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That Spring {BLEACH - Ichigo x OC}

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That Spring {BLEACH - Ichigo x OC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:28 pm

Ringo Housaka


1.04 AM
Housaka Household

Sat in the open window and looking over the peaceful, sleeping town, Ringo felt anything but peaceful. Dressed in her pyjamas; a white vest top with grey sweats, accompanied by a cream coloured cardigan to keep away the cold of the night air, she missed the sight from her old room which only twenty four hours previous, she had been looking down upon. She missed the bright neon lights and the ever moving white and red spots of vehicles that she could see from her apartment building. Here, in a quiet suburban neighbourhood, she could only see the lights of houses, at least until they flickered off and she was left in darkness, with only the soft glow of the moon to help her peer into her neighbours garden.

The clock in her room read that it was just past one in the morning, but the brunette didn’t mind. Ever since her mother had told her she would be moving out to live with her grandmother in Karakura, she hadn’t been sleeping much. Usually in the past, her mother would work late and leave her home alone, letting her play the acoustic guitar to have something to do. But now, her mother’s new boyfriend was moved in and her mother was on maternity leave. Ringo didn’t want to disturb her grandmother, and the bedroom window of her neighbour was literally only a stone’s throw away. The sound might even reach them.

So, instead of calming herself by rehearsing chords, she sat there, watching nothing in particular. Not only had she been kicked out of her home, kicked out of her Naruki City, but she had been forced to move schools. There was another high school within walking distance of her new home, and her grandmother didn’t have the money to afford the transport to and from Naruki City every day. In seemed odd, when her grandmother owned the biggest and most traditional Japanese house in the neighbourhood, but then she had lived in it throughout her whole adult life. Ringo, although comforted when she was younger by the thought of this house when visiting grandma, had suddenly found it strange as she walked through the door today, knowing it would be her home from now on. The house had felt bigger, colder and it smelled old and musty. Her grandmother was old, so she would have to help with cleaning it, and the piano was still there but badly out of tune. It felt… Unfamiliar.

Releasing a sigh, the teenage girl suddenly felt tears prick at her eyes, knowing she would be entering her second year in a few hours’ time without any of her friends. Biting her lip, she inwardly scolded herself and shoved her head between her knees, covering it with her arms. For a moment she stayed that way, and then she lifted her head and viciously wiped her tears away. Tightening her ponytail and entering her room again, closing the window shut and throwing herself into her new bed on the floor. She hoped by flinging the duvet over her head and counting off the things in her head to do, she hoped she would eventually go to sleep.


7.04 AM
Kurosaki Household

Like a spy, he carefully opened the door and crept into the room on all floors.

Like a panther he slunk forward, poking his head round the corner and eying his prey.

For a moment, he hesitated, his keen gaze focusing directly at the short mop of bright hair splayed across the pillow.

Taking a breath, he calmed himself and cleared his mind, and then… Isshin leapt.


His hunting cry filled the teenager’s room, vibrated through the glass and poured out into the street. In the neighbouring home, Ringo stirred awake.

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Re: That Spring {BLEACH - Ichigo x OC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hinasil on Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:15 pm

Ichigo laid comfortably sleeping in his bed, this was the first time he had been able to sleep so comfortably in weeks perhaps even months. Although he wasn't dreaming, it was nice to be completely carefree now. No longer did he have to worry about Hollows, nor about seeing ghosts or dealing with Soul Reaper's. When he woke up, it would be a new year and one that looked to be like what it used to be. That didn't mean it would be all peaceful though...

The peace that Ichigo felt was brought down when a loud voice yelled, ”GOOOOOOOOD~ MOOORNIIIING~ICHIGOOOOOO~!” Slowly his eyes opened and then widened as his dad, Isshin, was flying through the air. A loud bang was heard and then Ichigo's foot was in Isshin's face while he was in the air, holding him up.

"What the hell are you trying to do?! I was sleeping and you attack me!?" Ichigo dropped his dad on the floor and kicked him through the door. Then he went to shut the door and took a deep breath, Somethings will never change no matter what happens.

After Ichigo dressed for school he went downstairs where breakfast was prepared by his sister Yuzu. It was composed of steamed rice and miso soup. Ichigo went and sat down at the table and started to eat. It wasn't long before Yuzu mentioned that someone had moved next door, "She just moved in yesterday, I wasn't able to get a look at her but I think she's around your age. We have to be nice to her though, I don't want another one of our neighbors to move. So everyone behave." Isshin appeared out of nowhere and manly said, "Yes, we must be on our best behavior." Then his voice changed to his loving one and he topped it off with some tears, "Because this may be the one for Ichigo, and then I will have another daughter." Yuzu started to cry too but Karin just said, "You two always overreact. Now we have to hurry or we'll be late for school."

