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Even Gods Bleed: Divine Wrath

The Wonderful World

a part of “Even Gods Bleed: Divine Wrath”, a fictional universe by Crooked Thoughts.

In Cam Lire hope is whispered in children ears to aid sleep. The reign of the God King is spreading like disease. And though it need curing rebellion is but a dream. However some would see it reality. But is this really a plague or blessing?

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Even Gods Bleed: Divine Wrath”.
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[OOC] The Wonderful World

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Crooked Thoughts on Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:32 pm


In Cam Lire, hope is something whispered in the ears of children to aid in sleep. The reign of the God King is spreading like a disease. And though it needs curing, rebellion is but a sweet dream. However, there are those who would see it reality. But, is this really a plague or a blessing in disguise?

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      Ex: Press CTRL+F, then enter A4 to take you directly to the ? ? ? ? ? topic.


  1. Ethona - A1
  2. Ashmere - A2
  3. Wralandir - A3
  4. Cinder Island - A4
  5. Belholt - A5
  6. Aelden - A6
  7. Illumine - A7
  8. Mallowacre - A8
  9. Treefall- A9
  10. Wolfeil - B1
  11. Iceloch - B2
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The Wonderful World

This thread is for the RP, Even Gods Bleed. The purpose of this thread is to provide another location to display the regions of Cam Lire. If you have any questions or notice any errors, PM me. There are links below to help navigate to the other pages of the RP as well as a contents listing. And if you are not part of this RP and would like to be, either PM me or use the below links to go to the RP and join. However this final rule goes for everyone: DO NOT POST HERE!


Cam Lire
"Welcome to the wonderful world of Cam Lire"


Cam Lire is the fictional variant of the United Kingdom. The geography isn't exactly the same, mostly because the setting of the RP is in the middle ages and this is a fantasy RP. So it is is easier to say they are similar. There is a map key present, which should help you understand everything. And though I have only listed five cities, there are much more than that. I have only listed the major regions, countries, and cities.

"Where it all began."


This is the land that people imagine when they think of Cam Lire. The land is mostly home to the human population, however many other races and creatures call this their homeland. The land has changed a great within the last years. There are now 4 main areas of the country: Northern Ethona, Southern Ethona, The Desolate Plains, and Dragonvine Forest. Each section is seprated by a river which makes it pretty easy to tell where you are. Ethona is most known for giving birth to God King Azrael. The locals have developed a saying: This is where it began, and this is where it will end.

    Northern Ethona
    ImageThe civilized portion of Ethona is located in the North. There, many villages and towns are scattered throughout the land than any other part of Ethona. Because of this, Northern Ethona is considered to be the home of the wealthy.

    Southern Ethona
    ImageAlso called Old Ethona, for you are likely to find more remnants of the old kingdom there than anywhere else. The area is mostly wildlife, but it is more of natural beauty instead of savageness. However, there are a handful of villages, with populations exceeding no more than a few hundred. Because of this, this area has also became home to remnants of the Fey population.

    The Desolate Plains
    ImageAfter the dust settled, this is what was left. After The Conquering, this area became a range of sheer mountains and desolate, haunted plains. Not many men dwell in this harsh land. It does not support much in the way of communities, and those who dwell there are hardy bandits who rely on travelers and their supplies in order to survive.

    Dragonvine Swamp
    ImageActing as natural border between Ethona and Ashmere, this swamp is a dangerous test that must be passed if you wish to get to the other side. Day or night, the trek through the swamp is a hectic one. Besides wildlife the swamp is also home to savage barbarians.

"A civilization born anew from the ashes of the past."


Long before the reign of the God King, this area had suffered a great deal. Between natural disasters, wars, civilizations, mining; the land has been ravaged and torn to pieces. It is now a shadow of its former self. Locals know it as the shadowlands: the country cursed in darkness. While the sun shines brightly on Ethona, a blanket of clouds hovers above Ashmere. Lately, things have taken a turn for the better. With the new leadership of Empress Shar, Ashmere is like burning phoenix rising from its ashes.


