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Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

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Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:09 pm

This is a closed roleplay between Euphonious and Cure. Please don't post here unless you are one of us. :)

It was a quiet day in the house. Her father was out looking for a job so she was left to tend to the house with her stepmother. Her very own mother sent her over here because she believed her father, who had more money than her actual mother, could take better care of her. She tried to look on the bright side, though. Jocelynn, otherwise known as Josie by most of her relatives or Jodi by people she was close with, that being her pet name, thought of this as a new start to actually get her name right. She was okay with her other nicknames, but she could never got anyone to call her Joc. Her mother said people would think she was trying to be a boy. Time and time again she tried to explain to her that it was pronounced "Josh," it was just said like the other letters weren't even there. She didn't like how 'Joss,' looked it...far too close to the word moss. That was perfectly okay because now that she was in Germany, she wouldn't have to explain herself. She would simply introduce herself as Joc. That was a plus. Joc was taking a break, getting some air while she sat on the porch swing and watched people walk in the streets. She could speak three different languages--English, Germany, and French--but she preferred English. In Germany people said she sounded just like one of them, but the way she pronounced some of her words was a bit different because of her English accent. She'd admit, sometimes she stumbled over her words since she rarely had to speak German over in England. Her stepmother spoke a bit of English, but her father said that he'd prefer it if they just spoke in German while she was there. Joc didn't have a very good relationship with her father. She didn't see him that much and he didn't know how to handle a teenage girl, especially this kind of girl. Joc didn't like rules. There were no such things as boundaries in her world. She had a hard time listening and an even harder time keeping her mouth closed.

Joc stood up and looked over her shoulder into the window. She was peeking into the living room, looking for her stepmother. For a quick second they made eye contact and the mischievous glimmer in her eyes was something she could not hide. Her stepmother looked at her strangely and disappeared from the window. Joc could hear her heels clicking on the wooden floor as she went towards the door. Joc's icy blue eyes widened as she ran down the porch steps, skipping the last one, and landing in a puddle that had formed from last night’s storm. She jogged down the sidewalk, looking over her shoulder as her stepmother waved her arms, calling out to her: "Where are you, going?!" "Jocelynn, you're father needs to know where you'll be at all times!" Joc turned back around, wrinkling her nose. She called back, purposely in English, "My name is Joc! I'm going on an adventure!" She laughed as she ran down the street, receiving strange glances from everybody. She eventually slowed to a fast paced walk. Her father strictly told her that she wasn't allowed to go but so far out and about. Joc honestly had no idea where she was going. On the way to wherever she passed a store that housed a lot of teenagers around her age. Most of them were standing outside. They waved to her when she passed by and she smiled. Joc wasn't very used to reading the German language, it was something she'd have to work on while she was here; however, and while she was here she'd pretend it was a different language. And right now...she was headed to...Everalouria! She winced at how terrible that sounded, but it would do for now.

As she walked on, she straightened out her skirt some. Because of the war, this she heard from a few women at the store the other, the factories were trying to use as little fabric as possible and the teenagers were wearing their skirts shorter and taking this as an advantage. They said that teenagers were "too young to worry about sex appeal." Joc rolled her eyed. Her skirt wasn't that short. Maybe... She got to the end of the area she was familiar with and looked forward to a slightly vacant area. She decided to go the back way, behind a couple of closed stores and through an alleyway. Her stomach did flips. She patted the back of her hair. It was started to come loose and fall out because of all her rambunctious movement. She smiled, that's exactly how it should look. Wild and spontaneous! Just like her. Joc walked across a dirty street, stepping in a multitude of puddles along the way. She walked down a new street made of pebbled pavement; it was this way because it was between a multitude of stores that were on either side of it. She thought of it as a mini plaza. She walked down the small street, looking at all the different stores and what they once were. She got to the end, a closed gate in front of her, and she made a right as she continued to walk through the little town area. She passed what she believed to be an old ice cream parlor. And then a flower shop. And then she passed a tailor. Joc could see the children running into the parlor while their mother went to pick up her husband’s clothing; meanwhile, the husband was next door buying a bouquet of flowers for her. A bittersweet smiled crossed her face. This place was slightly eerie, but that's how it was supposed to be. Her shoes tapping on the road made it seem much louder than it should have. She neared the end of this part and there was a road to her left and then her right. As she got closer to that split she heard a noise; a beautiful noise. Slowly, Joc took a left and hesitated just once. Not too far down there was a dead end. But she knew the sound was coming from there. Joc walked slowly as she pushed a fallen curly from her face. The noise got louder and she realized that it was not noise at all: it was music. She moved closer to the sound, closer to the dead end, and she looked up to see that a sign above the source of the sound had words written on it, just like all the others. What did this one say? It was rusted and old so she couldn't tell. It was nearly broken and half fallen.

She came to a small store. Was it a store? She stood right outside the door and listened for a second. There was a slight breeze and her light golden brown hair curly hair tickled the nape of her neck. She leaned over, peaking into the door and saw a boy making music.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:09 pm

Grey sunlight poured into the shop's large dusty windows making small smudge shadows dance across the equally dusty ground. Newspaper clippings were strung up on a thin metal wire, along with old photos. The air was still, aside from the occasional howl of wind through gaps and holes in the walls. Suddenly, a sound rang out. A sound that sounded much like the chime of a grandfather clock. That one sound multiplied into a whole string of like sounds. Soon, it formed a melody. A bright melody that filled the dank, little shop with energy and life it hadn't seen for years.

Klaus Ehrlichmann took a deep breath and closed his eyes. His fingers glided across the keys of a black grand piano like a ghost across a parlor. It were as if his soul had drained from his body into his hands. He was at peace with the keys as he had always been. It was the first time in ages that he had sat down at this specific piano. It had been his fathers. Before the war, the shop was filled with people here to buy, or just listen to his father's music.

