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Vampires VS Lycans: War is unavoidable

2021 Dalkiya City USA


a part of Vampires VS Lycans: War is unavoidable, by CageValcore.


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2021 Dalkiya City USA is a part of Vampires VS Lycans: War is unavoidable.

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Anson Gregory Norguard IV [0] You call my experiments inhumane? Remember they're not humans anymore.
Evelyn Marie DuLoc [0] "Hi! Want to play? Come on! Oh, and don't mind the sword.."
Violet Maundrell [0] "Ssshhh.... I don't care." Slices the lycan in half with her large scythe
Godric Gungnir [0] "I won't allow myself to be die at the hands off rabid dogs... We will survive!"
Sinead Murray [0] "We march to the drums of the damned, but we will fight and we won't fall."
Alucard Sebastian De'Liqure [0] "You will die here Lycan!!" -Said as he lifts his machine pistol and fires five silver bullets drilling into the beasts skull-

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=Dalkiya airport Year 2021, A dark cold nightfall with the moon full. The airport is calming down for the night, Only one more plane to come in in before closing up for the night. This little back water city dose not get enough visitors to stay open 24 hours. Despite our large City and all we have, People don't come here, Because in our large city. Hidden among the humans and the animals, Is a war between Vampires and Lycans=

Alucard: -A shadowed figure walks toward the airport, His white trench-coat dancing in the cold winds of the night. His Grey eyes turning golden as they start glowing, He brushes back his silky black hair exposing the blue tooth head set he is wearing- "Team Beta {Alucard, Anson, and Godric} to Team alpha {Sinead, Violet, and Lalonda}, 10 Lycans spotted headed toward the last plane's landing sight. Lets do this guys" -He says before walking toward the Lycans. He blows a loud dog whistle doping the Lycans to their knees and forcing them into their true form. Their a pack of Forest Lycans. One of them roars and lunges at him, He spits out the whistle hitting the Lycan in the nose making it step back for a second before lunging forth at him again. its head being greeted by looking down the barrels of both his machine pistols- "Sweet dreams" -He say before drilling one silver nitrate round into the Lycans eyes. Killing it and giving the signal to fire to his whole team as the first Lycans body hits the ground-

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{Sorry Double post}

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#, as written by Jxcrust
After Alucard's signal Godric jumped down from the nearby hanger drop kicking a lycan on his way down. The lycan rose to its feet and swiped at Godric with his claws. The vampire caught its claw with his axe. The silver axe burned through the beast's claw like fire to tissue paper and it cried in pain. "Oh no... Did I hurt the puppy?", asked Godric in a sarcastic tone. With that said, Godric did a back flip onto the wing of a nearby plane and threw his two axes as fast as two bullets from two guns, into the lycan's chest. The lycan was in shock from the pain and couldn't move. Godric took his axes that were in the lycan's chest and spilt his sternum and rib cage, and after that he pulled out the heart of the beast. This was an old Viking ritual that he couldn't out grow, for Godric would always be a Norseman at heart. The vampire put the lycan's heart in his backpack for his collection back home, as he pressed on his blue tooth and said, "Eight left everyone..."

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Sinead stood completely still as a Lycan charged at full speed at her. She slid out of the way completely unfazed. She jumped on his back and stuck her silver dagger in his neck. He dropped to the ground dead. She smirked as she moved on to her next victim. She heard one lumbering up behind her. She spun around, jumping in the air and kicking him in the face. He fell to the ground and she stuck him through the heart. She pressed her bluetooth.
"Six left, everybody," she stated.

