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Harry Potter, Life after the War

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Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby urowen on Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:31 pm

"Get up you lazy brat." the gruffy haired animagus nudged his god-son once again. The sun had been up for quite awhile and Sirius was tempted on licking him awake. It had seemed as though Harry had read his mind because he jumped awake and looked around, his wand hand empty but pointing everywhere.

"Well good morning kiddo, what do you want for dinner." Sirius joked, it wasn't that late, lunch was more like it.

"Dinner, how long did I..." he mumbled as he looked at the clock and noticed it was barely 1 pm. "You mangy mut." He said as he threw a pillow at Sirius and laughed. "I will be down in a bit."

Life at number 12 Grimmuald was like this everyday. Wake up, eat, parade around town trying not to attract attention and then go back in and sleep. Sirius would occasionally bring random women home from late night pubs and they would quickly be gone before morning. Peace was strong in the air, almost stronger than the press.

"You need a job." Sirus said, drinking a mug of coffee as he watched his wild haird god-son finally come down. Harry gave him the finger and sat down and started to drink a mug that was already set out for him.

"So where did ... whats her name go?" Harry asked, not even caring to remember the names anymore.

"Oh, Lisa ...I think. She had to go be home for some reason or another." His bright smile plastered on his face. "You know, you should get out there and date sometime, might bring life back into you. This trudging around is driving me insane." He said as he tossed the paper into the fireplace.

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xFreex on Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:16 pm

Tonks leaned against the doorway in a casual manner, bored and tired of the day. The sun was high up in the sky, yet there was this thin fog surrounding the houses. It was still a bit chilly out despite the fact it was only 1 PM. Tonks rang the doorbell, the sound echoing off the hallways.
"Hello, Sirius, you home??" She yelled over the loud noise, the shrieking of Sirius' mother sounding.
"Man.." Tonks muttered over the noise. She gazed lazily out at the other houses till Sirius opened the door.
Starlight, I will be chasing your starlight, until the end of my life; I dont know if it's worth it anymore.

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby urowen on Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:25 pm

"Well hello sweet cousin, what brings you to me abode at this time of day?" He asked after he opened the door. Harry was behind him, roughly fighting with the portrait that was screaming profanities at anything that moved. As soon as Harry had the picture under control he followed Sirius and smiled at the bright haired Auror.

"Heya Tonks." He smiled as he scratched the back of his neck roughly.

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mattyj1691 on Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:31 pm

Draco rolled over in his bed, He seemed very irritable. After struggling to get comfy for a good 10 minutes Draco finally gave up and threw the cover's on the floor. Draco pulled on his long black trouser's and placed a long overcoat over his naked torso, As he walked down the long stairs of his father's old house he looked at the painting's in which the occupants were also starting there morning.
Draco's bare feet made a soft slapping noise on the hardwood flooring in the long corridor toward the kitchen as he approached, A small house elf peered round the door
"Keff, You rat of a house elf" Draco shouted spitting slightly,
"Make my bed then make me breakfast, NOW!" As Draco shouted the last words he aimed a running kick at the side of the house elf witch made contact with a deafening crack. Draco had broken Keff's left wrist but didn't seem bothered at all
"Y-y-yes m-master" Keff said weakly, holding his left wrist witch lay limply in his right hand. As Keff ran from the kitchen Draco walked over to the table and sat down heavily slumping his arms on the long oak table his forehead resting between his arms.

Draco raised his head at the sound of a soft pecking that was coming from the small window next to the large cooker. Draco recognized the owl as a Daily Prophet owl, As he stood, Keff the small house elf came scrambling back into the kitchen. Draco opened the small window and grabbed the owl a little to roughly for the owl's liking as it promptly gave him a peck on his left hand, Blood oozed out of the deep cut on Draco's hand, He placed that hand reluctantly into his pocket and produced a single Knutt, He dropped it into the pouch on the owls leg before proceeding to whack at the owl with the newspaper he had just unfurled from its leg.

