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A Crown of Stars

A Crown of Stars: Hunter's Manual

a part of “A Crown of Stars”, a fictional universe by Morpheus.

A hundred years after the so-called apocalypse, the remnants of humanity must defend their city-states from monstrous vampires and demon-contracted witches. The Order of Mismar stands at the vanguard, and they're recruiting. It's now or never.

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A Crown of Stars: Hunter's Manual

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Morpheus on Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:20 pm


“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” –Albert Einstein

This is the place where I will be adding new world-information as your characters learn about things. I will be including a few initial entries to cover common knowledge, and adding new things as we go. Please do not post anything here without my permission.

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Re: A Crown of Stars: Hunter's Manual

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Morpheus on Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:12 am

The Free Republic of London


One of Earth’s last remaining population centers, London is among the largest in the world, outsized only by Tokyo and New York. It houses upwards of three million people, a considerable number in the century after Ragnarok. Being one of the city-states not under the direct control of the Church, London is run by a small Senate, comprised of 100 of the wealthiest citizens, all of them denizens of the city’s famous Opal Quarter.

The OQ itself is a walled-off section of London, much cleaner and better maintained then the rest. It contains all the best schools, government facilities, and the like. Most importantly, however, the gates into the Quarter, and the thresholds of many of the homes therein, are protected by opals, or else a special paint that has opal dust mixed into it, making the area one of the safest in the world against vampires. Ordinary citizens usually cannot access the Opal Quarter, though sometimes couriers have passes that allow them in temporarily.

The lifestyle in outer London is a hard one, but not unmanageable for most people. Food prices are controlled by the government, and housing is relatively cheap. That said, anyone in the outer part of the city doesn't make a great deal of money, and there is the constant danger of vampires to contend with. For the most part, these do not interfere with daily life, save to make certain that people are cautious of strangers and do not leave their homes at night.

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Re: A Crown of Stars: Hunter's Manual

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Morpheus on Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:44 am



“Vampires” as they are called in the vernacular, have been slightly more scientifically classified as Inferno chiropetera cogitans—roughly “thinking bats from hell.” It’s as accurate as anything, perhaps. A vampire has two forms: one resembling an average human being, and another being massive and batlike. They feed by draining the blood from human beings, or witches, if they can get hold of them. The average vampire possesses a near-human level of intelligence, and they do have enough language skill to get by, but they lack a superego or conscience, and thus the ability to think morally is lacking in them. Nevertheless, they can be highly rational and calculative in their approach to their ends, and are able to hold off on gratification to achieve greater ends later on.

In either form, vampires are a great deal stronger and faster than most human beings, and they hunt exceptionally well in urban environments. Faced with a one-on-one match, almost no human being stands a chance. Even Hunters prefer to face them in groups when possible.

It is known that vampires are greatly weakened in sunlight, trapped in their humanoid forms and as weak and slow as any other normal person. At night, however, they are much more dangerous, and most cities have a curfew imposed on their citizens to keep them inside at night. Folklore holds that they are also weak to opals, silver, the faith of the devout, holy water, and fire, and that they cannot pass over a threshold unless invited in. It’s said that the only way to actually kill one is to drive a wooden stake through its heart.

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Re: A Crown of Stars: Hunter's Manual

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Morpheus on Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:29 am

The Church of the Many-One


The Church, as it is usually abbreviated, is the mono-religion that most of the world now subscribes to. There are, of course, still atheists and those who are uncertain of the metaphysical state of things, but by and large, the majority of people are at least raised in the Church, though they may break from it somewhat as they grow older.

Doctrinally, it is a peculiar amalgam of many of the traditions that came before. Its most obvious influences, however, are Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. The god of the Church is the Many-One, usually identified with the feminine pronoun when one is used at all, but understood to in fact comprise a number of identities. Any religious building that survived Ragnarok is now quite likely used for Church services, which are held by convention on Friday evenings. Saturday is considered the Sabbath, though few actually keep it. The Church teaches that a virtuous, orderly life is necessary in order to join the Kingdom of Heaven after death, and that Earth has become a living Purgatory, a trial for the faithful as punishment for the fact that their ancestors were the heathens and blasphemers of the past.

The hierarchy of the Church is in some sense oligarchic. There is no one figure at the head of it, but rather a council of Cardinals, men and women who have devoted their lives to the Church and proven to be talented at all aspects of the job—both shepherding the flock and managing a massive organization. Below the Cardinals are the Archbishops, then the Bishops, and then the Priests. All of these people may be of any gender or background—the Church does not discriminate. They are required, however, to uphold holy as well as secular law. The Church not only ministers to the public, but also provides infrastructure and works of charity. Without it, it's fair to say that most, if not all, of the remaining city-states would collapse.

Outside of the main Church hierarchy operates the Order of Mismar. Called by some the inquisition, the Mismarians serve as a paramilitary branch of the Church, tasked with defending the faithful from witches and vampires alike. They are trained in secretive arts and techniques that grant them protection from such creatures, though the job is still undoubtedly the highest-risk profession in existence. It takes a lot to become a Brother or Sister of Mismar, and even more to survive for long afterwards. Very few of them live long enough to retire, but there is no denying that the work they do is invaluable.

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Re: A Crown of Stars: Hunter's Manual

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Morpheus on Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:55 am



There used to be three kinds of magic, it is said by those in the know. White, Black, and Grey. Black magic was the stuff of demons and those who formed contracts with them. Wicked, for the sacrifices it required, and the effects it would eventually have on its practitioner, transforming her or him into a monster, stealing the conscience piece by piece until what was left scarcely deserved the name human.

