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"Now what would I use you for?"

0 · 703 views · located in Camp Good

a character in “xXx The Unseen xXx”, as played by FaddedFox



Um... who said I care about you or what you think?


Alexandra Herrington

Alex | Alexi | Ali







Alexandra seems like a sweet and innocent girl at first glance. She doesn't talk loud and generally offers assistance when she can. For intents and purposes, Alexandra seems like a well-rounded, self-less girl. She also gives off the air of someone who is more mature than her age implies and has often been mistaken for being older. She is not shy but will let others take the lead or the credit, not wanting to be the center of attention or be proud. Her laid back and quiet approach makes her seem naive, as if she is doing extra work for nothing, but that is not necessarily the case.

dark green


lean and curvy

Alexandra doesn't have a set style. She wears whatever she is in the mood for. This varies between jeans and dresses, summer colors and black goth outfits. She tries to be modest with the skin she shows and puts only enough makeup to highlight her eyes. She does like to jingle when she walks so tends to wear various bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. It is one of the few feminine things she really enjoys having. She loves things that glitter.

Alexandra loves dancing and eats healthy to maintain her figure. She doesn't like the idea of being too thin so she is careful to maintain the balance she needs.




+ Clever - Alexandra is intelligent. She does well in school, yes, but she knows how to turn a situation in her favor. She loves to problem-solve in challenging situations.
+ Alexandra can be sweet and selfless when she wants to be and towards those she actually likes and considers as friends.
+ Spontaneous - Alexandra naturally likes to react to things instead of plan ahead. Life is short so she wants to enjoy the time she has. This can make her quite creative.
+ Assertive - Though she seems shy and quiet, she knows what she wants and has a reason for doing the things she does so she doesn't let others tell her what to do.

- She doesn't care about most people so if you don't fall on her small list of people she cares about, your SOL in situations.
- Her natural apathy and selfishness can backfire to the point that others won't help her if she needs help. Luckily growing up in the 'good camp' has forced her to play the good Samaritan.

+ Underestimated - Since she looks like such a gentle girl and so young, people often underestimate her which gives her a certain power over them since she'd hit them where enemies would least expect.
+ Manipulative - She's become quite the manipulator and being naturally evil, she doesn't care about morality. There are laws and there is an art in knowing when to use them or bend them to make others do what you want. Since she also doesn't care about others, she doesn't mind going farther down the 'dark path' if she has to.

- Fire - She has a fascination of fire which hasn't always turned out well for her. She's hurt others on accident with this when she got carried away.
- Claustrophobic - she can't stand being in small tight places.

Outwardly, Alexandra is sweet and selfless. You need help with a project? Sure, she'll help you. Need to get some help with moving something? Not a problem. She generally agrees whenever asked and seemingly does it for free, but behind that 'selfless' act, she's keeping tabs. If she's helped you, you can bet she'll come to you later to request something greater from you and hold it over your head. That or she'll find your weakness and hold that over you if you don't accept her asking the first time. She doesn't forgive easily and she knows how to play the system and go between good and evil depending on what she wants. She is not someone to take lightly. She can be quite vindictive behind closed doors, so no one realizes just how bad she is. She wouldn't want to ruin her game after all, and tip the hens off that there is a fox in their midst. Alexandra likes to play with fire and investigate things. She's inquisitive and actually loves learning, experimentation especially. She loves making her world a game and playing with others, seeing how far she can push them without them being the wiser.


Alexandra and her parents are distant. They were more involved when she was a kid and over the years just grew apart. Once Alexandra realized she was in the wrong camp, she made sure no one knew what alignment she had, including her parents. She didn't want anyone to think she was a failure because she certainly saw herself as a success. Alexandra felt that her parents only liked her because they thought she was the 'good one' and so their affections became too fake for her and she didn't really need them anyway.
She doesn't know who her twin is but kind of wants to know and see if she can convince her twin to help her with various schemes.

When she was a child, Alexandra often did 'bad things' just for the fun of it. She liked chaos. It was fun. But the exasperation of others around her quickly clued her into the fact that in this side of the world, displaying those behaviors were dangerous. If she didn't want to be seen as a failure, she needed to change, lock it all away. So, she picked up being good though it was sickening, the candy sweetness, the fake smiles, playing naive. She gained 'friends' by being nice and she realized that having friends meant you had a group of people at your disposal that could do things for you. She could play queen while her followers sat around her, doing her dirty work or taking the fall for her later. Friends became an asset.

