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Return to Power

a topic in Gundam Wing: Continuing Legend, a part of the RPG forum.

Original GWing Storyline, now AC 202.

Return to Power

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SinfulSoul on Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:31 am

After many days of traveling, Sinful finally arrived at the L01 colony. Through these days, a large regrouping had sprung in the L01 colony as former SIG survivors and loyalists who attempted to integrate themselves into current society returned to their posts of military duty. It wasn't long until this SIG rebel group started taking over key government institutions. Every since Sinful's departure, defense had been weak and it was not very difficult to seize a hanger for Sinful's shuttle to land in. Once his shuttle had been identified, a dock bay door opened and projected a runway of lights to lead his shuttle safely. Once within the confines of the colony, Sinful immediately set the ball rolling. Sinful piloted his Serpent mobile suit followed closely by his four crew members in Taurus suits into the colony to make his presence known. Simultaneously, the full brunt of the current SIG rebel force would show itself with this signal. Even though the force was small in size compared to the colony, since there was nearly no defense on the colony to begin with, major government institutions were easily overrun. Considering the colony had been functioning on it's economy alone and no military factories were in use, there was also no mobilized force to counter his mobile suits.

By the end of day one, Sinful had gained total control of over 33% of the colony. His advisers estimated two additional days to eliminate existing factions and opposition before complete control of the L01 Colony was granted to Sinful.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SinfulSoul on Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:36 pm

Day two of Sinful's raid on the L01 colony went well. All through the night his forces had been growing stronger. His forces had captured several storage houses for old military supplies, and though the weaponry was outdated they were maintained in air tight metal crates that preserved their like-new condition. With this new-found equipment to arm his men, Sinful's rebel militia had complete control of over 66% of the colony. His advisors estimated one more day before the colony was under full control of Sinful.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SinfulSoul on Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:51 am

Day 3 and all subsequent days went flawlessly. General Sin had a firm hold on the colony and already repairs were being made on the city. Followers who supported the cause for unifying the countries in Space once again were signing up for a shot at making history. With an adequate work force at his disposal and a fairly easily controlled populace, progress was being made quickly. Old factories were being revived and pumping out supplies. Refugees who have been living on the MO-V have been coming into the colony in search of a safer place to live after the recent incident that could have ended lives of people there. With General Sin back in power, the security blanket that he offered easily appealed to most citizens. Too long have they gone without unified protection and leadership which has led them astray. Power-hungry factions have victimized the colonies and taken advantage of their abundant resources. Even if General Sin was considered to be more Iron Fisted in the past, the slight compassion that he offered was far better than no security or stability at all.

The L01 Colony was undergoing drastic governmental changes and guards patrolling every inch of the colony under a single order maintained civility and peace. Mobile Suit production was slow with the lack of functioning factories and competent specialists, but existing factories were quickly being converted, the population was being scanned for those with skills and schools were in the plans to train willing civilians for a mass hire in engineers and technicians.

The new Dictator was not considered a hero, but merely the lesser of two evils. The new ordinances, boost in jobs, better economy, and promise of stability and security made much of the population forget about past issues very quickly

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zhelir Darkfall on Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:52 pm

At the edge of L01's defense perimiter, two lone shuttles rocketed toward the massive colony, their shuttles unarmed but the pilots clearly believing that time was not on their side. The massive ships were identical, a wash grey with enlarged rear compartments, for greater cargo storage. Each bore the markings of an MO-V resource shuttle, something that hadn't been observed for years. The lead shuttle's comm frequency opened up to L01 control, and the face of a young man appeared, with a look on it that bore something between urgence and impratience. His voice was confident, however, when he spoke up.

"This is Daedalus Lokindu--"
He began, but was interupted as the second signal opened a broadcast, this one showing that of an older man, his slate-grey eyes matching that of his thinning hair.

"And this is Rick Maelvo.

The face of the man who'd identified himself as Daedalus spoke back up after his companion finished his introduction.