The music slowed into a much sadder, haunting melody.

But when the troops had passed through the town, His father had grown gravely ill and passed, leaving the troops to ransack his shop. Not much was left other than the piano and a book full of pictures of Klaus, his mother Diane and his father Christoph. Klaus had come across the shop again, two years after his father's passing. He had made it his home away from home. It was the only thing of his father's that Klaus still had in his possession. The piano was slightly out of tune, but it gave it character and a strange, eerie, yet beautiful sound.

Klaus's fingers stopped and moved into different positions before playing again.

Music was the center of Klaus's life. He opened his eyes and looked down at the keys. Klaus couldn't speak, so the music he played spoke for him. His emotions were played through his music. Usually the notes were slower and more drawn out. They made up a sad song the walls of the shop knew very well. If only the rest of the world did also.

The floorboard of the shop creaked and Klaus stopped playing abruptly. He stood up and looked over his shoulder towards the front door. He saw a girl peeking in. Klaus frowned and grabbed an envelope from the piano bench before stalking out of the room. He was sick of the occasional curious soul that snuck into the shop. There was nothing left to take. Couldn't they see that?
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:02 am

Joc peered into the shop, looking like a little hamster sniffing at food. There were pictures and newspapers on the wall. That's what they looked like from where she stood. She watched the boys' back as an enchanting song flowed from his hands and channeled into the keys of the piano. The music flowed and filled the empty, deserted town. She could hear the children laugh as they ran into the parlor. She could see the little girls patting their skirts and the little boys' holding onto their hats. Joc could see their mother, bright and beautiful, as she laughed politely with the tailor who believed he was much younger than he actually was. She looked over her shoulder, just to make sure that it was all her imagination. Just to make sure that the flowers--the lillies, the daisies, the roses--were all figments of her imagination. She looked back to the piano just to make sure that this was the source of the life in this abandoned little town area. Chills went up her back and her bare legs tingled. Her ears were now filled with a type of sadness...melancholy. That was her favorite word when she was about twelve. She was just fifteen now. Her birthday was just forty-seven days ago. Sometimes she liked to tell people that she was older than she really was, just so they would treat her like she was older. Joc turned her head slowly, dazed by sucha beautiful sound. There was a piano at her mother's house and in her father's house, but she never really got into playing the instrument.

She stepped forward, completely unaware that she wasn't even controlling herself now, and her foot pressed against the floorboards causing a creak. It surprised her as she quickly moved her foot back. Immediately, the boy stopped playing. It was so abrupt it caused Joc to feel eerie. She looked at him curiously, unsure of what he was going to do. He held a frown to his face as he grabbed something off the piano bench and walked out of the room. She wrinkled her nose at him. How rude? She patted her skirt down and fixed the sleeves of her shirt.

"Now you wait just a good ole minute," she said as she stepped inside the dusty old room. She stopped and looked around. There were old pictures and clips of newspapers hanging by wires across the store. She walked over and looked at an old picture. This one was of a boy and a man. It was probably of the boy who just stormed off. She didn't see his face very well but it just made sense. "I have a father. We don't take a lot of pictures together. He's not really a picture person. He doesn't like dairy. So when you say 'cheese' he won't smile," Joc was sure he was someone within hearing distance. She turned back to the middle of the store and walked over to the piano. It was beautiful. A grand piano it looked like. She touched a key and then put her finger back. "This is a lovely piano. How'd you fit it through the door? You should take it someone with an appropriate climate so it'll last longer. It's very dusty in here. Last night's rain made it very humid and moist. That's not good for these kinds of instruments, you know. Speaking of which, it's not very polite to just walk away like that. I just wanted to listen. You're very good, by the way. How long have you been playing? A long time, perhaps?" She looked back around the room, turning her attention else where.

"I don't believe I'll be leaving until you come out here," she said stubbornly as she tapped her feet against the floorboards and smoothed her hair back.

Joc smoothed the bottom of her skirt and sat down on the edge of the piano bench, facing away from the piano. She crossed her ankles, sitting up straight and looked around. Her eyes turned to where she saw the boy trail off. "I know you're back there somewhere. I won't go back there because it wouldn't be very polite to just wonder in this shop. Is it your shop? If it is you should probably move it further down yonder. You'd get a lot of customers. I'd be a customers. I love stores. There are a lot of people to talk to in stores."

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:49 pm

Klaus heard the girl's voice in the room behind him. He clambered up an old ladder into a loft and listened, debating on whether or not to leave the shop for a while in hopes she'd be gone when he returned.

"I have a father. We don't take a lot of pictures together. He's not really a picture person. He doesn't like dairy. So when you say 'cheese' he won't smile."

Klaus raised an eyebrow. What was this girl getting at? What did she want from him? Did she want anything at all? Maybe she was harmless? Klaus couldn't take that risk just yet. He decided to listen for a few more minutes to make absolutely sure she wasn't dangerous. Klaus couldn't help but smile at her ridiculous questions. She was a bit chatty for someone who just happened to walk into a random shop. How did she know he wasn't plotting to kill her? He wasn't but he was a bit worried for the parents of this girl. Was she really so reckless that she tried carrying on conversations with people she had no idea were dangerous or not? Klaus shook the thought far from his mind. He couldn't be worrying about some kid. He needed to be worried about himself and the shop for now. Even though he was sure she was harmless, he wanted to wait just a while longer.

Klaus climbed down the ladder and waited by the door frame, just out of sight. When she threatened to stay until he came out, Klaus sighed and came around the corner, arms crossed, gaze intense. His eyes stayed locked on the girl. He couldn't answer any of her questions, so he figured she'd get frustrated and eventually leave, which was good for him, but it wasn't the best place for a young girl to be wandering out in alone. Klaus motioned for the door and took a step forward. He placed one hand on the dusty edge of the piano and then on his chest. If he could speak his motions would mean a little something like this: "Yes, of course the piano is mine, I am not the type of person to waltz into random stranger's shop and poke in their business." He narrowed his eyes at the girl. He didn't know signing which was tough, but motions would have to do for now.

