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Born in the Light of Eyes


a part of “Born in the Light of Eyes”, a fictional universe by Quakernuts.

When a city is set up to be a beacon of humanity's ability to cooperate and overlook prejudice, racism and hate, there are still those needed to defend her freedoms.

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Born in the Light of Eyes”.
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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Quakernuts on Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:59 am



Your standard issue robotic slave/servant/tool. There’s nothing really remarkable about these creations aside from their versatility. They come in any number of sizes and shapes, but are limited in intelligence and ability to figure out creative solutions. They are computers, programmed to behave in a certain way and only in a certain way. Civilian models are extremely commonplace, used for many things such as cleaning, kiosks, serving tables, etc. Military models have a bit more sophisticated programming but their limitations and purpose are evident. With the amount of different robots out there, there isn’t one ‘standard’ model that overtakes the others. Human-looking robots are in their own category; see: Android.


Androids are essentially robots with higher base intelligence and specifically made to at least mimic human appearance and behavior. Typically speaking, an Android can understand and interpret multiple orders, has the capability to improvise in situations, and in some cases, even has a range of ‘free thought’. Android bodies are a favorite for AI implementation, allowing them to become their own ‘being’ for a lack of a better word. Android bodies are usually made of a higher grade material, allowing for increased durability and longevity. While there are different models of Android out there, the only military versions you will see only belong to the big name players out there such as Vackar Tech and the MCU. There is the odd case of a military model being used for illegal activities, but such things are rare. Civilian models are common as they are used as butlers and servants in middle to upper class homes, as well as supplementing company and business staff.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI’s are something that are restricted to those with money and power, still being an experimental exploration into consciousness that didn’t start out as human. There is a healthy dose of fear and curiosity going into these creations, but they do exist to some degree. Essentially, to be classified as an AI, they had to pass the Turing Test on someone who was unaware of what they were. As such, they are limited in number but extremely valuable...and dangerous. One shouldn’t need the explanation of what happens to those who play God, yet here we are again. Luckily, heavy restrictions and security implementations have been set in place to prevent any kind of uprising or electronic attack from these ‘individuals’. AI’s are, for all intents and purposes, a brand new race of sentient beings. While they are initially limited by their starting programming, each AI is capable of manipulating their own base code to learn and implement new thought processes and actions, much like a human being is capable of changing their mind and doing something different.


Your run of the mill standard person. While modern medicine has resulted in humans living longer, with the average life span reached upwards to 130 years, there hasn’t been much genetic modification in our makeup. The average person is no different than that of their ancestors less than a hundred years ago.



Cyborgs are humans who have changed their bodies by mechanical and cybernetic means. These can range from brain, muscle and bone implants to things that are much more noticeable, such as a robot limb or a skull casing. Technically speaking, anyone with any kind of implant falls into this category. Even something as simple as a Retina Enhancer, allowing near/far sighted people to not only regain their eyesight but enhance it, count as cyborgs. While there is a stigma around these people as far as the more religious aspects of society go, cyborgs are human beings just like the rest of us with only a bit of metal to differentiate them from us. There is the lingering issue of the Lichten Syndrome, which is a psychological disorder that, while having a higher risk the more cybernetics are attached, can happen in any cyborg. Lichten Syndrome is essentially the brain recognizing that the person has lost a part of what makes them human, and subliminally forces the person to act dramatically in situations that may not call for it, or enhance repressed emotions and desires to the point of enacting a wish that the world was better off leaving in the dark. Most of the time, the people that are diagnosed with this condition aren’t even aware that they’ve been acting out of character, and while there have been many documented cases of this mental illness, there are still those doubters who believe psychologists are using it as a way to ‘cash in’. Regardless of people’s opinion on it, it has been confirmed by the medical professionals of the world as a real mental health threat, and as such you won’t find many people with over 50% of their body converted, as once you pass that threshold, the risk of Lichten Syndrome increases drastically.


The pitiable victims of a multitude of things ranging from sanctioned (Or unsanctioned) genetic modification, toxic radiation, or simple bad luck of the draw. Mutants are individuals who, for better or worse, have trailed off of the standard human genome in any number of ways. Mostly these people are disfigured, ranging from something as simple as an overbearing hairlip to multiple limbs, hunched backs, pigmented skin, etc. They are definitely people who could, and probably should have had a better life, but chance in the form of life decided that they weren’t lucky enough to warrant such an opportunity. Where the pity stops, however, is in the individual mutants who have derailed from the human norm so much as to become their own species...with their own set of abilities. Rare and almost always dangerous, these beings have been granted traits and conditions that allow them to set themselves apart from the rest of the world. If they weren’t so hideous to look at, you could call them modern day superhero and villains. They can channel electricity, turn invisible, are blessed with incredible strength, or any other power you can think of. Many documented cases have been found over the years, each more dangerous than the last, and as such, mutants are often kept under a watchful eye just in case of an ‘enlightening’.

Mutant Cyborg

A combination of either the best or worst, depending on who you talk to. These people get their own classification due to the unpredictable, and some would argue unnatural amalgamation of metal and flesh. Mutants already have the issue of ranging on a scale from barely noticeable mutation to outright abomination. The unfortunate, or fortunate side effect of this is that some of the mutants have developed powers that range from the bizarre to the incredibly dangerous, and their cybernetics seem enhance their abilities, if they have them. While not all mutant cyborgs are horrible people, the harsh reality is that only rich mutants seem to be able to afford them, and most rich mutants are either running an organized crime racket, or have run a crime racket in the past. As such, most mutant cyborgs are kept on a tight leash and monitored...for everyone’s safety.
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