    Castle Rock
    Image Castle Rock is actually a island that doubles as castle. The castle has seen a lot of construction and renovations throughout the years, as the ruler of the land often resides there. It is now the wonderful home to Empress Shar, who rules her empire with an iron fist.

"The new dwarven homeland."


Homeland to the Shield Dwarves of Cam Lire. From the hills, to the mountain side, and the all time favorite of underground caverns, this country is filled with dwarves. After being ran out of their old home of Belholt by the Orcs, they retreated across seas to the unsettled Atletis Mountains. There are two distinct areas of Wralandir: the highlands and the lowlands. Both are settled mostly by dwarven communities.


    Wralandir High-Lands
    Image One of the two major areas in Wralandir. The Highlands is full mountains, dwarven towns and villages are built into the sides, even a few inside them. This is where the bulk of shield dwarfs dwell, however, one should still be cautious when wandering these mountains. Up here, nature is not your only enemy.

    Atletis Mountain Range
    Image Separating Northern Ethona from the Wralandir High-Lands, are the icy Atletis Mountains. The best way through these mountains is through well known pass that leads through Iceloch, a dwarven settlement famous for their ale. Other than that, you have a very rough, cold path ahead you.

    Wralandir Low-Lands
    Image The second major area in Wralandir, the lowlands are very different from their counterpart. The view is peaceful and serene, but still just as dangerous. Wildlife on this side of the mountains are bigger and meaner. This fact adds to the diversity of the lowlands. But, despite the increase in danger, the area still has a decent population size.

Cinder IslandA4
"Home to a titan of destructive force."


Cinder Island is a volcanic wasteland. The volcano is dormant, but erupted just over fifty years ago. There is little to no life at all on the island, whether it is plant, animal, or humanoid. There are rumors that island hides great mysterious, but whether this is true or not has yet to be revealed.

"The savagelands."


Once home to the shield dwarves, it is now the savage lands of the Orcs. Hard to believe, but the wildlife in Belholt used to be a lot more tamed. But, like the people who reside there now, it has become savage and uncontrollable. This land is considered lost to the Orc, no other race dare claim it back or even venture in it.


    The Pitts
    Image The Pitts are a string of dwarven cities, improved with orc enhancements. This is a savage dwelling where the bulk of the orc population live. However the society is bit more civilized than one would think. Thanks is owed to their brilliant chieftain for this improvement.

"Home of the ever growing forest."


The vast home of the wood elves. Aelden is more of a forest than it is a country. Upon arrival one would think it to be uninhabited. You could even spend days exploring and never see a local. This is mostly because wood elven villages are located in the tree tops and even then they are nearly invisible because of well they are built and camouflaged.


    The Great Forest
    Image The wood elves have many names for the forest, but the most common, is the simplest: The Great Forest. The trees here are bigger than normal. On average they are as wide as houses and as tall as skyscrapers. Besides the beaches, there is not a inch of the country that doesn't have a tree on it. Or at least it was like that. However, recently, the God King has been chopping the trees down for lumber. But, the wood elves have been making this a slow process by sabotaging equipment and killing men.


"The Oasis City."


Illumine is known as the Oasis City because of its prime location in the middle of the Desolate Plains. After what seems like endless rock and dirt, lies a lush forest, sparkling lake, and a grand city. The city was part of the gift from Abaddon to the God King as his castle to resides here. It is possible that Illumine is the finest city on earth, as well as one of the largest.


    The God King's Castle
    Image In the center of the grandest city of world, sits the God King's Castle. The highest tower pierces the heavens, while the rest sits just below. The castle is truly fit for a god just as it was made for. With countless rooms and hallways, one might need a horse just to go from bed to bath. Those who have been inside like to joke that it is torture to be taken on a tour.

