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Detective Comics (Animated) Roleplay (OOC/Need People)

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Detective Comics (Animated) Roleplay (OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:05 am

IC LINK: detective-comics-animated-roleplay-t28262.html

Welcome to my DC animated universe roleplay. I'm not quite sure how you host roleplays on this site, but I did take a look at other hosted roleplays to get a feel for it.

::The Plot::

"What do you mean, Superman is gone?" Green Lantern demanded, arms folded across his chest as he peered at the monitor screen, his expression grim and disgruntled.

Batman sat in front of the monitor with his usual ominous expression, fingers darting across the keyboard to bring up files and eyes occasionally narrowing at what he found... or didn't find, in this case. "He's gone. Five minutes ago his personal records were in this computer and now... it's as if they were never here in the first place. I can't find any trace of him on Earth. I'm running a scan of the galaxy but I doubt it will do us any good."

"Why do you say that?" Hawkgirl asked after swooping down from one of the upper levels to land behind Green Lantern.

Batman didn't reply. Instead, he turned to face Flash, who was stuffing a hamburger in his mouth and leaning against a nearby console. "How did he disappear?"

"Vwah?" Flash asked, his cheeks bulging. He swallowed audibly and folded his arms, for once looking serious. "Well, it went like this..."

"Maybe... maybe when I do my time, you'll consider taking me out to dinner?" Star Sapphire asked desperately of Flash as she was herded into a nearby truck by two policemen, her hands shackled before her.

"I'm afraid not... I have morals... and three other women pining for me," Flash replied with a frown, hands fisted heroically on his hips.

"Flash..." The threatening growl in Batman's voice broke into Flash's dubious narration, causing him to frown.

"What? You wanted to know..."

"The truth," Batman cut in, eyes narrowed to mere slits.

"Alright, alright... just making it interesting... sheesh... anyway..."

"You'll pay for this, you vermin!" Star Sapphire swore angrily as she was herded into a nearby truck by two policemen, her hands shackled before her.

"I'll pay for your dinner anytime," Flash replied lamely with his trademark grin, hands fisted heroically on his hips.

Since all the Justice League members were busy, Flash and Superman had left to deal with The Shade and Star Sapphire, who had decided to team up and rob several banks... not that this was a problem. The Shade was useless without his cane, and Star Sapphire... well... she was useless without the Star Sapphire in her mask, which Flash was tossing carelessly from hand to hand. It had taken them all of two minutes to defeat the pair.

"That was easy," Superman said as he dragged an unconscious Shade towards the two policeman.

"No kidding," Flash agreed, turning to face the damaged bank building as Superman handed The Shade over to the authorities. "What next?"

A fraction of a second after he spoke the words, a dark shape darted past his peripheral vision and, quick as the flash he was named after, he turned to face the truck, seeing only two confused-looking policeman.

"Supes?" He questioned, glancing around and scratching his temple.

No answer. It wasn't like Superman to ditch without giving a warning, even when working with Flash.

"Did you see...?" He began to ask the policemen, then shook his head, already knowing the answer. "Even I didn't see him leave..."

And that was saying something, with him being able to move at the speed of light and all.

It all started with Superman's unusual disappearance. It's hard to search for someone who seems to have been wiped off the face of reality itself, despite the fact that everyone who knew of him held memories of him as 'proof' in their minds. The only clue they had to start searching for him was "the dark shape" Flash saw right before Superman disappeared... and since The Shade had been unconscious, they could only conclude that it was the work of a villain they had yet to face... or perhaps one of Superman's old enemies. They interrogated everyone from Toyman to Lex Luthor, but all had irrefutable alibis and none of the technology, powers, or magic required to make someone disappear into thin air. They began interrogating every villain they knew of that could possibly have caused his disappearance or possessed some power similar to darkness or shadows, but to no avail. No elusive new villain came forward to claim the credit for Superman's disappearance; no anonymous demands were sent to the Justice League in exchange for Superman... there was nothing. They began to suspect time travel... perhaps one of his enemies had gone back in time and changed his past, somehow causing him to disappear forever. That promising lead dried up like a stream in a desert, but not after a long and and exhausting investigation on the League's part.

