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Veritas Isle

Papoa Lake


a part of Veritas Isle, by Fauna.

A large lake located outside of town where there is enough land for farming and raising livestock. Only accessible by bridge from the main city.

Fauna holds sovereignty over Papoa Lake, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

29,277 readers have been here.


Papoa lake is a very large, serene lake on one of the small islands near the main city of Veritas island. It is surrounded by land that has been used for farming and livestock for many years and has rich soil and lush greenery. The river itself contains a plethora of fish and is a popular fishing spot among the inhabitants of the main city. One side of the lake offers a beach that it open during the summers to tourists and locals, though the other is made up of privately owned farms and fields.

Ofelia, the dragon trainer, operates her dragon ranch here.
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Papoa Lake

A large lake located outside of town where there is enough land for farming and raising livestock. Only accessible by bridge from the main city.


Papoa Lake is a part of Veritas Isle.

8 Places in Papoa Lake:

26 Characters Here

Rowan Todd [1,145] So much to do...Not enough hours...
Lorelei Keavaris [967] I have no time to play, I must study!
Adrian Elliot [922] I'm just curious.
Dolnith Keavaris [881] Lorelei! My sweet Lorelei!
Micah Weiss [837] Artist? I guess so.
Atlas Hensley [498] What'll it be for you today?
Elwin Keavaris [447] Oh darling, those silks are just marvelous!
Blair Ackerly [429] Violent crimes Detective for the VCPD
Daryl & Genevieve Jasville [298] You are my whole world and more.
Ollie Jacobs [294] I'm one hell of a butler.

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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia worked out around the secret beach so she wasn't being watched. She was very out of shape and was very pissed at herself for not being able to have the perfect body for when she was carrying her babies and now. If she kept this up, she would be in shape in no time. By the time she got back home she was soaked in her own sweat so she ran into the shower. She came back out and looked at the two people in her living room. "You two having fun?" She asked, smiling before sitting down on the other side of the couch.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia smiled up at Roshia. "Mhmm! Bo only likes Rowan though, she gets mad at me unless I sing. Arrow likes me though, I think i'll have to steal her and agis too...And maybe Forrest...Ugh I want them all. Nasir's gonna come home and we're gonna have like five kids running around." She said, practically swooning at the idea. "I blame you. I didnt even want babies before I got to feeling on your belly!" She said looking like she could either burst into tears or jump for joy. Rowan shook his head. "We had a lot of fun. Ofelia got to change a gnarly blow out diaper." He said with a smirk. "Ugh yeah, it was so bad Roshia. I dont envy you two on that aspect" Ofelia giggled.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia laughed before putting her hair in a messy top bun. "Oh yeah, wait till you have yours. I hear boys are worse. So... better pray for a girl." She smiled and went get Bo since she didn't spend as much time with her. "My baby now." She smiled evilly. Bo looked up at her and blinked before smiling. "Oh, had to figure out I was your momma, aye? You know, bc I just didn't breast feed you an hour or so ago." She cooed at her baby. Bo stretched and looked around before yawning. "Sleepy already? Whose daughter are you for?" She poked her tiny belly and she slowly wiggled, smiling. Roshia loved her babies more than her own life. They were so tiny and so gorgeous. Roshia looked up at Ofelia, "Did you know Rowan is going to moon his parents? Both booty cheeks and all." She smiled.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
"Ugh I need to have a boy, maybe then I wont have to fear for my daughters around Forrest and his lady killing grin. Ugh that child is too cute already were going to have to watch our daughters..Ugh Sirus too. He's not even related to you guys so he's fair game and he's gonna grow up so cte and UGH. I better have a boy. I'd fear less for him than for a girl." She said with a sigh before bursting out laughing. "Rowan! You're gonna moon them? What the hell...." She said shaking her head. "I am not, Roshia likes to take things out of context and make jokes out of everything." He said crossing his arms. "She's the woooorsst" He said, obviously joking.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia sighed, "Yes I am the wooooorrssstt. I birthed two beautiful children and love his butt. Call the cops. I should be taken to jail immediately." She smiled and the babies looked around. Arrow found a loose strand of Ofelia's hair and cling to it before pulling. Roshia had to press her lips so she wouldn't laugh. "I think the only one I am worried about is Arrow when it comes to Forrest, she always smiles and cries when he leaves the room. I have met Sirus a couple times, he is a sweetheart. I don't know what his dad is like, but he must have been a gentleman. I would like a boy next, but that can wait for like... a while. And I am hoping for Elwin's baby to have his hair. I would die... and come back and die again. Then come back because my babies need me. Rowan can't breast feed." She smiled.

