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The Battle

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The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RedPinkCyanOrange on Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:51 pm

Light years away from the planet Earth lies World X; a World that is contained within the Dyna-Flux System and where brand new inventions and ideas takes place. The Lightning Air Hockey team that Conner is the captain of just won their first playoff game in school history. Departing from his school doors, Conner is putting the strap of his bag over his head to place it on his left shoulder. Wearing his school uniform which consists of a navy blue suit, white button-up shirt, black skinny tie and black shiny shoes, he says with a happy sigh "I wanna celebrate." his intention was to go to Gambit's and lounge for a bit. Persisting his walk towards his home, he looks down on his left wrist where the Bracelet of Eternity is, only to check on his heart rate. Making his way into his home, he waves hi to his aunt and uncle and continues to walk upstairs to his room, dropping his bag off by his front door before entering.

Conner closes his door behind him quietly.

'Transporting Tele Warp Relocator' what's engraved on the machine he about to step into. Setting the destination to 'Near Gambit's Bar' on the knob, Conner opens the door as he hears the building whirring noise that's coming from the apparatus. In seconds he appears in a destination which he's never seen the Warp Relocator drop him off before. Looking around in the skies, he sees the sun is out so it's a beautiful day, but, the place he's in is making him scratch his head; literally. "Where is this place??" he questioned himself, swinging his arm down from scratching his scalp, he started to walk ahead.

"There's forests all over the place. And this grass..." double-taking on the buildings that surrounded the area, he sighs and face-palms. "These are Ruins." he approached a nearby building with his arm extending gradually as he came near. Touching it, he smears the dirt on his index, middle and thumb then looks up to the building he touched; looked as if it was on the verge of collapsing to him so he moved back slowly. "These aren't the Ruins that I've been to." he said aloud as he dusts his hands off, leaving a minor dust cloud. "Where's the exit??"

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lobos on Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:38 pm

A languid blink, and suddenly there was a man standing in the ruins of the monastery. David Fairsky was a rather unusual individual in that he was attracted to such places. Even more unusual in that odd things seemed to simply...happen around him. Such as somehow pulling this other from the ether to join his company in such an out of the way, odd relic of ancient times.

Such things were said to only happen in dreams.

David leaned against a pillar on the grounds, somehow appearing in his proper place despite his rather plain attire. In one hand he held a sheathed wakizashi, and his sharp eyes surveyed his surroundings carefully. A weed strewn grounds of gravel surrounding a central, crumbling building. Squat outbuildings rested to either side of it, and beyond was a short stretch of overgrown prairie until it became dense forest.

The man then turned his attentions on the one who'd appeared, raising an eyebrow. He'd been feeling in a bit of combative mood, and now happened to appear a suitable challenger. Powered or not, it would make for bit of sport. A challenge.

"A little lost, are we?" Fairsky's voice was mocking, a devilish glint in his smirk. A twitch of a thumb bared a bit of his blade, the metal oddly luminescent, wavering.
Serenade the moon, and let loose your howl.

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RedPinkCyanOrange on Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:12 pm

Subsequently, he brushed his hand clean on his slacks as he looked around for the most abreast area to leave; while doing so, he saw someone who wasn't there before so he became insignificantly surprised at his presence. Scrutinizing him carefully, he wonders to himself how he got here. "I didn't see him earlier. He's gotta be fast in some sort. Keep a close eye on him Conner.." Already had acknowledgement of the sheath in his hand once laying his eyes upon him, he turns to fully face him with a common facial expression to reply to his question, disregarding the mocking voice. "Yes. Yes I am lost. Can you show me the direction to Gambit's Bar?"

As he asked that question, the sunlight from Fairsky's blade shone brightly; Conner couldn't ignore that action. Giving thought as to why he would want to draw any part of his blade, Conner smirked and began to walk in the open, but, he continued to do so slowly; like a lion stalking it's prey. Effortlessly hunching his shoulders over as he continued to keep his eyes on the sword wielder.

He then stopped walking and faced Fairsky.

