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Laugh to keep from Cryings the motto

0 · 331 views · located in Kirkcroft

a character in “War of the Heroes and Villains”, as played by OhEmGeeJoker



Secret Identity - Jayylen Dominick Marcus Anthoney The Third

Age - Fifthteen / 15


- Technopathy Manipulation / Technokinesis / Technological Manipulation or Technological Control - the ability to control and manipulate electronics with the mind able to access the technology of broken items as well as working items Creating gadgets and attachments Repair/induce glitches in technology can Boost a machine's capacity or speed can Trigger computers/appliances or anything with an attachable cord or inserted batteries Activation & Deactivation Users can turn machines on or off at will , can manipulate any piece of technology that has “weapon” as its main purpose , can control a machine's basic functions from a distance, such as turning a car around or changing the channel can read electronic signals, sort of like mind reading for machines. Can be used to "talk" to computers , calculation abilities, enhanced memory and advanced understanding of mechanical engineering, bio-engineering, physics, and other theoretical and applied sciences .

- Invisbility & Early Space - Time Manipulation : for a brief time in Dangerous Or Embarresing jokester has the ability to turn inviseble to the naked eye only being seen with thermal Glasses , if he is sad he often phases through solid objects , when he's angry or irritated tiny portals ship small objects ( ex : money , toasters , grass , food , etc) to the future or the past *Uncontrolable*

Weapons - comedic weapons such as a deck of bladed playing cards, an Python acid squirting flowers, Ghost Chillie stuffed pies, exploding Wined up toys , a lethally electric joy buzzer, a metal pipe, a Batarang

Apperence : Long Afro-Like Curly brown hair Shaved in the Back and on the sides with a Green streak down the side Dark skinned with dimples and brown eye's (white when he's Jokester) tall and filled out body Jaylen : Glasses with a black sweater with baggy khaki pants and Red lowtop sneakers / Jokester: an an fitting black mask that goes across his nose and over his eye's , a Black and white striped mime sweater starting from under his chin, black Flame tardnet gloves with black pants with black shoes conneted at the bottem .


Personality - Humble And Cocky is sure of him self and what he does , come's off thoughtful kind respectful naive & nice he often holds back his past and
keeps to himself


Side - Rogue Flip flopping from good to bad.


History - being raised by his grand mother he was forced to become grown up to quick one night if him going home from his job jaylyn discovered his grandmother's apartment up in flame's his uncle who was an sucessful surgeon refused to take the boy in with his grandmother gone his was forced to an Orphanage where his was bullied about his femine apperence everyday till one day he rearragened the circuits in a bed side lamp & rigged it to explode from then on his pranks began getting worst by the day starting with bathsoaps filled with fire ant's , to putting wild squirels in the pillows of his peers he found joy in the suffering of other's till he met Cheyanne a girl who went to his school he didnt know what love was but she made him want to he promised that if anything happened he's always be there to protect her but when she was kidnapped he felt so terrible he took on the name " jokester " as an dedication to his idol The " Joker " and vowed no matter what the ost one day he'd find Cheyanne

So begins...

Jokester's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jiro Yoshimoto (Psionic) Character Portrait: Jokester Character Portrait: Ninja Character Portrait: Kamadake Kizakura (The Nobleman)
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Yoshimoto Jiro

Jiro could hear something fall and then a crash below. He ran to the edge of the roof and peered over the edge. Below was a woman that fell flat into Jiro’s vehicle. “My Porsche… damn… “, Jiro groaned.


The woman flickered back into invisibility and fled most likely. Jiro levitated from the roof and descended to the street below. As Jiro descended he spotted a young man examining the damages to his expensive Porsche. After the young man examined Jiro’s car he ran off. Jiro had to breathe a sigh of relief. He had thought that boy was going to loot his car for valuables before Jiro could reach the ground. Jiro then called a tow truck to tow his car. He could have used his telekinesis to carry the car home but he was tired and didn’t feel like it. “Who was that guy?” Jiro said quietly to himself.

