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World Collapse

World Collapse OOC thread~

a part of “World Collapse”, a fictional universe by Mid.

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “World Collapse”.
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World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:41 pm

Okie so before I start the intro post here are the rules:

1. In order to be accepted into this rp it has to go through me and Blue_Strife. Send either of us your profile and a little sampling of your writing using your character and if ya want you can even use some of the things in this post. The reason we're asking is because we've noticed some people just post whatever without really reading anyone elses posts or just giving the rp a half-hearted post or do something random. So yeah..

2. The posts have to have at least a 3-4 sentence minimum. I know there are times when it's hard to come up with something to say, but please try.

3.Don't be afraid to share ideas with us in here. If you think it will help the plot then go ahead ^^

4. And the obivious rules apply. No godmodding, make sure it's okie with another player to use their character, make sure that you have TIME to post (really important), cursing is okie just don't go crazy with it, OCC'in can be put here. Be original and have fun :D

Another thing, this first post will be edited later depending on how well the rp goes. I know there are gaps but it's a work in progress :P


"He came into our once-green lands with promises, but came behind the shroud were decay and rot. Two kingdoms lay in ruin while another was raised from their rubble. Long and forgotten, he is still forsaken. Only the Spheres of mythology can repair the nigh-recoverable damage."

So a quick summary of what's happening. 300 years ago the elven kingdom, Ashmeil allowed a orphaned human into their homes. They raised him and allowed him to join in on their fight against the minotaurs. During the fight, the human made friends with eight other humans and they became an unbeatable force. A year went by, while the human was scouting with one of his friends they stumbled upon a sphere with dark clouds swirling from within. Curiosity got the best of him and he touched it. Within the next month both the minotaur and elven kingdom were left in ruins. The humans friends stopped him from destroying the rest of the world but they knew he'd be back. The remaining elves used what was left of their powers and extended the orbs new guardians' lives. They were each separated, having to live their lives in isolation from the world in hopes of keeping the orbs and the rest of the world safe.
There are a total of nine orbs or elements. Eight are protected by eight guardians throughout the world. The ninth has been missing for over 300 years. The world is waiting for the "Chosen ones" to take the orbs and fight off the same evil from 300 years before he can destroy or "recreate" our planet. But let me say this, it's not known who or when someone will be chosen nor the orb they get. Okie?

Character sheet:
Race: Okie the races that are chooseable are..
Dwarfs - Dwarfs are usually found underground in the northen part of the world. A few will pop up in cities/towns here and there but most perfer to be close to nature.
Goblin - An annoying and very ugly creature. Not the brightest in the bunch, but they're a heck of a lot smarter then an Orge. Goblins are afraid of fire and hang out in caves.
Giant - Gaints are usually found deep in the mountains.
Troll - Trolls are smarter then your average goblin, they tend to hide out in forests. They consider fairies to be a sweet delight.
fairies - Fairies are small enough to fit in your palm. They love to play tricks and can tell no lies but that doesn't mean they're trustworthy. They do have magic, but they can only do small things.
Centaur - Half-human half horse. These creatures pride themselves in their race and don't take kindly to humans or other tresspassers.
Harpy - Half-bird half-female, the harpy roams the sea looking for her next meal.
human - They can range from the extremely wealthy to the extremely poor. Humans came in all shapes and sizes and can be found throughout the world.
and one more Elf is okay - A race practicully wiped out over 300 years ago. There are under 70 left and a good number of elves find humans to be untrust worthy. Most of them are residing in the Tramenie woods. It's been rumored that a few might be living in the Ashmeil ruins.
Residence: Try to pick a different spot from everyone. You can even make up a new town/citie/whatever *a reasonable one please :P* and I'll add it with the rest. It's never really that fun everyone meets up instantly me thinks :(
Position: Okie no more MAGES! We've got too many :P
Alliance: (Well in this rp you can be good, evil or undecided)


My characters -

Name: Elisha Hummings
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Residence: Tramenie woods
Position: Traveler
Personality: Elisha is a person with a good heart but has a mouth that usually lands her into a heap of trouble. She enjoys to eat cake on a nice day but hates it when the weather gets to hot. Lisha loses her temper a lot during these times.
Appearance: About '5'5' brown hair, green eyes with fair skin. She wears knee high boots which are a soft brown, a flowie dark green skirt with gold trimming and tight strapless white top. Her sleeves hang off her shoulders and fall below her hands. A dark green cloak rests over her shoulders with the a small gold bird holding it together. A small black bag hangs around her waist. Elisha keeps all her important items in there. She also wears a white headband that keeps her ears hidden.
Skills: Basic lv 1 magic skills, but as the group collects orbs her magic becomes more advanced.
Weapons: A staff handed down in her family
Alliance: The goodies dur

