. Letting out a long sigh, Yuta slipped off his shoes, leaving them haphazardly tossed on the genkan floor, and headed off to the bathroom to take a shower. XXX
Yutarou dug out a bottle of flower-scented cologne from the bottom of his bathroom drawer, not even remembering the last time he'd used it. He made his best attempt at calming his insufferable bedhead hair, to no avail, and settled for clipping back his bangs with a couple of bobby pins. The first official problem of the evening came with getting dressed. Do I really not own any even remotely formal clothing?! In reality, he did own a nice suit, but there was no way he would ever wear the suit he'd worn at Hana's funeral on a date. Yuta wondered why he still owned the thing, if he knew he'd never wear it again. After a few minutes of personal debate, he settled for wearing his nicest pair of black skinny jeans, a grey tank top, and red plaid flannel over the top. He briefly worried he might be underdressed, but quickly shoved the thought away since he knew it couldn't be helped if he was. I should probably invest in getting at least a couple of dress shirts for future formal events... XXXX
As a last-minute thought, Yutarou found his jewelry box and pulled off the chain he wore around his neck, trading out the two silver rings and replacing them with a pair of dog tags his brother had sent him for Christmas the year before. One tag had his own name and information, while the other had Yuki's. Also putting on an assortment of earrings along the shell of both ears, Yuta finally deemed himself ready and headed out of his apartment. As he made his way through the suburbs, Yutaro pulled out his phone and looked up Hanakotoba, reading through the list of flower descriptions and deciding on which ones to buy. In the end, he bought two potted flower plants: a white carnation with light blue dye swirling into the petals, and a white gardenia with buds that would likely bloom in a day or two. I wonder if he'll look up their meanings... XX
Yutarou took a deep breath when he finally arrived at Hiruka's house, waiting a moment to still his thoughts before ringing the doorbell. His breath caught slightly as the door opened. Holy shit, he’s hot. It was a fact Yutarou definitely already knew, but his attraction became harder to keep subtle when Hiruka was standing in front of him in tight jeans and with the pale skin of his neck and collarbone exposed. Yuta moved his gaze quickly to Hiruka’s eyes, smiling and scratching at his cheek awkwardly. “Ah, I’m sorry if I came here underdressed, I realized today that I don’t actually own any formal clothes, and there wasn’t time to buy something.” He said, silently praying that he didn't seem too on edge. Which he certainly was, but Hiruka didn't need to know that. Well, at least I can rest easy about being underdressed. It'd be awkward otherwise. XXX

! Carnations stand for fascination, distinction, and love; gardenias for 'secret' love. I wish blue carnations grew naturally, but alas, they do not... Also, Yuta's a pretty big idiot for not figuring out that Ruru's his long-lost childhood love. Like seriously! Even your daughter's got it figured out!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka sat at the table while surfing Twitter as he patiently waited for Yutaro to arrive. There's currently nothing much going on around, except for a few selfies Kazuki had just posted earlier in the afternoon when they were working. The guy was pretty much a hot boy, even on the Internet, so the numbers of people who followed and tweeted him everyday are gargantuan. Asides from that, Hiruka just checking out a few pieces of clothes that he had been keeping an eye on. The food is waiting in the oven and the bottle of wine is ready to be unplugged, all that takes now is for doorbell to ring. Hiruka hasn't a clue of what to anticipate after all of this just yet, but at least, he is almost certain that what is to come is for the best of the two of them, after all those years.

And, the moment finally came as the doorbell rang. "Coming." He said as he checked his clothes and his hair a little bit before walking to the door of the apartment. When he opened the door, he was greeted with the sight of a Yutaro dressing differently from his usual jagged style, holding two potted plants - one was carnation and one was gardenia. He couldn't help chuckling at the two flowers, since he perfectly aware of what their meanings are. He shook his head when Yutaro told him about being under dressed, "No, that's fine. You look great as usual. Come in, please." He said and retrieved the potted plants from the guy and placed them beside the window.

When Yutaro took his seat, Hiruka took the beefs from the oven and placed them in two plates, and set them out on the table, along with a bowl full of Caesar salad. Under the dimming light of the candle, he could almost be confident that this is the most romantic dinner for two that he had ever made, even the ones he once made for his long list of exes couldn't match up either. The primary reason probably comes from the man sitting on the opposite side of him right now.

"I decided to make some Western food today, since I thought making Japanese food was a bit bland. Hope you enjoy it. Please tell me if my cooking could match that of Yui-san's." Hiruka said with wink while unplugged the cork of the wine bottle. He gave Yutaro only a moderate amount, having remembered Yui once said that aside from being intolerant to lactose, he's not too much of a drinker either.

The two of them dined while talking casually like every other time they met. Hiruka recounted his father ws a famous chef, so in a way, this love had passed down to both him and Makoto, the kitchen has always been a favorite place of him since he was just a kid, so if he hadn't become a hairdresser, he might have become a chef instead. He also shared that he once made dinners like this for his exes and also for some of his friends, but they weren't nearly as nice as tonight. Just like that, minutes turned into hours, and they really had had fun, both holding the same mutual feelings for each other.

Eventually, what comes just had to come. The moment Yutaro reached for the handkerchief, the picture Hiruka had placed inside fell down on his lap. He watched every expression that the guy made after picking up the picture, a light smile presented on his lips as ever. Hiruka slowly stood up and walked to the window which is just a few steps away from their table. He gazed at the night scenery outside, with colorful light filling every corner of the city.

"We might not be able to see each other again for a long time, and now we have to live so far away. But if we ever crossed path again, I will definitely have become stronger, and no one would pick on me again. So, shall we do one last pinky swear? One day, we will be together, no matter what happens." Hiruka spoke with a calm tone, reminiscing all the words that he once said back then, "Did you know that... never once in my life had I ever stopped clinging to those words back then?"

Hiruka turned his back to face Yutaro, with the very same smile so many years ago, "We meet again at last, Yucchi."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


"No, that's fine. You look great as usual. Come in, please." Yuta smiled gratefully, glad he hadn't come unprepared. He hadn't been on a date since before Yuki was born, and he was pretty sure Hana wouldn't have ever stayed with him if his date skills were his only charm. Idiot, you're on a date. You shouldn't be thinking of someone else... Yutarou ran a hand through his hair, turning his attention back to Hiruka and watching closely as he placed the flowers on the windowsill across the room. It was such a simple, gentle movement, and Yuta couldn't help but stare. XX
When it came to setting the mood for a date, it was instantly obvious that Hiruka was an expert. The sun was setting outside, casting shadows across the room and flowing nicely with the candlelight. The candles were unscented, leaving only the smells of Hiruka's cologne and the food. And holy heck, the food was absolutely stunning. Yutarou himself could barely cook at all, so being able to experience high quality food outside of a restaurant was impressive, like a dream come true. XX
"I decided to make some Western food today, since I thought making Japanese food was a bit bland. Hope you enjoy it. Please tell me if my cooking could match that of Yui-san's." Yutarou was already in his own private heaven. "I love Yui, and she's my best friend, but this definitely surpasses anything she's ever made. Don't tell her I said that or she'll make me eat this exact meal every day until I change my mind." He said, smiling brightly. He wasn't kidding, about how amazing the food was or about how Yui would react to having been beaten in the cooking arts. XX
The meal continued with casual, comfortable conversation that Yuta was grateful to have. He wasn't good at dealing with awkward situations. They talked about a lot of things. Hiruka explained a lot about styling and caring for hair, while Yutarou shared a bit about what it was like being a musician. They both talked about their families, and Yutarou was surprised to find that the bartender from Ahnenerbe was actually Hiruka's younger brother. In turn, Yuta also spoke about his own younger brother, Kou. He didn't say much about his parents, replacing them with Yuki's aunt, Kyouka. They talked about Yuki, about their friends, about their school days - which involved several stories about some very stupid things Yutarou had done during university alongside Kenta and Jun. XX
Hours passed, and the sun set below the tall Tokyo skyscrapers, the candlelight and light from the moon now the only thing keeping the room from being completely dark. It was a calming atmosphere, soothing almost. As the conversation slowed and the wine disappeared, Yutarou easily offered to help wash dishes, wanting to do at least something in turn for all the effort Hiruka had obviously put into everything. "It's the least I can do, really." However, he hadn't expected a photograph to fall out of one of the napkins when he picked it up. Nor had he expected to come face-to-face with a photo identical to one that was hanging in the hallway of his own apartment. The photograph itself was something precious to him. And this photograph didn't belong to him. XX
Yutarou just stared at the photo for a long moment, slowly putting down the plates he was holding in the other hand. "We might not be able to see each other again for a long time, and now we have to live so far away. But if we ever crossed path again, I will definitely have become stronger, and no one would pick on me again. So, shall we do one last pinky swear? One day, we will be together, no matter what happens." Distant memories flashed through Yuta's mind, that day having featured in quite a few dreams during his younger years. The memories had all but faded as years had passed, and at that moment, Yutarou felt terrible for having forgotten them. For having forgotten everything. He turned to look at Hiruka with an expression of pure awe, as if he was having a hard time believing this wasn't a dream. And he was. The scene was surreal, almost. "We meet again at last, Yucchi." Holy fuck. XXX
Yutarou slowly sat the photograph back down, bringing both hands up to cover his face and letting out a belated groan. "I feel like an idiot. I feel like I'm an idiot for not recognizing you. I'm a terrible person, a terrible friend. Ugh." Yutarou sighed and shuffled over to where Hiruka was standing by the window, wrapping his arms around the other man and holding him close, trying to hide the fact that his eyes were tearing up. "You should've told me sooner, Sorachin. It's rude to keep secrets from your best friend." XXX

Honestly, I think it'd be really cute if Makoto returns to find them cuddling on the couch, fast asleep with 'Spirited Away' playing in the backdrop.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka sets his gaze outside the window once more, gazing far into the distance. He has said all he that wanted to say, facing the person who once was his everything so many years ago. He was happy, his smile was sincere. It felt as if he had managed to find something precious after having lost it after what feels like eternity. Hiruka just wanted to immerse himself in this sole moment, wishing it to be a sweet dream that would never ended.

But, this isn’t some fairytales that they both once enjoyed when they were kids. This is reality. As much as he understands how much Yutaro and he wanted to rebuild all that they have lost in the long years of separation, it’s a fact that can’t be changed that they weren’t happy-go-round children anymore. They have grown up, and have changed, so much that they didn’t even realize each other at first sight as they used to.

It cannot be denied that, they walked on their own different paths.

Hiruka was lost in his thoughts that he didn’t realize that Yutaro was approaching him from behind. He flinched a bit when feeling the familiar warmth wrapped around him, telling him how mean he was for keeping secret from his best friend. Hiruka smiled lightly, “It’s not your fault. I didn’t realize you when we first met either." It's only added how much had time changed both of us. He thought, but didn't say it in words. They were fated to walk on their own ways ever since they were separated back then, it seems.

I have to refrain myself, before it gets too deep. Hiruka lightly clenched his fist and reminded himself, but loosened up, and placed his hand over Yutaro's. But at least for now, I want our reunion to be memorable.

And, afterwards, sitting on the couch, both of them reminisced all the memories they once shared long ago as kids. Leaning his head against Yutaro’s shoulder, for an instance, Hiruka almost felt like he was returning to a time when he was so blissfully innocent. A time before he came to his realization that he could rely on no one but himself.

Just like that, time passed by quickly, until both of them fell asleep on the couch, still holding to each other. When Makoto returned, the sight before his eyes was not what he had expected, but he smiles at it nonetheless, knowing how his brother had finally be able to find the happiness that he had lost, even just a little bit. He quietly draped a blanket over the two sleeping persons on the couch before retreating back to his own room, letting them treasure the precious moments they could be together.

Eventually, morning approaches. Makoto yawned and stretched his arms as he walked out of his room, finding only the black-haired man lying on the couch. “Mornin’, Nanase-san.” Makoto greeted when he saw Yutaro stirring, “Nii-chan’s probably left for his work already. Want some breakfast?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


When Yutarou awoke the next morning, his first thought was that they'd never actually finished washing the dishes. Although they were distracted by a rather acceptable happenstance, so he couldn't bring himself to feel bad about it. He had no doubts that Hiruka wouldn't mind either. I'm still mad at my brain for not recognizing Hiruka. I have a photograph of us in my hallway, for Christ's sake! XX
Sitting up, Yuta was still groggy and half-asleep, but he was awake enough to tell that Hiruka was no longer cuddled up next to him. And it was Makoto's voice who spoke to him when he finally rubbed the sleep-gunk out of his eyes and was able to see properly. "Mornin’, Nanase-san." "...good morning, Sorayuki-kun." He said, yawning and standing up from the couch, groaning when his back creaked loudly in protest. "Nii-chan’s probably left for his work already. Want some breakfast?" XX
Since it was still only late morning, Yutarou accepted Makoto's proposal, and offered to help cook in exchange for the blanket that definitely hadn't been there when they'd fallen asleep. Yuta also knew that it had to have been a little bit weird or uncomfortable to come home late at night to find a stranger cuddling your brother on your couch. He knew he'd have been uncomfortable if it was his own brother (not that he had to worry much, since his brother was way too antisocial). XX
Unfortunately, having only met someone twice and never actually talked to them either of those two times makes for a very awkward meal, and Yutarou found himself way too nervous for someone who was just trying to eat breakfast. Why am I so nervous? Is it because this is Sora's brother? It's not like Sora's my lover or anything! I mean, I kinda want him to be, but that's beside the point... His thoughts continued on in an endlessly chaotic cycle. "So, um...oh! You made me that blue cocktail when I first came to your bar, and I forgot to compliment you..." XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Makoto made some omelette and toasts for breakfast with Yutaro helping out as a 'thank you' for the blanket he gave him and Hiruka last night when they were still cuddling over each other on the couch. The meal went on rather quiet, if not awkward, with only a few sentences exchanged between them. Makoto doesn't know what was on Yutaro's mind, so instead he just focused on eating away his meal and reading the newspaper. It keeps going like that, until the guy spoke up and broke the awkward silence between them, remarking of how good his cocktail was.

"Well, thanks. I did pick up a good thing in the past long years, huh?" Makoto took a sip from his coffee cup and let out a sigh, "I can't believe you have already forgotten me too, Nanase-san. Remember all the soccer and dodgeball matches we used to have as kids back then, in that empty yard near or houses? I suppose time really did more or less make people forget things, huh?"

He put the newspaper down on the table and gazed at Yutaro, "It took me a couple of times, but I was certain that it was you all along. But you and nii-chan are so oblivious despite once being inseparable. Still, I'm glad that he has really brightened up since the day you two met a month ago. And by how enthusiastic you flirted with him, I suppose you're no different. He told me about your friends and your daughter. How you have met wonderful friends and have had a wonderful life. Fate really has been kind to you after we left Miyagi, it seemed."

Makoto stood up and walked to the counter and took out from inside the drawer a couple of pictures, which were rather old. They showed a younger Hiruka with his hands tied, his uniform torn and bruises covered all over his body. "It would be painful to reenact this, but since nii-chan wasn't here, I think he won't mind if I tell you. I believe you still remember how badly nii-chan was treated since he was a kid just because of his appearance. After we moved, it was way worse. He dated for the first time back in high school and for him it was like a lifesaver. Yet the guy whom he went out with was a complete jerk, who showed his true face after a couple of months. And this is what that fucker did to Nii-chan."

He passed the pictures over to Yutaro, "When I found him in that storage, never had I seen him to be so broken and betrayed. And I know that something inside him had changed. Nii-chan told me to take these pictures so that whenever he felt like he was faltering, he could just look at them to remind himself that he must never be weak again. Do you know how painful it is to watch him struggling so, so hard and how he hardened himself from such a sweetie to become rockier? I could only help him as much, as he told me they were all obstacles that he had to overcome himself."

Makoto sighed as he lit up a cigarette, "Your friends probably have told you things like how he was nothing more than a slanderous slut who was trying to take advantage of you or shits like that. Well, they aren't wrong. Even after leaving school, nii-chan's love life was a complete disaster, and all the guys whom he dated were also complete assholes. He loved with all of his heart, yet all he received was betrayal. He used to be a crybaby, but now he doesn't shed a tear at the saddest of things. He had given up on love, and developed a habit of sleeping around with any guys who caught his sight when he was at my bar. Nii-chan originally intended to lay his hand on you when you two met, you know. Luckily things didn't go that far or this day would't even come."

He exhaled a gray breath of smoke, "Judging by how much nii-chan had cheered up since he met you, I think I can rest assure that you will take good care of him. It's not gonna be easy to get him heads over heels again, but I don't want to watch him suffer all by himself anymore. That's why, do your best." Makoto suddenly leaned closer to Yutaro and lowered his tone of voice, "But do remember that I will be keeping a good eye on you. I made all the jerks that nii-chan went out with paid handsomely for what they did, and I will be quick to add you up in the list if you do anything that hurts his already broken heart. Don't ever forget that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


"Well, thanks. I did pick up a good thing in the past long years, huh?" Yuta smiled at that, nodding in agreement. He wasn't that into alcohol in general, but Makoto definitely had a knack for making drinks. "I can't believe you have already forgotten me too, Nanase-san. Remember all the soccer and dodgeball matches we used to have as kids back then, in that empty yard near or houses?" "Ahaha, I remember kicking the ball into some bullies once." "I suppose time really did more or less make people forget things, huh?" "A lot's happened over the years." XX
Makoto then set down his newspaper, and Yutarou fidgeted a little under his gaze. He felt like he was going to be interrogated - not that it was a bad thing, it would surely happen eventually. ""It took me a couple of times, but I was certain that it was you all along. But you and nii-chan are so oblivious despite once being inseparable. Still, I'm glad that he has really brightened up since the day you two met a month ago. And by how enthusiastic you flirted with him, I suppose you're no different." Oh wow, I didn't think I'd had that much of an influence on him... XX
"He told me about your friends and your daughter. How you have met wonderful friends and have had a wonderful life. Fate really has been kind to you after we left Miyagi, it seemed." "Kinder than some, I suppose." Yutarou said quietly. He couldn't deny that he'd found quite a lot of happiness in the time since he and his friend had been separated. But there had been a lot of hardships as well - losing Hana, the rift between him and his family. Still, it was not as bad as it could be. XX
He watched with silent curiosity as Makoto stood, retrieving a handful of photos from a drawer on the other side of the room. Photographs? "It would be painful to reenact this, but since nii-chan wasn't here, I think he won't mind if I tell you. I believe you still remember how badly nii-chan was treated since he was a kid just because of his appearance. After we moved, it was way worse. He dated for the first time back in high school and for him it was like a lifesaver. Yet the guy whom he went out with was a complete jerk, who showed his true face after a couple of months. And this is what that fucker did to Nii-chan." As the photographs were passed across the table, Yutarou felt like his heart stopped beating for a moment, and not the kind of stop that comes with excitement or love. He felt as if the pictures showed something entirely different than the Hiruka he knew - the man who was so ethereal and calming, so nice to be around and well-liked. Seeing him bruised and bloodied felt not only like an invasion of privacy, but like a bad dream. XX
"When I found him in that storage, never had I seen him to be so broken and betrayed. And I know that something inside him had changed. Nii-chan told me to take these pictures so that whenever he felt like he was faltering, he could just look at them to remind himself that he must never be weak again. Do you know how painful it is to watch him struggling so, so hard and how he hardened himself from such a sweetie to become rockier? I could only help him as much, as he told me they were all obstacles that he had to overcome himself." Yuta nodded slightly, unable to look away from the images despite how much he hated seeing Hiruka like that. XX
"Your friends probably have told you things like how he was nothing more than a slanderous slut who was trying to take advantage of you or shits like that." Yutarou went to object, because his friends actually liked Hiruka quite a lot, but then stopped as he remembered Jun's incessant hated for him. Jun's never been the nicest guy though, honestly... "Well, they aren't wrong. Even after leaving school, nii-chan's love life was a complete disaster, and all the guys whom he dated were also complete assholes. He loved with all of his heart, yet all he received was betrayal. He used to be a crybaby, but now he doesn't shed a tear at the saddest of things. He had given up on love, and developed a habit of sleeping around with any guys who caught his sight when he was at my bar." While Yuta was decently surprised by the news, he couldn't bring himself to think badly of his childhood friend for the ideal. XX
"Nii-chan originally intended to lay his hand on you when you two met, you know. Luckily things didn't go that far or this day would't even come." I wonder if I'd have ever realized it was Sora if we'd simply had a one-night stand instead of becoming friends through normal means... "Judging by how much nii-chan had cheered up since he met you, I think I can rest assure that you will take good care of him. It's not gonna be easy to get him heads over heels again, but I don't want to watch him suffer all by himself anymore. That's why, do your best." Yutarou didn't back away as Makoto leaned in close, nor did he break eye contact, knowing exactly what was going to be said next. "But do remember that I will be keeping a good eye on you. I made all the jerks that nii-chan went out with paid handsomely for what they did, and I will be quick to add you up in the list if you do anything that hurts his already broken heart. Don't ever forget that." Ah, this is familiar. I wonder if this is what I looked like to my parents scolding them about Kou. This is definitely what I remember Kyouka feeling like when she threatened me over hurting Hana. XXX
"I won't tell you not to worry. Hiruka is your brother, and I can understand why you want to protect him. But I can promise you that I'd never intentionally hurt him, and if I break this promise, you have my permission to beat me up to your heart's content." XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Makoto listened to Yutaro's promise to never again hurting his brother's heart. He stares into the eyes of the guy, as if trying to confirm whether every word that he had spoken was genuine or not. Then, he casually straightened himself up, light up a cigarette and exhaled a white smoke calmly, "Just be sure to engrave those words to the deepest of your mind. It's not like that I'm overly being worrisome about my brother. He can perfectly taking care of himself. But I'm not up to some random guy just came and raise him up then throw him deep down into a bottomless pit another time. If you still consider nii-chan to be your friend, even after all those years, I'm sure you understand that."

He then collected the dishes of their finished meal on the table and put them into the sink, then stretched his arms, "Feel free to hang around here anytime if you want. Nii-chan would be out working almost the whole day, so I'm pretty much the only one around daytime, before I went to open my bar." Then, he held up his phone and swung it in front of Yutaro, "You probably should leave for now though. Yui said she's going to come here personally to drag you to work if you didn't turn up by yourself. I don't want her here turning this whole complex upside down looking for you so you'd better be stead fast."

