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Vampire Knights

Cross Academy


a part of Vampire Knights, by Stellabellum.


Stellabellum holds sovereignty over Cross Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Cross Academy is a part of Vampire Knights.

12 Characters Here

Lillac Zaneatha [0] 'Maybe, Maybe The Sun Really Does Rise In The West! That Would Mean We're Wrong.'
Dillyn Graey [0] 'What I Want To Know Is, Why Was She There Anyways?'
Naoto Kasuga [0] "oh my gosh I am sooo sorry I am such a clutz"
Shade Guiran [0] "Every light has a shadow... and I guess im yours."
Jet Fischer [0] "BURN, BABY, BURNNNN!"
James Witherhint [0] "I like just climbing thiings really. The ground sucks"
Yuukiko Shiori Soseki [0] An aristocrat.
Mina Valentine [0] A mysterious pureblood vampire.

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"Oooo look what I made!"
October looked at the Chairman with mild interest at his new dinner delight. She rolled her eyes as he hopped over to her in his usual manner and placed it before her. Despite her first thoughts, it did have a wonderful smell to it. After a moment she smiled, said a quick prayer, and dug into the food. She was ravenous, completely hungry after her lack of sleep the night before.
Today had been the first day of school, and at the moment she was missing the supper that they were serving so she could spend it with the Chairman. He of course was happily chattering away about how good of a daughter he was. With a satsified sigh she took up her plate and placed it in the sink.
"I've got to go help keep the Day class away from the Night class as they head to their classes. I'll see you later tonight," she said with a yawn and pulled her Perfect sleeve up over her uniform.
"Daddy loves you!!" the Chairman responded, pulling her into an overwhelming hug. Once the air-depriving embrace ended she headed out of the room and down the street towards the gate, head held high as girls and boys alike raced to see the night class on their nightly journey. October let out a sigh, hoping Jay would be there to help her keep them away.

[ooc: I don't expect any posts longer than this, though if you want go ahead and make yourself happy :P]


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Jay was nowhere to be found around the gates. Instead he was taking a nap under the tree near the stables. He turned over in his sleep, and finally opened one eye as he heard noises not too far away. He already had his Perfect sleeve up, but it was just that he wasnt doing his job at the moment. Jay sat up, letting his back lean against the tree before finally getting up. He didnt like the idea of having to see a bunch of vampires, but the chairman insisted him on taking the job as a perfect since he knew about vampires. "Damn that idiot.." he mumbled referring the idiot to the chairman. As he started to get closer to the gate, the screaming got louder. He gritted his teeth, at the thought of having to deal with this everyday.

[not as long as yours but hope this is fine.]


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Dillyn began to pack up his things as he looked out of the window located to his left. He knew that as soon as dinner ended that he was going to have to fight his way through a throng of girl's and even some boys to get back to his dorm. It bothered him a little that everyone in the school seemed so obsessed with the Night Class; not that he was any different. Dillyn felt he had a reason to be though, that girl, Anah, he knew her from somewhere. Whenever he saw her it dredged up the memories of the French speaking girl from the woods near his home. He had to find out, he had to know.
He slung his bag onto his shoulder and pushed up his glasses as he headed for the door quickly as to get ahead of all the screaming girls he knew would be fighting to get to the gates before they showed up. As he walked out the doors onto the lawn he looked over at the gates that seperated the Day Class from the Night Class. His steps paused and he nodded to himself and began to make his way over; heading for the trees farther away from the gate rather than right against the path. It would give him a better shot at meeting her gaze and building up more resolve that she had been the girl from his memory; that she was, no matter how cliche, his first crush. Rouge spread over his cheeks as he thought about it. He stopped a ways away from where the rest of the school gathered and waited.


Miquelle yawned and covered his mouth with a hand. He'd been rudely woken up by his alarm clock and as punishment he'd smashed it to peices with his fist, a punishment he knew it didn't deserve but had given out anyway. "Neh, Anah, you think that guy you know will be there?" he asked looked down at the raven-haired, emerald-eyed girl next to him. Her silence unnerved him slightly but he was used to it after years of knowing her; he had been one of the first to start comforting her. Running a hand through his hair he smiled and jumped ahead a little and stood before her with a fake sterness on his face. He wanted an answer and he was going to get one whether she wanted to give on or not. It bothered him that she wasn't making eye contact with him and hadn't since they'd been gathered to pass through the gates like every other day. A sigh passed through his lips and he gave up, returning to his spot next to her.


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((Sorry, it doubled my post.))


