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Behind the Murders {ic,closed}

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Re: Behind the Murders {ic,closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:32 pm

The joy. Surprise. Eagerness. Excitement.

Words couldn't even begin to describe how happy Marcus felt right now. Dear God, this was all true, wasn't it? It couldn't be a dream. If it was, he would never want to wake up. He'd stay asleep, lost in his little fantasy of his. The princess was missing! Ha! Part of him wanted to dance around; to sing as loudly as his tiny vocal chords allowed him. Heck, if nobody else was there, he'd dance around in his underwear. All around them all you could see were smiles. Marcus looked over to find even Alex having trouble suppressing his delight as well. In all the days he'd been at the camp, he had never seen Alex smile like that before. The smile reached those icy blue eyes of his. Alex let the crowd absorb the news for a bit, heading over to Justin, who was the messenger boy who had brought the information. Marcus had never spoken to Justin before, but he knew that Alex and he were the same age. He'd heard that Justin had been with Alex almost as long as Stephen or Nathan had, and was another one of Alex most trusted friends. As far as what Marcus thought though, Justin was far too innocent looking to actually be of any help. As the crowd began to settle down, Alex went back to business.

"The details are in the process of investigation, and there isn't any word as to what happened to the young princess. But," He paused briefly, and Marcus could have sworn he had looked over to Analise. Marcus looked back at Analise in question, but said nothing. He wondered what that was all about. Alex couldn't know anything about her, did he? Yet another question that was left unanswered to him. "We aren't going to do anything rash just yet. We're going to wait until more information is found out. For now, I want everyone to be working twice - nay, three times - harder than they have been now. Be ready to fight any second of the day from now on. If things continue to move on in our favor... what we have been waiting for might actually be happening any day now." The dignified look in Alex's eyes had returned, and Marcus watched him eagerly. He would train 100 times harder than he was now just for all of this, to get back for the royal family had done to his family. For a second there, Marcus almost felt like he was going to cry. He would get revenge. He promised himself. Alex continued, "Now-"

Marcus looked up when the girl took his hand. His eyes briefly met hers, and he could've sworn he sensed a twinge of sadness in her. Marcus had almost completely forgotten about her in all the commotion. His hands stiffened when she took them and tugged him along. He couldn't hear Alex any longer. They had left the crowd, and she found a quiet place off the side of the camp. "You're hungry, right?" Marcus looked over to her uncertainly. He sensed something was off, and tried to keep his voice leveled. He resisted himself from saying anything, and bit his lip nervously. Suddenly, the excitement he'd felt earlier was gone.

They'd found a small log by the outskirts of the campsite, opposite to the fire and under the shade of the trees. He remained quiet, not saying anything about the switch of roles between them. Really, it should had been him who'd led them out the crowd if she felt uncomfortable. From where they were sitting, you could still see Alex and Justin trying to tame the crowd. Marcus wondered what was happening now. He leaned back gently, and rubbed his hands together unconsciously. In a way, he admired Alex. Compared to Stephan, Nathan, or really half the guys here, he was far younger than all of them and capable to keep things running. He was a strong willed person; smart, persuasive, and knew exactly what he was doing. Marcus didn't exactly know what the royals had done to him, but he'd heard from the others that it was far worse than he could imagine.

It was as if the girl had read his thoughts, because a few seconds later she asked Marcus about him. Marcus let his hands fall down on his lap, and looked to her as she talked. For the first time, he began to realize how pretty the girl actually was. That was, under the large baggy clothes she'd been given. She had the perfect frame, long kept hair, and a posture of her that was almost as if she'd been trained by royalty. He crossed his fingers again, and looked over to the middle of the camp again. He'd almost choked when the girl complimented him. That was the first time a girl had said anything nice to him. He blushed lightly, avoiding her eyes. When it came to talking about Alex, he said,

"Why I'm friends with him?" Marcus paused shortly, thinking about what he should say. The girl already seemed to know he'd stayed loyal to him because he'd saved him back then. She wanted more. She even said it herself. Marcus looked down to the floor, "I guess I sort of admire him too. I respect him." He shrugged off his words, repeating what he'd been saying to himself earlier. He remembered how amazed he had been the first couple of weeks when he saw how strong Alex was. Alex wasn't just extremely talented at fighting, but had a certain air of him that made people listen to him almost immediately. He knew how to get what he wanted. Look at all he's done now; the rebellion would be nonexistent if it was for him.

