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Space-Time Magic - A Guide

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Space-Time Magic - A Guide

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby spacetime on Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:39 pm

So, I've been getting numerous (non-stop) complaints about how space-time magic is sort-of BS. The truth is, it isn't, and when used correctly and fairly, it becomes a reasonable asset that plays well into many of the various powers now present. Thus, I, spacetime, present to you:

The Unofficial Official Guide to Space-Time Magic
Use, Fairness, and Logic.

Let's start from the beginning. What is space-time? Well, spacetime is generally the standard measurement for what happens in the world. We have space: measuring distances, volumes, and various other geometric - abstract or not - shit. And on the other hand, time: the measure of how much time or 'frames' that have elapsed in a given situation. Many modern and powerful ideas, such as those of Einstein, and combined these two seemingly different entities into a single variable: Space-Time. Various interpretations of space-time include that multidimensional sheet visualization responsible for gravity, which by the way is backed by Stephen Hawking himself. This guide mainly covers the breadth of space-time, and it's applications in RP - as in how it can be used, etc.. The main topics include: Use of Dimensions, Use of Space, Use of Time, and Balance in your Character. Several points will be highlighted as "Idea"s. Take special notice of these.

Well, shall we start?

From start, to finish.

Well, what is a dimension? Simply put, a dimension is how many orders of space-time there are. Confused? Lets start from stair one...

We all know what the 2nd Dimension and the 3rd Dimension is, but is this process built and structured? Well, starting from the 0th dimension, we can see this whole process of building higher orders of space-time, and consequently, see how to correctly use them in an RP. The 0th dimension, as few of you may know, is simply a dot. The 1st dimension is a line. The 2nd, a plane. The 3rd, a solid. What is the first? Well, We're getting to that.

Imagine the 0th dimension, a dot. Now, Imagine as if we've grabbed that dot, inked it, and dragged it through space-time. What would happen? Why, that dot would 'ink' the surrounding area, and make a line - just as if you've made a dot on a piece of paper with a pen, and dragged your pen across the paper the make a line. By inking space-time with that dot, we've moved from the 0th Dimension to the 1st Dimension. Now, a similar process works now: inking the line, and dragging it through space to make a plane! We've just hit 2D, folks. Try the same thing again moving to 3D.

Strange shit happens when we move from 3D to 4D. In truth, something happens, but our 3D obsessed mind can't handle the 'new direction' occurring. We run around, shit in every room, and get a headache over this. But, alas, we're only thinking the wrong way! Imagine if you held a 3D cube up to sunlight, what would happen? Why, you'd get a 2D shadow! If you held a piece of paper up to the sun on it's edge, you'd get a line as a shadow. If you held a piece of string on it's side up to the sun, you'd get a dot as a shadow. All reason suggest you would get a 3D shadow of you held a 4D object up to the sun! What's a 3D shadow? Imagine a bunch of suns in the sky. Sheesh, it would be bright! Now, imagine cubes held up to each sun, such that for every cube you'd get a 'shadow beam', a region where the sun does not shine. Now, Imagine if each shadow beam intersects, making a 3D region in which several shadow beams intersect, each in different directions. That's a 3D shadow. A 4D object (a single object, without multiple suns) would create this 3D shadow. Wicked stuff.

Lets look at this from another perspective. I hope you all are familiar with geometric sets. A set is basically a 3D figure represented as several folds in a 2D plane. A set of a cube would be a cross-like object, pretty much a collection of 6 squares together. If you can imagine this, or Google it, notice how if you were in a 2D plane, you wouldn't be able to see the square in the center. If a 4D cross were to be unfolded, a similar cross like object would result, only with four armlets instead of two - made up of 8 cubes. Again, if you were in the 3D space, you wouldn't be able to see the cube in the center!

Therefore, the 4th dimension isn't so confusing as it actually seems. Rather, it's just another direction in space, that can be easily thought about using several of the techniques above. This leads us to disprove a common misconception:
The fourth dimension is not time.

After all, if it was, an object in a 2D plane would not be able to undergo movement, and who's to say that can't happen?

Now, what happens when an object passes through a dimension that is lower than the object itself? Well, lets say you have a 2D plane, and a 3D sphere. If that sphere were to pass through, the sphere would appear as a circle of increasing, then decreasing size! A 4D object passing through a 3D region would appear as a 3D object increasing, then decreasing in size.

