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Yuuji Tamashi

"I'm not quite real yet, but I will be."

0 · 478 views · located in WildOak Asylum

a character in “WildOak Asylum”, as played by Royalburden




⎡"I will be real, I promise."⎦

|| [url=_____]SONG - BY[/url] ▮ [url=_____]SONG - BY[/url] ||

Role: PatientTale: Pinocchio

FC: Juuzo Suzuya(Tokyo Ghoul)


"Feeling pain proves that you’re alive, you know. Even worms in the earth will writhe in pain when you cut them in half."[/font]


FULL NAME - Yuuji Tamashi

NICKNAME/ALIAS - Yuu/The Puppet Boy

AGE - 19


SEXUALITY - homosexual

NATIONALITY - Japanese American


"I’d say he almost looks like a doll, but don’t say that around him."[/font]


HEIGHT - 160cm

BUILD - slim with very little muscle mass

HAIR - White

EYES - Maroon-ish

MARKINGS - red stitches and scars all over

OTHER - Yuuji is absolutely adorable and has been known to charm the nurses with his smile and has some supreme skills in coaxing sweets and other treats from them.

"If you’re prepared to work with him you must show restraint. Just…don’t get too personal, alright?"



Bubbly / Flamboyant / Impulsive / Insensitive

Yuuji isn’t cruel. At least…he doesn’t perceive himself as cruel. In day to day activity he’s actually quite kind and respectful of others and appears to be quite open to hearing the grievances of others. However, though he’s very good at fooling people into thinking otherwise, he doesn’t fully understand the complexities of the emotions involved. His solutions often involve physical punishments and torture as he sees that as some sort of cleansing mechanism, a reset button to the mind. He claims it will remind the culprit that he is a living thing and that he must act as one and that all would be well once he or she realizes it. He employs the same mindset on himself, when he feels he has fallen short or his depression sets in and he “feels like his soul is dying” He will add crimson stitches to his body with common red thread and a sewing needle.

Yuuji is fascinated with the human body and the concept of a soul and what it means to be alive. He is convinced that the human soul is deeply tied to pain and that pain is what gives humans wisdom allowing them to evolve to greatness. He feels it’s what brought us up from the dirt and gave us awareness. When given free rein he will occasionally try to test his theories using whatever materials he can get his hands on and plenty of times he’s been caught in the Asylum’s more secret lab rooms with a nurse tied to a gurney with bits and pieces cut off and stitches sewn in bizarre patterns across their body.

It is suspected that his obsession is not only linked to the disorder in his nerves but to a deeply engrained fetish towards pain.

"They say that I’m wrong but…they won’t let me test to prove it!"



▷ Sociopathy- He can feel some emotion but has difficulty both understanding his own emotions and how to deal with them as well as tying the same emotion to others. His biggest problem is he doesn’t understand the difference between right and wrong and that a punishment must fit the crime.

▷Clinical Depression/Self harming tendancies- Symptoms of this come randomly for him and can last a random amount of time from a day to weeks. He remedies this by harming himself physically by way of stitching thread across the skin on his body.

▷Schizotypal Personality Disorder- This shows most for him in the way he dresses and acts around others. He has a strange constantly distracted way of communicating and though it seems like he has his head in a million places at once he's very good at ingesting what's being said to him and learning from those around him. Sometimes when he speaks he'll go on tangents mid sentence making him seem....well....odd and a bit hopeless at times.




▷The Color Red
▷Pain both inflicted on himself and portrayed through others. (emotional and physical)

▷Tough guys who hide their pain
▷Idiots who don’t learn from their pain
▷Pain relievers of any kind



▷He really enjoys pain, so...actually punishing him takes creative thinking.
▷He’s clever and despite not having a complete understanding of emotions he’s good at manipulating the ones he does understand
▷He’s very nimble, fast, and quite flexible which makes him hard to catch when he wants to be.

▷Physically he’s not terribly strong
▷He has a severe sensitivity to sunlight
▷There’s a strong likelihood he wouldn’t bother to fight back if someone wanted to kill him.


"James, he doesn’t even feel pain! It’s like he’s made out of wood or something!"[/font]



Yuuji was born with congenital analgesia. It’s a disorder that’s left him permanently insensitive towards pain. He can feel pain but compared to a normal person it’s quite dull, sort of like when you feel pain from within a dream. It’s hardly a fraction of what it should feel like. This obviously doesn’t make him immortal or invincible, it just makes him unaware of his own body’s condition.

The first time this condition was found out it was pretty late. He was about 5 and took a fall in his backyard breaking his pinky horribly on the landing. To him it felt funny, it hurt but not unbearably so, it kind of tingled and ached the throbbing felt far away as blood began to fill the area causing it to bruise grotesquely. He ran to his mother to show how cool it was.

She freaked out completely.

She took it very badly, scolding him, telling him he wasn’t normal and that he shouldn’t be reacting at all like that. She tried to get him to realize how hurt he really was as she rushed him to the hospital to get it fixed. Yuuji didn’t get it. It hadn’t hurt that bad, he didn’t understand why his mother was so worked up about it. At first the doctors excused away his weak reaction as the result of adrenalin. However once he figured out how much he enjoyed that sensation it quickly became difficult to deny that his case was unique. He would go through bizarre things in order to feel pain from provoking neighborhood kids into beating him to getting his hands on dangerous objects. Unfortunately, his disorder didn’t prevent his injuries from becoming a danger to him. When it got to the point where he stabbed a knife through his own palm and dug it through to the other side it pulled the last straw.

His mother ended up disowning him. A fight had ensued once Yuuji had been taken to the hospital to stop the major bleeding that had occurred. He could very well have damaged the delicate little ligaments and cause his hand to be lame and weak in later years. His parents were questioned about the incident and this caused a fight to break between them. Neither of them knew what to do. His father wanted to try and get help for him, a proper child psychologist who would find a way to fix it. His mother thought it would reflect badly on all of them. She continued on saying how he was broken somehow, that he wasn’t right that normal boys didn’t do what he did. She was sure it was a problem with his soul; that he didn’t come out right and was empty. “I can’t raise a child like this. It’s like he’s empty.”

Of course, Yuuji wasn’t empty. He probably could have learned to behave normally had they just taken him to a psychologist earlier and guided him the right way. Yuu was clever, he could have figured it out with time and care. Instead he took his mother’s words to heart. It made sense after all, why he didn’t act like other kids, why he didn’t feel the same things physically and emotionally. Something was missing. He was empty, he wasn’t real like they were.

Yuu was eventually moved to his grandfather’s back in America. His father didn’t want him to stay in the care of his mother and she didn’t seem to want him at all. The two separated soon after that as well and went their own separate ways. Yuu didn’t mind. He didn’t have much of a connection with either of them in the typical way. He cared for them sure, he wished he could have felt for them when they left but he understood the reasons and he was determined to better himself while they were gone. Part of him had convinced himself that it was temporary and that once he was cured the family would be mended with time.

It took a long time before Yuu actually came to the conclusion that pain was what he required. He met with a small group of boys that lived on the same street as he did. They played with him and he learned from them how to act normal simply by observing and imitating. The boys he hung out with weren’t all angelic perfect children. They were typical and occasionally would have moments where they teased one another, dared one another to do awful things and enjoyed playing pranks and getting in trouble. It was innocent fun really. One particular kid was the nasty one in the group, he came up with the ideas that got them most into trouble. He was a spoiled little brat with a rich suburban home and a set of parents that doted on his every whim, and he played soccer so he was the athletic one in the group. He took dares like candy and took every moment to boast about his feats. Dares. Yuu was fascinated by them. Challenges that put to the test what you were willing to risk both physically and by pride. He wondered what would happen if a dare went too far.

One day the group found a fox den at the edge of the park right up against the woods hidden in the brush. “Stick your hand in there.” Yuu said, looking the lead boy straight in the eyes his lips curled into a daring smile. The boy declined and he requested again, “Come on, don’t be chickenshit. It’s probably not even in there anyways.”

He hesitated, the other kids watched, eagerly, curiously. He stuck his hand in cautiously, slowly, carefully. Yuu saw it for a fleeting second, the snout and the wild eyes of a desperate cornered animal.

Chaos ensued as the fox hidden inside leapt out biting and clawing at the small boy. It was quite a feat to be mildly mauled by a fox which are known to be cowardly when dealing with humans. It didn’t do any major damage luckily, the boy survived, but it had scared the kid near to death and given him a permanent fear of dogs and foxes. He’d been covered in little lacerations and claw marks and had to be vaccinated for rabies in case which only compounded his suffering.

Yuuji was fascinated. After the incident the boy no longer bragged and waved his pride around. He was the quiet, responsible one of the group and avoided Yuuji as if he were the devil. The other parents saw this as an improvement by far as they’d known he’d been the one to stir up most of the trouble but hadn’t the heart to bring it up.