A couple months after Superman disappeared, dozens of JL members disappeared as well, leaving the JL short on members and spreading itself thin to save planets and people all around the universe. They temporarily recruited younger, less experienced Superheroes to help them with Earth-related problems and with their current problem. After taking more than half of JL's members, whatever had targeted them was now targeting the villains they had fought. Several dozen villains that the Justice League had recently put in jail were reported missing, along with several bizarre accounts of "weird shadows" and "shadow dogs swallowing them up" by disturbed guards and witnesses, although these were ignored by all but the Justice League. The only pattern in the mass abductions was that the only villains left behind in any particular jail were ones who had energy, light, or fire based powers.

::Plot Notes::

To make a long story short, Etrigan showed up shortly after these events occurred and revealed that he knew exactly what the "shadow creatures" were and how to stop them. But even that knowledge won't make this task any easier.

Here is what Etrigan told the JL and here is what your characters are allowed to know if they're Demons or if they've been in contact with the JL:

Wraiths are inhabitants of the "Wraith Realm" and and are never present in the physical world unless a shadow manipulator of some sort summons them here, most likely someone with some amount of Demon blood. Wraiths are usually incapable of attacking physical beings (with the exception of Demons) unless the same person who summoned them here is also feeding them his/her power bit by bit to make them semi-physical. Even so, they can't attack those who are even partially aware of their existence or has seen part of them, even fleeting. They are weak against forms of energy, light, and fire. Alternatively, they are strong against cold, ice, and darkness. Once seen, they will usually disappear without attacking/abducting the person they trailed... but rarely (depending on the person) they will stand and fight. If they are unable to abduct that person in their initial attempt, no other attempts will be made.

Here is what your characters DON'T know, at least not yet:

The being that summoned and is currently controlling the Wraiths is none other than Dimdusk (an OC), a vigilante who joined the Justice League for a short while before he was kicked out for trying to eliminate several dangerously powerful supervillains. Strangely enough, his motives aren't revenge. He believes the Justice League to be misguided in their efforts to "preserve the lives of those who have forfeited them through vile intentions" and kidnapped Superman to have him see the error of his ways, since he is the most compassionate of the group. Ironically enough, his goal is the same as theirs... relieve the world of criminals and make it a safer place. But his methods... well. He believes that eliminating the criminal completely will solve the problem, rather than giving them a chance to break out of jail and wreak havoc once more.

Also, note that Dimdusk hasn't killed anyone he's abducted. That would be totally lame. I also haven't named the villains or JL members he's abducted besides Superman... that way you can have your pick.

::Other Plots::

Teen Titans: My mind is blank. If you have ideas, feel free to tell me. I wouldn't have included them because of the other TT RP's currently up, but I can't just pretend they don't exist. So here they are.

Static Shock: Dakota is fairly safe, but while the Justice League has been distracted by this new menace, Lex Luthor has stolen the massive supply of liquid mutagen that caused the Big Bang, distributing it across the world and creating even more Metahumans. There is still time to stop him from using the remaining supply, which he will most likely utilize for his own personal army or something like that.

::Roleplay and Timeline::

You don't have to stick to the main plot, and you don't have to immediately jump in and start searching for Wraiths or doing anything related to the plot. You're free to act out your own plots, interact, and generally take as long as you want to develop the plot. You probably already knew this.

This is a DCAU (Detective Comics Animated Universe) Roleplay... meaning, it's based on all the animated shows. Not saying comic book characters aren't allowed (such as characters not featured in the shows, but present in the comics), but the roleplay is based on animation.