    Clock Tower Square
    Image Below a large clock tower in Illumine, is the center of the beautiful city. It is there, where many of the God King's subjects gather. The area is used for announcements and public events, like executions. It is also home to a large market, like the city, the items are well crafted so they are expensive.

    The Forge
    Image This arcane factory is the site of many rituals, which have been sued to create the warforged. They are created and stored here, until called for duty. On average this factory produces 1000 soldiers a month.

"Nothing here but, beatin' down hopes and dreams."


On the edges of South Ethona there is a ramshackle town called Rebbanburg. It was once seat to a wealthy noble man, but now it is a den of thieves and whores. The populace and buildings are covered in a thin layer of dust from the south bound winds of the desolate plains. There are few craftsman, with most of the male population serving as laborers. The most notable feature of Rebbanburg comes in the form of the successful and varied brothels. There is no one to regulate that particular business, so there are many pimps and extortionist. In a place with the presence of law you can find almost anything to tickle your fancy, no matter how obscure or bizarre. Occasionally a trader will come through on their way to the sparse villages of South Ethona. Foreigners are subtly discouraged from visiting Rebbanburg, some think it mars the beauty of Illumine even at such a distance.


    The Tipsy Trollop
    Image The Tipsy Trollop is the most run down and cheapest of the brothels. Two stories, dark and dank interior filled with smoke and odd smells. At the moment Hal is acting as a "bouncer" of sorts there.

Fey Wilds
"Rumored home of the reemerged Fey race."


During the last few years, there have been an increase in Fey sightings in this area. The Fey Wilds is a large forest located in Southern Ethona, which is home to many different races of wildlife. So far, there are no noted Fey settlements in the woodland area, this is because to Fey the entire forest is their home. Whether this is a tree, a patch of leaves on the ground, or a small underwater nest. Despite this being known as the new Fey home, do not travel here in hopes of finding their kind. For even before they disappeared, they were an elusive race of people and this trend continues even today.

"The capital of the savagelands."


This city used to be known for its gruesome and wild lifestyle, however it now runs like human war camp -- everything has a place and that is where best be, or thats your ass. Chieftain Kulak takes shit from no one and he won't have his capital look like it either. Since the cleanup, Mallowacre functions as your normal, civilized settlement, but that doesn't mean outsiders are free to take a leisurely stroll through the city. Only one outsider has been seen here, and that is the God King. Mallowacre also doubles as the main entrance to The Pitts, true home of the orcs.


    War Tower
    Image Standing above all else, is the War Tower. This is where the chiefs of other orc tribes gather and discuss strategy or business. Since war is all the orcs know, a lot of time is spent here, but the same plan is usually formed and put into action. But, like everything else, this too has changed under Kulak's rule. This is also the place where the chieftain resides and rules from.

    Proving Grounds
    Image Orcish society is very violent and so combat is very important to them. So the Proving Grounds exist as a result. The proving grounds can be used to determine a lot: public disputes, rivalries, land rights, control, etc. Any problem in orcish society can be sloved in the proving ground. It is also here where the Bloodrager is crowned, which is the champion warrior in an orc tribe.

"The grand home of the Elder Council."


Treefall is the biggest wood elf community in Aelden. It is famous for being built around one of the more unique trees in the Great Forest. Each building is linked to another through intricate pathways, lite by a magical purple flame. Though even with the flames, the village is hard to spot because it is so high up. This village is also home the Elder Council, a group of chosen elves from different families who govern over the elven community of the forest.


    Shasaer Si
    Image Shasaer Si, is elven for the warped tree. There are many stories on why the tree is this unique shape. Some say it has to do with the mystic properties of the forest, other say that it is work of their god, or that an ancient elf caused it to grow like this. No matter the origin, the elves use it as a gathering place and to host meeting for the Elder Council.

    Caelael Thar
    Image The literal translation of Caelael Thar is that "The Water That Spills From The Heavens." The Wood elves believe that by bathing in this water, will help keep them youthful and vigorous. Whether this is true or not, know one will ever know. For the elves keep the location secret and tell no outsiders about it.