Hiruka had set off to work while Yutaro was still sleeping soundly over the couch in his apartment. Honestly, he never even thought that there would be such an encounter like that yesterday. Everything just being revealed all of a sudden, so fast that despite having tried to act as if he was truly calm and stoic, his feelings were truly a chaos on the inside. But, he cannot deny that he'd never thought there would be a day when the images of Yutaro could fill up every corner of his mind like this. Though he had decided that it is best that they remain this way, just the mere thought of the guy is enough to make him happy.

"Hey look, it seems that someone's really in a good mood today." Kazuki draped himself over Hiruka while he was eating away his convenient bento at lunch break, "Has the legendary sex fiend finally found someone daring enough to tame him?"

"Am I that much of a slutty gigolo to you?" Hiruka sneered and poked on his colleague's forehead. He suddenly realized that he had been smiling since this morning without even noticing, "It's nothing much, really. Just happen to have a pretty good dinner with an old friend back in my hometown. It's been awhile since I actually met anyone from there, so there's no reason not to be happy, right?"

"Yeah, yeah." Kazuki snickered, then grinned mischievously, "But being able to make the indomitable Hiru-chan smiling happily like this, I can almost be certain that this gal is no ordinary person to you, hmm?"

Hiruka shrugged, then turned back to his bento. Another light smile managed to make its' way on his face, "I suppose you could say so."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


Yutarou was grateful for Makoto's speech, and for how casual he seemed after his threats (more or less) succeeded. "You probably should leave for now though. Yui said she's going to come here personally to drag you to work if you didn't turn up by yourself. I don't want her here turning this whole complex upside down looking for you so you'd better be stead fast." "Oh, shit!" Cursing himself for not realizing the time, Yuta hurriedly gathered his things and thanked Makoto for the meal, rushing out of the complex and praying Yui wouldn't brutally murder him. XX
He didn't bother going back home to change, he was already late enough and God knows Yui is terrifying when angry, so Yuta shifted nervously in the elevator as it rose at an annoyingly slow pace. Yui was waiting for him when he stepped into the studio. "Where the hell have you been?! I tried calling you three times and I only got voicemail, and then the bartender from Ahnenerbe answered?" "Um, Yui-" "Were you out drinking?! You have a ten-year-old, getting drunk is the last thing that should be on your to-do list!" "Yui, please-" "And why the hell didn't you come home last night? We were worried about you!" "I was on a date, okay?!" XX
Silence. A few beats passed, and then Yui smirked, the tension disappearing from the air as fast as it had arrived. "Oh, is that so? No wonder you smell like cheap cologne. And hair spray." She laughed at that. "Did you actually attempt to tame your wild bedhead hair with hair spray? I can tell it didn't work out for you. This date of yours must be pretty important if you put that much effort into it." Yuta made an attempt to leave, knowing exactly where the conversation was going and not quite wanting to go into any detail about his date with his childhood friend. XX
"It was with Sorayuki-kun, wasn't it?" Yutarou freezed, disliking how perceptive Yui was. "...yes..." "Aw, how cute! I can't be surprised, really, it's obvious how much you like him. You aren't very subtle, Yutarou, no matter how hard you try." XX
After a good five minutes of dodging questions and refusing to say how far they'd gotten, the topic of Hiruka dwindled and Yui finally sent him off to the recording room, where Jun and Kenta were doing a cover of the Sailor Moon theme song. You've gotta be kidding me... They barely acknowledged Yuta when he walked in, continuing their song with expressions that made Yutarou wonder if they were singing it just to annoy him. Which wasn't uncommon. Eventually the song ended and they worked on their own songs, which were more or less nonexistent so early in creation. They spent a good hour or two arguing about what style they wanted the album to be in and what the theme should be and what tempo they should play at, and there was very little resolution. XX
Meanwhile, Yuki had decided to make a habit of visiting Hiruka's work, and happily took a seat in the waiting area, watching the employees work with rapt attention. She stayed for a good half hour, greeting guests and observing the way hair was done, before she bid everyone goodbye and headed off, this time not getting lost on her way back to the studio. "Yu-chan, where did you go after your sleepover? Did you get lost again?" Kenta inquired as she walked in, her dad passed out on the couch. "Nope! I went to visit Ruru-san again! He works at a hair place, everyone has such pretty hair there, and they're really nice too!" Yuki went on to gush about the different styles of hair she'd seen. Kenta remained involved in the conversation, Jun scowling from across the room. XXX
Later that night, after everyone had returned to their respective apartments, Yuki relayed to her father everything she'd said to Kenta. Yutarou listened with a fond smile. "You really like Ruru-san, don't you?" Yuki nodded enthusiastically. "Do you like him a lot too, tou-san? Like Yui says?" Yuta smiled and ruffled her hair, trusting his daughter not to broadcast his answer. "Yeah, I do." XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Another long working day eventually passed by just as quick as it comes. Nothing much seems to be different today in comparison with any other days, rather than the now frequent visits from Yuki. She seems to have developed quite a liking to stop by here watching the four of them do their jobs. Since she was such a nice kid and they were all kid lovers, they didn't have any problem with it. In fact, Kasumi even felt quite pleasant with the small girl's presence as she is attracting more customer to their salon thanks to her adorableness.

It was a night on Kasumi's treat today so the four of them made their way to their usual yakiniku for dinner. Over their cups of bear, they went on talking about all sorts of stuffs that had happened in their personal lives recently. Kasumi's secondary job as a swimsuit model seems to be on the rising, Madoka is still doing his best with his own brand of hair conditioner and Kazuki's love life is as colorful as ever. It almost feels as if in comparison to these siblings, Hiruka's life was as "quiet" and "uneventful" as it could be, with him sticking to the same routine for almost a whole year. Not that he didn't enjoy it though. But, that is before the unexpected arrival of his long-lost friend in his life just barely a little than a month ago that had shaken his life up.

"About the cute little girl that usually stop by our place recently. Yuki-chan, was it? Didn't you say she was raised by a single dad who is your acquaintance, eh, Hiru-chan?" Kazuki raised the question as he picked a piece of beef from the grill and chewed it, "Care to enlighten us more about this gal?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah." Hiruka was sipping from his cup of beer when he heard the question directing at him, "Like I said. He's just a nice guy I happened to meet at my brother's place. You could say that we've been friends since. He seemed as interested in me as I was interested in him, if I must say."

"Someone that can actually caught the attention of the indomitable sex fiend, huh? Must be formidable, indeed." Kasumi commented, "Judging from your cheerful face since this morning, I suppose this guy have some sorts of deep connection with you, huh?"

"As perceptive as ever, Sumi-san." Hiruka winked before placing his index finger in front of his lips and grinned, "But that's still a secret for now. I'll reveal to you guys sometimes later. Perhaps when you can actually get me drunk?"

The four of them burst into laughter and continued with their pleasant chatting before it was time for them to depart. Hiruka bid goodbye to his co-workers before taking the opposite direction to make it back to his apartment. He isn't in the mood to go to Ahnenerbe tonight as he had decided since last night that he should take a 'break' from getting laid a bit, and since Yui had told him that she's going to keep Yutaro and his friends real busy starting from this weak, it's unlikely that he could meet his newly-found friend even if he head there, so going back home is the best option right now.

After taking a long, steamy bath, Hiruka let himself fell on his bed. There's really nothing for him to do so he might just as well sleep until the morning. Suddenly, a rather naughty idea came up in his mind. He took a selfie half-naked and made rather seducing pose before sending to a certain friend of his, "Whatcha doin' tonight? ;)" He typed and sent. Grinning mischievously, he could only guess what kind of expression the guy would have seeing it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24」 x 「#F16522」


Dinner had been finished and the dishes had been cleaned, Yuki sitting in her dad's lap watching Furuba, when Yutarou's phone vibrated on the table. Yuki shot him an annoyed look at the interruption and he apologized quietly, muting the phone and smiling to himself when he realized the text received was from Hiruka. XX
His face flushed bright red upon opening said text, and Yutarou hurried to move his cell out of Yuki's field of vision. Jesus, give a guy some warning! Man, I knew he was hot but...damn. He spent a good few minutes admiring the photograph (if he were an anime girl, there would be blood dripping from his nose) before trying and failing to come up with a clever response. In the end he decided to go with truth. Sleeping, mostly. He attempted to take a selfie reminiscent of Hiruka's, but his camera was shit and the photo came out blurry. He sent it anyways. Oh well. XX
"Tou-san, who are you texting?" "Ruru-san." "Really?! Are you going to ask him to be your boyfriend?!" "Well..." Yuta paused. Yuki continued staring at him, eyes sparkling, hopping up and down in her spot and making his legs sore. "Actually, yeah, I think I might. But not right now. We have to become better friends first." XX
Yutarou lied, partially. He hadn't seen Hiruka in sixteen years, so it was a good plan to try and get to know him more. People often changed over time, especially sixteen years time. But his real reason for hesitating was simply because a.) he'd only just realized Hiruka was Hiruka less than twenty-four hours prior and b.) he still didn't know if he was ready to start dating again. That he would never admit. XX
Surely it can't be a bad thing to hesitate...I mean, it just means we'll have to go on more dates. If I get to know him more maybe my courage will come back... XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


It wasn't long before Hiruka received a reply from Yutaro, which was a rather failed attempted to mimic Hiruka's pose earlier, as the picture was blurred and Yutaro actually made himself looks rather funny than sexy. Chuckling, he shove his phone back under his pillow before falling slowly into his slumber. Strangely, for some reasons, he had never been able to sleep so soundly like this, since a long time a go that he had actually forgotten.

Just as peaceful as that, a week passed by. Even after having found out that they have always knew each other all along, there hasn't been any radical changes in the way both Hiruka and Yutaro acted around each other. Hiruka was pleasant to be near Yutaro, just like he always was so long ago. Of course, they are no longer kids, they could not enjoy life as freely as when they were younger. They have their own lives and were busy with their jobs. But that doesn't mean they can be stopped from meeting up with each other almost on a daily basis whenever they are free.

Perhaps, this is just way better than to fall in love itself. Hiruka thought.

Sunday eventually comes. Hiruka had gotten up pretty early to prepare even though it was his day off. The reason was that he had agreed with Yutaro and Yuki that he would have a 'date' with them at the amusement park just happen to be near his workplace. He tied his hair up into a pony tail and wore a white shirt with its' sleeves rolled up, paired with a navy blue waistcoat and a pair of black tight jeans, along with a pair of black-framed glasses. He's just someone who knows exactly how to dress for the occasion, so he's not shy in putting his 'talent' into good use.

This sure feels like old time, huh?" Makoto commented as he sat drinking his coffee while watching his brother walked towards the door, "You used to be enthusiastic like this whenever you hung out with him, didn't you? Why don't just give him a chance?"

"I know. But... not yet." He replied to his brother with a light smile before departing to the amusement park.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


As it was a Saturday night, Yutarou allowed Yuki to stay up later than usual, and it was nearly midnight by the time she finally grew too tired to watch any more episodes of Furuba. "Alright, Yuko-chan, time for bed." "Tou-san, you called me the wrong name again." "I know." "What does Yuko mean?" "Affectionate child." Yuki smiled at that, looking tired but seemingly happy with his response. Yuko was the name Yutarou and Hana had originally chosen for Yuki, but it snowed the day she was born - unheard of in that part of Hiroshima - and they were inspired. XX
Yutarou rarely used the nickname, but at times it would slip out. "Go to bed baby, before you pass out in the hallway." "Tell Ruru-san goodnight for me?" "Promise." XX
Once Yuki was tucked into bed and slowly falling asleep, Yutarou pulled out his cell once again and sent another text, apologizing for the blurry selfie and telling Hiruka what Yuki had requested. Yuki told me to tell you goodnight for her. Good night, Ruru-san! Since he hadn't replied to his selfie, Yuta assumed Hiruka was already fast asleep, and didn't even bother avoiding the image in his mind of the handsome male sleeping. I feel like it's perverted to imagine someone sleeping... XX
A week passed by in what simultaneously felt like an instant and an eternity, time stopping for each special moment spent with Hiruka and Yuki but never seeming long enough to say all the things that needed said. Yutarou treasured every single second. After all, it had been sixteen years since he'd seen the person who had been his entire life once upon a time. They had too many things to catch up on. XX
When Sunday came, Yuki spent the entire morning in a hyperactive stupor, too excited about an amusement park outing to think about anything else. Her enthusiasm was helpful in establishing the mood for the day, however, and she happily gave her dad advice on how to dress. He ended up in a bright red shirt with sleeves ending at the elbows, a pair of jeans, and a leather vest Yui had insisted he borrow. Yuta was still amazed by the fact that it fit him so well. He also allowed Yuki to paint his nails - black, of course, "to match the vest" - and pick out piercings for his ears, which were way too many. He didn't complain, though he did wonder if his daughter was trying to make him look punk goth. XX
Yutarou made sure Yuki didn't wear a skirt for the day, knowing roller coasters would not agree with that choice of clothing, and she ended up with a pair of overalls and a white puffy-sleeved shirt with tiny blue flowers. He attempted to appease her request of having her hair done up in buns like Sailor Moon, but failed epically. "Baby, I think you should ask Ruru-san when we meet him. I bet he'd be much better than me." "I think so too. But thank you for trying, tou-san!" I think I taught her to be a little too honest. XXX
Yuki led the way to Arisu's, the salon just barely coming into view when they caught sight of blue hair in the distance. Yutarou let Yuki run ahead to him, keeping a careful eye on her. "Ruru-san! Tou-san tried to do my hair like Sailor Moon but he failed, can you do it instead?" Savage... "Ohayo, Sora. I hope you're ready for a day of fun and mild stress, it's Yu-chan's first amusement park." XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka sat at the bench in front of Arisu's and played games on his phone while waiting for Yutaro and Yuki to arrive. He couldn't help noticing just how quite a few of people passing by were talking about him, probably about his long hair. It has always been so for the past 25 years of his life so he didn't even feel anything by such comments anymore. He had tried to dress no to stand out to much but still keeping a sense of attractiveness, though he could not really deny that his hair is what gaining him so much attention, although he doesn't really want to. He suddenly thought of how would Yutaro dresses when he turned up.

And it didn't take long until he got his answer. Hiruka heard his name was being called by a certain familiar girl, and turned to greet her with a smile. "Good morning, Yuki-chan." In return though, he was greeted with her request to do her hair like Sailor Moon. He blinked for a few seconds then smiled to the little girl, "Like Sailor Moon.. You mean, you want to do that odango hairstyle, right? Okay, let's see what I've got."

Hiruka then proceeded to tie Yuki's hair into two pigtails and skillfully twirled them into buns, and finishing with two pieces of red ribbons he happened to carry with him. And the result turn out quite well. Yuki looks as if she's cosplaying. "Here, how do you like it?" He smiled and gave her his mirror so she can watch herself.

Yutaro commented that it was Yuki's first time going to an amusement park and that they should prepare for a day of fun and mild stress, "Well, I certainly feel energetic already. And from the look of it, you seemed to be too." He said, then tilted his head with a chuckle, "Although, Yucchi, I wonder since when did you decide to pursue rock punk? But it's not really my place to question your wardrobe choice though. Just prepare for curious gazes when we step into that park."

"Shall we go then?" Hiruka picked up his bag and said as the three of them made their ways towards the amusement park. The walk didn't take very long, as it was only about 10 minutes walk from Arisu's to get to the amusement park. Yuki was as enthusiastic as ever and skipping ahead while Hiruka and Yutaro just walked behind, talking casually like they always did.

The huge amusement park eventually came into their views. Since it was on weekend, it's no surprise that the place was pretty crowded. They stood in lines and wait for their turn to buy tickets, which luckily didn't turn out to be too long. Finally stepping inside the park, Hiruka asked the small girl, "Okay, Yuki-chan. What do you want to try out first?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


"Well, I certainly feel energetic already. And from the look of it, you seemed to be too." Hiruka replied, tilting his head at Yutarou's wardrobe choices and chuckling to himself. "Although, Yucchi, I wonder since when did you decide to pursue rock punk? But it's not really my place to question your wardrobe choice though. Just prepare for curious gazes when we step into that park." "Hey, my outfit was chosen for me, I had no say in anything!" Yutarou wasn't lying- Yuki and Yui hadn't let him choose anything. "And you forget, I'm a famous musician. I think I can handle staring~" "Tou-san, you ran away from your fans last time." "Hey!" XX
"Shall we go then?" "Yes! Let's go!" Yutarou laughed. "The masters have spoken." Yuta tried his best to make small talk, offering to carry Hiruka's bag and keeping a close eye on Yuki as she skipped ahead of them. She's already having fun, and we haven't even gotten to the park yet! I think kids can find entertainment in just about anything, which is something I sometimes miss." When they finally reached the park entrance, Yutarou took Yuki's hand in his own while they waited in line. XX
The second the tickets had been bought and they were allowed into the park, Yuki was hopping up and down with excitement, while Yutarou was already slightly anxious about the crowds. We definitely don't want to be separated in here... His thoughts faded away soon after, though, his attention turning instead to his date and daughter. "Okay, Yuki-chan. What do you want to try out first?" Yuki took her time looking around, fingers scratching at her chin in concentration. In a moment or two, she smiled from ear to ear, pointing at the tallest roller coaster. XX
Yuta felt his heart leap a little. "That one!" "A-Are you sure?" "Yup! The master has spoken, that's the one we go on first!" Yuta didn't argue, and let her pull him and Hiruka in the direction of the gigantic contraption. "I think I'm gonna regret not mentioning that I've never been to an amusement park either..." He said under his breath, hoping Hiruka wouldn't judge him for being scared of a roller coaster. He knew Hiruka wouldn't, of course, but it doesn't mean the fear isn't there. "If I vomit while on this ride, I'm never going on another date again, I swear to all that is holy..." XX
"Tou-san, are you scared?" Yuki asked as they stood in line for the roller coaster. "Yes. I'm terrified." "Oh! When I hold your hand, I'm not as scared, so maybe if you hold Ruru-san's hand too, it'll make you not as scared!" Before Yutarou could say anything more, Yuki had pulled their hands together, smiling brightly. He felt his face grow pink and he shot an apologetic smile toward Hiruka, despite his brain screaming at him that his daughter had forced him into what he'd been to awkward to initiate earlier on. Well, too late for regrets now! As the line moved up, Yuta did find himself calming down, albeit only slightly. He was distracted from the fear by flirting and chatting with Hiruka, Yuki adding to the conversation when she heard something worth mentioning. XX
By the time they got to the front of the line, Yutarou had completely forgotten his fears, only for them to slap him in the face when the roller coaster cars were in view. His hand was clutching tightly to Hiruka's, and he had to loosen his grip and apologize due to how hard he was holding. "Next!" "Tou-san, Ruru-san, it's our turn!" The attendant seated them in the front car with Yuki in the middle seat, her being just barely tall enough to ride, and Yuta found himself clinging to the safety bars like his life depended on it. Yuki noticed and pulled his and Hiruka's hands together again - going to the effort of prying her dad's hand off the grips - and placed her own hands over them, grinning and looking far more content than a ten year old should when about to go of a precipice. XX
"If I die from this, Sora I'm leaving everything I own in your hands please burn or throw away everything that isn't Yuki's thanks!" XX

Yuki is old enough to be witty so I'm making it her purpose in life to expose the embarrassing side of Yutarou to Hiruka constantly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka could have guessed of what Yuki would have chosen for her first experience with the amusement park. Roller-coaster. "Good choice, Yuki-chan. My favorite." He winked to her before turning to Yutaro, who was already terrified at the mere suggestion. He chuckled at his sudden confess that this too is also his first time at an amusement park, and that he's never ever going on a date again if he vomits while taking a ride. "You'll never know unless you try, won't you? It's not that bad, believe me. Man's up, Yucchi." Hiruka assured while giving his best friend a pat on his back.

Stepping up in line to wait for their turn at the roller coaster contraption, Yuki asked Yutaro if he's scared and he doesn't even bother lying. Hiruka just smiled at his honesty. Then suddenly, the little girl walked up to the two of them and held their hands together, which made Yutaro visibly blushed and gave him an apologetic smile. He blinked for a few moments then turned hi face away to hide his smile and a little reddened face. The conversed and flirted with each other, as usual, with Yuki joining in from time to time, until it was their turn. They were seated at the front of the roller coaster car, with Yuki at the middle. Hiruka sat calmly as the safety bars were placed down on their bodies, but on the other side, Yutaro was the complete opposite, even going as far as saying his final words.

Hiruka just grinned as the coaster began to rolled slowly until it reached the edge of the slope, where it stopped completely. Looking down, it feels almost as if there's no bottom. Caught off guard, the coaster then sped up and skidded along the rail at light speed. "Wooooooohooooooo." Hiruka excitedly shouted out as the coaster took twists and turns almost like in a zig-zag movement along the contraption. He's always the one up to hardcore stuffs like this, so he's definitely enjoying every minute of the ride. The same probably cannot be said to a certain black hair man sitting on the other side though.

Eventually, the coaster made its' way through the whole contraption and returned to its' starting place. Hiruka fixed up his hair a little bit before turning to Yutaro with a mischievous chuckle, "Hey, Yucchi. You okay over there?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


The drop at the beginning caught Yutarou completely off guard, and he screeched loud enough to make people cringe if they hadn't been screaming with him. Once they got past the death drop it wasn't as bad, though when they finally got off the ride, Yuta felt a bit light-headed simply from the speed and constant turns. "Hey, Yucchi. You okay over there?" Hiruka asked. His laugh was music to Yutarou's ears and he felt slightly better just by hearing his voice. "I'll be alright, just as long as we don't have to go on it again..." He didn't have to worry, as Yuki was already pointing out the nearby carousel and dragging them both over toward it, grinning. XX
For much of the afternoon, Yutarou kept his fingers laced through Hiruka's, other hand holding tight to Yuki's so he could make sure not to lose either of his sweet companions in the crowd. Yuki made sure they rode every ride she was tall enough for- which was most of them, appropriate since she'd managed to be tall enough for the death coaster. They ended up riding the carousel several times. It was ocean-themed, with different sea creatures instead of horses, and Yuki made it a point to have them ride a different animal each time they rode the carousel. XX
Yuta's initial nervousness disappeared completely after the first carousel ride, and he had the confidence to be his own entirely dorky self rather than trying to hide it behind cheesy flirting. After all, it was Sora, and it's better to be genuine with someone you're hoping to date one day. Not that Yuta could cover up his traits in the first place, really - he was crap at flirting, though Hiruka didn't seem to mind. XX
"It's getting later, what should we do for lunch? I'm willing to eat anything, so it's up to you two darlings what we get." He brought up the topic of food after they were stepping off the teacups ride, a slightly out-of-place thing to sat right after being swirled around for three minutes. Yuki hummed in thought, looking around at the vendors scattered about. "Ruru-san, do you want Yakisoba or Taiyaki?" XXX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka giggled after seeing Yutaro's talk about his first experience about his first roller-coaster, "See? I told you it wasn't that bad. At least you didn't die and I don't have to burn anything that wasn't Yuki's in your house, huh?" He said in a slight teasing manner. To think that back when they were kids, Hiruka didn't even dare to voice for himself, opting to just listen to anything those around him said, and now, he can freely tease his best friend like this. It's simply just the solid proof as of how much can a person change over time. But, it was for the better of himself after all, so he has no complain over it. The only thing that mattered is he can live his happy days once again.

