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Erin Martinok

"You can do it, Erin. You're not a scared little kid anymore."

0 · 314 views · located in Austras

a character in “Warriors guild”, originally authored by SMinSC, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Erin Martinok
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Erin is, despite her appearance, a very shy person. She will almost never start a conversation, even less likely so if it is with someone she likes. She never even wanted to become a warrior, but in her family, everyone is a warrior. She is rather calm about most things, and doesn't like to hurt when she can avoid it. She has been trained as a warrior, so she is good, but she would much rather spend her time in a bed of flowers, not killing bandits.
Rank: Swordswoman
Warrior class: Gaurdian
Skills: Erin is alright when using swords and axes, but her true power lies in scythes. She can use her scythe to swing around her, making near imporssible to get close enough attack. She is known to use poisons on it, just incase her target gets away.
likes: Spending time in nature, practicing her skills, sweets, and flowers.
Dislikes: Killing when it can be avoided, talking to people she doesn't like, losing her weapon.
Fears: Killing an inocent person.
Weapons: She carries around a scythe on her back, for quick use. She also has a small knife in a holster on her right side in case she loses her weapon.
Equipment: She wears little armor, as it slows down the speed she swings her scythe. She also keeps flowers in her hair, and vial of poison on her left leg.
History: Erin was born into a family with strong ties in the world of warriors. She, however, was an odd duckling, perfering to play with animals rather than stab them, even so much she hit her siblings for trying to shoot a rabbit she named. Due to her family, she was trained in using weapons, and like most of her family, she worked best with a scythe, using it as a slahing weapon, and due to her build, swung it around her, avoiding the blade, making it hard for others to hit her. She was forced to join the guild at the age of 15, dispite her wishes, but has made it a goal to make her family proud, even if it means going against her own moral code.
other: Her favorite flower is a rose.

So begins...

Erin Martinok's Story


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Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Erin Martinok
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#, as written by SMinSC
Erin was practicing her skills out in the main court-yard against a dummy. She was getting pretty good with her swing, and she had learnt to put her body into it, making it continue past the point of impact. If she was a girl with a blood-lust, she would be very deadly.

After she finished practicing she swings, she decided to go out and find some flowers. She could have sworn she saw some roses out in the fields. She, however, found Coli, with someone who she coudln't remember. The only reason she remembered Coli was because she was nice to her, and she seemed like she was good with a sword.

"H-Hi, Coli." She said, nearing as quiet as a mouse, but this was around her normal voice level.


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Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Erin Martinok
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Coli Noticed Erin Quite voice even thou it was it be hard for anyone to hear.

"H-Hi, Coli." She said

Coli Did a back flip out of the tree landing on her feet just like a cat would " Hello Erin ... Out getting some practicing this morning " She said with a smile her face like nothing was bothering her at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok
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The sun shone brightly on the street of the town that the Guild hall called home. Merchants hurried off to sell their wares or were already at their positions as they barked out to any passerby about their goods for sale. Children ran down the cobblestone streets, playing endless games with nothing but their friends and their imagination. The air was crisp and clean, the cool wind bringing the fresh air to all those in town much to their joy. One such citizen was not locally born. Was not even human.

The elven assassin walked the streets in silence. His bow, casually resting on his shoulders as he hung his hands at the wrists over the ends. His gaze scanned the streets around him and took in the solace filling sights. He sniffed the sweet scent of fresh bread as he passed the bakers. His supernatural hearing, gifted to the race of elves, picked up the subtle sounds of sparrows fluttering on the breeze above his head. The entire morning scene brought a warmth to Revan he only felt since coming to this town, since joining the guild. The hundreds of years spent living with his own kind in the elven kingdom paled in comparison to the simple joy of a peaceful morning here in this sleepy town.

Revan turned the corner and began his stroll through the flower garden outside of the Guild House. Rows of lilies, roses and countless other flowers Revan knew not the name of decorated the charming little garden. A hand full of trees added accent and ambiance to the patch of beauty. In one such tree resided two of Revan's guild mates. Coli, a human spellsword of considerable skill. A ranked Defender whose loyalty to the guild was beyond reproach. Revan had worked with Coli on several occasions and the two got along well. She put up with his bad jokes and he enjoyed watching her prowess in battle as she mixed magic and steel. Beside her was Bolkan, another human with a wild side. Revan had never worked with him before but had heard tales of his ferocity in battle. He did not know much about the young man but never thought to pry any further than what Bolkan was willing to divulge. Revan preferred people not question his past so he showed others the same courtesy.

