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This Damned Town


a part of “This Damned Town”, a fictional universe by Boomerang.


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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Boomerang on Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:48 pm


All of those who have died in Batteridge have come back as ghosts, as nobody outside of BATTERIDGE in their purest, spirit form are able to cross the line over to our cozy little town. If you’re a ghost, chances are you died in Batteridge. It doesn’t matter how you died, it just matters that you’re stuck, forever pacing. However, unlike the ghosts we tend to come across in
other places, these ghosts ‘age.’ Not in a normal way, of course, but they are able to continue on with their schoolwork, their jobs, etc. As long as it doesn’t require too much energy, because a ghost only has enough to stay solid. More often than not, a ghost can only stay solid for a maximum of 12 hours. If they exceed these 12 hours, then they will have difficulty not disappearing completely. Do not fret, because if you disappear completely, you do not fizzle out. You just appear back to where you passed away. This is so because the veil in Batteridge is lighter than anywhere else, everything is left out in the open. Everyone has the ability to see these ghosts, in the corner of their eye, a wink of a shadow in the morning light, but they have their world and we have ours. Now, it affects the few loved ones that watched them die personally, as these chosen few have the unfortunate and slightly comforting ability to see and call out to their chosen ghost. This can also happen when a ghost forms an emotional attachment and reaches out to someone. If you can see that special ghost, you also have the ability to see all of the other ghosts out there, but the opportunity only comes forth when you and the sky are at their most vulnerable. It is a gift and a curse.


Not much is known of shadow people, but as technology improves, the paranormal community is getting more and more evidence of their existence. Some call them watchers or observers from another dimension. Shadow people may not be ghosts or spirits. Some are described as tall, black humanoid like beings with red eyes and no necks. Others are described as shadow like black masses.


With their black eyes and sharpened teeth, it’s almost comical to try and befriend one of these creatures; however, there are many of those who have actively attempted such a feat. When angry, they tend to take on the variations of different elements, but in their “darkest” form. Fire no longer serves to keep one warm, but to burn. Water no longer serves its purpose to keep those hydrated, but to drown them. Do you see a pattern? When you come across an irritable demon, you better hope an angel is in its wake to pull from its anger, but then, of course, the angel will only pull from your happiness and you will be left staring wide-eyed into the empty space, wondering why it is you want to punch the kid with the weird colored hair in the face.


In Batteridge, you may occasionally hear the sharp noted tune of a fearsomely large creature. That is the sound of the Singing Dragon, a creature that flies merrily around Batteridge humming show tunes and checking the pitches of all those around it. These mighty beings have such a resounding sound that echoes across the land that they have been known to screech out such a lovely operatic note that it breaks all the glass in the town, causing the inhabitants to all call up their local window repairmen and ask for the Singing Dragon Deal. Sometimes the townsfolk swear that they heard “Puff The Magic Dragon" pass by their window singing his famous song, as all singing dragons have a special song that they hold near and dear to their hearts
 especially if they’re magic. Sometimes they ask you to sing along with them, join in in their whimsy and love-filled tunes, and it’s essential that you do because otherwise their hearts start to whither away and no one wants the end of the Singing Dragons, even if they are cumbersome to our windows
 although they do keep Mark, The Window Repairman in business. And what’s better than small businesses succeeding at the hand and melody of dragons. These creatures greatest joy is to teach lessons of morals and pitch to the supernatural children of Batteridge. You can find these dragons taking turns spinning her around with their long scaly tails and telling them tales of times passed. Nothing is more interesting than a story told by a Singing Dragon that has lived for centuries and centuries before our time.


Forget the beautiful winged creatures you might have seen in books, and forget their tiny nature. Think more along the lines of Tinkerbell, only, think about these faeries with fangs that, on the daily, tear into human flesh. Think of beautiful vampires, ones that have wings. The City Hall is where the majority of these beauties let their wings flutter, and while they may not be preying on one particular person that day, you may want to watch out and guard your neck. In Faerie politics there are two Courts; The Seelie and the Unseelie. Both are inclined to mischievous acts, but it is the Unseelie Court that leans a bit more on the side of evil. With their evil Queen residing over them, they are a sight to behold. One that you do not wish to behold because if you do
 well, you won’t really have much more to see seeing as you’ll be dead.

Possibly due to their connection with the natural world, many fairies are believed to have a strong sense of justice/righteousness – which can influence their interaction with humans (i.e. making them helpful). Despite this, they can also carry out many undesirable activities, which cannot really be fully explained by their hatred of human deceit and dishonesty. These include:
Abductions. Possibly in a bid to replenish their ranks. In such cases, they often leave a changeling – which is identical in appearance to the abducted, but usually ill and weak; they die within a short period of time.