Klaus sighed and motioned to the door again, hoping she'd leave before it started to get late.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:24 pm

She thought she heard something. When the boy appeared from around the corner he'd disappeared to—arms crossed and everything—she gave a peachy smile. It slowly faded just a little bit into a mild grin when she processed that he didn't look all too happy. She crossed her arms and frowned in mockery of him. "I hope you didn't come out only because I said I'd leave if you would. And that's just fine because I said don't believe, so the jokes on you.," she smiled at her own thought of cleverness. Joc loved praising herself; she had a tendency to over exaggerate just about anything. She glanced at the direction he motioned, which was the door, and looked back at him remotely. Her body pivoted a little bit on the piano bench when he walked over, placing one hand on the piano and the other on his chest. She smiled. Joc stood up happily. "Oh, I just love charades." She walked around to the other side of the piano, opposite him. "I'm not very good at it, though."

The boy, again with his tense gaze, motioned for the door with a sigh. A small frown placed across her face. "Shouldn't you be heading home as well? I don't live that far from here. It's a good walk, but I think I remember my way out. My mother always told me I was good at directions. There was this one time my mother and I went to the park when I was little girl and I got lost, but I remembered my way and finally found her." Joc drew a flower in the dust on the piano. She put her elbow to her nose and sneezed. "Oh, dear, excuse me." She looked to the boy, waiting for him to say 'bless you', of course not knowing she wouldn't get a verbal response she frowned at him unapprovingly. "You don't talk much. Are you a very shy person? I'm kind of shy myself too."

Joc continued to babble and tell short little stories about herself. "Why are you here all alone? Don't you have any friends? You look like you're from here. I'm from England but I moved here because of the war. We could be friends. Then it's like a win-win situation. Do they say that here? If they don't, that means that both people benefit from a situation. Kind of like mutualism. I learned that in Biology back in England."

Joc walked back over to the door, leaning through the door to get a look outside. She turned back to him curiously. "Do you smell that? The rain. I think we're going to have another storm tonight. We should both head home, then shouldn't we? Where do you live? There isn't a neighborhood in this general area. This entire place is abandoned. You might live near me. We could walk together." There was a sound of thunder. She imagined her father wasn't home yet, but her stepmother was probably nervous. No worries though. She was perfectly fine.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:40 pm

Klaus frowned when she still stayed in the shop and didn't leave. It was frustrating not being able to say what he wanted to. She was very stubborn and wouldn't be an easy one to get rid of. Of course, he could attempt to scare her away, although he never had the heart to do so to anyone before. He got to the point of picking up a sharp pair of shears, then setting them back down and darting out the door before he got the chance to confront them. Klaus's mother always said he didn't have a single mean bone in his body. He didn't want to believe that but it was all to apparent now in his seventeenth year.

Charades. A small scowl was set on Klaus's face. It was all too much worse than just a friendly game of charades. He wanted to scream at her. For intruding in his shop, for accusing him of being rude, and for making a mockery of his condition. Although it wasn't intentional, Klaus couldn't help but feel more handicapped than he truly was. The girl sneezed and excused herself, then looked expectantly at Klaus. He just looked at the piano to avoid eye contact. It wasn't as if he could say anything anyways.

When the girl asked him if he were shy, then went forth to say she was shy herself, Klaus couldn't help but scoff as to say, "I extremely doubt that." What kind of person barges into a stranger's shop and mindlessly babbles about them self then have the nerve to say they are shy? Her chattering was giving Klaus a headache slightly. He had never been questioned so much before. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

When she finally said something about heading home, Klaus sighed with relief. Finally. He thought to himself. He looked out a broken window to see the clouds getting darker. Klaus looked at the girl and motioned for her to go. He figured he'd walk her home then return. He figured he'd stay at the shop for tonight to care for the piano. The roof tended to leak and he didn't have the money for any repairs at the moment. His mother would understand. He'd write her a letter to explain everything tomorrow. Klaus motioned for the door again. He sighed and stepped out first to prove to her that he would follow.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:27 pm

Joc frowned when the boy motioned toward the door again but then smiled happily when he stepped outside. She stood on the very edge of the door and jumped into a puddle. She was wearing brand new shoes. Not that you could tell anymore. She walked by his side, listening to the tapping of her shoes against the pebbled road. There was another sound of thunder and she looked up into the cloudy sky. "Do you think he's mad at us? God, I mean. All this terrible weather; he must be feeling something, right?" She folded her hands together in front of her and walked thoughtfully. Joc paid attention to his feet while he was walking and tried to synchronize his steps with hers. She walked in surprising silence, just thinking and going off into her own little world. Well, she wasn't complete silent: she was humming...but it was quite close enough.

Something caught the side of her eye and she touched the boys arm and then walked to edge of the road, right in front of one of the other abandoned shops. She bent down and looked at a little frog that was sitting there all by himself. "Oh dear, I think it's lost." Joc scooped the little critter into her hands and held it within so that it couldn't jump out. She walked back over to the boy and opened her hands just a little bit so he could see it. "Isn't it cute? It was all alone so I picked him up. I heard that if a frog pees on you you'll get warts. I don't think this one will though. It's pretty calm." She continued to walk, paying attention to the frog in her hands.

Joc looked at the boy and then looked away, thinking. She did that quite a few times and then turned her attention back to the frog. She looked at the boy again, with a very straight face, and just stared at him until she got his attention. Her mother would do that sometimes. People said they looked alike so maybe it would work right now. "You don't talk much. You haven't answered any of my questions. I haven't said a lot because I was going to wait for you to say something but you haven't said anything yet. I'm a nice person. If you talk I'll listen. I don't ever cut someone off when they're telling a story because I love stories. Well, I try not too at least." She looked back down at her hands. There was another sound of thunder and she felt a wet drop fall on her nose and in response she wrinkled it.