Kizakura Kamadake

Once Kamadake finished speaking with all of the policemen and reporters who swamped him with questions of the previous events, he got into his car and left for the day. He went to his condominium and closed the door. He let out a sigh. “Gosh this city annoys me. Why must it be so difficult to dispose of trash in this town?” Kamadake looked toward the large glass window and saw a man float from the rooftop of a building across the way. He rushed toward the window to get a closer look. He rushed down to the first floor lobby and stepped outside to find the man. There he saw Jiro on his cellphone calling a tow truck for his smashed car. He was sure that this man was the once who floated from the rooftop surrounded by a pink aura.

Kamadake approached Jiro curiously. “Excuse me sir, do you need some help?” Kamadake asked with a raised eyebrow. The closer he got to Jiro the more he realized how attractive he was. Kamadake smiled as he waited for Jiro’s reply.

“Oh, I’m alright. Something crazy crushed my car just now. It must have been some super powered maniac. This city is filled with them. Thanks for asking though.” Jiro responded cheerfully. He didn’t want to let a stranger know about his abilities if he didn’t have to.

“Waiting on a tow truck huh? Those things take forever. I live over in that condominium across the street, why don’t you come wait at my place while the truck is on its way? I promise I won’t bite.” Kamadake smiled and chuckled. He was enamored with Jiro and wanted to know more about him. Was Jiro a hero or a villain? Was Jiro nice or annoying? Kamadake intended to find out.

“That’s really nice of you. Well… sure I’ll take you up on your offer.” Jiro responded with a smile. “I’m Yoshimoto Jiro, nice to meet you!” The two began to make their way to Kamadake’s condo.

“I’m Kizakura Kamadake. I see that you introduce yourself last name first as well.” Kamadake began to surf for information.

“Ah yes. That’s because I’m Japanese. It’s a habit that I’ve never been able to break. And You?” Jiro responded cheerfully.

“Me? Oh, I am Korean but I grew up in Japan so I’m practically Japanese. So I know what you mean.” Kamadake lied to Jiro. He wasn’t even from the planet Earth, he was from the planet Azaka. However he heavily favored the Korean ethnicity of the planet Earth so he simply told people he was Korean. His name sounded heavily Japanese so he crafted a story about him growing up in Japan to explain his Japanese sounding name. He felt lucky that Earth had a couple of ethnicities that aided in concealing his true identity.

(Kamadake’s Condo:) Image


The two bonded relatively quickly. They went up to Kamadake’s apartment and Kamadake offered Jiro a glass of wine. They sat and talked over wine. “So Jiro, What do you do for a living?” Kamadake smiled as he crossed his legs.

“I’m a producer of television and music. I also do some P.R. and managing as well. I currently manage and produce the singer Hanabi. Have you heard of him?” Jiro asked and then took a sip of wine from the expensive glass.

“I thought you were a man of means! You look it indeed. I have heard of that singer. I actually wanted to attend the concert you put on the other day but I was a bit busy. As for me I own the Tech-company Kamakura. I am the company founder and head CEO.” Kamadake sipped more wine and loosened his tie a bit. He was enjoying his conversation with Jiro quite a bit.

“Wow! I thought your name was familiar! You like own half of Kirkcroft with your company’s connections! Who’d have thought that I would be drinking wine with a billionaire!?” Jiro exclaimed as he almost choked on his wine.

“You flatter me too much Jiro! Is it okay if I call you by your first name?” Kamadake finished his glass of wine and began to pour a second. “Would you like more wine?” Kamadake tilted the bottle in Jiro’s direction as he inquired with a bright smile.

“Sure, you can call me Jiro, and I’ll call you Kamadake. Also yes I would love more wine.” Jiro smiled cheerfully in return.

Jiro was having such a good time that he almost ignored his empathic sense. He picked up on a strong sense of excitement from Kamadake as well as a serious curiousness. He began to pay more attention to the emotions his empathic sense informed him of from Kamadake. Jiro could sense that Kamadake was increasingly enamored with him and he personally didn’t have a problem with that. Jiro was growing quite fond of Kamadake as well.