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#, as written by R3lly
Anson still a little airsick pulls out a bag of white powder. Pulling some from the bag he inhales it deeply rubbing the leftovers on his gums. He shakes his head fiercely and jumps out of the plane a crazed look in his eye. A Lycan spotting him charges. "OOH good new experiments" He declares happily ducking a swipe. Pulling out his rapier Anson tapped the side of the Lycan earning him an angry growl. "Silly lil pup do you know what I do for a living?" He asked mockingly the drugs beginning to take hold of his mind. "I am a scientist of great intelligence!" he yelled out slashing a thin scratch across its flank. The beast roared out angrily and swung at him cutting a small mark in his jacket. Looking down at his jacket Anson began to pout and tears came to his eyes as he dropped to the ground and started to cry. The beast assuming it had won lunged at him only to be greeted with a sharp dagger entering its lung from the side. "Silly lil pup," Anson said smiling, "I don't cry anymore. I'm not a child." Pulling his dagger free from the beast Anson noticed that the creature had a slight tinge to its coat. Dropping to his knees he began to touch it and cut strands off placing them in various test tubes. "Wonderful isn't it Wheeler!" he yelled out. "We've never seen this before."

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Violet looked towards Alucard after hearing him give out orders and then she ran towards Sinead after humming a song and then she started to twirl her giant scythe around. She saw a Lycan behind Sinead so she jumped over her and sliced the lycan in half. Violet smiled and then she started to charge after another lycan but she stopped when the lycan appeared to bigger than her. She shrugged and swiftly moved the scythe to the left to slice him in half. She laughed and she pressed her bluetooth and softly said, "I believe there are three more?"

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#, as written by Saferia
Lolanda started running when she got Alucard's message. When she got there she saw she missed out there was only three left. She smiled and jumped down on in front of a lycan. It tried to get her with it's claws but she dogded it with a graceful twirl she looked like a ballerina with her blonde hair everywhere. She grabbed her sword from it's sheath and cut one in half. Another won charged and she a back-flip and kicked in the head then cut the lycan in half while on her up swing. When she landed she put a finger on her blue tooth "I believe that's one." she said a bit breathlessly.

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Alucard: "Good Work team. This last one is mine" -He says cracking his neck before dashing forth at his full Vampire speed. The beast made a swing at him with her massive claws- "This is the Alpha's bride" -He says as he tilts his head back exactly 2 inches. Grabbing the Lycans wrist with his right hand, Bringing up his right knee into her gut, then hits his open hand into her elbow with all his Strength. Forcing her arm to break and bend backwards. she roars out on pain as he pulls the broken atm slamming her on the ground. and climbs on top of her wrapping her own broken arm around her neck and choking her with it until she is forced back into human form from the pain. then he lets go and curve stomps her head into the ground. her blood and brains flying every where as he takes our his cigarette and a lighter. He lit the Cigarette and looks at his team- "Good work people, I think you have earned a drink on me, Lets go to the Bar and I'll buy you white Russians with blood instead of milk" -He says with a warm smile as his golden eyes fade back to their natural cold dead grey. He walks over to Sinead or Sin as he calls her. and wraps and arm around her waist whispering in her ear- "I'll but you a double" -He then lets go. He plays with Sin this way because they know each other for years. they pick on each other fro time to time-

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Sin smirked as Alucard wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I'll buy you a double" he whispered in her ear, before letting go. Sin rolled her eyes, the corners of her lips upturned in a smile.
"Make it a triple and you've got yourself a deal," she replied, wrapping her arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. She squeezed him tightly, before she released him and skipped ahead of him. Killing was her own personal addiction and she loved to feed it. She was already making plans to practice her Krav Magha after she went to the bar to celebrate their success. Blood had always fascinated her and watching Lycans bleed. Her fiery red hair was pulled back in a french braid. She pulled her ipod out of her pocket and plugged her headphones in. Temple of the dog's song, Hunger Strike, played in her ears. She studied the entire area as she walked. She wasn't going to let herself get hurt because she got careless.