"S-scrambled egg with bacon, S-sir?" Came Keff's feeble voice from next to the cooker as Draco sat back down at the table
"Yes, Fetch me a larger from the basement" Draco lay out the newspaper flat on the table slowly turning the page's reading each and every word twice looking for any hint or detail.
Keff placed the plate of scrambled egg's and bacon on the table next to Draco's left hand, Draco's hand had now scabbed over slightly but was still covered in blood. Keff ran out of the kitchen and returned moments later with a small bottle of larger he placed that on the table next to Draco's breakfast
"There is some Skele-grow in the bathroom cabinet" Draco said to Keff but not looking at him he continued to turn pages.
"Th-thank you master, Thank you!" Keff seemed overjoyed as if Skele-grow was the Quidditch world cup
"Shut up! Before i change my mind and kick you again" Keff stopped, immediately backing out of the kitchen in a low bow. Draco looked over at the large clock above the fireplace that was at the opposite end of the kitchen to the cooker, It read 5:58 am

Meanwhile on the outskirts of a small muggle village Ron would have quiet the opposite morning.

Ron sat up in his bed stretching and letting out a long yawn, Ron rotated on his bed and placed his feet over the edghe of his bed. He grabbed a small notebook off the side of his dresser emblazoned with the words "Schedule" in bright gold, He flicked threw the first few pages not paying much attention to them before stopping a good quarter of the way into it
"Meeting at Ministry" Was marked in at the 10:30am slot and Just below that in bright green ink slightly scribbled was "Letter to Harry!".

Ron stood stretching his arms whilst walking toward the dresser, He pulled it open and took out a long burgundy dressing gown on witch were his initials "RW" in bright yellow. Ron carried on up the silent corridor, threw the kitchen and straight out into the garden. Ron came to the front gate of his garden and bent down to pick up the muggle newspaper, He was being delivered to seem more inconspicuous to the muggle's.

Ron walked back in whilst unwrapping the muggle newspaper, The headline read
"Magical Caper's Or Government Hoax" Ron looked seriously at the newspaper and turned to page 5 were the story continued. As Ron read on about the main story his brow began to furrow as he got deeper and deeper into the story. Ron read the last line of the report
"Could this really be what we read in the book's or is this something much deeper?".

Ron was fully dressed and draining the last dregs coffee in his mug and eating his last slice of toast, He was dressed in pleated pinstripe Grey trouser's with a matching suit jacket, As he placed his mug in the sink along with his plate he turned to walk outside. Ron got 4 feet away from the door before slapping his fore head and running back inside, Grabbing a piece of scrap parchment, A quill, Ink and a tiny little owl that he had shouted at moments early called Pigwidgeon. Ron scrawled on the parchment "It's in the muggle new's but they think it's a hoax what do you think?" Ron folded up the paper hastily while checking his watch, 10:17 am, He wrote on the outside
"Harry No. 12 Grimauld place London" He stuffed the note in the pouch on Pigwidgeon's leg and threw the little owl out the window before walking back outside again.
Ron checked his watch one more time and then softly closed his eye's and spun on the spot. With a loud "CRACK" and a small wisp of purple smoke he was gone.

((OOC:Hope that set's the ball rolling i like the RP))

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xFreex on Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:40 pm

"Hellooo." Spoke Tonks as she made her way into Sirius' place, moldy and infested with spider webs alike.
"You reallyyy need to do something about this place." She said seriously, but then chuckled a little, for no apparent reason. Tonks ruffled into her overcoat, digging for the newspaper she planned to show Sirius.
"Okay, so check this out. Do you think its a hoax?" Tonks said, as she handed over the newspaper where Sirius gave another eyeroll. She knew he hated the Daily Prophet. Well, so did she, but you gotta find what you gotta find, right?
"Sirius, this is serious." She said mindlessly; She got the joke only when she saw Harry cracking a smile his way.
"The ministry is wack these days."
Tonks sank into the nearest arm chair, and as she did so a poof of dust puffed out.
"Disgusting.." She muttered to herself.

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby urowen on Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:56 pm

Sirius cmiled when his name joke came out but his smile faded when he read the paper. "Oh Merlin, what are they thinking." He said as he went over and sat on the ocuch next to the burning fireplace. "The whole magicical world is going to be in jeapordy if this gets any worse. I don't know what to think." His face scowled as he re-read the paper. Soon a small speck of a bird flew in the window and dropped a small peice of parchment on the floor by Harry's feet. Harry immediately reconized the owl and calmed it down. He picked up the paper and read the note. He shook his head.