“I’m really glad that we met Jiro. I’m going to go out on a limb here so I hope you don’t take this negatively but here goes. I like you a lot, both personality wise and physically…. I would much like for the two of us see ‘more’ of each other…” Kamadake began to approach Jiro closer while staring him in the eyes.

Jiro was surprised and excited. “I… I would like that as well...” Jiro hesitantly responded. This Kamadake guy is really taking charge, he thought to himself. Jiro’s empathic sense could feel the intensity of Kamadake’s emotional state. Kamadake was ready to devour him and Jiro wasn’t quite sure if he was ready to go that far that fast.

Kamadake leaned in and kissed Jiro on the lips. Right before it could go any further Jiro’s cellphone rang. The Japanese pop song ringtone startled both men leaving both gasping in surprise. Jiro scrambled to answer the phone while Kamadake sat back down with a seriously annoyed expression. It was the tow truck driver who called to let Jiro know that he was there and ready to take the car and Jiro home. Kamadake was so internally angry with the tow truck driver that he wanted to go downstairs an crush him for ruining such a moment. He took a deep breath and smiled.

“So I’ll walk you down. Better yet, to keep from having to leave you sitting with a possibly awkward tow truck driver I’ll drive you home myself. The truck can follow us. How about that?”, Kamadake suggested.

“Sure I would love that.” Jiro replied. He was a little glad that the call put a halt to all of that previous momentum. The two headed down to the lobby and to the tow truck and prepared for the ride to Jiro’s condo.

Kamadake looked viciously at the dull tow truck driver. He could imagine himself crushing the oblivious man to death in revenge. While he fantasized he felt relief and a very pleasant smile crept across his face. “Ready to roll Jiro?”

“sure, things are all set now.” Jiro replied with a smile.

The group reached Jiro’s place and after the tow truck left, Jiro and Kamadake exchanged numbers. Kamadake pulled off and drove swiftly to catch up with the tow truck. He projected a force field in front of the truck and it collided head on into the force field. The driver managed to avoid harm but the truck was totaled. “Serves you right you little gutter snipe…” Kamadake muttered to himself as he drove home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jiro Yoshimoto (Psionic) Character Portrait: Jokester Character Portrait: Ninja Character Portrait: Kamadake Kizakura (The Nobleman)
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Kina could sense that somebody was behind her. She stopped in her tracks, waiting for the mysterious person to catch up to her, and then threw a smoke ball on the ground. It let out a white gas that made it extremely hard to see Kina. She changed to visibility right before the smoke cleared away, giving the effect that she had teleported. She looked at the young boy with piercing eyes.

"Why are you following me? What do you want?" Kina said to the young boy, her hand on her blade, just in case. She could tell he was clever enough to follow her footprints, so he may have had a feeling of what was coming to him.
"If you have something to say, spit it out now. I've got important research to do" Kina said. She wasn't lying, when she got back to her apartment, she was going to do research on the man she had encountered earlier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jokester Character Portrait: Ninja
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"...Assist me? What are you on about?"
Kina pointed her blade down at the ground like the boy had told her. Kina didn't trust this guy. He seemed very shady and a tad bit overconfident. But, if he could help her with the incident that had happened before, then maybe he could be useful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jiro Yoshimoto (Psionic) Character Portrait: Jokester Character Portrait: Ninja
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The boy started to feel around Kina's arms. Kina hadn't noticed it, but her arm was covered with wounds and blood. Most likely from colliding with the car.
"would you like to tell me about that car accident? Did you fall, or were you attacked?" the boy said. Kina realized that the boy must have noticed Kina's fall. Kina couldn't help but be a little bit embarrassed. As Kina talked, she could feel the boy rubbing down her arm with a cotton ball.

"I actually just fell. I'm probably the most uncoordinated person in the world!" she said. She didn't know if she should mention seeing the other guy on the roof, but she decided to take the conversation one question at a time.

