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Veritas Isle

Amira's home


a part of Veritas Isle, by Fauna.

Amiras home on the outskirts of the city.

Fauna holds sovereignty over Amira's home, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

14,416 readers have been here.



Amiras's home is on the outskirts of the city away from most of the business of the inner city. Treelines separate her home from her neighbors, giving her home a good bit of privacy. It has two spacious bedrooms and two baths both located on the second floor of the house. Downstairs along with the living room and kitchen there is a study and a door to a porch on the side of the house next to a sun room near the back. It has a decent sized backyard.
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Amira's home

Amiras home on the outskirts of the city.


Amira's home is a part of Veritas City..

4 Characters Here

Amira Levitt [3,029] Chocolatier
Weston Page [2,765] The less you reveal, the more people can wonder.
Phoenix Rahaim [1,273] Hours become days and days become years, and you could burn down this town if they made matches from fear

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Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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Phoenix noticed the redness that came to Amira's cheeks and wondered what she was thinking about. Maybe something to do with this book she said she was going to recommend? Phoenix had a funny feeling that Amira was going to come into work tomorrow with a copy of Weston's book and she was going to end up having to pretend that she hadn't read it at least half a dozen times already. Hell, she was half the reason the book had been published since she'd blackmailed the publishers into taking a chance on a first-time author when they hadn't been planning to. "I sure hope there's someone around here for me. I'm twenty-eight. I need a man, babe, sooner than later," she said with a laugh and a shake of her head. She nodded when Amira said that she'd figure out where the sign-ups were for the yoga so they could join in. "That sounds fantastic," she said.


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Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira smirked a little bit. "Well, even if theres not we can always be single pringles together. " She said. She didnt quite know if Weston was really serious about their arrangement to get married and adopt children if they got to a certain age and were still single. But then again, even if he was, there was the possibility that he could end up finding someone he wanted to be with too. She nodded a little bit. "I think I know exactly where the Ad was, and I can stop over there on my lunch break and pick up the sign up sheets for us."


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Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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Phoenix laughed softly at Amira's comment and nodded. "Single pringles it is," she said. She had to admit, she was quite enjoying Amira. The woman was intelligent, entertaining, and passionate - all important things in a friend. Maybe she was a safe person to have around Weston, though she'd have to keep digging as much as she could. "So, you said you like to travel, yeah? Where was the last place you traveled to?" she asked, taking a sip of her drink. It was an innocent enough question, and one for which she had a reasonable enough answer if Amira asked her the same thing.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira looked over at Nixy and smiled softly. "The last place I traveled to was this little coastal town in the next kingdom over called N'Lani town. It was beautiful, they have these beaches where instead of sand its all lava from years and years ago thats hardened, and the water there is so crystal clear that you can see pretty much everything on the ocean floor below you." She said. "I got to go spear fishing with a couple of the locals, it was a lot of fun." She said with a smile on her face. "What about you?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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Phoenix's eyes widened when Amira told her about visiting N'Lani town and a grin came to her lips. "I've actually heard of that place! It's supposed to be amazing," she said softly, shaking her head. "I want to go so badly. Hmm...the last place I traveled to was this village called Navalora Caye. It's a gorgeous little island a ways away from here. It was supposed to be a vacation but I had some ulterior motives because I'm pretty sure my family is originally from there so I was trying to see if any of the locals knew of my family or if I had any relatives still around. Nobody did, but they totally accepted me as one of their own and I had a kick-ass vacation anyways," she said with a shrug and a grin.