DC's timelines have always confused me and usually conflict between shows, so correct me if I'm wrong here... Dick Grayson is apparently the Teen Titans version of Robin and later becomes Nightwing. I want both the Robin and Nightwing roles to be available (as many roles as possible) so my solution is to make the TT version of Robin be the third incarnation... Tim Drake.

Let me know if there are anymore conflicts like that, as I am a comic noob and this roleplay is based entirely on the animated universe of DC.

Also, in Static Shock, Nightwing apparently doesn't exist yet, since Robin is still Batman's sidekick. I want to change that, as well. Robin won't exist as Batman's sidekick in this timeline, but as an independent leader of the Teen Titans. Nightwing will exist, as protector of Bludhaven.

I hope I haven't offended anyone by playing musical chairs with DC's characters, but I do want to include all the characters I possibly can.

::Characters and Rules::

1. I don't care how much you post, as long as you post enough most of the time to give other people something to work with, detail-wise. Sometimes we have to make one-liners, but if we can do more, we should.

2. In order to preserve the roleplay, I'd prefer it if deaths were very, very, very rare. Stick to the animated show's guidelines. Some people are killed, but it's usually rare, and they're certainly not disemboweling people and drinking their blood like some kind of hardcore horror movie.

3. Very powerful characters (such as Superman) need to limit the usage of their power depending on who they're fighting and etc. Basically, don't decapitate people with one punch just because you can.

4. Also, no killing NPCs that are possible characters. (Such as NPCing the death of Black Canary because no one's playing her).

5. You're allowed to have three Canon characters (at first... depends on how many join) and can have as many OC/Custom characters as you want.

6. You can do what you want with your characters, just be reasonable. If you don't like who they're in love with, feel free to change it. Just don't turn Flash into a mature super genius or Wonderwoman into a cynical stripper.

NOTE: I will NPC Commissioner Gordon, unless someone wants the character. Although I will NPC him when needed, everyone else is also free to NPC him when they need to. Police, city Mayors, low-level thugs, and civilians are also NPCs, but I'm sure you already knew that.

::Character Lists::

I most likely forgot a few, but if you want them, I'll add them in.

Taken characters are in bold red.

Canons (Good)

The Atom
Adam Strange
Batman (I'd prefer if he were played as he is in the JL and JLU animated shows, please. Not to humorous/corny, not to drop-dead serious)
Black Canary
Blue Beetle
Booster Gold/Skeets
Bronze Tiger
B'wana Beast
Black Lightning
Beast Boy
Doctor Fate
Elongated Man
The Flash
Green Arrow
Guy Gardner (GL)
Green Lantern (John Stewart)
The Huntress
Hawkgirl (The Owl)
Jonah Hex
Jason Bard
Kid Flash
Martian Manhunter (Rangersmith)
Negative Man
Phantom Stranger
Plastic Man
The Question
Red Tornado
Static Shock (The Owl)
Thunder & Lightning

Canon List (Neutral)

Catwoman (FFXZanarkand)

Canon List (Bad)

Black Mask
Black Manta
The Brain
Brother Blood
The Brotherhood
The Calculator
Calendar Man
The Cavalier
Clock King
Crazy Quilt
Doctor Polaris
Doctor Destiny
Dr. Light
Felix Faust
Fun Haus
The Gentleman Ghost
Gorilla Grodd
Harley Quinn (Mindscrew Min-Min)
The Joker
Killer Croc
Lex Luthor
The Mad Hatter
Mrs Manface
Mad Mod
Master of Games
Mr. Zero
Mr. Freeze
Ocean Master
The Penguin
Poison Ivy
The Riddler
The Scarecrow
The Shade
Sinestro (Typhon13)
Solomon Grundy (SmileyTheMask)
Scream Queen
Star Sapphire
Ultra Humanite

OC/Custom List (Good)

OC/Custom List (Neutral)

OC/Custom List (Bad)

::Character Sheet Example::

Bio: (optional)

And anything else you can think of adding.