Practical jokes. You know you were reading the map correctly, but you’re lost all the same.
Sexual relations. Although some humans may desire this, it’s believed that such encounters are very risky (because they may feed off your life force).

Their powers include: Immortality, Elemental Magic (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Wind), Flying, Shape Shifting, the ability to communicate with animals and manipulate life. Their downfalls are; they cannot lie, which is why they attempt to muddle words and confuse, they cannot break promises, and they’re allergic to iron.


Before Hell belonged to Satan and the angels who followed her in her campaign, it belonged to lesser demons. Hell was an inferno, but it was their home. They were free to run amok within its confines, but most importantly, they were free. When Satan and her angels fell, shedding their wings for claws, they invaded Hell and forced the lesser demons into servitude, putting them into their legions.

And when humans rose out of the belly of the earth, Incubi and Succubi climbed to earth and took control of the worlds sex trade. They became the harlots, the young boys at the Greek gyms. They were the mistresses of King Louis the XIV and consorts to emperors, and eventually the puppet master behind every pimp, every sex trade, every adult film. Taking their love of sex, they own everything, this one thing given to them by their fallen angel masters.

But, you know, this means the owner of that adult video store off route 59 is a demon, and we’re not sure if we’re comfortable with that. After all, they know what recreations we partake in, and don’t think the public with it’s faint heart—especially you Mrs. Jenkins—is ready for that information to leak.

Succubus: As the female counterparts to incubuses, Succubi have a certain control over sex dreams more so than sleeping with people in reality. It is rumored that sleeping with a succubus results in a deterioration of health, even possibly death. They can take on frightening or seductive roles. Specific powers include dream walking, sleep inducement, and malleable anatomy.

Incubus: Traditionally, Incubus would bed someone in their sleep, though never entering their dreams. Now, they opt for the more direct approach and just ask, using their wiles to lure them in. They are less subtle than Succubi, but have perfected the game of cat and mouse. Incubus can procreate with almost any breed. Specific powers include invisibility.
Powers: Life-force absorption, enslavement kiss, kiss of death, supernatural beauty, pheromone manipulation, sexual inducement, wing manifestation.


You all know Jaeger (pronounced yay-gehr) Mutual Trust, you’re all insured by it. After all, it is a town mandate, and with their affordable plans that accommodate all financial statuses, how could you not sign up! This mammoth company has been protecting and watching the backs of citizens of Batteridge for years. And although it is all a coverup for a much darker business, they really do have pretty great rates.

What you don’t know about our trusty insurance company, is that there’s hundreds of employees not working at a desk. No, instead of yielding a pen, they yield crossbows. Or machine guns. Or knives. Or even a meteor hammer if they’re especially eccentric. But don’t be fooled just because they say they’re trying to protect you. The truth is anything out there evenslightly out of the ordinary is destroyed by these employees. They are ruthless, cold hearted killers not afraid to murder parents right in front of their child’s eyes. Although, they really aren't the best at killing the creatures... and never have. Mostly they walk about the forest and make up plans.

They want the book, so stay clear. I repeat- they are not our friends or allies.


It appears, darlings, that the world has given you false ideas of what a Wendigo really is. While there are Wendigos of Algonquian myths, our Wendgios are not related. The Wendigo while in form is exactly as one would think with their gaunt half-beast frames, their desiccated skin and their corroded lips. As the being’s hunger is so great they end up eating away at their own self. The Wendigo is a powerful hunter with a cunning mind and an insatiable hunger. This ravenous hunger can only be satiated by consuming human flesh, an act they not only take pleasure in but also take time in. In their nests, which are located in dark, damp places like caves or the abandoned cabins near Sinkhole Swamp, the Wendigos keep their victims locked up alive, terrified and anticipating their own death at the hands of this monster. What is so different about the Wendigos of Batteridge is that in their human forms, they are all little girls. It was a group of teenage girls that brought about the demonic spirit to Batteridge, and it is those same girls that continue the legend by constantly recruiting new members into their cult. This new lore is something that Batteridge as a town has yet to truly understand or be aware of, it still is a secret amongst a lot of townsfolk, but with each new body that turns up, the town has begun to get suspicious. Never before have they seen these kind of bite marks, which must mean there’s a new creature in town. Or in this case


It all began with the first furies—and sisters—Alecto, Tisiphone, and Magaera led in by the infamous Persephone. Centuries later, their birth has led to the chain of events that created an entire population of furies; beautiful, vicious women that continue to strike fear in the heart of mortals everywhere. They’re the judge, jury and executioner when it comes to problems. You do not want to get on their bad side, especially if it involves family. Pretty to look at? Yes. But also deadly and dangerous. Steer clear of these women, for they will happily be your downfall.


