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Avatar: Criss-Crossing Fates

Jīn: The Eighty-five Degrees

a part of “Avatar: Criss-Crossing Fates”, a fictional universe by Jakuri-chan.

[SLOT OPEN] They all come from different places in a world torn by war, and it is in this world that the lives of six individuals are about to overlap. Things for them will never again be the same....

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Jīn: The Eighty-five Degrees

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sicariius on Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:15 pm


Jīn, also known as "Nei Jin" or "Fa Jin", meaning "power" or "energy" is a term that describes the myriad of options toward which one can direct his or her energy, both internally and externally. These energy "pathways" don't only correspond to a person in battle, but also to all aspects of the person's life. The knowledge of Jīn is at best common knowledge, being well more known among the Earth Kingdom. Even then, the first three are the most well known, the other eighty-two being less common knowledge, but still just as common and useful in people.

The Main Three

Positive Jīn - corresponding to advancing or attacking.

Positive jīn is mostly exercised in firebending, and complements the aggressive tactics of firebenders during combat. Firebenders typically prefer preemptive strikes, to attack first and to come at their opponents with full force and overwhelming sheer power. These positive jīn attributes are also found in the attitudes and the willful natures that are common amongst the people of the Fire Nation, as well as the Fire Colonies.

Negative Jīn - corresponding to retreating or evading.

Negative jīn is mostly exercised in airbending, reflecting the Air Nomads' pacifistic lifestyle and their philosophy that all life is sacred; they asserted that fighting is only used as a last resort when conflict cannot be avoided. Airbenders are more mobile fighters compared to Earthbenders and possess a highly dynamic fighting style. In combat, to "avoid and evade" is a typical Airbender tactic.

In the case of waterbending, common maneuvers involve following the moon and the ocean's example of "push and pull". As such, Waterbenders will alternate between and maintain a balance of both positive and negative jīn in combat, allowing them to turn defense into offense as they use their opponent's force against them while conserving their own.

Neutral Jīn - corresponding to waiting and listening.

Neutral jīn is stated to be the key to earthbending. Fundamentally, neutral jīn involves listening, though seemingly doing nothing, and waiting for the right moment to strike. When in combat, Earthbenders are more stationary combatants compared to Airbenders, usually waiting for their opponent to come to them, while standing their ground and meeting their opponents' attacks head-on, before delivering a deadly strike of their own.

Neutral jīn forms the basis of true earthbending, and is the concept used by the first Earthbenders, the Badgermoles. The idea is also fundamental in seismic sense, a perceptive fighting style used by select benders. As highlighted, someone who has mastered neutral jīn is someone who waits and listens before striking.

The 85 Degrees of Combat

Positive Jīn – corresponding to advancing or attacking.

Negative Jīn – corresponding to retreating or evading.

Neutral Jīn – corresponding to waiting and listening.

Charm Jīn – corresponding to changing one’s enemy into a friend.

Change Jīn – corresponding to changing one's self.

Direct Jīn – corresponding to when you face your enemy openly.

Redirect Jīn – corresponding to when you send back an opponent’s attack

Burst Jīn – corresponding to when you put all your energy into an action.

Precision Jīn – corresponding to the art of attacking with accuracy and speed.

Active Jīn – corresponding to taking command or to making decisions for people.

Absolute Jīn – corresponding to not being affected by any doubt or uncertainty.

Impulsive Jīn – corresponding to the act of attacking based on your emotions.

Calm Jīn – corresponding to attacking utilizing your mind rather than instinct.

Instinctive Jīn – corresponding to your natural actions in the way you fight.

Berserk Jīn – corresponding to letting rage take over.

Survival Jīn – corresponding to the want to live when facing death.

Power Jīn – corresponding to the use of force to overthrow your opponent.

Reckless Jīn – corresponding to the act of proceeding before a plan.

Control Jīn – corresponding to when you have full control over the situation or enemy movement.

Uncontrolled Jīn – corresponding to when you have no control over the situation or enemy movement.

Blitz Jīn – corresponding to the art of attacking in a wild fashion.

Destruction Jīn – corresponding to attacking an enemy with the intent to kill.

Protective Jīn – corresponding to attacking an enemy without harming them.

Restrain Jīn – corresponding to holding or capturing an enemy with force.

Counter Jīn – corresponding to striking back at the enemy at the right time.

Break Jīn – corresponding to the ability to cause fault into an enemy’s defense.

Evasive Jīn – corresponding to when you combat your enemy indirectly.

Sky Jīn – corresponding to the ability to freely move beyond your opponent.

Grace Jīn – corresponding to the elegance of avoiding an enemy on the battlefield.