"My name is, Joc by the way. Joc, kind of like moss but not really."

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:12 pm

Klaus watched as the murky water of the puddle splattered over the sidewalk. His thoughts wandered to his younger childhood, but were brought back again when a crack of thunder sounded in the distance. They walked for a bit before the girl started to talk again. He listened to her words and furrowed his eyebrows in thought. It sure was something to think about. The thunder reminded him of when the war struck the city. The grey billowing smoke clouded his mind. then he saw his father, coughing, and the wretched sound that was. Then he saw the cemetery and the freshly dug dirt.

Klaus shook himself from the thought and looked down the pebble street, trying to keep his mind clear. He barely heard the sound of the girl humming next to him, and the sound of two pairs of footsteps. He focused on that. After a good while, he felt her touch his arm Klaus looked her way and watched as she scooped up a frog.

"Oh dear, I think it's lost."

Klaus felt a smile tug at his lips. Maybe it was the crazy thought of a frog getting lost, or the fact that the girl had the craziest imagination to think it were lost. Klaus stopped walking and waited as she returned back to his side, her new friend in hand. He raised an eyebrow, but continued walking.

Klaus felt her staring at him a few times, but they came and went. Then as the feeling got more intense, he hesitantly looked at her. You don't talk much. Klaus sighed and looked back ahead at him then back to her. He shook his head and opened his mouth slightly, then closed it again. Klaus just stared ahead and frowned. If he could talk, things would be so much easier. He felt a few drops of rain fall on his cheek and he looked up. Soon the girl talked again.

"My name is, Joc by the way. Joc, kind of like moss but not really."

Klaus laughed silently. It wasn't much of a noise at all, more of a wheezing, gasping sound that mimicked laughing poorly. Klaus turned a deep shade of red then looked ahead again with a stern look on his face. Once he got this girl home, he wouldn't have to worry about her any more.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:03 am

Joc focused on him when she finally got his attention. He seemed frustrated, and for a second she thought he was going to say something, but then he closed his mouth and frowned. After she introduced herself Joc looked at him and smiled. "Why are you so red? You're like the color of cherries." A small giggle escaped her lips as they both walked on. They walked out of the abandoned little town area and onto the regular pavement. She completely forgot the absence of the eerie feeling she had when she was first wondering around the area. She kept her mouth closed, looking at the frog every once in a while, and listening to her shoes hit the pavement.

Her voice lowered as she spoke, "Are you a Jew? Is that why you're so quiet? Do you think I'll turn you in? Because I won't. I wouldn't do that, you know." She looked at him for a few seconds longer to make sure he understood what she was saying. When they approached the backway she came she began to chew her lips. "I came down this alleyway because I was going on an adventure." The rain started dropping in a less than shy manner. Her stepmother would be really upset that she got her hair all wet and curly. It took a long time to straighten it.

As they came out the alley and neared the area she was familiar she felt a sense of comfort. "I live near here," she told the boy casually. There weren't very many people outside, just cars. "Do you always frown and never smile? And never talk?" Joc glanced at him, half knowing he wouldn't answer but she was a dreamer so she still had hope. They neared her house and when they came within eye distance she scowled. She walked a few more feet, slowing her pace some. Her stepmother came out onto the porch, waving her hand, yelling to her. "Jocelynn! Jocelynn! Good heavens, get inside right now! Who is that I see with you? Hurry up!"

Joc turned her back to her house and stepmother and looked at the boy. "That isn't my mother. I have a real mother back in England. She's much better than her." Her stepmother's pestering voice was still calling to her. She turned some and called, "I'm coming! Just hold on a second." Her attention turned back to the boy and she rolled her eyes. "We should get together sometime. You know, where there are people. We should get ice cream. I just got allowance and I'm dying to spend something. It'll be fun. What do you say?"

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:34 am

When she commented on his color, Klaus turned an even darker shade of red. It wasn't his fault he sounded like a cat with a hairball when he laughed. Klaus shook his head and stared straight ahead, not wanting to cause anymore reason to be embarrassed.

It was nice when she didn't speak. It gave him a reason to be silent without feeling awkward. He could actually focus on getting her home rather than starting up a conversation with her. He couldn't really do the second choice, but it was worth mentioning. When she spoke up again, Klaus couldn't help but laugh again.

"Are you a Jew?"

Klaus looked at Joc, and shook his head. It was true. He was one hundred percent German, but she did have a good reason to think he was a Jew. He was pretty quiet, not like he had the choice. Klaus pursed his lips then sighed. He felt awkward being silent around someone so...not.

when they approached an alley, Klaus looked around. He raised an eyebrow when she said she had come down this way for an adventure. The only adventures you would find in those alleyways were trouble. Klaus tensed up, ready to run if he had to. He wasn't much of a fighter and he wasn't expecting anyone to jump the two young kids, he just wanted to make sure. He relaxed when they came to the end of the alley. Joc spoke up again and Klaus sighed. She sure had a lot of questions about why he didn't speak. Wasn't it obvious? He couldn't.

Some woman was waving frantically at the two and Klaus figured that must be her mother, or step mother as she explained it. He stopped and looked at Joc, his hands in his pockets.

"We should get together sometime."