She stretched her legs out and poked Rowan as Bo laid on her legs. I wonder if all our kids will be ghostly white." She looked at Ofelia, "I won't be surprise if your son comes out with blonde hair... or bald. You dad never had hair did he? I can't remember him having any. I felt do bad for him in the winter." She smiled.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia laughed a little. "My dad had hair. Its just customary in my family that you cut it all of if you lose your wife. I dont know why he held onto that tradition but he did. Shaved his head like it was a beard every single morning. Your dad might have known him when he had hair. Apparently it was an ashy greyish blonde color like mine is. I cant imagine him with hair though, and there arent any pictures, so he's forever bald in my book" She said with a giggle. "Sirus is so much like his dad it makes me wonder if he's not just a clone. That man was the most gentlemanly man I have ever met, treated jane like a goddess, even though their marriage was arranged. We dont really gotta worry about Sirus messing with the girls, his mom would kill him on the spot anyways." She said shaking her head and smiling. "Oh! My mom apparently had gorgeous deep red hair though, maybe he'll end up like that. It was darker than Elwins though, my dad said it looked like Rubies." She said looking down at Arrow and stroking her snow white hair.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia swooned, "Redheaded babies. Your baby is going to be a tiny redhead. I call it. Nas looks a lot like our grandfather. He was taller than my dad, but built like Nasir. From the stories I heard my grandfather saved my grandmother from being killed by some beast. She was tiny like you, well... maybe an inch or three taller. Anyway, she never worked in a field her whole life. She was trained to marry royalty. Very lovely looking lady, so you know.. she could have had him in a heartbeat. She feel in love with him after that and got married. Now she had jet black hair. I have two uncles who have the same black hair as her. Very... scary looking men. They are my father's height if not a bit taller. They are probably fighting the war right now. They are like Haera, love to fight and hate to stay in one place for too long." She sighed.

She laughed, "My father and mother were never supposed to be married, did ya know? My mother's father about started a war over it." She sighed. "Now I can't see them two not being together forever. Never heard them fight once... unless it was over my father wearing a coat in the winter." She shook her head, not looking at Rowan, but down at Bo who had fallen asleep with her little story. Arrow was wiggling around still. "Lord that child hardly sleeps."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia giggled. "My parents came from really conflicting..Uh..Tribes..I guess you would call it. They were both nomad like, stuck in old ways, wandering around, never settling anywhere. My moms tribe were the ones who did all the dragon stuff, rode them everywhere, raised their families tucked away in mountains. My dad was from another that was more modernized but still pretty weird as far as being extremely traditional and off to themselves. Dad said they met as children during trading season, and saw each other every year, and that he had always been hopelessly in love with her. And then one year while they were trading, he asked her to marry him, and they eloped on the spot! I still think thats pretty funny. My dad adopted her tribes whole way of life and pretty much raised me in it. Hence the face tattoo's that seem to baffle everyone. But its customary where my mom came from, she had them too." She said softly at the end. "Yeah I remember when you first got them, my parents were so confused they thought you had snuck out and done it behind your dads back." He said trying to be quiet for Bo as he poked Roshia's foot. Ofelia looked own at Arrow "My dad said I never slept much either, so maybe you'll have a tiny me. Muahaha."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia could practically hear Rowan grown. She smiled. "I like your facial tats. Now I would like to see Nas let that happen with his kids." She smiled. "That will be something I need to sit in the corner and watch. Eh, but then again he is so hopelessly in love with you that he just might cave in." She said. Her legs moved up and down softly and rocked Bo, who seemed to enjoy it. She smiled in her sleep. Roshia took in her baby, she still couldn't get over how much they looked like their father. "Rowan is practically their way bigger twin." She said.