"Anyway, we've come on behalf of General Zhelir Darkfall. We've got a good haul of Gundanium with us, and we need to speak with General Sin this instant." He stressed the final word to indicate thge urgence of their mission. "I don't care if you have to drag him off the shitter, we need to talk to him.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SinfulSoul on Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:42 pm

General Sin was standing in the control room that controlled and monitored all functions and activities in the bay that Miyumi worked in and all surrounding bays. General Sin ordered Captain Picard to open the doors to a bay next to the one Miyumi worked in and granted permission for the two supply shuttles to enter. With full compliance from the control room secured, General Sin left and headed down towards the bay. He and his four body guards would await behind the air tight doorway until the atmosphere was restored in the bay to welcome these much needed supplies.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zhelir Darkfall on Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:54 pm

Day pulled into the bay the two companions had been asigned to, and could see Rick docking his own ship right behind him. It took only a brief moment for the atmosphere of the bays to repressurize, but Day had made his way to the shuttle's door in that small amount of time, and leapt from the depths of the ship.

He made his way toward the door, Rick's form emerging and making its way up to follow along behind him. As the door in question whisked open, Daedalus could see Sin enter, flanked by four guards. Day tipped a rapid salute, speaking up over the general abient noise of any shuttle bay.

"Sir, Daedalus Lokindu. We met briefly on the Leviathan."
He waved his hand backward, indicating the shuttles. "The shuttles aren't full, but they've still got a good haul. Zhelir and Tersan remained at MO-V, and are currently holding the docking bays. He sent us here to deliver this Gundanium, and to request a couple of units to return to MO-V with us, in order to help secure the mining operation."

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby miyumi on Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:05 am

OOC: This comes after my last post in Finding Leadership

Miyumi woke up to beeping.It's not time for the alarm yet, who would be trying to reach me?


It was General Sin.

"Miyumi, have you had a chance to look at the plans for the gundam?"

"Not yet, I was working on the drone problem. Why?"

"We've got a new toy for you. General Zehlir found us some Gundanium. So check out those plans!"

She was so surprised that at first she couldn't speak. Time seemed to slow down as Miyumi figured out how she could do everything that needed to get done. If I stay on the communicator, those two could work together to finish the one I was working on and then go on to finish their own. It will slow down unit production a bit... hmm, maybe I can find apprentices for them.


The sound of Sin's voice shook her out of her train of thought.

"Yes sir! I'll get on that right away sir."

Hanging up, she threw on some clothes, flew down the stairs and grabbed a breakfast pouch on the way out. On Earth she had learned to always keep some quick and easy eat-on-the-way food ready, because there was no telling when she'd be called to duty. Liking the ability to catch a bit of extra sleep, Miyumi had continued the practice with breakfast pouches here. [i]I saw a couple of younger people showing interest, maybe they could take on those and teach them as they go?[i] When she reached the hangar, she thanked the driver of the car as usual and went straight to my office. On the way, she was intercepted by the two she had been training, Mack and Joel. In tow were two youngsters, no more than twenty years to each of them.

Mack- "Ma'am, we've found two who wish to learn the art of turning scrap into weapons. They may be young, but they learn fast."

"Hmm, okay. I've been given a new assingment, but I'll still be reachable as always. Train these two the way I trained you, but when they start their own suits, I want to be the one answering their questions. Can you deal with that?"

The last one was to the trainees. They flushed slightly, and nodded. Miyumi continued up to her office, and locked the door behind her. Turning on the computer there for the first time, Miyumi slid her access card into the slot, and set up her space. She quickly found the gundam files, and started studying.
Last edited by miyumi on Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SinfulSoul on Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:45 pm