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"Jay, thank goodness," October called, sounding strained against the pushing crowds. "Would you mind getting the other side?" She gritted her teeth, pushing the screaming Day students away from the pathay. "Move it already!" she yelled, blocking the way with her body. The doors would be opening any minute and the cheers would only grow in size and strength. Why did they think the vampires were so interesting? They were just vampires, monsters in human bodies.

The girl frowned as a small boy stepped out of line, roughly grabbing him arm and pushing him back without reluctance. Jay sure looks annoyed about something, she thought while sighing once more. "What's your problem, have you ever heard of a line?" she asked as three girls pushed themselves past her. Bristling at her they moved back so they were off the pathway.


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#, as written by zody
James looked down below him, wondering why the Day students were so excited. He was sitting in a tree, watching the day go by without a thought of sadness. He dropped the flower he was playing with accidentally, and the wind swept it so it landed next to October. James leaned over to grab it, but then realised where it was going.



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#, as written by zody
James looked down below him, wondering why the Day students were so excited. He was sitting in a tree, watching the day go by without a thought of sadness. He dropped the flower he was playing with accidentally, and the wind swept it so it landed next to October. James leaned over to grab it, but then realised where it was going.



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#, as written by zody
James looked down below him, wondering why the Day students were so excited. He was sitting in a tree, watching the day go by without a thought of sadness. He dropped the flower he was playing with accidentally, and the wind swept it so it landed next to October. James leaned over to grab it, but then realised where it was going.



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#, as written by zody
(OOC: Sorry guys, damn thing made me post it 3 times.)


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Jay sighed. He walked past October, and headed over to the other side. He leaned against the gate walls, glaring at the day class students. Most of them got quiet and stopped what they were doing. Why did he have to do this anyways? He crossed his arms and stared down at his feet. Heck he really didnt care what the day class were trying to do. If he was lucky, they might actually topple over the night class. Jay shook his head at his little crazy thought and continued to keep his eyes on the group of day class students.


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Anah's eyes cut up to look at Miquelle's face before she went back to looking right ahead. She knew for a fact that he'd be there; there was no way he could resist going. Just like him she wanted to find out if he had been that boy, the one who'd been the first after her parents had died. In her eyes he was the most important human being in the world; but she didn't like him nor have any sort of romantic feelings for him. She just knew that he had to live because she cared enough to give him that. "I know he'll be there," she stated blankly.

She fought a yawn that had been building in her chest for while and let out instead a deep sigh. She'd forced herself to stay up much longer than she had to working on something that she knew would solve the problem once and for all; a thing she wanted no one to know about. Anah yawned again; this time letting it happen before leaning onto Miquelle's arm and walking with as she let her emerald eyes shut. It was at times like these that she loved having someone to lean on, even though she hated being dependent on other people. "He'll be there."


Her eyes swept the grounds and she sighed sadly as she shook her head. If only they knew exactly what the people they were crying to see really were, then they would know to be somewhat cautious of them. Lillac was cautious of them but she still found them fascinating and wonderful and she wanted to know much more about them. She would find out her own way, she wouldn't become one of those mindless drones who pushed and shoved to find who they were looking for.

She turned away from the scene and began to walk towards the large fountain that rested in the center of the courtyard. It was place that filled her with peace and she loved the calmness of the water. She loved water in general; she'd been born in it after all. Humming as she walked she began to skip as she made her way to her destination; ignoring the looks people were giving her as they passed by her to go to the gates. It made Lillac a little sick to see people so wrapped up around other people's lives.


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#, as written by zody
(OOC: Sorry guys, damn thing made me post it 3 times.)


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As the gates began to open a small flower caught October's attention. She looked down at it, the squeels of the Day students almost inaudible. Her gaze flickered up to gaze at the vampire who had dropped it. She almost managed to open her mouth and say something when the students roared and pushed against her to get through. "Dammit, give it a rest!" she yelled over them, teeth gritting once more. Her eyes once more flickered to Jay. What was his problem? Now that both he and the students were on her nerves October was growing impatient. From over her shoulder she wanted the night class file by, smiling and waving at their fans with pleasure.


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Mina Valentine sat with her back against the trunk of a tree; a leaf drifting in front of her serenely, held up only by the power of her mind. And then, suddenly, it shifted, and was no longer a leaf, but a small sphere of beautiful green emerald. And then, with another thought, that sphere of emerald became dust; it dispersed in the wind. She gave a sigh of boredom. Most vampires right now would be swamped by the Day Students, so eager to meet the 'exotic' 'interesting' vampires. But even the Day Class knew which vampire to leave alone; the one that few people heard speak, the 'mysterious' vampire, as some called Mina. It did not, however, annoy her; if it kept people she did not want away from her, then it was well worth being left alone by everyone else.