They spent the rest of their time trying out anything that the amusement park got to offer. Yuki was so into the carousel that they have tried it out for several of times. Casual conversation between Hiruka and Yutaro went on, with the usual trivial topics they have been running on about anytime they met. Of course, despite his flirting, Hiruka can still notice that Yutaro's dorky traits are still the same, as if the same boy is still living despite the outer shell has changed dramatically. That alone is enough to make him happy, despite not showing it outside.

After enjoying the carousel and the spinning teacups, it's already been quite late so they just decided to find something for lunch. Yuki then asked Hiruka whether he likes taiyaki or yakisoba. "I like yakisoba more, but it's up to you, Yuki-chan. Though I don't see why we can't have both. Let's go get some, shall we?" He said and the three of them stopped by the food stalls to buy their lunch and drink. They sat at a nearby bench and enjoy the meal together happily. People looking can almost mistaking them for a family.

The three of them lazed around the amusement park and tried out other things until dusk fall. Hiruka walked with the other two to the entrance of the park and bid them farewell. On the the ride back to this apartment, he couldn't help smiling almost all the way. He truly is grateful that he can live through these happy moments once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


Yutarou spent the remainder of the evening watching Yuki and Hiruka interact, a warmth in his heart heating more each time they smiled and laughed. The one thing his friends had always encouraged during their long rants about getting him a partner was the simple fact that the partner in question had to get along with Yuki. If his daughter didn't like them, or they didn't like her, there could be no hope for a healthy relationship, no matter how great everything else worked out. XX
Yuki loved Hiruka. She was a sweet kid- she was always kind and polite to others, but she loved Hiruka, more so than a lot of the newer people in Yutarou's life. Yuki had grown up surrounded with loving, protective people, and Yutarou could tell that Hiruka cared for her just as much as she cared for him. A perfect match. XX
Night came, and the park began to clear out, the families replaced with teens and couples out for late-night rides on the ferris wheel. Yuki started to get tired, and by the time they headed out toward home, the stars were just barely visible in the light-polluted sky. "Someday we should go on a trip, somewhere we can see the stars clearly." When it was time for them to part ways, Yutarou kissed Hiruka on the cheek, the moment pausing for but a few seconds before Yuki demanded that Hiruka crouch to her level so she could kiss his other cheek. "Thank you for the date, we all enjoyed it. Good night." "Good night Ruru-san! See you tomorrow!" XX
They then waved until Hiruka was out of sight, at which point embarrassment finally set in and Yuta's face flushed bright red. Oh God I kissed him! Well, it was on the cheek but I kissed him! He continued to scream at himself internally for a good part of the walk home, Yuki now too tired to chatter endlessly and the only sounds being the passing of cars and distant conversations of people on the street. When they got home, Yuki went straight to bed, not even bothering to undress. XX
Yutarou did the same, flopping down onto his mattress fully-clothed, but he didn't sleep right away. His brain was too muddled with thoughts, too congested with "what ifs" to calm down enough for sleep. Luckily, it seemed he wouldn't be sleeping anyways, as Yui busted her way into his bedroom only five minutes after they'd arrived home. "Sooo, how'd it go? I mean, you're in here by yourself looking like a tomato, so either it went really really well or really really bad." "A tomato? Seriously?" "Seriously. Even your ears are red, kid. So, how did your date go??" Yutarou sat up, Yui sitting crosslegged at the other end of the bed. "It went really well. Yuki had fun, I rode a roller coaster for the first time. Almost threw up. We rode a carousel thirteen times and I got yakisoba noodles in my hair, it was really, really nice." "...and?" Yuta sighed. "And I kissed him. On the cheek. When we left." "Oh boy, really?! A bit forward for you, isn't it? Even if it was on the cheek. And obviously you didn't get laid tonight, so that's cool-" "Yui!" XX
After repeating the events of that day in as much detail as was possible, Yutarou was finally left alone to sleep, though Yui made a promise to grill him if he'd left anything out. He then spent another half hour thinking about the day like a movie in his head, clear pictures and voices playing on repeat until he finally fell asleep. He never had a chance to check his phone until the next morning. XX
The next day started off the same as any other- sending cheeky texts back and forth to Hiruka (and discovering a couple missed calls from his brother that weren't answered when he called back), making breakfast, walking Yuki to the crosswalk, going to work, being questioned about his date, trying and failing to write music. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, at least not yet. Elsewhere in the city, a teenage boy with bleached hair and a black eye stumbled into Arisu's, hoping to ask for directions but too awkward to interrupt the staff. He ended up taking a seat in the waiting area, trying not to disturb the other customers as he waited for help. XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


When Hiruka made it back to his apartment, the door was locked, meaning that Makoto had already left for Ahnenerbe. The bar is opened for the whole week, after all, especially since business can only get better everyday. He took a quick shower and changed into a more subtle yet revealing attire and made a quick dinner for himself, and leave for the bar. He simply didn't have anything else better to do for now, so bothering his brother and enacting some conversation with the patrons there would be the best option for him to get through this night. It's a habit that's simply never gets old. Besides, he hasn't been drinking for some times now, so he might as well grab a cup or two.

His walk to the bar was uneventful as he simply put on his headphones, uncaring about all the souls that passed him by. Some ragged guys and some bad boys wannabe on the streets were whistling at him, but he didn't give a damn. Night time sure is the time when he can truly be himself, and Hiruka enjoys it the most because of that. Pushing the wooden door of Ahnenerbe, the bell hanging over it rang, signaling Makoto that his brother came in.

"Having fun?" Makoto asked as he put some ice into a glass and pour some cognac into it, as Hiruka sat down on the bench, "Though I suppose that was a rather unnecessary question, huh?"

"Yeah, it was. Really take me back to the old times." Hiruka sat down at the counter and mingle with the glass before taking a sip from it, "He was quite cute, if I must say."

"Heh, I've always thought you two were born for each other, guess that has never been wrong, after all." Makoto smirked and began mixing a cocktail.

"I guess you could say that. It was nice to see him remaining unchanged, even after all those years." Hiruka unconsciously caress his cheek, where Yutaro kissed him earlier when they departed.

Of course, such action didn't escape Makoto's eyes as his lips curved into another smirk, "Now you got me curious. How was your first date in a while turned out?"

Hiruka recounted all that had happened to Makoto, in a teasing manner obviously. The night passed by quietly. After bothering his brother, he turned his attention to some other patrons who had been eyeing him. Some were new faces and some were the frequent ones. They all flirted and showered Hiruka with compliments as of how enticing he is, but none of them did he enjoy as much as Yutaro's clumsy yet genuine speeches. He supposed ever since they came into each other's lives, many things have changed.

He spent the night with Makoto at the bar until closing time and they went back home together. Morning quickly approaches and he began another busy day at Arisu's as usual. Like everyday, the lines of customers waiting for their service were long indeed. When Hiruka finished with doing a rather flashy hairstyle for a young teenage girl, he waited for the next person in line to step in, which was a teenage-looking boy with a rather... improper bleached hair, though after a few minutes, the boy just sat there, seemingly clueless. Hiruka sighed as he approached the boy, "Okyaku-sama, you're the next person in line. How can we help you with our services?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


While he waited, Kou pulled his headphones over his ears, drowning out the hum of small talk and different hair equipment, pulling out his PSP to pass the time as the several people ahead of him in line were served. As the minutes went on, he ended up engrossed in his game, for a moment forgetting the world and the odd dilemma he was in. It wasn't every day he decided to up and leave to another city. XX
Kou jumped slightly as someone spoke to him, having completely zoned out. He quickly pulled out his earbuds, bowing slightly in apology as he focused his attention on the employee, a tall man with hair he couldn't help but be jealous of. He'd never properly learned how do dye his own hair, though he couldn't say he'd been willing to try harder. "Ah, sorry. I actually just need directions, I've never been to Tokyo before and my phone died, so I can't call anyone to come get me or use a map...I think if you could just tell me what road I'm on, I might be able to find my way." Kou replied, speaking a bit too quickly, obviously uncomfortable. XX XX
As Kou fumbled around in his pockets, searching for the paper with his brother's address, the door to the salon jingled and Yuki walked in, waving to Madoka and Kazuki with a smile before turning to Hiruka, realizing he was with a customer and knowing not to interrupt. Well, until she recognized said customer, at least. "Kou-ji!" Kou bristled at the nickname, not having expected to hear it. He looked surprised to see Yuki, and took a brief moment to wonder why she was in a salon without her dad before the girl flung herself at the boy, nearly knocking him over. XXX
"Yuki-chan?" "Ruru-san, I didn't know you were friends with Kou-ji! He lives far away, but he's here so that means he came to visit! A surprise visit!" She ranted, Kou patting her head softly as she nuzzled into his chest. "Ruru-san? Are you perhaps a friend of my brother?" Before Hiruka could answer, Yuki pulled away from Kou to do it for him. "Yup! Ruru-san's gonna be tou-san's boyfriend soon!" XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


"J-Just slow down a bit..." Hiruka smiled reluctantly while listening to the question of the teenage boy. He gave him a quick glance. He sure looks like he ain't from around here, I suppose. He thought. "So... where do you need to go?" Hiruka asked. The boy then began to search for something. While waiting for a response, the door to the salon suddenly swung open. He turned his eyes towards it and saw that it was just a certain familiar girl. "Oh, hi Yuki-chan." He smiled and greeted her as she stepped in.

Then, she suddenly called out a strange name, which probably belonged to the young boy, and flung towards him in front of Hiruka right now. He raised his eyebrows in slight surprise. They knew each other? Yuki then turned to him and asked whether he was friends with this strange boy. The boy named Kou also showed his surprise that Hiruka know Yutaro, and Yuki enthusiastically stated that he was his boyfriend. What's more, he was also surprised that the boy was Yutaro's brother.

"Ah, no, it's not like that. We're just friends." Hiruka waved his hands in denial, then smiled, "I didn't know he have a brother though. He's never told me about you. My name's Hiruka." He extended his arms towards the boy and they shook hands. "Say, since you're looking for Yucc-... Yutaro-san, I'll take both of you to his workplace, cause he's probably isn't home right now. Okay?"

"Hey you guys, mind if I go somewhere for a while?" He raised his voice and asked his other three colleagues, "Yeah, no prob. Just be sure to be quick." Kasumi replied him. It wasn't too much of a big deal though, since leaving in a middle of work for some other things was a common thing among them. Hiruka had actually lost count of the time Kazuki and Madoka took some moments off to go somewhere already.

The three of them then boarded the next train and made their ways towards Yutaro's studio. Taking the elevator, Hiruka led the other two to the floor where Yutaro and his friends are working at. He knocked on the door and walked in with the two when received the affirmation from Yui. "Hey, I happened to come across your brother while I was working."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


Yuki's statement surprised Kou, and it showed. After all, it had been more than eight years since his brother had even considered having a relationship, male or not, and he was surprised Yutarou hadn't told him about it, though that couldn't have been helped. "Ah, no, it's not like that. We're just friends." "Ah, I see." Kou sensed Yuki pouting beside him but tried to ignore it. "I didn't know he have a brother though. He's never told me about you. My name's Hiruka." "I'm Kou. And I'm not surprised, our family situation is kind of complicated. I live in Hiroshima so we don't get to see each other often, and lately we haven't been able to talk at all, since my phone was confiscated..." Now that he realized Hiruka was a friend of his brother and niece, Kou felt much more comfortable, and was charismatic. XX
"Say, since you're looking for Yucc-... Yutaro-san, I'll take both of you to his workplace, cause he's probably isn't home right now. Okay?" "I would appreciate that, thank you, Hiruka-san." The journey to the studio was an interesting one, to say the least. Kou seemed to curl in on himself whenever something particularly loud happened, or when other people got too close or crowded, and he stuck close to Hiruka and Yuki the way a three-year-old would to their parent. At one point he actually yelped when someone bumped into him on the street. "I'm sorry, I've never been allowed to go out in public that much...I'm not used to the city yet." XX
When they arrived at the studio building, the receptionist greeted Yuki and took note of her two visitors, Kou doing his best to make conversation with Hiruka. He was interested in the man, in his beautifully-dyed hair and his friendship with Yuki. Yui greeted Yuki out of habit, her expression shifting to excitement when she realized Hiruka was with her and to shock when her gaze fell on Kou. There were no words spoken before the blonde woman had crossed the room and taken Kou's face into her hands, inspecting his black eye with a frown and intense stare. XX
"Sorayuki-kun, can you go get Yutarou for me? They're in the recording studio." A simple truth, though the three musicians certainly weren't recording anything. Jun was asleep, Kenta and Yutarou practicing the half a song they'd finished and testing how loud they could play before they woke Jun up. They stopped what they were doing when Hiruka walked in, Kenta shooting a suggestive look Yuta's way and kicking Jun awake. "Sora! I wasn't expecting you, what're you doing here?" "Hey, I happened to come across your brother while I was working." Yutarou paused at that, those words being the last thing he'd hear anyone say. "Wait, Kou's here?" Once the initial shock subsided, Yuta hurriedly set his guitar aside and followed Hiruka out of the recording studio, Kou attempting to stave off Yui's questions about his eye and looking slightly sheepish when his brother came into view. XX
Yutarou grew tense, his awkward little brother miles away from home and sporting a black eye that looked like it would take at least a week to heal. "Kou, what happened?" "Ah, do you mean what happened to make me come all the way here, or-" "Did they hit you." A long moment passed, totally silent, before Kou nodded, Yutarou neglecting to say another word before storming across the room to find his phone and leaving, just barely managing not to slam the studio door. Yui sighed as he left. "Well, my guess is he's off to call his parents. Kou, I can cover up your eye with some makeup if you'd like, just to take the attention off it. Yu-chan, do you want to help?" Yuki agreed with slight hesitation, obviously not used to seeing her dad angry but not necessarily scared of it. XX
"Sorayuki-kun," Yui said, turning to Hiruka with a half-smile. "This probably isn't the nicest way to learn about Yuta's family, but we do appreciate you helping Kou." "Ruru-san, maybe if you go kiss tou-san he'll stop being mad." "Alright, we'll be going now!" XX
In the hall, Yutarou waited a full two minutes before his mother finally picked up the phone. "Yutarou, why are you calling?" "Oh, so your son disappears and you don't even bother to ask if I know where he is? How kind of you." "You know as well as I do that Keiko will return home soon enough. Unlike you, she actually respects her parents." "First of all, his name is Kou, not that you care. And he doesn't respect you. He's scared of you. Y'know, probably because you disowned your other son just because he chose to marry a girl you didn't approve of." "How dare you speak that way to me-" "So tell me how he got a black eye. Of course, he already told me, but it's always nice to have the person admit it." "I refuse to talk to you in such a crude way." "You refuse-" And without another word, the other line hung up, the telltale beep making Yuta raise a hand to throw his cell phone against the wall. XXX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


As observant as he is, Hiruka can definitely tell that something is wrong with the arrival of this teenage boy named Kou, who is also Yutaro's brother. Well, to call him a 'boy' wouldn't be completely true. Ahnenerbe is also a favorite place for trans men, and Hiruka had met plenty of them in the past (he even dated one back in his younger day). That's why it's pretty easy for him to tell that this guy is one, based on what he had observed all the way from Arisu's to this studio. He quietly walked behind Yutaro, knowing just how his friend is feeling at the moment.

While he supposed to feel shock and surprised at this sullen union between the brothers, the fact that Hiruka can still retain his usual calm expression seems to be what is more surprising here. Hiruka knew Yutaro better than anyone when they are still together back then, and thus, he knows very well of how strict and conservative his parents are. Having a transgender male in their family was simply unacceptable. This, and because of the fact that Yutaro has never been the one to listen to his parents, probably even now, Hiruka can almost felt pity for them. The reason why Kou left and arrived here certainly has to do with the black eye that he is having.

Hiruka quietly listened to the conversation between the two siblings, and watched as Yutaro's back disappeared behind the slammed door. Yui then sighed as she turned to him, stating how bad it is that he had learned about Yutaro's family this way. He opened his mouth, intending to say that he knew it all along so it's no surprise, but decided to hold back, and smiled to Yui. "Yeah, I can see just how bad it is." Yuki then popped in and said that if he kisses him then he would feel better, which Hiruka chuckled at, "That won't be necessary, Yuki-chan. Don't worry, I'll take care of your tou-san."

He then walked towards the door, though noticing Jun's usual death glare at him, Hiruka simply gave both him and Kenta a rather ambiguous smile, before stepping in himself. The first thing he saw is a broken phone, lying on the ground next to the wall,
seemingly was thrown in a rather violent manner by its' owner. "It seems that your family is as complicated as ever, huh? I guess there are things that just wouldn't change, after all." He said calmly, "I never knew you had another sibling though. He was born after we departed, I guess?"

Yutaro is enraged at the moment, and Hiruka knew that no matter what he says, none of them would get to the guy. So, he just simply walked up to him while his back was turned, and giving the guy a hug from behind his back. "Calm now, calm now. You'll
be fine, Yucchi." He murmured to him softly, almost like he was singing a lullaby.

This, is exactly what Hiruka used to do to cheer Yutaro up when they were still together ago whenever he has a bad mood from being punished by his parents for disobedience. If the man in front of him is truly the boy of nearly two decades ago, somehow,
Hiruka knows that this will work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


Yutarou didn't notice that Hiruka had followed him out into the hall, too caught up in his phone call to even care. He was incredibly tense, regretting breaking his phone but his thoughts too muddled to think about it too much. Anger wasn't a common thing for Yuta, and he already felt drained. "It seems that your family is as complicated as ever, huh? I guess there are things that just wouldn't change, after all. I never knew you had another sibling though. He was born after we departed, I guess?" He said nothing in response to Hiruka's words, scared he'd say something he might regret, as anger and frustration often cause such issues. XX
He automatically tensed when Hiruka hugged him, but easily relaxed, the feeling familiar but so distant, as if from another life. "Calm now, calm now. You'll be fine, Yucchi." Yutarou let out a long sigh, twisting his finger with Hiruka's and nodding. "Thanks. It's's not really me I'm worried about. My parents are stubborn. When...when my wife died, they tried to take custody of Yuki. Almost succeeded. And they still hang it over my head, as if they can just come it at any moment and steal her away. And Kou, they never let him do anything! He's always kept shut up in their house, never having any friends or knowing jack shit about the world. They treat him like crap, and then expect him to respect them!" XX
Yuta paused, realizing he'd never actually talked to Hiruka about Hana before, or even made a passing mention of Yuki's mother. That small detail made the whole situation the slightest bit more awkward. "I don't think it's fair that I never talk about my family, or my past. I mean, you've told me plenty, and I've been over here hiding things from my best friend, things you really need to know if there's even a tiny chance of use ever being together." He continued to rant, no longer caring if anyone else could hear. "Yuki told me about a week ago that I haven't yet moved on from her mom's death, and she's right. We never talk about Hana, she never gets to hear stories of her mother or how we met, at least not from me..." XX
"...there's no way that can be fair, right? There's no way I can avoid moving on and have it be completely fair for everyone else..." XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Yutaro then began to talk as of how his parents had intended to steal Yuki away so that they could take care of her, and how badly they have been treating Kou. Of course, this has been something that Hiruka would have expected from Yutaro's parents, so he didn't really feel surprise. I supposed that we all have different hardships to face. He thought, while still hugging his friend from behind, and didn't flinch away when their fingers entwined. It's true that his love life had been catastrophic for years, but he still has his understanding friends, a carefree life, a good career, and above all, a supportive family (his dad came out as a bi the day Hiruka came out). In a way, Hiruka is still pretty fortunate.

Then, Yutaro went of to rant as of how it is not fair that he had never talked to him about his family or anything, despite the fact that it's the least of things he should do if they wanted to be together, and how he had never really been able to move on from Hana's death. "Oh, Yucchi..." Hearing that, Hiruka could not help letting out a sigh as he moved away from Yutaro, standing face-to-face with him, "I don't really care whether you would confide with me about those or not. Everyone has their own problem. I've already known as much, anyway. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable by bringing them up, that's why I didn't ask about them. And I'm pretty sure that your friends would have felt the same. Whether it is fair or not, it doesn't affect how we are now. Sometimes, it's not a problem to be selfish, especially with the secrets we never wanted to disclose."

"And, am I not the same?" Hiruka smiled, "Makoto probably has told you about my little 'hobbies', right? I should have told you right away the day we met again, but I didn't, and it was my brother who actually got to tell you. But even after learning that of how slanderous I might be, you didn't abandon me like many have in my past. That alone is what I'm truly grateful of. That's why, I do not mind if there are things you don't want anyone to know."

They remained silent a for while, before Hiruka packing up, "I'm still in the middle of my work so I have to get back now. I'll be at Ahnenerbe tonight, if you want to stop by." He said with a smile, before turning his back and leave. He bid goodbye to everyone on his way, and exited the building.