"So how was Lor, she has to ship Adrian off today. I am a bit worried about her." She said softly.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia giggled. "My dad took me to get them. I wont do it with my own children. Only the girls have it done anyways." She said softly. "I might bring it up just to mess with him though." She said holding back a giggle. "Oh, Lor seemed perfectly fine, a little tired, but fine. She seems pretty used to the fact that Adrian has to leave today, I think they might actually be dating now. Seems like it anyways. Theyre practically inseparable it seems. She seems happier since they met and theyre so damn cute together!" She said with a happy sigh. I can drag her over here later if you'd like, i'm not sure we should just let her be completely alone once he leaves. We'll kidnap her for dinner or something! And then I can watch her snuggle babies and she can revive me when I pass out from all the cuteness" She said, looking down at Arrow who was finally passing out. "Ugh I cant help but want to big sister the hell out of that girl. She's like the cutest and i just wanna squish her damn cheeks" Rowan chuckled. "What is it with you and squishing people cheeks woman?" He asked shaking his head.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia looked over at the two. "Why you giggling, Ofelia? Don't make me threaten you not seeing my babies anymore." She wiggled her finger at her smiling. "A little tired... well I would be too if Rowan was going away for another two months, why the hell you giggling at that? You so evil." She sighed. It got silent for a while before glaring at Ofelia, "Did... did they you know? What you and Nas did? Me and Rowan didn't he just looked at me and I got preggo. He is just that good." She had to hold back a laugh. "Lor does need to come eat over here. She is the only one who hasn't came over to the house." She pouted.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia blinked at Roshia. "No I dont think so. She seemed tired because I ended up waking her up pretty early this morning. I probably should have waited. Adrian wasnt in his corner like usual, she seemed sad about that. Besides, i'm not sure that boy has it in him to fool around. I think she was a mix of tired and sad that he's gotta go away again...Man, I wish Nas could visit like that. That would be heaveennn" She said with a soft sigh. "I'm gonna go over there later and drag her back here. She's not gonna be able to say no, she wont fight a pregnant lady!" She said and laughed evily as she stood up and walked to the bedroom to put the sleeping Arrow in her crib before coming back out. "Ugh that girl looks like a doll and i just wanna dress her up! God these hormones are awful today" She said grumpily.

Rowan chuckled and shook his head at Roshia. "Oh my. Well remind me not to look at you like that again for a while. You'd be pregnant all the time. We'll have to get me sun glasses so you cant see my infamous baby making stare" He joked and then shook his head.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia stared Ofelia down before taken her word for it. "Okay... well then. Stop waking people so early, Ofelia." She said, but in the back of her mind she kind of knew. She would have with Rowan, but Lorelei was nothing like her so she probably didn't do anything Roshia was thinking of. "Do it Ofelia, bring my baby sister home." She pretended to cry and looked at Rowan. "You... you can't. I want to see your pretty eyes. Your pretty face...wait... she can't come tonight, unless we have the date super early." She looked at Rowan. "What did you have plan?" She asked.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Fauna
Ofelia perked up and her jaw practically dropped. "A date!? I never thought i'd see the day." She teased with a smirk on her face. Rowan stuck his tongue out at her. "We can go on a lunch date if you want to, we just need to drop the kids off and have you do that pump thing. As for what we're doing well you'll just have to find out when we get to it." He said with a smirk. Ofelia about squealed. "Oooooh a surprise date even. Oh my. Who knew that you could be romantic." She said and twirled around a little bit.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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#, as written by Sambea
Roshia blushed when he mentioned the breast pump, but Ofelia was too into her world to seem to have notice. "Is... she okay? You know what? Don't answer that. She is pregnant. I was just there. You could say how her baby's feet are going to be so tiny and she would probably start crying. I will... I will actually do that pump now and get their stuff packed." She kissed Rowan's temple, not giving two fucks if he wanted it or not and went into the room with Bo where she laid her down and began packing a baby bag before making a list of things that shouldn't be done and what should be done and then going to pump.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan wondered why Roshia was so shy about the breastfeeding stuff. It wasnt weird or anything, almost every woman did it. He shook his head and stood up and pulled on Ofelia's cheeks since she had gotten sucked into La La land again and was twirling around the living room like some kind of loopy ballerina. "Oy quit that you weirdo. You're gonna fall over or knock something over" He said as Ofelia tried to pry his hands off of her face, cursing at him in Elvish. "Such a potty mouth Ofelia..." Rowan sighed.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Roshia walked out of the room and placed the bag on the table. "You two kids knock it out before I put you on your knees in the corner." She said, acting like the mother they needed before smiling. "I am going to get dress. I have a list for your mother, she better follow them or so help me I will throw her." She mumbled the last part as she turned and went dress. She didn't want to wear anything revealing her stomach, at least her legs still looked hot. She threw on a green dress with heels that made her the same height as Rowan and walked out.