The rules themselves became weapons. She could play by the rules and decide when to break them for her benefit so slowly by slowly, she began to control those around her and manipulate them. But she also saw that if she wasn't careful, she could end up burning bridges. Literally. Her fascination with fire made that lesson burn brightly when she set a small room on fire where her friend's pet cat was in. Her 'friend' was devastated and though Alexandra tried to feign innocence, the girl knew enough to know it was a lie. It was an event that nearly cost her everything for being labeled a failure. Luckily her other good deeds and her sweet lies eventually got her off the hook but it is a lesson she won't forget.

As for the rebellion, she is all for it. A rebellion is chaos and what is better than that? though her sorting is far in the future, she looks forward to the day when she can get out and perhaps lead part of the rebellion herself and watch it all unfold.



Chloe Moretz

ⒸⓞⓅⓨⓡⓘⓖⓗⓣ * AngelGirl

So begins...

Alexandra's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Aimee Cerf Character Portrait: Ethan Cerf Character Portrait: Alexandra Character Portrait: Vidas Wagnar Character Portrait: Kenji
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The world ended the day the families never went home. At least, they didn't go home the same.

The camps were created as a means for calming a terrified people. Many saw that a containment of the Cured was the only way to get the nation back to where it had started. They admired the iron gates and stone buildings. They admired the illusion of security that the camps provided. It never occurred to them what was built inside. Blood had not yet stained the walls but the sterile smell did nothing to avert thoughts about what become of it. Large screens hung in basements meant to brain-wash and pray the hate away. Or even pray the love away. There were certain emotions people could and could not express. The people wanted normal. The people wanted uniform.

So began, Re-Education.

It started small, with what the establishment called "Productive Labor." How could the Cured begin to fit into society when they were under the impression that they were above those who had worked before them? In order to correct their superiority complexes and their work ethics, they were put to work building, mining, and assembling all sorts of structures and projects. It was hot work, and many passed out from dehydration or exhaustion. But, if a Cured could not handle it, that only meant he had to work harder. These were dire times, and many died from it.

Once the excitement died down, new standards were put in place for what a Cured should be. After all, these creations were meant to be the epitome of perfect. Everything needed to be regular. They added "Suggestive Psychology" to the regime. In order to trim and crop the Cured into carbon-copies, they needed to associate their "negative traits" with things that disgusted or terrified them. This was a time of fear, and any difference from the norm was seen as a sign for a stay in Re-Education. These differences included, but were not limited to, angry outbursts, homosexuality, skipping class, authority issues, and broken laws. In order to cure the Cured, they showed them pictures to represent their negativity, followed by an electric shock or a vomit-inducer. Many victims to this level of re-education came out stoic and highly dedicated to the cause. Some never made it out. There were held for as little as a day or as long as several weeks, but the results were still the same.

Re-Education became a topic of fear within the camps. It was never mentioned out loud, or even whispered, to anyone. It was a threat used by officials to herd the Cured into obedient lines. The equivalent of Voldemort, basically.

It was a world that only those inside the iron gates knew of. Almost. A Cured was able to get a message to the barest of hints of the Amber Rebellion. Only a handful of people at the time, it created outrage among the group. They used the information to recruit more naysayers all over the country, spreading out into almost ten chapters. It was then that they realized only those on the inside could truly destroy the Camps. The Chief Strategists of every division met and devised a plan. They appointed Aimee and Ethan Cerf to be administrators of the Inside. Aimee and Ethan had experience with the rebellion, and knew the systems. This allowed them to stay in contact with each other, as well, uniting the two camps. Aimee appointed Alexandra as her Second. This allowed him to communicate and recruit others in Camp Good, and strategize with his counterpart in Camp Evil. Ethan appointed Vidas Wagnar as his Second. Soon, Kenji joined the Inside, as well as a few others from both camps. The hard work was done by the Premiers, as the five Cured were affectionately known. Intercepting messages and passing communications between camps were crimes that could get them Re-Educated, at best, and Executed, at worst. It was a fate that none of them could assign to anyone else. They all needed to stay secret, and they all needed to stay loyal.

Whether they all abide by those standards is another story that's yet to be told.