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#, as written by Saferia
Lolanda smiled at them "I'll meet up with you guys up there." she said and turned in the other oppsite direction. She ahd something she had to do she went up to one of the lycans that had turned back into a human. His face was in the ground and his back was towards her when she rolled him over she looked down "Oh, Fable you idiot, I told you to leave." she said sadness in her eyes then it was gone just like that and was replaced by anger she kicked the dead corpse "You idiot!" she snarled. She turned around but did not leave her eyes had gone black and she was pulling on the straps of her shirt. She ripped a strap off and sighed blood sounded good to her at the moment. But she couldn't bring herself to leave she just stood waiting for something to happen...... hoping something would happen so she could get her anger out on something. But nothing ever came she knew that the group was probally way ahead of her but she slowly walked away not making any moves to catch up, she just wanted to be alone right now.

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#, as written by R3lly
Anson was still putting hair samples into vials when the fighting ended. Pulling out a small dropper He took a sample of blood flowing from the beast's side. As the creature began to change back into its human form Anson gasped loudly. He had never seen the post-mortem transformation before, nor had he ever seen a naked woman before. Stumbling backwards and covering his eyes He began to stutter a sure sign that he was nervous. "Oh s-s-so sorry m-missus. I c-c-can't believe I j-just did that I ap-ap-apologize immensely!" Realizing that she was the Lycan he had just killed Anson lowered his hands and began to take samples of her hair also as if he forgot about his brief outburst. Standing his mind filled with the experiments he could do with the sample he turned quickly grabbing at this PDA in his back pocket. "Damn it's at home isn't it Wheeler." he said sadly. Remembering where he was he pressed on his Bluetooth. "Everything's good here!" He said loudly. "Can we get ice cream?" He asked even louder.

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Alucard: "Ice Cream?" -He looks at Sin Covering his Head set- "are you sure he is a Vampire and he isent Gay?" -He says then goes back to the Head Set- "Sure we can buddy. Now catch up. And for Fang sake don't wet yourself over the sexy corpse" -He says with a Smirk. his Vampire hearing and Sight having caught what happened when the Lycan turned back to Human-

{Lol R3lly that was Hilarious. I like this Character}

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Violet shook her head and then she said, " You do realize you just called a Lycan, sexy?" She forgot to press her Bluetooth so everyone could hear what she said so she repeated it but this time, using the Bluetooth. Violet also said, with her Bluetooth, "I want some ice cream!!" She accidentally said it loud so she said, "Sorry! I am just really excited about my 10,000th birthday tomorrow... You remembered right?" She smiled and then she started to twirl her scythe around while walking by herself.

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#, as written by Jxcrust
Godric strapped his axes to his belt holsters and followed the others pressing his Bluetooth he responded, "How could we forget about your 10,0000th birthday Violet? You must of reminded us ten thousand times at least..." The Vampire looked at Alucard and Sinead and their affection for one another. It didn't make him jealous but it did remind him of Elizabeth and how he was suppose to be sharing eternity with her. Now all he had left was to rip out the heart of every Lycan he kills, as their atonement for ripping out his heart that dreaded evening years ago. Godric held out the heart and pressed the Bluetooth again, "Anson, you got to help me with a better way to preserve these hearts, my collection back at the nest is starting to smell foul, I'll buy you a triple scoop ice cream for your troubles." He wish he could drown his sadness in booze, times like this he wish he was human so he could get drunk and forget his problems.

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Alucard: "No Of cores not Vi. I dident forget" -He says before Covering his Bluetooth and looking at Sin- "Son of a Lycan I forgot Vi's birthday. Do me a favor babe. let me say we chose your gift for her together. I'll buy you a Triple and Dinner this weekend if you do" -He says Before his ear twitches. he moves his hand away from the mic of the Bluetooth- "And Vi it dosent matter what race you are. if your Sexy your Sext. Race dose not change that. Saying She cant be sexy becouse she is a Lycan is the Same as saying she cant be hot cuz she is black. its not Right. Black, white, Lycan, or Vampire. If your hot your hot"

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Sinead smiled when Alucard offered to by her triple drinks and dinner in exchange for letting him say the gift was partially his. She turned around and smirked at him.
"Make it dinner and a movie and you've got yourself a deal, darling," She replied with a friendly grin. She loved giving him crap. It was always so much fun. Plus, she had spent a ridiculous amount of money on Violet's present. She had bought her an iPod touch and a docking station for her. Sinead loved birthdays and it seemed that she always had the best of luck finding the greatest presents. She always gave the boys gift cards to the gun shop. She never really preferred using guns. She liked using her body and knives. She was a self-proclaimed badass.