"Too much? No? Maybe I should change..." She mumbled to herself as she walked back into the living room.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Todd Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Ofelia Taryn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fauna
Rowan let go of Ofelia's cheeks and let her run off to the other side of the room where she glared at him and stuck her tongue out. She rubbed her cheeks until Roshia walked back out. "Aww you look so pretty!" She said and twirled around again. Rowan smiled and walked up o Roshia. "You look beautiful" He said and kissed her cheek before disappearing to get dressed too. "Well I should get going then. I'll bring Lor over later today around dinner time. Have fun on your date, see ya!" She said and then walked out the door. Rowan came back a few minutes later and looked around. "You ready to go?" He asked.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas had learned by now to more or less ignore Ivie's jabs at him. Wasnt like he could change anything that happened anyways. If she wanted to stay angry that was her deal. "I can take Forrest, I will have to go into work for about an hour on Saturday for a staff meeting, but otherwise i'll be home the rest of the time." He said. "You really should have seen him with those little girls, he wouldnt leave them alone unless someone was occupying him with food." He said, resisting a chuckle.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She looked at Forrest and he played dead in her arms. "Boy stop. Who taught you that?!" She sighed. Elwin killed himself laughing. He couldn't take it. He stumbled to sit down. "I... I can't... that kid... who is he? WHO?!" Ivie shook her head. "Sometimes I think no one teaches him these things and he just figures them out by himself." She said bouncing him. She looked at Atlas, "Does he call you Dada or daddy here? Or is it still Muffin Bear? He runs around the house sometimes screaming Dada and Daddy. I don't know how Ollie does it. She just sits there and takes it while I am dying and wishing he would stop." She ruffled his hair.

"Dead sons don't get muffins." She said sweetly and he shot right back up. "Wiffins!" He giggled. Elwin melted in the chair. "Also... I thought I should tell you that Ollie's crazy scary right aunt has guess the gender of my..." She sighed, "I mean your baby's gender. She says it is going to be a girl. I wouldn't have believed her if she hadn't come at me last week and detailed how Blair was going to finally ask me out... so I am excited. Red headed baby girl? I will have to keep Ollie forever. Anyway we should be going. Goodnight you two, try and not to have too much fun." She winked and walked out with her baby boy.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas watched Ivie leave and glared in her general direction. "Whyyy do I feel like we should have all the fun, just because she said not to? Hm??? Why is that? What about that woman makes me want to do the complete opposite of what she says..." He said and wandered into the kitchen. "So, a cute little red headed baby girl then? Forrest is going to love the crud out of her." He said smiling. "Better get to work on more girls clothes." He said raising an eyebrow. "We're gonna have so many boys clothes just laying around" He said with a tiny sigh.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Elwin chuckled and followed Atlas around like a lost puppy. "Well we can always give it to Ofelia and if she has a girl well we can fucking put it in storage until someone pushes out a little dude." He said smiling. "Oh I am already getting idea's right now. My nieces looked wonderful in my clothing. So happy. I already have ideas for when Halloween comes around." He held Atlas close. "You handsome man... so Ollie doesn't want to come here because she thinks she is stepping on your toes and doesn't want to put a strain on you. Also something about dating, but she had never showed interest in it before...she also accused me of acting like me and her were dating. I was offended a bit, but then I realized I did look like pinning exboyfriend. I just don't want to miss anything... and she said she would visit all day until she had to go home. I asked her what if she has the baby and I am not there? She just shrugged." He sighed. "I am thankful you can't get pregnant sometimes." He smiled.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas looked down at Elwin and wrapped his arms around him. "But she isnt stepping on my toes, or putting a strain on anything...Where does she get these ideas? Ivie? And you cant help wanting to be involved in her pregnancy with your child. Thats to be expected. Its good she will come visit though, hopefully it will show her that what she's thinking is completely wrong...And If I could get pregnant this would all be much easier. I would just be more of a mess" He said with a wink.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Elwin held him close, "I hope she comes around... and as for you Mr. Mess. If you were I would have to throw the coffee out of the house, but then you would just run away to work like she was your mistress." He laughed. "And I don't think my weak heart could take that." He gently cupped Atlas' cheek, "I could never tire of you, Atlas... never ever, you beautifully handsome hotmess." He chuckled before kissing him. Elwin took the opportunity to slap Atlas' ass. "Mmm and that... I could never tire from that." He laughed and hurried away so Atlas couldn't touch his ears.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas happily kissed Elwin back and then blushed a little at the butt slapping and compliment. He shook his head as Elwin hurried off. "You would have to throw the coffee off the island!" Atlas yelled to Elwin as he ran away. "Hey! Come back here you mean little tease. Let me at those ears." He said and then chased Elwin down and pinned him against the wall. "Any last words?" He asked, smirking.