General Sin nodded as he listened to Daedalus speak. He was glad to finally have some relief on resources to help mobilize the colony. With this new shipment of gundanium, the only limitation this colony has for complete militarization is manpower, which Miyumi should be able to solve.
"Well done Daedalus. Be sure to express my compliments to Zhelir, but I'll be sure to piss and moan about how long it took him when he returns. I'll send four of our older Taurus dolls to escort you back to MO-V controlled by the Zero system. You'll have full control over them from the space shuttle I'll send you back on, so you should be safe. Should anything go wrong, we'll also be able to monitor your shuttle from our colony. I would send Virgos instead, however this colony is short on defense compared to how it was before I had left, so all I can spare are the older model Tauruses. Be weary when crossing near L03 and send word to Zhelir about GaiaZ capture of L03. I'll need to talk to him as soon as he is able to set up some defense on MO-V. If there is nothing further, feel free to grab a meal before you leave. A shuttle will be waiting for you in the neighboring bay along with the four Taurus suits when you are ready. Dismissed."
He gave a half-salute and immediately turned a 180 on his heels. He briskly walked back to the control room, closely followed by his body guards, where he personally relayed the orders he promised to Daedalus to Captain Picard. General Sin then notified Miyumi of the gundanium shipment and ordered work on the plans for a gundam. He would rest again in the control room with Captain Picard to personally oversee work on the Virgos and handling of the gundanium through the various camera feeds.

OOC: If you needed to add anything else Zhelir, let me know and I'll edit my post.
Miyumi, I'll talk to about the gundam designs on AIM next time I get a chance.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zhelir Darkfall on Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:44 am

Day followed Sinful as he left the bay, food being the last thing on his mind. The two remaining out on MO-V were like brothers to him, and while he had no doubt they could handle most anything that MO-V could pitch at them, you could never count on a rogue place like that to not have a couple aces hidden up its sleeve.

The young man turned toward the bay Sinful had previously indicated, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Rick was following. He could see his heavyset friend keeping up fairly well, and that was good enough. He turned into the bay and proceeded straight to the shuttle. It was large, white, and nondescript. Nothing special to it, really. Other than, of course, the four Taurus inside that were slave-rigged to the shuttle's Zero System.

Day pulled himself inside the shuttle, turned, and held out a hand to Rick. As close knit as the four crewers of the Leviathan had become, all manner of pride had vanished between them. To anyone else, Day had no doubt, Rick would have smacked the hand away and cursed them for insulting. But to Day, Tersan, or Zhelir -- especially Zhelir -- he wouldn't think twice. And so the older man pulled himself inside, and they took their seats at the controls; Day piloting, Rick controlling the four Taurus.

"All right,"
Daedalus muttered, keying up the shuttles basic startup sequences, "Let's go remind MO-V why messing with }{G at this point would be the wrong plan."

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby miyumi on Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:56 pm

Miyumi didn't even notice when the students stopped asking her questions. She didn't even realize it was late until a janitor came throug. Her focus was completely on the screen in front of her. She was studying the Vayate, and the janitor was loathe to break that concentration. But as long as she was in there, he couldn't go in to do his job without an invite. Not knowing how she would react, he took a deep breath.


He waited a bit. Then said it again. Finally, he stepped in just the tiniest bit. Miyumi finally noticed him. She looked up with a confused look on her face.

"Can I help you?"

He was visibly taken aback by Miyumi's voice. He stumbled a bit, but found his place quickly.

"I'm the janitor here, and I'm supposed to clean. Should I work around you, or should I just come back later?"

"What time is it?"

"Close to midnight ma'am."

"I'm sorry, I'm almost done. You can start on that side, I'll be out of here in a minute."

"Thank you ma'am."

Shaking her head, Miyumi logged off and put her access card back around her neck. She shouldered her computer bag and headed out. The man who drove her was still out there, he looked to have fallen asleep. Miyumi smiled, and knocked on his window before going back around to get in.

"I'm sorry ma'am, shouldn't've dozed off like that!"

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept you waiting, or called to say I'd be late. Next time, go ahead and see what's keeping me. I have a tendancy to (she yawned here) get lost in my work."

When she reached her bedroom, Miyumi set her alarmclock an hour early and tumbled into bed without bothering to change.
Last edited by miyumi on Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zhelir Darkfall on Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:30 pm

Tersan's pitch black Taurus hurtled toward L01, the only color eminating from it being that of the bluish light of his thrusters, and the dim glow of the suit's golden "eye" camera. Two sentries in guard positions quickly moved to flank it, but backed down just as quickly, presumably upon hearing the pilot's identity. Zhelir smiled from within the cockpit. It was good to once again have people tip their hats, metaphorically and literally speaking, just upon hearing your name.