"I couldn't help but notice the sword that you've unsheathed there. Mind if we have a sword fight?"

That very instant, Conner's bracelet began to shine brighter and brighter with every second that went pass. The luminosity on his bracelet continued to grow as he focused strenuously on the Kanji energy that's deep within his heart without any exertion. The stamina of Conner's Kanji has progressed since he's been in intense training with The Brethren Clan. Powerful winds began to rapidly blow from east to west within seconds and then, the almighty Trinity Edge was in his hands clinched tightly. Being strong enough to hold his large sword with one hand, he can control it better with two.

"Are you ready? Of course you are..."

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lobos on Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:16 am

"Ready? Not yet."

A soft glow enclosed David, the sheer vibrancy and ranges of the hues of that formless light enough to dazzle. It sharpened in focus, and all at once it seemed like parts of the man were rewritten. The wakizashi changed as a rippling wave rolled from pommel to tip, lengthening into a long, straight katana with a simple black hilt. A jacket materialized into existence about him, and all at once he stood straighter, the smirk on his face more confident, taunting.

"And now you could say that I'm ready." Fairsky called before he darted forward, his sword weaving a guard before him. Another of those unusual glows coruscated around his free hand like a flash, and suddenly a shuriken whipped ahead of him for Connor's throat. He himself would arrive scant seconds after his hurled weapon, the katana known as Dancer breaking from its whirling guard to slash up and left from right hip to shoulder.

An expertly applied feint, his centered stance only appearing to be canted forward. His crooked rear leg held most of his weight, his leading ready to send him springing away as his stroke gauged the other man's reaction times. David was at best an extremely unpredictable opponent to begin with, and with his abilities he intended to leave his opponent spinning in circles.

Prodding his enemy, he called out tauntingly with his shuriken hurl. "Catch!"

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RedPinkCyanOrange on Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:20 pm

Sorry for the delayed post Lobos. Having work really backs your schedule up from posting goes.

Grasping the hilt of his sword so hard that veins began to bulge in his hands as his eyes witnessed Fairsky's full body transformation, he remained engrossed with his eyebrows furrowed. Watching his every move, Conner's sword was his bulwark once his opponent decided to come forth. Keeping a close eye on the abnormal effulgence that gave him the look he has now, Conner spots a kunai appear in Fairsky's hand in the shortest interval of time then thrown to him; specifically for his throat. Abruptly, the sword he had in his hand, in his sheath, has now appeared about to slice from his hip to his shoulder.

"This is the beginning..." Conner said in a raspy tone of voice, coming from the back of his throat.

At the last second, Conner turned his head and leaned a little to evade the kunai by inches so that he could come with a counter attack after his next move. "Two steps ahead." After avoiding the blade, he brings over the Trinity Edge blade and stabs it into the ground, interfering with his attack from down to up. The rate of motion that both people were going at was blazing fast, but Fairsky has the upper hand at this time because Conner barely made his sword to stab into the soil beneath so they could clash swords.The resultant of the collision of the blades made sparks from hot metal fly around temporarily.

It's Conner's turn.

After piercing the ground with his sword, Conner releases the handle, closes his eyes as he crouches low, brought his arms across his chest in an X shape and made Kanji energy the center of attraction with his first attack; all of that was in one motion and fast. Kanji energy flowed through his veins like water runs through streams, his heart then began to race. Releasing Kanji from his pores as he stood up quickly, Conner then made himself the inside of a barrier. The stance was like a star; arms straight out to his sides, palms open and his legs were spread apart. Conner is the center of the obstruction and it is a meter wide in range.

Since he's within that meter, it'll be best that David uses that transportation technique to get out of dodge or he'll be hit with full fledged, sheer energy.

As he unleashed the energy from his body, a loud exclamation occurred. "rrRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lobos on Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:16 pm

Fairsky perceived the build up and the possibility it entailed even as Dancer recoiled off of the stuck blade. Using his shifted weight the man sprang free of his opponent scant moments before the unleashing, while he used the burst to cover a most unconventional trick. Where his sword was once in his now off-balance left hand, it suddenly vanished in a imperceptibly brief flash, now gripped in his prepared right in a reverse grip, blade angling back and away from his elbow.