::My Character Sheet(s)::

::Name:: Virgil "Virg" Hawkins

Static Shock, usually just Static

::Gender:: Male

::Race:: Metahuman (Bang Baby)

::Age:: 16

::Height:: 5'7"

::Weight:: 140 lbs

::Secret HQ:: Abandoned Gas Station of Solitude



::Superhero Outfit:: Sleeveless blue and black shirt with his insignia on the front in yellow; blue and black trench coat, yellow on the inside. Blue and black pants with yellow accents on the sides. Blue and yellow shoes, blue and yellow gloves, yellow belt, white mask, blue goggles.

::Powers/Abilities:: Static can generate raw EM energy which he can use to sense sources of EM energy, electricity, and magnetism and use a range of attacks with a range of uses. He can charge devices (such as the JL's Watchtower) with electricity and drain them into himself as well. He can magnetize and demagnetize metals, can hear radio waves, and can tap into phone lines to make calls. He can use electricity to produce concussive/explosive force to knock people/objects back and break down doors/obstacles; He can also activate/deactivate electronic devices with a small jolt of electricity shot from his fingertips and generate shields and barriers. Static can make objects levitate/fly, with metal being the easiest and wood being nearly impossible... he can also use electromagnetism to adhere people/objects to other people/objects and generate a laser to cut/weld metals. He can generate an EM pulse to knock out local electrical devices, although this takes a lot of energy out of him. He can also create EM light displays in the sky in the form of pictures or words, and with more power behind it, form nets and/or cages to capture foes and grab things.

::Weaknesses:: Static can run out of power/energy and need to recharge after particularly powerful attacks (EM pulse, etc), which makes him pretty much useless as a superhero. He knows no martial arts, possesses no impressive physical abilities... all he has is his electromagnetism. Anything that effects Earth's EM field or EM fields in general may also effect him (sunspots), since he generates his own personal EM field. Large bodies/quantities of water will short his ability (when he's charged, it often results in an explosion), although he can fly in the rain and take showers with no problem. Certain Metahumans or robotic/electronic devices can drain his powers from him temporarily, making him weak and useless until he recharges again. Charging objects with a charge opposite of his own can cause them to explode on him/electrocute him like they would a normal person.

::Bio:: Virgil Hawkins was an ordinary teenager facing ordinary problems until he made the mistake of joining a gang to protect himself from a bully who beat him up and, later that night, participating in a gang fight down at the docks of Dakota City. Not that he actually participated... more like he threw his gun in the water and tried to run before he got in serious trouble. Meanwhile, the other gangs were attacking each other and shooting at each other, earning them the attention of the Dakota police force, who arrived in helicopters and tossed down tear gas to subdue them and keep them from escaping. No one was aware of the existence of the mutagen, which exploded as a result of the activity and created a cloud of mutagen gas that mutated everyone who was down at the docks that night.

This event was later known as the Big Bang, and all mutated people were later known as Bang Babies. The next day, Virgil discovered that he had electromagnetic abilities and assumed his alter ego, Static Shock to fight other Bang Babies who chose to use their powers for bad rather than for good. Armed with electromagnetic abilities and aided by his friend Richie Foley, who later became the Bang Baby Gear after being exposed to Virgil's clothes, he fought Bang Babies for more than a year before Dakota scientists came up with a Bang Baby cure and spread it throughout the year. Bang Babies, including Static and Gear, lost their powers briefly before Ebon stole a small amount of the mutagen and set off a smaller second Big Bang at the docks, this time on a ship. Static and Gear regained their powers, becoming even more powerful than before. Ebon and Hotstreak absorbed a large amount of the Bang Baby gas and mutated into one fiery, shadow being known as EbonStreak... seemingly a mindless monster. Static and Gear defeated it easily but acknowledged that it... he... them... probably weren't gone for good.

