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Mal Kriada: Born Sin

Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

a part of “Mal Kriada: Born Sin”, a fictional universe by Kitsune Sama.

After taking over and liberating themselves from a prison planet, a few individuals use their new found freedom to gather the strongest beings throughout the multiverse and dish out their own form of justice.

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Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kitsune Sama on Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:43 pm

Here is a list of acceptable abilities, and I mean acceptable not all wise. Remember when choosing abilities, the setting of the rp. Why have the ability to become invisible if there is camo-stealth technology? If you want an ability you do not see posted here please pm me. Please see rules before picking abilities. The abilities list credit is due to wikipedia :)

Also remember to create a character profile. Here is a sample template, which your profile should be similar to.

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Description:
Personality Description:
Equipment (If any):
Weaknesses (everyone has them):
Brief Character History:


[list=]Personal physical powers- Powers which affect an individual's body.
Acid generation: Ability to generate acid, can be manifested through touch or as a spray (e.g. acid spit, acid blood, etc.).
Animal mimicry: Ability to take on the abilities of certain animals.
Body part substitution: Ability to replace one's limbs or other body parts with those of another.
Bone manipulation: Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones.
Duplication (physical) aka Self-replication aka Molecular cloning: Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself.
Duplication (temporal):Ability to bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present.
Echolocation: Ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound. Also known as sonar or radar sense.
Firebreathing: Ability generate gases from the body and exhale fire from the mouth.
Healing factor aka Regeneration: Ability to heal rapidly and with greater finality from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character. Can sometimes result in the slowing of aging and immunity to illnesses and other defects.
Invisibility : Ability to render the user unseen to the naked eye and/or other forms of perception.
[X ]Kinetic absorption: Ability to absorb forms of kinetic energy into oneself and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts.
Superhuman longevity: Ability to live longer than a normal human.
Matter Ingestion: Ability to consume any sort of matter without any ill effects on the user.
Merging: Ability to temporarily merge two or more beings into a single being, which results in a completely new and stronger being.
Pheromone manipulation: Ability to generate and control pheromones which may have various effects.
Poison generation: Ability to assault others with one or more varieties of toxins, with widely disparate effects.
Prehensile/animated hair: Ability to animate and lengthen one's hair.
Sonic scream: Ability to generate vocal sounds of a higher amplitude than a normal human.
Vortex breath: Ability to inhale/exhale with superhumanly powerful strength. This can range from exhalation on par with gale force winds to inhalation on par with the power of a gravitational vortex. In some cases, freezing temperatures can also be achieved.
Superhuman endurance: Ability to have a higher resistance to one or more forms of damage before being injured as well as the ability to exert ones self in an activity indefinitely without becoming tired and/or survive for long periods of time without consumption or water.
Superhuman agility: Ability to react faster than a normal human and to possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity.
Superhuman senses: Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal Human.
Superhuman strength: Ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions.

Vision-based powers
Abilities that are based on one's eyes and/or ability to see.
1. Night vision: The ability to see clearly in total darkness
2. X-ray vision: Ability to see through solid matter
3. Heat vision: Ability to burn objects and other individuals with one's gaze
4. Telescopic vision: Ability to magnify and extend one's vision to various levels
5. Freeze vision: Ability to freeze objects and other individuals with one's gaze

Wallcrawling: Ability to adhere to solid surfaces, including walls and ceilings
Waterbreathing aka Liquid breathing: Ability to respirate through water in lieu of a gaseous medium. Not to be confused with an ability to go without breathing or to be able to breathe an alternative air supply.

Mentality-based abilities
Ecological empathy: The ability to sense the overall well-being and conditions of one's immediate environment and natural setting stemming from a psychic sensitivity to nature
Innate capability: Ability to naturally have skills and/or knowledge typically earned through learning
[X ]Omni-linguism: Ability to understand any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in various ways.
Superhuman mentality: Ability to have intelligence quotient far above that of a genius level. This ability can be so evolved that it's user can gain psychic abilities (psychokinesis, telepathy, etc.) and resist both mind control and other psionic attacks.
Superhuman tracking: Ability to track an individual or object through supernatural means; sometimes referred to as "pathfinding"