Completing his evade, David landed lightly and skipped sideways to come out on Connor's left. The time during his moves had not been simply spent, however, for he then unveiled yet facet of his odd, unique power. "Raiga!"

Twisting his left hand, a bolt of lightning flashed free, crossing the short distance between caster and target as would a true bolt. His dream-spell cut loose, the man leaped back and then at an angle, entering the main building through the gaping hole in its side, slipping behind the crumbling stone wall.

His shoes muffling his movements, Fairsky turned and headed across the room, anticipating a moment of distraction from his bolt as he prepared a pair of dream-spells, binding one to each hand. Oddly flowing runes coruscated around his free hand and that of his weapon hand, the former the hue of ash and the latter a molten orange. The second surged down the length of Dancer, churning as though fire unleashed.

Now the man, against the adjoining interior wall, waited, using the opportunity to catch a short breath. Poised, one hand hovering at the wall, sword held at a slight angle across his front.

Come along now, my friend the fly.

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RedPinkCyanOrange on Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:13 pm

Anticipation played a role as to why Conner released his Kanji Energy into a force field. Once recognizing that his opponent uses an aberrant power which he's never seen before, that kunai that David thrown could've been the beginning of the ending; that's one of the reasons why he said "This is the beginning.." it could mean something else.

The barrier was only momentarily, thirty seconds to a minute was how long he held his energy in one spot; if the force field would've hit, he would've held it longer to cause more damage. While receding his energy for further purposes, he descried that David has landed to the left of him sketchily. Lowering his arm as he kept his eye on David, Conner reached out to his sword which was stabbed into the ground with his left arm. "You're not going any-----" a bolt of lightning caught his attention, his eyes blinked almost at the speed of the bolt and he lost sight of him. In the back of his head he thought "That punk used a distraction.." snapping his middle finger and thumb with force followed by a grunt.

"You're not getting away that easily." he said as he looked at the buildings. "Where else are you gonna hide?....."

Reaching out again to latch onto the handle, he pulled it up, clunks of dirt dropped from the sword. As he uprooted his blade, he finishes his words while gaining energy to attack the building he's standing in front of. "......other than the buildings!!" Spinning his weapon above his head with both hands in an unhurried manner, he brings it back down with his right hand. Bending at the knees barely, Conner leaps off of the ground, forcing some of the soil to follow him as he did so. The escalation of the jump went pass the building which David is hiding out.

Being air bound and stalling, he accumulates energy from Jupiter for this next attack; he'll be down to his last if he used any of his own Kanji Energy. Different shades of a white, brown, orange, red, and green aura seared throughout his whole body, becoming visible; like the color of Jupiter. "JUPITER FLASH BLOW!!!" he exclaimed as he sky rocketed alongside the leaning building, holding his hilt with two hands, he lets Trinity Edge do all the work by cutting straight down through each level. The ending of the attack was a tremendous blow to the ground, leaving a large crater on it. Conner looked like a flash of brown-ish orange upon landing fiercely on the Earth.

If David doesn't react quickly, he'll be finished.

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lobos on Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:50 pm

"Oh, now that's not good."

The very simple words were uttered by David as he sensed the build-up of very potent power. It was a ability of the summoned armor that appeared as nothing more than a cool that was made in Dream itself. It was stronger than plate-armor, could shatter spells, and best of all gave him a sensory ability to locate sources of energy. And it was this latter that triggered a fundamental change in the way he was viewing this fight.

From nightmare.

Just before that fell power boiled down into the central building, darkness took the interior. Sword swept behind and touched the earth even as David leapt skyward, the fiery energy roiling in an explosion that propelled his swift leap to inhuman speeds, even as he released the dream-spell of disintegration in his left hand into a penumbral cloak around him. The power ate him a path through the roof as Connor's descend hit the ground, the backwash burning apart the debris that shot skyward like reaching fingers. The man then hurtled out of the smoke and dust, twisting before seeming to land on the air.

