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Helpful Ryu-Hints for people new to roleplaying

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Helpful Ryu-Hints for people new to roleplaying

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryu-Kazuki on Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:11 pm

I thought I'd throw up a little guide for people who know nothing about roleplaying. (I didn't know where to put this, so mods feel free to move it to the appropriate place.)

If anyone has anything to add, feel free to say so.

Don't forget to show this to your friends who don't know how!

You may ask yourself, "What is roleplaying?" Well, roleplay, or sometimes referred to as RP, is when you take the place of a character in a set story and live out their life and or part in said story.

Here is the standard definition for roleplaying;

Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behavior to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. While the Oxford English Dictionary defines role-playing as "the changing of one's behavior to fulfill a social role", the term is used more loosely in three senses:

•To refer to the playing of roles generally such as in a theater, or educational setting;
•To refer to a wide range of games including computer role-playing games, play-by-mail games and more;
•To refer specifically to role-playing games.

There are many forms of roleplaying that people perform;

IMRP (Instant Message Roleplay): This is where a roleplay between two people take place on an instant messaging service.

Chat RP: This type of roleplaying is a collaboration of people performing a roleplay in a chatroom, either with people they know, or new to people!

Forum RP: Forums are good places to roleplay, they give much larger limits on the number of characters you can have per post, they also keep the post in place if someone cannot be there when everyone else is during the roleplay, so it keeps it lasting longer.

Two key terms you also need to know. IC (in character), and OOC (out of character).

Next question, "What is a post?" A post, is a message typed out by one of the participants of the roleplay and submitted into the roleplay itself.

There are different forms of posting, and many different styles.

To get an in-depth explanation of the purpose of posting, here is a link;

The Purpose and Style of the Roleplay Post by Ylanne

First, we'll discuss styles;

A sometimes common style of posting, is when the roleplayer uses the name of their character to begin their post. (Quotes are optional around the diolouge when posting, unless you are using a literary format)
Character: Hello, how are you?

Another basic type of posting uses the name to begin the post, but they use action markers. (An action marker is a symbol around the character's action.)
Character: -says- Hello, how are you?

Another type of posting is more like a literary type.
Character says, "Hello, how are you?"

Another type of posting is when players do not use a name and referr as if it were themself, or in third person.
He says, "Hello, how are you?"

I say, "Hello, how are you?"

Now we move onto the forms of posting. There are three basic forms;

Single posts (or one-liners): A post that's length only reaches one line of the text box.
Ex: Character says

Para-posting: Posting lengths of posts that are at least a paragraph or more. With great quality of details included. (Quantity doesn't beat quality!)
The unknown and un-named character approaches. They smile and wave at you, giving off a friendly vibe. "Hello, how are you?" the character asks. The character is hoping to make conversation with you.

Let's go a little more in depth with para-posting. Here is an example I have used before (They can also be longer);

It was mid-day and raining. The blue skies were clouded by a dark-gray collaboration of water vapor. Yes, it looked as if it were about to rain.
This event happened out in the vastly large open prarries of Konoha no Kuni, the Land of Leaves. The downpour began. Mournful sorrow from the heavens in the sky.

This was unfortunate for the lonely soul who was traveling through the field. A young man, a ninja, journeying through the country, on his way to Konohagakure, followed by a companion. A wolf with bright blue eyes, and a beautiful coat of gray, shining fur, with a back bandana around its neck that read in a blood red color, "Misery", in kanji, and a katana sheathed on its back.

The young man stood around six feet, and one inch. Medium-short, bushy, pitch black hair with a shine to its essence, that had bangs covering his right eye, and those eyes, were a beautiful glowing blue, even in the darkest darkness. One his light colored face, there was a scar on the right side that looked as if a wolf had ripped it's claws through his cheek. It looked like it had been there for years.

Despite that it was raining, he was well prepared, he was carrying an umbrella with him in one hand. A pack was slung over his back with his materials, and a kodachi was sheathed on his back as well. His outfit consisted of; a black rice picking hat, black hitai-ate with a seven zig-zagged symbol in the center of the metal piece to show he was from a village known as Kagegakure, "The Village Hidden within the Shadows", a black shirt with the Ochina clan insignia on the back in a golden hue, wrist guards, black fingerless gloves, black pants, shin guards, and black ninja boots.

This young man, the leader of Kagegakure, at the age of seventeen, was Kazuki Ochina.

An important thing, is knowing lit. Lit means literate, meaning, you have good spelling, grammar, and quality. Most people prefer lit RPers, over non-lits, but others aren't concerned.

RPs can be done in any way, shape, or form. You can use an original, fandom, or anything you'd like, the main objective of the RP is to have fun!

As you grow as an RPer, so will your style of RPing. So don't be afraid to experiment with new styles. Also, remember that cyber RP is very naughty and not-permitted in some places!

I hope this guide was helpful, have fun roleplaying!
To all of you here at Roleplay Gateway, my many friends, I leave you a lifetime supply of ice cream. Oh, the flavor? A boot to the head!

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