And so Yuuji’s theory of morality and pain was born. He became mildly obsessed with it, studied methods of discipline and their effects on the human psyche. He believed mainstream science to be flawed. It did have a positive effect, he was convinced of it. He felt it in himself.

His first stitches were sewn in when he’d reached 7th grade.
At this point a new, strange development had been born.

Yuuji is homosexual and has only ever had physical and emotional attractions towards other boys and men. His grandfather was nonplussed about this when it was brought up in passing. Yuu’s innocent curiosity had no hesitation, he didn’t think it was wrong. His grandfather told him otherwise.

“Normal boys don’t do that. Clearly you’re too young to understand your own feelings, hopefully you’ll grow out of it.”

Yuu…didn’t grow out of it. He figured he simply needed discipline, some kind of repercussion to build off of. His grandfather was too caring to hit him in any situation. He’d have to administer It himself and discretely too. The last time he played with knives he lost both his parents. He had to become a normal boy at all costs.

The idea of stitching came to him gracefully, almost like a sign from some benevolent deity. He didn’t recognize it at first as it popped up in movies, scenes where people are forced to stitch up gaping wounds with floss and a toothpick, stories where monsters with stitched mouths come from beneath the bed. He absently brushed a hand along the stitches in his comforter while resting in bed and it clicked like an obvious answer. “My mother always accused me of being a doll…why not stitch myself?”

And so it began. Yuu started stitching his way up the front of his torso, embracing the pain as the needle and rough red string bore through his soft pale skin.

Yuuji’s first true mental break didn’t occur until his very first semester of Senior High. There is a very pivotal moment in which you realize just how awful human teens can be to one another. An awareness fell upon Yuuji on his very first day, it was as if High School itself was the breeder of sin. He could feel it crawling inside his own body like some kind of great infection. Sex in empty classrooms, drugs on school grounds, violence in the hallways, drama, anxiety. The stitches on his body seemed to multiply overnight. Yuu wasn’t sure he could keep up. He had to stop it in some other way.

An incident soon occurred in a New England Highschool in Southern Pennsylvania. Six teens had been kidnapped from school grounds during an annual Homecoming celebration, presumably lured away from the party and drugged. They were found three days later in an old barn tied to posts with open and infected wounds all over their body. Most of the wounds were superficial but appeared to be in places that caused the most pain and the least amount of damage. However a few of the students did have fingers entirely cut off and one girl had her tongue removed and her mouth sewn shut. The skin between the fingers and under the fingernails were eviscerated with a small blade as well as the toes, shallow lacerations all across the body smeared with dirt and traces of salt. The goal appeared to be not to kill but to maim and torture. To cause pain most of all. Yuuji was taken to a juvenile detention center and was soon moved to the Asylum when they later found him stitching his entire arm.

Yuuji is rather comfortable there at the asylum. He has no plans whatsoever to escape. He enjoys the testing they do on him regarding his pain resistance and will occasionally stir trouble just to see what they think up for their next test. He’s very familiar with the few who have been there a while as he’s been there for years now and in more cases than not has probably attempted to work his charms on all of them. He’s no longer deluded into thinking his family ever had a chance. His mother hated him and his father was afraid of him. His grandfather was the only one of his family who cared to some degree but he too didn’t accept him for who he was, not entirely. Yuu’s safest place is here. The Asylum is his family.




[color=# 00ADAD]⎡Kazuko - Speech # 00ADAD⎦[/color]
Kazuko intrigues him. He finds his solitary attitude cute and purposefully finds time out of his day to pester him just to see what he does. It's possible he could have expressed interest in him when they first got to know each other but that would be long gone by now. His violent nature is what would have lured him but the two of them would be incompatible in the long run. They get along though, decently and Yuu has yet to attempt to torture him. There must be some reason he doesn't try it with him.




[color=# 0000CC]⎡Tsukiko - Speech # 0000CC⎦[/color]
Yuu is flustered by Ki. He doesn't respond to his manipulations so he's not really sure what to do with him. He assumes he's broken just like Yuu is but is confused why he doesn't want to be fixed. Yuu regularly tries to get Ki to participate in his punishment ritual and often asks if he'd like to be stitched pointing out he has good nimble fingers so it'll come out really good.




⎡Emmet - Speech #A10505⎦
Emmet is amusing to Yuu. They share the fact that both of them enjoy the twisted experiments dished out by the higher ups in the Asylum but Yuu finds his addiction towards the medication tiresome. It's highly likely that Yuu has tried to get Emmet to "have fun" with him, finding an unused lab room and doing experiments of their own. Basically Yuu thinks Emmet is his chew toy. He adores Emmet. Of course this means that the wards get all tense and bothered when they interact. The last thing they need is patients enjoying themselves.




[color=#_______(Just look at their character pages)]⎡NAME - Speech #_______⎦[/color]




Yuuji, Puppet Boy

Bubbly | Flamboyant | Impulsive | Insensitive
Sociopathy| Self Harming/depression | Schizotypal Personality Disorder


|| Speech - #D851FF ||

⎡"I'm not real yet, but I will be I promise."⎦

So begins...

Yuuji Tamashi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yukiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Lillian Brennan Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae
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0.00 INK



⎡If only one is real, does that make the other fake? I don't buy it.⎦

Role: PatientTale: Snow White and the Huntsman

Flamboyant / Inappropriate / Friendly / Reserved / Delusional / Schizophrenic / Disorganized

Speech - #FF0040


This was it... this was to be his new home. He could see the building rising above the oak trees and the surreal forest. It seemed so quaint and beautiful as if he wasn't going to an asylum but a famed school or some holiday special hotel. It was almost like he had finally received a letter to Hogwarts and life would get a million times better, albeit late. WildOak was famous enough to pretend but this was not a ticket to Hogwarts. His life was changing, but there would be no magic and love and happiness. He didn't want to go here. It felt so themed and fake but no. There was no holiday. There was no room service and relaxation and spas waiting for Adair. He wouldn't see his family here or interact with any friends that he still may have harbored back home. He wasn't even in the same state anymore, his father had made sure of that. This was to be his cage until he learned to behave and think 'properly'.

What did that even mean? What was proper? He had been behaving and acting just fine before all of this happened. Sure, he was part of a mirror and he could admit that he was starting to live his life in front of it but the tragedy that led him here wasn't his fault. He shouldn't be sent away like this, alone and scared and half of himself. The night his father had shattered his mirror he had admittedly gone berserk. He could hardly remember what happened even though the event had occurred about a month ago. All he remembered was that his father had picked up a chair and smashed the anchor of his soul. The psychiatrist back home told him he had screamed and scrambled through the shards of glass in a frenzy and he had attacked his father before clawing at himself. The hospital had come to pick him up and he'd been in a straight jacket for a while until he calmed down. Now, a month after his first admittance, he was being transferred to WildOak Asylum. Everyone thought it would be better for him to be in a completely new environment and force him to engage patients he wasn't familiar with. Yay.

Since he had been on good behavior lately, he was given the benefit of the doubt and was permitted to just sit in the back of the car with a simple seat-belt and no restraints. He hadn't tried to hurt anyone outside of that one episode after all. And, they had quickly realized that once he was given that one little mirror shard back, he had immediately relaxed.Tthey decided to let him keep it which was a good thing. The only sad part was that the actual glass was encased in a sealed box which he couldn't open. This was to ensure that he didn't use the sharp edges to cut anyone or himself. No matter how he tried, he could not open the blasted thing. So, there he was, sitting in the back seat, fiddling with the case at the end of a silver chain around his neck. He usually kept it hidden beneath his shirt but he needed to hold it for some reassurance right now.

It wasn't much longer before the car stopped in front of the large gates. Adair swallowed hard in his trepidation. He quickly hid his necklace beneath his shirt as his escorts stepped out of the vehicle and opened the door for him. Adair slowly stepped out and squinted his deep blue eyes as the sun beat down on him and he raised a hand to shield them from the glare. "Come on, kid," one of the escorts called and grabbed his upper arm. He immediately tensed, but he followed the man as he was led through the series of gates and check points. The young teenager trembled a little more after each pat down; it meant he was that much farther away from freedom.

At the last checkpoint, the guard pulled the necklace out of his shirt and raised an eyebrow. "You aren't allowed any personal belonging. I will be taking this," the man stated.

Adair's eyes widened and he pulled away from the man and clutched the chain desperately. "No! Please! Don't take it! This is all I have left of me!" he begged. His escorts immediately grabbed his arms to keep him still.

The escort that had grabbed him earlier piped up then, "Let 'em keep it. He'll become violent otherwise."

"That is just enabling his behavior, showing him he can get his wants with a tantrum. None of the other patients have the privilege," the gatekeeper answered.

"Just take it after his first session. He hasn't put up a fuss or anything with it on."