Yet something was not quite the same. His flesh was paler than before, the hue of his clothes suddenly taken a turn to the dark side. Black on black, highlights of dark crimson in violent patterns rolling down a tattered jacket. Worn metal skulls formed shoulder pauldrons, and when David turned to view the destroyed building, it was unveiled that the change even applied to his eyes. The white of his sclera and the black of his pupils had reversed, creating an eerie cast to his features. The smirk he then gave was bone chilling. "So that's how you want to play? Scrade would kick my ass for almost being caught in that. I suppose though, that it's only fair to play in kind."

His right hand brought around Dancer. What used to be Dancer.

Longer than before, this blackened katana had the unusual feature of three spaced out "teeth" jutting downward from the blade. To regard it closely was to hear the groaning of chains, the keening of tortured metal. David in thrall to Nightmare was an altogether different foe than David in Dream. As he now aptly demonstrated.

Dark, chaotic energy rippled and waxed around Darkfang, building into stretching, raging aura around the sword. He brought this skyward over his head, reaching to clasp his free hand around the hand-and-a-half hilt. Coldly glaring down at Connor, what David then uttered was spoken almost conversationally.

"Tyrant Dark Moon Falls."

The sword slashed down and as it did that power seemed to erupt. The scything arc of power burgeoned into something that seemed impossible to have begun so small, but this was drawn directly from the realm of Nightmare through the tangled chains of Darkfang. David held no pretense that he controlled the deadly crescent of energy that he had unleashed in a furious rush to the earth for Connor. He merely pointed, guiding it to the next victim to kill.

When that energy hit the ground, it was going to cleave a damn canyon into its surface nearly a hundred feet deep, fifteen wide, and four hundred feet long. And his enemy was standing in the smack dead center.

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RedPinkCyanOrange on Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:19 pm

Crashing into the Earth with absurd force, a large cloud of dust was constructed and he knew that he didn't hit David Fairsky because Conner felt his presence bypassing him as he descended. Not being able to alter his attack into another one on account of the momentum that he was traveling, there was nothing that he could've done at the time; the Trinity Edge's blade is into the soil and Conner's right knee is touching the ground beneath with his head down. "He escaped again. When will he stop running?" he said to himself as he haltingly stood. Looking down upon his Trinity Edge, Conner lifts it up, rotates it to the wider side and looked at his reflection on his ice-based blade. "I know that I'm not supposed to use this side of Trinity Edge, but...." Switching hands from his right to left with a toss, Conner lowers the sword to his side; clinching his fists tightly until they gritted.

"This is life or death." the smoke began to fade away slowly and he saw the dark crimson and violent patterns of David's transformation but could see his presence clearly; a smirk grew across his lips and his head tilted down as he kept his eyes upon David. The Positive Stream and the Negative Stream began to flow with the Kanji Energy through his veins. The Positive Stream comes from the brain and Negative comes from the heart, meeting up in the "bread basket" and exploding outwardly is how the transformation begins, but Conner isn't going to have enough time to begin his transformation process because the enemy looks as though he's going to attack.

The smoke cleared and Conner saw how different he looks from before.

Releasing the energy from his Trinity Edge, Conner opens his hand and the blade disintegrated, exploding into shards of crystals before returning to where it was molded. Conner's eyes widened and his mouth dropped as his opponent's blade glows with dark, chaotic energy, prepared to attack. "This is not good..." Conner accelerated the fastest he could manage from the crater which he stood in after seeing David slash downward; Conner dove out of the hole, swung his body around to face the attack and braced himself for the after affect of the energy-based attack; Conner is horizontal in the air. Bringing up his arms to cover his face in an X shape, left in front of the right, he said sharply "Fusion Protective Wall!" The Positive Stream fused with Kanji energy and created a light blue barrier in front of his body.