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Alucard: "Fine but i better be getting lucky tonight if im wasting that much money" -He says completely joking. Then he whistles loudly. And suddenly a Gorgeous Red chopper style Hover-bike with a white skull on the side drives itself to his side. He Climbs on and Revs the Engine- "See you at the bar guys" -He says before driving off-

{If you wanna see his bike look at my profile I added it today}

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#, as written by Lurelle
Evelyn rubbed her head. "I missed the meet-up.. now what'll they think?"
She was already sure that they were being nice with all the excuses, but this time she'd have to make up for it. And she hated that.

The sheathe on her hip shifted as she reached into her pocket to get some money. Maybe if she got something fancy they'd think it was okay. Like wine and chocolate or something. No, forget the chocolate. That's too romantic. Her lips pulled upward in a smirk when she thought of their possible reactions.

She stepped off the sidewalk and into the bar, knowing the bartender would give her a break. "Hey Mac. Mind if I get a whole bottle of Sauvignon Blanc?"
His eyes squinted a little. Eve just laughed. "I know you have some in the back. It's your wife's favorite."

His scarred face then broke into a thin smile and he went in the back to get a bottle. Eve took out a handsome sum and exchanged it for the bottle. She bowed graciously and turned to leave.

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Alucard: -As Eve was just about to Touch the Door it opens and Alucard walks in- "Whats the excuse this time" -he says taking the bottle gently from her hand and into his right hand. sitting at the bar He holds up his left hand and the bartender slides him one shot glass for each member of his team. He pours the Sauvihnon Blance into every glass and takes his shot-

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#, as written by Lurelle
Eve let the bottle go, grinning. "There was a lycan out running in the park. Too stupid for his own good," she snorted. She moved to sit down two seats away from him and took a shotglass. "He took a while to chase down though, so I was late."
She reached up a pale hand to smooth her hair behind her ear. "Sorry." Though she didn't sound too sorry. Mac raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her, as if to question why she wasn't drinking.

"I'm not a fan of wine," she admitted. Mac smirked at her, and she stuck her tongue out at him.

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Violet smiled and then she realizes something. "Hey!" She presses her bluetooth with an angry look on her face as she says, "You called a dead person sexy but you never called me sexy!" She runs to the bar and once she arrives there, she charges inside and looks around for Alucard.

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Sin had made it to the bar shortly after Alucard and took the seat in between him and Eve. She took on of the shot glasses and took a hesitant sip. She loved wine but her absolute favorite drink was a whiskey sour with a cherry.
"Can I take you up on your offer for a drink, darling?" she asked, her tone sweet. She rested her elbows on the bar and chin of her hands. She sighed. She really wanted to tell Alucard that she was in love with him and had been for a long time. They were great friends and sin didn't want to ruin that either.
"Nevermind about the drink," she said softly, "I'm gonna head home and practice my krav maga. See you later, darling." She got up and headed towards the door.

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#, as written by R3lly
Anson removed his bluetooth as soon as he asked about the ice cream. Walking slowly HE began to twitch slightly. "Wheeler!" He exclaimed loudly. "Let's get some ice cream!" Running in slow motion Anson drew several looks as he went to a local ice cream parlor. As he reached the counter he stared at the man behind the counter for a good 12 seconds before pressing his body against the glass. "Can I have some ice cream?" he asked his eyes scanning the different flavors hungrily. "Bro get off the case." The man said. Pulling his body back Anson looked at the man's name tag. "Hi Carl!" he said happily. Will you eat the ice cream with me?" He asked getting excited. "Dude you should leave." Carl said slowly. Anson cocked his head and stared at Carl for a few seconds before turning around. Spreading his arms Anson made airplane noises as he left. Running down the street making loud engine sounds he soon came to the bar where everyone else was. Sticking his tongue out at some woman passing by he smiled and began to wave at her happily.