Klaus sighed then nodded. It was better just not to argue. Klaus figured if she wanted to get together, she knew where to find him. He watched as she hurried to the woman at the house, then headed back to the shop. He needed to check the roof for any gaps that would threaten the piano.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:34 pm

It actually took much longer than she'd expected: eleven days to be exact, almost two weeks. She was under punishment for a week and that was seven days. She wasn't allowed to go anywhere. The next four days were completely consumed with endless work and chores. Joc knew they were looking for as much for her to do as possible so she couldn't go anywhere. It wasn't until one day she finally found a way out. She was having breakfast with her father and stepmother, eating as fast as she possibly could. When she finally finished she excused herself from the table and said she would be going out. Of course it was easier said than done. Her father gave her a shopping list of things to pick up at the store. She just nodded and scurried out. She could get that later. Her hair was curly that day as it's been for the past week or so because her stepmother was still frustrated that she got it messed up after "all her hard work" she put into making curly. That was okay though. Joc didn't really like the iron anyway.

Joc walked through the town, waving to familiar faces but not familiar names. The group of teenagers usually outside that certain store in the afternoon weren't there right now. She looked around curiously and got to the vacant area like she had the first day and took the short cut down through the alleyway. She crossed the dirty little street into the abandoned town area and right onto the pebbled road. Her stepmother threw a fit when she saw the frog in Joc's hand and made her take it back outside immediately. Today was a pretty day. It looked as if it would be nice and sunny. She walked down the little area, looking around at the abandoned stores.

When she finally got to the dead end she made the left and continued down to the abandoned little piano shop. She stopped at the door and poked her head in.


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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:57 pm

Klaus had been almost positive that the girl, what was her name? Ah yes, Joc. He was sure she wouldn't return, which seemed like a good thing at first, but Klaus really did miss the company. Lately he hadn't gotten around to playing much piano. He had been pretty sick over the last few days and was just beginning to get over it.

The rain had given the shop a bit of a musty, damp smell that Klaus wasn't too fond of. He hadn't quite gotten around to cleaning the place just yet. He had been too worried about the piano. The wood on the legs and the bench was already starting to warp due to the change of the atmosphere the past week or so, and oh god, Klaus didn't even want to think about all the tuning it would need. Surprisingly though, even through Mother Nature's indecisive weather changes, the piano stayed in pretty decent shape. Granted it wasn't the greatest sounding piano to begin with, but the eerie off-tune-but-still-appealing-to-the-ear sound gave it character.

Klaus had been busy with straightening up his loft, which consisted of a small cot, and a case full of clothing, when he heard a small voice come from downstairs in the main room. Klaus wasn't sure if his mind was playing tricks on him or not. Usually when he was sick, he tended to hear things, so he thought nothing of it. Until the voice finally struck a bell in Klaus's memory. He didn't know if he should be glad for the company, or annoyed by having to be basically interrogated again.

As he made his way down the ladder, Klaus took note of what he was wearing. A dirty shirt and worn trousers. He wasn't the most presentable, and was considering changing, but he shook his head. Who was he trying to please? Society was definitely not on his side. It hadn't been for a very long time. With that, Klaus stepped out into the main room and scowled at the girl peeking into the shop.

You could have at least knocked. Hadn't your parents taught you not to burst into strange places? Klaus thought as he ran a hand through his tousled hair. His mother had wanted to give him a cut when he returned home the other day, but he refused. He also refused to shave, not that there was much to shave anyways. He looked at the girl and cocked his head, motioning her an invitation to come in. Klaus's eyes drifted to the piano. Just looking at him made him antsy. He wanted to feel the comfort of the keys but he had much bigger things to worry about. He'd just have to take it one step at a time, and for now, he had to deal with Joc.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:28 pm

Joc looked over when she saw the boy come out. At first she didn't really recognize him because of his raunchy attire and the way he looked at her when he looked to the door, causing her to take a step back. After another second she realized it was the same boy from eleven days ago, or he looked strangely like him. When he motioned her to come she walked in at a slow pace and stood a few feet away from him, her hands behind her back. Now that she was closer she could definitely tell it was the same person. He was just awfully dirty. She suddenly noticed the smell and put her bicep under her nose for a second before removing it. "I almost didn't recognize you. You're very dirty," she said with a small smile.

Joc patted her skirt down some, pointlessly and looked around the room. It was a lot nicer when there was some light shining through. "I won't ask you so many questions anymore. Or talk so much. My stepmother says I have a mouth bigger than a lion and that I could put a merkat to sleep with all my talking. She says young ladies only speak when spoken to. But she isn't my real mother so what does she know. She's the one that does all the talking." Glancing back at him, "But you don't talk so I guess we can work that out." She bit her lip angrily when she realized she was once again yapping and yapping. "This is a new skirt," she said as she walked over to the pictures. "I don't really like it though. My stepmother picked it out. It makes me look like an old lady which is why I don't like it because I'm not an old lady. I'm not really that old at all, I don't believe."

She looked at the grocery list her father gave to her. Hopefully she didn't have to get back at a certain time. Looking at the pictures, having quite the fun time actually, she secretly wished her and her father took my pictures together. She was pretty convinced that he didn't like being around her too much because she was so troublesome. Her thumb brushed across his messy handwriting gently and she bet he was having a jolly good time with his new wife; the wife that wasn't and isn't her mother. She missed her mother's handwriting. Mother liked her company. She was sure of that. She was sure she was much happier in England and that she absolutly hated Germany and that the German people here didn't like her all that much either. Mother should take her back very soon, the war will be over in no time at all. Maybe she can go before then. Mother wouldn't just dump her off in a new country. Mother's don't do that. It would make Father happy, Mother happy, and Joc would be happy too. For once, everyone could be happy. A small lump formed in her throat and she swallowed hard. Thinking about ther mother and father made her feel that way. Joc turned from the pictures abruptly and looked at the boy and walked over to the piano. "Why don't you write your name down in the dust? That way I know what to call you. You already know my name but I'll write my name down because I don't like when people spell it wrong." She took her pinkie, only God knows why she used that finger, and wrote her name in elegant cursive. "J-o-c. Joc. Kind of like moss, but not really. Come write yours down now."