"Seems like everyone knows about it." Harry grumbled as he walked into the kitchen and the hyper Pig followed behind. Harry quickily scribble a note on a pad of paper he had set aside for small notes

Tonks just came over showing the same thing. I don't know what is going on but we had better watch ourselves. The muggles aren't too bright and a few good obliviates will help but I don't think the ministry has the man power for it, not with the rebuilding that has been going on.

He handed the note to Pig who hooted joyfully and flew out the window. Harry grabbed his mug and looked down at his stack of papers. He had a bunch of offers ranging from Auror training, to professional quidditch. He threw them all away and sighed. He wasn't sure what he was going to do. He had thought he put aside the troubles with Riddle, put Harry was always a magnet for trouble. He downed the rest of his mug and set it in the sink.

"What are the aurors doing about it?" Harry asked as he re-entered the living room, leaning against the fireplace. He glanced over at the pictures he contributed to the place. A picture of the golden trio, his picture from the picture book he got from Hagrid, and a picture of Dumbledore.

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xFreex on Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:05 pm

Tonks huffed.
"Yeah..everyone does seem to know. And the ministry is barely doing anything about it! Well, us Aurors are trying to. But we dont want to put anyone in Azkaban if you can avoid it. I mean, it just..feels weird. I feel as bad as the people in Azkaban if I throw someone in Azkaban." Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Sirius' raised eyebrows.
"I know, I know. Weird, right?" She mumbled indifferently as she continued to stare at the newspaper.
"And alot of the muggles in London know too. And a couple bad oblivates have happened recently. One of our new Aurors tried to oblivate someone, and they ended up wiping everything that this person knows. So now this person is like, trying to rebuild their life. Its horrible. The person is 34 years old and cannot go to the bathroom.." She said, her voice in monotone. It *would* suck to have to rebuild your life. She saw Sirius trying to hide a smile.
"Yes, he cannot go to the bathroom and hes like 2 decades old! Get over it!" She hissed. She was half amused though, because when you say things out loud like that they require more meaning.
"So, Harry, how's Ron and Hermoine?"

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xXblackrosesXx on Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:21 pm

Amy awoke at 6:00 A.M as she was supposed to. Hermione has awaken her,and now she groggily got up,and walked to the kitchen.
"Honestly,I don't see how after a year of waking up at six 'o clock,you still have to be groggy." Hermione commented,smiling. Amy smiled,knowing her roomate was always such a know-it-all.
"Honestly,i don't see how after a year of waking me up at six 'o clock,you still have to be a know-it-all." She joked. The two lived as roommates,which worked out for them both,because they both knew of magic,and they both were muggle-born.
Hermione searched through the main drawer,looking for some parchment,to write on.
"Amy,where in the world is my parchment."She asked.
"I had to write to my parents. "
"Using fifty-two sheets of parchment?"
"Well...there were other things." Amy admitted. Hermione sighed.
"You're impossible" She went to her drawer,and pulled out a package of paper.
A Daily prophet owl flew in the open window. Amy took the paper gently,and gave the owl four Knutts. The owl then zoomed out of the open window.
She read the story,and shook her head.
"Oi,I can't believe this nonsense!" She said,giving the paper to Hermione. Hermione read it,and shook her head.
"I thought the Ministry was getting a little better.."Hermione said,shaking her head,as she threw the paper on her bed.
"Me to,but this is unbelievable!" She cried,sitting on her messy bed. She folded the sheets,knowing Hermione would do it,and she didn't like people touching her stuff.
Hermione got a piece of paper.
Dear Harry,
What's wrong with the Ministry today? It seems like it might be getting worse and worse. Apparently there have been a lot of reports of wizards,and witches bewitching muggle items,and it's getting to be a hassle.

She would write to Ron,later,she concluded,as she got ready for her Auror work.''