Marcus didn't know exactly what the royals had done to Alex, but, whatever it was, and since it was enough to spark the rebellion, he wouldn't go sticking his nose into other people's business. He would ask Alex until he himself would tell him. Heck, Marcus thought this when he doubted he would tell him. Realizing he hadn't said anything in a while, he continued from where he left off, "He didn't kill you, right? He has some sort of heart." The fact that Alex just wanted to keep the girl alive because of suspicion was far from Marcus's mind. "Look, to tell you the truth, I probably know as much about Alex as you do. He isn't a stranger to me, but I know nothing about his past. He doesn't open up to anything, though. And when he does it only lasts for a second..." Marcus sighed, "I trust him. I'm friends with him for a reason. I don't know what, but," He shrugged, "It might seem stupid, but I do."

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Re: Behind the Murders {ic,closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:20 pm

"Alex," she mumbled the name under her breath. She had a distant cousin named Alexandra; those kinds of names were fairly common with royalty. Analise would have liked to have one of those fancy names. After giving it another thought she looked at Marcus. "I'm not sure... I don't think he spared me because of heart. He probably wants to fatten me up and then eat me for dinner." She turned her head back towards the crowd, not acknowledging how ridiculous her statement was. To her, she was being serious; to another person, it might seem as though she were making a joke.

Analise noticed someone making their way out of the crowd. It was a young man, probably a little older than Alex. He had dark curly hair and was built of muscle just like all of the people around here were. At first, she thought he was going god-knows-where, but he continued to move in the path that lead towards them. He saw Analise and raised an eyebrow.

She fidgeted uncomfortably. "I think he's coming over here." Oh no. Did they find out already? He looked harmless, but that's probably why they sent him over: to trick her! He was at least a foot taller than Marcus and just as big. Analise scooted closer to Marcus as he continued to close the distance between them, squeezing his wrist tightly.

When he was just a few feet away, right before Analise was going to run for her life, he did something completely unexpected: he smiled. In fact, it sounded like he was laughing. Analise furrowed her brows in confusion. The people here were just getting crazier each second. The boy came over, waving at Marcus. He examined Analise for a quick moment.

"Look at you, Marcus. I knew one day the ladies would be all over ya." He seemed to notice when she let go of Marcus' wrist because he began to laugh again. "I'm only kidding. Your face was hilarious though. Did you think I was going to eat ya or somethin?"

"Not before you killed me first," Analise replied bluntly, only giving him more to laugh about.

Closer up she could confirm that he definitely was tall, extremely tall. His was burly and had stubble tracing along his jaw. His eyes were dark like his hair and his skin was tan. There was a scar on his neck and a scratch near his eye. They were faded so she could tell that they were from previous fights. She wondered if he got those while killing her citizens or her family. Maybe both.

"Well, sweetheart, you're in luck because I was only coming over here to see if Marcus was gonna get food, but I guess I have to invite you too."

She didn't like him. Not that she really liked anybody here at all. She hated Nathan, especially Stephan. Alex, don't even get her started. All the crazy people here who are cheering on for her death, especially those who specifically killed her family. And now there was this guy, who introduced himself as Thomas. It seemed that the only person she didn't dislike was Marcus. But who couldn't like him? She barely even knew Thomas and she could already tell that he was the kind that enjoyed pestering people. Hopefully she wouldn't see him too often.

He gestured for them to follow him toward the eating site, talking along the way, not bothering to see if they would follow. Analise would get up as soon as Marcus did. "You know," Thomas began, "Marcus, Alex might let you help out with this one. I mean, it's pretty big, but you might have some connections." He turned to look at Analise. "This little guy used to be pretty close with the royal family. You know that?" She shook her head stiffly. Thomas continued to talk endlessly about the riot, about how he couldn't wait to get revenge.

While he was talking about whatever Analise tugged on Marcus's arm. She whispered in his ear, "I don't like him." As if on cue, Thomas mentioned how was pretty close with Alex. She didn't try to hide the irritation when she rolled her eyes dramatically.