The setting changes from The Unknown to Camp Evil


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Cerf Character Portrait: Alexandra Character Portrait: Vidas Wagnar
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The setting changes from Camp Evil to Female Dormitory

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aimee Cerf Character Portrait: Alexandra
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She awoke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. Her forehead was slicked with sweat, and her hair a tangled mess. If someone were to be looking, her eyes might have glowed in the dark. But, her room was quiet and there wasn't a shadow of another person. The thing about being in the "Good Camp," was that they trusted you. "They" being the pompous assholes that came up with this whole thing. But, if it meant she didn't need to deal with roommates, then it was worth it. It made her job that much easier.

Rolling out of her bed, Aimée wiggled her toes in the fuzzy, white carpet. Light was just starting to rise from the mountains beyond, and she yawned loudly out the window. Opening her door slightly, her foot rolled over a crumbled piece of paper on the floor. Unfolding it, she read:

All is well in Hell

Aimée smiled gleefully. Ethan was safe. She hadn't heard from him in a couple weeks, since his last bout in Re-Education. She feared it would finally be the session that broke him, but she should have known better. Nobody could break her twin.

She looked around again, trying to see if there were any other notes left for her. Nothing. Nothing from the Rebellion. It had also been a while since she'd heard from them; her so-called employers. She often scoffed that they were just using her and her team for the grunt work while they sat in comfy chairs and debated about percentages. Not that it would have mattered, anyway. The Rebellion was the only glimpse of hope she'd had since coming to this stupid camp. If it meant devising her own plans and projects to take the system down, then so be it.

Aimée got dressed quickly, the starch uniform itching her skin. Nude was not her color. Just a little longer, then you'll be free, she thought, thinking of her Sorting that rested a year in the future. It seemed far away last week, but this week it seemed much closer. She couldn't decide whether she was happy about it or not.

Sighing, she left her room and made her way down the hall, stopping in front of Alexandra's room. She had no idea whether she was in there or not, but she pulled a piece of paper from her pocket anyway. Swiping a piece of charcoal from the message center at the end of the hall, she scribbled on the note before stuffing it underneath Alexandra's door.

Yellow in the Caf

Yellow for medium-priority, and location. It was a code that she'd tried to get the group to use, but many thought it was too complicated. Hopefully Alex would get the message, and not give her too much grief for it. Sighing again, she left the dorm and began walking in the gloomy morning towards the hot coffee waiting for her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aimee Cerf Character Portrait: Alexandra
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Bored... Bored... Bored...

Everything was always so boring in Camp 'Good'. No one was doing anything fun and if she tried to deviate a little, everyone would be on her like a hawk. Alexandra couldn't risk being labeled as 'hopeless' and perhaps end up in re-education again or killed off. She was still young, her coming of age day far in advance. But laying low was hard and she was starting to get more and more stir crazy. She even locked away the little lighter she'd managed to steal from one of the guards who enjoyed smoking far too much for his own good. That was technically a good act, right? She stopped him from smoking for a little while. She chuckled at her own rationalization and rolled over on the bed, her blond hair falling around her face as she stared down at the magazine of pretty dresses and hand bags.

She lifted a page but instead of turning it, she ripped it. Slowly. Listening as the page tore with a satisfying shreeek. It was a form of release for her since she couldn't do anything else she wanted to do. She set the page aside and started on the next page, drawing it out once more and enjoyed the sound. She wanted to set the paper on fire and watch it curl as the image distorted slowly, the hypnotizing flame devouring it until it was nothing but ash, the scent of the burn heavy in the air. Her fingers twitched at the thought but she kept her body on the bed. She had more control than that.

Alex was pulled from her revere when she heard something at her door. Her forest green gaze lifted to the paper on the floor and sighed to herself before she closed the magazine and pulled herself up from her bed. She set the magazine orderly on her table and crumbled the two wayward pages before tossing them into the garbage. She picked up the paper at her door then and read the script. She was familiar with the handwriting and easily discerned the sender and the code. A grin twitched at the corner of her lips. This had to be good, or rather, deliciously deviant. It was coded yellow after all. And Aimée always had something fun to share with her, some task to get her mind off things here. She wondered what it was this time.

She rushed to do her hair in a messy bun and put on her plain clothing and checked herself in the mirror. She may be excited to get down to business, but she still had to look good. Whatever this was about, she still lived in this camp and she had appearances to keep. Satisfied with her look, she tore up the paper message till it was unrecognizable and mixed it with the shredded magazine so in case anyone checked the trash, the paper wouldn't be conspicuous. Alex hurried to the cafeteria then and scanned the crowd until her eyes settled on Aimée.