The comm station sent him a transmision, which he quickly keyed up.

"Greetings, General Darkfall. You're here to speak with General Sin, I presume?"

Zhelir nodded quietly, once more wondering just what his old friend had in mind. The controller gave an acknowledgement, and indicated for Zhelir to dock in the same bay that, unknown to him and of relative unimportance, Day and Rick had landed their shuttle in days earlier. He felt something involving combat coming on, and after that brief encounter with the MO-V rebels, he was anxious to shed some blood.

With a smile that was tainted with more than a little bloodlust, he pulled a cigarette from his shirt pocket, figuring on waiting in the suit for Sinful, and lit it with his old }{G lighter. Just like old times.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby miyumi on Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:09 pm

Miyumi inspected the latest two reconstructed suits. She found no fault with the one Joel had been working on, but made Mack go back and find different parts for some pieces on his.

"Good work boys! Mack, don't get discouraged, you'll get it right next time, I'm sure of it."

Joel: "Do you think I can do it without the tester kits yet?"

Miyumi laughed

"It took me a year with working with it to get it right every time. Tell you what, how about you guess what the kit will tell you before you use it? When you're getting it right with no errors at all for a month straight, then I might let you go without. But you must keep a log."

Joel saluted.

Yes Ma'am!

They moved on to the next set, and Miyumi went to her office. She had finished studying the Vayate, and was on to studying the Mercurious. Today, however, she instead popped in a video to watch her sword-dances for a while, before going back to studying. She needed to stay in shape, and she needed to be sure she was doing them properly.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SinfulSoul on Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:35 am

Just days after the departure of his friends from MO-V did he receive a call that urged his appearance back in the same bay. He did what was requested of him with the high hopes of seeing his old friend Zhelir in his customary Mercurius. When he burst through the bay doors with his four body guards around him, he was slightly dismayed to see a lowly Taurus suit before him. He had received word that Zhelir had entered the colony, and so he retained hope that maybe Zhelir did indeed risk piloting a pathetic Taurus suit along the path of space near or around the potentially hostile L02 and L03 colonies.
"Zhelir you crazy bastard, you in there!?"

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zhelir Darkfall on Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:44 am

Zhelir popped the hatch of the Taurus open, allowing a bit of fresh oxygen to wash out all the tobacco smoke that had gathered. His eyes, so used to the toxic smoke after years upon years of exposure, had only just started to water when his old companion showed himself. He grinned down at the man standing before him and his traditional four escorts. He dropped the cigarette and watched as it spiralled downward, the hanger's continuously recycling air battering it around before finally coming to a gentle rest on the metallic floor.

He favored the cloaked man with a rebellious grin before pressing both hands to the rests in the cockpit, propelling his figure outward. His leather }{G jacket billowed out as he descended, coming to a bone-jarring landing before Sinful's quartet of guards.

"Ya'll shouldn'ta left me in there s'long. Tersan's gunna be pissed, cockpit smells like smoke now."

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seraphina Alighieri on Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:40 am

A communique arrived for General Sin at his secretaries desk from Ambassador Alighieri of the Preventers.

General Sin, I am aware of your concerns and I am planning a trip to L1 in order to meet with you. I should be there in two days, My personal Secretary Svetlana Popova, will call you to make arrangements. I thank you for your Patience i had business to wrap up here on Earth. Sincerely Ambassador Alighieri.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SinfulSoul on Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:48 pm