The boy started to wrap her arm up. After she found out that his name was jokester, she replied, "nice to meet you. I'm ninja. I'm glad I'm not the only villain here. Thanks for umm...this" she said, motioning to her wrapped arm. "do you have any more questions? If not, I've got some things to ask you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jokester Character Portrait: Ninja
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(ooc-meant to post this a LOT earlier, but every time i tried to write this, something random would avoid me from doing that. let's hope this works)

Kina couldn't help but laugh at the Jokester's...joke. Everything about it applied to her. Kina thought that maybe she should make an alliance with this guy. After all, Kina didn't know what to expect in Kirkcroft, and just in case something bad where to happen, it would be good to have someone to rely on.

" i got a few more questions but yo have some to so.... hows about instead of looking suspicious we take these outfits off go to a diner & ill answer any question you have for me? , Sound good " he said. This struck a nerve in Kina. She didn't like the part with revealing their identities.

"Woahhhh....chill down hot shot. Look, we just met like, three minutes ago. I don't know if i can trust you, and you REALLY don't know if you can trust me. Then again, i do owe you for your hospital service there...."
Kina thought hard, then came to a conclusion.
"Tell ya what, we'll meet up somewhere...let's say the Kirkcroft central six.....under the willow by the lake. We'll get the question stuff done, and if i trust you, i'll tell you more about myself. Deal?"
Kina held her hand out for the jokester to shake.


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Character Portrait: Jokester Character Portrait: Ninja
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" sound's like a plan ill meet you there , but just so you know you can trust me "

Kina held in a laugh as she saw him disarm his joy buzzer. She had a gut feeling it was coming. The jokester left and vanished in mid air. Kina sighed, looked around a bit, then turned invisible herself. As she free ran back to her apartment, she made a mental layout in her head of what she was going to do.

Once Kina got back to her apartment, she took off her black outfit, unveiling her white tanktop and black shorts, and turned on her laptop. She sat on her bed, her legs criss-crossed between the laptop, and she silently said, "Now let's see if we can find out who that businessman was...."

Kina started by entering the coordinates of the street near her unto google maps. She found out that the building was owned by a company called Kamakura. She then entered Kamakura on to the search bar, and after pressing enter, Kina didn't like what she saw.

The first ten results were all about the incident that had happened earlier in the day. A photographer had snapped a picture of the two girls right after they had jumped out of building, and now Kina was wanted by the police. "Great, a week in this damn city, and already i got people wanting to catch me" she said silently to herself. Although Kina couldn't bear to see all the news about her, she did manage to find out that Kamakura was a tech related company, and Kamakade Kizakura, the CEO and founder of the company, was the greasy businessman all along.

Kina didn't really do much the rest of the day. She had made plans earlier with her apartment neighbor to go out to eat at eight, but knowing her neighbor, she would probably cancel it. (Kina's neighbor was one of those people who loved to make plans, but was too lazy to plan them)
Instead of keeping on her tank top and shorts, she put casual clothes on before putting on her costume, just in case. She looked at the clock; it was a half hour until six. Kina grabbed her keys, and headed out.

Kina could see the jokester below her with two ice cream cones in his hand. Would they be another part of his jokes? who knew, but for some reason, Kina found it amusing.
"6:00" she could hear him say from below. Kina quickly and jumped out of the tree, became visible after spending 10 minutes invisible in the willow tree, and tapped behind Jokester's shoulder.
"Boo." she said from behind him.


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Character Portrait: Jokester Character Portrait: Ninja
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"are you gonna help me up?" the jokester said to ninja with a devilish look across his face. Ninja looked around his hand, seeing if there were any joy buzzers still there, and finally helped him up. She picked the little duck up from jokester's head, petted it and said, "i didn't think you would get THAT scared" and placed the duck back on the ground. It waddled back to the pond.