Name: Constance Frannal
Age: 17
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Residence: Viorek forest
Position: Thief
Personality: She's spunky and a bit of a flirt. But as quick as she is with her mouth, Constance is quicker with her hands. Constance enjoys the thrill of a new adventure and lives her life to the fullest.
Appearance: '5'4' short red hair with dark blue eyes, tanned lightly. She wears a white blouse with a brown vest over it and leather gloves. Her pants are black, but the left legging is cut off so it looks like a shorts meets pants kind've deal. Black shoes which fold on top.
Skills: She's charming, and can rob you blind.
Weapons: Two daggers.
Alliance: The goodies dur

Blue's characters -

Name: Kray Harken
Age: 19
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Residence: N/A
Position: Former-Knight
Personality: He’s courageous to a fault at times, and will oft take people at face value, rather than looking deeper. Tends to be rather friendly otherwise.
Appearance: 5’11 Shoulder length black hair, with a Dark blue bandana. Dark Tanned skin, Jade eyes.
Clothes: A skin tight black shirt with the sleeves cut off, while dark blue bands adorn his naked forearms. Leather pants over top black greaves.
Skills: Knows basic fencing skills, as well as tidbits of various other styles, although he tends to keep his fighting more free-form.
Weapons: One Broad sword belted to his hip, with a dagger strapped to each forearm via the Bands.
Alliance: The goodies dur

Name: Victor Mange
Age: 18
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Residence: Viorek Forest
Position: Thief
Personality: Uncaring for the general society. Few are held close to his heart, and those who are, are protected well. Selfish yet caring at the same time- a double edged sword.
Appearance: 4’9 scruffy black hair, pale skin, and hazel eyes.
Clothes: Brown leather boots with crimson pants, adorned by a sash-like black belt and blackened shirt covering his torso.
Skills: Agility and dexterity are his main areas of expertise. He can lithely lift almost any small object off a person, but bigger size objects take a little more effort.
Weapons: Twin short swords.
Alliance: The goodies dur


Name: Namel
Age: 34
Race: Human?
Gender: Male
Residence: The Hillpoint Chruch
Position: High Priest
Personality: Within him rests a raging fury which he can't explain. But in front of his people, he seems gentle and caring and praises the words of their Gods.
Appearance: In the eyes of the world Namel is a priest, his robe as white as snow with light blue terms and his scriptures in hand. He stands around 5'9 with raven like hair and deep blue eyes with pale skin.
Skills: A high lvl'd magic user. His healing arts are well known.
Weapons: His spellbooks/scriptures.
Alliance: Unknown.

Name: The Black Knight
Age: N/A
Race: N/A
Gender: Male
Residence: It's believed he came from Qulan.
Position: A knight who destroys those in his path.
Personality: N/A
Description: He stands at 6'1. His face along with the rest of his body is hidden under his armor, which is completely black save for a small white symbol of a feather over his heart. He rides a gray horse with black hair and red eyes.
Skills: A mastered swordsmen, he is also good with with fire. It's rumored he holds power over a monster.
Weapons: Likol, a sword of light and darkness.
Alliance: The badies

Name: Izlil Lucros
Age: 25
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Residence: N/A
Position: Servant
Personality: Loves to torture her enemies rather than kill them, she’s sadistic. Sometimes lets her pleasure for pain get in the way of her masters plans.
Appearance: 5’7 Violet hair, ponytail down to the small of her back. Blood-red eyes. Talon-like Gauntlets on each hand, both black, with knee high black Greaves on her feet. Skin tight Leather pants, and dark green shirt, the sleeves just reaching past her knuckles. She also wears red choker along with a black gem in the middle.
Skills: Black magic, with many status-afflicting spells.
Weapons: Besides the Talon-like Gauntlets, she has two black Sai’s strapped to her sides.
Alliance: The badies

Name: Jaquis Smith
Age: 19
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Residence: Hillpoint church
Position: Lieutenant
Personality: Jaquis is a soldier who never doubts his beliefs. He follows orders whether they’re right or wrong. This is how he was raised.
Appearance: 5'7, brown eyed with black hair.
Clothes: Jaquis wears the standard army uniform, blue pants and a blue jacket. Silver lining around the edges.
Skills: Doesn't really have any skills, although later on he learns to 'reflect' his attackers magic.
Weapons: A basic sword.
[B]Alliance: He fights for the church.