"I don't care. The psychiatrist will say when he is allowed to have it back. For now, I must confiscate it." The man then pulled the necklace off and Adair's eyes widened. That little piece of glass was all he had left of his soul! He needed it! Why would they take something that important away? His heart started hammering in his chest and his eyes were glued to the little case that protected his soul. He started to struggle then. "No! No! I need it! I need it!" His pleas fell on deaf ears as he began to be pushed through the gate. He tried to fight his way back but he wasn't strong enough. Tears filled his eyes and he started to hyperventilate. This couldn't be happening again. He didn't want to loose himself! His sheer panic made him snap.

Almost instantly, his eyes narrowed and his tears stopped coming. His feature seemed to harden from their boyish touch and his trembling ceased. Adair was gone. "Get the fuck off me!" he snarled then. Roland would have none of this. Unfortunately there was only so much he could do considering he was a rather scrawny 17 year old. The escorts hustled him through into the asylum and it wasn't until the other escort hugged him tightly from behind to immobilize him that he began to calm himself down. Though he seemed calm, they hadn't put Roland back into his place. Considering he didn't have his shard, Roland would be out to play for a while until he got Adair back from these assholes. He just needed to play the part until he was given back what was his. That meant he had to be nice though all he wanted to do was fight those that would put him in danger.

"Are you calm, Adair?" the escort asked tentatively.

"Yeah." Roland answered in Adair's stead.

The escort let Roland go then to go on his way before they left the same way they came leaving Roland to his own devices. Roland dusted himself off and glanced around then trying to get his barrings. He wasn't the only newbie but he saw other patients watching. They were probably veterans of this place, come to see the squalling fresh meat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yukiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Lillian Brennan Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae
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0.00 INK

Yuuji, Puppet Boy
Bubbly | Flamboyant | Impulsive | Insensitive
Sociopathy| Self Harming/depression | Schizotypal Personality Disorder

|| Speech - #D851FF ||
⎡"I'm not real yet, but I will be I promise."⎦

Yuuji was very annoyed. He didn't find out they were getting new ones until that very morning. His usual escort, a woman named Robin whom he was proud to say he groomed personally for months told him at 7am, only two hours before the lineup would arrive. He was very disappointed in her and portrayed as such by acting the betrayed child. He hadn't spoken to her for the past half hour and intended to keep it that way for the next day and a half. Currently he led her through the halls, ignoring her despite the sweets she promised. He didn't truly care about the sugared carbs. At least not the ones she offered. She always came to him with candies. Sweets you could get easily at a dollar store by the fistfull. It was pastries and cakes he liked. She should have known that by now.

Yuuji walked the halls lightly his hands entwined behind his back as he pretended his nursemaid didn't exist. ”Meow! You got the wrong cat, lady! N-yarrr!

Yuu blinked and stepped back as Yukiko scurried past him, the wind from her spirited escape blew his near translucent white hair about him. There were a lot of strange people in that place but Yukiko was the strangest in his opinion. He followed in her path towards the commons room, making no attempt to rush through the hallways. He stopped before getting through the last doorway and peered through the window scanning the room for intrigues. Inside the main office some hulking ruffian was giving the wards and nurses a hard time. He spoke with a voice that managed to carry through both sets of walls without him truly raising his voice. The southern accent he had was very strong. Yuu would have to investigate that one further. Ki was in there perched by the window, his deep interest betrayed ever so slightly in his posture. Yuu smiled at his ability to spot that, it took him quite a while to acquire such a skill. At that moment another new patient was being wrestled into the building. He looked around his height, perhaps an inch or two taller but his hair was a pleasant red-brown. Yuu watched closely as the wards wrestled him to calmness, with deep interest in his gaze. Without a doubt he would make for an interesting plaything.

And then there was Emmet. A giddy childish excitement rose in him, drowning out the calculative curiosity that cultivated at the arrival of the new ones. It was as if he’d suddenly been presented with an extra present for his birthday. His magenta eyes widened and all at once he shoved the doors wide opened. “EMMY!”

He practically dove across the room to hang around his neck like a brightly colored necklace. One of his bright red slippers even slipped off and lay abandoned in the middle of the room. The wards in the commons practically bristled unanimously and one of them shouted authoritatively towards him. “Yuuji! Hands to yourself!”

Yuu continued to cling to Emmet with one arm as he made a face at the ward, bulling his eyelid down and sticking his tongue out grotesquely. “Don’t be so stingy, I’m not hurting him, right Emmy? Am I hurting you?” He absently smoothed Emmet’s shirt out, smiling playfully. “He won’t let me anyways.”

The tone in his last sentence was annoyed and by contrast to his light friendly tone seemed aggressive, almost pissed off. “There’s something entirely wrong with the lot of you.”

He left Emmet’s side and walked up to Adair sticking his hand out for a shake. “Hello, welcome to the madhouse I’m Yuuji.”

Yuuji’s hand up to the very tip of his middle finger had been stitched. Not because of any sort of wound mind. There was no split in the skin, there were a few small scars, old scars that were difficult to see with his pale skin but the red threading that trailed in spirals up his arm didn’t look to be anything but some form of decoration, some kind of extreme body modification. It looked painful up close, all one could imagine was the way it must tighten whenever he moved to flex his arm or bend it, the way it tugged at the sensitive skin on the hand. The same stitches were on his face as well. They lined the edge of his eyelid and the corner of his lip. You could almost imagine him tugging the string through as the skin resisted. Yet, Yuuji grinned, oozing with friendliness that may have had the tint of falsehood hidden somewhere like a fraction of unease had been snapped off and dissolved inside. It was not unlike a drug being presented by an oh-so-trusted stranger. This man wanted to harm him.

And yet there was still something genuine in that smile in the similar way that there was something genuine about the way a stranger says he’ll pray for you. You know he will probably forget in the next hour, and the gesture itself may be pointless but the sentiment had some fraction of sympathy hidden in it. Yuuji’s smile had the same tint of sympathy a hint of genuine concern mixed with the intoxicating need to harm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Lillian Brennan Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae Character Portrait: Yuuji Tamashi
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David, The Wolf
Violent | Crude | Childish | Needy
Schizoaffective Disorder| Psychopathic Tendancies | Borderline Personality Disorder

Role:PatientTale:Little Red Riding Hood
|| Speech - #750D0D ||
⎡"Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?"⎦

David entered the rec room after finally being able to change into something other than a prison jumpsuit. For the moment he wore an extra warden's uniform, plain white scrubs and a pair of bland slip on shoes. The pants were a bit too short, showing his ankles as he stood, arms crossed in front of him, as if daring one of the other patients to make a move on him. A nurse had plastered a bandaid onto his forehead to keep the unseemly sight of blood from putting any of the other patients into a fury.

"You're to be assigned to ward 3 for now." The nurse said staring cooly at him. She'd spent far to long in that place to be intimidated by his prison stare. "You were convicted of a murder, if you misbehave even slightly you'll be moved to Ward 4 and have all wandering privileges removed. Rules are, you must be escorted at all times. DO NOT provoke the other inmates. This isn't max prison anymore."

David merely gave her a toothy grin, baring his sharpened canines. 'Filthy whore.' He thought as he openly stared at her as she walked away. Today was opening day, it was time to establish who the boss was. His gaze fell to Kazue who seemed to be staring at Adair with suspicious intent. David grinned, immediately misunderstanding the situation completely. He whistled loudly. "Lookee there Snow got on 'is matin' stare don't he?" He strode over and ruffled his white hair roughly. "Y'aint doin that fag stuff are ya? All four o' yall look like you dinin' on that rare sausage, am I right?"

He gestured to Emmet, Adair, Yuuji, and Kazue. "Listen, I ain't about that lifestyle, alright? I didn't ask to be put in no ass factory. Any a'yall try that shit with me you'll be eatin' yer slop out a sippy straw, guarantee it."

He winked at them and sauntered his way to the window. "Whatchya got there?" He asked the girl sitting there, a predator's grin still plastered on his face. "Doubt you'll find anythin' better to draw than this beautiful face right here."[/color]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viviana Umiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Lillian Brennan Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae
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0.00 INK



⎡If only one is real, does that make the other fake? I don't buy it.⎦

Role: PatientTale: Snow White and the Huntsman

Flamboyant / Inappropriate / Friendly / Reserved / Delusional / Schizophrenic / Disorganized

Speech - #FF0040


My, oh my, he was popular already wasn't he? Roland hadn't even talked to anyone yet and he had two older patients come to greet him and even the other newbie stopped by before going off to talk to a female patient sitting by the window. Though the other new patient didn't say anything too important for Roland to really consider. He didn't really understand what he said anyway. Rare sausage? What did that have to do with his mirror? Roland saw a couple of other individuals standing back but also watching and waiting and he wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to all of these people. It wasn't usually part of his prerogative to be this sociable but he could flow with this. Or at least try to. Right now, the most important thing was to survive long enough to get Adair back from those sons of bitches who took his last soul fragment. He wouldn't let that stand. He was the protector after all. He needed to keep Adair safe no matter what happened. He didn't know this place well enough yet to event try and take it all on himself. It looked like these two white haired patients were going to have to do.