Kina thought that the pond at night was the best place to discuss something secret. At around six, people started to leave the park, and nobody really ventured to the pond anyway. "Alright. Question time. Ask me anything." Kina said, sitting on the grass, and gently blowing a leaf in midair using her wind abilities.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jokester Character Portrait: Ninja Character Portrait: Kamadake Kizakura (The Nobleman)
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"Alright" Kina said, thinking a while before saying the question. She wasn't quite sure how to word it.
"I'm assuming you know a lot about you know anything about a man named Kamakade Kizakura?" she asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Jiro Yoshimoto (Psionic) Character Portrait: Jokester Character Portrait: Hanabi Character Portrait: Ninja
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Jiro returned home and let out a sigh after shutting the door. “Wow… what just happened?” He said to himself quietly. He was somewhat overwhelmed with all that had happened in one day. Guang’s concert, the bank robbery Hanabi stopped, the duel with Brightside, helping Brightside which resulted in Hanabi being knocked unconscious, being begged by Guang to help Brightside after finding him, helping Brightside, having his car windshield smashed, meeting a handsome billionaire, the billionaire came on to him, and finally making it home. He was beat.

“Hey you finally made it back! What took you so long? Your food is getting cold…” Guang greeted Jiro who was standing with his back pressed against the front door. “Are you okay?”

Jiro looked up and let out another sigh as he walked past Guang and tapped him on the cheek with his hand. “I will live after a long nap oh and I’m taking tomorrow off of work.” Jiro replied. He walked over to the dining-room table and picked up his plate of food so he could microwave it.

“Wait, I have that K-wave radio interview tomorrow. You’re not going with me?” Guang replied as he leaned against the entryway to the dining room.

“No, I’m not. You can handle yourself firefly. I’ll call my secretary, Mitsuko, to go with you and take over for me.” Jiro replied as he slowly ate dinner. “And by the way this is very good. Did you learn to cook while in Japan or in Britain? I think Japan because I hated the food in the UK.” Jiro added with a mouthful of food.

“Okay, something obviously happened out there after you called me. So out with it already!”, Guang exclaimed. He sat down at the table across from Jiro.

“Fine, I didn’t really feel like talking about it but okay…” Jiro swallowed his mouthful and began. “After getting off the phone with you I could pick up on the presence of someone else. They were on the room watching me but I think they were invisible or something. When I called out to her she got startled and fell down on my Porsche so needless to say that my lovely car is totaled. The woman became visible for a sec and then ran off. Some guy ran over to examine my car but then he ran off too.” Jiro Explained rather flatly.

“Oh… Wow… sorry to Hear that Jiro. If I hadn’t asked you to track Brightside down and help him this wouldn’t have happened. Sorry… I’ll pay for the repairs. I promise.” Guang felt bad.

“Well you haven’t heard the full story yet. While waiting for the tow truck to get there a really good looking guy walked up and asked me if I needed help. I found out that the guy was Kizakura Kamadake, the owner of Kamakura industries! He and I had wine at his place while I waited for the truck. He actually came on to me!!” Jiro exclaimed.

Guang sat with his mouth dropped open. “He wha-what?”

“Yeah, he’s gay! And he’s totally into me! Isn’t that awesome? I thought that me hitting the big 25 was the end of having it come easy looks wise, but I suppose I supposed incorrectly. So he drove me home when the truck arrived and we exchanged numbers.” Jiro smiled.

“Wow… I’m actually a little jealous…” Guang replied as he somewhat stared off into space.

“What? Why? Awe… Firefly, I’m still going to pay attention to you! It’s my job to do so!” Jiro used his telekinesis to slide Guang’s chair over to him. He placed his arm around Guang’s waist pulling him closer.

Guang placed his hand in front of Jiro’s face and a bright flash of white light beamed from it. Stunning Jiro and temporarily blinding him. “UGH! GOOD NIGHT!” Guang huffed in Japanese and stomped off to bed.

Jiro closed his eyes tightly and flinched. “AHHH…. Firefly why!? Hey don’t go! I’m sorry Guang it was only a joke!” Jiro called after Guang in Japanese. He sat grabbing at the air because he couldn’t see a thing. He stopped looking for Guang and sat still. “Why didn’t my empathic sense pick up on his disposition quicker than that? Geeze power fail that time…” Jiro sighed.

Guang sat down on his bed. His face was puffy with annoyance. He over the years grew very fond of Jiro and at this point somewhat had a crush on him. He was really glad to be living with Jiro and the two somewhat acted couple-ish without actually being one. He laid down and closed his eyes in an attempt to force himself to sleep.