General Sin watched the cockpit open and simultaneously a large plume of smoke growing out from within. Moments later he would find Zhelir penetrate through this grey cloud and land before him. If time and stress hadn't dulled his emotions he would've hugged him just now, but he settled for a nostalgic smile of what life used to be like during times of total unity peace. It didn't matter though, he was here and what mattered was the integrity and unity of the space population. The inevitable forthcoming conversation dampened his smile as he knew time was short. Straight to business it was - as it is almost always.
""Zhelir, I need to begin a war... Let's talk in an office.""
Sin led Zhelir out of the bay down a hallway toward an office.
"Zhelir, you've been smokin' way too much. What are you doin' runnin' around space all alone in a friggin' Taurus!?""
Being around Zhelir usually made him feel comfortable and loose since he was one of the few people he knew he could trust. Before Zhelir could respond, one of the bodyguards received a transmission directly from Sin's secretary. A digital projection was emitted from a basic computer on the guard's arm that displayed in text the message from Ambassador Alighieri.
"Heh, she picked a fine time for that... Hope she don’t get caught in any crossfire."
Sin brought Zhelir into an empty office, windowless with one exit. The guards stood outside. Sin explained to Zhelir his target, the resources available, the objectives and projects in the making. The shipment of gundanium was still being unloaded, but the new resources allowed for more construction of Virgo frames and armor. With more factories being converted and trained engineers growing at an exponential rate thanks to Miyumi, Virgo production was reaching new peaks daily.

OOC: The conversation with Zhelir will take place in private on IM to prevent leaking of certain information.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SinfulSoul on Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:32 pm

After the conversation with Zhelir had concluded he gave him a smile and shook his hand - him being one of the few people he would be wiling to share such a gesture with.
"Oh, but before you go, there's someone you should meet. Guard!"
A single guard entered the room and stood at attention. Sin ordered the invitation of Miyumi to his office. The guard immediately activated an on board mini-computer embedded in the light clothing on the inside of his wrist. The built in computer recorded Sin as he ordered Miyumi to his office and formed a brief hologram. The guard replayed the message displaying Sin in a hologram projected above the guard's arm to ensure it was recorded properly, then sent directly to Miyumi's laptop.
Last edited by SinfulSoul on Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zhelir Darkfall on Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:36 pm

Zhelir smiled. The plan sounded good. There were a couple spots he wasn't particularly fond of, but there were others that made him wanna get out and go on the spot.

He pulled out his comm link, setting it up to relay from L01's satellites to MO-V's, to the Leviathan. He clicked the comm on and uttered a few short words.
"Return to base, boys." He cut off the connection, not desiring to leave it open to invasion any longer than necesary. He sat back and waited.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby miyumi on Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:55 pm

Miyumi stared in horror as her perfect middle cut went straight at the image of General Sin who was replacing her video on her laptop, and then burst out into laughter. As she wiped the tears from her eyes, she replayed his message because she hadn't been listening. Then she quickly packed up her laptop, swung the bag onto her shoulder, and hastened to General Sin's office, wondering what he could want.

Reaching the building, she nodded to the receptionist and entered the elevator. For some reason, the elevator still intimidated her, and she caught herself fidgeting. She put on chap-stick, and rocked back and forth on her feet until the door opened at the top. She quickly got to General Sin's door and knocked three times.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby miyumi on Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:12 am

Miyumi was excited, to say the least. I get to work on the Leviathon, and on the Mercurious! This is awesome! And see snow! He's right, I'm gonna need a coat... but first I need to tell Mack and Joel. I won't tell them the details, they just need to know I won't be here. On her way back to her house, she buzzed Mack first, then Joel. The conversation went pretty much the same for both of them.

"I'm going to be on a trip for awhile, so I won't be here in person, but you'll still be able to call me for emergencies. Just don't cut corners, or you'll have worse than me to worry about."

"But, why?"

"Orders from General Sin."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Until I'm told to come back. Don't worry, you're good enough to handle things until I get back."

"Okay, have a good trip!"

"Take care."

By that time she had gotten back, and went up to pack. Other than groceries and removable storage for her computer, she hadn't really bought anything, so what she packed to leave was pretty much what she had arrived with. She found the drive with the Zero System on it, labeled very simply 00-0'4' (it was also where she was storing the data from the Heavyarms drone) and made sure to put that in her computer bag. Then she went to her office, took out that drive, and put the data from the Mercurius and the Leviathon on it, and added -33-12 to the label, and recorded the changes on her laptop. She securely locked her office, and went back to her house to wait.

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