"Looking for a fight or some rare goods? Look no further."


Not far off the coast of Castle Rock and Ashmere, is Wolfeil. A city as dark as the land it is located in. The city is populated with scoundrels, thugs, bandits, thieves, and rogues. The main attraction here is the arena, where slaves as well volunteers fight for for glory and bloodshed. This is also the place to go to find rare and forbidden goods in the black market.


    The Arena
    Image Welcome to the arena. This is not your typical honor bound arena, this is more of a pit of death. Spectators wager bets or come to cheer on the victors as they decapitate one another or maybe you came to prove just how much of a lethal S.O.B. you are. Either way, this is place of good time in Wofeil and high renown in Cam Lire.

    The Black Market
    Image Whatever your needs, it can be found here. Need a slave, rune stones, weapon, armor, even a way to earn some extra coin. It can all be found in the Black Market of Wolfeil. Many know of the place, but few know of the location. Since nobody here pays a merchant tax to the God King, items are a lot cheaper, but a mere mention of the place can get you sent to the guillotine or thrown in the dungeon.

Calvarre Fortress
"A rebel refuge and home to Asher Thrawn."


Light's Deep is a large valley in the Southern part of Ashmere (Three - four days ride from Wolfiel). The valley are blocked over its entire width by a natural series of hills called Light's Peek and behind that lay the fortress of Calvarre, at the entrance to the Black Caves.

A long causeway wound up to the great gate of the fortress itself. Inside the keep there are stables and an armory, as well as a great hall in the rear which was dug out of the mountainside. The Deep which stood next to the fortress was barred by the long Deeping Wall , which consisted of solid rock except for a small culvert which allowed water from the Deeping Stream to enter; this rendered a fresh supply in sieges of great length. Access to the fortress from within the Deep was made possible by a long stair which led to Calvarre's rear gate, where there was a massive system of caves behind the fortress.


    Tent Area
    Image In this semi-large area there were about three hundred tents packed together where all the people inside of Calvarre live. Here they prayed, ate and worked all day, not as slaves but as free people with a honest goal in mind. In the northern part of this area there were also a larger tent where one could seek shelter when wounded or felt ill. Close to one of the eastern stairs that lead up to the lower outer wall there was a poorly built smithy where the smith would make all sorts of weapons, tools and equipments that were crucial if there would ever be a siege of some sort.

    The Great Hall
    Image This hall was built by the dwarves particularly to the human lords humbly request as the crown on the jewel of their work. It's literate with red and dark brown carpets hanging from the walls as well as marble floor that glittered brightly when the sunlight from the several windows shone down upon it. In the middle of the hall there was a large table where twelve big men could sit and still have room to move their arms and at the end of it there was a dark green and brown colored throne that was broken in pieces; Unrepairable. This is were Asher and other important key figures discuss their next move against Azrael.

    Black Cave
    Image The Cave makes up for it's name. The wind howls so often in the cave that no fire could be lit there without being extinguished in a few seconds because of the strong winds. It's pitch black and it's full of giant spiders and small insane goblin war bands that hunt the spiders in the dark with their dark seeing eyes using any kind of weapon they get a hold of. It's a dangerous if not suicidal path to take, but it's also the only rear exit if Calvarre would ever fall from a siege.

Iceloch VillageB2
"The gateway city."


Iceloch village is literal gateway between Wralandir and Northern Ethona, all must pass through the city in order to get to the other side. Although this is not a bad thing, it is rather good. The village is always full of travelers and has a very diverse population. As such its most popular attraction is the Blue Boar Inn, a hospitable place known for its Ale. On a obvious note, the village is also known for its freezing cold temperatures.


    The Blue Boar Inn
    Image The best Inn and Tavern in all of Cam Lire, you will never taste a better Ale even if your God was to make it for you. The Blue Boar Inn accepts all and any PAYING customers. We have the best gossip and best looking bar maids this side of the Atletis Mountains.
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