The brawniness of David's attack is a force to be reckoned with. Conner was covered but the brute force of this onset was incredible, sending Conner skipping across the ground like a rock skipping across water, he then rolled into the tall weeds.

Lying there motionless flat on his face, Conner winces in pain and grabs the roots of the weeds he lied in. "He's got tricks up his....*ugh*...sleeve." the grunt was him picking himself off of the ground, pushing his body up with his arms and placing his right foot flat on the weeded ground, then his left. Standing up, he rocks until he gained traction in his legs to keep them still; his back is turned to David. Turning to face him, Conner's eyes are that of a vampire, slits in each pupil and oddly colored; Conner's was greenish yellow. "I'll show you."

The bracelet began to gleam brightly with each heartbeat because The Positive and Negative Stream is making their way towards the middle of his chest. Conner's teeth began to grow and his body started to jerk, he then snarled as he leaned forth, lines of mucous connected with his teeth. Fingernails began to grow and his hair grew longer, from short to medium length. "This is stage two of Kanji!!" he yelled as he stepped forth into a walk, his voice became more minister and vicious.

A smile grew on his face as he casually made his way towards David. The smile grew wider and his mouth expanded, blasting out large beams of sheer energy with and between each step he took.

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lobos on Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:14 pm

A cruel smile crossed the man's face as he began to descend, watching Connor go flying after being struck by the wave of power he loosed. The ground erupted where it struck elsewhere, fountains of dirt and stone blooming into the air. And when all was said and clear, there was a new canyon torn into the earth, separated by a single, small patch of earth that had been protected by the other's defense.

"My my, we happen to be making a fair mess of this place." The Dreamer remarked as he surveyed the battlefield, the last remnants of smoke and dust drifting out of sight. He noted well his foe's sudden shift in demeanor and tact, the large sword suddenly gone and power building within him. Like before, the jacket he wore was in truth an armor, gifting him certain abilities. And with the nature of his power shifted to the side of Nightmare, wildly different then before.

And as high speed beams of energy began to spew from Connor's throat, so too was yet another of David's 'tricks' revealed. Rapidly shifting Darkfang with the far augmented speed his raiments gifted, he intentionally intercepted each in turn. Though never did these detonate, or rock him like hammerblows. Instead, it appeared as though they were absorbed by the blade, a momentary flash of light before he struck the next. And the next. And the next.

It was a rain that he let the sword drink deeply of, darkly gleeful. Each blow simply advanced Darkfang's power-blow, and with the amount he'd already stolen that strike was going to be a demon indeed.

And suddenly the man no longer gradually descended from the air, as he simply seemed to...vanish. A burst of truly terrifying speed as he blitzed through the air, feet catching earth and then springing into a high speed series of short sprints and weaves, dancing back and forth off and between the spaced out pillars that littered the grounds of the monastery. Let Connor dare to try and keep up his own assault with this unveiling of just how greatly his armor enhanced his speed.

As he moved, David drew upon the energies of Nightmare once more, this time to form a series of night-spells that hovered about his free hand like spiraling motes. If one could track them amidst his flurry of shifting, one would see they curiously resembled daggers.

Now he waited to see how Connor would react to this unexpected tactic before he gave him a taste of what sort of real tricks he had up his sleeve. And in the realms of Dream and Nightmare.

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RedPinkCyanOrange on Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:47 pm

Advancing forward with each step, he evolved more; skin became more blanched, body heat lowered drastically and a continuance of Kanji flowed within him. Mental and physical strength, the aegis of his Absolute Kanji, the elevated comprehension, the swiftness, acceleration, pure speed and being agile is what's rising with each individual step forward progress. Blasting beams of Absolute Kanji from his mouth upward at David back-to-back, he realizes that he was absorbing his beams; but who said that he was shooting them at David? Conner did direct his blasts in his direction but it was only because Jupiter was miles and miles behind him. The teenager's intention is to hit a specific space rock that's cluttered with the ring of Jupiter.

Once hitting space it becomes a magnet to that rock; it's called The Boulder of the Outer Realm. Conner stopped blasting Kanji, but continued to walk towards David without going any faster or slowing down, arms swinging still.