The elf approached just as yet another human arrived on the scene. A kind girl of only 18 years, Erin Martinok had made quite the impression on the guild members, joining at only 15 years of age. In that short time she had ascended to the rank of Swordman and proved her metal with her skillful use of a sickle. Coli adeptly leapt out of the tree to greet Coli just as Revan approached.

"Morning ladies."

He said with a causal smile before looking up at Bolkan and giving the man a nod.


He added maintaining his easy going tone.

"Enjoying the slow morning? Personally I'm hoping for a interesting assignment to drop in today. I still owe Grond a few gold pieces from a bet we made a few days ago. I don't like owing someone his size coin for too long."

Revan said in a light joking tone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok
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"Morning ladies." Said Revan

" morning " Coli said to him with an even bigger smile,no matter what Revan always made her smile and laugh

"Enjoying the slow morning? Personally I'm hoping for a interesting assignment to drop in today. I still owe Grond a few gold pieces from a bet we made a few days ago. I don't like owing someone his size coin for too long."

" yes I can understand that Grond can be a little over the top some times" Coli thought to her self man I don't know where I'd be if it was not for these people She then she let out this tiny little giggle and them blushed a bit " It dont matter now " she said to her self


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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"Ahh! For the love Blu'k Sha! Watch your hands!" Grond told a healer that was fixing him up. He had completed a contract to kill a minotaur that was plagueing a lumbermill owned by a wealthy baron. He suffered a wound in his left shoulder from the beast's axe. Luckily his armour prevented the axe from slicing through him like rat fat. The repairs and the healing would take a good chunk out of his pay but the head was worth it. Large pay too, four hundred gold, but it wasn't like Grond spent his pay on luxery. Most of it went to repairs, potions, and new gear. He spent the rest on his guild brothers/sisters. He paid the mage and headed out to the guild.

Grond got to the guild to barge in the door with the stuffed head wrapped in his left arm. He put it on the table, unfolding the cloth covering it so it showed the face. Another proud trophy to mount on the guild walls. He started out to the back two get some berries for a rage brew his tribe made before battle. He stepped outside to the garden to find the other members.

"Family!" He shouted. "I have come back from my contract with a pocket full of gold and a story to tell. How about we drink at the tavern tonight. My treat!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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" brother ! " Coli yelled " lt took you long enough on that contract , if it was me I would have been bake ages ago" She said with a laugh. Coli noticed Bo;kan leaving town but She did not think anything of it at the time. " So the Grond has a fairy tale to tell this one should be good" She looked At the orc thinking what has he gone through in his life, she then looked at all the scares on this mans body. Coli noticed his new wound but she said nothing out of respect of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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Ha ha. So the baron who put out the contract said it was wildlife so I assumed it was a mountain lion problem. Nope. I was jumped by a minotaur who axed my shoulder. Luckily it was just a wood cutting axe or I would've been cleaved. By it's grunting I think it was laughing at me. After that it's attacks were sloppy enough to parry easily, than after each attack I made a counter to slash at it's limbs. It wasn't laughing when I sliced it's head right off. The prize is sitting on the table inside." He finished pointing back to the door with his thumb.

"The baron was apparently a friend of the Red Thorns and wanted to see me die without any real intentions of paying me." Grond spit on the ground at the reference of the company. "He payed alright. When I knocked everyone of his dozen guard out he was begging to pay more. Red Thorn if I never met a greater group of cowards..." He sneered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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Revan casually threw his arm over the massive shoulders of his orcish friend as he began to lead the warrior towards the guild hall.

"Put a handful of braying children in command of a mercenary guild and you're bound to get all manner of rotund idiots filling the ranks."

The elf joked as the group made their way into the hall.

"So... hows about those drinks Wartooth?"

The guild hall was teeming with all manner of fearsome warriors, archers and brawlers. Ranking from the lowest to the highest the main floor was the common area where the guild members would convene, drink, recant tales form their contracts and pick up new assignments. On the far wall was a large fire place where a roaring fire crackled, granting warmth and light to those sitting around it. Wooden tables dotted the area where several small groups were sitting having breakfast or drinking something strong enough to knock a gnome on his ass. Revan led Grond to the bar before casually taking a seat on one of the stools.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: coli Character Portrait: bolkan Character Portrait: Revan Panthalos Character Portrait: Erin Martinok Character Portrait: Grond Wartooth
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Bolkan got to his clothing and gear quickly and got dressed and headed back to the guild once he was there he went to the bar and sit by coli