Decoy Jīn – corresponding to distracting an enemy from the real objective.

Concealment Jīn – corresponding to hiding from the enemy using the surroundings.

Scapegoat Jīn - corresponding to when someone suffers the consequences so that the rest do not.

Masquerade Jīn - corresponding to hiding behind the mask of a fool, a drunk, or a madman to create confusion about your intentions and motivations.

Entrapment Jīn – corresponding to luring your enemy into treacherous terrain, so he must face the elements of nature while fighting you.

Pacify Jīn – corresponding to frustrating the opponent by refusing to fight.

Weary Jīn – corresponding to drawing out energy, supply, and communication lines of an opponent.

Pull Jīn – corresponding to drawing an enemy into a set trap.

Division Jīn – corresponding to separating an enemy from a group.

Corrosion Jīn – corresponding to getting the enemy to expend time and energy to follow you.

Avoiding Jīn – corresponding to trying not to confront or make contact with the enemy.

Misplacing Jīn – corresponding to getting your enemy distracted and lost.

Confusion Jīn – corresponding to the use of environment to distract or daze your opponent.

Ruse Jīn – corresponding to leading an enemy into a false sense of security.

Abscond Jīn – corresponding to secretly escaping an enemy under their vigilance.

Perception Jīn – corresponding to the ability to know where an enemy will attack.

Observation Jīn - corresponding to the ability to notice or discern things that escape the notice of most.

Mountain Jīn – corresponding to the ability of enduring all forms of attacks without falling.

River Jīn – corresponding to the process of tiring out an opponent by letting them expend their energy.

Passive Jīn - corresponding to usually letting others make decisions or following them in their actions.

Vigilant Jīn – corresponding to when you are constantly on guard.

Strategic Jīn – corresponding to the act of planning before proceeding.

Wisdom Jīn – corresponding to when you gather and learn as you are fighting an enemy.

Courage Jīn – corresponding to the ability stand in the face of fear.

Rational Jīn – corresponding to the act of using your head before you act.

Restriction Jīn – corresponding to placing a limit on action or power.

Interdict Jīn – corresponding to keeping an enemy from advancing using an area or obstruction.

Absorption Jīn – corresponding to receiving an opponent’s attack and neutralizing it.

Fortify Jīn – corresponding to gathering available reserves of strength to hold out against an enemy.

Exploit Jīn – corresponding to taking advantage of an enemy’s weak points.

Blind Jīn – corresponding to the action to stop, and listen to your surroundings.

Provoke Jīn – corresponding to getting the enemy to act with either emotion, confusion, or curiosity.

Disruption Jīn – corresponding to creating a condition or situation for increased error on the opponent's side.

Omission Jīn – corresponding to seeming to submit to the enemy and omitting their attention from the real objective.

Taunt Jīn - corresponding to making an enemy take action without thought.

Composed Jīn – corresponding to gathering your thoughts and calming yourself.

Warding Jīn – corresponding to setting up a defensive front.

Encourage Jīn – corresponding to rallying yourself and those around you for inspiration.

Silent Jīn – corresponding to the act of remaining silent, your silence speaking volume to others.

Patient Jīn – corresponding to dragging out a fight for as long as possible to receive reinforcements, or an opportunity for escape.

Kindred Jīn – corresponding to the act of gaining relationships.

Intimidation Jīn – corresponding to the use of fear to discourage an opponent.

Manipulation Jīn – corresponding to when you get people to do things for you.

Guiding Jīn – corresponding to when you impart wisdom to people for their growth.

Dithering Jīn – corresponding to placing doubt into an opponent’s actions.

Agitated Jīn – corresponding to the way to attempt to stir the feeling, interest, or support for or against something.

Rational Jīn – corresponding to being able to reason with one’s enemy.

Entice Jīn – corresponding to tempting or appealing to an enemy’s wants or desires.

Devaluation Jīn – corresponding to attributing exaggeratedly negative qualities to others.

Conversion Jīn – corresponding to getting the enemy to turn to your beliefs or ideals.

Influential Jīn – corresponding to effecting the enemy and their actions, either negatively or positively.

Transformation Jīn – corresponding to the metamorphosis between one’s old self to the new, physically and mentally.

Aggregation Jīn – corresponding to the compilation of all inner qualities.

Peace Jīn – corresponding to the point of achieving inner peace.

Spirit Jīn – corresponding to the connection to one’s spiritual self.

Enlightened Jīn – corresponding to the point in which you have achieved prefect understanding of the universe and its workings.

"I believe that there are things one chooses to do in life, and also things that are chosen for one to do in life." - Lilly Satou

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