It was fairly packed around the eating site. People were still talking about finding the princess. She couldn't eat when people were talking like murderers. Analise inhaled and held her breath. The food smelled disgusting. Mixed with the stench of the others, she could almost vomit. One person commented on how good the stew was. It was probably best if she didn't know what exactly made that stew so tasty; she was pretty sure that they'd be cooking themselves a nice pot of Princess Analise Soup in no time.

"So," Thomas broke her out of her daydreaming. "You're that girl that Alex decided not to kill." Analise didn't answer him, she was standing slightly behind Marcus, trying to shield herself from the others. She was practically on his heels, looking over her shoulders every now and again. Thomas inspected Analise with his eyes a second time, trying to decide what he was about to say next. He just shrugged. "Well, I guess it's a good thing you've got a pretty face. Either that, or you're just shit lucky." Just when she thought he was complimenting her he put to rest with that idea. "But I highly doubt it's either."

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Re: Behind the Murders {ic,closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:44 pm

Before Marcus was able to say anything in reply, he noticed a shadow starting to come over them. It would be rather ironic if it was Alex, he thought to himself. Alex had a habit of appearing at the most inappropriate times. When he finally looked up, Marcus recognized it not be Alex, but Thomas. Marcus grinned slightly as the young man came closer, not noticing the girl's discomfort until she'd yelped something aloud. In Marcus's opinion, Thomas wasn't an all-out bad guy. He was a couple years older than him - probably six or seven years max - and was kind in a 'big brother' sort of way. Of course, Marcus had never really had an older brother. Thomas liked to stir up fun in places where you'd least expect it, and definitely enjoyed picking on the lost and gullible. You can ask Marcus about him - he was one of Thomas's favorite victims even now. He was also a few years older than Alex, and, as far as from what Marcus could gather, had been with Alex probably as long as Nathan and Stephan had.

The girl fidgeted uncomfortably next to him, causing Marcus to turn his head, "Don't worry, it's just Thomas." He mumbled under his breath before Thomas was within earshot. Thomas seemed to have noticed the girl because his face was smug with amusement and satisfaction when he came over. A wicked smile was plastered on his face. The girl had closed the gap between them now, which Marcus only noticed a few minutes later. She was also, in his astonishment, grabbing onto his hand.

Marcus blushed at Thomas's remark about the girl, keeping his gaze low on the ground. Thomas threw his head back in laughter, throwing his hand openly on Marcus's shoulder. This caused Marcus to feel even worse. He was defeated so easily when it came to things like these. Thomas continued to talk openly towards the girl, his voice a play of tease and at the moment starting to irritate Marcus even more. He'd finally come to an end with an invitation to come get food with him, walking away as soon as the invitation was said without waiting for a reply.

That was Thomas for you. Marcus thought, averting his eyes away from Thomas and back to the girl. He gave her a reassuring look, as if telling her not to worry. There wasn't anything to worry about; he was required to protect her if anything happened anyway. He ignored the nagging thought that he couldn't do anything against Thomas, who was about 3 times the size of him. They followed behind him shortly after, Marcus being silent. Without much surprise, Thomas didn't seem to notice and continued to talk. The eating site was on the other side of the camp, and they had a pretty decent way until they would reach there. He looked up to Thomas in the midst of conversation with a question, "What one? What do you mean?" He referred to him saying 'he had connections'. Thomas faced him briefly. He didn't seem to have heard him, because he faced the girl after. He started to mention about how Marcus had been close with the royals in his past life. Marcus's face fell at that, and he edged away a bit from the girl. He acted as if he hadn't heard that and looked elsewhere.

Thomas next started to talk about the princess. His devious, vicious plans to kidnap her and get revenge. He'd dropped the subject about Marcus's family quickly, and chatted happily about what was to come. The girl tugged at Marcus's arm, whispered something, and he almost laughed out loud about what she'd told him. He grinned, shaking his head and acted as if she hadn't said anything. Marcus had noticed the crowd had dispersed from the middle of the camp, and that everyone was back at their posts again. Of course things weren't the same as they were before and that now everyone was in a good spirits. The eating site was fairly crowded, not as crowded as it would be during noontime, and the fire burned brightly under the pot of stew. Two logs were placed on either side of the fire, and old animal bones were scattered around them from past meals.