Later,Hermione and Amy came home,on a lunch-break.
"So,who where you writing earlier?"
"An old friend."
"Ah." Amy said,taking a bite of her biscuit.

((OOC: i have no idea what the whole big news is,so I just kind of played along. And I kind of figured,Hermione would be an auror,she was super smart,so she must have qualified.))
Image <----Click please! I don't want my dragon to die!

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby InflatedHead on Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:21 pm

"Once again, the Ministry has lost its mind," said Luna, tossing aside the Daily Prophet. It became caught in the grasp of a writhing potted plant which promptly ripped it to shreds.

She was pacing the space in her small new apartment, reflecting on what she'd just read. People were wondering whether or not it was a hoax--of course it was.

Daddy had never liked the Prophet. Neither did Luna. But both were open minded, so she read it once in a while, if only to snicker at the nonsense that the Ministry printed. Anyone looking for accurate news would do better to read The Quibbler.

"Do Harry and the others know yet?" she wondered aloud. She knew they'd never been avid readers of her father's publication, so her guess was no. So she stuffed a current copy of the Quibbler, (whose main headline had to do with a Ministry conspiracy to destroy the Crumple-Horned Snorlack habitat), into a parcel and attached a note:

Hi Harry!
I've read the Prophet and I'm not sure it's entirely accurate. You might want to consider reading this instead.

Can't wait until the next time we see each other!
Your friend,

She tied the package to her owl's leg and sent him off to 12 Grimmauld Place.

[[Yeah, I'm not sure about the big news either, but this just kinda seemed like a Luna thing to do.]]

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby urowen on Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:58 pm

Harry had just explained that he hadn't seen much of his friends much recently. He excused himself to his room, whole Sirius and Tonks caught up with each other. As soon as he was comfortably in his room he was bombarded with owls at his window. He quickly went over to open it and found Hermione's and Luna's letters. He read each one and shook his head at the Quibbler. He never really read it, just always bought on just to keep Mr. Lovegood in business.

"I geuss everyone does know about it." He sighed to himself as he sat down and started writing everyone.


You know you are the third person to ask me about this. I have a very bad feeling about it. I hope things don't start turning into another war.

He handed the bird his note and gave it a treat before sending it off.


Thank you for the Quibbler, you know how much I love reading about the real facts. By the way, have you found any Narguls yet? They still cause me trouble.

Harry had given up trying to unnderstand Luna, so he always just seemed to play along. He was glad that she hadn't changed, it seemed like everyone did after the war.After sending that off he laid back down on his bed and sighed. Life was definitly not boring.


"So cous, what kind of trouble have you been cause recently? You do that old woman in a bar trick I told you about yet?" Sirius let out his signiture bark as he tried not to imagine his cousin looking like a ninety year old hooker. He sighed, missing the old days, when pranks and women were the only thing on his mind. He looked up at the picture of James and Lily. 'I hope you are causeing some trouble up there as well, although I am sure Lils isn't helping any.' He mentally asked James. Ever since Ahzkaban, he had started to talk to James mentally, and when things got real bad he even swore he talked back once.

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Re: Harry Potter, Life after the War

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby littleb on Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:24 am

Parvati was jerked awake by the sound of owl wings flapping around her desk. She was disoriented momentarily, she’d been dreaming that she was back in Hogwarts. But, in reality, she was in the Ministry of Magic, three years later, after pulling an ‘all-nighter’ in her job at the Obliviator Headquarters. She sighed and pushed a strand of dark hair, which had fallen out of its braid, behind her ear. Now that she was fully awake, she noticed that there really was an owl on her desk. She rubbed her eyes and carefully reached out and untied the Daily Prophet from the small owl’s leg, before digging through her pockets and dropping a couple of knuts in the sack around the owls other leg.

“Thanks…” She muttered as the thing flew from her office window. Pushing numerous piles of papers from her desk, she laid out the Daily Prophet. She was only on the front page when a frustrated groan emitted from her mouth. “Great.” She was going to be swamped with all the muggles they’d have to ‘fix’ today. Parvati grabbed up her coffee cup, she was going to need it for how long today was going to be. She took a deep gulp and made a disgusted face. She’d forgotten that it was from yesterday.

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