Fidgeting with the small piece of paper that smelled like her stepmother and was written in her fathers handwriting, she kept reading through the list continuously until she looked back at him. "Were you a little bit busy? I won't keep you long if so; I actually have to go get groceries and that's how I got out the house today." She didn't understand why they insisted on keeping her in that house all the time when she knew they were only truly happy when she wasn't there. Joc began chewing on her lip like she does every now and again, usually when she's thinking hard, or, too much. She shoved the list into her skirt pocket and clasped her hands together behind her. "You would be very good at the quiet game." Not that she ever was, but who couldn't guess that?

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:48 pm

"You're very dirty."

Klaus rolled his eyes and took a step into the room, looking around. True, he was dirty, but that wasn't the only thing that wasn't in the cleanest condition. Klaus dusted off a corner of a nearby table with the cuff of his sleeve and was disgusted to see how much had actually accumulated in the shop. He was determined to clean this place up. What he really wanted was to re-open, but it would take more than just a miracle to fix this place up to decent shape. Besides, with the war going on, not too many people were taking an interest in the music industry.

Joc's endless yapping drew Klaus's attention from the shop, and back to her. She was going on about her stepmother and how she had bought Joc a skirt that made her look old. Klaus grinned a little. It really did look a bit like what his mother would wear. His mother wasn't too young now, at a powerful age of fifty three, Klaus was sure it was safe to call her old. He watched as Joc looked at the pictures of him and his father. Klaus felt his throat constrict, but he knew it was no harm. She was just curious about him. Hell, Klaus would be curious about himself if he stumbled into a music shop to find a boy, who didn't, no, couldn't talk, and could play piano rather well.

"Why don't you write your name down in the dust? Klaus raised an eyebrow. He had never thought of that before. He took a step towards where Joc was writing her name, and smiled. Her handwriting looked much like his mother's. Elegant and very neat. Klaus looked over her shoulder at the dust and mouthed each letter to himself. He looked at her then looked back down at the dust, bringing one finger to it.

The letters were shaky and not very neat, he also thought one looked a bit crooked but there it was. Klaus. He brought his hand to his chest then back to the name he had just written. Klaus tried to think of a word that rhymed with his name, but he couldn't think of one. When Joc asked him if he had been busy, Klaus looked around then shrugged holding up his thumb and index finger as if to say "A little bit." He rubbed his chin a little then sighed. Klaus didn't really want her to leave, he really was starting to enjoy the company, but she had something to get done, and he understood. Klaus was about to motion for her to go ahead and leave when she spoke again.

"You would be very good at the quiet game."

Klaus chuckled quietly, his laugh barely a whisper. He nodded his head and gave her a look which could have said. "And you, not so much." He smiled. Klaus stuffed his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:06 pm

Joc watched the boy write his name in complete and utter seriousness. Why did it seem like girls always have better handwriting than guys? It didn't bother her too much except that one of the letters that was a little bit crooked. She leaned over and blinked her eyes. "Klaus?" she lookd at him for approval. He brought his hand to his chest and back to the name and that's when a tight feeling twisted within her stomach. She stared at Klaus for a second, eyeing him closely. The gesture he did sent a chill down her spine and she couldn't push the feeling from her stomach. There was a new lump forming in her throat but she quickly looked away and looked at his name in the dust on the piano. "Klaus. I like that. Kind of like Santa Claus." She rubbed her stomach casually, trying to look as normal as possible.

He gestured again that he was only a little bit busy. Maybe he has Laryngitis or something. Was that contagious? Probably not since she didn't have anything. She had to make sure though. He did look a little bit ill. Maybe from all the dust. That's probably why. But can dust make you lose your voice? "Do you want to come with me to get groceries? If not, that's okay." She shrugged casually as she looked around the room trying to keep all racing thoughts from her mind. She read through the list again even though she already knew what it said from the back of her head. Looking through a bit more accurately she now realized that she didn't understand one of the words. The flesh around her cheeks turned a little pink. Oh great. What if this was important? What the heck was Soleier? She doesn't remember learning that kind of food. Maybe she forgot. She doesn't like German so that's probably why. Sometimes it was hard pronouncing the words. Other times she just lost complete interest and when she came back she would be completely confused. She doesn't like how her stepmother speaks. Especially when she tries to speak English because her accent is heavy. Then again whenever Joc is speaking to her she looks at her like she's crazy so maybe the feeling is mutual. She's not very good at reading it either; not as good as she is with English at least.

"Klaus, if you're going to come with me maybe you should clean up first. People might laugh at you. Or you might not be allowed in the store. You should also brush your hair--" she reached for the top of his messy hair like her mother did whenever Joc needed to do something with her hair or if her curls just looked like she came straight out of the jungle. She pulled her hand back awkwardly, but chuckled it off at the thought of what he probably would have done. His reaction would have been pretty funny. "Sorry. I have a hard time keeping my hands still. Don't worry. I'm not going to touch you though. I don't have a disease or anything." She put the list back in her pocket, trying to forget about the weird word. "If you come with me to get groceries I can help you clean up, like saying thank you. But if not I can just go home. You won't hurt my feelings. I don't have any emotions. See how I've been keeping a straight face most of the time?" She looked back at the piano and drew a flower in the dust next to her name and then a stick figure next to him with messy hair. "That's you Klaus." She glanced at him for a second then put her finger back to the piano and drew an elephant next to her name and a mouse/spider thing (A circle with six legs, a point nose, long tail and round ears.) next to his stick figure. "Because I'm loud: like an elephant. And you're a spider mouse because I don't know which is quieter. Do you want cheese or a web or anything? My elephant has a flower."