Alex walked over to the food line and grabbed a couple of fruits and made a show of looking for a place to sit before she settled down beside Aimée as if it had been a mere coincidence. She didn't want anyone to be suspicious of her interactions with Aimée after all. "Hey," she greeted. "What's cooking?"

The setting changes from Female Dormitory to Camp Good


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aimee Cerf Character Portrait: Alexandra
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Aimée sipped her coffee peacefully, scanning the cafeteria. It was easy for the guards to slip up in the morning, before they'd gotten the chance to get their footing and start harassing people. Sometimes they'd say something a little too loud, or be clumsy with a door and forget to cover the keycode box. It was those moments that fueled Aimée in the mornings and had her getting out of bed earlier than she needed to. All she needed was one chance, one break, and she could wreck the entire Society. So, she watched, and she waited.

It was due to this attentiveness that she saw Alexandra slip in and circle the room, finding her instantly but giving it a minute to make it look random. Aimée had to admire her style. Alexandra had a certain...grace about doing things she wasn't supposed to be doing. It was the reason Aimée had chosen her as her Second, and the reason she knew her plan was going to work.

"What's cooking?" Alex said as she took a seat near Aimée. Aimée smiled at her briefly, before continuing her surveillance of the area.

Her eyes narrowed as she saw one guard slip another a piece of paper. A meaningful glance. Even Camp Good wasn't a stranger to gambling and other vices, but they were usually smarter than placing bets in the middle of the cafeteria. Guard One walks to his rotational position on the East side of the room, while Guard Two continues to the West. Trip. Look left, right. Keep walking. Something was different. It was 07:30, and there were definitely supposed to be more officers in the room than there were. There should not be two guards at different cardinal locations, there should be five or six scattered throughout the room. Which meant that the others were needed somewhere. But for what?

"Something's different. Nothing changes around here, ever. We're the nice little elves that do what we're told. So what's happening now?" Aimée wondered aloud. Sipping her coffee slowly, she looks to Alex, her eyes glinting. She'd had plans to share this morning, but those could wait. Her curiosity was getting the better of her. If there was even a small chance that something was going to happen on her turf for a change, she wanted to be there for it.

"Up for an adventure?" Aimée smirks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aimee Cerf Character Portrait: Alexandra
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"Something's different. Nothing changes around here, ever. We're the nice little elves that do what we're told. So what's happening now?"Aimée remarked then.

Something was different? Alex gave a yawn, making herself stretch back in her chair as she began to look around the cafeteria room. Same old goody crowd at the tables they tended to migrate to. The chatter she could catch was meaningless, talking about the 'amazing' gruel they were eating and what special privileges so-so would receive for doing so-so good deed. It seemed like the same boring scenario to Alex. There was Bethany and her flock of wanna-bees. They tried to live up to the rules but they always fell short. They were coming up to judgement day. He wondered if they would really pass the test. Only thing to do was wait and find out. Alex did her best to seem like a good kid to. Maybe they were just trying too hard and they were in the same boat? Alex scoffed to herself and brought her attention back tot he situation at hand.

She didn't see anything too out of the ordinary. What was Aimée talking about? Her eyes drifted up to he people handing out food but they were the usual crowd too. There was guard 1 doing his rounds. The other one shouldn't be too far behind... but where was guard 2? She frowned lightly and her eyes re-scanned the crowd then. She did spot the second guard but there were only two. What happened to the others? They tended to cross paths frequently around here, even if they were in the obedient camp. Had something happened in the bad camp then? Something had to be going on. That was usually the reason why guards were taken away from the good camp.

"Is it the guards? The reason you called me? What's the scoop?" Alex whispered. Before she could get her answer, Aimée mentioned going on an adventure. Alex's smile turned into a smirk, an almost malicious glint in her eyes sparkling. "When am I ever not in the mood for adventure? What's on the agenda, Boss-Lady?" she asked then. She sat up straighter in her chair and started to twist one of the rings on her finger in excitement. "Is it something I can do right now? Is it about the guards?" Alex cleared her throat and looked away, trying to quell some of the enthusiasm though she doubted the two guards would notice her among other inmates.