He was quiet for much longer than he probably should have, his mind distracted by his need to regain his mirror. His eyes kept straying back towards the gates where the nurse was sorting through all of the things that were looted from incoming patients. Thief. That is all that person was. Then there was a sentence that caught his attention. "Do you want some help getting it back?" Roland's eyes quickly found the white haired patient that had come up to him last and he seemed to forget that there was someone else who had spoken to him first with welcome and greeting to this hell hole. He reached out and grabbed the second patient by the arms in eagerness as a smile spread over his lips. This one was going to help him achieve his goal. He even bounced a little and chuckled in his sudden glee.

"Yes! Yes I need some help getting it back. I want it back, he needs it and I am his keeper. Roland is my name. You are Yuuji? No, no, the other one is Yuuji," he corrected himself and shook his head, finally glancing back to the other person beside him. "He is Yuuji. Who are you?" he asked then. He even hugged the stranger. "You will help me get it back! Did they take it from you as well? We'll be best friends if we succeed our task. Adair and I help you with yours." He kept jumping back and forth through his conversations but it made logical sense to him. At least his internal voices were quiet for now so he didn't have to deal with them on top of everything else. "How do we start?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Lillian Brennan Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Yuuji Tamashi Character Portrait: Adair Casimir
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Emmett Rossiter

Sarcastic / Blunt / Snarky / Aggressive
PTSD | Bipolar | Psychoactive Substance Abuse

Role: PatientTale: Snow White

|| Speech - #A10505 ||

⎡"People like me don't get a happy ending."⎦

Em fell silent as he studied the next patient to arrive. His hazelnut brown hair that had a reddish tinge in the bright sunlight and his big, dark blue eyes caught Emmett's attention. He was so beautiful, young and fragile. Emmet wanted to be the one to take away his innocence, to be the first to harm his soft skin. He simply watched him with hungry eyes; the way he reacted to something personal being taken from him, his sweet tears. The idea of it being easy fun to torment the guy excited him.

His stare and concentration broke however when a familiar voice filled his ears followed by the sudden weight of another hanging off him. Ah, his lovely Yuu. Yuu was usually the one to feed his urges to harm and be harmed; he had a lot of fun with the little doll. Em simply grinned "Hey ya little shit!" He replied playfully to Yuu, returning the greeting. He glanced slightly at the nurses who scolded Yuu as he asked Em if he was hurting him. "Sadly, no." A devious look formed on his face as he made eye contact with one of the nurses, making them feel obviously quite uncomfortable. Yuu was quick to jump off, smooth Em's shirt and run off to the new patient Em had been eyeing. Kazuko, who he hadn't noticed until now, had also made his way over to the blue eyed beauty. He hadn't really spoken to Kazuko as much as he had liked to. Kazue was smart to keep himself out of the spotlight, he was quiet and kept to himself. You rarely ever noticed him and it seemed he wanted it that way.

Finally the tougher looking male entered the scene and spoke up. Emmett simply chuckled, tauntingly as the big bad wolf attempted to tease and intimidate them. He had a lot to learn. Although Em certainly did not underestimate the guy and believed what he said, it did not scare him. No instead it excited him. "Oh my was that a threat? At least take me out to dinner first." His voice was raised as the man walked away to a female patient, teasingly. He hoped he heard. He really hoped he heard.

The blue eyed male's voice took Emmett's attention as he spoke quite excitedly and happily. What were they talking about to make a guy who went from crying and throwing a tantrum, to smiling and being all hands on? It surprised Em that it seemed to have been Kazue that caught the younger male's happy attention. Curious, Em approached the trio, looking down at them, almost looming over them. "Hm? What's this? Planning on breaking some rules already newbie?" Emmett purred. He didn't know what they were planning or talking about, all he caught from their conversation was blue eyes saying how do we start. The guy was probably overwhelmed by all the attention although it seemed he was selective of who his attention was given to at this point.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viviana Umiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Lillian Brennan Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae
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Viviana Umiko

Possessive | Obsessive | Shy | Gullible
Asperger's Syndrome | Schizoid Personality Disorder | Avoidant Personality Disorder | Major Depressive Disorder

Role: PatientTale: The Little Mermaid

|| Speech - #f00755 ||

⎡"My Romeo found a new Juliet"⎦

Viviana sat in the car quite calm on the outside, but on the inside she felt her heart in her throat. Her parents were the ones who drove her to the famous WildOak Asylum. They didn't want to, but they felt it was the best thing to do for their little girl. Viviana was silent the whole trip. Only giving her parents one word replies. She wasn't mad at them, she was mad at herself. For what she did, how she let herself fall into the hands of another so easily. How she let her emotions cause her to end up like this. Not that she was aware of her problems, she was only aware that others saw her as unstable. Vivi vowed to never give her heart to another ever again, to never trust anyone ever again. To never talk to another ever again. She wanted to be alone, forever, so that she wouldn't make the same mistake, so that she wouldn't like anyone.

Deep in thought, the car suddenly came to a halt. Her parents looked back at her and gave her a saddened smile. "We're here sweetie. Don't worry everything's going to be fine and you'll be back home sooner than you think." That's what her mother kept saying, trying to convince herself that everything would be sunshine and rainbows. Her father gently placed a hand on her mother's shoulder before turning to Vi. "Come on Vi, we'll walk you up."

After getting out of the car, they walked to the entrance, having to wait patiently as the patients were taken in in a timed fashion. "This is as far as you can go I'm afraid. Say your goodbyes." A warden said to her parents. Her parents nodded before turning to Viviana. Her mother was quick to pull her into a tight, warm hug, her father did the same. Vivi was surprised by the sudden hug and she swallowed, trying to pushing her heart back down, feeling the urge to cry. She hesitantly lifted her arms and hugged them both. "We love you sweetie." Her mother said, sealed with a kiss on her forehead. "Be a good girl, everything will be alright." Her father ended the conversation with that and the two reluctantly left her with the warden.

Viviana found it hard to speak, she didn't know what to say really. All she could manage was a weak smile that was quick to fade as she turned to the warden who began to instruct her on what was to come next. A nice cool breeze made her feel a little more, relaxed, she hadn't really been outside the house at all apart from going to therapy. Tucking her cherry red hair behind her ear, she studied the Asylum with her big, sky blue eyes. Viviana was quite intrigued, the place looked beautiful, she suddenly didn't feel so nervous. A check took place and she was in the clear, having no personal items on her except her clothing, she made her way to the entrance of the building.

Taking in a deep breath as she was lead inside, time felt like it had slowed down around her, gradually getting closer and closer to the inside. "Here we go." She muttered to herself as she finally took her first step inside the building. Looking around at her surroundings she felt extremely uncomfortable so suddenly. There were more people than she had expected, curiously watching. They must have known there would be new people arriving. "Please don't look at me, don't look at me." Viviana repeated in her mind until a nurse broke her thoughts.

"You'll be placed in the first ward, but if you're caught harming yourself or another you'll be put into the second ward."
Vivi simply nodded in reply. Viviana simply stood there, not knowing where to go or what to do, she felt the need to be as unnoticeable as possible. Although she always seemed to stand out with her vibrant, red hair and blue eyes, eventually people forgot about her when she made no effort to interact with them


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viviana Umiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae Character Portrait: Yuuji Tamashi
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Detective March wasn’t sure why he had been selected as an escort, because he sure as hell wasn’t enjoying it right now.

Perhaps it was because he was relatively new to the position, having only received the promotion a few months ago in a blare of lights and trumpets. Perhaps it was his reputation of being stone cold, unmovable; a reputation completely undeserved, in his opinion. After all, as far as March was concerned, he was simply a bleeding heart blessed with the gift of stoicness.

Whatever the reason was, he truly wished that someone else had been selected. The entire ride had left him...well, uneasy, to say the least. The children in the back were about the age of his oldest, and yet both had been accused with murder and the abduction of a poor couple. A glance at the mirror flared those feelings even stronger within him. The boy, Gale, was staring placidly out of the window, wrists looking far too bony and small in their iron cuffs. Olivia, the girl, was fiddling with the yo-yo she had managed to get on the trip, attempting to do a few tricks in spite of her limited movement.

It was...haunting. Disturbing, really. It was just like his chief had told him, way back in training; it was always the innocent-looking ones who were the worse. Tightening his hands around the wheel, March brought his attention back to the road. Focus, Jasper. Nothing wrong with feeling a little off here and now.

Driving into the driveway of the asylum, March pressed gingerly onto the breaks, and, turning off the ignition for the time being, stepped out of the car and went to open the door on Gale’s end. Swallowing in an effort to moisten his suddenly-dried tongue, he took a few steps back, gesturing for the blond to follow. “We’re here,” he said gruffly, watching as the boy blinked up at him before nodding and slipping from the seat. Without any word from March, Olive soon followed, scooting over in pursuit of her brother and dropping to her feet.

The journey wasn’t over yet, however. Fingers brushing absentmindedly over his holster, Jasper moved behind the twins, trailing behind them as they took the steps into the building. Far too old-fashioned for his tastes, he noted as they entered. Looked as if some Dracula-type fellow would just come strolling past the corner, cheerfully informing them that “I vant to suck your blood” with a flick of his cape.