Sitting on the train, Hiruka rested his head over his arm and watched as the scenery passed by quickly. For some unknown reasons, he quietly let out a sigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


"Oh, Yucchi..." The warmth of Hiruka's hands on his cheeks was intoxicating, and Yutarou leaned into the touch, gold eyes meeting gold. It was so simple but so intimate a moment, breath mixing and heat shared. "I don't really care whether you would confide with me about those or not. Everyone has their own problem. I've already known as much, anyway." Ah, you've always been more clever than my dense self. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable by bringing them up, that's why I didn't ask about them. And I'm pretty sure that your friends would have felt the same. Whether it is fair or not, it doesn't affect how we are now. Sometimes, it's not a problem to be selfish, especially with the secrets we never wanted to disclose." Yutarou didn't quite believe that statement, and his expression said so. XX
"And, am I not the same? Makoto probably has told you about my little 'hobbies', right? I should have told you right away the day we met again, but I didn't, and it was my brother who actually got to tell you. But even after learning that of how slanderous I might be, you didn't abandon me like many have in my past. That alone is what I'm truly grateful of. That's why, I do not mind if there are things you don't want anyone to know." You were protecting yourself. I was just hiding. XX
Yutarou smiled, small but genuine, and for the quickest of moments, he saw Hana looking back at him, Hiruka's gentle grin mirroring hers, like a distant memory. XX
Reality came swooping in when Hiruka had to leave, and Yutarou said little more than a quiet goodbye, already going through ways to formally thank his friend for being such a calming presence. He likely would've punched a hole in the wall had Hiruka not been there to soothe him. Hours later, when he's helping Kou drag his suitcase up the stairs, Yuki chattering on about how Yui's "magic" had made the black on Kou's eye disappear, Yutarou wonders what his life would be like now if he hadn't met Hiruka that one night at Ahnenerbe, awkward and almost tipsy. XXX
"Kou, you can sleep in my room for now, until we get everything figured out. I'll take the couch." "Aniki, you don't have to-" "It's fine, Kou. I'll be staying up late most nights working on our new album anyways, I don't mind. Besides, my invasive friends are prone to crashing into my apartment at ass-o-clock in the morning to use my TV, and I'd rather they not have the ability to startle you awake." Kou agreed reluctantly, and got himself situated in Yuta's room, Yuki trailing behind him like a puppy following a cat. It had been over two years since they'd last seen Kou in person, and while they video called whenever he had access to technology, it wasn't the same as being able to hug him in real time. Despite the less than ideal circumstances, Yuta was glad to see his brother. XX
"Aniki, aren't you going to go see Hiruka-san?" Kou asked later that night, Yuki and the cat curled up in his lap, both fast asleep. Yutarou was spaced out completely - just happening to be lost in thought about whether or not he should go see Hiruka. The vision of Hana from that afternoon had haunted his thoughts all day. If he saw Hana in Hiruka, then how could he know if his love for the man was genuine? How could he know it wasn't just him finding a replacement for the wife he'd lost? Such thoughts had refused to leave his mind since that moment, and it was starting to stress him out. "You do like him, don't you? Then why don't you?" Kou nudged Yuta with his elbow, snapping him out of his daze. "Ah-'s just, you showed up so suddenly and it seems rude to go somewhere else right away." "That's a lie and you know it. There's something else on your mind, I can tell. Why're you hesitating?" XX
Yutarou didn't answer, and Kou sighed, gently shoving Kuro off Yuki and picking up the ten-year-old bridal-style. "I'll put Yuki to bed, you go talk to your friend. Whatever it is you're thinking about, the fact you're hesitating means it has to do with him, and you should talk to him about it. He seems like he has good advice." And then Kou left Yuta to his thoughts, disappearing down the hall with the cat following him. Yutarou took a moment to consider, then pulled himself to his feet and grabbed a coat, neglecting to even tie his shoes before heading out. There were few people out so late at night, and the lights of the city seemed nicer in the dark, when the brown of the buildings wasn't visible. He stopped just outside Ahnenerbe, cursing at his own hesitation and stepping inside, going straight to the bar, taking a moment to wave to Makoto before turning to familiar blue hair and golden eyes. "Yo." XXX

I live near Portland, Oregon, and the city is so ugly during the day but at night it looks beautiful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


The ride on the train back to Arisu's was uneventful, as he just sat on the bench and gazed outside and watched the scenery quickly passing by. He couldn't help thinking back to all the words that Yutaro had said just earlier. It just seemed that, no matter how close they think they are, many long years of separation had really created an impasse between them. The sudden arrival of Yutaro's brother, Kou, surely had shaken a lot of things up. Of course, Yutaro is not to blame for not being able to move on from the loss of his late wife. Hiruka understands that well. But, something about it just further convinces him that perhaps this is as far as they could go.

Back at the salon, Hiruka excused his three colleagues and continued to work through the morning. Though he is acting as normal as he could, it seemingly didn't escape the eyes of Kazuki, who is also another sharply observant guy despite his carefree exterior. Of course, the four of them had always been closed, so they can notice even the smallest of changes in how each other feels. When the lunch break came, Kazuki clung to Hiruka like usual while he was eating away his bento.

"Nee, Hiru-chan. Something happened while you're away, huh?" He asked while grinning mischievously.

Hiruka was a bit surprised at how quick his feelings were noticed, but then just sighed and smiled back, "Nothing much, really. Just... a couple of things happened."

"Things that could even make the cold-hearted sex fiend have to bother, huh? Must be real troublesome things." Kazuki poked Hiruka's cheek, "You know I'm your all-time favorite soulmate, right? Just confide with cute lil' Kazuki-chan ~"

"It's okay, no big deal, really. I just can't rely on others for my problems."

"You never really relied on anyone, y'know." Kazuki pouted, as something suddenly popped up in his mind. A quirky smirk made its' way on the face of the colorful-haired boy once more, "Say, it's been a while since I actually stopped by Mako-chan's place. Shall we say we met up there and drink any probs you have away, huh?"

"Hmm? Sure. But why of all sudden?" Hiruka asked, feeling a bit suspicious as what is his colleague is up to.

"Hehe, nothing nothing. Just wanna have a little hang out between us. You must felt bored hanging out with Mako-chan solely every night too."

"Whatever." Hiruka shrugged, decided to just shook the thought off his head. Kazuki cackled slyly. Of course he had his own intentions for tonight.

The day passed by quickly and the night came just as fast. As soon as he got home, he got changed and head for Ahnenerbe as usual. And sticking true to his words, Kazuki had also came, and was chatting with Makoto while waiting for Hiruka. They sat and talked of all sorts of thing about their private lives over their glasses of liquors, until a certain black-haired young man came in and greeted Hiruka.

"Oh, hi Yucchi." He smiled and greeted back. He gotta admit that it was a bit weird facing him again after what happened in the morning.

Before the two could engage in more conversation, Kazuki immediately popped in, "Konbanwa ~ You remember me? I'm Kazuki, Hiru-chan co-worker. Nice to meet ya ~" He smiled brightly while extended his arm, before giving his small notebook and a pen, "Say, I'm secretly a fan of you and your band, mind if I have your autograph, Yutaro-san?"

"Hey, Kazuki. Stop being so flippant." Hiruka scolded a bit then grabbed Kazuki by his arm and pulled him back, then turned to Yutaro, "I guess you've met him before but I don't think you two had officially talked. Like he said, he's my co-worker, and a close friend since my high school years."

"That's right, we're real close ~" Kazuki expressed his contentment before hugging Hiruka and gave him a long kiss on his cheek, all the while giving Yutaro a glance with a small hint of challenge.

"How many times have I told you not to show too much affection in public?" Hiruka pushed Kazuki away coldly after being given the kiss, but as he had gotten so used to it, he didn't show any contempt, "Sorry, please don't mind him, he's always clingy like that."

"Ehh ~ I just wanna show him how close we are ~" Kazuki pouted.

Sorry that it's been a while. School's been real hectic and the weather here's hot as hell >.>
Anyway, if it wasn't clear enough, Kazuki is 'testing' Yutaro. It's a kind of thing he usually does whenever he felt that someone is intending to go out with Hiruka.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


"Oh, hi Yucchi." Simply the sound of Hiruka's voice was reassuring, and Yutarou felt calmer in the low lighting and tranquil atmosphere of Ahnenerbe. Makoto definitely knew what he was doing when he designed this place. He just barely took notice of the blond that was accompanying Hiruka, someone he fell he should recognize but simply didn't. "Konbanwa ~ You remember me? I'm Kazuki, Hiru-chan co-worker. Nice to meet ya ~" "Ah, I'm sorry, my memory's not that great! But it's nice to meet you, Kazuki-san." In the end, Yutarou didn't need to introduce himself. "Say, I'm secretly a fan of you and your band, mind if I have your autograph, Yutaro-san?" Yuta tried his best not to be visibly uncomfortable. He loved his fans, but 9/10 times they weren't very...respectful of his boundaries. XX
"Hey, Kazuki. Stop being so flippant." In a way, it was still a bit odd seeing Hiruka scolding another person. The little boy from oh so long ago wouldn't have dared breath a word against someone else, and Yutarou vaguely remembered thinking it was a little bit pathetic. Hiruka was so different now- not at all meek and inferior like back then. It's really no wonder I didn't recognize him when we met again, huh. "I guess you've met him before but I don't think you two had officially talked. Like he said, he's my co-worker, and a close friend since my high school years." XX
Meeting one of Hiruka's high school friends seemed like a special privilege, and Yuta smiled fondly, grateful Hiruka had been able to make friends. However, he felt incredibly awkward watching Kazuki kiss Hiruka. He silently wondered if he'd overstepped a boundary going on two separate dates with Hiruka, for also kissing him on the cheek that one evening. After all, Hiruka hadn't ever said he wasn't dating anyone. He implied it. Yutarou thought. Then again, I've never been great at reading the mood. Damn, what if I did overstep a boundary? That'd make me a pretty big asshole. Completely absorbed in his thoughts, Yutarou hardly paid any attention to further interactions between Hiruka and Kazuki, too distracted. XX
He snapped back to reality after a moment, shaking away his worries temporarily as Hiruka spoke to him. "Sorry, please don't mind him, he's always clingy like that." "Oh, don't worry about it. My friends are similar, though I think they're a little meaner to me than Kazuki-san is to you." He joked, attempting to lighten his own mood and make conversation. It wasn't that long before he found himself immersed in banter with Kazuki about music, and while the awkward feeling and subtle worries never went away, it wasn't so bad that he couldn't enjoy the time with Hiruka and his friend. Yutarou was still careful with his alcohol, refusing to go against his one-drink rule but enjoying his blue cocktail nonetheless. Before, the drink had made him think of Hiruka's hair, so soft and silky despite the dye. Now, it made him think of Hana's eyes, the scene from that afternoon still in the forefront of his mind. XX
Several hours passed, and Yutarou forced himself to leave, still feeling guilty about being at a bar when his little brother was in his apartment with a black eye. "Sora, I'll text you tomorrow, after I get a new phone. Mine kind of...died. Horribly." He said, laughing to himself at the fact that he'd actually thought throwing his cell at a wall would do any good. "It was nice to meet you, Kazuki-san. I hope to see you again sometime. Good night!" With a wave to Makoto and a subtly apologetic smile to Hiruka, Yuta left the bar, letting out a long sigh the moment the door closed behind him. Oh I really need to buy a new phone, just to clear this up. Are they actually dating? Do people act that intimate even if they're just friends? How do I even find out?! Yutarou continued to monologue the entire way home taking a half-hour detour at a magically-still-open electronics store to buy a new cell phone. XXX
When he got home, his apartment was dark, as it was so late it was early. Yuki was dead asleep in her bed, though Kou roused when Yuta came to check on him, tiredly asking how his evening was before slipping back to sleep after a brief answer. Yutarou tiptoed down the hall and pulled out his guitar, hoping to work on Snowflower's next song but too distracted with other thoughts to concentrate fully. He eventually gave up, grabbing his new phone and thanking the Gods above for having been able to salvage the SimCard from his previous phone, meaning all his contacts were safe. After a minute or so of hesitation, he forced himself to text Hiruka. Hey, I just wanted to ask- and you don't have to answer if you don't want - if you and Kazuki-san are together. I want to make sure I don't overstep any boundaries. It was honestly quite rude of me to assume you weren't in a relationship... XX

Even if Kazuki's joking, Yuta is dense as fk so I doubt he'd catch on right away. What a mess he is. Also, I feel bad that it's so hot for you, but if you can, send it our way! It's already April here and you can still see your breath in the air, which isn't normal ;A;


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Afterwards, Hiruka, along with Kazuki, all talked together casually. It seemed that when it comes to their favorite genres of music, the two other men seemed to be on the same wavelength. Hiruka didn't know much, since he's not really a fan of rock and all that, but he did poke in anyway. It was quite pleasant from what he had observed, but he could also noticed that Yutaro was also visibly uncomfortable. Perhaps it was due to what Kazuki did earlier. Hiruka sheepishly thought, but do not dwell too much into it.

Yutaro was the same flamboyant and extroverted boy that Hiruka once knew. The same dorky smile, the same jagged confidence. It could almost felt like he never did change, after all. But, aside from the tough shell, he can felt that there still lie some insecurities and doubts. Probably due to the fact that he hadn't been able to move on just yet. That's simply the weakness of a human's heart.

After a few hours, Yutaro excused himself and took his leave, saying that he will text Hiruka later when he buy a new phone,
after having horribly disfigured his previous one in his fit of rage this morning. "Yeah, I'll see you around, Yucchi." Hiruka tilted his hand and smiled. [color=gray]"See ya, Yutaro-san ~" Kazuki waved to the black-haired man as his back disappeared after the wooden door to the bar.

Right afterwards, Hiruka gave Kazuki a knock on his head, "Ouch. Why did you do that?" He pouted and rubbing his head.

"Again with your shameless intimacy. I don't want the tales that I'm beginning to go out again spread." Hiruka said coldly.

"Come on, you're no cute at all. Nobody would even care about a small kiss, y'know."


Kazuki remained at Ahnenerbe and began grabbing a few other young boys to drink with them, while Hiruka just sat and bothered Makoto. The night passed by quietly and it was eventually time for closing. The three of them parted way and returned home. After taking a quick shower, Hiruka checked up on his phone and saw the text message coming from the familiar number. Smiling, he read the content and was a bit surprise that Yutaro really did ask about what had happened earlier between him and Kazuki. Somehow, he felt as if his heart suddenly has become contented.

No, it's not a problem. I told you earlier right? Kazuki is a close friend of mine since high school and we're just that. He's really clingy even towards his own siblings and I can almost say that he knows no shame. Want me to show you a pic of him kissing his older brother? So, I hope you wouldn't concern too much 'bout it, Yucchi. And, there are no such thing as boundaries between us, so it's okay. Hiruka chuckled then sent the message. It has been a very long day, but at least he can sleep soundly for now.

I was walking outside of the street for some errands and I almost felt like I'm a skewer on a BBQ >.>
I really hope you could send some chills over here too, sometimes I wish an ice cream truck or something would run into my house LOL


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


It wasn't long before Yuta got a reply, and he felt a twinge of anxiety as he went to open it, hoping and praying nothing was wrong. No, it's not a problem. I told you earlier right? Kazuki is a close friend of mine since high school and we're just that. He's really clingy even towards his own siblings and I can almost say that he knows no shame. Want me to show you a pic of him kissing his older brother? He shuddered a bit at the image, hoping Hiruka wouldn't send it. So, I hope you wouldn't concern too much 'bout it, Yucchi. And, there are no such thing as boundaries between us, so it's okay. Yutarou breathed a sigh of relief, glad he hadn't imposed on anything (and glad that Hiruka was single though he would never admit that part out loud). He quickly typed out his response, smiling to himself. Ah, that's a relief! I'm just glad I didn't impose on anything, I'd hate to have been rude. Kazuki-kun seems like an interesting guy, I'm a little flattered by how much he knew about me. Usually I just get fangirls who have no sense of personal space, so it was a nice change to meet someone I could actually talk with on normal terms. Thank you for inviting me, it's nice to meet your friends. XX
It wasn't until several minutes after he'd sent the text that he realized he hadn't said a single thing that was flirtatious or funny. Maybe it's just because I was so awkward about whether or not Sora and Kazuki were dating. It's gotta be that. He did his best not to think about it, setting his phone on vibrate and strumming his guitar for ideas, spending the next few hours idly figuring out what theme the song should be. Jun and Kenta had yet to throw up any genres that seemed nice to play, and Yutarou suddenly felt nostalgic after meeting Hiruka again and all the emotions that came with it. He felt like writing a song of a calmer genre, but still couldn't come up with lyrics, even after he'd established the general melody. XX
After a few hours had passed Yuta finally gave up on the songwriting, toying with tune and going through familiar songs in his mind, playing around with lyrics and trying to come with something substantial. He got nothing. Hana always said you can't make a song happen, that it happens on its own. She must be right because I've been here for four hours and I've got barely anything to show for it. The thought of Hana drew back the memories of that afternoon - well, the previous afternoon at this point - and his gaze shifted over to a photo frame in the hall, the only photograph he kept out of him and Hana, tiny Yuki sitting on his shoulders and grabbing at her mom's hair. It was positioned just next to the photograph of him and Hiruka as kids, and once again he found himself brooding over thoughts of seeing Hana reflected in his friend's smile. I need to stop thinking of it so much, I'm going to drive myself insane at this rate... XXX
Once again he shoved the thought from his mind, setting his guitar aside and turning on the television, none too pleased to find that Naruto was the only decent show playing in the wee hours of the morning. He briefly wondered why it was even playing when no one would be awake to watch it, but decided not to think too hard on the subject considering the fact that he himself was awake at this time with nothing better to do than watch a kids show. He ended up watching several episodes, and ended up getting rather invested in the storyline as it continued, his exhaustion making his brain more lax on what it counted as "art." He was still awake when the sun began to trickle in through the blinds, and he groaned realizing it, knowing that there was no point in sleeping now. XX
Yutarou watched Naruto until the show starting playing reruns, playing where it had left off the morning before. Kou emerged from his room not long after, fully dressed and looking far too awake for a teenager at seven in the morning. "Ohayo, Aniki. Did you sleep?" "Nah. Got stuck trying to write a song and then ended up watching Naruto all night. I'll be fine though, once I get some coffee in my system. You wanna help with breakfast?" Kou nodded, shuffling over to the kitchen and starting up the rice while Yuta gathered the other ingredients needed. Yuki appeared half-way through meal preparation and happily took her place at the table to watch the episodes of Naruto that were playing, eventually enlisting Kou to watch with her while her dad cooked their breakfast. XX
Their usual morning walk was an interesting change with Kou joining, Yuki talking animatedly to him about all of her friends and how nice her teachers were, hugging him tight before she left to join her group. "She seems well-adjusted, you know. You do a lot better as a dad than you give yourself credit for." Kou commented, staring down at his phone as they walked toward the studio. Yutarou sighed. "She's doing well for a kid without a mom. She never asks me about it, really, and I don't know if that means she's dealing with it well or if I should be concerned she's holding things in and not talking to me about it." "Yu-chan is ten, and she's incredibly smart for her age. I think the reason she doesn't talk about Hana-san is because she knows it makes you upset." "Yeah, I guess that's true..." They dropped the subject soon after, Kou seemingly having nothing else to say and Yutarou lost in thought. XXX
Yui was waiting for them in the doorway of the studio when they arrived, Jun passed out on a couch and Kenta cuddled up next to Aya, laughing at something she was showing him. Kou made his way to the table and pulled out his laptop to attend class. "Guess what I've got planned for this band?" Yui said, smiling the kind of smile that made Yutarou get a sense of foreboding deep in his stomach. "...what is it?" "Well first of all, I've enlisted Aya's help so you three can actually get some songs in progress, otherwise you'll have to write them all a week before release like last time. But tonight, I've decided that we're all gonna go to a nightclub! Kou and Yuki won't, of course. Aya and Kenta can stay behind and watch over them, those two wouldn't do well in a nightclub anyways. But the rest of us are going! Ryouta's coming too, so you should even invite Sorayuki-kun, since you two met at a bar I bet it'd be his scene! And then you can have a nice date while I get to drink alcohol and my little bro can make out with his lover in the bathroom or something. Sound like fun?" "Honestly? Not really. Can you picture me at a club?" "Doesn't matter, you're going." XX
"Now go on, go invite Sorayuki-kun! Do it ahead of time so there's not as much pressure to attend." Yui refused to listen to reason, so Yutarou begrudgingly picked up his phone to text Hiruka. Yui's forcing us all to go to a nightclub tonight, and I was wondering if you'd like to come along. You can bring some other friends too if you'd like. I think it might be less of a drag if you come along. XX

Okay, so I don't think Yuta would initiate a date when he's so awkward and conflicted, so I was thinking maybe Yui came up with the idea? Take the boys out to a club so they can all get to know Hiruka better (Kenta and Aya stay home with Yuki and Kou because that couple is too sweet and innocent for a nightclub I swear), but of course they all end up spread out halfway through?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka gazed at his phone for a while after sending the text message. He chuckled a little at Yutaro's question. Somehow, a rather pleasant feeling made its' way into his heart. Something that he hadn't felt for... as long as he could remember. For a brief moment, he had thought that he is becoming a kid all over again. If this was just some random guy whom he had just picked up from his get-go, not in a millennium would he be able to feel the same. But this wasn't just some random guys, this is the person who once was the world to the once childish him.

The phone vibrated again before a text message from the very person he is thinking of. This time, the text wasn't all flirty and jokingly like all those they exchanged before. Hiruka smiled, very lightly, as he swept through the message. It's not a big deal, really. I'm pretty sure Kazuki was happy to meet his idol too. Well, nice dream to you, Yuki-chan and Kou-kun then. He texted a his replied and finished with a heart icon before sending. Like the previous days, Hiruka slept soundly through the night. For a second, he had thought as if all the sufferings he once gone through don't even matter anymore.

He got up quiet early in the morning and had breakfast with Makoto, who easily noticed the changes in the mood of his brother. As of now, things seem to be going just fine between the two of them. Based on what he had observed so far, he could tell that much. It would be nice if things turn out well, too. "Well, aren't you gaining more colors on your cheeks recently, nii-chan?" Makoto rested his head on his palm and said.

"Am I? I didn't even notice." Hiruka caressed his cheeks a bit before picking up the mirror near him to gaze at himself, "Yeah, you're right. Perhaps that skin lotion Madoka-kun gave me actually worked after all. Gotta thank him today."

"So, why don't you just admit that you and him are really going somewhere else further, huh? If it was him, then I won't need to have any worries for you."

"Forget it. I told you, right? I'm not laying my hands on him." Hiruka shrugged, "Still, even if I really did, I doubt that he's going to last long."

"Yeah, that's to be expected from someone who looks like he hasn't gotten laid for an eternity." Makoto chuckled as they mused over a certain black-haired young man.

Before setting off for work, Hiruka suddenly received another text from Yutaro, asking him to come with him and his friends to a night club. Sure, text me the address and the time and I'll be there tonight. See you then.