Ichigo looked at the time and quickly sprinted out the door, but stopped and looked at the old house right next door. He didn't really think much and started walking towards his school.
♪♫♪♫ ((((|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|)­­))) ♪♫♪♫


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Re: That Spring {BLEACH - Ichigo x OC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:08 pm

Ringo was ahead of him, though not by far.

After being awoken by a strange calling (which she assumed was either some weird alarm clock or an actual person, although she was learning towards the former), she had gotten up quickly and headed to the bathroom. She was currently in the weird state where you had had very little sleep, but for some reason you were wide awake and perfectly capable of functioning quite well, but then you usually crashed around the early evening later on. She hadn’t bothered with washing her hair; she had done that last night and she was slightly concerned that the hypnotic steady beat of warm falling water would have entranced her into her own little world where half an hour passed by in a flash.

“Good morning, Ringo.” Her grandmother, Umeko Housaka, had said to her cheerfully from the kitchen counter, after the brunette had wandered round her room for a while trying to remember where she had packed anything. The last time she had slept over at her grandmothers was when she was young enough for her mother to look after her luggage, so now every drawer and her new sliding door wardrobe felt foreign and new. The store cupboard was the worst; the door didn’t close right so there was always a thin slither of darkness, like you saw in most Asian horrors that took place in a Japanese household. There was also a small trapdoor into the attic inside the store cupboard which Ringo hated; it reminded her too much of that time her and her friends had watched The Grudge when they were thirteen as a test of courage, and she had been scared of all horror movies involving ghosties or ghoulies ever since.

“Here, eat up, so you can be well-fed for the school opening ceremony.” The old woman, dressed in a traditional older woman’s kimono with her hair tied up atop her head in a tight, perfectly round bun, placed a plate of two crepes, decorated with a zigzag of chocolate sauce and three fat, rich strawberries. The gesture had surprised Ringo, causing her slightly downcast look (which unfortunately seemed to be her natural ‘stand-by’ expression for now) to break into wide-eyed surprise, and she looked directly into the dark green eyes her grandmother shared with her and her mother with this bewildered expression.

“Th-Thank you…”

“It was your favourite, wasn’t it? I thought you could use a little pick-me-up today. Things have been difficult for you recently, so the least I wanted to do was make your first day in a new school a little more enjoyable.” The old woman responded, before turning and heading over to the sink to clean the dishes. For a moment, Ringo’s expression remained bewildered, but after a moment she felt a small but genuine smile creep onto her face. Touched by her grandmother’s words and actions, she wanted to help a little that morning to show her gratitude. It can’t have been easy for the old woman to accept her into her home and agree to look after her, and yet she acted like it was no trouble at all. It seemed unfair and disrespectful if Ringo didn’t pull her weight a little.

“Um… Grandma, I can wash the dishes when I’m done. I don’t mind.”

“I think you might be running a little late if you end up doing that, Ringo.”

Glancing at the clock, the brunette released a surprised noise when she realized it was true, she was running behind schedule. Without another word, the girl clapped her hands together and muttered the prayer for beginning a meal, devoured the crepes (her hunger came back tenfold as soon as she took the first tasty bite) and placed her dirty dish and cutlery next to her grandmother, strawberries in hand.

“I’ll eat these on the way. I’ll be going now.”

“Have a nice day.” Umeko said to the retreating figure, when suddenly she called out to stop her.


The brunette stopped and poked her head back into the kitchen to look at her.


“You look really nice today. I bet all the boys in your class will fall for you.” The old woman’s face crinkled into a smile, while her granddaughter could only reply with another bewildered and confused expression. “O-Oh… Thank you.” She said, not knowing how to respond, and then quickly left; grabbing her bag, slipping on her shoes and walking out the door.

As she wandered in the direction of school, eating the last of her three strawberries, she wondered what her grandmother had meant by saying that to her. She didn’t feel particular pretty; her hair was in a loose ponytail that hung over her shoulder and down the right side of her chest, while her bangs were swept to the left side of her forehead as usual. The only effort she had made with make-up was a quick flick of mascara and a little concealer to hide how tired she looked. Popping the fruit fully her mouth, leaves and all, she almost shrugged to herself and concluded it was another pick-me-up to make her feel better. The whole ‘new girl in school is surrounded and adored by boys, despite not considering herself attractive or having had any previous experience with romantic relationships’ sounded like the kind of cliché she had read in shojo manga in middle school. Nowadays, she was much more into crime fiction.