Age: Possible late 20s?
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Residence: Doesn't have one.
Position: Traveler
Personality: He's the quiet type
Appearance: Short red hair, dark brown eyes. Around 6'2, tanned darkly. Seen with a long brown coat shredded at the bottom. A white loose shirt and black pants under with brown boots. Jeth also has a Ouroboros, A dragon eating it's self, on his left wrist. Later wears golden armor with a orange bird imprinted on the back.
Skills: He seems well trained with magic and swords
Weapons: A powerful blue sword
Alliance: Unknown

Name: Kimiko
Age: Unknown, although she looks to be about 12
Race: Doppelgaenger
Gender: Female
Residence: The hillpoint church.
Position: A spy.
Personality: A girl with no soul. The perfect spy in any army’s eyes.
Appearance: Gray-blue eyes, and dark gray hair which curls towards the end, somewhat pale and around 4'7. She wears a flowery purple dress with white trimmings. Several silver bracelets around her wrists, and regular black boots. Her appearance is likened to that of a miniature porcelain doll.
Skills: Gift of foresight.
Weapons: A silver mallet actually.
Alliance: Unknown.

The orbs and their guardians (Bios given later):

Iris, guardian of water.
Aiden, guardian of fire.
Esen, guardian of air.
Ma'lane, guardian of ice.
Dimitriy, guardian of earth.
Svillian, guardian of thunder.
Aura, guardian of light.
Raven, Guardian of darkness.
???, guardian of gravity.

Countries/Towns/Cities/Races/Daemons (This will be edited depending on how well the rp goes):

Valen continent:

The Hillpoint Chruch - Namel's current residence. There are other churches like this one throughout the world.
Marvirn - the town of merchants is known to be one of the richest towns in the land. If you ever needed anything, no matter how rare, this was the place to go. Of course, like every rich town or kingdom, this one was filled with trouble. Cheating merchants, thieves, riots, and everything in between.
Viorek Forest - A small forest between Marvirn and Oermin. There is a deserted cave inside.
Water Temple - Iris protects her orb here.
Leviathan - Guards Iris faithfully.
Oermin - The city of sand as everyone now calls it. Known for their blacksmith skills. The orb of fire is suppose to be near.
Oer dunes -
Methlen caves - Minors come here for minerals which they trade with blacksmiths It's possible to see a dwarf or two in here.
Fire Temple - Aiden keeps the fire orb near.
Kali forest - A deep, dark and very old forest. This forest has remained untouched for years because everyone who goes in never comes out.
Arachi - Are giant spiders ruled by their mother, Naki.
Naki - Half woman half spider. She's also blind.
Argyros Peak village - Small village in the mountains who live off nature.
Argyros Shrine - A place where the villagers go to give to their Gods.

Kratea divide - Dark ocean between Valen and Jineer.
Kraken (sea creature) - No one is really sure what this creature looks like because no one who sees it comes back alive. It resides within the Kratea ocean taking down whatever ship crosses it's waters.

Eastern continent, Jineer:

Wraith - It lives on the continent of Jineer and serves the shadows. This creature is feared by many on this continent.
imp - Another servent of the shadows.
Doppelgängers - Bodies without souls. Some resort to stealing other souls in hopes of making it their own. That only makes the need stronger.

Jaquin, western continent:

Tramenie woods
- The home of the remaining elves.


Ashmeil ruins - Once a great kingdom that was destroyed over 300 years ago.
Last edited by Mid on Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:39 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Bai Bai bby

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kijuki-X on Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:45 pm

Name: Ion Serane Gelasius
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Residence: Argyros Peak Village
Position: Hunter
Very calm, and lover of arts. He has a knack however of getting ahead of himself and being too curious about things that make him wonder.
Description: 6"2 light tan/pale skin, Crimson eyes. White-silverish wildish hair, neck length.
White chest protector. Covering the protector, is an elegant black and white silk robe that cover much of the back of the torso, and some of the front. White metallic protector gloves, with finger cut off. Silver Arm bracelet on right arm. Heavy belt, with silver, metal, and a golden buckle, and runes as adornement. Earring with hanging diamons. White protector pants, with elegant silk covering his thighs. Silver protector boots.
Skills: Advance bow & arrow skills. From having precise aim, to being able to throw three arrows simultaneously. Very quick reflexes.
Weapons: Ion owns a beautiful mid-sized silver glazed bow, with runes on it. It is also very light. The string on it is made of very strong thick silk.
Alliance: Good

There :D Nice and spiffy.