The abilities of extra-sensory perception (ESP) and communication.
Astral projection: Also known as astral travel, this is the ability to separate and control one's astral body.
Cross-dimensional awareness: Ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions. This is occasionally used in comics as an awareness of the fourth wall between the characters and the artist or audience.
Empathy: Ability to read or sense the emotions of others
Precognition aka Premonition aka Clairvoyance: Ability to perceive the future. It may be expressed in vague dreams while asleep, other times it can be clear and can occur at will. It may also be used as a form of "danger sense" to show the user that they are being threatened and from what direction it is coming [X ]Technopathy: Ability to manipulate technology. Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows for mental interface with computer data
Apportation - Materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object.[ Aura reading - Perception of energy fields surrounding people, places and things.[2]
Automatic writing - Writing produced without conscious thought.[3]
Astral projection or mental projection - An out-of-body experience in which an "astral body" becomes separate from the physical body.[ Bilocation or multilocation - Being in multiple places at the same time.[5]
Clairvoyance or second sight - Perception outside the known human senses.[2]
Death-warning - A vision of a living person prior to his or her
Divination - Gaining insight into a situation, most commonly through a ritual.[7]
Dowsing - Ability to locate objects, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod.[8]
Energy medicine - Healing by channeling a form of energy.[Faith healing - Diagnosing and/or curing diseases using religious devotion.[10]
Mediumship or channeling – Communicating with spirits.[ Psychic surgery - Removal of diseased body tissue via an incision that heals immediately afterwards.[13]
Psychokinesis or telekinesis - The ability to manipulate objects by the power of thought.[14]
Psychometry or psychoscopy - Obtaining information about a person or object, usually by touching or concentrating on the object or a related object.[15]
Pyrokinesis - Manipulation of fire.[16]
Remote viewing - Gathering of information at a distance.[17]
Retrocognition - Perception of past events.[18]
Scrying - Use of an item to view events at a distance and/or in the future.[19]
Telepathy - Transfer of thoughts or emotions in either direction.[20]
Transvection - Bodily levitation and flying.[21]

Physical or mental domination
Astral trapping -Ability to cause an astral projection to stay on the astral plane, usually in one specific place
Memory manipulation-Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another
Mind control-The ability to alter the perceptions of others
Spirit possession: Ability to take control and inhabit the body of an individual *Lose possession of your own body*
Psionic blast: Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness, vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that individual's mind *Own mind becomes susceptible to attacks*
Psychic weapons: Ability to create a weapon of psychic energy that can harm mentally and not physically

Physics or reality manipulation- These powers may be manifested by various methods, including: by some method of molecular control; by access to, or partially or fully shifting to another dimension; by manipulating the geometric dimensions of time or space; or by some other unnamed method.
Animation; Ability to bring inanimate objects to life or to free an individual from petrification
Darkness or shadow manipulation: Ability to create or manipulate darkness, often by mentally accessing a dimension of dark energy (the Darkforce dimension in Marvel Comics, and the Shadowlands in DC Comics) and manipulating it
Elemental transmutation: The ability to alter chemical elements, changing them from one substance to another by rearranging the atomic structure. May be limited to self-transmutation
Intangibility or phasing: Ability to quantum tunnel through solid matter without harm[140]
Light manipulation: Ability to control, generate or absorb light particles
Magnetism manipulation: Ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields
Microwave manipulation: The ability to convert ambient electromagnetic energy into microwaves and manipulate it into various effects such as heat, light, and radiation
Radiation manipulation: Ability to generate, manipulate or have immunity to toxic radiation
Sound manipulation: Ability to manipulate sound

Elemental and environmental powers- Ability to control or manipulate the elements of nature.
Air and wind manipulation: Ability to control, generate, or absorb air or wind
Animal control: Ability to communicate with animals, birds and even aquatic creatures and get them to perform tasks on command
Cold and ice manipulation: Ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, can be used to control, generate, or absorb ice
Earth manipulation: Ability to control earth; sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, or other minerals
Electric manipulation: Ability to control, generate or absorb electric fields
Pyrokinesis: Ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control or absorb fire
Plant manipulation: Ability to create, control, manipulate or animate plant life
Water and moisture manipulation: Ability to control, generate or absorb water
Weather manipulation aka Weather control: Ability to control or mentally affect the weather. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena (rain, tornadoes, lightning, ocean currents, etc.) or control the intensity of the weather.