Knowing that the scientists would spread yet another Bang Baby cure throughout Dakota, Gear created a "cure for the cure" so that he and Static could permanently remain Superheroes even while the others would eventually be cured. It is unknown how many people became Bang Babies at the second Big Bang, but it's supposedly less than the first Big Bang.

::Name:: Hawkgirl

Shayera Hol

::Gender:: Female

::Race:: Thanagarian

::Age:: N/A Adult

::Height:: 5'9"

::Weight:: 120 lbs



::Powers/Abilities:: Shayera has a pair of wings which allow her to fly, enhanced physical strength, endurance, and durability, and an abundance of military training and martial arts skills. She carries an Nth metal mace, with anti-gravity and magic disruption properties, as well as an electrical field around the mace which protects people from the spikes... when she wants them to be protected. She can shoot beams of electrical energy from the mace and use it to electrocute people who are touching it or her while she's holding it.

::Weaknesses:: No particular weakness. She can be hurt by energy beams, bullets, knives, physical attacks, and pretty much anything else.

That's all. Sorry if I made your eyes fall out from all the reading. >_>

IC LINK: detective-comics-animated-roleplay-t28262.html
Last edited by TheOwl on Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:25 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Aw snap - I love cat woman - I guess I'll find some other chara to play, definitely interested.

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Re: DCAU Roleplay (Batman, Justice League, etc)(OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Typhon13 on Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:19 am

In blackest day, in brightest night,

Beware your fears made into light

Let those who try to stop what's right,

Burn like my power... Sinestro's might

Name: Sinestro
Race: Alien, unspecified
Age: 47(est?)
Powers/Abilities: The following powers have been seen being used by sinestro & his ring. The other yellow lanterns possess some of the same powers, but too a lesser degree.

Artificial Intelligence: Every ring has a connection to the Main Battery on Qward, which taps into Parallax. It acts as an "on-board computer," telling the wearer what they need to know. It can either respond out loud, or silently directly to the wearer's mind. The AI contains a large database of information that may be crucial to a "Sinestro's" success. The ring also translates nearly every language to and from the wearer, which is why the Corps can communicate with each other. When the bearer of a Sinestro Corps ring dies, the ring will seek out a suitable replacement for their sector, someone capable of instilling great fear.

Communicator: The ring can act as a personal communicator between Sinestro Corps members.

Energy absorptions:The user can absorb and store most forms of energy.

Timetravel: The user can travel forward in time.

Translator of languages: The ring can translate languages so that the user can understand.

Costumes: The wearer of the ring may create a Sinestro Corps unifororm and change the design of the costume according to their dislikes.

Energy Beams, Bubbles, Force-Fields, and Blasts: The rings can also project beams, form protective bubbles and force fields, and fire destructive blasts. The power ring can contain immense amount of forces.

Energy Constructs: The rings can construct anything the wearer can imagine from hard-light energy, as long as they are willing to make it. The more determined the wearer is, the more complex and intricate these things can be. The constructs can even be so complex as to form working machines, computers, and even people.

Flight: The ring allows the wearer to fly in atmosphere or in space, and can achieve light-speed, moving from planet to planet in a matter of hours.

Mind Control: The wearer of the Ring can use it to plant post hypnotic commands or control a person.

Mirages: The Ring can create mirages/illusions. This would often be used to create images of monters or other horrific creatures or tableus.

Phasing: The ring allows the user to go through walls.

Probing: The ring can probe the Lantern's or another person's mind, allowing him to uncover memories or the person's thoughts, often to use them against to instill great fear.

Radiation: Besides light based radiation used to create the energy constructs associated with a Sinestro Corps member or a Green Lantern, the ring can simulate various forms of radiation. One example of this is the ability to simulate the radiation of Red solar radiation, which stunts or removes the powers of Kryptonians and Daxamites.