This whole situation was just surreal, really. Gave him the creeps.

After bringing the twins into one of the checkpoints, a few of the guards began to remove all of the belongings they had managed to bring with them. For the most part, the children were just as obedient as they had been on the trip there, and just as silent; at least, until one of the guard’s hands wrapped around Olive’s little yo-yo. Eyes widening almost comedically, the youth took a few steps forward, raising a hand as if to stop the man. “My yo-yo,” she murmured, staring up at the guard with an almost wounded expression.

Upon catching sight of what was occurring, Gale suddenly snapped to attention, and began to speak rapidly towards his sibling- something that March was unable to catch properly. However, it stopped Olive in her tracks, and the detective was able to get at least some understanding of what was happening as the vowels continued to roll off the boy's tongue. German. He was speaking German. Although part of March wanted to ask the guards if they should really be communicating in anything other than English, it managed to make Olive step back beside her sibling, and that seemed to be enough for the workers.

“You can leave now,” one said mercifully, and March nodded eagerly and rocked back on his heels. Thank god. With only a short glance back behind his shoulder, he began to make his way out of the building.

They better be paying him extra for doing this little favor, or god help him…

Back in the asylum, the twins continued their path deeper and deeper, eventually losing the handcuffs- revealing reddish, purple welts on their skin. It seemed as if they had been digging their wrists in somehow- and exchanging their prisoners’ clothing for a set of lost-and-founds’. The outfits made the small teenagers seem even smaller, and both fidgeted with the too-long cuffs, but they did not protest. Gale even chose to thank the guards, voice soft and eyes averted to the floor.

After checking them one last time, a nurse was called in to lead both down the halls, to the rec room. As she explained the basic rules, their privileges, and so on, Olive slipped her hand into Gale’s, giving the slightest of smiles when she felt his fingers curl around hers and squeeze.

“You haven’t forgotten, have you?” The voice was quiet, hardly audible so as to avoid the prying ears of the nurse, and with a bit of a stronger squeeze to ascertain that he had caught his sister’s attention. Without hesitation, Olive nodded, bringing her eyes back onto the end of the hall.

“No. I remember everything.”


And with that brief exchange, they were finally led into the room, the nurse that had escorted them padding away with her duty having been done. The twins stood almost awkwardly at first at the doorway of the room, still hand-in-hand, glancing about and assessing their company. Upon catching sight of an odd, stitched-up creature, Olive gave a light tug, turning away her eyes to allow Gale a glance without bringing suspicion. It was an odd form of mutilation, really; either the medical procedures here were sub-par, or the boy had managed to get away with doing it to himself.

Once their little rounds were over and done with- for the most part, it seemed like many of the surrounding patients were about their age- the pair made their way to a loveseat and sat themselves into it, watching the activity bustling around them curiously.

Gale looked as if he was attempting to appear as inconspicuous as possible, dropping his hands back into his lap and tapping a rhythm onto the bone.

Olive seemed as if she wanted to join one of the conversations about her, but simply did not know where to start; kicking her feet and scuffing her borrowed shoes against the wooden flooring.

Both managed an air of slight nervousness and fascination.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viviana Umiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae Character Portrait: Yuuji Tamashi
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#, as written by Skykoko

Schizophrenia | Agorophobia

Role: PatientTale: Peter Pan

|| Speech - #00ADAD ||

Kazue met the eyes of the boy, coming closer, an unusual thing to do. "Do you want some help getting it back? He offered.

The boy's reaction was far more intense then he thought it would be; he seized Kazuo's arms, eyes flaring with hope.

"Yes! Yes I need some help getting it back. I want it back, he needs it and I am his keeper. Roland is my name. You are Yuuji? No, no, the other one is Yuuji. He is Yuuji. Who are you?" He asked excitedly, head whipping back and forth, then pounced and hugged him. "You will help me get it back! Did they take it from you as well? We'll be best friends if we succeed our task. Adair and I help you with yours. How do we start?"

He's so happy, so trusting, the first thing he must learn is not to trust so easily, for humans are terrible creatures.So young, so cute, so innocent. So ignorant. So evil. Yes, Kazuko agreed. He truly is quite the vile creature. Do not worry. We will make him beautiful. He assured.

Kazuko gave the boy an indulgent smile, then attempted to answer him in the correct order, his voice dropping to a whisper after the initial introduction so they nurses wouldn't over hear. "I'm Kazuko. Of course I'll help you - I really hate those guards. I thank you for the offer of help, but I don't need it right now - they tried to take away my council with those drugs, but I wouldn't let them. Of course i'll be your friend - but I'm always really quiet, but when I do talk, it's usually something important so make sure to listen okay? First we have to make them think you're harmless so that you'll be placed with more freedom, so you can sneak away to go get him. Alright?"

Kazuko gave the boy a kind smile, then shot an annoyed look over his shoulder, where one of the other patients was hovering far to close for comfort. "Hm? What's this? Planning on breaking some rules already newbie?" He said cheerily.

Kazuko glared, and then using slammed his elbow behind him into the man's gut. Hard. "Don't get so close to me without permission." He reprimanded, monotone. The startled nurses started rushing forward, but Kazuko waved them off. "We wont fight," he assured, "It was just to make sure he knew I meant it."

He looked up again in curiosity as another person entered through the checkpoint, strange only because she was completely alone, looking around uncertainly, no guard beside her. Quite strange indeed. Bright red hair with blue eyes; unusual, but not nearly as unusual as his own snow white and unnatural mutation of teal eyes. No guard; she was newer, a first ward. The others would harm her. He would help her as well - she needed to learn, to become dark just as they were so that she wouldn't be so alone. So that she could understand them, and they her. Trial was life's best teacher. They who are outcasted, they must stick together, and keep each other strong by making sure the other never forgot, never accepted the blindness of normality. If they did it would be betray for normal people could not understand them; and being a turncoat was the worst offense you could commit, ripping away the warmth of acceptance and trust. She must learn that she would be heavily punished for that; yes, she must learn... perhaps Yuuji would like to help. Kazuko gave the girl a small smile and nod, holding out a hand to her with a palm up, gesturing her over.

He ignored the two who came in after her; he knew with but a glance that they did not need his help, the look in their eyes as they scanned the room fully showing they knew of the darkness and how to protect themselves; independent. Kazuko internally gave a nod of approval and dismissed them from mind. Their actions were their responsibility.

Kazuko glanced at Yuuji to see his reaction to the other three newcomers, only to see he was staring intently at the very first of all the new arrivals, shaking; Kazuko carefully and briefly placed a hand on his shoulder, drawing the boy's attention, and shook his head slightly. It was still day; nurses were here. It was the time to be observing and planning, not teaching. Yuuiji gave the slightest of huffs, then focused once again on the boy, Roland, turning completive as he calmed, then suddenly reaching forward and snatching his arm, tugging up the sleeve; an obvious gesture to anyone familiar with the insane or mentally broken. Checking for scars. Personally Kazuko had never understood cutting; yes, he understood why it would help on a scientific level; the brain would sent out natural pain relieving chemicals, which would numb the emotions as well as the physical pain. But it had never appealed to him.

“What do you need it so bad for?" Yuuiji demanded, referring to whatever the nurses had taken. "You’re too old to carry a blanket around- Oh! Perhaps it’s your needle and thread… It could be one of those mental things. Some people do their cuts inside their head. I haven’t figured out how that works though apparently it’s like finding the right pair of shoes, only certain blades work in that area." Yuuiji thought out loud, then paused before suddenly diverted paths back to his original thought. “What is it exactly?”

Kazuko decided to allow his own curiosity to show as well, tipping his head to the side and widening his eyes slightly in the accepted gesture of innocent inquiry, urging the new one to speak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yukiko Character Portrait: Viviana Umiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae
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David, The Wolf
Violent | Crude | Childish | Needy
Schizoaffective Disorder| Psychopathic Tendancies | Borderline Personality Disorder

Role:PatientTale:Little Red Riding Hood
|| Speech - #750D0D ||
⎡"Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?"⎦

"And the psychos keep pourin' in." David stated grinning widely as he glimpsed at the twins' arrival. He'd taken a seat next to Lilian, completely invading her personal space and resting an arm around her up against the window seated like a king with his concubine. He touched her hair inappropriately letting the silky strands run through his fingers and let his gaze go back to Emmet, dark and threatning like a wolf sizing up to a stranger. 'Fucker thinks he can make a fool of me.' He thought, disregarding lilian's discomfort and anxious eyes looking everywhere but at him as if not seeing him would make him go away. "I'll break his pretty little fag face if he so much as looks at me like that again." He muttered.