Energy manipulation- These powers deal with energy generation, conversion and manipulation. In addition to generic energy, versions of these powers exist that deal with such things as light, sound, electricity, nuclear energy, and the Darkforce dimension.
Concussion beams: Ability to generate or transform various forms of energy into a "solid" or concussive beam of energy
[X ]Energy blasts: Ability to expel various forms of energy from the body
Energy constructs: Ability to create complex shapes (such as giant boxing gloves or cages) or even functional machinery (such as fire extinguishers or laser rifles) out of solid energy
Energy conversion: Ability to absorb one form of energy and convert it into another form of energy
Force field: Ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy

Transportation and travel
Electrical transportation: Ability to travel through electrical conduits (such as power lines or telephone lines). Can enter through devices such as televisions, electrical poles or computers
Dimensional travel: Ability to travel between two or more dimensions, realities, realms, etc.
Portal creation: Ability to create wormholes, portation "discs" or other spatial portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations
Summoning: Ability to summon beings or objects for assistance. This may range from invoking simple implements to mighty familiar spirits.
[X ]Superhuman speed: The ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense at speeds much faster than a normal human. Those with this ability also have accelerated brain activity which allows them to process sensory information so fast that everything seems to be moving in slow motion while the user moves at normal speed.
Teleportation: Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between
Time travel: Ability to travel back or forth through time *May not freeze time*

Flight See also: Gliding, Levitation, and Transvection (flying): Ability to lift off the ground, to ride air currents or to fly self-propelled through the air.

Energy propulsion
Type Examples
Cosmic energy control See Ikaris marvel comics
Gravitational manipulation See Gravity marvel comics
Magnetic levitation See Static aka Static Shock dc comics
Sonic repulsion field See Banshee marvel comics
Thermo-chemical energy See Cannonball; Jetstream marvel comics

Ability to alter or deceive the perceptions of another. Can be sensory, a light or sound-based effect, or an alteration of mental perceptions. May overlap with reality warping when it is possible to interact with the illusions.

Shapeshifting: Ability to change appearance or body structure.
Animal morphing: Ability to take on animal forms. May be able to take on the abilities of the altered form
Elasticity: Ability to stretch, deform, expand or contract one's body into any form imaginable
Inorganic : Ability to transform completely into an inorganic substance while retaining organic properties
Liquification: Ability to turn partially or completely into a liquid
Metamorphosis: Ability to change ones physical, biological form to mimic the appearance, characteristics and/or power set of other individuals
Size shifting: Ability to increase or decrease one's size
Sublimation: Ability to transform into a gaseous, mist, or fog-like form
Substance mimicry: Ability to transform into any substance touch[/list]
Last edited by Kitsune Sama on Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:12 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby XShishioX on Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:13 pm

Hello! I see you're new here, and you're starting off with a pretty ambitious project. That's rather ballsy. I like it! Too many people make the same roleplays and revisions of past ones. It's cool to see something new and interesting!

Would you mind me taking one of the "main five" spots? I find this Roleplay to be very interesting, and I feel like it would be fun to play out.
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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby boku541090 on Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:55 pm

Hiya! I kinda agree with Shishio. This is a really cool roleplay, and it was well written and long even though you're new. I'm still deciding about my character's powers and role, but when I decide, I'll be sure to tell you. :D

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kitsune Sama on Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:59 pm

XShishioX wrote:Hello! I see you're new here, and you're starting off with a pretty ambitious project. That's rather ballsy. I like it! Too many people make the same roleplays and revisions of past ones. It's cool to see something new and iinteresting!

Would you mind me taking one of the "main five" spots? I find this Roleplay to be very interesting, and I feel like it would be fun to play out.

Hi! Yes I am brand new to the community but have been rp-ing for a while. Thanks for your words of encouragement and I would be delighted if you were one of the main five! I look forward to reading your profile :) And thanks for your interest Shishio!

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Kitsune Sama
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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kitsune Sama on Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:02 pm

Epicnukeguy wrote:Hiya! I kinda agree with Shishio. This is a really cool roleplay, and it was well written and long even though you're new. I'm still deciding about my character's powers and role, but when I decide, I'll be sure to tell you. :D

Thank you for your interest! I am excited at how this might play out! Please take your time. I look forward to reading your profile EpicNukeGuy :)

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Kitsune Sama
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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby boku541090 on Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:39 pm

Are you allowed to have 2 powers? I was thinking of giving my character animal mimicry and animal morphing. :D

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kitsune Sama on Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:59 pm

Epicnukeguy wrote:Are you allowed to have 2 powers? I was thinking of giving my character animal mimicry and animal morphing. :D

Yes. More specifically you are allowed up to 3 powers/abilities to begin with. You may train with another character and learn an additional 2 if those abilities are teachable. Training will vary upon the teacher but must exceed 1 month game time.