Recharging: The rings need to be recharged by means of a Power Battery. Other large sources of power may be used to recharge a power ring, however effectiveness may vary. The internal power source of a Manhunter Android is, in effect, the same as a power battery, and can be used to recharge a power ring. As a member of the Sinestro Corps recharges their ring, they generally quote the Sinestro Corps oath:

Willpower: As a previous weldIer of a green lantern power ring, sinestro has great willpower.

Weaknesses: A Blue Lantern's ring can disrupt the power of a yellow ring.Overconfidence
Appearance: 6'4 and leanly built with crimson skin & neatly trimmed black hair. Wears a livid yellow & black suit in mockery of the green lanetrns suits
Sinestro's dedication to preserving order initially led him to be considered one of the greatest Green Lanterns. As the years passed, he became more and more fixated upon not simply protecting his sector, but on preserving order in the society of his home planet no matter the cost. Eventually he concluded that the best way to accomplish this was to conquer Korugar, and to rule the planet as a dictator. However, he was eventually found out & imprissioned in an antimater universe where he gained the yellow power ring and eventually returned to bring havoc on his former masters & friends. He's considered the green lantern corps most powerful & dangerous villian having commited numerous crimes & killed several lesser green lanterns.

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Name: Cyrus Gold
Alias: Solomon Grundy
Gender: Male
Race: Undead/Partially Plant Elemental
Age: Unknown
Powers/Abilities: He is virtually indestructible thanks to the elemental energy that imbues his form with pseudo-life. He is nearly invulnerable to physical, magical, and energy attacks and he is not affected by fire or cold. He has proven highly resistant to the effects of the original Green Lantern's power ring (which is attributed to his part-plant essence; originally because he had absorbed plant matter from the swamp.) He does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.
Weaknesses: Although Solomon Grundy is nearly indestructible he still suffers from the normal weaknesses of a zombie to where he cannont live without his head. Also Hawkgirl's weapon (unsure of what its called) because it interrupts the magic that keeps Grundy alive.
Appearance: Image
Bio: In the late 19th century, a wealthy merchant named Cyrus Gold is murdered and his body disposed of in Slaughter Swamp, near Gotham City. Fifty years later, the corpse is reanimated as a huge shambling figure (composed partly of the swamp matter that has accumulated around the body over the decades) with almost no memory of its past life. Gold murders two escaped criminals who are hiding out in the marsh and steals their clothes. He shows up in a hobo camp and, when asked about his name, one of the few things he can recall is that he was "born on a Monday". One of the men at the camp mentions the nursery rhyme character Solomon Grundy (who was born on a Monday), and Gold adopts the moniker.
Last edited by smileythemask on Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: DCAU Roleplay (Batman, Justice League, etc)(OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:10 pm

Wow... I'm so glad to see that people are interested. Typhon13 and SmileyTheMask, you're both accepted.

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Re: DCAU Roleplay (Batman, Justice League, etc)(OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Typhon13 on Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:27 pm

Awesome..I was actually kinda suprised to see just how dangerous sinestro was..I knew he could duplicate alot of GL powers but I did'nt know he was that high on the list.

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Re: DCAU Roleplay (Batman, Justice League, etc)(OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:40 pm

The only time I've seen him was in a Static Shock episode, and I was impressed. He mimicked John Stewart's appearance.

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Re: DCAU Roleplay (Batman, Justice League, etc)(OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Typhon13 on Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:43 pm

Hm..the list goes on it seems. Hopefully more people will join so we can have a proper game.

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Yay im accepted, ill probably post another character in the future but most likely ill just stick with Mad Mod since he was always my favorite guy to watch on Teen Titan's because of how weird and funny I thought he was.