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:53 pm

Hahaha I haven't heard spiffy in a minute. I'll start rewriting the first post as soon as I GET LESS DISTRACTIONS! XD

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Blue_Strife on Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:02 pm

We're also in the process of finding our old Map that we had drawn out- if unable to we'll be drawing one up, as I've noticed it's hard/confusing to visualize the locations as we've provided them.

So do bear with us on that one. :P
~Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Myth on Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:03 pm

Name: Miora
Age: 100
Race: Fairy
Gender: Female
Residence: Kali Forest
Position: none
Personality: Mischevious and playfull
Appearance: Small and slender. Pale lumeniscent skin, icy blue eyes and silver waist length hair. Silver-blue wings.
Skills: Some magic, mostly things like sleep spells, or levitation. Magic to aid in trickery and mischief.
Weapons: none
Alliance: undefined

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:49 pm

Koolies, tomorrow we're gonna post the main story just in case someone else joins and we need to make any adjustments kie?

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:14 pm Kay ready. :lol: Oh and if you're in a different place from everyone else, just put where exactly at the top of your reply.

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lueshi on Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:12 pm

Name: Jordan Alan Lesser


Race: Human

Gender: Male

Residence: Currently in Argyros Peak Village

Position: None (Drifter)

Clam, Quiet, Out going. Jordan Gets along well with people when he wants to. But if not he gets really rowdy

Description: 6"9 290 pounds, Skin a Deep Brown. Long black hair kept in Braids and down to the bottem of his back.

Jordan Wears armour all the time. The amour is Sliver in color and alway hidden from a cloak he wears all the time. With the Cloak he wears the hood over his head covering his face.

Skills: Jordan has mastered Most Bladed Weapons

Weapons: Jordan is Usually seen carring around with him all the time is a Sycthe And Twin Short sworts, and one Battle axe

Alliance: None
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95% of the world's population would die if Abercrombie and Fitch said "Stop breathing." if you are one of the 5% who would be laughing your ass of, copy this into your sig. ... shisig.png

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:35 pm

Um no, sorrie.

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lueshi on Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:11 pm

well i guess that means i am to pro for you guys then lol joking aiight then. i will look some place esle then.

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Blue_Strife on Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:43 pm

It was brought to our attention that we had no rules for magic-casting, which we should, so we've devised a simple system to avoid arguments in the future.

Lv1 spells (Basic): You may start the cast in your current post, but a total of one person(s) must post after you to allow you to cast it in your next post.
Lv2 spells (Mid): You may start the cast in your current post, but a total of two people must post after you to allow you to cast it in your next post.
Lv3 spells (High): You may start the cast in your current post, but a total of three people must post after you to allow you to cast it in your next post.

Also, any summonings are considered a Lv3 magic, so the same rules would apply.

As for the duration of spells, depending on the level and nature of the spell, that's how long it lasts. A level One enhancement spell, or protective barrier would only last until your next post. After it, wears off. A level two lasts two posts of your own as opposed to one, but takes longer to cast, etc... You get the idea. The only exception to the rules for Duration are Summonings, which are considered level Three spells, yet only last until your next post, as if it were a Level One.

It's basically a progressive wait-and-cast system. Simple, but effective as it leaves the caster open to attack in-between posts.

Note: Simply attacking the caster doesn't necessarily stop the casting.
Last edited by Blue_Strife on Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:30 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Irish Wolf on Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:02 am

Name: Nystan Dumos
Age: 28
Race: human
Gender: male
Residence: none, has a room open to him at all mage towers
Position: mage
Personality: a little dark humored
Appearance: 6 foot, lean, bright white hair, gold eyes. Wears a dark blue robe with a belt going across his chest and waist that’s covered on pouches, leather boots.
Skills: very good with lightning spells and can summon demons and elementals from other planes.
Weapons: a heavy carved staff with a multi-colored crystal embedded in top, where the staff is carved into a claw. Nystan also carries a good sized book of spells, bound in black leather and clasped with silver.
Alliance: leans towards good
Bio: Nystan is a mage in a small mage guild that’s spread across the world. The guild stays out of the light as much as possible with very few known members. The guild maintains a few towers across the lands that are cloaked in magic and wards that drive non-members away. His skills are impressive for his age and he quickly went from being an apprentice to a mage. Nystan refused to take any master to continue his teaching. What the current masters of the guild didn’t know was that he was already under the teaching of a master mage. His staff was owned by a great mage of ages past who still looks in on mortal affairs. When Nystan took up the staff, the mage that was once know as Athlor the Red, began to teach young Nystan advanced secretes of magic. Mostly Athlor taught Nystan the nature of beings from other planes and how to summon them.
Its easy to be brave behind a castle wall
Twelve highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion
A king's son is no nobler then the food he eats

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Claus on Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:56 pm

Here's my profile, I'll make a post when I've come up with an entry.