All of the above leads us to some rules as to how Dimensions should play in a RP.
Dimensions should not be used to phase through objects or armor as use of escape, or assault. Teleporting works in the same manner, and also should not be allowed.

To be honest, I really don't know how fair use of dimensional foreplay can be implemented. I would avoid it entirely.

A short brief.

We've mainly covered all of space's idea and mechanics, though there are a few things that can be localized and pinpointed on. What is space? Well, space is the measurement of the area around you, much like how much square footage in a room. There are several fictional interpretations of how space can be used, mainly pocket dimensions. This mainly focuses on the idea that you could fit a whole arsenal of shit inside your pocket. Since there are an infinite amount of real numbers in any given portion with length of the number line, a pocket dimension can't be dis-proven (least of what I know). However, they can be frowned upon. Just because your character has a "satchel of infinite holding," doesn't mean your character can throw everything from an elephant's ass to a nuke at your opponent.

Pocket dimensions may not be used in combat.

Also as a note: don't try and use space to make yourself the size of Uranus, or Urego.

A thought.

What is time? Time is in an essence the amount of frames that have elapsed. This gives rise to movement, and thus gives rise to speed. What are the mechanics of time, and how can it be used?

We've heard of that Hawking's thought experiment where the dude gets on a rocket ship and flies to how high my ego is, and then comes back, right? Turns out, the dude taking a trip to rainbow land only aged 3 years, while his twin is pushing daisies. Holy shit. In fact, this is the only way one can cheat time.
You can only move forward in time, never the reverse.

Thus, predicting the future is invalid, as it would require moving forward in time and bringing the idea of the action back to the past. However, slowing it down, or speeding it up would work. This in turn leads to unfair-ness if used improperly. Using time magic to speed yourself up 1000 times such that your character sees the world as standstill is a dick move. Don't do that shit. Rather, a boost of 2-15 times is appropriate. Don't trap your opponent in a loop of time either. I will come after you.

An overview, and fairness as a whole.

So, now that we've seen some specific rules and ideas, we can start putting shit together.

So, as mentioned earlier, we can use space-time's rendition of a sheet as an explanation of bending gravity. You can basically use a Jedi-force push, but don't pull black holes your of your ass. Dimensions and space effects don't have any legal apparent applications, and should be avoided entirely. Time should be used with high regard for fairness, and be sure to use logic when using it in your character - as in: a punch thrown at 30 mph is turned into 300 mph.

Now that you've seen space-time as a respectable, valid type of magic, know it's weaknesses. Space-time magic can only be blocked by statis fields, rendering it weak against future technology. Also, it's impossible to be physically blocked. A gravity pulse wrecks a blockade - by knocking it back. Also, space-time magic doesn't have much attacking capability, so it's mainly a magic to be used by a skilled RPer who knows what he's doing.

And next, balance of powers. If you have a character that has his butt stuffed with all sorts of powers, be ready to drop a load when you bring space-time in. When used logically, this magic is a powerful tool, and you need to compensate your character to that. If your character has space-time magic abilities, be sure to limit his other abilities to only two other powers. So, no extra super-saiyan forms, kids. As for prep-time, warrant lots for turns in preparation for these attacks.
Note the ability to use space-time magic carries large weight. Be sure to balance your character!

Abilities such as black holes can be used in combat but must have a prep-time that is devoted solely to the preparation of the attack.

Meaning, you can't be swingin' claymores around while charging for a black hole. You need to be stationary, defenseless and what not. After all, if your opponent is dumb enough to let you make one, they deserve it.

The end.

Space-Time magic is a nice tool to have. When used correctly, it only adds a logical twist to several of the abilities already implemented in the RP world. If you have any questions as what's considered fair, or if you have any questions regarding mechanics of any space-time moves, post in this thread!

It's been a pleasure...
spacetime the continnum.

Tiko: Mhm. We have nothing against the inclusion of an adult scene in an RP, as long as its tastefully written as such. We're not a site for writing erotica. Not that there's anything wrong with it, this just isn't the place for it. Would be like flipping to the history channel and suddenly, full blown porn.

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