A single blade of grass uprooted itself from the ground and slowly drifted up, before Mina's eyes. She gave another sigh and glanced around, but her bag, full of books, was not there; foolishly she had left it in her dorm. So now she was left with nothing to do but use her power and reflect on the past. Never a fun thing to do.


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[sorry for not posting. RPG is keeping closing down on me.]

Jay sighed. He walked past October, and headed over to the other side. He leaned against the gate walls, glaring at the day class students. Most of them got quiet and stopped what they were doing. Why did he have to do this anyways? He crossed his arms and stared down at his feet. Heck he really didnt care what the day class were trying to do. If he was lucky, they might actually topple over the night class. Jay shook his head at his little crazy thought and continued to keep his eyes on the group of day class students.

His eyes narrowed as the gate opened and the night class started to file out. He turned away and started to walk away from the vampires. His job here was done anyways.


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As the vampires walked past and continued onwards, the Day class began to flee to their dorms. October stood, looking around for Jay. She spotted the tail of his uniform and instinctively followed. "Hey, what's up?" she asked as she caught up with him, the flower limply held in her grasp. He looked different, angry, annoyed.

"You ok? If it helps I'll do the rounds for tonight and you can go sleep..." She skipped alogn beside him, grasping her hands behind her back, lost in thought. Why had James dropped the flower? October shook it off and smiled at him, awaiting an answer. She rubbed her neck in boredom, wanting the night to continue on quickly.

[ooc: ik -_- same here, don't worry about it.


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Jay looked over at October. "Nothing.." he mumbled before stuffing his hands in his pocket. He shook his head when she said she would take over the night shift. "Try not to get near those vampires..." he said, without looking at her. "They're not safe to be around." he added. With a small sigh, Jay got one of his hands out of his pocket and placed it on top of her head. "And try to be careful..."


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He sighed as he watched the squeeling girls and felt the sudden urge to just turn around and leave. It wasn't worth standing there if he was going to have to have his eardrums pushed to the limit non-stop until the Night Class finally filed pass. Dillyn did just that, he left his place and started to head for his dorm. His longing to know wanted to keep him there but the physical pain was too much for him to bear anymore; he was only human.
Dillyn's steps paused as he noticed one of the Night Cass girls he knew as Mina Valentine sitting under a tree by herself. He vaguely wondered if they ever got lonely before shaking his head and continuing on his way. Of course they got lonely, everyone got lonely once in a while; it wouldn't be natural if they didn't. All he really wanted to do suddenly was go back to his room and read silently to himself while working hard on the homework he'd gotten and forgetting about the problem that always sat on his mind.


The vampire kept his eyes off the fleeing girls and kept them on the friend leaning on his arm. It pleased him to see her happy and comfortable when he knew she wasn't most of the time. A thought hit him and he looked around for a moment until it was obvious what he was looking for wasn't there. "He's not here. You were wrong," he muttered before wrapping an arm around her thin torso and pulling her close. Miquelle always felt oddly protective of her when she let herself be weak and submissive to herself since she was usually so strong and alert.
He ran a hand through his silver and blue hair before pausing and looking over at Mina, the vampiress he knew would never accept anyone. "You staying out here or are you going to come to class?" he called out to her with anything but curiosity. Miquelle always put his best effort into making friends but when he knew it wouldn't happen the hope dwindled a little and left him with nothing more than a dull hope that one day he would finally make friends with the people who seemed impossible. A smile pulled at his lips at the thought of how hard it had been to make friends with the girl practically sleeping next to him; it had been one good challenge.


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She tilted her head as she spoke, mildly interesting. When he mentioned the vampires she frowned. "I'm not afraid of a vampire, Jay, I'm a Perfect." October's cheeks puffed out as he placed a hand on her head and she shook it off childishly. "I'm careful!" she huffed, poking him multiple times in the side. "Meet you on the roof when we're done?" The Perfect smiled at him cheesily before stuffing her hands in her pockets and turning towards her half of the school to patrol.

Her walking stopped as she reached the edge of the grass. Her eyes scanned the area warily, seeing many lights turn off as girls and boys went to sleep. October sighed and pushed herself onwards, wondering what the night had in store for her.


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For a moment, Mina seemed as if she was ignoring Miquelle; really, it was the surprise that anyone would be talking to her, so for a moment, she assumed it was someone else he was talking to. After that moment, though, she glanced up and saw that he was looking at her. Strange, she thought. She had never spoken with this younger vampire before, and she certainly had never outwardly shown any interest in doing so. So why, she wondered, was he suddenly speaking to her? All he did was ask you if you were coming to class, no need to overthink it. she thought to herself, a bit irritated with herself for overthinking such a trivial thing.