After generations and generations of females furies, out pops a male with their same powers and mannerisms. The male fury is a creature that comes few and far between, but sometimes they find ways to slip through the cracks, as most men usually do. They’re exactly like their female counterparts - cocky and rude - believing they have every right to be with their fearsome powers and chiseled features. Though you’ll never catch them in one of the cheer leading uniforms that the furies usually adorn; they’re not raised to be a member of the team. Instead that excel in other walks of life, like charming the pants off of those around them and manipulating situations to their favor. Beware these handsome creatures, they will rip your beating, bleeding heart right from your chest and break it while you watch on in despair. We mean this metaphorically, well
 most of them.


You have now been warned of another species that inhabits our home, but unlike what Japanese folklore suggests, Kitsunes are not fox-like trickster spirits. Kitsunes are cousins to our very own Vampires and instead of feeding off blood, they thrive off force-no, not that force, the one found in George Lucas’ hugely successful franchise, Star Wars. Although, it has been rumored that he obtained the idea from bedding a Kitsune, but that is just speculation. If you would have let me finished and listened to the rhyme, you would have known that the force they live off is life force. Life force is needed for these creatures to survive and perform magic, without it they would simply not be. Luckily for them—not so much those looking for a little action—their source for the life force is making love to a human and we all know how much humans can’t resist an alluring face and the promise of having a roll around in the sheets. While humans are their source for life, it is not wise to provoke them or kill of their food source. Who knows what kind of magic will befall you.


Now, if you see somebody with a bright pink jacket that reads, ‘Sea Babes.’ I’d suggest you step aside. These women, although very beautiful, are very dangerous, and they tend to be extremely territorial. It’s not to say you can’t approach them, but if you’re on a mission to denigrate them? Well, you might as well just cut yourself some slack and drive a knife into your own chest. The Sea Babes, the synchronized swimming team AKA Mermaids of Batteridge don’t fuck around. Don’t expect them to like you just because you admire their good looks, and don’t expect them to show you respect if you do the simple task of opening a door for them. They hold those outside of their clique to the lowest regards, and they have no sympathy for those who show weaknesses. Not to be confused with the Sirens, mermaids have complete and total control over Loch Pine. There was some territorial dispute way back when, and the Sirens opted out for taking the ocean. If you see a mermaid bowing their head in concentration, it’s better to let them delve deep into their minds eye, because chances are, they are going to be able to tell you what will be for lunch later next month.


Now, forget what I said about the Sea Babes. The Sea Babes look like bunny rabbits compared to these ladies, and they may even look like it. When you piss off a Siren, she lets off a devastating scream, one that may damage your ear drums if you’re within close vicinity of her. Do not piss off a Shipwrecker, for they have no time for such dramatics, as they tend to plunge to the darkest depths of the ocean and drown their victims. How can you tell a Siren and a Mermaid apart, you ask? You don’t. You simply hope that they’re wearing their jackets that day, because if they aren’t, well, you better hope you hear the call. Don’t bother holding the door open for one of these ladies, because instead of being ignored, they may aim to kill you later on down the road. While the Sirens aren’t very fond of men, it’s not to say that they are lesbians, but it’s safe to say that if they had to choose, they would rather kiss soft lips than ones that are chapped with the many lies that males tend to spit out. In May of last year, the Shipwreckers were taken out of the school choir for obvious reasons. The Sirens are also in charge of running the school newspaper; The Siren Times. There is always one article debasing the Sea Babes ‘cred’, it’s become expected. Sirens are vengeful and carnivorous mythical creatures from the Greek pantheon of gods. Even though they were often presented as flying creatures, Greek myth of water sirens became very popular in the Europe.


The Nymphs of Batteridge are minor nature deities that typically are associated with a particular location or landform. These creatures are not gods, they are beautiful, young nubile creatures who adore singing and dancing around the town. It is their joyous freedom that sets them apart from the restricted inhabitants of Batteridge. Meaning that they are in fact so open and free that even they are set apart from the other creatures of this forsaken town. These creatures dwell in mountains and groves, by springs and rivers, and also live up in the trees and valleys. These deities are a sight to behold, their lively spirit is infectious and can cause you to burst out in song or dance just with a single glance or a passing of energy. But the spirit can intoxicate and infect, leaving you empty and searching after the bout of excitement. In the town’s deed, you can see their signature at the bottom left corner, loopy and enchanting, showing you that they’ve been a part of this great place for many generations before us and they will last for many centuries after us. Occasionally, you will find the special nymph at the side of a god or goddess, as they are part of the service of a god. They are also the frequent target of satyrs.


