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Cydren: Psychosis.

Cydren Technology.

a part of “Cydren: Psychosis.”, a fictional universe by TheRavenandThePawn.

The Valens Project... a nightmare... may God have mercy upon our souls.

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[OOC] Cydren Technology.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheRavenandThePawn on Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:12 am

Some Tech for the things I haven’t yet explained, I will try to add more tomorrow P.M. any tech you’d like to add and I’ll add it to the list if it fits. This includes weapons and I hope to explain what some of the more complex additions to weapons are exactly like the specialized coils to remove recoil.

Iconite: A material with a hyper dense atomic structure, its’ ore is extremely radioactive though when refined with brass it becomes almost two hundred times the strength of diamond. It disrupts energy patterns and blocks out radioactivity.

Korium: Light density crystalline metal that reflects all forms of energy. Once forged and cooled this material’s temperature remains at a constant 60 degrees Fahrenheit… it will not rise nor lower regardless of temperature. This material is toxic to humans extended contact for more then twenty forty eight hours will cause vomiting, neausa, seizures, and temporary blindness. More then seventy two hours of direct contact will induce a state of schizophrenia as well as cause the skin to develop boils. More then eighty hours of direct contact will cause the body to constrict until blood flow is impossible, this generally ends with death if treatment is not immediately sent. This material is used for hazard suits and the plating of star ships, and other temperature test objects. Though is more commonly used in alloy form with Iconite creating a highly durable heat and cold resistant material. (Once purified it must be applied to whatever its going to be used for, once cooled down it can not be used unless already made into an alloy with another material.

Kiwite: A strange substance found on the outer rim of the Core Pact it is so dense that the only way to refine it is in the center of a sun. This is only achievable using specially designed ships made of Korium. Once the ore is purified the metal is much more malleable. It remains liquid until introduced to temperatures below ninety below on which it returns to its normal atomic structure. It is the strongest known substance in existence. This metal is extremely cold, extended direct contact will cause frost bite.

Cydren Security Armor: Light plate armor made of Steel underlay and Korium plating. Heavier then the more elite styles of armor due to the heavier material it is however well insolated as well as protected from energy weapons.

C.T.U. Armor: Light weight armor composed of Iconite with a specialized titanium alloy mesh and silken underlay. This armor is not designed for comfort which is why it lacks Korium, CTU agents need to be on guard at all times which is why comfort is out of the question.

Shock Armor. Composed of three hundred pounds of Iconite combined with one hundred and fifty pounds of Korium for the outer shell. The inner armor is a alloy composed of another six hundred pounds of Titanium alloy while the circuits and artificial muscle constructs make the average Shock Trooper around two tons once you’ve added on the Shock Cannon.

Cydren Blast Doors. Composed entirely of Kiwite these specialized doors are more or less impregnable and weigh close to a hundred tons each due to the density of the metal being so great. Once closed the only way through is to open them from a control consol.
And… Here… We… Go..!

If I kill you in a forest and there isn't a law against it... is it murder?

I got 99 Souls but a Witch ain't one.

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Re: [OOC] Cydren Technology.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MaxStokes on Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:49 pm

I'm assuming lasers and computer operated tools for brain and nervous system surgery. Wanna check though.

*edit* I may have posted this in the wrong place. If you only wanted tech explanations in this thread I'm sorry. I will be taking my further questions to the regular OOC.

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Re: [OOC] Cydren Technology.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheRavenandThePawn on Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:53 pm

Technology Part 2.

Cydren Apathy Pill.: A specialized formulated medicine in pill form,(also available in injection form.) designed to maintain a balanced chemical level in the human brain. This allows Cydren employees to maintain sanity through heir harsh and usually trauma inducing research. It also means that employees are one hundred percent trustworthy is they are no longer driven by emotion that could drive a man to say… steal or kill. It takes thirty minutes to start taking effect and will wear off in five hours.

Johnson’s Coil-System: A specialized type of weapon hull made for weapons that would normally have recoil to powerful for a human to handle. The hull is composed of countless thousands of microscopic coils that when fired relieve the stress harmlessly through a soft unnoticeable vibration rather then a kick as while it may feel solid it is designed to discharge energy through the coils rocking back and forth.

Hyperion Firing mechanism: Composed of a high powered sling shot-like hammer that is propelled not only by the friction in its arms but the compressed gas population unit, upon the sling shot striking the bullet it is sent forth at hyper sonic speeds, after thirty seconds the back end of the bullet explodes either propelling it farther and faster or causing further damage to whatever it struck.

Energy Weapons: Hyper condensed light focused on a multitude of prisms that direct the separate spectrums into specialized magnified mirrors that directs them into the next prism, this is repeated multiple times depending on the weapon. Once it reaches the end of the barrel all spectrums are focused through three different lenses. The Genesis Lens is to focus the spectrums back into white light, the Secondary lens carries a specialized current of electricity which bonds with light to superheat it while the primary lenses is the last focusing device where the light is directed as the primary lens dictates in size and shape it is also the final magnification lens in the weapon and by far the most powerful.

Charged Weapons: Charged weapons use a basic firing mechanism, combined with two specialized ‘lenses’ composed of energy. The Secondary lens is magnetized to propel the bullet faster from the barrel while the primary lens electrifies the bullet with a steady but strong currant. The basic mechanics allow the electronic barrier to take a the initial hit with the bullet acting almost as a double shot as it collides afterwards.