Yeah, I think that's a good set-up for a date, and what come will come :)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


"Yui, when are we leaving tonight? Sora said he'll meet us there, he just needs a time." "Sweet! Um, maybe eight? Eight-thirty? I mean no one's gonna be at a club 'till dark so let's say eight-thirty." "Eight-thirty, got it." Once he'd relayed the information to Hiruka, Yutatou sighed, closing his cell phone and tossing it onto the couch. "So Sorayuki-kun is coming along? Looks like someone's got a hot date for tonight, am I right?" Yui teased, ruffling Yuta's hair. "Don't...don't call it a date." He snapped, nudging her hand away. "Hm? Why not? Haven't you been egging after him for almost a month by now-" "Just don't okay? It's not a date!" XX
Yui said nothing, just waited, and when Yuta said nothing more, she sighed and walked back to her office. "Okay. Just make sure you three get some actual work done, alright? Don't let all the nightclub hype distract you from your deadline." XX
Aya put them to work, going through a long list of song themes and helping decide on a general theme for album, which took nearly an hour and a half as they spent far too much time discussing each choice. Yuta and Aya played around with melodies together on guitar and ended up finding good rhythms for two new songs, a great improvement on how blank they'd been for weeks. "We should probably work on our singles too, the deadline for those is earlier than the album deadline." "Ugh, I don't understand why we do singles, we're a band, the whole point of being in a band is to make music together." Jun complained, idly spinning around in his chair. "It's something about showcasing individual talent." XX
As the day continued, Aya helped them with their songs until around one pm, when she had to go to her own studio to practice. Yuki returned from school not long after and took her place on Kou's lap, inviting him to help with her homework. Yuta watched the two of them, quietly hoping the peace would last. XX
As it turned out, Yuki was suddenly invited to a sleepover with a friend from school, someone she'd stayed with many times before and who she'd walk to school with the next morning. Kou was fine with the chance to spend a night home alone, still not quite used to being around so much commotion all the time, so they walked Yuki to her friends house and then headed home, not saying much. Yutarou cooked dinner and they ate together in comfortable silence, watching evening reruns of Hamtarou. When it came time to leave, Yui, Jun, and Ryouta busted into his apartment, claiming that he couldn't be trusted to dress himself for a nightclub. XX
"Isn't it considered lying if I dress in a way that I never dress in my life?" "Maybe, but it's not like we're gonna be talking to people we don't know. And besides, Sorayuki-kun will love it!" "Now I really don't want you dressing me." After an argument and lots of discussion, Yutarou ended up stuck in a pair of way-too-tight black skinny jeans, a bright red t-shirt that was a bit too low-cut for his liking, and a ridiculous amount of earrings that had actually been Kou's suggestion. "They make you look less like a dorky student." "Thanks for the advice, little bro." Yuta said sarcastically, ruffling Kou's hair and laughing as his hand was slapped away. XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka waved goodbye to his brother then walked out of the house. Greeting a couple of his neighbors on the way on to the train station, he then put on his headphone and just quietly walked while trying not to bump into the morning's sea of people. When he sat down on the bench, he checked the message that he hadn't earlier and glimpsed through the address of the club and the time. Smiling, he sent Yutaro an affirmation with a heart icon like yesterday and just quietly gazed the passing scenery outside before the train stopped at his destination.

Morning shift went by in the same busy manner like everyday. Though the day seemed to get off with a good start already as Hiruka had had the privilege of spending nearly two hours making the hair of a rather famous actor, whom he was also secretly a fan. Of course the guy was in disguise but it was really fun conversing with him while doing the hair for him nonetheless. He seemed to be attracted by Hiruka too, and promised that he will return. Surely a good way to start a good day, huh? He sheepishly thought.

Lunch break came, Kazuki didn't cling over Hiruka as usual as he was busying texting with someone rather enthusiastically, which he couldn't care less. He was almost carried away by the encounter earlier that he forgot about the meeting tonight at the club. If he were to be honest, night clubs weren't really his things. Too noisy and too many people colliding with each other like there was no tomorrow. He has a taste for refined places more, like Ahnenerbe. So, it's better to go with someone tonight. Then, he saw Madoka sitting a chair away from him reading a magazine and remembered that the guy has a thing for night clubs like this.

"Hey, Madoka-san. Have any plans for tonight? Wanna get here with me?" Hiruka caught his colleague's attention and showed him the address of the night club.

"Small world, eh? I'm heading there tonight, too. A DJ friend of mine is throwing a gig there. But hey, didn't you say you don't like noisy places like this?"

"Well, yeah." Hiruka shrugged, "But there's a certain someone who invited me so... couldn't really turn him down."

"As expected." Madoka sneered, "Okay then, shall we say eight fifteen? I'll drive over to pick you up."

"Sounds good."

The day eventually passed by and the night fell. For tonight's occasion, Hiruka dressed a bit differently than usual, but still reveals quite enough. Madoka arrived at the apartment with his Ferrari and the two of them rode downtown. After 15 minutes, they arrived at the club and headed inside together. The blaring noises, the blinding flashlights, the silhouette of people dancing on the floor. Everything was quite overwhelming. Madoka was quickly grabbed by some of his friends the moment he walks in so Hiruka just sat by the bartender's counter, ordering a glass of Brandy while glancing through the crowds in search for a certain black-haired guy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」

Carefully pushing through the crowds of people, Yutarou eventually made it to the bar, where he caught sight of the familiar blue hair that instantly made him feel a little less out of place. "Good evening, Sora." He said, taking a seat next to Hiruka. It was a bit weird to not have Makoto behind the bar. "Thanks for coming, I think I'd have left by now if you hadn't come. I'm honestly still considering it. I've never been to a nightclub before, so I've got no idea how this type of scene works." Yuta flashed a small grin, hoping his discomfort didn't leak through too much. Though I suppose it wouldn't natter since I've already told him I'm uncomfortable here. XX
Yuta ordered his signature favorite cocktail, silently noting that Makoto definitely made it better, and quickly fell into a casual conversation with Hiruka. It seemed like it had been ages, despite them having talked only the day before. Yui stopped by to say hello a few minutes into chatting, staying for a little bit until Ryou came to grab her, also saying hello to Hiruka and quietly apologizing for the last time they'd met. Madoka came by at one point as well, and Yutarou was happy to meet the person Yuki had spoken so highly of. His hair is as impressive as she said... XX
Yutarou ended up ignoring his better judgement, and decided to try several other drinks that he'd never heard of, all of them with fruit of some kind. None were as good as Makoto's blue cocktail, but they were all successful in getting him more than a little bit tipsy. "Y'know, I've never ever driven a car before? Isn't that weird? I'm twenty-eight years old and I've never driven a car, not even as a kid." He rambled, having stopped conversing in a linear manner and now hopping from topic to topic every other sentence, cheeks flushed and skin smelling slightly of alcohol. "Hey, aren't you supposed to dance at a nightclub? You wanna dance?" XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


It turned out that Hiruka didn't need to look around for long, as the one he was looking for just came to him, like always. Smiling to Yutaro, he greeted him back, "Yo. Abandoned by your friends once again, I see. And it's okay, I don't have anything else better to do other than bothering Makoto if I stayed home anyway. To be honest, clubs aren't really something I particularly enjoy that much either. That's why I mostly hang around Ahnenerbe." He can see that Yutaro was somewhat discomfort with the atmosphere here, but what else is to it? They are already here.

They engaged in their casual talks like usual. Hiruka could noticed that some guys actually were trying to make a move on him, but probably after having seen him already taken, they just left. Some of their friends stopped by and strike up a few small talks with them, but they soon just got on with whatever they were doing. Hiruka also noticed that Yutaro was ordering quite a few drinks, some of them were actually highly alcoholic. Remembering that the others told him how low-tolerant he is, Hiruka was about to stop Yutaro from ordering more liquors, but a devilish part of him told him that this is the chance to see how will this guy behave when he is drunk, so he just follows whatever topics they brought up.

When the alcohols are starting to get Yutaro tipsy, he went on to rant as of how he had never been driving a car even though he is already 28, and that he never got a chance to when he was younger. "Well, me too. I have a driving license but I think it's gonna take me forever to get a car so I didn't think much about it. Besides, going by train is good enough." He shrugged and replied before Yutaro went on as of how they suppose to be dancing, since this is a night club.

"Ayo, everyone ~" The DJ holding the gig tonight stopped the music a scream as loud as he could into his mic to gain everyone's attention, "Thanks y'all for being here tonight. The night is still young and we're gonna get real WILD. Y'all ready to get the real shit started?"

The crowds of people on the dance floor cheered as loud as they could. Hiruka smirked and then took Yutaro's hand, "You're right. We're already here, after all. Let's get our bodies moving." He pulled him to the center of the dance floor, where the patrons have already left a space for those who can actually dance to step up to show their moves. "Let me show you what I've got, shall I?" He winked.

The DJ then switched to another song as the noise began to blare up once again. Hiruka joined in during the second half of the song, making some bold movements and showcase another of skill in his sleeves - breakdance. As the crowd cheered for him when he finished, he dramatically bowed to them and walked to Yutaro, grinning, "How's that?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN
xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄
xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」

Yutarou paid little attention to the voice blaring through the loudspeakers, just barely sailing over the chaos of people laughing and shouting on the dance floor. All his focus was on Hiruka, whose hair glowed in the black light. "You're right. We're already here, after all. Let's get our bodies moving." And with that, Yutarou was pulled out of his seat and through the dense crowds of party-goers, the heat from Hiruka's hand lingering even after they'd separated. The lights on the dance floors were almost blinding, changing color so fast it made Yutarou's head ache. XX
"Let me show you what I've got, shall I?" "I'm impressed already!" Yutarou joked, laughing and returning Hiruka's wink with a cheeky grin. Watching Hiruka break dance was a transcendent experience. He'd never seen breakdancing in person, nor had he ever found it in himself to pay much interest to the genre. But when it was Hiruka performing, breakdancing seemed like most intriguing and powerful thing in the universe, coupled with the flashing lights and loud music and all the people cheering him on as if they were watching their favorite dancer of all time. XX
Yutarou applauded as the song came to an end, the sound fading into the noise of all the others who shouted their appreciation for Hiruka’s dancing. “How's that?” “That was absolutely astounding. Definitely the best dancing I've ever seen.” Yuta said, wrapping an arm around his friend’s shoulders and grinning from ear to ear. XX
Songs changed, filtering slowly downward in intensity until finally settling into chillstep, couples pairing up to sway with the music in much more subdued ways. Yuta, the haze of alcohol still blocking out any hesitation or personal judgement, took to the same with Hiruka, spinning his friend about in lazy circles, laughing when they steps on each other's feet or bumped into other dancers as they went. XX
For them, the rest of the world seemed to fall away, together in their own world. XX
As the mood in the club continued to spiral into something intimate and calming, Yutarou found himself swept up in the moment. Every place where his hands touched Hiruka, heat burned on his fingertips, and everywhere Hiruka's hands lingered, he felt the sensation tenfold. The music faded into the scenery, voices and sounds of movement becoming nothing but background noise. As another couple pushed by and nudged the two friends closer together, Yutarou found himself inches away from Hiruka's face, their eyes locked as if there were nothing else in the world to pay attention to. And then they were kissing, Yuta just barely registering how warm and soft Hiruka's lips were before he was pulling away, alarms going off in his head and smashing through the moment. XX
Like a vinyl record abruptly coming to a stop, Yuta turned on his heel and shoved through the crowds of people, not bothering to see if Hiruka was following him as he made a beeline for the door, relishing in the cool early-morning air outside. A couple cars passed by, headlights brightening the street for a moment before disappearing into the darkness, and Yutarou leaned against the brick wall of the club, music from the dance floor still filtering out through the closed doors. "...shit...what did I just mess up...?" XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


As Yutaro wrapped his arm around him and grinned, Hiruka just chuckled happily. From the smell of alcohol that is reeking from the guy, he can tell that much that he is already tipsy. But somehow, that doesn't seem to matter. He just didn't care about anything else anymore. In Yutaro's arm, he felt like he is living in the world where he is still a small kid, the days when this fleeting world is still so beautiful to him. Something in his heart has changed, no, more correctly, it never changed. It was simply put to sleep from all the pains that he had endured. For the first time in what felt like forever, Hiruka finally is able to find these feelings again.

As the music began to change into the more subtle, slow melodies, they danced together in each other's arms, uncaring whether if the world around them is still spinning or not. Everything seemed as if they were set only to lead to this very moment. They were drowned in the touch of each other. Hiruka simply doesn't care how further they may go after tonight anymore. The person meant for him is right in front of him, and that is enough. He is not drunk, he hardly ever is. But before he even knew it, he has been tipsy with the presence of Yutaro. All doubts, all worries he used to have, they seemed to have faded away somehow.

Suddenly, while they were moving their bodies to the music, they collided with someone and they were nudged again each other. Their faces were merely inches away from each other. Even though he had been in a situation like this for countless of times, Hiruka couldn't help feeling a bit shy as his face reddened a little. But what is going to come next, comes. Their lips touched, and how he wished that single moment could went on forever. He closed his eyes, feeling the taste of the sweet nectar for the short moments that they touched, before they parted.

When he opened his eyes again, Hiruka smiled, but Yutaro's shocking expression betrays what he had expected. Shortly after, he suddenly let him go and shoved through the crowd of people. "Wait, Yucchi." Hiruka blinked for few seconds before shouting out to his friend, but the music was blaring, so his voice was barely heard. He was confused, for the first time in a very long while. He sneaked himself through the crowd, trying to catch up with Yutaro as he was about to disappeared through the exit. For him to be this desperate in chasing after someone, he never thought he would have to again. Yet...

After finally being able to made it to the outside air, Hiruka glanced around, looking for his friend. It didn't take long to find him though, as he was merely leaning against the brick wall by the alley next to the club. He quietly approaching him, confusion clearly showed on his face, "Yucchi...? What's wrong?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN
xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄
xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」

Yutarou wasn't surprised that Hiruka had followed. He felt terrible, for a number of reasons, and the look on his friend's face made his stomach churn. "Yucchi...? What's wrong?" Yuta hesitated, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "...I'm sorry...I did something I shouldn't have." The words felt wrong as he spoke them, but he barely stopped to wonder why, attributing the shake in his voice to the discomfort of the situation as a whole. "The day Kou arrived, when you were talking to me in the wasn't your face I saw when I looked at you. It was Hana's. And I can't justify being in a relationship with you if I'm only in love with you because you're like her, it wouldn't be fair to you. It'd be painful for both of us. I don't want that." XX
Silence stretched between them for a good ten seconds before Yuta spoke again, head down so his hair would fall in his eyes and shield him from having to look at Hiruka. He was too scared of what he might find in those golden eyes. "...I should go...I'll text you when I get home." And with that, he left, disappearing into the city shadows without so much as an actual goodbye. It wasn't until he was already three streets over that Yutarou began to realize he had no idea where he was, and that he'd left without telling any of his companions where he'd gone. Well, shit... XX
About fifteen minutes passed before his phone started to blow up with insistent texts from Yui, demanding to know where he was and why he'd left and what had happened between him and Hiruka. Yuta didn't know if she was asking because she knew there had been an issue or simply because she was always overcurious about their private affairs, but he didn't answer either way, muting his phone and shoving it deep into the pocket of his jacket, leaving Yui to seethe over his silence. XX
Another twenty minutes went by, every street darker and more confusing than the first, and eventually Yutarou gave up on trying to find his way home, plopping down on a rusty half-wet swing at a playground he vaguely recognized. He'd likely been there before at some point, but it was too dark to tell, the only streelights in the area burnt out and glowing just enough to not trip on any of the playground equipment. It was cold out, not enough to warrant needing to wear his jacket but enough to give further discomfort to Yutarou's already terrible mood. He already regretted leaving the nightclub, but of course, there was no going back from what he'd said. However, it was the truth - a sad but painfully real truth. XX
Yutarou stayed there, absentmindedly swaying back and forth on the swing, until the sun began inching its way over the buildings to light up what had been almost pitch black before. As the playground slowly came into view, Yutarou recognized it not as a playground at all, but the backyard of the preschool Yuki had attended as a toddler. He smiled at the nostalgia, picking himself up off the rusted swing and heading off down the road, knowing how to get home now that he could see where he was going. It was four am when he finally walked through his front door. Kou was curled up on the couch, Yuki splayed across his chest and drooling onto her uncle's collarbone. Kuro looked up from his place on the windowsill when he walked in, and Yuta ran a hand along the cat's back as he moved past, turning off the TV that was still playing the Hamtarou theme at a volume that made him wonder how Kou and Yuki were asleep. Neither shifted in their slumber as Yuta slipped off to his room, wanting only to sleep away his stress. XX
Before he went to bed, Yutarou sent a simple text to Hiruka- I'm home safe, I hope you are as well. Sorry if Yui hounded you for questions while I was gone. -and prayed he wouldn't have to deal with Yui's interrogation later, even though he knew he would. XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


To say that his life is nothing more than some sorts of sick jokes set up by fates wouldn't be so much of an exaggeration. For a while, Hiruka was almost convinced that perhaps that wasn't the case. Perhaps light is still waiting for him somewhere down the long, winding road that he has always been walking alone. But within just a few seconds, he was kicked from cloud nine to the deepest pit of hell, again.

He let his guard down. He once again decided to follow his heart. The dream that he envisioned had been so perfect. But for what? In the end, the one who was hurt the most is none other than him. He should have learned his lesson. He shouldn't have been so blinded. He knows better than anyone that he was destined to be stuck in a constant cycle of hoping and being betrayed like this, then why still he kept heading into it? His heart has been torn apart for so many times already, how can it still wrenched so bad like this?

After hearing each and every word that came from Yutaro's mouth, his expressions visibly shocked, but only briefly, as they quickly turned into a blank face afterwards. They remained silent, before Yutaro excused himself and took his leave, refusing to even look at Hiruka in the eyes, or merely just say a goodbye. He wanted to walked away, but somehow, his feet just wouldn't listened to him. He stood there, stiffened, and watched the back of the person whom he once treasured and believed getting further and further away from him, until it disappeared completely in the middle of the sea of people.

Suddenly, he realized that his face felt wet. He was shocked as he caressed his own cheek with his finger, to see that it was nothing other than his tears. Crying? He is crying now? Even though his tears were thought to have dried up so long ago? He tried to hold back, but he can't. He hastily made his way inside the alley next to the club, leaning his back against the wall. He must not let anyone else see him weak and pathetic like this. The crowds of people kept passing by, paying no attention to him. When he had make sure of that, he didn't hold back anymore, and all the stabbing pain in his heart poured out through the clear streams of water from his eyes.

Hiruka didn't know how long it took, but when he finally dried up, he swept his face. His expressions once again became blank and uncaring. There was no longer hope. Only a sheer coldness that could send chills through the spine of anyone looking into the amber gaze of his eyes. He fixed up his hair and clothes, and nonchalantly walked from the alley back inside the club. The music was still blaring, people still collided against each other as their bodies moved with the music. Hiruka didn't run into Madoka or any of Yutaro's friends, but not that he cared. He sneaked his way to the bar and ordered a rather high alcoholic bottle. One cup. Two cup. Then three cup. He wanted to get tipsy today, but his blasted tolerance only made him felt the opposite, constantly reminding of what had happened merely just moments ago.

"Hey, gorgeous." A good-looking man called him and took the seat next to him. He noticed that the guy was among those who were intending to flirt on him earlier, but gave up after seeing him and Yutaro so lovey-dovey together. "Why are you alone now? Your boyfriend dumped you?"

Hiruka smirked at the guy, then rested his head against his chin while playing with his cup, "Unfortunately, yes. Stuffs like that happened a lot, no big deal."

"Too bad. Whoever the jerk that kicked a hottie like you must be the dumbest guy in the world." The man daringly closing the gap between them, his hand wrapped around Hiruka's waist, "Wanna forget about him?"

With no hesitation, Hiruka proceeded to sit on the lap of the guy, grabbing him by his shirt's collar and pulled him into a kiss. "I've already forgotten about him, but a little comforts always help, isn't it?" He said in a seducing manner.

And so, in the arm of the guy, Hiruka and him made their way to the exit. "Hiru? Aren't you supposed to be with Yutaro?" Madoka ran into them, visibly surprised to see the one his colleague is currently with is a total stranger. "Oh, he left already. Don't mind him. Well, no needs to wait for me, okay? See you tomorrow." Hiruka said in his usual tone and expression, but knowing him, Madoka can clearly sees something is wrong. He quickly left with the guy before he could ask anything else though.

Hiruka and the stranger made their way to the nearest hotel, and he dispelled all thoughts of what had happened into the heat of the night. Morning soon approaches. Unlike usual, he didn't just leave after their business is finished. The man is still sleeping on the bed after who knows many times they have did it last night. Hiruka stood by the window, gazing quietly as the sun began to rise. It was then that his phone vibrated, signaling an new message. The sender was none other than the person who broke his heart last night. He could noticed that there are also several missed calls from Yui.

Without even reading the message, Hiruka coldly deleted it, along with any other messages that the two of them had, before blocking Yutaro's phone number altogether. Yutaro said that it would be painful for both of them to continue, then there's no reason to keep seeing each other now, is it?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN
xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄
xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」

Three Days Later

Yutarou had barely slept since that evening at the nightclub. When he'd woken up the morning after, he'd been disappointed to find that Hiruka hadn't responded, and had spent a good portion of that day throwing up the alcohol from the night before and fighting off a terrible migraine. Kou had graciously offered Naproxen and a never-ending supply of water, Yuki having already left for school by the time he'd woken up, something that Yutarou felt bad about for the entire day. No response ever came from Hiruka, and Yuta truly hadn't been surprised, though a pit of guilt did form in his stomach with the knowing that it was entirely his fault. XX
As expected, Yui had come barging in around nine am to hound Yutarou. Hiruka had supposedly disappeared at the same time he had, so everyone had assumed they'd left together, and Yui was disappointed to learn that that had not been the case. He left a lot up to speculation- he told Yui nothing of what he'd said, or the fact that he'd actually kissed Hiruka. He simply said that they'd gotten too much to drink and had headed home early, which truly wasn't a full lie. Yui complained that he should have called and Yuta passed by it saying his phone had lost battery. XX
Seeing that her friend had a pretty bad hangover, Yui returned home, presumably to take care of her own hungover brother and his barely-less-hungover boyfriend, leaving Kou with instructions to make Yutarou sleep for the rest of the afternoon. XX
The next two days afterward Yuta spent elbows-deep in song writing, finally able to piece together the lyrics for his single piece. The song became quite melancholy despite the upbeat background music, and he really couldn't deny the influence of the words he wrote, though he never mentioned it. Kou and Yuki noticed a shift in his mood, and Yuki made constant attempts to cheer him up, bringing a smile to his face that faded away once she had left the room. Kou said nothing, watching. XX
Since half the band had been dealing with hangovers for the first day and a half after the nightclub, Yui gave them a few days off of regular practice to work on their singles, the three musicians of Snowflower splitting up between working at the studio and in their respective apartments. Kenta and Aya stopped by to bring meals occasionally and Yui came by every once in a while to try and drag more details from Yutarou about his date with Hiruka, miraculously never giving up even when he remained devoutly close-lipped. "Why do you even care so much about someone else's love life? You didn't do this when Jun was wooing Ryou." "Yeah, well, that's because Ryou's a serial romantic and can't keep a secret for shit. I was the only person he had to vent to about his romantic woes." Yuta laughed at the image of Jun squealing to his sister over high school crushes. "I care so much because this isn't a normal thing for you. It's new. And besides, you're just as much a sibling to me as Jun is, and Ryou and Kenta and Aya and Hana. So tell me." XX
Yutarou frowned, leaning into Yui's shoulder a bit, dwarfing her with his height. "I will eventually. I don't wanna talk about it yet." XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


When Hiruka and the stranger he slept with parted way, the man gave him his phone number and email address, telling him that if he's interested in drinking or eating out or simply just to get laid then he just need to pop up and tell him and he'll be there. Hiruka appreciated the offer of the man, but he still sticks to his rules, no matter what had happened, so he quickly discarded of the stranger out of his mind the moment they turned their backs from each other. As much as he felt so painful of what happened last night, it was amazing how he can still put up a straight face now as if everything is still fine.