An orderly than approached him, glowering and bristling like a fussed up porcupine. His voice was halting and sharp, a real rule wizard practically bursting at the seams from all the violations. The inappropriate conduct with all the hugging and touching, letting the patients gather like some prison gang in the middle of the room. Wolf peered up at him, both amused and bored. "I'm going to have to ask you to find someplace else to sit, newbie. Can't you see you're causing her stress?"

David chuckled, harmlessly and clasped Lilian's shoulder. "What d'you mean? We're getting along just goddamn fine. She got her doodle pad I ain't hurtin' her, and I'm just takin' on the sights. I might learn a thing or two. I'll take good care of the lil' miss don't you fuss. It's those assholes you oughta be concerned 'bout. I think they're planin' some kinda orgy." David nodded towards the small group. "Pasty face is obviously leadin' um. Look at 'im standing there all authorative and shit." He gestured to Emmet stringing his lie flawlessly mispronouncing the larger words like some kind of dull wit." "Looks like they all need time to themselves, know what I mean?"

He orderly huffed and observed the group from afar. They had been in that little cluster for some time, though he doubted they were planning an orgy something was obviously up. He glanced back at David. "You find a seat at one of the tables before I lock you up in your room and leave that girl alone."

With that the orderly approached the group to warn them to loosen up the group and find things to entertain themselves like the few boardgames that had actual pieces in them. David obeyed so as not to get himself in trouble so awfully early in the game and he found a seat on a couch not far away chasing away the other two who'd already been sitting there and taking up most the space on his own by laying on it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yukiko Character Portrait: Viviana Umiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Lillian Brennan Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf
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⎡If only one is real, does that make the other fake? I don't buy it.⎦

Role: PatientTale: Snow White and the Huntsman

Flamboyant / Inappropriate / Friendly / Reserved / Delusional / Schizophrenic / Disorganized

Speech - #FF0040


So many questions! So many people! He didn't know who to give his attention to. He mostly wanted to talk to Kazuko considering he was the one that said he'd help him get the mirror shard back. But then... Yuuji sounded like he may help in this endeavor as well. And then there was Emmett. He was really tall. The stranger towered over him and he found he didn't quite like that. Roland hated to admit it, but he did feel threatened by his size and height. If shit hit the fan he would have a hard time fighting against the big guy. Why was he so curious about what they were discussing? He made no indication if he was going to help them or hinder them either so he wasn’t sure the man was someone he could count on or not.

Before he could sort through anything else, Yuuji had grabbed his arm. Alarmed, he immediately tensed and his eyes narrowed on the white haired male. His hand tightened into a fist as his sleeve was rolled up to reveal the healing scars he obtained from fighting with his father and then scrambling over the mirror shards. It was obvious they were not self inflected or methodological. Yuuji didn’t have his permission to see those old injuries so he quickly pulled his arm out of the man’s grip. And what was he going on about? His needle and thread? He didn’t use a needle and thread though it was obvious to him that this Yuuji person used such things to mark himself up. What was the purpose of the threads? Without thinking, he did extend his own hand to touch a particularly interesting bit of threading on the man’s arm and tilted his head to the side curiously. "What do these threads mean?" he asked then. "They have a purpose that is not obvious and the pattern is very interesting," he mused.

When he had satisfied his own curiosity, he registered the fact that both Kazoku and Yuuji wanted to know what it was exactly he was trying to get back from the nurses. He offered a mischievous little smile and winked. “It is everything, it is simple. It is Adair, it is me. Just a fraction of what it used to be. It is light and glossy, its meaning only conveyed by heart,” he answered. “You will see when we get it back. It hangs on a chain.” He wasn’t going to reveal all of his secrets after all and it was no ones’ business to know exactly what was held within that little piece of glass.

Then the orderly hurried over to them and told them to disperse their activity. He had a mind to go against the man, but if he insisted and they continued this chat, the nurses would get suspicious. He didn’t want to rouse them and put them on high alert. That would only make his mirror harder to obtain. He offered a smile to the nurse instead and gave a nod. He shoved his hands in his pockets then looking for a small sheet of paper that had been given to him earlier. This was a good time to bring it up after all and may offer him a chance to speak with Kazoku more without the nurses getting suspicious. When he finally found it, he cried out ‘aha!’ and unfolded the paper. “Kazoku! Could you show me to my room? I used to be ward 3 back at the place but they dropped me down for good behavior,” he explained and gave Kazoku the paper that stated what his room number was. "I don't know where the rooms are or what ward they put me in."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viviana Umiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae Character Portrait: Yuuji Tamashi
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Yuuji, Puppet Boy
Bubbly | Flamboyant | Impulsive | Insensitive
Sociopathy| Self Harming/depression | Schizotypal Personality Disorder

|| Speech - #D851FF ||
⎡"I'm not real yet, but I will be I promise."⎦


Yuuji beamed; pleased that he was curious about the red threading that lined his body. It was impossible to tell just how much of his body was decorated with the scarlet thread. “Why it’s…my discipline of course. Everyone needs something to keep them human, you know? I was born empty you see, this keeps me good.” He smiled pleasantly and observed the threading along the back of his hand.

Yuuji understood very little of Adair’s explanation as most of it sounded like some sort of descriptive narrative to describe a simple mirror. The idea that Adair thought it was a piece of him flew past him without difficulty. After all he didn’t at all seem empty like he was. It may have been too early to tell but and empty vessel was pretty easy for him to spot. Ki was empty, Emmet wasn’t empty but he seemed to like pretending he was. Kazu it was harder to tell but he was sure something was there lost behind his madness He opened his mouth to speak before they were interrupted by the orderly telling them to find something to do that didn’t involve suspicious pow-wows. Yuuji sighed, annoyed and disappointed before he wandered over where Ki sat and pulled a chair up in front of him, straddling it like a rocking horse and resting on the back so he could glare into Ki’s eyes, imitating his persistently serious expression. “Look at Ki all lonely and alone. Kiiiiiiiiiiii Kiiiiiiii why won’t you play with meee”

He pouted and turned in his seat sprawling over the back until he was looking at him upside down, his back bending in a way that seemed almost….wrong. His white hair reached towards the ground. His slim neck completely bare and visible, seeming far longer and more delicate with his milk pale skin stretched tight over his trachea and collarbones. A small Adam’s apple bobbed daintily, red threads running down its center and disappearing beneath his shirt collar. “You should wear my threads, you’re empty too. It would do you good….plus….it feels…”

He closed his eyes and smiled before chuckling and sounding as if he’d been intoxicated. He stood and strode over to him then rest an arm on his shoulder casually. “I’ll even let you put a few in me. I need it with all these sweet little temptations strutting their way in.” He sighed and leaned against the wall next to the window and gazed at the twins. “I wonder if the boy would like some threads. The girl I’d like to tear her eyes out…I wonder what he’d do if I tore out her eyes.”

“Hey!” He hissed from across the room, speaking towards Gale. “You there! Cutie! Come here!”

He gestured with a hand; magenta eyes wide as he glanced at the orderly that had split up the last group. “Psst!”

He got impatient and slipped quietly across the room. His eyes glimmered in awe. “So cute! Are you two real twins?”

He’d never, in hind-sight actually spoken to a proper pair of twins. He patted them both on the heads and compared their heights then stared between them. “Have they ever done tests on you? When one twin hurts does the other one feel it?”

He randomly pinched Gale’s forearm to see if Olivia would squeal in pain. “So cool! I’d love to play with you two. You would look absolutely glorious with some solemn black thread.”

“Oh! Let me introduce you to my dearest companion.” He tugged Gale by the arm towards Ki, for the most part assuming his sister would follow. He didn’t really like her nearly as much as cute little Gale.

“Ki! Ki! They’re real twins! This is ….um…”He glanced at Gale. “What was your name again?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viviana Umiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae Character Portrait: Yuuji Tamashi
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This was already turning out to be quite the interesting gathering.

Within a span of a few moments, one of the patients had jabbed his elbow into the gut of the other, only to get off without a warning. Of course, the fascination of the twins towards the event did not show; instead, both recoiled as if they had been the ones struck, slinking into the cushioning of the sofa and huddling close.

It was easy to tell that there was at least some measure of camaraderie between the gathered patients, if not an alliance of some sort. It only made sense, really; after all, they had been there for who-knew-how-long. It was a necessity to have a truce between killer and killer.

Unfortunately, Olive thought, it would mean that their tricks would be more easily picked up on, if they weren’t careful. Especially if the the orderlies were less lenient when it came to punishment; although it would allow for some freedom, it would undoubtedly cause trouble from the other patients if they were not careful.

Ironically enough, Gale’s mindset had gone a more opportunistic route than his sister’s. Depending on how large the group was, it would definitely be a challenge if they decided to gang up on them, or prefered to stay together in favor of wandering off. If they needed to make someone vanish, then there was a larger risk of getting caught…

Still, though, it was a challenge. A puzzle with vague rules that needed to be defined, and soon. It was with the uncanny ability twins seemed to be gifted with that their minds reached the same conclusion, and that they continued to people-watch.