"You must be starving," Marcus said over to the girl, who seemed mesmerized at the sight of food. He assumed that it was that because she was so hungry, but looking at her now, he wasn't exactly so sure. "Are you okay?" He asked her, wondering what was wrong. He wasn't exactly ready for her to vomit and pass out right now. She stood closely behind him, with Thomas to his right blabbering to her about something again. He could tell that Thomas made her uncomfortable, but didn't do anything. He pulled her in front of him in reassurance, "I'm sure Alex had his reasons of not killing her," He said quietly almost to himself, not meeting Thomas's eyes. Now, he almost just wanted to walk away and just bring the girl to the food.

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Re: Behind the Murders {ic,closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:59 pm

She frowned at the sound of yet another one of Thomas's obnoxious laughs. "Well then those reasons aren't exactly age appropriate for you, Marcus." Analise was astonished. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped. How dare he! Ooh! People were just so rude here. Analise moved her long, wavy her to one side of her shoulder pompously. When Thomas smiled and turned to get a bowl for the stew, she almost walked the other way, completely tired of his annoying ways, but she continued to follow him because she knew she couldn't just walk off like she wanted to. The second she was two inches from Marcus, she would be dead. She seemed to her a problem with over exaggerating.

Thomas handed them bowls full of the hot, steaming stew. All sorts of contents swirled around in the thick, creamy broth. Even though most of the stuff was unidentifiable to Analise, she did happen to locate death swirling around there quite a few times. "Dig in!" Thomas exclaimed in a cheery voice. She watched him gulp the bowl within a matter of seconds. He actually made it look good. How could the stand that intoxicating smell? Analise tried to supress a snarl, the way she was taught too, and tried to look like she was pleased to eat, but it just wasn't happening. Each time the breeze picked up just a little bit, her right nostril would flare out into a snarl.

A couple of people were standing, while a few were sitting down. She decided to keep standing because it would be easier to run that way. Analise glanced her icy blue eyes at Marcus and watched him for a second. How the heck did he manage this place and she could barely walked a foot without jumping in fear? She tapped the bowl with her bony finger, pondering. After another second she stuck it in the broth; her clean, well-kept finger was no juicy with the stew. It was still very hot, even when the steam was no longer emitting from it. Analise held her breath and sucked the content off her finger.

Ick. That's all she could think was ick. What the hell kind of people would eat this stuff? She surpressed a gag and forced a smile on her pretty pink lips. She was great at fake smiles because that's pretty much what her life was made of: pretty dresses and pretty fake smiles. She held her breath again and it took all she could not to vomit when she took another larger helping of the stew. She tried thinking of something else. Something happy. Her stomach wasn't growling so much anymore, so that was something to be happy about. The taste began to subside and it wasn't as terrible until she got down to the remainder of the stew. That was the hard part, but she still managed to do it. A princess could do anything: like eating nasty stew.

She swallowed down the last bit and dabbed at the corners of her mouth with her sleeve everso poliately. "That was yummy," she muttered. Thomas was looking at her, an unreadable expression set upon his face. "What? What did I do?"

"Nothing. You're just a really bad liar."

If that was the case, I'd be dead by now.

Thomas finished his third bowl when he finally decided he was done being a pig. But not before he let out the biggest, most digusting belch she'd ever known to exist. Her face turned strawberry red as she glared at him. Give him a week in the castle; they'd straighten him up pronto. He wiped his mouth with sleeve and picked something out his yellow teeth. "Well, it was nice babysitting you kids, but I've got grown man business to tend to. Gotta be prepared for the next attack; it's gonna be a big one. You two behave yourselves." He ruffled Marcus's hair and pulled on Analise's behave he finally blessed them with his absence.

Analise rolled her eyes one last time before she turned to Marcus. "Now what do we do?" The day was still fairly young and she pretty much tended to all her needs that had been diminished the night before. Then that's when it struck her. "Where am I going to sleep tonight? You're not going to tie me up again, are you?"

The eating site wasn't as crowded now. People were leaving here and there, still laughing and being merry. They went on to probably do what Thomas was doing, which is where Analise felt sorely out of place. "Don't you have to train too?" She prayed that she wouldn't have to train or work in combat. It was quite obvious she couldn't really fend for herself, or else she wouldn't even be here. Maybe they'll just tie her to a tree and let her sit happily by herself and wallow in her solitude. The wind was picking up even more, causing her thick hair to fly all over the place. She quickly took hold of the dark chocolate mass and braided it into a single ponytail. There. That would fix the problem for now.

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