But taking the fact that he has gone through the same scenario over and over again, it's understandable though. He'll just see this as another of his many 'failed dates' and that-guy will just fade away like any other jerks that had trampled his life into a miserable state just like this, once best friends forever or not. In the end, all Hiruka's worth is nothing more than just a substitute, he should have aware of that so, so long ago. So perhaps, this is the price that he has to pay for stubbornly believe that for once, it might change.

When Hiruka stepped into his apartment, Makoto was sitting at the table as usual. "Well, well. Who'd have thought you two would have gone this far, hmm?" He said with a smirk, "How was it? I suppose after all those year being so dulled you have to guide him all the way, huh?"

"Yeah, it was fine. What more can I say? I'm a sex fiend, remember?" Hiruka replied with his usual tone, but having lived with his brother for so long, Makoto can noticed the smallest of changes in how his brother feels. And, although he acts normal, that small nonchalant hint in his voice didn't escape him, "I'm taking a shower. My body is still reeked of cologne and that-guy's obnoxious cologne."

Yeah, something definitely was wrong. But bringing it up now wouldn't be the wisest thing to do, so Makoto just let it slip to the back of his mind. He figured he should wait for a couple of more days to see if Hiruka is the same or not.

And, after three days have passed, Makoto's doubts could only be confirmed even further. He had called Madoka and asked what happened that night at the club, and learned all that had happened. Hiruka didn't even bother to hide it, as he continued where he left off back in the old days by flirting with guys at night when he came to Ahnenerbe, and even took down the picture he took with Yutaro when they were kids that he once treasured so dearly.

"Tell me, nii-chan." Makoto said to his brother, "What's wrong between you and him?"

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you." Hiruka said, smiling nonchalantly while playing with his glass of vodka, "Let's just say that it was the same old route all over again."

Hearing those few words alone is enough to make Makoto finally blew his gasket. He ground his teeth while clenching the glassware he was holding so hard that it almost cracked. If that guy was here, he's certain that he would broke his limbs so bad that he'll never walk normally again.

"Do me a favor?" Hiruka set his gaze upon his brother, his tone suddenly becomes serious, "Let him pass. Don't do anything, okay? Just ignore him if you ever come across with him. Like what I'm doing."


"I know, I know. It's not my style to play so soft like that usually. But this is owned to old time's sake, and his daughter. Nothing more." He smiled, but it was visible that he was feeling helpless now than ever, "I've finally learned my lesson."

"...Got it." Makoto exhaled a sigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN
xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄
xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」

Yui left with a consoling smile and pat on the back, promising to come back later that evening to check on them even though Yutarou insisted she didn't need to. It was almost two in the afternoon, and he'd not eaten at all except for a breakfast of leftovers from the night before. He couldn't find it in himself to give excuses on why his appetite had diminished. He refused to give it thought. I'm just stressed. XX
"Aniki...did something happen between you and Hiruka-san?" Kou asked, gaze fixed on his computer screen. Yuta let out a tired sigh. "...yes. But I really don't wanna talk about it, and I don't need you bugging me about it too. I already have to deal with Yui's endless badgering." "Do you realize why she's badgering you about it?" "Because she's nosy and doesn't know how to mind her own business?" XX
Kou looked up at that, more or less glaring at Yutarou. "She badgers you about it because when Hana died, you never talked through it. You didn't go to counseling or let anyone help you through the grief. You just held it all in. She badgers you because she doesn't want you to do the same thing with whatever happened that night at the bar. It's already affecting you." Yuta said nothing, not quite knowing how to respond. His brother was right, no matter how much he wanted to deny it. XX
"Look, we had an argument. I told him something he probably didn't want to hear and then I left. Drunk. And he never responded to my text afterward, so I think it's right to assume he hates me now." Yuta explained. "I wouldn't blame him." XX
Kou hummed in thought, closing his laptop and scooting around so he could see Yutarou fully. "Well, what exactly did you tell him? You said it was something he probably didn't want to hear?" "Ah...I basically told him it wouldn't be fair for me to go out with him if I'm not in love with him." "So you're not in love with him then? Had me fooled." "Well I can't say I'm not-" "Then why did you tell him you weren't?" "Because-" "Y'know, you don't have much basis for what being in love is like. After all, you only realized you liked Hana because everyone else told you." "That's not the point-" "What is the point then?" XX
"Kou!" Yutarou shouted. Kou stopped talking, unperturbed by the outburst, waiting for his brother to continue. Yuta sighed. "Geez kid, you're like a psycho therapist or something." "I try." "...remember when I called our parents the day you arrived? Hiruka came out to comfort me- he's kind like that, always valuing others...but when he smiled at me, it wasn't his face I saw. It was Hana's. I don't know...I suppose I thought that seeing Hiruka after all these years would mean something big. That maybe the feelings I had for him as a child were still there. Maybe I was wrong." Kou stayed silent for a long moment, pondering the information given. XXX
"You's not really that weird to see her face in someone you love." " is that not weird?" "Just think of it this way: you have a type. When you fall in love with someone, you're looking for certain things in a person. Kindness, gentleness, specific traits. It's been scientifically proven that the mind is attracted to partners with near-identical facial structures. It's a natural thing."It does not sound natural to me." "Oh shut up, will you?!" Kou snapped, smacking Yuta across the head. "Aniki, you were in love with Hana, and you always will be. You're always going to find pieces of her in your life. But that doesn't mean you can't be in love with someone else too. And to be honest, you probably saw her face because you still get triggered seeing things that remind you of her, which is exactly the kind of thing that happens when you don't properly grieve. It's what Yui's trying to keep you from repeating." XX
Yutarou paused for a moment, thinking. His brother's speech made sense. After all, there weren't enough unique traits on Earth for no one to have common interests. "And did you ever think about the fact that maybe you fell in love with Hana because she reminded you of Hiruka-san instead of the other way around?" That made him stop. " never once thought about that." XXXX
Standing, Yutarou took a moment to think and toddle about his apartment, indecisive, before he finally headed toward the door and hurriedly pulled on some shoes, not even bothering to fully lace them before leaving, stopping in his tracks just long enough to tell Kou he'd be gone for a while. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Yuta turned it on and pulled up Hiruka's number, sending a rushed text and hoping it wouldn't be deleted right away. I know you probably hate me right now but I really need to talk to you. Where are you? Barely waiting more than a few minutes for a response, Yutarou found Hiruka's contact again and pressed call, praying he would answer. He didn't. Groaning, he patiently waited for the machine speaker to let him leave a voicemail message. XX
"Hiruka, I said something I regret, and you have every right to hate me. I won't blame you for refusing to meet me. But I really need to talk to you, to clear some things up, and I know it'd be kinder to say it all in person rather than in a voicemail. I'm really sorry. And an apology isn't worth shit, believe me, I know that. But no matter what, you're still my best friend, so...let me know." XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka just sat and chatted casually with his brother over his glass of vodka, didn't even bothering to care about what had happened anymore. Now that he thinks about it, his life really is going to be fine this way. He has a wonderful job, a caring little brother and three best of friends in the world. Who needs love when around you there have been so many other people who got your back much, much better than a lover will ever did? Lovers are simply the most overrated thing in the world. Now he can wholly set it aside and tries to pursue further goals in his life. Like how much he wanted to own a Porsche, or his all-time dream to one day make a trip to Milan.

Moments later, Hiruka left for the toilet, but left his phone on the bar counter. Makoto gazed at the phone and sighed. His brother was never really a tough person to begin with, yet unfortunate events in life have shaped him into someone like this. He had always wishes that Hiruka would always remain to be the crybaby he once was when they were still kids. Suddenly, the phone rang, signaling an incoming voice message, coming from an unknown phone number.

Makoto just casually picked the phone up and pressed to listen to the voice message. There was really not a thing called privacy between the two of them, so he knows for sure Hiruka wouldn't mind him doing this. But when the voice from the message spoke up, he felt his blood boiling. "Just how shameless you are, you son of a..." He muttered while grinding his teeth. With no hesitation, he sent a quick message to the same phone number. The park near Ahnenerbe. When the text was sent, he deleted it and the voice message altogether.

"Shizuru." He called one of the waiter, "Take over for a moment, I have a few things to deal with."

"Okay, boss." The young man called Shizuru nodded and stepped behind the counter as Makoto grabbed his jacket and left Ahnenerbe for the park just nearby. When he got there, there was no one around. But that wasn't long, for a familiar person soon arrived, as expected.

"Hello, Yutaro-san." Makoto turned his back and faced Yutaro while calmly took out a cigarette, put in his mouth and lit it up, "Surprised to see me rather than the one you thought you'd meet?"

He calmly approached the black-haired man, and then unexpectedly, punched him by the left side of his face. It was so hard that Yutaro was literally sent flying a few meters to the left. Then, in a calm, yet intimidating manner, Makoto walked to Yutaro's side, who was still lying flatly on the ground after the punch.

"Of all the jerks in this world, I really had hoped that you wouldn't be one of them. Yet in the end, the bond that you and nii-chan once had meant shit to you, is it?" He said coldly, his hands tucked away inside his pocket, "And now, you still have the guts to show your fucking face up after hurting him that much? I must say you really wowed me with your impudence."

Makoto didn't allow Yutaro to even have a moment to explain, as he lowered himself down and grabbed the guy by his hair and pulled his head closer to him, "I told you, right? Once you have fallen into the list, I'll make you pay handsomely. Beating you up is just too easy. I don't know if you knew it or not, but nii-chan and I have a rather wide network of connections. Even though nii-chan doesn't have a habit of keeping contact with those he slept with, some of the guys he is acquainted with are real baddies in this city, and they are willing to do just about anything he asks. I just need a call, a very simple call, and they will literally turn your life, your career and the lives of your loved ones upside down."

He then reached into his pocket and took out his phone, waving it in front of Yutaro, "Now then, who do you want to have the privilege first? You? Each and everyone of your friends? Your brother?" He moved his face closer and whispered in a threatening manner, "Or even your adorable daughter?"

Once he felt that he had scared Yutaro just enough, he tucked his phone away, and stood up, "If you were just some random guys, I would have done it without a second thought. But nii-chan has specifically told me not to do anything. Because I'm a good little brother, and for old time's sake, I will let you off this time. That little punch cannot satisfy me. Normally, I would have beaten you into a pulp. Just count yourself lucky that nii-chan still care about you enough to not holding a grudge about it."

"Nii-chan's biggest weakness has always been love." He exhaled a cloud of smoke and said in an almost bitter manner, "Do you understand how painful it is watching him being kicked down from cloud nines to the bottomless pit, not just once, but over and over again? What is heart-wrenching after every time he was dumped wasn't the fact that he would cried his heart out, or the way he would immediately grabbed the nearest guy and fucked. It is the helpless smile he puts up afterwards, trying to tell others that he is okay. In truth, the pain he has to endure for having his heart being toyed with again and again is for him to suffer alone. You think losing your wife is painful? Nii-chan has been through much worse than that. You don't even bother to think about how he would feel when you opened your mouth and spoke those words to him, right? In the end, you trampled all over the little bits of hope he has just managed to build up for not very long, and run away like it's not your business to care any longer."

After saying all that he needed to say, Makoto turned his back, "If you truly have any ounces of respect left for him, you'd better leave him alone. I don't want you to show your face up in front of him ever again. You have already hurt him once, don't make it even more painful for him, and for you." He then walked away without disdain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN
xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄
xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」

Yutarou was honestly surprised when he received a message in reply, and he felt a surge of anxiety in the fact that he was actually going to be seeing Hiruka again for the first time since the night at the bar. He shoved the feeling down and took off, running past Ahnenerbe without so much as a glance at the place. He was out of breath when he did arrive, and all the hope and relief he'd had drained away when he found Makoto waiting for him instead of Hiruka. What was I thinking... XX
Remembering the conversation they'd had over breakfast so long ago, Yuta had a guess as to why Makoto had come, but he couldn't bring himself to leave. After all, Yutarou felt he deserved it. He'd definitely broken his promise not to hurt Hiruka. XX
He couldn't say he hadn't expected it, but the punch still took him off guard, and Yutarou toppled to the ground, seeing stars and tasting iron in his mouth. Damn, he hits hard. He thought, relatively detached from the situation. "Of all the jerks in this world, I really had hoped that you wouldn't be one of them. Yet in the end, the bond that you and nii-chan once had meant shit to you, is it?" That's not true. "And now, you still have the guts to show your fucking face up after hurting him that much? I must say you really wowed me with your impudence." I just wanted to try and make it better... Yuta said nothing, not daring to voice his thoughts. XX
He grunted a bit at his hair being pulled, though he didn't fight back, closing his eyes to avoid having to look at Makoto. Yuta listened to the words Makoto spoke with rapt attention, not wanting to miss anything. His eyes flashed open again the moment Kou and Yuki were mentioned, and his sudden desperation surely showed on his face. Deep down, he doubted that Makoto would do anything to hurt them, but the panic was overriding any rational judgements he could make. XX
"If you were just some random guys, I would have done it without a second thought. But nii-chan has specifically told me not to do anything. Because I'm a good little brother, and for old time's sake, I will let you off this time." Yutarou was surprised, not having expected for Hiruka to have said anything. It's not that surprising. After all, Sora's always been selflessly kind...even when he really shouldn't be. "That little punch cannot satisfy me. Normally, I would have beaten you into a pulp. Just count yourself lucky that nii-chan still care about you enough to not holding a grudge about it." Yuta sat up and wiped at the blood on his lip, finding it cut and wincing at the sting of skin on the open injury. He didn't bother to try and get up, staring holes into the ground as he listened to Makoto speak. XX
The guilt Yutarou had already been feeling only continued to grow. Of course he hadn't known how upset Hiruka was, after all, they weren't speaking to each other. He silently cursed himself for having hurt his friend. It hadn't been his intention, really- it would have been just as bad for him to date Hiruka while being so indecisive, if not worse. The sudden burst of courage and assurance he'd experienced just fifteen minutes prior had long since drained away, and he couldn't find it in himself to speak up. XX
"You think losing your wife is painful? Nii-chan has been through much worse than that." Yutarou clenched his teeth, his jaw aching. "But you just didn't care, right? In the end, you trampled over it all, and he was nothing than a mere substitute for you." XX
Yuta watched Makoto turn to leave, waiting to see if anything else would happen. "If you truly have any ounces of respect left for him, you'd better leave him alone. I don't want you to show your face up in front of him ever again. You have already hurt him once, don't make it even more painful for him, and for you." And with that, he left, leaving Yutarou alone with a pain in his chest that easily overshadowed his dislocated jaw. He remained there on the ground for a good few minutes, watching Makoto until he disappeared entirely from sight, before finally reaching up to snap his jaw back into place. least I won't need to be hospitalized... He thought sarcastically, standing up and heading into the crowd, slowly making his way home. As he walked, Yutarou fell deep into thought. Makoto had warned him to stay away, and he knew the next time he did anything rash he'd end up with much more than a broken jaw. Yet, a subtle voice in the back of his mind was telling him not to give up, not to stop trying. XXX
Ah. Just as he was climbing up the stairs to his apartment, an idea struck. Makoto said not to show my face to him. So what if I find a subtler way to communicate what I need to say? Grinning, Yutarou flew up the remaining steps and hurried into his apartment, ignoring Kou's curious stare and Yuki's faraway greeting from down the hall. After all, Makoto can't control the radio. XX
Three Months Later

"Aniki, how does this look?" Kou asked, holding up a small square drawing. It depicted a rather ambiguous head of hair, shown from the back and colored all in countless shades of blue, the characters for "Aoi Sora" written in the center with black marker. "Whoa, that's perfect! You drew that all on your own? It's amazing." "I was allowed to take an arts class back home, so long as I got high marks. I'm glad you like it." "I'm glad you offered to help! You know I can't draw at all." Kou laughed at that, and carefully slid the finished drawing into the CD case, completing the project they'd spent the last three months working on, day in and day out. XX
It was a small album, with only seven songs, but it was all he had been able to come up with when trying to find a way to express his feelings without it being in person. Of course, he really wanted it to be in person, but he had a feeling Makoto wouldn't allow that, not with the threats he'd dished out the last time they'd met. And so he'd drafted all the people closest to him to help him put his plan into motion. It had taken far longer than he'd expected, but you can't rush songwriting, and the time spent working on the album surely only proved how determined he was. He refused to shove his feelings down, refused to let go of something he'd spent a good many years waiting for. He refused to let Hiruka go when he'd finally gotten him back after a lifetime of being kept apart. XX
Yuki was wriggling impatiently in her spot at Yuta's side, having been waiting all afternoon for the CD cover to finally be finished. Everyone had suggested that she be the one to deliver the album and the tickets to Yutarou's concert that night- after all, it would have certainly worked terribly if Yutarou had gone himself. Defying everyone's expectation, Jun offered to walk her there, and no one had been able to recover from their surprise to say anything against it. "Great, this means we can get off our asses and do something. We've been doing nothing all day." Jun complains from where he's sulking in the corner. "Oh shut up, you're just jealous I asked Kou to do the cover instead of you. We all know your art isn't any better than mine. Besides, you don't even like Hiruka." Jun said nothing to that, just stood up and grabbed the album out of Yutarou's hand. "Bug off. Let's get going, Yu-chan." XX
Watching the two of them leave, Yutarou felt a bit nervous of what was to come. The seven songs from his album had already been playing on the radio for a good two days, and had risen in popularity incredibly fast due to his reputation as Snowflower's vocalist. Tonight was going to be his first solo debut. The purpose of the concert alone was enough to make him want to never leave home. XX
Luckily, he had people to make sure he didn't hole up in his bedroom and refuse to come out. "Yutarou, we should probably go to the concert center so we can start setting up. It's going to take a while." Yui said, ruffling his hair from behind. "Kenta and Aya are at the florist right now buying the flowers, so they're going to be there soon." Yuta nodded in agreement, picking himself up from the floor and heading to his room to get dressed, Kou trailing after him to dish out somewhat unwanted fashion advice. About ten minutes later they were off to the concert hall, meeting up with Kenta and Aya at the entrance with flowers and getting to work. XXX
Nearly five hours later, the sun has finally set, and Yutarou finds himself standing just offstage, the familiar sound of excited fans filling his ears. This time, however, that sound does nothing to comfort him, instead it makes him even more nervous. He's glad no one's going to be close enough to notice how much he's sweating- he's sure he doesn't smell very nice. His bangs are sticking to his face and his clothes feel too tight on his skin, even though he knows nothing he's wearing is too small, and there's a slight tremor in his hands that refuses to go away. He's glad he doesn't have to play an instrument tonight. That would have been too much. XXX
Kou and Yuki prod him in the back, shooting him four thumbs-up, and Yutarou takes in a deep breath, slowly making his way out onto the stage and smiling to the crowd. They all grow immensely louder as he comes out, and he pointedly looks to them rather than the private viewing box where Hiruka would be, had he chosen to attend. He has no guitar, which some of his fans even inquire about, though he simply passes over their questions in favor of finding the microphone and carefully adjusting it to match his height. He clears his throat. "Um, hello, everyone. I know you're all probably a little confused, but if you can't tell already, this isn't exactly a normal concert. It's just me tonight, and I'll be singing some songs I wrote on my own, mostly because I'm trying to get out some feelings I need to express. I don't know if they'll reach the person I'm trying to reach, least after this, I can't say I didn't try. I hope you all enjoy." Some of the people in the front row look disappointed, others intrigued. He ignores them all. XX
Yutarou grips the microphone and stand with both hands, fingers tightening around it until his knuckles turn white, and the song starts. There's no time to prepare, really, as the lyrics start immediately, and in seconds he's swept up in the song, falling into the comfortable pace of the lyrics and a familiar feeling washes over him, the same feeling he always gets when he's singing. The crowd fades into the background and nothing exists except for that moment. Yet, as he moves on to the next song, and then the next, a newer feeling starts to seep into the mixture: a vague sense of sadness, loneliness, almost. It lingers in the back of his mind, a voice quietly telling him that no matter how hard he tries, his words will never reach Hiruka, he will never hear what he's trying to say. XX
Yutarou does his best to silence the voice and pretend it's not there, but by the time he's reached the seventh song in the lineup, his vision has grown blurry with the buildup of unshed tears. He lets them fall, does his best to keep his expression from betraying the fact he's crying. He doesn't let it seep into his singing. He's cried during performances before, he knows how to keep his voice level. XX
There's a long pause at the end of Ikanaide, and Yuta seizes the opportunity to take a few deep breaths, blinking away the salt that's gathered on his eyelashes. He doesn't reach up to wipe his face, that would only prove he's crying. The music begins again, and this time, he's not entirely sure he's ready to continue, but when he has to sing, he does so on instinct. Vidro Moyou, the song he poured the epitome of his feelings into, flows out into the room. Some of his fans are crying. He is too. He still makes no move to look for Hiruka, doesn't think about whether he came or not, doesn't acknowledge the voice in his head saying it's all a waste. XX
And then the song ends, and he's standing there, crying, a crowd full of people screaming and applauding him like they've just seen the performance of a lifetime. He looks off to the side of the stage, where Yuki and Kou and all his other friends are standing there cheering him on, Yui and Aya both in tears and even Jun looking proud, despite the odds. Yutarou bows to the crowd, and hurries off stage, still not looking to the balcony. His friends suffocate him in a group hug, refusing to let go until Yuki complains she can't breathe. "Tou-san, did Ruru-san come? Did he see?" She asks, her face brightening up like Christmas lights. "I... I don't know." XXX

Alongside the album given to Hiruka, Yuki and Jun had made sure to bring along a ticket to Yutarou's concert, with a document that promised Hiruka the ability to bring any other friends along with him free of charge. He hadn't wanted to pressure his friend into coming alone, especially when there was no way Hiruka could know what exactly he would be met with when he arrived there. XX
The tickets gave him the best seat in the concert hall- the special viewing balcony that Yui and Yuki used whenever Snowflower had concerts. Yutarou had spent a good amount of time preparing everything that Hiruka would find there. The photograph of them as kids, smiling as if they had not a care in the world, sat on the ledge atop a box that held a small bouquet of white anenome blossoms, the flowers signifying sincerity. Alongside it was a too-tiny braided bracelet they both had made for one another, now far too small for Yutarou to wear. The threads were a brilliant blue- the exact shade Hiruka had always loved. The box held more photographs, all of them depicting the same place in faded black-and-white: the treehouse they'd found and claimed as their own so long ago. It was all so simple, really, despite the fact that it had taken weeks for Yuta to decide just how to set everything up. XXX
And when the auditorium lights came on, Hiruka would find a message on the stage, spelled out in bright blue roses, angled in such a way that the characters would only appear as such to a person looking upon them from that exact angle. Meet me there? XxX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042c62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Like all of his failures previously, it didn't take much long for Hiruka to get over what had happened, and the person who gave him hope then trampled over it all now faded completely from his mind, as if that meeting in Ahnenerbe that shook up his whole life although only in a short while never occurred. It's hard to believe how much his life was shaken up in only a little less than a year. But he has, and will, never the kind of person who ponder too much at what had passed. Life still goes on, and for the moment, Hiruka had been determined that he will only live for himself, and never to let another to step into his heart ever again.