Their newfound hobby was cut short, however, by the patchworked boy calling out to Gale. As if on cue, the blond immediately started, meeting Yuuji’s eyes with his own. As the other attempted to gesture him over, he put on a nervous look, glancing up at a nearby orderly- as if for permission- before lowering his head, peering at Yuuji through his lashes.

He was focusing on him, and him alone, by the looks of it.


The possibilities as to what the boy could want were endless, really. Everyone had reasons for being in a asylum, and he was no different. The boy could have thought Gale to be the weaker of the two, choosing him as a target.

Perhaps Olive had been picked, instead. After all, there appeared to be a group, and if she was being excluded, it could mean that he had been selected to join. If that was the case, it was difficult to tell what he had in store for the younger of the twins.

There was always the chance he was hoping to separate them, however. Divide and conquer was a fairly common strategy.

Whatever the case was, the best thing they could do was go along with it. Continue acting the part as the nervous children.

Wait until they had a proper grasp on who the stitched boy was, what he wanted.

As Yuuji skipped up to them, words hanging off his tongue, both watched with no small amount of curiosity. At his comment, and subsequent question, Gale once again dipped his head shyly. Olive only blinked up at the man first, before giving a slight smile towards her brother and nudging him to speak. Encouraging him to be social, just like any good sister would for her timid sibling.

“Um, well,” Gale began, seemingly distracted by a particularly interesting piece of lint on his pants. “th...thank you, sir. We’re twins, yes, sir.”

Patting her brother’s arm for the “effort”, Olive nodded slightly, content to let the answer serve as her own for the moment. At the sudden mention of “tests”, and the question of the extent of their bond, both prepared to answer, although they didn’t get a chance to speak before Yuuji had reached out and pinched Gale’s forearm.

Gale gave a wince at the action, attempting to pull away, although it did not seem to give much of an effect on Olive physically. Instead, the girl’s eyes darkened for a moment before switching to a look of concern as she looked over the patch of skin. She seemed to be satisfied by her examination, however, and the pair once again turned their attention to the puppet-like boy.

“Asides from what you did now, sir?” A note of dry amusement had slipped into his tone, momentarily disturbing the innocence Gale had been portraying.

It was at this time that Olive decided to chime into the conversation. “We’ve tried, sir,” she began, “but we can’t.”

At the mention of “looking glorious” with “solemn black thread”, the pair exchanged a brief look, eyes flicking back to Yuujji with an obvious quizzicalness.


“Pardon us, sir, but do you mean like yours?” Olive gave a quick sweep towards the bright red stitching on the other’s arm; a stark contrast against pale skin. If that was the case, then that gave an even stronger pointer to self-mutilation. Considering how obvious they were, as well, it didn’t take much to wonder why they hadn’t been removed. And if they had, that meant he had somehow managed to sew them back in again…

Before they could pry further, Gale had been jerked to his feet, Yuuji attempting to drag him off to meet a “dear companion”. An almost feline coyness suddenly flashed in the boy’s eyes at the fact that he was continuing to disregard his sister, and, making an effort to look alarmed, jerked back and wrapped his fingers around Olive’s wrist- effectively taking her along for the ride.

If he was actively trying to split them somehow, his reaction should give some sort of indicator.

As they stopped before yet another older man, the twins took a moment to look over their new company before releasing their grip on each other.

“This is my dear brother, Gale.”

“This is my dear sister, Olivia.”

Both then extended a hand for a shake, although, as expected, Gale was more hesitant about it; shifting from one foot to the next, while Olive held no such shakiness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yukiko Character Portrait: Viviana Umiko Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Emmett Rossiter Character Portrait: David The Wolf Character Portrait: Ki Misae
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#, as written by Skykoko

Schizophrenia | Agorophobia

Role: PatientTale: Peter Pan

|| Speech - #00ADAD ||

Kazoku narrowed his eyes thoughtfully at Adair's description of what the attendants had taken from him; a necklace, something that he believed was necessary for his survival. Internally a smirk adorned his face; this kind was easy to control. His eyes betrayed nothing as Adair shoved a piece of paper into his hand, only glancing after Yuuiji as he skipped away when a nurse cautiously approached and sent them on their separate ways.

“Kazoku! Could you show me to my room? I used to be ward 3 back at the place but they dropped me down for good behavior. I don't know where the rooms are or what ward they put me in." Adair babbled. Kazoku merely nodded, glancing at the paper. Second ward; one floor down and one room to the left from his own. Fairly easy to access.

"Yes, I know where this is." Kazoku assured, already going over his options in his head.

The first step is getting back that necklace, after all we want him to trust us.

Which means we have to track which nurse has it and where they put it. Is that one assigned today? If they're assigned we must find out who, if not we must find the one with the most freedom to shadow them. And then we will simply get the door code from Ki and go in to get it.

Or we could just kill the nurse and take it. Kinda, ya know... easier, the moment they're alone and all.

There was a moment of silence inside his head.

... Good point, there's that as well.

Kazoku felt the barest of amused smiles turn up the corner of his mouth. Well then, we have a plan, He summed up as his eyes locked on the nurse Adair had indicated earlier. His eyes followed the man's gaze to the cat girl, Yukiko, just as she was leaving the room in her usual manner. He reached forward and tugged on the hem of Adair's sleeve, indicating for him to follow, and then locked eyes with Yuuji and then Ki where they were in the shadows by the far wall. Aloud he instructed Adair, "This way."

They walked quickly towards the door, two of the nurses following about four yards behind them after a few shared whispers, by the fact they didn't say anything most likely deciding to allow them all to stay together, most likely assuming they were just taking the new ones on a tour. They'd have to ditch them at some point.

For Yuuiji, the moment the boy came close he murmured the plan under his breath; for Ki, who resolutely refused to come within touching distance of any of the other humans, he merely locked eyes and then looked at the nurse, then back to him. It was the entirety of what their fragile treaty was based on; causing trouble.

The door to the entrance lounge swung shut behind them.

ASPD | Cyclothymia

Role - PatientTale - Peter Pan

|| Speech - #0000CC ||

As stated once before, Ki was never a people person; he'd come here to watch the goings-on, but now, now he severely regretted allowing his boredom to do something so foolish as to be in the same room as a bunch of other people.

It had been okay for a while; no one had seemed to notice him in the shadows thrown by the windows, observing and identifying where each would be in the hierarchy; which ones would fold and die under the experimentation, which ones minds would break completely under the pressure, which ones would endure, and which ones would actually survive. The last category had the least ones in it this time around.

And then that screwed up fashion designer had tried to glomp him again and totally ruined his thought process. He'd dodged purely by reflex, glaring at the boy, who returned it with a deadpan pokerface as he dragged over one of the chairs by the nearby window and tipped it back once he was sitting down. “Look at Ki all lonely and alone. Kiiiiiiiiiiii Kiiiiiiii why won’t you play with meee. You should wear my threads, you’re empty too. It would do you good… plus… it feels…”

The boy trailed off, and Ki gave him a creeped out look hoping to God should he exist and be listening that the other human was not getting aroused at the thoughts inside his head and wishing he would go away regardless of wether he was. "... No thanks." He managed at last, subtly leaning away.

Yuuji stood and walked aver to him, reaching out to touch him. Ki wished he'd had to foresight to bring something sharp to stab him with. But then again, Yuuji would probably enjoy that, which defeated the purpose. This, this right here, was why he tried to avoid the guy. Half the time he didn't actually mind the boy because he wouldn't do something so stupid as to try and touch him or try to involve Ki in his twisted fantasies, but the other half... Ki sidestepped the hand with a glance at the nurses, wondering how much trouble he would get in if he took the plastic vase on the windowsill and broke it, then used the pieces to give Yuuiji a mortal injury that he might not survive so that he'd a least be stuck in bed for a month.

“I’ll even let you put a few in me. I need it with all these sweet little temptations strutting their way in.” He wheedled.

Ki glanced at the small crowd of new arrivals; a large-framed male that was harassing that little shy one from First Ward, the one Kazuko had chosen as one of his possessions, the bright-haired girl hesitating in the doorway, and two that he would take to be twins staring around the room unblinkingly. And this was the reason that the other half of the time he allowed the boy near them... their similar nature as predators. Temptations, indeed; he truly couldn't wait to see if they would break or not. He hoped they did; it would actually be a mercy.

For the first week after a new transfer came, they would hold off on the extra experimentation; so that the patient could settle in. Patients had told people outside, of course, about what happened inside those walls; they left a margin of time to allow themselves to claim that the patient had just heard the rumors among the other patients and was saying those things to try and get out to some lesser facility where they would be able to manipulate the staff. Then after the week was up, they would take the new ones, one by one, and make them a part of the truth behind this asylum. Different minds reacted to different things different ways; they wanted as many experiments in their hands as possible.