Of course, her trip to Navalora Caye had been somewhat marred when she'd returned from the trip only to find that Weston had up and moved while she was gone and she'd had to track him down again, but he'd been easy enough to find once she figured out that he was heading towards the city where his new publisher was located. The only reason she'd gone on vacation was because he'd settled in where they were and she'd figured she had a few months still before he relocated again, especially since he'd been spending so much time cooped up in his place working on the new book.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira lit up at the mention of Navalora Caye. "Ive been there too! Its not too incredibly far from my home land, it was one of the first places I had traveled to. I didnt stay there on the island, I stayed on the main land in the city there, but I got to take a day trip out to the island, and it was beautiful." She said and smiled happily. Thinking about things like this was making her miss when she could just travel around wherever she wanted, but she was happy, and stable here. And now Weston was here, and he was her best friend, and she hadnt really had someone quite like him. She started zoning off a little thinking about travels. Maybe one day her and Weston could take a longer trip and actually travel somewhere.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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Phoenix grinned when Amira said that she'd been to Navalora Caye. "No way! Ugh, I loved it there. I could live there, honestly, but it's so remote that I'd probably end up spending at least half my time traveling between the island and the mainland," she said with a shake of her head. "A girl has her needs, after all." She paused for a bit to take a drink, wondering what was running through Amira's mind. She was obviously zoned out somewhat. Phoenix knew that she and Weston had taken a trip down to the city below together not that long ago, but obviously she couldn't bring that up.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira snapped out of it after a minute and then shook her head. "Sorry. Dreaming about future travels I can take now that Serena can be put on chocolate duty." She said with a little bit of a smirk. "I mean, I absolutely love it here, its the best place to settle down, and I mean, we're basically on a giant floating rock, how cool is that? But I kinda miss all the traveling I used to do." She said and then sipped her drink. Her drink was almost empty, which meant it was getting to be about time to go. She'd promised to make dinner tonight too. Once theyd chatted and finished their drinks she looked back over at Nixy. "Well, I gotta get going. Promised Wes I would make dinner tonight. It was really lovely spending some time with you out side of work though, we should do it more often." She said with a smile.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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Phoenix laughed when Amira snapped out of it. "It's all good. I totally do the same thing," she said reassuringly. She finished up her drink and nodded when Amira said she had to go. "Yeah, we totally need to hang out again, and soon. I had a lot of fun!" she agreed, and it was genuine. She had enjoyed herself hanging out with Amira. "Have a good evening, you, and don't forget to look into that yoga for us!" she said with a grin.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira nodded. "I wont, I will grab the address for it tonight and pick up the sign up forms tomorrow. You have a good rest of your day!" She said and then threw her cup away before waving goodbye one more time and then walking home, grabbing the little paper advertisement for the yoga and taking it home with her. She walked in the house and ran up to find Weston, creaking the study door open and leaning against the door frame. "Whatcha dooooin?" She asked, smiling over at him.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt Character Portrait: Phoenix Rahaim
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Phoenix tossed her cup out after Amira left, smiling to herself. This had been a lot of fun. If she didn't have a job to do she could see herself becoming very good friends with Amira. She headed home, changing into some comfortable clothes once she got there and sitting down to get her work done. She documented everything she saw, did, and learned, so she had to write down a detailed account of her coffee date with Amira before figuring out her own dinner.

Weston was writing when Amira showed up at the door. He looked up when she spoke and he smiled. "What does it look like I'm doing?" he teased, setting down his pen to stand up and go greet her properly. "How was coffee with Phoenix? She still seem trustworthy?" he asked with a grin. He had yet to meet Phoenix but she sounded like quite the character.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira smirked. " It was a rhetorical question. If you're in here I know what you're doing....Writing smut." She teased. "It was pretty fun. We talked about traveling for a while and things like that, OH! And we're gonna do nature yoga together with each other since neither of us really have a hobby." She said with a smile. "She still seems like a completely wholesome girlie. And ive learned to be just vague enough with my answers. And we dont really talk about you. Not seriously anyways. Just about you calling the bunnies stew while I was trying to eat." She said and glared a little bit.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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Weston smirked when Amira accused him of writing smut. "No smut. It's sweet, wholesome romance right now," he told her reassuringly. "I'd tell you what's happening, but it would spoil the book," he added with a shrug. He grinned as she talked about her time with Phoenix and nodded. "That's good! I'm glad you had fun," he said. "I tried yoga once. It was a bad idea. Shirts tend to shift positions when you're upside down," he said, lifting his shirt just enough for Amira to see the bottom part of the scarring on his chest. "There were questions, obviously. They seemed satisfied by the explanation that I'm just clumsy and then I never did yoga again," he said with a shrug.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira sighed. "Always spoiling my fun Weston. Sooo rude." She said and crossed her arms at him. "You know, a tight enough fitting, long anough shirt, would fix that issue dear." She said and shook her head a little bit. "Oooh I have an excuse to but more yoga pants and tank tops now!" She said. "Oooh or maybe those little shorts that are like yoga pant material...hmmm..." She said thinking about how those would look. "Either way, more comfy lounge clothes for sipping wine in." She said with a grin.


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Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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Weston chuckled a bit at her comment about ruining her fun. He raised an eyebrow when she suggested a tighter, longer shirt. "A tighter shirt, right, because what I want is for every woman in the room to stare," he said with a smile and a shake of his head. He laughed at her comment about buying more yoga pants. "Right, so you can buy tight pants and I can buy tight shirts and between the two of us, everyone will be staring except the children," he said with a smirk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira glared at Weston. "They would stare either way you little dingus." She said and shoo her head. "Well...I'll probably buy a decently tight tank top too so..." She said with a grin. "I dont know what children you're talking about, but people stare enough already at the two of us. You're...Well you. And im a little weird looking compared to regular people. Its just bound to happen anyways." She said and shook her head again. "So, what you thinking for dinner, I can make dinner or go grab pizza, your choice mister."