White magic was the battle-magic of the angels, used to combat and exorcise their wicked foes. Rather than being passed to humans through contracts, it was carried in the bloodlines of nephilim, children of angels and human beings. It drew directly on the strength of soul and willpower of the practitioner rather than sacrifice, making it much more difficult than Black magic, but quite effective against it. White magic disappeared from the earth many years ago now, and no known living practitioners remain.

Without exception, Dark witches, those who practice Black magic, must make a deal with a demonic contractor though a complicated summoning ritual. Those born witches who find this unconscionable and refuse are cast out of their covens, and become Grey witches. A Grey witch is less powerful in her magic than a Dark one, because there is no demon lending her strength through ritual, and they also customarily refuse to make unwilling sacrifices to gain more power. They are still magical, and can still develop their crafts, but they will be less effective because of it. They can, however, occasionally access more benign talents, like healing, that Dark witches cannot use.

In practice, magic is highly individuated by the witch. Usually, a given caster will specialize in one area, like nature magic, clairvoyance, alchemy, or herbalism. Even within those specializations, talent may vary. Older witches, those with many years of magical training, will sometimes take on a second specialization beyond the basic spells every witch can do, but younger ones usually have to focus on a single area at first.

Dark witches are uniformly shunned by society, and rightfully so, since live human sacrifice is one of the most expedient ways to obtain a power boost. Grey witches are tolerated, though frequently met with suspicion, as they are often unable to maintain their resolve in the face of temptation. Their tainted bloodlines give them a link to the supernatural that other people simply don’t have, and it can and often does drive them insane or worse.

Notably, the Order of Mismar employs a number of Grey witches as Hunters, though they are always partnered with someone who is not also a Grey witch, so that they can be watched for any sign of weakness. Still, joining the Order is one of the best ways for a Grey witch to be accepted by society, as members of the Order are treated with great respect almost universally.

There are very few male witches. It is speculated that the aptitude for magic may be encoded into the genetics of those who make the deals with demons, and linked somehow to the X chromosome. It’s hard to tell, however, as much of the technology that could have determined this for sure has been lost, and there are few witches who would submit themselves to such testing anyway.

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Re: A Crown of Stars: Hunter's Manual

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Morpheus on Sat Jan 24, 2015 2:23 am



Technology in the years before Ragnarok was incredible, we are told. There are rumors of computers that could replicate almost anything, atom-by-atom, including food and resources. Interstellar travel was almost possible, according to some records. Even something as basic as a home had dozens of seamless machine interfaces, projection devices that could produce three-dimensional holograms, mapping technology and biofeedback machines that allowed us to monitor every detail of our lives, had we the desire. Transportation needed no roads, for we had the sky.

In truth, some of the infrastructure for these machines and interfaces remains, though it has all long fallen to ruin, and most of it has been removed from the cities still in use, the parts recycled for much more basic human needs. Steel and fiberglass are still building standards, and we have computers capable of interfacing with one another and the Network, a vast database of information and communication. But AI technology has all but disappeared, the interfaces are now usually in two dimensions, biometric scanning is a luxury for the rich, and hover technology has been lost.

Resource shortages mean that metal is used for only the most valuable things: buildings, medical equipment, communication devices, vehicles, and the like. Other areas of technology have suffered, but by most estimates, our tech now is just ahead of what it was in the twenty-first century on this planet: far advanced in medicine but quite behind in more ‘superfluous’ things, like weapons technology. Why make bullets and guns that do little against the monsters in the world when you can build a reinforced steel door that they would have serious difficulty breaking down? Why launch a satellite when hospitals are chronically short on equipment? The apocalypse forced us to reconsider what we really needed, and technology advances today in the ways dictated not by a dream of advancement, but a practical necessity of survival.

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Re: A Crown of Stars: Hunter's Manual

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Morpheus on Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:26 pm

Sex, Love, and Marriage


The Church’s official line on sex is that there’s really no official line. As long as all parties involved give informed, enthusiastic consent, matters of the bedroom are not the Church’s matters. Perhaps unsurprisingly, most cities have thriving Red Light districts, where legal brothels are often partnered with casinos and similar businesses. All sex workers are documented, regularly screened for venereal disease and background-checked to insure that they are neither criminals nor minors. The Chruch doesn’t find anything sinful about this occupation, nor about homosexuality.

The average citizen of most of the major population centers, however, does feel a considerable social pressure to marry. This is not as evident as it was in the first few generations following the apocalypse, when the human race was at dire risk of extinction, but it is nevertheless still a salient social factor, considering the increased probability of violent deaths over pre-Ragnarok figures. Many, perhaps even most, marriages are to some degree arranged, usually by the families of the people involved, though this is more prevalent among the upper classes, who do it as a way to make sure that their resources are conserved and remain within their control as much as possible. Sexual activity outside of marriage is frowned upon by the Church, which holds that loyalty and fidelity are crucial virtues, but those of more pragmatic mindset see any opportunity for more children as acceptable. Or at least some do.

The general cultural attitude towards love and romance is rather cynical, which is perhaps understandable, but the Church teaches that love is the transcendent virtue, tingeing the cynicism with a small touch of hope, perhaps, that it’s the sort of thing worth hoping for, even if one does not expect it. Of course, individual attitudes occupy a wide spectrum of variance, as in anything, and particular city-states also have somewhat different characters, but there is some commonality all the same.

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