That week was the reason he withstood the presences of both Yuuji and Emmett every now and then; it was their time to hunt, before the new ones had been broken or killed off by the staff. Once that week was up, one of three things would happen; the newby's already fragile minds would completely break under the pressure, they would die from drug OD, or they would become stronger. As such, this first week was the only time the hunts would be fun; when they were new, not expecting it. They would break as many as possible so the staff couldn't get to them first. And here they all were, right in front of them, gather like sheep to their slaughter; tempting indeed. But no, they must wait. Just for a bit, until the watchful eyes of the staff were focused somewhere else...

Yuuji finally gave up on physical contact and took the step to lean against the wall a few feet away, observing with him, tipping his head as he eyed the twins. “I wonder if the boy would like some threads. The girl I’d like to tear her eyes out…I wonder what he’d do if I tore out her eyes.”

"Those ones will probably break." Ki stated. "Look how they cling to each other; take one away and the other will loose their grip on reality."

“Hey!” Yuuji called cheerfully. “You there! Cutie! Come here!”

Ki was well aware that he himself had broken; though that fact alone suggested he was still in touch with reality, which was counter by the fact that he was a murderous sociopath, which of course started an eternal paradox. Ki had decided to stop trying to decide on that a long time ago; it was enough to make anyone's head hurt. It could very well be that the one left behind would turn into what he and the other two had; broken but not broken. If that were the case, it could be risky, as it would earn him an enemy, and the broken but not broken could be a very, very dangerous lot. But that was a rare case; in his whole life he had only met seven others like that, in the higher security asylums like this one. And that included Yuuji and Emmett. So it was doubtful that the twins would make the cut, far more likely they would entirely break.

And he couldn't wait to see it. A tiny smirk that he managed to pass off as a welcoming smile invited the two new patients closer. Yuuji couldn't take the distance anymore and raced forward the last few steps, leaving Ki to watch the interaction and plan their course.

“Have they ever done tests on you? When one twin hurts does the other one feel it? So cool! I’d love to play with you two. You would look absolutely glorious with some solemn black thread. Oh! Let me introduce you to my dearest companion.” Yuuji started babbling again, testing the pain theory with a pinch to the arm that made the twin flinch. Ki noted the other twin's glare - so that was the dominant one. Yuuji then seized the boy by the arm and dragged him the few steps close to Ki, the boy twisting to grab his sister's wrist in a slight panic, both calming as they realized he meant no harm... well, yet. “Ki! Ki! They’re real twins! This is… um… What was your name again?” He questioned the boy cluelessly. Ki let out a faint scoff.

“This is my dear brother, Gale.”

“This is my dear sister, Olivia.”

They were speaking for each other?

... Creepy. And cliche. This would be fun.

Bright teal caught his eye, and he looked over at Kazuko, who glanced at the nurse following Yukiko out of the room, then back to him in a look. Ki nodded, and then reached forward to give Yuuji the slightest of shoves to get his attention, motioning towards Kazuko, knowing the other would understand; the hunt was already on.

"Well, it seemed one of the others is taking a newby on a... tour. You can tag along if you like." He invited the twins, attempting to sound friendly and light, then turned and walked after Kazuko and the boy following behind him. After all; though they themselves were good at causing trouble with their rather sadistic tendencies, the prize had to go to Kazuko for creativity in causing trouble. It was always fun when he was on a mission.

He spared a glance at the two nurses who exited after him, one that he recognized as Kazoku's normal assigned nurse. He'd of course ditched his own; being a long-time patient had the advantage that they didn't even bother really trying to make sure they knew where he was anymore, since it made no difference wether they did anyway - and they knew it.

He kept a careful distance from the two others as they left the room and entered the halls; not wanting the new one to get the wrong idea should he be one of those people that hug people in greeting. Those kind freaked him out.

A bit behind him, he could hear the nurses whispering rapidly among themselves, planning what they would do - as if he couldn't hear them or something. Briefly he wondered if this was one of those 'normal person' things, because they seemed to do that a lot. Was he supposed to like... cover his ears so he didn't overhear them? Pretend he didn't even if it meant doing something with whatever he overheard? Ridiculous.

Let the game begin, he thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Ki Misae Character Portrait: Yuuji Tamashi Character Portrait: Olivia Eden Character Portrait: Adair Casimir Character Portrait: Gale Eden
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⎡If only one is real, does that make the other fake? I don't buy it.⎦

Role: PatientTale: Snow White and the Huntsman

Flamboyant / Inappropriate / Friendly / Reserved / Delusional / Schizophrenic / Disorganized

Speech - #FF0040


Roland was no more the wiser as he followed his new friend down the hall. He knew there were two nurses following them but he didn't much care about them. So long as they didn't try to do anything to him, they could do whatever they wanted. He didn't even realize that Yuuji, Ki, and the twins were following close behind. How could he know what the three experienced patients were planning to do to him or the twins? He was new around the block after all. At the other asylum, he hadn't interacted with the other patients much since he hadn't had time. When he was brought in, he had been condemned to solitary confinement and strapped down with a straight jacket so he wouldn't hurt himself or others in his psychotic break. When he had finally calmed down, his only social interaction had been the nurses and psychiatrist that had cared for him. This was totally new. And if it was Adair beside Kazuko, he would have sequestered himself away to shyly endure his self imposed solitude. He wouldn't have trusted these people so easily. Roland however, had no such qualms.

Roland eagerly followed after Kazuko. He even hummed as they walk, his deep blue eyes scanning the halls and trying to commit everything he saw to memory. Unfortunately that wouldn't help him much considering settings often got jumbled in his head and it disoriented him. And once Adair came out again, he wouldn't much remember this anyway. Just the same, he hoped that this would help serve him some way eventually. He did notice there were a lot of windows and doors though. Each door was guarded by another orderly that watched them cautiously as they walked.

"Hey, Kazuko, is my room near yours?" he asked then. He figured it would be good to room next to someone he was at least familiar with. If something were to happen, he did hope that he could count on someone at least. Being alone somewhere strange was never a good thing. He glanced back then and noticed the patients following behind the nurses and tilted his head to the side. Were they just walking down the hall or were they being followed? The nurses hadn't raised a fuss. His eyes narrowed as he took in their features. He remembered Yuuji. He assumed Yuuji was there to aid him and Kazuko but he was less familiar with the other taller male. The twins were new patients, he knew that. Were they guiding the twins? Yuuji did seem to cling to the male twin. Huh. How interesting. Ah well. It didn't concern him. He picked up his pace again to catch up with Kazuko.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Kouta Character Portrait: Ki Misae Character Portrait: Yuuji Tamashi Character Portrait: Olivia Eden Character Portrait: Adair Casimir Character Portrait: Gale Eden
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It seemed that their assumption of there being a group of sorts was correct. Having spent so long practicing their own silent communication, the quiet signals and subtle gestures private signals, it didn’t take much to pick up on at least a few of the others’ means of directing each other.

A glance, a shove, a communication. A union.

Something was up.

Nevertheless, they would have to continue playing the part of the fool, and hope for the best. They needed to keep their cards close to their chest, especially if something was happening beneath their noses. Play the parts of the innocent, the young, the naive, and, with any luck, they’d be left to their own devices for as long as they needed.

A delicate, delicate matter, indeed.

This little reverie of theirs was well hidden, covered by a faint disappointment as the man failed to introduce himself, or even bother to shake their hands. Seeing that keeping them extended would now be a futile gesture, the twins allowed their arms to fall, looping them together so they were once again linked.

At the offer of getting invited along on a tour, the pair exchanged a look, considering it, before both turned. Instead of the more talkative of the two speaking up, however, it was Gale who answered.

”Ah...alright,” he mumbled, smiling sheepishly. “As long as you all don’t mind...we’re...not really sure where to go, ourselves.”

And it was with that agreement that the children of Eden had found themselves following along with the little gathering. They spent their time looking around, taking in the grand windows, the guarded doorways, the fake potted plants- all of it was observed with nothing less than marvel. For what was supposed to be a containment facility for both ill and criminally insane alike, it was surprisingly...lovely. Once they were secure enough in how things worked, they would have to explore the place properly.

An amusing thought flicked through Gale’s head; if their facade had been convincing enough, then any fellow third-warders would be surprised to find them hanging about. With any luck, they could just pass if off as a breakdown of sorts, a fit of insanity. He had heard a story on that before, on one twin being apparently affected by another in their sickness. Both became wild, attempting suicide only to get back up and attack the officers.

And yet they had been released later on with little argument, because they had been on good behavior, because they were deemed sane enough to be free again.

A truly funny incident.

A sudden sound of alarm caught the attention of both twins, and both turned just in time to see the puppet-boy lunge at a guard, red string deftly being wrapped around the unsuspecting man’s throat in a makeshift noose- was that the true purpose of the threads? For use as a makeshift weapon?- before he knew what hit him.

The guards were distracted, but, either way, it didn’t take rocket science to know this was not a good situation to be around.

Mustering up a look of shocked horror instead of fascination, the pair took a few steps backwards, watching the scene go on as if they simply couldn’t tear their eyes away from what was unfolding.

More steps. Then more.

Finally, slipping free of one another, both turned and began to flee.