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Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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Weston chuckled a bit, shaking his head. "I mean the children in the streets who are too little to care about staring," he replied with a smile. He raised an eyebrow at her comment that he was, well, him. "I'm what, now? You're going to have to explain just what that means," he said with a smirk. He thought for a minute after she asked what he wanted for dinner. "I don't know. Surprise me, I suppose. A good rabbit stew would be just lovely," he teased with a grin.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira sighed at him. "You know what you are. The girls call you hunky, I call you a Weston. You know what you are, so shushhh." She said and crossed her arms. "And there will be no rabbit stew, not as long as we have bunnies..." She said and waved a finger at him like he was a naughty child or something like that. "Im gonna go get pizza." She said and then closed the door while she walked out. She went down to the pizza place and got their potato pizza they liked and came back, yelling up at weston to come downstairs for pizza. She grabbed two glasses and some wine and poured it in their cups by the time he got downstairs, and set out plates at the table too.


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Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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Weston laughed a little when Amira said that the girls called him hunky and she called him a Weston. "So when you see a really attractive guy in town, does your brain refer to him as a Weston?" he teased gently. He nodded when she said she was going to get pizza. "Sounds great. You know where I'll be," he said. He got a bit more work done while she was gone and headed downstairs when he heard her calling him, smiling when he saw the glasses of wine waiting. "Welcome home," he said, going and taking one of the glasses from her, promptly taking a sip.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira looked over at Weston when he came down, and instantly grabbed a glass of wine. "Thankss." She said and then opened the pizza box and about melted. "It does this to me every time Weston...I swear, we must be soul mates, this pizza and I." She said and then grabbed a slice and put it on her plate before sitting down. "I might as well just devote myself to pizza, pizza wont ever do me wrong. It just tastes amazing and looks divine." She joked, mostly. She took a bite and sighed happily. it had been a good little minute since theyd had this particular pizza, so she was a very happy lady right now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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Weston laughed when he saw Amira's reaction to the pizza and he shook his head a bit. "Maybe that's what I should write my next book about. A romance between a woman and her pizza," he joked, grabbing a slice for himself and sitting down with her. "Except there's a twist where the pizza does hurt her. Someone undercooks the pizza and she gets food poisoning. Her heart is broken," he added with a wicked smirk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira looked over at Weston with wide eyes. "Excuse you... That would just be a horror story...." She said and shook her head. "Pizza better not hurt me...I love pizza..." She said and sighed before taking another bite of her pizza and leaning back in her seat shaking her head. When her bite was done she took a sip of her wine and carefully set the glass back down on the table. "Wine would, and does occasionally hurt me. She's kind of a salty bitch some times...I cant trust wine like I do pizza.."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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Weston laughed when Amira told him that it would be a horror story and he nodded his agreement. "You're right. Pizza will never hurt you," he said. "I could tell my whole life story to a pizza and have no fears. Hmm...maybe I should," he laughed. He took a sip of his own wine, smirking a bit. " a cruel mistress. She takes care of my needs and she helps me get my mind off my troubles, but then she leaves and I feel more broken and pained than I was before," he murmured, eyeing his glass. "Also she messes up my writing."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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#, as written by Fauna
Amira sighed with relief and then giggled a little bit. "Yeahhh. Wine is a great friend if you dont rely on her for anything heavy...But otherwise she's a little shit who likes to mess things up for the fun of it, and leave you with a headache in the morning." She said and then shook her head. "But, we always go back to her, for whatever reason..." She sighed and then sipped her wine before taking a bite of pizza.


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Character Portrait: Weston Page Character Portrait: Amira Levitt
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Weston sighed softly when Amira commented that they always went back to the wine. He swirled his wine around in his glass before taking a sip. "She's got a hold on us. We can't get away," he murmured before taking a bite of his pizza. He looked back up at her and briefly thought back to their kisses. He thought about them a lot, actually. He knew that his decisions had been influenced by the wine. He'd just been so open with her about his ex and what he'd done, and he had let her read those pages he had drunkenly written about her...but she hadn't been anywhere near as drunk as he was. And her reaction to the kiss, the way she'd kissed back, the way her hands had gripped his shirt...he sighed, taking another long sip of his wine.