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:23 pm

Klaus awkwardly rubbed at his arm as Joc studied him. It wasn't as if he had changed much since she last saw him. Maybe she didn't get a good look at him last time. Either way, Klaus felt as if he were an animal in a zoo, others watching him, expecting him to do a trick. He was used to it. Once people found out he was a mute, they treated him differently. First they started to think maybe he was deaf too. Then, as things escalated, people avoided him all together, like the plague. Once Joc started speaking, Klaus was relieved. Santa Claus? A smile spread across Klaus's face. That was the most ridiculous thing anyone had ever said about him.

Klaus looked down at the ground as the room fell silent again. It wasn't so long this time, and for that, Klaus felt even more relieved. He was known to make things awkward, but it wasn't anything he could help. Joc spoke up again, this time to ask Klaus if he would like to accompany her on a grocery run. Klaus thought about it, but he wasn't too sure he should. Maybe being seen with this girl was trouble. But then again, what harm could come from a grocery trip? Klaus nodded slightly and looked at Joc.

"Klaus, if you're going to come with me maybe you should clean up first. People might laugh at you. Or you might not be allowed in the store. You should also brush your hair--"

Klaus watched as Joc reached up, but pulled her hand away, chuckling. she apologized, but Klaus didn't blame her. He was positive he looked like he had just arose from the dead. He coughed awkwardly and shrugged. Joc offered to help Klaus clean up and he could feel heat rise to his cheeks. Did he really look that bad? Klaus reached up and patted his hair. It was all but matted, and felt as if a family of birds were making his scalp a home for their young ones. His eyes moved back to the dust where they had written their names. Joc had drawn a flower next to her name, and a stick person next to his.

"That's you Klaus."

Klaus raised an eyebrow and frowned slightly as if to say, "I get it now, I look like a wreck." But he was a bit more amused with what she drew next: An elephant, and a creature that looked much like a mouse, but with too many legs.

"Because I'm loud: like an elephant. And you're a spider mouse because I don't know which is quieter."

Klaus blinked slowly. She didn't get it yet, did she? He looked at the girl and furrowed his eyebrows. Maybe it was a good thing. He cleared his throat and looked back at the room that lead to his loft. He held up a finger to indicate that he would be back, then walked back to the room. When he was up in the loft, Klaus dug around for one of his shirts and a pair of clean trousers. Once dressed, Klaus combed his fingers through his hair. With no success with that, he grabbed a cap to hide his mop before returning back to where he had left Joc before. Klaus smiled and gestured to himself then held up a hand, giving her a thumbs up.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:25 pm

Joc furrowed her brows when Klus turned a little red. Was he now just realizing how dusty this place was? She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Boys. She frowned once again when he didn't specify whether or not he wanted cheese or a web for his spider-mouse. Instead he held up a finger and disappeared into some other room. She huffed. Oh well. He wouldn't have cared anyways. "I'll just give him both." She drew the web and the spider as best she could but the result left her pink in the face with frustration. By then though Klus was back and he looked more approachable than he did a few minutes ago. She took notice of his cap and looked at him for a few seconds without saying anything like her mother, but mostly her father, does when they want her to think somethings wrong. "We can get you a brush at the store too, Klaus." Each time he gestured toward himself and did something possibly with his hands a thought crossed her mind. A thought that told her something wasn't right.

She walked out of the store with him. "My stepmother made me put that frog away. I hope it didn't get lost again. That was completely insensitive of her." Joc was just talking to hear herself talk honestly. She was pretty occupied as they walked, looking at the sun and the clouds and observing the abandoned little stores. She looked at Klaus who of course had not said a word. "I really want to hit you right now but I don't think that will be a very good thing to do." She stopped walking and crossed her arms. There just wasn't something right. Her father always said she was irresponsible and always overlooked things and never knew when there was danger because she was so naive, but she now knew that she proving her father wrong. "Do you have Laryngitis? Because I believe it's quite impossible to be as quiet as you are. Are you sick? Because if you're just doing it to be mean I'm go to smack you."

A total bluf. She was completely bluffing. Hit him? Nah, she wasn't really the violent type but threatening always seemed to work in the movies. If she brought herself to believe that she would indeed hit him, maybe he would believe more than she did. To make sure, she picked up a nearby stone and chucked it at his shirt. Then again, what if he really was being mean? Then shouldn't he deserve to get hit? Joc was debating many things at once and it was causing her a headache. Something was telling her to keep her hand down because she would regret it later, but something else was telling her to do it just to see what happens. She'd be a liar if she didn't hit him when she said she would. Her mother hated liars. Since by then she was just standing there frowning while she decided what to do she looked back at Klaus. "Don't look at me!" was the only thing that came out but that was okay. Why was she getting so upset all of a sudden? What if he really did have Laryngitis?

He didn't look sick last time though. He looked perfectly normally. Joc took a few steps forward and pushed Klaus back some and then snatched his cap. She crossed her arms again. That didn't help. Now she was just more frustrated than she was before. He wasn't sick a few weeks ago. And he didn't talk either. And he didn't talk now. "All you do is say nothing and just point to things." She sounded less mad as she spoke and moreso as if she were thinking aloud. She looked at Klaus for a second, a completely different thought now entering her brain. She mentally shook her head. No, she didn't even know if that was possible. She'd never heard of such a thing. No such thing. Something was pushing her to think further as if she almost solved a puzzle. Instead she just handed his cap back to him.

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:28 pm

Klaus sighed. He had a brush at his mother's, but he hadn't thought to bring it to the shop. He was used to going home after a one or two night's stay but after a week or so, people could tell the difference, his hair was a complete mess, but the cap did it's job and that's all Klaus really thought mattered at the moment.

As they walked down the street, Joc rambled about random things, like the frog and such.

"I really want to hit you right now but I don't think that will be a very good thing to do."

Klaus was shocked. He stopped walking, as did she, and furrowed his eyebrows, a bit taken aback by her words. Then what she said next, made Klaus understand much better. She asked him about having laryngitis, Klaus shook his head. He also shook his head when she mentioned him being so quiet just to be mean. Klaus's eyebrows shot up. He never really thought of himself as mean, even to Joc. He tried his hardest to converse with her the best he could, but he guessed, by the way she was acting, his attempts failed.