Without warning a strong hand grabbed his shoulder squeezing tightly. Spinning him around roughly a large man stood squeezing Anson's shoulder. "Hi there!" Anson said happily, "By touching me does that mean you want to die?" He asked his voice growing cold and deep. "I am Nosferatu I will drain your human body of all its fluids!" He yelled. Trying to keep a straight face proved to be difficult for him though. Laughing loudly he patted the man on the shoulder. "Just kidding, man wouldn't it be crazy if vampires were real?" he asked a lopsided grin on his face. The man let go of Anson as if he was intimidated by his sudden attitude change. Turning to the bar Anson stepped inside his demeanor quickly becoming timid when he saw Sinead heading in his direction.

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Alucard: "Hi Anson" -He says as his arm whips up to grab Sin's Wrist- "Stay ... Drink with us. I want you here" -He says before glancing over as he hears Vi's voice on the Bluetooth, then sees her at the door Seconds later- "I never call you sexy because I don't need emotions screwing up our missions. Think about it this way, If I called you sexy and Sin, Lolanda, or Eve got jealous because I haven't called them it, Or even worst. if I Called all of you sexy and you all knew i mean it. All of you could get jealous, And that Jealousy could lead to one of or all of your deaths. Picture this. We are at a warehouse near the mountains, A Pack of say 10 Mountain Lycans come down after us, Now you know full well One Mountain Lycan on its own can almost beat us. Now remember I called you alone Vi or all of you girls sexy. And your Jealous now, Now picture that the Mountain Lycans being Smartest Lycans of all, Decide to to splits up so two of them come after the guys to just toy with us and catch our attention, Whilst the other 8 go after you girls to actually attack. Then picture two of them attack Sin, One attacks Eve, two attack Lolanda, and the Last three attack you Vi. Now Eve would most likely beat the one attacking her. and she would See you other girls in trouble especially you. . She might think. well Alucard called all of us Sexy. Maybe if i let them all die. i can get with him. and Decide not to save any of you. or If i only said it to you nobody else. then even if they all helped each other. The Jealousy could take over when they are about to go help you. and they might think. well Alucard Called her Sexy but not us. If we let that wench Die maybe one of us might have a Chance with him. And they would let you die. Do you see my Point Vi?. I don't call you or any one on the team sexy so that way theirs no emotions or Jealousy. And every one will continue doing their best to protect every one on the team with no hesitations" -He takes another shot of the fine wine. Still holding Sin's wrist- "Not that im saying you girls are petty Jealous creatures like humans. This is all hypothetical, I doubt you girls would actually ever do that, But I would rather not risk that it dose" -He says then looks at the bartender, His own eyes turning pure black to entrap the bartenders soul as he starts to Glammer him- "You will forget you ever heard me say any of that, You will go into the back room and slit your wife's Wrist. and make me and my Screw white Russians with her blood instead of milk. Make Sin's a triple. And lastly, You will bring out two bowls of your daughters favored Ice-cream for Vi and Anson" -After he is done speaking his eyes turn back to their normal grey and The bartender gets up to do as he was ordered. the sound of his wife screaming in pain comes from the back room. and he comes out with the drinks and Ice-cream a Minute or two later- "Their All promises and Requests met"

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Violet blinked and then she said, "Okay then..." She sees the ice cream on the counter with the white russians and she saw Anson come in so she runs towards him and she stops when she is standing next to him. Violet smiled and she said, "Our ice cream is here! And I think its almost midnight."