The past three months have been rather eventful for Hiruka. He, along with the Miyashiro siblings had finally been recognized internationally, as they were invited to be hairdressers for supermodels during various fashion shows in Europe, including Milan where he had dreamed of going to for as long as he could remember. With that, Arisu's popularity continued to rocket, and his hands barely had a moment to rest from clipping and spraying. But he certainly enjoyed it to the fullest, like he has always been with hairdressing.

Hiruka had also made one of the boldest choices of his life during the past three months: cutting his own hair. When he came up with this decision, Makoto and the three siblings were shocked to no end. But they found no reasons to stop him either. So, the most surprised person upon hearing this news, Madoka with a hair fetish, insisted that he simply must be the one to have the 'privilege' of doing Hiruka's hair. And he did. He had made sure that he collected every strand of Hiruka's cut hair afterwards, and probably has been keeping them as some sorts of treasure. Except for the three of them, everyone who knows of this will find Madoka to be weird, for certain. As for Hiruka, his new look came off as a bit unfamiliar with those whom he is acquainted with, but the blue color of his hair can still easily make him stand out, and most guys still surrendered to his seduction, anyway.

Asides from these, Hiruka's life goes on as similarly as before he met Yutaro again. He still hangs around Ahnenerbe on an almost daily routine, he still sleeps around and be the wild dream of the men around the 2-choume district. A while ago, Hiruka and Makoto made a trip to Hiroshima to visit their family, and they are still doing fine as ever. The question whether if the two of them have intended to settle down yet was inevitably brought up. Hiruka tried to avoid talking about it, but thanks to their understandings, everything went well. His family knows that he will do what are best for his life.

Everything seems to went on as well as it could have.

"Sorayuki-senpai, thank you so much for accepting. This really is the most perfect day in my life." A young woman said with a smile as she looked at herself in the mirror, while Hiruka is doing her hair for her. She is wearing a stunning wedding dress, and is only a while away from her big moment.

"It was nothing, Kaori-san." Hiruka replied, he is also an attendant of the wedding and is wearing a formal suit, "I was thinking of calling you right away when I heard that you were returning to Japan too. Seemed like everything goes well for you, huh?"

"Yes. There have been moments of high and low but I'm glad to be where I am now. Though, it's hard to believe that I used to imagine the man standing out there waiting for me to be you instead of Vincent. I'm such a dreamy girl back then."

Hiruka chuckled, "I dare not to dream of it." Kaori used to be the queen of the school Hiruka went to back when the two of them were still students. While there are countless of boys dying to have a chance to go out with her, she harbored a big crush for him. On Hiruka's graduation day, Kaori confessed her feelings, but unsurprisingly, was turned down by him. She was saddened very much because of it, but eventually let it go. They remained as friends still and occasionally still contacting each other. Years later, she traveled abroad to study and met a nice foreign man, who was to be the man waiting for her outside of the dressing room they are in. Apparently they have decided to return to Japan to make their wedding, and she had personally invited Hiruka to be her stylist and hairdresser, with her dress, accessories and hairstyles all chosen by him, after hearing his reputation at the fashion shows he went to.

"Have you found that person yet?" Kaori suddenly asked. Hiruka was taken off a bit at the question, knowing clearly whom she is referring to.

He just shook his head, "I've pretty much given up now to be honest. Probably I'll just live like this and be happy with it." He said as he gave some finishing touches to Kaori's hair and place the bride's veil atop of her head.

"Well, I know you have been having a bunch of bad luck, but I don't think you should stop your search yet. I have been and always will be believing in fate, and I can be certain that it will not treat a man like you poorly."

"What do you mean?" Hiruka chuckled, "I'm like fate's worst child ever. Life is pretty unfair, y'know."

Kaori shook her head, "Do you know the reason I fell for you back then? No matter how much hardships that have befallen you, there still existed a pure goodness and innocence inside you. How do I say this... it's pretty much like a child, I guess? Everyone can rest assure and feel relaxed around you, and whenever you come around, the space lightened up a bit. Everything suddenly became easier, and simply by that, everyone is captivated by you. So too am I."

"Heh. Well, I'm not that much of a highly person..."

"Don't be so humble. I know you are. And I also know for sure that the rewards for your long wait is waiting just ahead of you. Have you ever thought that, fate was just merely challenging you for one last time, before giving you your ultimate reward? It is simply preventing you from having your ways, because it is only waiting to give you the best of bests at the right moment. That's why, I hope you will not give up, because that's who you are." Kaori said with much assurance.

Hiruka pondered a bit over what she said. It's true that he didn't really think of his life in such a way. He believes his whole life has always been just a joke, and nothing more. Like he was born to be a play toy for all the jerks in the world. Maybe...

"I will think about it." He said simply, before smiling, "It's time. You ready?"

Kaori nodded, grinning brightly before fixing her dress nicely and stood up, "Wish me luck, senpai." She said as the two of them then headed out of the dressing chamber. The ceremony then began and everyone was wowed by Kaori's look as she walked up to the man of her life. As the two of them exchanged their vows and kissed, everyone cheered, including Hiruka. He remembered so long ago he used to dream of a wedding like this, but it has long become a childish wish.

Yet, Kaori's words have brought up feelings and thoughts he have been trying to kill off, and a very faint flame of hope seemed to flare up in his heart, once more.

The newlywed couple are now happily travelling on their honeymoon in Maldives, and Hiruka couldn't help but feeling a bit envious with them, but he still has work to focus on. Recently, it seemed that Snowflower had just released a new album, and being their fan, Kazuki has been replaying them over and over again on the radio for the good two days the songs were played. Hiruka was either focusing on other matters or wasn't presented so it didn't even bother him.

But, he couldn't deny that some thoughts have been disturbing him after the wedding, and that person has begun to surface yet again. Of course, he'd tried to pull them all out of his mind, but there hadn't been much hope, so he figured he should just bear with it until it passes.

The morning shift went on peacefully without much fuss, and when lunch break came, it was Hiruka's turn to stop by the conbini near Arisu's to buy lunch for everyone. But two of the most unexpected of persons were waiting for him outside the salon: Yuki and Jun.

"Ruru-san! It's been so long, I really missed you." Yuki almost squealed when she saw him as she run towards him and gave him a hug, though moments later when she gazed up, she seemed obviously surprised to see that a large part of Hiruka's hair had disappeared. "D-Did you cut your hair?"

He was totally taken aback when he saw her, but then just smiled gently and rubbed her head, "Hey there, Yuki-chan. Long time no see. And yes, I've had it cut a little while ago. Not too bad, don't you think?"

Then, he shifted his gaze to Jun, who was merely standing and watching the two of them. He kept his smile, yet his eyes were blank. He had refrained from running into his acquaintances as long as he could, knowing it wouldn't be pretty keeping in contact with them. Though if the two of them are here, then there must be something they are dying to let him know, "Well, it's been a while. Are you here to make my life a living, burning hell then?" He said sarcastically. This is actually the first time they properly converse after Jun's attempt to threaten him at Ahnenerbe, though.

The silver-haired guy sighed and scratched his head, "Look, I know I have been rather unwelcoming. And my attempts at scaring you off failed miserably, apparently. But I guess you've already figured out that I didn't know you a whole lot back then, so I was merely judging you by what I saw, and as you know, Yuta is ignorant as hell. I just don't want him to pick up bad habits, that's all."

Hiruka nodded in acknowledgement, though he didn't have any intentions of continuing this conversation much longer, even if Yuki is here, so he went straight to the point, "And may I ask if any of those got to do with me any longer? It's been three months, I'm sure even if he didn't tell you, you guys already would already have figured it out from him of what had happened. I've simply added him up in my 'list', and it's my rule that I cut all associations with those from that 'list' and their acquaintances. So if you have any unfinished businesses that you haven't dealt with me, please go ahead, and we'll go our own ways. Do be hurry because my boss is not going to be happy if she's not getting her lunch in time."

Jun sighed again. Apparently he never thought Hiruka could be this cold when it comes to those who had wronged him, but he didn't want to give up before he tried. "I know what Yuta said to you hurt you a lot, and you have all the rights to hate him. But like I've said, he is so ignorant that if he is sitting in a room and the world was turned upside down outside, he wouldn't even notice unless someone outright say so to him. He's stubborn as hell, and his sensitivity is comparable to that of a brick. I cannot say that his loss can match up to what you have been through, but I can be certain that saying those words, he is as painful as you are."

At this point, Hiruka seemed to be more eager to listen, so Jun cleared his throat and continued, "It's been so long since his wife passed away, but he still cannot get over it. Sometimes I felt like it's not because he couldn't, but he refused to, as it would tarnish those time the two of them were still together, so he thought. When he found out that you were the childhood friend he cherishes, even I have to admit that he finally had changed for the better after so long. But he was torn between his love for Hana, and his feelings for you. He thought being with you is the same as using you as a substitute for her, and that would hurt you even more. But I know Yuta was never the one to be good with his words, and it leads to where we are now. Of course, you can think that all that I've said is just made up, but looking at him after the past three months, I have no doubts that he hadn't given up on you, and he never will."

Yuki nodded and continued where Jun left off, while pulling out a phone and showed Hiruka a video recording Yutaro's efforts in composing the recently released album, "Usually it would take tou-san and everyone at least a whole year, or maybe years, just to release an album, but this time he tried really hard to finish it as soon as he can. I even saw him staying up for a whole week to get his songs done. Please believe me, Ruru-san!" She said with much assurance.

Hiruka remained silenced as he watched the video Yuki showed him. For the first time ever in his life, he was truly at a loss of words. And, for the first time, he realized that there still existed someone who would gone this far for him, unlike any of those whom he had the displeasure to fell for. Jun then pulled out an album titled 'Aoi Sora', which is obviously their newly released album, with the cover showing a person with a long hair in shades of blue, a clear reference to Hiruka himself, and a ticket clipped with a document of sorts, "Tonight is going to be Yuta's first solo concert ever since we debut. This will grant you access to the best seat, and allow you bring along all of your friends and acquaintances free of charge. Me and Yu-chan may not be able to show you wholeheartedly of what he is trying to get to you right now, but I'm sure you will understand when you are there. So please, for the bonds you and he once had, if nothing else..." Jun suddenly bowed while still holding the album and the ticket in front of Hiruka, "...I hope you can come."

"Yes, please come, Ruru-san!" Yuki grinned and went to stood next Jun, then bowed to him herself.

This immediately began to catch the attention of the bywalkers around them. To prevent them from making too much of a scene, Hiruka reluctantly took the ticket and the album from Jun, while shifted his gaze elsewhere, "I... will think about it." He said to them. Yuki clapped her hands in delight and thanked him, and the two of them then took their leaves.

Everything happened so sudden that he doesn't know how to think or feel anymore. Again, for the first time ever, Hiruka was truly put in a stalemate. He couldn't put his mind into his lunch, or his work, as his thoughts now were all about whether he should go or not. Kasumi was quick to notice this, so she allowed him to take his leave early to work it out, thankfully.

When he made it back home, Makoto was surprised to see him got home early. Hiruka then told his brother of all that had happened earlier that day. It is also then that he also confessed of having threatened Yutaro not to show his face in front of him, which he seemed to listen to quite obediently hence why they never run into him during the past three months. He had no opinions about this, since he himself was pushing him away, without questioning whether his heart really meant it to.

"So, should I go?"

"It depends on whether you still decided to trust him or not. I don't think those two were lying. I definitely wouldn't want to see him again if I were you, but after all, only you can decide what to do with your life."

Dusk eventually falls and it was almost time for the concert. Leaving his home, Hiruka didn't dress as showing as usual. Instead, he wore simple clothing tonight, with a hoodie to cover his standoffish hair. He walks silently on the street without bumping into anyone, listening to the music from his headphones. The concert wasn't that far from his apartment, but somehow, the trek there seemed to become so, so long.

In the end, he still decided to go. Although Jun had said that he may tag his friends along, he figured that it's better that he went by himself. Whether it is another big lie or not, Hiruka simply didn't care anymore. He was hurt so much that it pretty much has become dulled by now.

Entering the concert hall, Hiruka sneaked himself past the crowds of eager fans and showed the ticket to the security guard, who personally led him to a viewing balcony the oversees the whole hall and the stage where the band will perform. Though, when he got there, he was caught by surprise once again.

There, he saw that there was a small box placed with a small bouquet of anemone flowers, which he didn't know whether to be merely coincidental or intentional, is also his favorite flower. But what caught his attention right away were two small bracelets braided from woolen threads. He thought they were lost, but didn't realize that Yutaro had been keeping them all along. Caressing the two bracelets in his palm, a smile somehow managed to make its way on Hiruka's lips. When he gazed at all the black-white pictures of them inside his box, he almost felt his heart skipped a beat. A young, girlish boy with long, blue hair smiling innocently and a taller, dark hair boy with a mischievous grin stared back at him. Memories of a once happy time slowly rewound inside his mind, like a video tape.

So, he does remember it all? Hiruka sheepishly thought. A pinch of skepticism is still presented in his heart, yet for a second, he could almost felt as if that night at the club never occurred at all. As if a sleeping warmth is beginning to woke up inside him after a long slumber. But, even now, he still doesn't know for sure of how he should feel, or what he should do.

Suddenly, the familiar spoke up from the stage, which made Hiruka shifted his attention from the memorabilia to the stage below. They haven't seen each other for only three months, yet Hiruka almost felt like it's already been ages. Each of the words that came through the speaker somehow sound... genuine, and quite emotional. He simply didn't know how to react just yet. But one thing he cannot deny, he is feeling hopeful, as if he was yearning for the good time he had just had merely months ago to return.

When the first song began, the auditorium light changed its' shape into some sorts of a 3D presentation, with the characters spelling out 'Meet me there.' Of course, Hiruka knows all too well what is it referring to, but for now, that fades into the back of his mind, as he had already immersed in the melody without realizing it. When Yutaro is already on his third song, Hiruka was surprised when he felt a warm stream of water on his cheek.

He was crying, again.

But this time, it was completely different than three months ago. While all he can felt was agony back then, his heart now is filled with happiness. He was touched, not just because of the songs that depicted the relationship between them so accurately, but also because now he had realized just how wrong he was. He was blinded by his own pain, and he failed from realizing that this very person who is singing passionately down there never truly wanted to give him up.

" is only waiting to give you the best of bests at the right moment."

Kaori's words suddenly boomed inside his head, reminding him that he is no longer too far from earning his well-deserved happiness that he had yearned for all of his life, that all the pain he had gone through will finally be paid off. Very soon.

Yutaro's concert is only half-way from finishing, but Hiruka had finally made up his mind. No matter what happened afterwards, he'll no longer have any regrets. He will truly live a meaningful life, regardless of how will things turn out. But he most certainly cannot deny that, he wanted Yutaro not to disappoint him this time. He placed the memorabilia back to their places, and stepped down from the viewing balcony, hastily made his way to the exit of the concert hall.

This time, instead of heading home, Hiruka took a taxi to the opposite direction, to Yutaro's apartment. As expected when he stepped up to the door, no one was presented at home. He took out a small piece of sticking note paper and written down some words, and stuck it on the door, then left and went back home before anyone could notice.

Tomorrow afternoon. 5:00 PM
I will be waiting there


The afternoon breeze blows softly on the street of the small town. The orange sunshine glazed over the whole town. High school students chatted happily as they walked in groups to hang out after school, or heading back to their home. It has been so many years since Hiruka lived here, and nothing looks the same as they were. But, he can still feel a sense of familiarity, as if he is living his childhood day again.

After finishing with his shift this morning, Hiruka immediately took the latest train to Miyagi prefecture, to the town where the two of them once lived. It was a rather long 4-hour trip, but compared with the span of time he had been waiting until now, it was nothing. He had never returned to this town ever since he moved to Hiroshima with his family, yet he still remembered all the streets and all the places as if it was only yesterday.

Everything had changed drastically. Wooden houses are no longer presented, and are replaced by cement buildings and houses in different blocks. The streets are no longer rocky, but have been rebuilt completely. The old house where he used to live had nothing in resemblance to how he remembered it was. The town has completely changed. Yet, somehow, he has a feeling that that place is still remaining, despite the news he had just heard about it earlier from some of the locals he happened to passed by, and it is waiting for them to see it one last time before becoming a piece of memory.

Navigating his way through the streets, sneaking himself across the small alley, just like how it was when he was small, Hiruka eventually made it to the place where all of his childhood remained. The small treehouse hanging over a gigantic oak tree. The secret hideout that he and Yutaro once used to get away from the world.

"I'm back." He muttered quietly as he gazed up to the house, smiling lightly. Putting his hands into his jacket's pockets, Hiruka quietly closes his eyes. Slowly, he can heard the voices of the two boys from so long ago, chatting happily without a care in the world as they walked up to the treehouse. Now, he will wait for the other half of his memory to show up, but he can be assured now that it shouldn't be too long.

Whether for the better or the worse, Hiruka's life will change for one last time after this meeting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


After the concert, time seemed to flow a little slower, and Yutarou made it a point not to search the crowds leaving the building to try and spot Hiruka. He stayed in the studio late into the night, Yuki passed out on one side with Kou up against the other playing Love Live. Kenta and Jun went home eventually but Yui remained, turning on the reruns of Sailor Moon for them to watch. She said nothing about the concert or about the fact that Yutarou had obviously cried during the show. It couldn't have been too hard to figure out why he'd gotten emotional, he supposed. XX
It was well into the later hours of the night when Yutarou finally fell asleep, and when he awoke the next morning, both Yuki and Kou were curled up halfway onto his lap, fast asleep and clinging to his shirt. He dared not move, wanting the two of them to sleep for as long as possible, and he turned his head to try and read the clock, though the angle prevented it. "It's nine in the morning. You've been asleep since two." Yui answered from behind the couch Yutarou was on, ruffling his hair. XX
"Damn...I still don't feel tired though." Yuta said, staring up at Yui, who was leaning over him. "Well, maybe you're just feeling energized because of the plans you have for today. Speaking of which, the train to your hometown leaves in two hours, so you should probably go eat and take a shower. You smell like sweat." "Oh, screw you." "Eugh, no way. You'd be terrible in bed, I just know it." "Hey!" XX
Carefully nudging Kou and Yuki awake, Yutarou gathered his things and they all headed back home, Yuki falling asleep again halfway there. Yuta put her back to bed when they finally got to the apartment and went to head to the bathroom, stopping in his tracks when he caught notice of Kou's strange expression. "Kou? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. Kou just handed him a piece of paper. "It was on the ground outside when we got home. I think it was on the door but fell off at some point...isn't that what you were hoping to gain? From the concert?" XX
Yutarou read over the contents of the note, and somehow he felt lighter, as if the weight in his chest has diminished. He smiled to himself and ruffled Kou's hair. "Yeah, it is. Thanks for giving me the note, this changes everything!" Leaving his confused little brother behind, Yutarou hurried off to the shower, spending a good half hour cleaning himself up. Afterward, breakfast was waiting for him, Yuki having woken up again and finally fully awake, cheerfully greeting her father as he joined them at the table. "Are you sure you two will be fine here on your own? I don't know how long I'll be gone." Kou shrugs unconvincingly. "We have Yui and Jun next door, and Kenta and Aya two doors down. We'll be alright. Besides, this is what you've been working toward. We aren't gonna let you back out now, it'd be a waste of everyone's hard work." He explains, Yuki agreeing with a nod and bright grin. XX
They don't give him any more time to doubt himself, and ten minutes later, Yutarou is dressed in his most comfortable travel clothes with a picnic lunch packed into his bag, standing in the train station waiting for his particular train to arrive. The station is exceptionally quiet for a weekday, but he doesn't bother contemplating why. His thoughts are scattered and he tries his best to ignore the voice nagging at him, the voice spewing every reason in the world why Hiruka won't be there. The voice tells him it's all a big joke, that Hiruka's only pranking him, that he'll get to their special place and it'll be empty. The voice tells him that perhaps it was Makoto who left the note, and that when he arrives, the threats Makoto spoke that night outside the bar will finally be real. XXX
The shrill mechanical voice of the intercom overhead announces the arrival of the train he's waiting for, breaking through his internal monologue and temporarily banishing the voice from his head. Yutarou steps onto the train and looks around. No one in sight. He isn't surprised- their hometown has never been the biggest, nor the most well-known. He takes a seat next to the window and leans against the glass, letting out a sigh and hoping the doubt leaves with it. Doubt or not, I can't go back now. He thinks as the train pulls out of the station, the scenery outside his window starting to blur. He looks at the clock on his phone. Only four hours to go before he arrives at his destination, not counting the walk through town and any lost time from getting lost. Yutarou sighs again, this time in partial loathing, and the doubt returns. What if it does end up pointless? He re-reads the note. It won't. XX
A couple of other people get on and off the train as it stops at different stations, but by the time the train stops in Yutarou's home town, he's once again the only passenger. As he steps off the train, he almost checks to make sure he's gotten off in the right place, not recognizing the station one bit. When years past it had been nothing more than a concrete platform without even a roof to protect people from the rain and snow, the station is now completely enclosed, a ticket booth now standing off to the side when in the past one would have to go all the way to the police station to get a ticket. The elderly man at the ticket booth welcomes him to the town and Yutarou gives the man a small smile, explaining that he had once lived there as a child. "You'll find this place has changed much since those older days, young man. We may still be peaceful and small, but we are not quite so empty anymore." XXX
Yutarou bids the man goodbye and leaves the station, and immediately realizes that the old man had been right. Nothing is the way he remembers, the traditional-style wood and rice-paper buildings now replaced with modern-style homes, the gravel roads now paved in asphalt, sidewalks appearing where there once had been none. As he walks through town, it only becomes less and less familiar, and as he approaches where his childhood home had once been, he finds that it no longer exists at all, a public garden standing in its place. The truth of it all is jarring, and Yutarou struggles to find where he needs to be when nothing is recognizable. XXX
After getting lost twice and finally getting useful directions from an older couple he vaguely remembers as teachers in his elementary school, Yutarou reaches the edge of the forest, grateful to find that it, unlike the rest of town, hasn't changed one bit. It takes him a bit of effort to find the path, as it has become even more overgrown in over ten years' time, but as he makes his way deeper into the forest, the familiarity he'd been missing returns. The trees and foliage and vegetation look exactly the same as they do in Yutarou's memories, albeit a bit bigger, a bit wider, a bit taller. And when he breaks into the clearing where their tree stands, he has to stop to take in the sight of the treehouse he'd long since left behind. It's still here...and in perfectly good shape, as well. XX
Stuck in his awe of the treehouse itself, Yutarou jolted when his gaze fell upon the base of the tree and he realized he wasn't alone. Blue hair greeted him, now cut short, and Yuta's heart started to pound loudly, as if it were trying to break through his ribcage in some grotesque form of suicide. "Hiru-" He started and then paused, his fingers twitching nervously at his sides. "...Sora...hey." XXX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042c62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


"Hey, hey. Wasn't that the girly Hiruka-chan?"

