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Vex-Chari-Noda : Shattered-World-Torn

First Arc - Walk of the Goddess - Plot review

a part of “Vex-Chari-Noda : Shattered-World-Torn”, a fictional universe by ShadowBlackheart.

The End of the world came, and then it went. Only so many survived the shattering though, changing and being thrust into whole new worlds. Now 400 years later, change is coming again. Have you survived? Have you made your mark yet, or do you even want to?

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Vex-Chari-Noda : Shattered-World-Torn”.
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First Arc - Walk of the Goddess - Plot review

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadowBlackheart on Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:20 pm

Now that this has been up a few days and I know there is some interest for certain, I'll be listing the detail of the first story arc here and will posting the start up post in a day or two, maybe soon. To keep things easy to read and follow, I'll be using the OOC section a lot as you can ask all the questions here right away.

With that said, here's the opening point of Vex-Chari-Noda.

The Walk of the Goddess – The first “Story Arc” and goal of this RP Centers around the Great Goddess herself. His/Her major goal in this first actual story arc is to officially start either the decline or the death of the religion centered around them if possible. This arc will include such things as the first new set of explorers reaching the inner reaches of the Holy Land, encountering the so-called Great Goddess, getting to know each other, and learning more of the 8th Crusader Order and their Might Makes Right culture, finally ending with either a diplomatic or hostile take over of Zenas. The official start of this Roleplay shall take place in the world of Gen Chari, the Trade Center early in the year 401 P.S. as historical researchers are now calling it, read as Year 4-0-1 Post Shattering, also currently referred to as the First Era of the Shattering Event.

Plot Arc Review

Alexia / Valen (Played by Shadow / myself ) is finally going to start correcting some major mistakes they have made. The biggest of which is trying to hopefully cut this religion that in his eyes is and he will very readily and hatefully quote...

"Has let it all go their heads."
"Has abused my image for their personal gain and its fucking retarded."
"Has no right to even exist!"

And above all else...

"Those *insert string of foul language here* fools call themselves righteous and proper while enslaving entire worlds in my name. They wish to the see the goddess... Fine... I'll share with them my wraith first."

Although this is usually send in just anger when heavily pissed off.

This being said, Alexia's views on the Crusader Orders are very simple and for now she has but one goal, to either remove them from power and kill the false image of the goddess either through diplomatic means or the start of a hostile takeover. She would prefer that it was as simple as going up, saying "I'm your goddess, I killed Sin, you are fucking retarded," and be done with it, however not doing this when it started has lead to 300 plus years of religious evolution. There are some groups of the crusaders who will come to fear her, some who will give up thier lives, and some who will fight her calling her a fake.

In any case, as it sets right now, she has little concern with how utterly destroying this religion will impact the worlds, nor does she concern him/herself with anything more then the crusades abusing her image.

As far as this arc is concerned, this will merely be the start of change for the religion, ending with a major point in which either Zenos as a whole will either accept the figure and a diplomatic arrangement for the start of change, or Zenos will be the first to find that the wraith of their so-called goddess is far more powerful when she actually shows up in person to beat some sense into people.

It is important to note that change will start in Zenos, and while the of Zenos will change, either for better or worse, up to and including total forceful deconstruction of the entire capital district, that this is not the entirety of the 8th Crusader Order.

Plot Arc Goals

Below is a general list of goals that have been set up to start this plot arc.
Above all else, this should as a meet and greet in more interesting way for the characters involved. The party shall be started here and major characters will be introduced to each other in one form or another.

Additionally, for the first time ever, at some point Alexia / Valen will be picking the group of people they trust to help him/her derail the greatest religion there is right at the time. Those she likes will find a home if they so choose within with the Holy Land's airport that she calls home herself. This will clearly take some time to happen.

Once the offical party is set and characters have gathered, there will be various forms of information collection regarding the 8th Crusader Order, before at last Alexia sets out to deal with Zenos.

Once the Zenos Take over starts however, there can only be one of two outcomes. Either Diplomatic surrender of the religion and the birth of a new order starting in Zenos that will remove Alexia as a god, or the capitol district shall be turned into an all our war zone.

Of special Interest is Mira Juneborn, who cannot be killed at this time, but will always go for the throat and attempt to kill any in her way. She is one of only a very small selection of people able to go toe to toe with all the player characters at this time. She could possibly be opened up as a character for someone to take, but in the end, she will not be siding with the actual core group at all and will be declaring war on party once they make it very clear that they mean to removed Alexia as she is a false god that the crusader orders started 300 years ago, and they have not been fighting in the glory of said figure.

Plot Derailment

While the plot arc itself is the major point to take place here, I still stand by the fact that there is indeed much room for plot derailment and I fully expect it. While Alexia will push to finish that goal above all else, she can be pulled along for other things as well. I fully welcome and even encourage some plot derailment as this is a massive collection of worlds with several other problems then just Alexia's personal grudge against the crusades. If you have ideas for other things that could happen for the first story arc, please go ahead and list or even discuss them here.

Part of Valen / Alexia's character develoment itself will be to first accept herself fully, accepting both of her bodies and learning how to manage both of them for instance. Depending on events, this could be resolved in on story arc, or take the entirety of all planned arcs and even more to resolve.

If you have ideas for things that could happen, then please do speak up.

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Re: First Arc - Walk of the Goddess - Plot review

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadowBlackheart on Tue Sep 27, 2016 1:09 pm

Time for a small point of interest. Playing off Zalgo's idea that they would be found by the crusaders, I've taken a chance to gather everyone here up on the train in the rear car. While our group and their major curiosity which will get them into some trouble in the end. While our group will make it onto the train, so too will a few higher ranking Crusaders of various orders still searching for Alexia and the goddess. How this plays out will partially be determined by group actions, but the general idea is that Alexia's secret is partially spilled defending herself.

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