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imbecile on Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:43 pm

Oh my goodness, this roleplay! I love the idea.

I'm not completely sure if I'll be available for this roleplay or not - but, if I decide to join, expect a rough character sheet on Sunday or thereabouts!

Are you thinking of just getting characters from as many alternate anime universes as possible, or will it be okay if I send in an original character?

Also, are there any specific roles within the five main spots we should be wary about?
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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kitsune Sama on Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:26 pm

Imbecile wrote:Oh my goodness, this roleplay! I love the idea.

I'm not completely sure if I'll be available for this roleplay or not - but, if I decide to join, expect a rough character sheet on Sunday or thereabouts!

Are you thinking of just getting characters from as many alternate anime universes as possible, or will it be okay if I send in an original character?

Also, are there any specific roles within the five main spots we should be wary about?

I am ecstatic that it's not as bad of an idea as I had thought xD

Characters from any anime/comic universe are acceptable, but original characters are most definitely encouraged!

As for the Five Originals the only criteria is they are of different species/race. For example Ezrael (one of the main five) is Cyborg, but he is not classified as human. That doesn't mean no other cyborgs are allowed, just not as an original.

Thanks for showing interest, I hope to see a character sheet :)

Sherlock tho <3<3<3

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mat_z6 on Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:50 pm

Wouldn't Transvection just be another ability included in Telekinesis in a sense?

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kitsune Sama on Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:06 pm

Mat_z6 wrote:Wouldn't Transvection just be another ability included in Telekinesis in a sense?

I suppose transvection would be a second stage of telekinesis..learning how to levitate objects then learning to levitate yourself. Good eye lol. I did quote this list from wiki and removed the powers that would inhibit unfair gameplay, but I guess some are sort of duplicates

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mat_z6 on Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:53 am

I thought so, thanks. :) So... couldn't elemental powers be a third stage in a sense since you would be controlling the element of choice with your mind such as fire, even going so far as controlling lightning bolts from thunder storms or water from a river. And even for a fourth stage controlling ones mind by using your own mind to manipulate a person's electrical brain signals or even manipulating the very molecular composition of an object by moving it's atoms and rearranging them. O_O okay gosh... see this is what you get when I think too much. As you can see, I like to look at an ability and try to do as much as I can do with it as possible... Its quite fun to think of the possibilities. X3

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kitsune Sama on Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:14 am

Mat_z6 wrote:I thought so, thanks. :) So... couldn't elemental powers be a third stage in a sense since you would be controlling the element of choice with your mind such as fire, even going so far as controlling lightning bolts from thunder storms or water from a river. And even for a fourth stage controlling ones mind by using your own mind to manipulate a person's electrical brain signals or even manipulating the very molecular composition of an object by moving it's atoms and rearranging them. O_O okay gosh... see this is what you get when I think too much. As you can see, I like to look at an ability and try to do as much as I can do with it as possible... Its quite fun to think of the possibilities. X3

Haha I do like the way you think. I think the elemental powers are a bit of a stretch tho, because if we think this thoroughly and rationally telekinesis would be the beginning stage of a lot of powers haha so we will keep it as levitation of self and other objects. But maybe along the story line it will be easier for telekinetics to learn elemental manipulation? Thanks for that insight tho, should come in handy later

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mat_z6 on Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:47 pm

I was actually thinking about that myself. XD And it does make sense. Anyways, I'll start working on my character and with all my talk about telekinesis and what not it's probably quite obvious what his power is going to be. Can't wait to start!

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Re: Mal Kriada: Born Sin Abilities List

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kitsune Sama on Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:27 pm

Mat_z6 wrote:I was actually thinking about that myself. XD And it does make sense. Anyways, I'll start working on my character and with all my talk about telekinesis and what not it's probably quite obvious what his power is going to be. Can't wait to start!

Great! I'm getting anxious thinking about this roleplay! xD

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Kitsune Sama
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