The two were quiet for a moment. In that moment, Klaus tried to think of a way to show Joc that he couldn't talk. He opened his mouth to say something, but Joc yelled at him not to look at her. Klaus frowned and took a step towards her, but stopped, not wanting to anger her even more.

When Joc started for him, Klaus tensed up, he felt her push him back and snatch the cap off of his head. Klaus stumbled backwards slightly and gawked at her.

"All you do is say nothing and just point to things."

Klaus frowned. She held the cap back out to Klaus, but Klaus didn't take it. Instead, he grabbed her hand, causing her to drop the cap, held it to his throat and tried to talk. There were no vibrations, no words, nothing, whatsoever. Instead, all Klaus could do to show her what he meant was by him mouthing the words, "I.can'"

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:24 pm

When at first the cap dropped from her hand due to Klaus grabbing it, she almost swung at him reflexively. What stoped her innate behavior was when he pressed her hand to his throat. The first thing that came to mind was how warm he was. Her attention moved elsewhere as she watched as his mouth moved with no sound producing and at first she didn't understand. That was until she looked past the silence--or rather heard...or lack thereof--and realized that his throat was completely still. She remembered when she was younger and she would touch her own father's throat, fascinated with the thick vibrations of his vocal chords. But now, there was no such thing. Her face was involuntarily coiled with slight confusion but also with a dash of comprehension. Finally, he brought it all together with three unspoken words. Joc shook her head just slightly as if to say she couldn't either. At all? she thought to herself, even though she knew the answer. She pressed her thumb just barely into his larynx as if just a tiny sound would come out. And of course nothing did.

She pulled her hand away and ran her fingers through her hair. Looking at the cap on the ground, she picked it up and patted some of the dirt off of it. "Sorry..." Joc put the cap to his chest and replaced his hand with hers so she didn't have to hold it. "About pushing you and saying mean stuff. Sorry about that." She pulled out her grocery list which by now was a folded mess since she folded and unfolded it so many time. After putting it back away in her pocket she tapped his arm and started walking. "Sorry about not noticing sooner too. My dad says I'm naive and childish so you'll have to pardon me because of that. You don't have to if you don't want to though." Joc didn't want to not talk. For once that was a bit difficult and for two it would just scream that something's wrong, when there shouldn't be. But if she were to talk that also might seem insensitive.

She didn't saying anything, still remaining silent, even when they got to the end of the many abandoned streets and to the alleyway. She stopped him then and pulled out the list once again from her pocket. She remembered the strange word on the list that her father wrote. Why didn't he write it in English? She didn't know the strange word translated to pickled eggs, probably because she had never heard of them before--not even in English. "You're from here, right? From Germany? You know the language. I assume you read it too, yes? I don't like it too much, no offence, and I'm not too good at reading it so do you know what this word is?" She pointed to the questionable word on the paper. "If you do you can just pick it up at the store if they have it. I honestly don't know what it says." She puts the paper back into her pocket and started walking again. When the finally neared the town she felt confined. Like she had to be a young lady in Germany. She was in someone else's territory to which she belonged. She waved to the group of teenagers she never got acquainted too. "Here it is." She pulled the door open and went into the store. Her mother always told her that a man should open the door for her but Joc was much too impatient for that. Why not just open the door if you're standing in front of it?

"Okay, well I guess we can start on this aisle."

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Re: Unsere Liebe ist Leise (Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Euphonious on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:02 pm

Klaus's gaze dropped to the ground as Jocelyn finally realized that it wasn't that he wouldn't talk, but that he couldn't. He awkwardly held his cap with both hands as Joc apologized. He had been hearing apologies all his life. The doctor who told his parents that he was mute, the many customers in his father's shop when he explained why he didn't play Topfschlagen with the other children. Klaus awkwardly shifted his weight and started forward again, silently, as if he had a choice.

Nearly to the shop, Joc had stopped Klaus. He watched as she scanned over her list with a puzzled look on her face.

"You're from here, right? From Germany? You know the language. I assume you read it too, yes? I don't like it too much, no offence, and I'm not too good at reading it so do you know what this word is?"

Klaus moved closer to Joc and furrowed his eyebrows as he searched for the word. He stepped back and raised an eyebrow. "Soleier?" A smile spread across his face. Nostalgia swept through his body. His father could make the best Soleier. He had never told his mother the recipe but he had told Klaus, but neither had made it since his father's passing.

Realizing he was smiling ridiculously for what seemed like no reason, Klaus blinked a few times and nodded. They continued walking, and when they got into the town, both their t temperaments seemed to change. Joc became more quiet and a little more proper it seemed. It was as if instinct so that she wouldn't seem out of place, and the target for mockery. Klaus however stood a little bit taller and more alert than usual. He never did seem safe in the big town, ever since the war passed through, Klaus didn't know who or what was still there.

The store was how it had always been; children digging out change from their trousers for gummi candies and licorice wheels, biddies gossiping next to the news stand, business men and women in and out for their occasional coffee and an odd soldier here and there. Klaus nodded at the shop keeper who, had been a friend of his father's a long while back, nodded back with a warm smile. He followed Joc into an aisle and watched as she found what was on the list. Klaus tapped her shoulder and held up a finger to say he'd return shortly.

Klaus made his way through the aisles, taking his time as he looked for the Soleier. A couple of women gave him funny looks for his unruly appearance before continuing their gossip. Klaus avoided eye contact with any one that looked his way. He wanted to avoid conversation, for if he were to be spoken to, he didn't want to sound rude by not responding. After a few minutes, Klaus found what he was looking for. He pulled a jar from the shelf and made his way back to where he had last seen Joc.

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