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Re: [OOC] Cydren Technology.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheRavenandThePawn on Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:38 am

Tech Part 3(Non-Playable Cydren units below)

Durinium: A specialized substance that causes mass muscle growth, increased agility, radiation resistance, blocks pain receptors, and increases aggression. It however causes mass brain hemorrhaging(Occurs due to overuse and the body rejecting it, once the body is addicted it stops) as well as mass testosterone production. Injections should only be used very sparingly and only to help recover from major surgeries and states of comatose. However it is used by Cydren to produce fearless soldiers who have no drive of self preservation and driven only by the need to kill and destroy.

Noridium: Metal compound that is soft an malleable with a almost sponge like feel. Which means while not as durable as most armor it is capable of absorbing concussive blows extremely well. Around the strength of Aluminum but is as light as paper.

Cydren Shock Shields: A specialized riot shield made of Noridium and designed for suppression of civil unrest. It can’t do much against fire arms but one will find it hard to damage with melee weapons.

XLR2: Specialized Painkillers used by Cydren Military forces to block out pain receptors within thirty seconds of ingestion. Lasts approximately sixty minutes.

NR772: Specialized cell replication stimulator. Upon injection it causes red and white blood cells to split much more rapidly to combat blood loss. Was originally the cure for AIDs in the 2207

J62: A specialized spray that causes blood to coagulate and scab within seconds. It is more or less a instant bandage.

Adrenalin Type60: A special Adrenalin supplement that allows one to remain conscious past their Tolerance and Endurance limits.

Cortex002: Removes Lactate Acid, Increases oxygen efficiency in cells, and increases blood flow. Begins to work once injected lasts four hours. Using more then one dose within a forty eight period of time will cause long term if not permanent damage to any muscle tissue that is not heavily used. (Allows increased stamina, strength, and reflexes.)

Non-Playable Cydren Units.

Cydren Kill Squad.
Cydren Special Operations Unit. A advanced special division of the CTU aimed at eliminating defectors and cleansing Cydren compounds of evidence and witnesses to failed and illegal experiments.

Atom 56 Assault Rifle: a dual barreled rifle that fires two incendiary and cyro rounds with each bull of the trigger. Top barrel is Incendiary while the bottom is Cyro… this combo is generally instant death due to the extreme shock from the major temperature differences. Twenty round magazines, carry two magazines.
Dual Quantum m60 Machine pistols: A fully machine pistols based of the Skorpion. 30 round magazines, four magazines per machine pistol.
A bowie knife.
Hyperion Defense Matrix Elite: High durability armor composed of Kiwite and Korium which makes it highly resistant to damage and temperature changes. Helmet includes high end aim assistant.

Cydren Suicide Squad.
Cydren Specialized unit trained and bred for suicide missions. They can not be reasoned with… their purpose is to kill and destroy anything and everything in their path. They have no fear… they don’t relent… and they show… no… mercy.

Dual Ericson 60s: Twin handguns that fire rounds similar in size with a sewing needle. Though it fires it with such force and due to the size of the projectile these weapons can pierce through almost any standard armor. 60 round clips, ten clips total.
Korium Blades: They generally carry around at least two large machete like blades made of pure Korium. Allowing them to reflect enemy energy projectiles back to harm enemy units.
Kiwite Sword: A katana forged of Kiwite creates a deadly almost indestructible sword to hack at their enemies with even if it is made for piercing and slashing.
Steel Tomahawks: 20 Steel Tomahawks for throwing.
Kiwite Armor: Armor composed entirely of Kiwite though due to the weight the armor only consists of a breast plate, crouch plate, shoulder armor, bracers, and shin guards. The helmet is composed of a Kiwite Frame with a Shatter and Bullet proof glass visor.

Cydren Purge Trooper.
Vanguard of Cydren’s defense unit. Veteran Security units armed with better armor and weaponry.

Ericson Dual Flamethrower: A Dual barreled flamethrower, standard issue. Using a specialized liquid formula its range is over a hundred yards though it’s flow maintained in two columns which means it has range over width.
Hyperion N96 Elite: Semi-Auto Charged Rifle. The newest version of the Hyperion Series designed with Johnson’s coil system for dead on aim. Clip size increased to 20 and a improved firing mechanism making this a chosen weapon for sharpshooters who need to be capable of moving into medium range. Two Extra clips. Includes standard Hyperion electronic scope.
Purge Trooper Armor: Titanium underlay with Korium plating Stronger then the standard security armor well insolated.

Shadow Bruder.
Specialized Assassins of Cydren trained fin the art of silent death they are generally loners who are more then formidable to most enemies. They are only selected from the top tier Blitzaxt. Extensive training in hand to hand combat, lethal and non-lethal takedowns and blind fighting.

Type 89 Pulse Rifle: Three round burst rifle using a complex system of electromagnetic coils it fires a highly electrified substance that can be compared to steam. This substance does not damage surface tissue but does super heat contact metals and the underlying bones. 9 round cartridge carries ten cartridges.
Wrist Claw: A dual three foot long electrified prong claw. Used for bringing down enemies that are larger or stronger then themselves.
Johnson Micro Plated Guardian Suit: A armor composed of countless millions of microscopic hex shaped Iconite plates. It offers maximum flexibility, mobility, and agility along with incredible defensive capabilities. This armor can take almost any ballistic projectile with ease. Helmet includes Night, Heat, and X-Ray based optic systems. It is also designed with a specialized cellular underlay that causes light to reflect around them while still to give the illusion of invisibility.

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