She slowly stood up from the grass, and glanced up at the sky. It was about time the classes began; it felt to her like ages that she had been waiting for it to start. She walked by Miquelle, and then turned and said, "Thanks." And then she continued on her way. As she walked she noticed, not far away, one of the prefects; had Mina been a human (which she never had been) she would have been unable to make out exactly who it was, but as a pureblood vampire she could tell it was the one named 'October Tuesday'.


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Jay watched her walk of before shaking his head. "Sure you are.." he said to himself before walking his own path. He was just in time to spot two girls trying to sneak out. "Where do you think you're going?" he said coldly at the two. The girls jumped in surprised and looked over at him. They were probably thinking why Jay had to be the one to catch them.

"Uh... nothing!" they both said at the same time. Jay kept an eye on the two until they went into their dorms. From the window, he can see the lights turn off. He scratched the back of his head. This was such a pain. Having to deal with all these day class students, and not to mention the bunch of vampires he had to face every now and then. Besides there were other perfects here. There really was no point in him having to be one too.

With one hand in his pocket and the other hanging loose on his side, he started to head up to the roof.


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#, as written by Kagerou
(Gah! I wanted to post earlier, but RPG went down..-.-)

As she went to class, Yuukiko was glad she didn't really have any fans. It made things easier on her. She walked, by herself, right behind two purebloods. She didn't listen in on their conversation, that would be rude and Yuukiko didn't want the vampire's attention. She just wanted to get to class.

Up ahead, however, was October Tuesday. Yuukiko didn't acknowledge the human, she never did. The girl sighed, a bit loud for her ears, but to others it would be nearly silent.


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A bored feeling came over her and she wondered why Miquelle was even bothering to try and win over everyone; it had to be tiresome she knew. Yet at the same time she felt a little disappointed that the one human she actually cared about had not bothered to show up. She didn't let it bother her and instead snuggled herself closer to the warmth that Miquelle was giving off by the half embrace he had around her body. It comforted her and she felt surprisingly safe even though she was half dead on her feet and had her eyes shut to the world. She felt like she could stand there all night and just relax.

Bile splashed up into her throat as she felt the presence of Mina Valentine pass by with nothing more than a thanks to her best friend. She had known that Mina had been thinking way to into it and she wanted to yell that Miquelle had just been trying to be nice; but she knew it was a wasted effort and decided not to waste energy on it. "Mon petit, est-que vous allez?" she questioned in French as she opened her eyes partly and looked up at the man beside her.


Lillac sat down on the edge of the fountain and swung her legs as she hummed to herself carelessly. She was letting her mind wander to different things and for a brief moment she began to question how the Sun and Earth battled gravities. It was entertaining to her; questioning laws that had been set into the populations mind as if they had been imprinted on stone. She would not be one such person to swallow everything science shoved down her throat. For one they had said that no other beings like humans lived on Earth, they had been wrong.

The Night Class were very much like humans, only much more powerful and much wiser. She knew what they were; Lillac knew very well what made the Night Class taboo to people at night. Her blue eyes opened as she looked up into the night sky with a smile. Vampires were to be cautioned. A very sly smile pulled at her lips as she waited for a prefect or even better for her, a vampire to show up and question what she was doing. It would be simple to answer. "I'm doing nothing of any good," she said as if practicing.


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October stopped. She could feel a pair of eyes on her, though she wasn't sure from which direction or to whom they belonged. Her own set of eyes narrowed and she turned fully around to find the user, but she couldn't spot them. Shrugging it off for the time she continued, noticing Yuukiko making her way to her classes. The perfect waves at her slightly but otherwise didn't appear to notice her. She knew her blood was the most prominant of the school's, yet why that was she wasn't sure. Already she had been attacked by two vampires, both of which had been level E; of course they hadn't managed to touch her but she was still a little freaked out from the experience.

With a sigh on her lips she continued her rounds. A few Day students rushed past her towards there dorms, causing her to trip and fall. October growled, picking herself up and ignoring the scrapes on her knees. Carelessly she wiped off the blood and continued onwards towards the roof where she had promissed to meet Jay. Her thoughts fell to him again. What was up? Why was he so upset? She began up the staircase to it, lost in thought as she went.


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Jay was waiting at the roof already. He peered down, keeping an eye out for any of the day class who had managed to slip pass him. Though that was highly not possible knowing that he caught almost everyone who tried. His eyes then locked on the small group of vampires. His eyes were more like glaring at them, but he was sure the vampires didnt notice him yet. He turned around, his back now facing their direction before closing his eyes and opening them again. Jay wondered if October was ok. She was always getting herself into something.

Jay leaned against the school building as he waited. For some strange reason, he found himself leaning against something. It was just an old habit, and he found himself doing that a lot.