Now, Conner have further problems to worry about. Keeping a close, keen eye upon David as he began to descend, he didn't blink nor fretted after seeing him vanish from where he was, the best was yet to come. What David was doing was something that Crescent Moon and Captain Orlando Le Mort severely trained him on, watching his opponent closely and don't blink once their faint dashing.

"Conner, in this Absolute Kanji stage, Neural Vision is already activated so there is no need to try and activate it. Now. Me and Crescent are going to stand two meters away from you on both sides, come at you with full speed and hold nothing back. If you don't counter attack, we will hit you with everything we have simultaneously. Remember the Iaidoka training without the Trinity Edge."

Of course Conner got pummeled but he remained until he mastered the art of Feint Dashing defense. Keeping his slit eyes on David's every move, Conner still didn't stop walking towards him; he already adhered the spell in his left hand which looked like kunai which he saw before from David but now it's different.

Conner's response to his move is to wait until he see an actual attack. He's still walking towards David as he feint dashed his way towards Conner.

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lobos on Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:17 pm

So you want to play like that, don't you? The man chuckled internally as his eyes locked onto Connor, the viewpoint shifting radically twice a second. It was a disorienting thing, unless one had practice in it. Well, try this on for size.

"Catch!" Calling out, David began his assault. His next eight pauses were carefully mapped out, covering the cardinal directions in a circle around the foe, keeping a range of twenty feet minimum. Some where farther, others at the bare line of his self-imposed limit. But he flashed through them within four seconds, loosing one of the summon daggers at each break for his enemy. Each sailed true...

Or so it seemed, as every one suddenly veered, the "dagger" turning into a crow that radically recorrected their course to hurtle in along new trajectories, their razor tipped beaks just as deadly as any knife. Yet in their sudden wake amidst a flurry of feathers, the two-fold trap was revealed. There had been kunai flung after all, yet their color was not black. In fact, they didn't have one. They were glass, the crows the summoned spell bound within each clear projectile.

Having flung that particular bit of hell into Connor's face, David suddenly retreated, executing a smooth leap backwards, twisting in air flamboyantly as he did. Yet once again, a change came over the man. Black to white, the transition from Nightmare to Dream was far more smooth that the reverse, and David crooked a smile as he lightly touched down, Dancer flicking from one hand to the other. He had landed atop the pile of rubble that had once been the central temple of the monastery, surveying his opponent from on high with smug contentment.

Stabbing his sword into the wreckage at his feet, he took a knee, flying one hand out to either longhouse flanking him. Arcs of light stretched to them both, passing into each and illuminating the interior. The man's face turned serious as he concentrated, weaving the strands of Dream far more elegantly than before.

If you survive that trick, we'll see how you like this one.

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RedPinkCyanOrange on Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:13 am

Well, *clears throat*, this concludes this fight. I'm moving and I can't continue this. Weeks and weeks is how long you were going to be waiting and I don't think that's right. Plus I have more food on my plate to worry about. So..

Conner continued his walk and transforms back to his human state, he then stopped. Being the center of his opponents trap, he opens his arms to both sides and yells "WAAIIIITT!!" Conner held that stance for a few seconds and rose his left arm. Dropping his other with his head down he continues by saying "I surrender." Lifting his head back up, he shows a grin, a straightforward smirk and his arm swung back down, smacking his thigh.

"My name is Conner. It was a pleasure to fight you, but, we have no reason to, and things were about to get completely out of hand." the body language he gave related to the words he was saying, swinging his arms and shaking his head.

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Re: The Battle

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lobos on Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:14 pm

((Not exactly how I wanted to end it, but I can accept it. Grudgingly.))

Snorting, David idly wondered for a moment just how the man managed to survive the barrage of deadly attacks that had converged on him once all of the power he sensed vanished. Shrugging, he turned, banishing back to Dream all of his remaining summons. Upon which event he lashed out with Dancer, and strode into the alternate realm itself.

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