Nobody has ever associated goats with anything other than mountains, or even trash heaps. These creatures do not follow the story of Three Billy Goats Gruff, or the story of Buttercup, who, seems to be all the rage in Barton Hollow.. Instead, the Satyrs, avoided by most because of their unusual.. statures. However, unlike the other creatures, the Satyrs have a sweet disposition about them. Though, if you listen to their flute playing for too long- you may find yourself falling in love. Just last week, Wendy Fuller was found, hearts dancing above her head, and her chest ripped open.. Investigations are still being made as to whether or not the boys are using their delicate music to make girls and boys fall in love with them- and then fight over each other. Despite their need for constant attention, Satyrs really are a lovely bunch.

T H E V O O D O O P R I E S T & P R I E S T E S S

Make way for the Voodoo Queen and King of Barton Hollow, Erzulie and Mawu Lafontaine. Voodoo Queens are revered in the real world, but they are worshiped in the supernatural community of Batteridge as the one connecting source between all magic and folklore in the town. They have even surpassed the church when it came to exorcisms and sacrifices. These people are just all around fierce, powerful beings.

But one should not cross the Queen, because she will not even blink an eye as she creates a doll in your image and rips your organs out one by one, all the while creatively including them in her magical powders and feeding the leftovers to some sort of shadow being, and no one wants that on their tombstone.

Go to John Doe, owner of Hoodoo Voodoo, if you’re in search of any charms, powders or amulets to help cure an ailment, grant a desire or you know.. completely obliterate your enemies. Yes, that’s the place to go. Sometimes you can even see John Doe in a serious game of poker with the King and Queen, which is quite the sight, I assure you.


Ever since the Salem Witch Trials of the 1600’s, witches have seemed to pride themselves of their kind, for some odd reason beyond my comprehension (last time I checked, witch hunters stalking your population to hang you was not a good thing). Nonetheless, witches have become more powerful as years have passed, learning more of their powers and how to properly use them. Of course, there will always be the one whose powers are reserved strictly for the daily rendering of their wardrobe - but that’s besides the point. If you were planning on killing your witch-friend tonight by burning her at the stake, don’t. So many rumors
 History really has not passed itself down very well, has it? It may be easier to just fire a gun at them, since gasoline prices don’t seem to be getting any less expensive and that whole burning-at-the-stake-is-the-only-way-to-kill-a-witch thing is a complete lie. Also
 leave the broom-flying to Sabrina the Teenage Witch, because witches do not fly. While simple levitation is not unusual, witches are ordinarily embarrassed by their poor portrayal on television. Really, though - magic carpets?


Do not make fun of Piggly Wiggly. This is your first rule when entering the grocery store. He’s located in the corner of aisle five near the cereals, and if you make the mistake of poking fun at him, there is nothing keeping him from knocking multiple shelves down onto you and crushing your entire system of organs, and trust me, you do not want to have that happen. The majority of those whom work at the Walmart will be extremely upset with you, and you may end up finding yourself working there as compensation for the damage that you caused. Plus, you know the medical bills will be sky high because no one pities the thoughtless few that teased Piggly. No one pities that fool. Beware, beware the gelatinous being in the Walmart (checkout 4), as it has already been discussed that he dishes out the gossip.

The aliens, however, are much less likely to destroy your social life. However, they may try to eat your brains. Nah, kidding. No, they’re more the ‘invade your body and morph you into a soulless creature that lives to perform their duties’ kind of aliens. You know, the fun stuff.

AND there is more, which you'll find out about when you come face to face with them in the depths of night.

So... how do we keep ourselves safe?

Well, us (the fourteen) can stock up on these important items

Salt- Sprinkle this around your bed to make sure somethin' doesn't drink your insides while you sleep. It can also burn most creatures.
Wooden Stake - For vampires, kitsunes and others. Make sure to hide this well, you really don't want your parents to find it. Awkward.
Iron - For the Fae, you really don't want a hungry fairy snacking on your eyeballs
Sword - Can kill most greek creatures (Furies, Sirens, Satyrs) you can find this in the flea market if you ask around a bit
Magick - Later on, we might need to learn a few spells from ol' Erzulie and Mawu. The book helps. Speaking of...
The Book- Do not talk to anyone but the fourteen about the book. Do not lose the book. Make sure your parents don't find it. This is the key to ridding- or controlling- evil of Batteridge.
Cross - For all demons (Incubi, succubi, normal demons, vampires, kitsunes). This will burn them

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