Name: Mek Saomaha
Age: 22
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Residence: N/A
Position: Battle Mage
Personality: Mek's primary mode of living is focused externally, he take things in primarily via intuition. His secondary mode is internal, he deals with things rationally and logically.

With Extraverted Intuition dominating his personality, Mek's primary interest in life is understanding the world that he lives in. He is constantly absorbing ideas and images about the situations presented in life. Using his intuition to process this information, Mek is usually extremely quick and accurate in his ability to size up a situation. Mek possesses a deeper understanding of his environment than any of the other type of person.

This ability to intuitively understand people and situations puts Mek at a distinct advantage in life. He generally understands things quickly and with great depth. Accordingly, Mek is quite flexible and adapts well to a wide range of tasks. He is good at most anything that interests him. As his mind grows and further develops his intuitive abilities and insights, he becomes very aware of possibilities, and this makes him quite resourceful when solving problems.

Appearance: A pair of black shoes are laced to his feet, over the laces are two straps to tightly secure them. The pants are a gray, trimming the sides of the pants are metal buttons. On the left leg there is a vine/flower design, made of black silk thread. His pants fit him nicely, not too tight and not too loose. Tucked into the pants is a dark gray sleeveless shirt. It has no collar but three buttons are unbuckled to give his neck room to move freely. Over this a a long sleeve, buttonless shirt. It is dark red in color and smokey flame designs ride up the sides and back of the shirt. The outer side of the sleeves are loosely sewn by X-crossed leather threads, he always keeps the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The bottom of the shirt is ripped and looks as if it were burn, creating many holds. But that is just the designer's thoughts. The shirt looks alot like a kimono shirt, except for the sleeves are modern dress shirt style.

Two ancient looking silver rings rest on his left middle finger, they are slightly separated. Attached to the first ring is a dark red partial glove. It doesn't cover any of the fingers or the palm of his hand, just the back part and just a little bit past his wrist. Over this partial glove is an ancient looking bead bracelet. Up his left forearm are two bracelets of the same kind, but with less beads and more metal bar. Around his neck, hanging loosely around mid-chest, is a leather band necklace with nine metal pipes attached to it. From the outer sides they are small and get bigger till the middle pipe. Mek's body is more toned than muscular and is slender as he stands at a height of exactly six feet. He has medium length messy spiked hair and he has creamy colored skin.

Skills: Mastery in both the arts of basic swordsmanship and black magic.

Weapons: Two staves that resemble the standard medievil polearms with a long piercing end fanning out into a small cylander shaped hand guard. One handle is shaped like a question mark while the other has a circle with a horizontal stick, resembling the gender female sign.

Alliance: Undecided.

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Blue_Strife on Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:34 pm

Got the map done. New Locations and such will be added if/when people make them up (and we approve of course), or we come upon new places. ... rldMap.png

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kijuki-X on Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:00 pm

yay! Mountains!

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby vasa o souls on Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:16 pm

hey there everyone i have yet to be accepted and i would like to get in the role-play but myrin has yet to respond to my PM's. i have just a couple things to say first the female gender sign is supposed to represent the Venuses hand mirror, and also who else can i send the character too to get accepted or rejected i just wana know?
Up from the sea, from underground
Down from the sky, they're all around
They will return: mankind will learn
New kinds of fear when they are here

~~ the Carol of the old ones
They will reclaim all in their name;
Hopes turn to black when they come back and
Madness will reign, terror and pain
Woes without end where they extend.

~~ the Carol of the old ones

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vasa o souls
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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:10 pm

I have yet to speak with blue being as we are both busy with school, work and other forms of life. It's pretty much a joint decision to be honest. When I do get a hold of him you'll know. Until then just sit tight..

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby vasa o souls on Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:44 am

alright i have school to so i understand that

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vasa o souls
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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mid on Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:45 pm

Zomg guys, Mid's thinking of bringing this back to life! Yes she is.

Just gonna fix the story up some first. <3

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Re: World Collapse OOC thread~

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Irish Wolf on Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:28 pm

cool beans

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Irish Wolf
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