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Re: DCAU Roleplay (Batman, Justice League, etc)(OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:17 pm

Yes... I'm not quite sure how long it takes to get a decent amount of people to join. o.o

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Re: DCAU Roleplay (Batman, Justice League, etc)(OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Typhon13 on Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:21 pm

Post again in the player wanted section-some rp's get started faster than anothers. I've only just gotten one of mine off the ground after about a week or so,,

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Name: Dr. Harleen Quinzel
Alias: Harley Quinn
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: Adult
Powers/Abilities: Harley is an accomplished gymnast, and is also immune to all toxins due to a vaccination from her on-and-off partner in crime, Poison Ivy.
Weaknesses: Physical blows, gunshots, and all the things humans are vulnerable to (except poison)...and, of course, her Mistah J.
Appearance: Image
Bio: Once a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, Harleen Quinzel took it upon herself to analyze the Joker, who manipulated her until she had snapped. She fell in love with him and now works as his devoted henchgirl. In a way, one could call her just another one of his victims, albeit a destructive one.
Want to know more? Read the book to find out.

There's a strange man sitting on the sofa munchiwunching on lomticks of toast!

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Re: DCAU Roleplay (Batman, Justice League, etc)(OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:30 am

Harley is accepted... glad to have you in the roleplay. ^_^

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Re: Detective Comics (Animated) Roleplay (OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SilverWolf on Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:34 pm

Is there a 'bump' command anywhere in this forum? >_>

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Re: Detective Comics (Animated) Roleplay (OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RangerSmith on Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:45 pm

Name: J'onn J'onzz

Alias: Martian Manhunter


Race: Martian

Age: Unknown

place of birth: Ma'aleca'andra(Mars)

Powers/abilities: Shape shifting,Invisible to normal humans,phasing,Superhuman durability,superhuman strength,superhuman endurance,Flight,telepathy,Martian vision and regeneration.

Weaknesses:Exposure to fire will cause J'onn to loose his powers making him extremely vulnurable.

Appearance Image

Bio:Centuries ago on the planet Ma'aleca'andra, the Green Martians known as M'yrnn and Sha'sheen gave birth to twin sons. The bearing of twins was uncommon among the Martian culture, and as such, the first of the twins was named J'onn J'onzz, whose name means "Light to the Light". J'onn's brother however, was born a mutant, bereft of a Martian's innate ability to communicate telepathically. He was named Ma'alefa'ak, whose named means "Darkness in the Heart".

As an adult, J'onn became a Manhunter (police officer) and married a Martian woman named M'yri'ah. The two established a modest home for themselves beneath the windswept Martian plains and gave birth to a daughter named K'hym.

Years passed, and J'onn's brother Ma'alefa'ak grew to despise everything about Martian culture. In an ambitious endeavor to commit full-scale genocide against his own people, he engineered a contagious virus known as H'ronmeer's Curse. The virus reacted to telepathic energy, and carried from one Martian to the next whenever they elected to use their psionic powers. The plague responded to a Martian's innate fear of fire, causing them psychosomatic stress so intense, that their bodies and minds would literally burst into flame. J'onn desperately tried to keep his wife and daughter from using their mental gifts, but they were unable and so, contracted the plague. K'hym was the first to experience the symptoms, and M'yri'ah followed soon after. J'onn was anguished as he watched his family burning to death before his very eyes. The trauma of the event shattered his psyche, and nearly drove him mad.

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Re: Detective Comics (Animated) Roleplay (OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:32 pm

Rangersmith, you're accepted. ^_^

Also, guys, I've decided to go ahead and put the IC up. Here is the link:


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Re: Detective Comics (Animated) Roleplay (OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby smileythemask on Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:13 pm

Hey I no this is kinda weird to do but can I just scrap Mad Mod because I dont really think I'll be able to use him very well I've got someone else in mind instead.

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Re: Detective Comics (Animated) Roleplay (OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:44 pm

You most certainly can. I'll edit the character list whenever you get your next character up.

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Re: Detective Comics (Animated) Roleplay (OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby smileythemask on Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:59 pm

Alright thanks I edited the old post so that its Solomon Grundy now.

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Re: Detective Comics (Animated) Roleplay (OOC/Need People)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOwl on Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:21 pm

IC is up, in case I didn't already say. The link is at the top and bottom of my OOC post.

I really need a bump command. Dx

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