I was stiffened when the three upperclassmen in Junior High cornered me. The looks on their faces were extremely sinister. I was on my way back from school as usual, and I have purposefully taken the longer route to get home in order to avoid these louts. But looks like today was another unlucky day for me, again. The three of them hated me, everyone around me hates me, just because I have this long hair, and because I didn't look as 'manly' as they are. But I can't simply find a drop of strength to fight them back. I don't think it was right to do so, even if they have treated me wrongly. So I just endure it all. I know I shouldn't, but how could I do otherwise?

As the three of them approached me, I turned my back and run, but they were faster and stronger than me, so it was not long until the caught up with me. "What happened? We just wanted to chat as usual, why are you running?" The tallest one of them smirked as they circled around me, like how they always did anytime they wanted to pick on me.

"P-Please, I... I don't have any... money on me today. Please let me go..." I stuttered, trying my best to hold back my tears. I felt so hopeless, I wanted to cry, but crying is bad. I cannot do it, no matter what. It's the least of things I can do.

"Tch. Always that whiny voice. Man up for once, will ya?" One of them push me from behind, which made me stumbled on my feet and I fell on my knees. My whole body is covered in dirt and my feet were aching a lot from the impact with the ground. The tallest one lowered himself and looked down on me with a smug gaze on his face, as if I'm sorts of inferior insects. "Poor, poor Hiruka-chan. Cannot even stand up and fight for himself for once. We're giving you golden lessons of how to be a perfect man here, so listen up carefully."

Then suddenly, the other two from behind grabbed me by the arms and held me up. The tallest then proceeded to grab the tail of my hair and pulled up violently. It was so painful, and I felt as if my head is actually going to be plucked off. I couldn't hold off anymore as I began crying, while begging them to let me go, but not in a million years would they ever listen to me.

The guy smirked vilely again, "Tsk tsk. I'll let you off when I feel like it. And actually, I think I should give you a makeover to help you man up a bit. I'm that generous. What else could you possibly ask?" He then pulled out a pair of scissors. My eyes widened in shock as I realized immediately what he was about to do. "Short hair will fit you perfectly, don't you agree?"

I tried to pulled out from it, but again, they were gripping me so hard that I could barely move. As the guy grabbing my hair was moving the scissors closer and closer to my hair and was about to cut it, I closed my eyes tightly, prepared myself for the worse.

But miraculously, what I expected to happen didn't come. Instead, I was taken aback when I heard a loud thud, and upon opening my eyes, the tall guy was hit hard in his face by a soccer ball. The impact was so strong that he fell lying with his face on the ground. The other two guys were surprised at what happened too, and we all turned to where the ball came from.

Apparently, it was kicked by another black hair boy, who looks a bit older than me. "Oi, oi. Who the hell are you? What's with the attitude-" Before the bully could finish his sentence, he was punched hard in the face by the boy. And a rather intense fight broke out between the four of them. The strange boy was surprisingly strong, though he struggled a bit against the trio since he was outnumbered. But in the end, they three bullies faced their defeat as they retreated, looking more miserable than ever while threatening the boy that just saved me that they will get back on him.

The boy then walked to me, grinning proudly, even though there were bruises everywhere on his body, his lips were bloodied and his left eye just became violet. He helped me to stand up and asked me if I were okay. I thanked him, while patching him up a bit with a bandage I happened to have in my bag. He told me his name was Nanase Yutaro, and I told him mine, in which he quickly nicknamed me 'Sora', while I called him 'Yucchi'. He then picked up his ball, ruffled my hair and told me to be careful on my way back before we bid farewell to each other. As he walked away, he turned his back and waved to me, telling me that we will meet again, with his confident grin ever presented on his face.

Watching as he disappeared into the sun set, I don't think I have ever smiled brighter in my life. That sole moment, I know for sure that we were fated to meet, and become closest of friends.

The memory of the meeting that had changed his life forever rewound in his mind in a flash, reminding him of how much they were meant to be for each other, to make up for what the other lacks, and how they will always remain connected despite how far away they are separated. Somehow, it all became so clear to him. That despite the fact that he had been through the hands of who knows how many guys now, his mind will always be there for that person only. It felt as if time had never passed, and they are still the young boys they once were in the past.

And the person eventually turned up, calling out the nickname he had always adorned. Hiruka continued gazing up at the treehouse while Yutaro approached him, "Do you still remember when we first met?" He said in a calm tone, "I was a such a damsel in distress back then, and you were almost like a prince walked out from fairy tales. But looking at us now, it's hard to believe how much we have changed, huh? If I have a time machine, I would definitely go back and give myself smacks on the head for being such a sissy."

Hiruka then walked to the ladder leads up to the treehouse, "Shall we? I hope it's strong enough to hold two adults like us." He said and then climbed up into the house. Looking around, he saw that nothing had changed since the last time they met hear so many years ago. This was used to be the storage where they kept all sorts of things that were precious treasures to them, but when they left, they have split up all of those stuffs between them, so there were pretty much nothing left. But for Hiruka, it all felt like it was only yesterday when the sudden news that they have to live separately at the two polars of the country came, and they were making that pinky promise together. "This really makes me feel like a kid again." Hiruka stretched his arms, though with his current height, he couldn't properly did it, and sat down on the wooden platform, "You still remember what we promised when we sat at this very spot? Can't believe it actually took us a few check-ups to realize each other. I thought I'd realize that sneaky look on you everywhere." Hiruka laughed.

And so, they spent time reminiscing over all the memories that they once shared together. Hiruka chatted so casually that it was almost as if what had happened three months ago didn't occur at all. He remembers clearly why he is here, but he just wanted to enjoy the moment for now. Dusk was quickly falling, and when they have gone through all there are to remember of what they have been in the past, they exited the house.

"We've just barely made it in time to see it one last time." Hiruka said while gazing up at the treehouse as his heart is filled with unspeakable emotions, "I heard that they are going to cut down all trees in this forest, including this oak to make room for building a factory or something soon. Lucky that we're both here to say goodbye to it before it truly become a piece of our hearts, huh?"

The two of them went silent for a rather awkward duration. When Hiruka finished collecting his thoughts, he had come to his final decision. What he is about to ask Yutaro will probably change both of their lives once again, but no matter how things turn out after this, Hiruka no longer had any regrets. His heart is finally at peace, and he will no longer be troubled over any obstacles that stand on his way again.

"Yucchi, no, Yutaro-san." He spoke up to break the silence between them, then turned and gazed straight into Yutaro's eyes, more determined than ever, "I may have been a little rushed in my judgement due to my bad lucks, but you have proven that I was wrong. But you must know that, I don't want to place my life in the hands of a guy who is still indecisive and cannot yet figure out his feelings and what I meant to him. And I most certainly cannot rely on someone who couldn't give me a feeling of assurance and would turn his back on me on impulses. I'm sure you are well-aware of that?"

He then paused for a moment to let his words sink in, before continuing with his demand, "I will give you three days. Clear your mind, sort out any feelings that you are uncertain, cast away all doubts and think long and hard about your answer. What do you want us to become? Will you promise that you will be with me no matter what? If you don't think that it's possible for us to move any further, we may continue to be friends. If you say 'yes', then we will take it slowly, one step at a time."

Hiruka then turned his back and began to walk away, before halting and turned his head to look at Yutaro one more time, but with a serious and intimidating look in his eyes, "And if you dare to go back on me again, I will personally carry out what my brother threatened you before, but only ten time worse. So make sure you think real hard about it. See you again, Yutaro-san." And with that said, he walked away without looking back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


That morning, Yutarou had thought that seeing Hiruka walk away would be the end of everything. He'd thought that if he'd had to see Hiruka's back to him, that it was all for naught, that it was all over. That it would be just as painful as having been the one to walk away in the first place. Instead of fear, however, there is a sense of complete surety in everything that had gone on in the last 24 hours - he now knows exactly what it is he wants: to be by Hiruka's side, the way he couldn't be when Hiruka had needed him. The way he should've been for so many years. XX
He can bring himself to say he regrets moving away. After all, he wouldn't have met Hana, or made the friends he has now, or had Yuki. But he does regret that he couldn't be there for his friend, that he couldn't have protected him or kissed away his wounds and talked late into the night to distract from the pain of reality. He regrets that night at the club, regrets that he'd ever doubted himself or Hiruka, that he'd ever hesitated to give in to his heart and simply go with the flow of life. XX
He regrets many things, yet it is not regret or fear that spur his impulsive actions, the hand shooting out to grab Hiruka's hand - it's determination, whole-hearted, undeniable, inexplicable determination not to hesitate to ask for what he wants. XX
"I don't need three days to think it over." Yuta says, fingers curling loosely around Hiruka's. "I don't want to put any more doubt in my head. Ever since Hana died, I've hesitated to ask for anything. Yuki always came first, my friends always came first, Kou always came first. My own needs were always last because it's my job to make sure the people around me are happy." His gaze shifts from the forest floor to a flowering bush off to the side, and back to where his fingers are laced with Hiruka's, his hand holding just a bit tighter as if that connection were a lifeline. XX
"I don't want to play the victim card and act selfish. I don't want people to try and please me just because I lost someone I love. There are plenty of people who have lost so much more than I have. But..." Finally looking up at Hiruka, Yutarou meets his friend's gaze unflinchingly. "But, just this once, I want like to be selfish. I want to ask for what I want, even if I still might not deserve it. Even if I don't have a proper family to share with you. Even if...even if I still love Hana, deep down. Even if I know that I'll never stop loving her." Yutarou doesn't break eye contact despite the sheepish look in his eyes and the quieter tone of his voice. "I know now that I'm in love with you, and that it's a real love, not just me substituting you for someone I miss. I know that no matter what, I don't ever want to hurt you again, and I don't want you to ever feel alone again." XX
"And...I don't want to feel alone either." A gust of wind flies through the clearing, causing the trees to sway and leaves to float down from the canopy above. "I know it's stupid to say I've been alone, because I really haven't. Having good friends and a loving daughter is more than I should ask for.'s different from having someone you can hold at night, or cry to when it all gets to be too much. It's different from having someone to wake up to and realize that no matter what weird shit happens in life, they aren't going anywhere." Yutarou says, reaching over to take Hiruka's other hand in his, gaze once again returning to the ground. XX
Don't you dare hesitate! He scolds himself, taking a deep breath. "That said..." Inhale, exhale. "Will you be my boyfriend, Sora?" XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042c62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


When Hiruka walked away, although he remained calm on the outside, part of him had hoped that Yutaro will actually stop him, and say the words he wanted to hear for so, so long, but a larger part of him had anticipated that he will just let him go, like the night back in the club. He know he shouldn't feel that way after what Yutaro had gone through to show him his genuity. But his long, painful past up until this moment is still there. It'd probably take him a long time before he can actually let go of his skepticism for any forms of affection. Sometimes he wondered if the stubborn one is him.

But thankfully, the latter scenario didn't happen. He almost let out a sigh of relief the moment he felt the familiar warmth wrapped around his own hand, refusing to let him just walk away like that. He hasn't turned his back to face with Yutaro just yet, but when he began to speak up his true feelings, a smile managed to made its' way onto Hiruka's lips. Each of those words made his heart jump with delight, and they are more than what he could have ever expected to hear. He was happy to hear them, and he would sacrifice anything it takes just for this moment could last forever. He had been tormented by the cruelty of life for so long, yet for a second, now it almost felt as if all pain worth it the end.

And when Yutaro brought the question up, Hiruka unexpectedly turned his back to face the person of his dreams and pressed his lips onto Yutaro's. This probably would have taken the guy by surprise, but it seemed that unlike the last time they did so, he wasn't being turned back on. Broke away from the kiss, Hiruka rested his chin over Yutaro's shoulder, his expressions looking more peaceful than ever. "It took nearly two decades for you to finally said it, don't you think you've left me hanging for a bit too long?" He murmured, "Even if the world ends tomorrow, know that I will keep your words all intact, and I won't forgive you if you ever go back on them."

The two of them stood there, embracing each other for who knows how long, until it gets darker. They needed to get out of there before they started wandering about in the forest. Back in town, Hiruka leads Yutaro to the ramen shop the two of them used to hang out all the time. The previous owner is now retired, and his son has taken over. The guy didn't recognize both of them though. Sitting while enjoying their hot, steamy dinner, Hiruka happily recounted what he had been doing during the past three months, and how he came up with the decision to cut his hair. It was a tough one, but he doesn't regret it.

It was already late to catch a train back to Tokyo, so Hiruka decided that it was best they stay here for the night. So, they rented out a room in the nearby motel. Two of them, alone in a room, none of their friends around to bother them. This certainly seemed like an opportunity Hiruka would be a fool to pass. But he still remembers that he said they can take things nice and slow. However, it wouldn't hurt joking around for a bit, after all. Or else his 'reputation' as a sex fiend will be terribly ruined.

"Woah, I'm beat." Hiruka purposefully stumbled on Yutaro the moment they approached the bed in the middle of the room, and now he is resting his body against Yutaro's torso. He took off his jacket and dropped on the floor in a rather seducing manner, "We sure went through a lot today, huh?"

Without wasting any time, Hiruka then began to crawled over his now boyfriend and smirked, "Even though I said we're going to take one step at a time, I think perhaps we didn't need to go through all the bothersome stages anymore." Hiruka said in a lower, more seducing tone than usual, while trailing his index finger all over Yutaro's face and well-toned body jokingly. He is really pulling out all the tricks he had gained that had caused countless of men to surrender to him. "You know, I had sweet taste for men who are truthful with their feelings. You have finally be honest with me, and with yourself. I couldn't say how much I appreciated it. So, to give you a better overview of what I meant to say..." Hiruka leaned his face dangerously closer to Yutaro, "...why don't you just use my body to find out?"

Of course, all of it until now was just a joke. But depending on how Yutaro reacts from now, Hiruka wouldn't sure if he's just going to keep it that way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by
xxxxiiiixxxx THE MUSICIAN

xxxxiiiiixxâ–ē Sakura Mitsutsuki : Spyair ◄

xxxxiiiiixxxx 「#EE1D24 」 x 「#F16522 」


Yutarou is caught off guard by lips meeting his own, but he melts into the kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around Hiruka's waist and thinking to himself that this is all he'd really wanted- the warmth that comes from holding someone close, the pressure of a kiss and the sensation of soft blue hair brushing against his cheeks. When they part, his lips are flushed pink, and he buries his face in the crook of his lover's neck, recognizing the potent smells of tree bark and pollen and hair dye. XX
"It took nearly two decades for you to finally said it, don't you think you've left me hanging for a bit too long?" Yutarou nods, apologizing against Hiruka's soft skin. X
"Even if the world ends tomorrow, know that I will keep your words all intact, and I won't forgive you if you ever go back on them." Yuta laughs quietly, pulling back to meet Hiruka's gaze once again. "I wouldn't expect anything else, dearest Sora." XX
The sun sets below the trees, and Yutarou doesn't let go of Hiruka, afraid that if he does, the moment will disappear along with the heat of their linked hands. As the day grows darker, they leave the forest, bidding a final farewell to their tree house that will no longer exist in but a month's time. Making their way through the place of their childhood, Yutarou points out different things that are still the same: old mailboxes and faded road signs, gardens in front of houses and toys stuck on roofs. There are pieces of the place they remember, if most of it is gone. XX
Yutarou is overjoyed to find that the ramen shop he and Hiruka had loved dearly as kids is still standing, exactly the same as it was with the faded noren and wood with pieces stripped away by the elements. As it turns out, the man who had once been the owner has now retired, and his son - someone Yuta vaguely recognizes - has taken over. The ramen tastes only slightly different from what he remembers, but he can't be surprised. No two people can cook something the exact same way. XX
Yuta listens intently as Hiruka enlightens him of everything he'd missed in the three months of their separation. Seeing his lover with short hair was unexpected and a bit odd, considering long hair had always been a particular trademark of Hiruka's, but Yutarou adoring it nonetheless, enjoying how much fluffier it is now compared to when it had been long. Yutarou pushes back the guilt in the back of his mind. They've spent too much time in sadness; now is a time to simply revel in the moment they're having. XX
He isn't surprised when they miss the train- in a way, he could swear they'd missed it on purpose. He didn't want to go home, didn't want to have to part from Hiruka, didn't want to have to deal with his friends and their endless questions. He didn't mind a night in a hotel. As long as Hiruka was there by his side, he'd be happy sleeping on the forest floor among the leaves and chilly evening breezes. As long as Hiruka was there, he'd be willing to go just about anywhere, if only for the entertainment of adventure. XX
"Woah, I'm beat. We sure went through a lot today, huh?" Yutarou nods in agreement, face flushing at Hiruka's approach. He tries to ignore what that smirk is doing to his insides. "Even though I said we're going to take one step at a time, I think perhaps we didn't need to go through all the bothersome stages anymore." Blue strands of hair tickle Yuta's cheeks and send shivers down his spine, his thoughts blanking into silence as Hiruka's gaze meets his own, eyes half-lidded and almost chocolate brown in the dim lighting of the room. "...why don't you just use my body to find out?" Yutarou says nothing, cupping Hiruka's face and bringing their lips together, soft and slow. His hands trail over exposed skin, stopping at his lover's waist, fingers pressing at sensitive spots. XX
After a few minutes, Yutarou pulls back just enough for their eyes to meet. "I do want to be with you, but...I've never been with a man. I don't know how to make love to you properly, might have to lead, for now. I don't want to accidentally hurt you." XX


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by chrian.


⌈ When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. ⌋
【 The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK 】

【 Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042c62 】

【 Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


Hiruka was a bit surprised at Yutaro's reactions to his joking attitudes, but apparently, he seemed to be more 'honest' than what he had anticipated. Hiruka didn't want to force his lover into doing things that he isn't comfortable with just yet, but if he just let such a good opportunity to do naughty things like this to slip then he would regret it for the rest of his life. Thankfully, everything up until now have all turned out so well for both of them, even this. "You're more honest than I thought, aren't you?" Still sitting on Yutaro's lap, Hiruka took off his shirt within seconds, his seductive smirk and gaze still focused entirely on Yutaro, "You have a lot to learn, indeed, but now the wait it's over. We have all the time we need, so let me show you all, one thing at a time, shall we?"

It was a long night for both of them, in a literal sense. Far too long have they been separated from each other, and now, when their bodies' heat collided once more, Hiruka just kept clinging to it again and again. Of course, the previous night wouldn't even make it to 'top of the list' since, as expected from someone who had been refraining himself from getting laid with another human being for so long, Yutaro was comparable to that of a log when it comes to experience on bed. But one thing Hiruka could be certain, is that different from all the times he slept with a random guy before, he is truly happy, because he is now wholly connected with the person whom he had waited his whole life to be with, both in bodies and souls. It was something he would be willing to give up everything he had to trade for.

Morning soon approaches as the light peaked through the thin veiled of the motel room onto the bed where they laid on. Hiruka had been awoken for a while, but he just lay and watch Yutaro's peaceful sleeping face, with the blanket covered their bodies after the wild night they just had. It has been so, so long since the last time he was lying with someone else without leaving first. "Morning, sleepy head." He grinned when he saw Yutaro began to stir as their eyes met, "I'm actually curious as of how your friends would react if they ever see us like this." He said jokingly and laughed, without a care in his eyes.

After cleaning themselves up, Hiruka packed up his belongings and they both headed to the station where they took the newly arrived train back to Tokyo, with their hands still entwined on the entire walk. As the train began to speed up and headed towards the direction of Tokyo, with no fear of other passengers might be watching them, Hiruka peacefully rested his head against Yutaro's shoulder, his hand still held tightly to that of his lover, and slept peacefully throughout the whole journey.

He doesn't care what may happen tomorrow, or any days from then on anymore. In this very moment, he is living the happiest moments of his life, and that is all that matter. It will take a long time for his wounded heart to heal, but he knows the person sitting next to him will never let him get hurt again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki
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#, as written by



As the train continues on, rolling and clanking with that oh-so-familiar sway, two men sit together, gentle fingers trailing over soft skin and content smiles stretching over tired faces. They don't know what is to come in the future, except that they will always be at each other's side, no matter the circumstance. Should peace come to an end and the world dissolve into chaos, they will remain each other's rock, their way of grounding to this world full of possibility and unknown adventure. As the train continues on toward their homes and the families they treasure, time seems to stop, and there is only them, huddled close and taking in the moment, a light sheet of rain falling outside despite the sun shining through the clouds. There is only them, and the possibilities of tomorrow. XX