’It’s kind of their job, anyway, for parents and grandparents to make their children and grandchildren feel better when they’re down. Besides, they’re biased when it comes to attractiveness.’ Swallowing the chewed fruit, Ringo reached into her blazer pocket for the simple but effective map Umeko had prepared for her. She could already feel herself getting lost; it was like a sixth sense that made up for her lack of direction. There was a horrible moment when her heart sunk; she could feel her pocket was empty. She already knew she didn’t have it but even so she stopped to check the other pocket, and then unclipped and rummaged inside her bag. In her small panic mode, she failed to notice the footsteps behind her until they were almost directly so, and she froze in mid-search of her bags contents to slowly turn her head with a worried look on her face.

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Re: That Spring {BLEACH - Ichigo x OC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hinasil on Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:27 pm

"What's it gonna be like now, knowing that I don't have to fight anymore. It'll all seem like a dream." Ichigo felt like he was seeing things through different eyes now, or the eyes he used to see through. Now that everything was taken care of and life could finally be normal for him. Now he could be a simple teenager that goes to school and can just hang out. Besides his family and his hair, he'd be normal.

Seeing someone in front of him didn't recognize, he nearly called out. It might be the new girl or someone who moved in he'd never seen before. Soon he was near her and nearly said hi when she turned around and looked at him with a weird face. He just stood there, not sure what to say. He definitely didn't recognize her, although it could just be the way she looked at him. Steadily he said,

"Is something wrong? You look like you saw a ghost, trust me I'd know the look." Then he noticed she had her hands in her bag, making him a bit unnerved. Is she reaching for a gun!? Taking a gulp he nervously said with his hand behind his head,

"Don't worry, I'm not going to rob you! I just happened to walking in the same direction as you." Then it clicked into his brain that she was wearing a school uniform. "Hey, are you going to Karakura High School? You have the uniform that girls that go to it wear." Then the bricks began to fall into place, "You don't happen to be the girl that moved in next door to me? The names Ichigo Kurosaki by the way."

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Re: That Spring {BLEACH - Ichigo x OC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:08 pm

“I… I…” Ringo stammered at the sight of the teenage boy, frozen in place with weak knees and a pounding heart. She had broken out in a cold sweat, her hands shaking as she clutched her bag.

Ichigo Kurosaki was tall, skinny and lean with honey blonde hair* and narrow brown eyes. He had a sharp face, with high cheekbones and a strong jaw. He held himself very confidently, and gave off an aura which was quietly assured of his own physical ability. As soon as she saw him, he reminded Ringo of a puma; sinewy, agile and surprisingly powerful.

’He has dyed hair… And his uniform isn’t being worn properly… He walks with a slight swagger with his bag over his shoulder… And he wears a really scary expression… No doubt about it… He’s a delinquent!

“Is something wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost; trust me I’d know the look.”

Ringo felt her gaze widen and she begun to quiver. Thoughts of distress raced through her mind as she found herself speechless and terrified. ’Seen a ghost? He-He knows the look!? Is that some kind of reference to having killed someone in the past!? Wh-What should I do!? What if he asks me for money, or force me to do his homework or… or… He wants me to… To…’ Ringo blushed at the thought; her lack of experience with the opposite sex meant even her thoughts were censored of such things that were of a sexual nature.

“Y-Yes… I am… How did you know I moved in yesterday?” The brunette steeled herself to ask, her mind almost going into panic overdrive when she considered if he had been stalking her when suddenly she noticed his nervous expression. Almost immediately, as if flicking a switch, her own expression softened and her body instinctively relaxed.

’He… He looks almost gentle… With such a soft expression…’ Ringo felt her gaze instantly dropped as she closed her bag and held it with her hands, as if it guaranteed her safety in case he was leading her into a false sense of security.

“I’m… Housaka Ringo.”

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Re: That Spring {BLEACH - Ichigo x OC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hinasil on Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:19 pm

Ichigo was slightly confused when the girl blushed, Did I say something... it didn't really make sense to him but he didn't want to ask. He didn't really know what to think of this girl right now. It took a while for her to answer him though so all he could do was wait. She seemed to be a bit nervous right now, Ichigo didn't really know why because he was the only one there. This girl wasn't making a whole lot of sense as if she didn't even talk to anyone at all. Stuttering, shaking, caught up in her own mind. He may not be a psychiatrist but there was something weird about her.

Finally she got to talking, "Nice to meet you Ringo. My sister saw you move in yesterday and told me about it this morning. I guess I'm right to assume that you are going to Karakura High School, you seem around that age." Ichigo was having a difficult time reading who this girl was, one second she was shaking and nervous next she's completely relaxed. The one thing he could tell was that she'd fit nicely around here.

"You're lucky to have moved in around this time though, when it's so much quieter. Well we'd better hurry to school, don't want to be late on the first day." Ichigo started to head in the direction of the school when an idea just popped into his head, "Do you know where the school is? You haven't been here long and it would be hard to know which way to go if you haven't been there before. Come on I'll show you how to get there."

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